Extracurricular reading lesson based on V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”

Kondratyev Vyacheslav Leonidovich (1920 - 1993) - Russian
writer of the Soviet period.
Vyacheslav Kondratyev -
front-line soldier, witness and
participant in the
Wrote since the early 1950s, but
first published
only at the age of 49 years.
The first story -
"Sashka" - published in
February 1979 in
magazine "Friendship of Peoples".

The history of the story

Within four years
there was no war
at least some
significant event
which would not find
immediate reflection
in literature.
Works of those years
a military theme was created
literally hot
following This prose is called “lieutenant’s”, which
says a lot about her
Kondratiev was asked how
it happened that in the middle ages
year he suddenly took up the story
about war.
“Apparently they have arrived
summer, maturity came, and together
with her and the understanding that
war is the most important thing
what happened in my life"
the writer admitted.
- “Tell about the war itself
Only I can do it myself. And I should
tell. I won’t tell you - some page of the war will remain

Battle of Rzhev

In 1942, the 132nd
rifle brigade, in
in which he fought
V. Kondratyev, host
heavy fighting
near Rzhev.
Battle of Rzhev 1941-1943 - the bloodiest battle ever
history of mankind. 2/3 of the divisions were stationed on the Rzhev bridgehead
Army "Center" for an attack on Moscow. Losses of Soviet troops in
the battles near Rzhev amounted to more than 2 million people. In the forests
The 29th Army died in Rzhev. The city itself was turned into a lunar one
scenery. Of the city's population of 40,000, only 248 people remained.
After a fierce 15-month battle, Rzhev was never taken; the Germans themselves retreated to previously prepared positions.

The story "Sashka"

Your truth about the war,
blood, revealed to us and
Kondratiev, although he himself
believed that “Sashka” “is only a small fraction of what
what needs to be said about
Victorious Soldier."
The time period of the story is terrible
grueling battles
Rzhev. Dead all around
villages, destroyed
shells and mines
How will a person behave?
at war? Will he give up
he, finding himself in
extreme situation,
with your life
principles, or
will he remain himself?
These are the questions
are in the center
author's attention.

The image of the main character

Narrating events
past war years,
the writer convinces us that
even in war a person can
stay true to yourself. Young
career fighter Sashka is the main
hero of the story.
For him, the main thing in life is the defense of the Motherland, he fulfills
your duty, guided by already established life
values. Sashka has a feeling of pity and compassion. He's for
others are ready to do what he would never do for himself. Already in
at the beginning of the work, Kondratiev shows us heroism
young fighter: Sashka, risking his life under fire,
goes to get felt boots for his friend.

Three tests

Says a lot
wound up on the front line
"I'm wounded - give me the machine gun
the rest, and take it yourself
"birthday three-ruler."
There is nothing to brag about about life: “food is tight, and
ammunition, ...I don’t have the strength to bury the guys.” Out of one hundred and fifty
There are sixteen people left in the company, but the company is fighting only two
month. Kondratiev guides his hero through trials
power, love and friendship. How did Sashka endure these

Three tests. Test of power

Showing desperate courage, almost
Sashka takes the German prisoner with his bare hands. But
"tongue" is silent, and the company commander orders to lead
prisoner to headquarters. On the way, Sashka promises the German
life, saying that we don’t shoot prisoners.
But the battalion commander, having achieved nothing from the “language”
information, orders his execution. Sashka
no order
obeyed. He realized that
unlimited power over life and death
another person is scary. Sashka is endowed
a heightened sense of responsibility for everything
happening. He firmly believes in truthfulness
our leaflet promising a prisoner of war
"good life"
Sashka's decision and his doubts influenced
battalion commander: he canceled the order to shoot the prisoner.

Three tests. Test of love

The test of love is no less important for
understanding the essence of Sashka’s character. He saved Zine
life, fell in love with her, waited to meet her. But joy
the date is overshadowed by thoughts about his native company: “someone will certainly be spanked today.”
And then Sasha gets the news that Zina is at the party
dancing with the lieutenant. Sashka is having a hard night, and yet
comes to the conclusion that “Zina is unconvicted... It’s just war... And he doesn’t have
angry at her!" Justice and kindness prevail here too. Sashka
understands that Zina and the lieutenant are in love. The young man is ready to understand, and
that means to forgive even the fact that someone else was preferred to him. He's ready
endure any pain. And he is afraid of only one thing - lies and pity.

10. Three tests. Test of Friendship

connects Sasha with the lieutenant
Volodya, they meet
on the way to the hospital, and when
calm the dissatisfied wounded,
who are given two for dinner
spoons of millet flies at him
furious Volodya, and Sashka all
takes the blame.
He reasoned this way: the lieutenant would not get away with this trick, the tribunal
in wartime it is harsh, but he, a private, “is not further than the front end.”
they’ll send you,” but he’s no stranger to that.

11. The originality of the main character

According to the critic I. Dedkov, “The Tale of Sashka becomes
a story about a life tormented by war, but truly preserving
heroic effort living diversity, dignity and
human face..."
“Sashka saw many, many deaths during this time -
live to be a hundred years old, you won’t see that much, but the price of human
life was not diminished by this in his mind.” And this is the defining feature in the image of Sashka - the ability to perform inhuman
conditions to preserve the human in himself, “he has in his soul
some kind of barrier or obstacle that he cannot cross
strength." “Well, Sashok... You are a man...” - his comrades say about him.
There is “must” and there is “super necessary”.
does more than necessary.
Sashka, according to the critic,

12. The image of a private

In the story “Sashka” Kondratiev
painted an image of an honest, brave,
responsive person.
gives the reader an objective picture
“The story of “Sashka” is the story of a man who found himself in the very
difficult place and in the most difficult position - a soldier,” - so
Konstantin Simonov said about Kondratiev’s story.

13. Examples of using the story as arguments

Disclosure Examples
The author in the story shows us an honest, sympathetic soldier,
humane. When in difficult situations, he often faced
the hardest choice, but always remained human.
True friendship
selfless dedication.
V. Kondratyev talks about Sashka’s front-line friendship with
Lieutenant Volodya, whom he met on the way to
hospital. Sashka accepts Volodya’s guilt for throwing the plate at
the fat major who comes to the evacuation hospital to calm him down
soldiers dissatisfied with the food. Sashka understands that Volodya is not
they will forgive this act and punish it to the fullest extent of the military
time, and he, an ordinary soldier, will not be punished severely - further
the now familiar “they won’t send the front end.”
Sashka grabbed the German with his bare hands - the theme of the feat in the war, when
a person does not think about his own life.
Man and war
The senselessness and cruelty of war is shown. Human
life is devalued.

We recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Victory over fascism. But speaking about the world-historical greatness of our Victory, let’s try to touch with our hearts its living sources, first of all moral, and “try on” both the heroism and tragedy of those days. The work of V. Kondratiev provides rich material for this. V. Kondratyev entered literature later than other writers of the front-line generation: Baklanov, Bykov, Astafiev, K. Vorobyov; they began to be published during the “thaw” period, in the late 50s, and he wrote his first work in the late 70s. His stories “Sashka”, “Selinarovsky Tract”, “Leave for Wounds”, “Meetings on Sretenka” are a kind of monologue about the paths of the front generation. Not accepting lies, the slightest inaccuracy in the historical science’s depiction of the past war, its participant, writer V. Astafiev, harshly evaluates what was done: “... As a soldier, I have nothing to do with what is written about the war. I was in a completely different war.. "Half-truths have tormented us." V. Kondratyev also revealed his truth about the war, which smelled of sweat and blood, to us, although he himself believed that “Sashka” was “only a small fraction of what needs to be told about the Victorious Soldier.” The story "Sashka" was published in 1979. The story is set in the terrible year 1942, grueling battles near Rzhev. There are dead villages all around, land torn apart by shells and mines. The order established at the forefront speaks volumes: “If you’re wounded, give the machine gun to the one who’s left behind, and take your dear three-ruler.” There is nothing to brag about about life: “it’s tight with food, and with ammunition, ... I don’t have the strength to bury the guys.” Out of one hundred and fifty people in the company, sixteen remained, and the company had been fighting for only two months. Kondratiev takes his hero through the trials of power, love and friendship. How did Sashka survive these tests?

Showing desperate courage, he saved the German from being captured. He takes it with almost bare hands, he has no cartridges, he gave his disk to the company commander. But the “language” is silent, and the company commander orders the prisoner to be taken to headquarters. On the way, Sashka promises the German life, saying that we don’t shoot prisoners. But the battalion commander, having not obtained any information from the “tongue,” orders him to be shot. Sashka did not obey the order. He realized that unlimited power over the life and death of another person is terrible. Sashka is endowed with a heightened sense of responsibility for everything that happens around him;

he is ashamed of the Germans for the poor defense, for the unburied soldiers. He firmly believes in the veracity of our leaflet, which promises a prisoner of war a good life." And Sashka cannot accept the position of the connected battalion commander Tolik, that, they say, "our business is a calf's business." Sashka's decision, his doubts influenced the battalion commander:

he canceled the order to shoot the prisoner. True, in the real-life case on which this episode is based, everything ended much more tragically: the commander did not cancel the order, the prisoner of war who believed the leaflet was shot, and the soldier who carried out the order and later told this story to the writer was tormented all his life: was he right? entered? Could he have acted differently without violating his military duty?

The test of love is no less important for understanding the essence of Sashka’s character. He saved Zina’s life, fell in love with her, and waited to meet her. But the joy of the date is overshadowed by thoughts about his native company: “someone will certainly be spanked today.” He cannot understand how one can have fun “when all the fields are ours.” And then the news hits Sashka that Zina is dancing with the lieutenant at the party. Sashka spends a difficult night, and yet comes to the conclusion that “Zina is unconvicted... It’s just war... And he has no grudge against her!” Justice and kindness prevail here too. Sashka understands that Zina and the lieutenant are in love, and he leaves without hurting the girl with unnecessary conversations.

A brief friendship at the front connects Sashka with Lieutenant Volodya; they meet on the way to the hospital, and when the well-fed major comes to calm the disgruntled wounded, who are given two spoons of millet for dinner, a plate thrown at him by the hand of the enraged Volodya flies at him, and Sashka takes all the blame on him. myself. He reasoned this way: the lieutenant would not get away with this trick, the tribunal in wartime was harsh, and he, a private, “wouldn’t be sent further than the limber,” and he was no stranger to that.

Kondratyev strives to talk about the actions of Sashka and his fellow soldiers in a language devoid of pathos, prosaically, with restraint. Here the wounded are waiting to be loaded onto a boat heading towards them under enemy fire. They will have to swim back under the same fire. What are they thinking about at this - perhaps for some of them the last moment? “And thoughts turned to something else. They were late for breakfast, they’ll have to wait for lunch, but what will it be like - with bread or crackers, will it be millet again or will they give you something else in the rear?”

The story of what happened to Sashka over the course of several days of his military life is constructed as a chain of sequentially unfolding episodes, seen through the eyes of the hero himself. Hence the “fairytale” style of narration, which gives the reader the opportunity, following the writer, to enter “inside” the hero, to transform into Sasha. According to the critic I. Dedkov, “The Tale of Sashka becomes a story about life, tormented by war, but preserving, through a truly heroic effort, living diversity, dignity and a human face. Starting from the Ovsyannikovsky ravine, from an inch of front-line land, the story all the time seems to expand, capturing an ever-increasing space of faces, of life, ever deeper, more popular, finally reaching, as if rising from a secret to a mountain, Moscow!”

And one more motive is inherent in Kondratiev’s work: the price of victory, the duty of the living to the fallen. It is not for nothing that the setting of the story is Rzhev, the same Rzhev where Tvardovsky’s nameless soldier was killed. How many people died in these “local battles”, but they could have lived, loved, raised children...

I know it's not my fault
The fact that others did not come from the war,
The fact that they - some older, some younger -
We stayed there, and it’s not about the same thing,
That I could, but failed to save them, -
This is not about that, but still, still, still... -

these words of Tvardovsky are consonant with the thoughts and feelings of Kondratiev and his heroes. There, during the war, Kondratiev understood the intrinsic value of each individual life, which is why he experienced our irrevocable losses so bitterly.

On September 23, 1993, Kondratiev passed away. It is difficult to find the reason for his suicide, but one cannot help but think about the tragedy of the generation of front-line soldiers, whose hopes for changing their lives for the better were largely dashed. Having survived the hard times of war, they found themselves defenseless against human callousness, against harsh words of indifference, before oblivion and trampling on those truths for which their peers lived and died. The cruel memory of the war should not leave the consciousness and hearts of those living today:

War - there is no crueler word,
War - there is no sadder word,
War - there is no holier word...
(A.T. Tvardovsky)

“Well, Sashok... You are a man.”

Grade 11

Literature lesson notes, grade 11 “B”
Lesson topic: “Well, Sashok... You are a man.”
Lesson objectives: acquaintance with the writer V. Kondratiev; reflections on the hero, the author, an idea of ​​the writer’s unusual approach to depicting war;education of patriotic feeling, sense of responsibility and duty; discussion of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka” with the aim of understanding the character of the common man during the Great Patriotic War; developing the ability to analyze the text.

Teaching aids: handouts with supporting diagram, presentation.

Lesson stage

Structure of educational material

Student activities

Use of PC and other forms of visualization

Introduction (problem question)

For you, today's schoolchildren, war is a distant history.

The more years pass after the Great Patriotic War, the more we realize the greatness of the people's feat. But we still don’t know much about the war, about the true cost of victory. Perhaps this is where writers who tell the truth help us.

Here’s what Vasil Bykov, one of those writers who fully knows what that war was, said: “In that war we lacked everything: cars, fuel, shells, rifles... The only thing we didn’t spare was of people"

The tragic and terrible face of war is shown in the books of Bykov, Yuri Bondarev, Yakov Baklanov and others.

Among the books that can excite, evoke deep emotions and thoughts not only about the hero, about the author, but also about oneself, is the story of a front-line soldier, eyewitness, participant in military events - Vyacheslav Kondratyev “Sashka”.

In one of the articles by critic Dedkov, it is written that “Kondratiev’s heroes, especially Sashka, are attractive because, obeying the categorical “must,” they think and act beyond what is necessary: ​​something ineradicable in themselves forces them to do this.” Sashka, according to the critic, is doing more than necessary.

What question follows from these words? (What does Sashka do extra?)

And in the story there are the words: “Well, Sashok... You are a man.” Who says them? What other question can we formulate based on these words? (Why is Sashka a man?). I propose to write these words as the topic of the lesson, because, in my opinion, they are very important.

Remember that we will talk about wartime, about a difficult, inhuman time, when it was sometimes difficult to remain human. Based on these words and the note that you see on the board, formulate what will be the purpose of our consideration in the story?

(What helped Sashka remain human? What qualities?)

Answers to questions asked, notes in a notebook.

Message about the writer

I repeat once again that the author is a participant in military events. His hero is a kind of collective image of such “Sashas”. Tell me, where else, besides the text, can we find answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson? (in the author's biography)

You were given a precautionary task related to the life of V. Kondratiev, let's try to analyze the material with which you worked. As you listen, write down facts in your notebook that will help answer the questions you wrote down earlier.

1st student.Konstantin Simonov managed to speak briefly but succinctly about the author of “Sashka”. We learn that Kondratyev is a graphic designer by profession, and by vocation, Simonov believed, he is a great writer. In 1939, from his first year at university, he joined the army and served in the Far East. As you remember, the hero of the story has the same fate. In December 1941, after numerous reports, he was sent to the front among 50 junior commanders. At the turning point from winter to spring 1942, Kondratyev near Rzhev. We can judge the severity of the battles suffered by the fighters there by the fact that only for the first week he was a platoon commander, a platoon commander, he took over the company of the killed commander, and after replenishment he took over the platoon again. Then new battles, painful, unsuccessful

Killed - this cup passed the author of "Sashka", he received a wound and a medal "For Courage" - for courage near Rzhev. After leave due to injury, he returned to the front, served in the railway troops, and intelligence. At the end of 1943, he was seriously wounded, spent six months in the hospital, and then had limited fitness and disability. “I didn’t make it to Berlin, but I did my job in the war,” this is how Simonov’s story about the military fate of front-line writer V. Kondratiev ends.
The story “Sashka” was written in 1979.

- What did you notice after listening to this excerpt?

2nd student.The writer admitted: “Apparently, summer has come, maturity has come, and with it a clear understanding that war is the most important thing that I had in my life.” Memories began to torment me, I even felt the smells of war, I did not forget, although the 60s were already passing. At night, guys from his own platoon came into his dreams, smoked hand-rolled cigarettes, looked at the sky, waiting for the bomber. I read war prose voraciously, but “I searched in vain and did not find my war in it,” although there was only one war. I realized that “only I myself can tell about my war. And I have to tell. I won’t tell you - some page of the war will remain unrevealed.” Kondratyev began to look for his fellow soldiers from Rzhev, but found no one and suddenly thought that maybe he was the only one who survived. So, all the more so he should tell about everything! This is his duty.

What important things did you hear in this passage?

3rd student. And so “I went in the spring of ’62 near Rzhev. I tramped 20 kilometers on foot all the way to my former front line. I saw that tormented Rzhev soil, all dotted with craters, on which rusty, pierced helmets and soldiers’ bowlers were also lying... the tails of unexploded mines were still sticking out. I saw - this was the most terrible thing - the unburied remains of those who fought here, perhaps those whom I knew, with whom I drank liquid and millet from the same pot, or with whom I huddled in the same hut during a mine attack, and it struck me: write about this You can only have the strict truth, otherwise it will be simply immoral.”

The writer revealed to us the truth about the war, which smelled of sweat and blood, although he himself believes that “Sashka” is “only a small part of what needs to be told about a soldier, a victorious soldier.”

What is the main information in this passage?

Oral presentations by students.

Answers based on what you listened to.

Answers based on what you listened to.

Answers based on what you listened to.

Work on the story

In order to be transported to that time and to the land that we learned about from the memoirs of V. Kondratiev, let’s turn to the events that the writer draws our attention to, but first answer the question:

How long has Sashka been fighting? (two months) Two months on the front line, is that a lot or a little? Remember Sashka’s conversation with the captain about how many people died during this time? Out of 150 – 16! This means that in two months, nine out of every 10 died. And there were only 1-2 fellow Far Eastern soldiers left per company.

What events did the author choose from Sashka’s two-month life at the front?

1) Sashka gets felt boots for the company commander;
2) Sashka takes a German prisoner and refuses to shoot him;
3) Sashka, under fire, returns to the company to say goodbye and hand over the machine gun;
4) Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded;
5) Meeting with Zina;
6) Sashka helps out Lieutenant Volodya.

Why did they attract our attention?

It is in these episodes that Sashka as a person and as a fighter is revealed with particular force. The author proves that the inhumanity of the war could not dehumanize Sasha.

What events do you think most clearly depict Sashka’s qualities that helped him remain human? (Episode with the captured German, episode with Zina, episode with Lieutenant Volodka)

Test of power

Let's look at how Sashka withstood these tests.

A very important episode that we will analyze is the story of the prisoner. Why do you think this is one of the most important episodes? (because the test of power over a person is probably one of the most difficult).

But first, tell us how Sashka managed to take the “tongue”.

When did Sashka feel his power over another person? How does he feel about this power? (the wordsSashka got angry and, remembering the German word "genug", interrupted the German sharply to the wordsThe German's face immediately changed, he came to life, the pallor disappeared... He smoked in small, shallow puffs, not like them - avidly, inhaling the smoke as much as he could, so that it would pierce you to the very inside. ).

Conclusions: Sashka is uncomfortable with almost unlimited power over another person. He realized how terrible this power over life and death could become.

Why did Sashka disobey the order and defend the life of the prisoner like that? What was written on the leaflet? ( "German soldier! This happy hour will not return for you if you do not surrender..." And, of course, that life will be ensured, returning home after the war and so on... )

Conclusions: The most important thing is why Sashka disobeyed the order - the German is expendable - he explains to the German: “We are not you. We do not shoot prisoners. Because we are people! And you are fascists!

Read the dialogue between the captain and Sashka about why Sashka cannot carry out the order: the German is expendable (“And you feel sorry for this bastard?”). What words would you highlight in this passage?

Read the mental conversation between Sashka and the German when Sashka goes to carry out the order. (And Sashka wanted to say: “Eh, they fooled you! For whom will you accept death? For Hitler the bastard! Oh you...” - however, he did not say, realizing that there was no time for words now, no time for conversation, when such a terrible thing lies ahead ).What feelings does Sashka feel?

Sashka did not follow the order. He has his own point of view on events.

Compare the life principles of Sashka and Tolik

(the wordsWhen Sashka turned, the German, who understood everything down to the words. And the captain’s orderly, when the German took out a cigarette, grabbed the watch on his hand with a tenacious gaze and did not let go.)

- Whose side are you on? Why? If you're a private, then it's a piece of cake? (students' opinions are listened to). At any moment you need to remain human.

How can you explain Sashka’s attitude towards “his” German, since all the fields are ours, he must take revenge for this Sashka cannot shoot at an unarmed person, he promised him, guided by what was written in the leaflet. He cannot deceive, Sashka’s hatred does not extend to this German)

How does this episode characterize Sasha? What qualities are manifested in him? (Sashka could not carry out the captain’s order, since the value of human life is very great for the hero, for Sashka the Fritz is no longer an enemy on the battlefield, he is a man, and he could not kill an unarmed man, and even after what he had promised, he could not step over yourself Qualities – humanity, morality, courage).

One student's oral response

Front work, work

with text

Expressing your own opinion.

The qualities are written down on pieces of paper in a reference diagram and then read out.

Physical education minute.

Before we begin the next part of our work, I suggest you warm up a little. Stand up, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Let's do head tilts and body tilts. Thank you, sit down, try to maintain your posture.

Test of love

We will continue the conversation about Sashka, his response to good and evil.

So, a meeting with Zina, a test of love. What does Zina mean? V Sashka's life? How did they meet, why does Zina mean so much to Sashka?

This is Sashka's first love. He's so looking forward to meeting you. With what feeling does he go to the rear?

-What feelings drive her? (And she is driven only by pity: “darling, dear”).Let's read the passage, what words should you pay attention to?

How did Sashka feel about the upcoming party that Zina is talking about?

Conclusion: He understands with his mind, but he can’t accept it with his soul, because there’s a war, guys are dying every day. Vyacheslav Kondratiev, unlike many of our writers, avoided poetizing and glorifying war as war. War, even though it is Patriotic, is sacred, it is death and grief.

When Sashka finds out about the relationship between Zina and the lieutenant, what does he do?

Does this decision of his contradict your opinion about his character or, on the contrary, confirm an already established idea about him?

Sashka is going through a difficult night. He's sad and hurt. And yet, what conclusion does he come to in the end? (That Zina cannot be condemned)

What is your opinion, attitude towards Sashka’s act, Zina’s betrayal?

Write down on your sheets what qualities of Sashka are revealed in this episode? (Justice, kindness, Sashka remains Sashka.Sashka does not consider himself to have the right to interfere. He thought not about himself, but about her. He cannot do otherwise. Probably, this is true love, which helps to understand and forgive a loved one and does not allow you to do something bad to him or hurt him.

Oral presentation by students.

Expressing student opinions.

Recording qualities in reference sheets-schemes. Reading the answers.

Test of Friendship

Let's restore the episodes related to the test of friendship.

Tell the story of Sashka’s brief front-line friendship with Lieutenant Volodya.

An important place in this episode is occupied by the lieutenant and Sashka’s discussion about commanders and privates. Let's read this passage.

(the wordsWe sat down, rolled a cigarette, smoked...)

How do we see Sasha here?

Sashka, judging by his actions, feels responsible for everything that happens in the war.

Let's pay attention to the case in the evacuation hospital .

(When the major comes to calm down the disgruntled soldiers: two spoons of millet were given for dinner. The major answers fair demands and angry questions in a boorish manner, and... a plate thrown by Volodya flew at him. He decided that the lieutenant would not get away with it - the tribunal in wartime is harsh, and he, a private, may not be severely punished).

Do you condemn Sashka for this act or justify it? (Probably not, because Sashka is not thinking about himself, but about his friend)

What qualities of Sashka does this episode reveal to us? (Courage in front of superiors, ability to self-sacrifice).

Oral presentation by students.

Oral presentation by students.

Students' opinions.

Students' answers, recording in chart sheets.

Results (problematic issue)

Let's return to the questions that we identified at the beginning of the lesson.

What qualities help Sashka remain human in war? (summarizing the diagram, reading it out).

What does Sashka do extra?

Sashka doesn’t think about himself first, Sashka thinks about others. This is probably what humanity is, this is what a person is. And if everyone were like Sashka, acted according to their conscience, and did not consider every deed accomplished as a feat, then the world would be kinder.

One of the students reads out the qualities that are written in the reference diagram.

Adding an entry to diagram sheets.

Slide - reference diagram


American journalist Henrik Smith wrote: “Western people sometimes know more about some historical events in the Soviet Union than Russian youth. Such historical deafness has led to the development of a generation of young people who know neither villains nor heroes and worship only the stars of Western rock music. Among the books that can excite young people, evoke deep emotions and reflections not only about the hero, about the author, but also about themselves, is V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”.


How much did you understand the idea that the author tried to convey to you?

What did the book help you think about?

Oral answers.


Summarizing the work in the lesson.

Giving marks for oral answers.

Homework (differentiated)

Complete one of the suggested tasks:

        1. My impression of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”. (essay-reasoning)

          Is it easy or difficult to have a friend like Sashka? (essay – essay)

-goal settingas setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown

-independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

-search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

-conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form;

-semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from listened texts of various genres; identification of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic style;

-building a logical chain of reasoning;


-putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation.

-planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

-the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

Among the works that truthfully tell about the terrible everyday life of the Second World War is the story of the front-line writer V. Kondratyev “Sashka”. There are no beautiful words here praising the feat of a soldier who sacrificed his life in a terrible battle. The author does not show the valiant victories of the Soviet troops. The daily life of a simple warrior, “who found himself in the most difficult place at the most difficult time,” is the main theme of the work “Sashka” by Kondratiev. Analysis of the hero's actions helps to understand what worried and tormented a man torn from peaceful life and thrown into the very maw of war.

From the history of the creation of the story

Kondratiev went to the front in December 1941. As part of a rifle brigade, he took part in the fierce battles for Rzhev that unfolded in 1942, was wounded, and was awarded a medal. The impressions from those terrible years remained for the rest of my life, as evidenced by the analysis of the story “Sashka”. Kondratiev, who took up his pen at a fairly mature age (the story “Sashka” was published in 1979, and in 1980 its author turned 60), was bothered every night by dreams in which he saw his comrades from near Rzhev. He even tried to find his fellow soldiers, but he never found anyone, which gave rise to a terrible thought: “Maybe I’m the only one who survived?”

The writer admitted that he re-read many works about the war, but did not find in them what never let go of his soul. And then he decided to talk about “his” war, otherwise some page of it would “remain undisclosed.” From this moment Vyacheslav Kondratyev began his literary activity.

“Sashka”: summary of the story

The action takes place in early spring. The main character, Private Sashka, has been fighting on the front line near Rzhev for the second month, but for him everything here is already “as usual.” The Germans keep beating and beating, but they have a bad food supply (because of the muddy roads there isn’t even enough bread), and they don’t have enough shells, and there’s nowhere to dry their clothes and shoes. Military life is depicted in great detail in the story “Sashka” by Vyacheslav Kondratyev. Analysis of these scenes leads to the idea of ​​how difficult it was for a person in such conditions to remain a “Man” and not step over the laws of conscience.

  • he gets felt boots for the company commander (not for himself!), whose boots are so thin that they can no longer be dried;
  • captures a German, whom he never raised his hand to shoot;
  • takes on someone else's guilt and saves a young lieutenant from the tribunal;
  • meets nurse Zina and leaves her way, having learned that she is in love with someone else.

This is the plot of the story “Sashka” by Kondratiev. Analysis of these scenes helps to understand how the hero managed to go through the prepared trials and not lose his dignity.

Capturing a German

This scene is one of the key ones in the work. Sashka takes the tongue with his bare hands, since he was unarmed. And suddenly at that moment he, having been in the most dangerous and hopeless attacks, saw in the guise of a prisoner not an enemy, but a person deceived by someone. He promised him life, since on a leaflet picked up on the way to headquarters, it was written that Russian soldiers did not abuse prisoners. On the way, Sashka constantly felt a sense of shame both for the fact that their defense was worthless and for the fact that their dead comrades lay unburied. But most of all, he felt awkward because he suddenly felt limitless power over this man. This is him, Sashka Kondratieva. An analysis of his state of mind shows why he was never able to shoot the prisoner and, as a result, violated the battalion commander’s order. Feeling that he was right, he managed to look him straight in the eyes, which is why the commander was forced to cancel his initial decision to shoot the “tongue.” Later, Sashka thought that if he remained alive, the German he had captured would be the most memorable event of the war for him.

Here it is - one of the main qualities of a Russian warrior: always maintain humanism within yourself, remember that you are human. Kondratyev especially emphasizes this in the story. Sashka - the analysis of the work is proof of this - was able to contrast good with evil in one of the most difficult periods of his life.

Lieutenant's Defense

Another important episode is the incident in the hospital, when Sashka stood up for his new acquaintance (a young lieutenant) in front of the special officer. They didn’t know each other at all, but Sashka was well aware of what a quarrel started by Vladimir could threaten a lieutenant with the rank of. But nothing will happen to him, a private: they won’t send him further than the front line anyway. As a result, the lieutenant remained in the hospital, and Sashka was forced to go further to Moscow himself. The desperate and hot-tempered lieutenant in fact turned out to be weaker than the private who surpassed him in fortitude and courage - this is what the analysis of the story “Sashka” by Kondratiev leads to.

Test of love

During the war, Sashka met Zina. Meeting her warmed his soul, since there was no one more dear to the hero than her. Vyacheslav Kondratyev conducts his hero through the traditional test of love in literature. Sashka (a brief summary of his relationship with his beloved girl fits into several scenes) behaves with dignity here too: the ability to understand another person and spiritual kindness are stronger.

At first he looks forward to meeting the girl, and when it happens, he finds out that Zina has a new love. Sashka is experiencing deep disappointment at this moment. This includes a lack of understanding of how you can throw a party when there, on the front line, all the fields are “ours.” This is also the pain of the fact that she chose someone else over Sasha. But he simply leaves, without reproaching Zina for anything and without demanding any explanations from her.

So what is he, Sashka Kondratieva?

Analysis of the story and the actions of the main character helps to understand the most important thing that the author wanted to convey to the reader: it is possible to go through the terrible trials of war and preserve the Human within. He emphasizes this with a phrase belonging to Sashka: “We are people, not fascists.” And such soldiers were the majority. Many front-line soldiers saw their comrades in the image of a hero. This means that the victory was won by just such warriors, including V. Kondratyev himself and Sashka.

Analysis of the work helps to recreate the image of the Russian soldier: courageous, hardy, who managed to maintain humanism and faith in victory.