All myths and legends. How to feel about your work


In the north of Moscow in Khovrino, an unfinished building resembling a ghost ship has stood for decades. It still brings fear to the residents of this Moscow region, since it has long had a bad reputation. This building is unfinished. Its construction began in 1980, but was never completed. This unfinished building is popularly called the Khovrinsky Abandoned Hospital and is one of the ten most terrible places in the world! The Khovrinskaya unfinished building is called everything: a house of horror, a cradle of nightmares, and even a citadel of darkness.

According to urban legend, the construction of this hospital began on bones, i.e. on the site where the old abandoned building once stood. Many people are sure that this explains all the failures that accompanied the construction process. Old-timers generally say that there used to be a large swamp on the site of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital. This is evidenced by the fact that currently the foundation of the unfinished building is sinking lower and lower into the groundwater. Construction of this architectural structure was suspended in 1985. Since the time the last builder left the territory of this building, the Khovrinskaya hospital has been living its own life, full of secrets and tragedies.

Another Russian legend is associated with a ghost train and, like the first, is urban. According to legend, every month in the Moscow metro a strange ghost train rushes along the rails at breakneck speed. According to eyewitnesses, sometimes he makes stops and opens the doors of his carriages. People who claimed to have seen the sign are sure that in its cabin the silhouette of the driver, dressed in a pre-war construction uniform, is clearly visible, and all the other cars of this strange train are filled with the souls of builders.

To understand the meaning of this legend, it is necessary to remember exactly how the Moscow metro was built. Its construction began in the 40s of the last century. Old-timers say that it was exhausting and hard work for all those involved in the construction of the Circle Line of the metro. The fact is that most of the builders were real prisoners, convicted of certain crimes of a political or criminal nature.

Moreover, the construction of this metro was marked by bloody events: at this time many workers allegedly died on the site. The fact is that from time to time unstable structures collapsed on them, and some people were generally driven into ventilation shafts and walled up without investigation or trial. After some time, at the cost of many human casualties, the “bloody” metro was finally completed. In this regard, the legend about Russian ghost. To this day, people complain that sometimes the phantom of a rusty train allegedly scares them. Eyewitnesses say that this train always appears after midnight and only on the Circle Line.

Akhtamar (Armenian legend).
A long time ago, in time immemorial, King Artashez had a beautiful daughter named Tamar. Tamar's eyes shone like stars in the night, and her skin turned white like snow on the mountains. Her laughter gurgled and rang like the water of a spring. The fame of her beauty spread everywhere. And the king of Media sent matchmakers to king Artashez, and the king of Syria, and many kings and princes. And King Artashez began to fear that someone would come for the beauty with war, or that an evil vishap would kidnap the girl before he decided who to give his daughter as a wife.
And then the king ordered to build a golden palace for his daughter on an island in the middle of Lake Van, which has long been called the “Sea of ​​Nairi”, it is so great. And he gave her only women and girls as servants, so that no one would disturb the beauty’s peace. But the king did not know, just as other fathers before him did not know, and other fathers after him would not know, that Tamar’s heart was no longer free. And she gave him not to the king or the prince, but to the poor azat, who had nothing in the world except beauty, strength and courage. Who remembers now what his name was? And Tamar managed to exchange a look and a word, an oath and a kiss with the young man.
But then the waters of Van lay between the lovers.
Tamar knew that by order of her father, guards were watching day and night to see if the boat was sailing from the shore to the forbidden island. Her lover knew this too. And one evening, wandering in longing along the shore of Van, he saw a distant fire on the island. Small as a spark, he fluttered in the darkness, as if trying to say something. And looking into the distance, the young man whispered:
Distant fire, are you sending me your light?
Isn’t it you, dear beauties, hello?
And the light, as if answering him, flashed brighter.
Then the young man realized that his beloved was calling him. If you swim across the lake at nightfall, not a single guard will notice the swimmer. The fire on the shore will serve as a beacon so as not to get lost in the dark.
And the lover threw himself into the water and swam to the distant world, to where the beautiful Tamar was waiting for him.
He swam for a long time in the cold dark waters, but the scarlet flower of fire instilled courage in his heart.
And only the bashful sister of the sun Lusin, looking out from behind the clouds from the dark sky, witnessed the meeting of the lovers.
They spent the night together, and the next morning the young man set off again on his way back.
So they began to meet every night. In the evening, Tamar lit a fire on the shore so that her lover could see where to swim. And the light of the flame served the young man as a talisman against the dark waters that open the gates to the underground worlds at night, inhabited by water spirits hostile to man.
Who remembers now how long or short the lovers managed to keep their secret?
But one day the king's servant saw a young man in the morning returning from the lake. Wet hair they were stuck together and water was dripping from them, and happy face seemed tired. And the servant suspected the truth.
And that same evening, shortly before dusk, the servant hid behind a stone on the shore and began to wait. And he saw how a distant fire was lit on the island, and heard a light splash with which the swimmer entered the water.
The servant saw everything and hurried to the king in the morning.
King Artashez was fiercely angry. The king was angry that his daughter dared to love him, and even more angry that she fell in love not with one of the powerful kings who asked for her hand, but with a poor azat!
And the king ordered his servants to be ready at the shore with a fast boat. And when darkness began to fall, the king’s people swam to the island. When they had sailed more than half the way, a red fire flower bloomed on the island. And the king's servants leaned on the oars, hurrying.
Coming ashore, they saw the beautiful Tamar, dressed in gold-embroidered clothes, anointed with fragrant oils. From under her multi-colored cap, curls as black as agate fell onto her shoulders. The girl sat on a carpet spread on the shore, and fed the fire from her hands with branches of a magical juniper. And in her smiling eyes, small fires burned like in the dark waters of Van.
Seeing uninvited guests, the girl jumped to her feet in fright and exclaimed:
You, your father's servants! Kill me!
I pray for one thing - don’t put out the fire!
And the royal servants were glad to take pity on the beauty, but they were afraid of the wrath of Artashez. They roughly grabbed the girl and dragged her away from the fire, into the golden palace. But first they let her see how the fire died, trampled and scattered by rough boots.
Tamar cried bitterly, breaking away from the hands of the guards, and the death of the fire seemed to her the death of her loved one.
And so it was. The young man was halfway along the path when the light that had beckoned him went out. And the dark waters pulled him into the depths, filling his soul with cold and fear. The darkness lay before him and he did not know where to swim in the darkness.
For a long time he struggled with the black will of the water spirits. Every time the exhausted swimmer’s head emerged from the water, his gaze pleadingly searched for a red firefly in the darkness. But he did not find it, and again he swam at random, and the water spirits circled him, leading him astray. And finally the young man was exhausted.
“Ah, Tamar!” - he whispered, last time emerging from the water. Why didn’t you save the fire of our love? Was it really my fate to sink into dark water, and not fall on the battlefield, as a warrior should!? Oh, Tamar, what an unkind death this is! He wanted to say this, but he couldn’t. He only had the strength to exclaim one thing: “Oh, Tamar!”
“Ah, Tamar!” – the echo picked up the voice of the kaji, the spirits of the wind, and flew over the waters of Van. “Ah, Tamar!”
And the king ordered the beautiful Tamar to be imprisoned forever in her palace.
In grief and sorrow, she mourned her lover until the end of her days, without removing the black scarf from her loose hair.
Many years have passed since then - everyone remembers their sad love.
And the island on Lake Van has been called Akhtamar since then.

Oh, very interesting legends and parables!

One day, little Fish heard a story from someone that there was an Ocean - a beautiful, majestic, powerful, fantastic place, and she became so eager to go there, to see everything with her own eyes, that it actually became the goal, the meaning of her life. And only The fish grew up and immediately set off to swim and search for that same Ocean. The Fish swam for a long, long time, until finally when asked: “How far is it from the Ocean?” they answered: “Darling, you are in it. It’s all around you!” “
“Ugh, nonsense,” Rybka grimaced, “there’s only water around me, and I’m looking for the Ocean...
Moral: sometimes in pursuit of certain “ideals” we do not notice obvious things!!!

And do you believe?

Believing Child: No, no! I don't know exactly what our life will look like after giving birth, but in any case, we will see mom and she will take care of us.
Unbeliever baby: Mom? Do you believe in mom? And where is it located?
Believing baby: She is everywhere around us, we abide in her and thanks to her we move and live, without her we simply cannot exist.
Unbeliever Child: Complete nonsense! I didn't see any mother, so it's obvious that she simply doesn't exist.
Believing Child: I can’t agree with you. After all, sometimes, when everything around is quiet, you can hear her sing and feel how she strokes our world. I firmly believe that our real life will begin only after childbirth. And do you believe?

And do you believe?
Two babies are talking in the belly of a pregnant woman. One of them is a believer, the other is an unbeliever. Unbeliever baby: Do you believe in life after childbirth?
Believing Child: Yes, of course. Everyone understands that life after childbirth exists. We are here to become strong enough and ready for what awaits us next.
Unbeliever Child: This is nonsense! There can be no life after childbirth! Can you imagine what such a life might look like?
Believing Child: I don't know all the details, but I believe that there will be more light, and that perhaps we will walk and eat with our own mouths.
Unbeliever Child: What nonsense! It’s impossible to walk and eat with your mouth! This is absolutely funny! We have an umbilical cord that nourishes us. You know, I want to tell you: it is impossible for there to be life after childbirth, because our life - the umbilical cord - is already too short.
Believing Child: I'm sure it's possible. Everything will just be a little different. One can imagine this.
Unbeliever baby: But no one has ever returned from there! Life simply ends with childbirth. And in general, life is one big suffering in the dark.

The story actually has a subtext: instead of dad there can be mom, and instead of work there can be the Internet, and the telephone and... everyone has their own!
Let's not repeat the mistakes of others
One day, one man returned home late from work, tired and nervous as always, and saw that his five-year-old son was waiting for him at the door.
- Dad, can I ask you something?
- Of course, what happened?
- Dad, how much do you get?
- It's none of your business! - the father was indignant. - And then, why do you need this?
- I just want to know. Please, tell me, how much do you get per hour?
- Well, actually, 500. So what?
“Dad,” the son looked up at him with very serious eyes. - Dad, can you borrow me 300?
- Did you ask just so that I would give you money for some stupid toy? - he shouted. - Immediately go to your room and go to bed!.. You can’t be so selfish! I work all day, I’m terribly tired, and you’re acting so stupid.
The kid quietly went to his room and closed the door behind him. And his father continued to stand in the doorway and get angry at his son’s requests. How dare he ask me about my salary and then ask for money?
But after some time, he calmed down and began to think sensibly: Maybe he really needs to buy something very important. To hell with them, with three hundred, he’s never even once asked me for money. When he entered the nursery, his son was already in bed.
-Are you awake, son? - he asked.
- No, dad. “I’m just lying,” the boy answered.
“I think I answered you too rudely,” said the father. - I had a hard day and I just lost it. I'm sorry. Here, have the money you asked for.
The boy sat up in bed and smiled.
- Oh, dad, thank you! - he exclaimed joyfully.
He then reached under the pillow and pulled out several more crumpled bills. His father, seeing that the child already had money, became angry again. And the baby put all the money together and carefully counted the bills, and then looked at his father again.
- Why did you ask for money if you already have it? - he grumbled.
- Because I didn't have enough. But now that’s just enough for me,” the child answered.
- Dad, there are exactly five hundred here. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home early from work tomorrow, I want you to have dinner with us.

We were sitting at lunch when my daughter casually mentioned that she and her husband were thinking about “starting a full-time family.”
- We're conducting a survey here. public opinion“, she said jokingly. - Do you think maybe I should have a child?
“This will change your life,” I said, trying not to show my emotions.
“I know,” she responded. “And you won’t sleep on the weekend, and you won’t really go on vacation.”
But that was not at all what I had in mind. I looked at my daughter, trying to formulate my words more clearly. I wanted her to understand something that no prenatal class would teach her.
I wanted to tell her that the physical wounds of childbirth would heal very quickly, but motherhood would give her a bleeding emotional wound that would never heal. I wanted to warn her that from now on she would never be able to read a newspaper without asking herself, “What if this happened to my child?” That every plane crash, every fire will haunt her. That when she looks at photographs of children dying of hunger, she will think that there is nothing worse in the world than the death of your child.
I looked at her manicured nails and stylish suit and thought that no matter how refined she was, motherhood would lower her to the primitive level of a mother bear protecting her cub. What an alarmed cry of “Mom!” will make her throw away everything without regret - from the soufflé to the best crystal glass.
I felt like I should warn her that no matter how many years she put into her job, her career would suffer significantly after having a baby. She can hire a nanny, but one day she will go to an important business meeting, but she will think about the sweet smell of a baby's head. And it would take all her willpower not to run home just to find out that her baby was okay.
I wanted my daughter to know that the bullshit everyday problems will never be bullshit to her anymore. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room at McDonald's would be a huge dilemma. That there, among the rattling trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender will stand on one side of the scale, and the fear that there may be a child rapist in the toilet will be on the other.
As I looked at my attractive daughter, I wanted to tell her that she could lose the weight she gained during pregnancy, but she would never be able to shake off motherhood and be the same. That her life, so important to her now, will no longer be so significant after the birth of the child. That she will forget about herself at the moment when it is necessary to save her offspring, and that she will learn to hope for fulfillment - oh no! not your dream! - the dreams of your children.
I wanted her to know that the scar was from caesarean section or stretch marks will be badges of honor for her. That her relationship with her husband will change and not at all in the way she thinks. I would like her to understand how much you can love a man who carefully sprinkles powder on your baby and who never refuses to play with him. I think she'll learn what it's like to fall in love again for a reason that now seems completely unromantic to her.
I wanted my daughter to be able to feel the connection between all the women on earth who tried to stop wars, crimes and drunk driving.
I wanted to describe to my daughter the feeling of delight that a mother gets when she sees her child learning to ride a bike. I wanted to capture for her the laughter of a baby touching the soft fur of a puppy or kitten for the first time. I wanted her to feel a joy so intense it could hurt.
My daughter's surprised look made me realize that tears were welling up in my eyes.
“You will never regret this,” I finally said. Then I reached across the table to her, squeezed her hand and mentally prayed for her, for myself and for all mortal women who devote themselves to this most wonderful of callings.

Dear reader! Collected here short parables, fables and legends for children junior classes. They are redone and written in short sentences. Easy to read children. Will fit for children of any grade. Parables are added. If you have your own good parable, fable or legend - please send it. Or post it in the comments. Thank you! 🙂

Parable. What to be afraid of?

One day it started heavy thunderstorm. All the children ran home. But the little girl herself was not there.

Mom went to look for her. It was raining in the yard. Lightning flashed brightly. Thunder rumbled loudly.

Mom was scared. She closed her eyes from every lightning. And from every thunder she covered her head with her hands.

Mom found her daughter on the street. The girl was all wet. She jumped and danced in the rain. And when lightning flashed, the girl raised her face up. And smiled at the sky.

Mom was very surprised. She asked:

- Daughter! Are not you afraid? Are you scared?

But the daughter answered in surprise:

- No, mom! I'm not scared! I don't know what to be afraid of here?

And then she said:

- Mother! Look! I dance and the sky takes pictures of me!

The same parable performed by Alexandra

Don't judge strictly, performance without rehearsal:

Two apples

A parable about not making hasty conclusions.

A little girl brought two apples from the street. Probably someone gave it to me.

– Mom, look how beautiful the apples are!
- Yes, beautiful! Will you treat me? - Mom asked.

The little girl looked at the apples. And then she took a bite from one apple. I thought for a second and... – I bit the second one.

Mom was surprised. And I thought:

– What a greedy girl I’m growing up. She started eating both apples, but didn’t offer me one.

But to her surprise, the girl handed her mother one apple with the words:

- Mommy! Take this apple! It's sweeter! 🙂

Dear reader!

Fable for children

Fable Lion and Mouse

The lion was sleeping under a tree. And under this tree there was a Mouse hole. The mouse began to crawl out of the hole and woke up the Lion. The lion woke up and caught the mouse. The mouse began to ask:

- Let go! I promise to help you when you ask me.

The Lion let go of the Mouse and laughed. He said:

- How can you help me? You're so small.

Time has passed. The hunters wounded the lion. They tied him up with rope and decided to sell him to the zoo.

The lion roared loudly, but none of the animals came to the rescue. All the animals were also afraid of the hunters.

But the Mouse came running. She chewed the rope at night. And Leo was freed.

Then the Mouse said to the Lion:

– Remember, you laughed at me for being so small. You didn't believe that I could help you.

Lev said:

- Sorry, Mouse, that I laughed. I didn’t know that small animals can also be useful.

Fable for children

Fable Dog and Reflection

The dog walked along the plank across the river. She carried a bone in her teeth.

Suddenly the Dog saw her reflection in the water. She thought that another dog was carrying prey there. And it seemed to the dog that that dog had a much larger bone than hers.

The dog abandoned his prey and rushed to take the bone from the reflection.

As a result, the Dog was left with nothing. She lost hers and couldn’t take away someone else’s.

This fable is about a cowardly heart.
No matter how much you help a coward, he will still be afraid.

Mouse heart

Young speaker

Once upon a time there lived a little Mouse who was unhappy because he was afraid of everything. But most of all he was afraid of falling into the paws of a cat.

The mouse came to the Wizard and began to ask him to make him a cat.

The wizard took pity on the mouse and turned him into a cat.

But then this cat began to be afraid of dogs.

The wizard turned a former mouse into a dog. But then he began to be afraid of wolves.

The wizard turned him into a wolf. But then he became very afraid of hunters.

And then the Wizard gave up. He again turned him into a mouse and said:

- Nothing will help you. Because you have the heart of a cowardly mouse.

The Legend of King Solomon's Ring.

There is a legend about King Solomon.
This legend is about King Solomon and the magic ring. I think children will understand it just as much as adults.

The sage gave King Solomon a magic ring. He put this ring on the king's finger and said:

“Never take off the ring!”

On this ring was the inscription:

"All will pass!"

When the king was sad, Solomon looked at the ring and read the inscription:

"All will pass!"

And the magic of the ring acted on the king. Solomon stopped grieving.

The ring always helped the king. Even when Solomon was angry, he also looked at the ring and read:

"All will pass!"

He smiled and calmed down.

But one day a great grief happened. Solomon looked at the ring and read the inscription. But he didn’t calm down, he even got angry. Then he took the ring off his finger for the first time and wanted to throw it away. But he saw that there was also an inscription inside the ring. He read:

“This too shall pass!”

Solomon calmed down and smiled.

He never took his magic ring off his hand again. And he gave the sage an expensive gift.

Parable for children

Where does a zebra get stripes? African legend.

Once upon a time, the zebra was one color. She was brown, like an antelope. And Zebra didn't like it. But she didn't know what color she should be. She liked black and white.

The zebra took two brushes and two cans of paint: white and black.

Each time she painted herself, sometimes with black paint, sometimes with white. This is how the stripes appeared. She never decided what she should be, white or black.

Then Zebra decided to take a swim to wash off the paint. But the paint was already so ingrained that it was impossible to get rid of it. Since then, Zebras have become black and white striped.

The Legend of Narcissus.

It was a long time ago. Back when people didn't have mirrors.

One young man was very handsome. And to see his beauty, he went to the stream to look at his reflection.

He looked at his reflection for a long time and admired himself. Then a Fairy appeared from the forest and made the young man beautiful flower. This beautiful flower remained on the bank of the stream, admiring its reflection.

And people began to say to those who often look at their reflection:

– Don’t admire yourself for too long, lest you turn into a flower like Narcissus

Parables for children

The legend of how the kangaroo got its name.

The famous navigator James Cook sailed to Australia. There he saw amazing animals that jumped with huge leaps on two legs.

The surprised captain asked local resident:

-What is the name of this beast?

The native shrugged his shoulders because he didn’t understand anything.

Cook asked again:

- Who is this?– and pointed to the jumping animal.

The native replied:

- Kan garu.

In the local language this meant: "I do not understand you".

Cook asked:

- Kangaroo?

The native nodded his head:

– Kan garu

Cook wrote in his journal that he saw amazing animals that run by jumping on two legs. And these animals are called: kangaroo.

Parables for children

The dispute between the Sun and the Wind. Who is stronger?

The wind was bragging about how strong it was. The Sun decided to teach the Wind a lesson. It said:

“You see, there’s an old man in a raincoat.” Can you take his cloak off?
“Of course I can,” answered the Wind.

The sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow. It got stronger and stronger until it finally turned into a hurricane. But the stronger the Wind blew, the more the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak.

The sun said:

- Enough! Now it's my turn!

The wind died down and stopped.

And the Sun smiled at the traveler and warmed him with its rays. The old man cheered up, he felt warm - and he took off his cloak.

And the Sun said to the Wind:

- You see! There is another force.

Since then, the Wind has stopped boasting of its power in front of the Sun.

Parables for children

Parable. How to divide equally?

Two brothers lived in the same village. Father, we will give them a field. And the brothers decided to divide the field in half.

We started dividing. It seemed to one that the other most of gets... it’s the other way around... They couldn’t draw the line. We thought and wondered... we almost came to a fight...

And they decided to turn to the Sage.

- Tell me, Sage... How can we equally and peacefully divide the field among ourselves?

And the sage says:

- Do this. Let one brother divide the field in half as he decides to do it. And let the second one choose from two halves: which part will be his, and which part will go to his brother.

And so they did. One brother divided the field in half. He tried very hard to make sure the halves were the same. The second brother chose one half of the field. And I was pleased too. After this incident, the brothers began to divide everything in this way.

Parables for children

How to feel about your work.

Three workers were carrying bricks. A boy came up to them and asked:

- What are you doing?

The worker wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied:

– Don’t you see that we are carrying bricks?
- But why?
- Baby, this is our job.

The boy did not understand why people carry bricks. He approached another worker and asked:

- What are you doing?

He rolled up his sleeves and said matter-of-factly:

– Don’t you see? - We earn money.
- What for?
- What do you mean why? I need money, otherwise I wouldn't take this job.

Then the boy approached the third worker.

- What are you doing?

The man smiled and said:

- Like what? We are doing a good job. We are building a house for good people. People will live happily in it. I am glad that I have already built many beautiful houses.

The boy thought about it. People do the same job for different reasons. And with different moods.

Children's parables

Fight with Leo

Lion resting in the shade big tree after hearty lunch. It was midday. Heat.

The Jackal approached the Lion. He looked at the resting Leo and timidly said:

- A lion! Let's fight!

But the answer was only silence.

The jackal began to speak louder:

- A lion! Let's fight! Let's have a battle in this clearing. You are against me!

Leo didn't pay any attention to him.

Then the Jackal threatened:

- Let's fight! Otherwise I’ll go and tell everyone that you, Leo, scared me terribly.

Leo yawned, stretched lazily and said:

- And who will believe you? Just think! Even if someone condemns me for cowardice, it is still much more pleasant than the fact that they will despise me. Despised for fighting with some Jackal...

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Parables for children

Fly and bee

Mosquito asked Mukha:

- Is there somewhere nearby? beautiful flowers?

But the Fly answered Mosquito:

- There are no flowers here. But there are a lot of good trash heaps. You definitely need to fly to them. There's so much interesting stuff there.

The mosquito flew away. And he met the Bee. He asked:

- Bee! Where are the trash cans? I can't find them at all.

And the Bee answers:

- Don't know. I saw only beautiful flowers nearby. Let's fly together and I'll show them to you.

Parables for children

Ghost tree.

Not far from the road stood a large withered tree.

One night a thief passed by on the road. He saw a tree in the dark. But this silhouette seemed to him in the form of a policeman. The thief got scared and ran away.

In the evening a lover passed by. From a distance he noticed an elegant silhouette and thought that it was his beloved who had been waiting for him for a long time. His heart began to beat joyfully. He smiled and quickened his pace.

One day a mother and child walked past the tree. Kid scared scary tales, thought there was a ghost near the road and burst into tears.

But the tree always remained just a tree!

The world around us is a reflection of ourselves.

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Parables for children

What else could I become?

There lived two brothers. There was one brother successful person who achieved fame for their good deeds. The other brother was a criminal.

One day the police caught the criminal and the case was brought to court. Before the trial, a group of journalists surrounded him, and one asked a question:

- How did it happen that you became a criminal?
- I had a difficult childhood. My father drank, beat my mother and my brother and me. Who else could I become?

After a while, several journalists approached the first brother, and one asked:

- You are known for your achievements and good deeds. How did you achieve all this?

The man thought for a moment and then answered:

- I had a difficult childhood. My father drank, beat my mother, my brother and me. Who else could I become?

Parables for children


Once upon a time, in one city, I lived great sage. The fame of his wisdom spread far around him hometown, people from afar came to him for advice.

But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his glory. He once came to a meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought:

- Let me go to the sage and ask him: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? - If he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. If he says alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.

That's how it all turned out. An envious man came to the city and asked the sage: “Tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?”

Looking intently into the eyes, the sage said:

"All in your hands".

Parables for children


Lived in a distant country an old man, Very loving children. He constantly made toys for them.

But these toys turned out to be so fragile that they broke faster than the child had time to play with them. Having broken another toy, the children were very upset and came to the master to ask for new ones. He gladly gave them others, even more fragile ones...

Finally, the parents intervened. They came to the old man with a question:

- Tell us, O Wise One, why do you always give our children such fragile toys that the children cry inconsolably when they break them?

And then the sage said:

- Quite a few years will pass, and someone will give these former children their heart. Maybe, having learned not to break fragile toys, they will be more careful about someone else’s heart?..

The parents thought for a long time. And they left, thanking the Teacher.

Parables for children


The teacher called his students and showed them a piece of white paper.

-What do you see here? – asked the Sage.

“Point,” one answered.

All the other students nodded their heads as a sign that they also saw the dot.

“Take a closer look,” said the Teacher.

But no matter how hard the students looked, they saw nothing but a black dot.

And then the teacher said:

- You all saw a small black dot, and no one noticed a clean white sheet...

“So I still have something to teach you.”

Parables for children

About trading methods

Once at the bazaar an ancient old man appeared in a skullcap and an oriental robe embroidered with an unusual pattern. The old man was selling watermelons.

There was a sign above his product:

“One watermelon – 3 rubles. Three watermelons – 10 rubles.”

A bearded man comes up and buys a watermelon for three rubles...

Then another watermelon for three rubles...

And at parting he joyfully says to the seller:

- Look, I bought three watermelons, but only paid 9 rubles, not 10. You don’t know how to trade!

The old man looks after him:

- Yes! They buy three watermelons from me instead of one, and then teach me how to trade...

Children's parables

Parable of two wolves

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

- You see, in every the man is walking struggle. This fight is very similar to the fight between two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, greed, lies... And the other wolf represents good: peace, love, hope, care, kindness, loyalty... And others good qualities person.

The little Indian thought for a long time. And then he asked:

- Grandfather! Which wolf wins in the end? Bad wolf or good wolf?

The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:

- Remember: the wolf you feed always wins.

Parables for children

A stupid boy

A little boy walks into a barber shop. The hairdresser recognizes him immediately and says to his clients:

- Look, this is the stupidest boy in the world! Now I will prove it to you.

The barber takes $1 in one hand and 25 cents in the other. He calls the boy and invites him to choose:

– Do you choose 1 or 25?
- Twenty five!

Everyone laughs. The boy receives 25 cents and leaves.

Soon, one client catches up with the boy and asks:

- Boy! Tell me, why did you choose 25 cents and not 1 dollar? Are you really that stupid that you don't realize that $1 is more than 25 cents?
- Fine! What will I get for this?

- You'll get another 25 cents.

The boy receives coins and says:

- Because the day I choose $1, I think the hairdresser will stop being happy. Visitors will have nothing to laugh about. I will become “smart”, I will no longer be “stupid”. And I won’t be able to get 25 cents every time.

Children's parables

The Legend of the Temple of a Thousand Mirrors

Many hundreds of years ago, high in the mountains there was a Temple with a Thousand Mirrors. Many people went to see him.

One day, a dog entered this temple. Looking around, the dog saw a thousand dogs in the mirrors and, frightened, bared its teeth.

At that moment she saw a thousand grinning dogs. The dog growled. And the echo responded with a growl...

With its tail between its legs, the dog jumped out of the temple, convinced that evil dogs lived in this temple.

A month later, another dog came to the temple with a thousand mirrors.

She entered it and, looking in the mirrors, saw a thousand friendly and peaceful dogs. She wagged her tail. And I saw a thousand friendly dogs.

Barking joyfully, she left the temple with full confidence that this Temple was full of friendly dogs.

  • The world is often only a reflection of ourselves: if we look at the world brightly and joyfully, then it responds to us in the same way!
Parables for children

Bucket of apples

The man bought it for himself new house- large, beautiful - and a garden with fruit trees near the house. And nearby in an old house lived an envious neighbor.

One day a man woke up in good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a pile of garbage.

What to do? Your porch needs to be cleaned. And also to find out who it was. And he found out - an envious neighbor.

I wanted to go and argue, but after thinking about it, I decided to do it differently.

He went into the garden, picked up the ripest apples and went to his neighbor.

The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, thought maliciously: “Finally, my neighbor is angry!” Opens the door.

To his surprise, there was no one there, only apples. And on the apples there is a note:

He who is rich in what, shares it!

Children's parables

Bad words.

Two friends quarreled. And one began to tell everyone he knew bad words about your friend.

But then he calmed down and realized that he was wrong. He came to his friend and began to ask him for forgiveness.

Then the second friend said:

- Fine! I'll forgive you. Only on one condition.
- Which one?
- Take a pillow and let all the feathers out into the wind.

The first friend did just that. He tore the pillow. And the wind carried the feathers throughout the village.

A satisfied friend came to another and said:

- I completed your task. Am I forgiven?
- Yes, if you put all the feathers back into the pillow.

But you understand that it is impossible to collect all the feathers back. Likewise, bad words that have already scattered throughout the village cannot be taken back.

Sincerely, rhetoric coach Oleg Bolsunov.

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Short legends, parables, fables for primary school children

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/ Legends and parables for schoolchildren / Top Legends and parables / Short legends and parables for primary school children / Parables and legends for grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /

Every nation has beautiful and amazing legends. They are varied in topic: legends about the exploits of heroes, stories about the origin of the names of geographical objects, horror stories O supernatural beings and novelistic tales of lovers.

Definition of the term

A legend is an unreliable account of an event. It is very similar to the myth and can be considered its approximate analogue. But legend and myth still cannot be called completely identical concepts. If we are talking about myth, then there are fictional heroes who have nothing to do with reality. The legend allows at its core real events, later supplemented or embellished. Since many fictitious facts are added to them, scientists do not accept legends as reliable.

If we take as a basis classical meaning words, then a legend is a tradition set out in artistic form. Such legends exist among almost all nations.

The best legends of the world - they will be discussed in the article.

Types of legends

1. Oral legends are the most ancient look. They spread through wandering storytellers.

2. Written traditions - recorded oral stories.

3. Religious legends - stories about events and persons from church history.

4. Social legends - all other legends that are not related to religion.

5. Toponymic - explaining the origin of the names of geographical objects (rivers, lakes, cities).

6. Urban legends - newest look, which has become widespread these days.

In addition, there are many more varieties of legends, depending on the plot that underlies them - zootropomorphic, cosmogonic, etiological, eschatonic and heroic. There are absolutely short legends and long narratives. The latter are usually associated with a story about the heroic achievements of a person. For example, the legend about the hero Ilya Muromets.

How did legends arise?

WITH Latin language legenda translates as “that which must be read.” The history of legends goes back a long way and has the same roots as myth. having no idea about the reasons for many things happening around him natural phenomena, composed myths. Through them he tried to explain his vision of the world. Later, based on mythology, amazing and interesting legends about heroes, gods and supernatural phenomena began to arise. Many of them have been preserved in the traditions of the peoples of the world.

Atlantis - the legend of the lost paradise

The best legends that arose in ancient times have survived to this day. Many of them still captivate the imagination of adventurers with their beauty and realism. The story of Atlantis says that in ancient times there was an island whose inhabitants achieved incredible heights in many sciences. But then it was destroyed strong earthquake and sank along with the Atlanteans - its inhabitants.

We must express gratitude to the great ancient Greek philosopher Plato and the no less revered historian Herodotus for the story of Atlantis. An interesting legend excited the minds of these outstanding scientists of ancient Greece during their lifetime. It has not lost its relevance even today. The search for the wonderful island, which sank thousands of years ago, continues to this day.

If the legend about Atlantis turns out to be true, this event will be one of the greatest discoveries century. After all, there was no less interesting legend about the mythical Troy, in the existence of which Heinrich Schliemann sincerely believed. In the end, he managed to find this city and prove that there was some truth in the ancient legends.

Founding of Rome

This interesting legend is one of the most famous in the world. The city of Rome arose in ancient times on the banks of the Tiber. The proximity of the sea made it possible to engage in trade, and at the same time the city was well protected from a surprise attack sea ​​robbers. According to legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus, who were suckled by a she-wolf. By order of the ruler, they were supposed to be killed, but a careless servant threw the basket with the children into the Tiber, hoping that it would drown. She was picked up by a shepherd and became the foster father for the twins. Having matured and learned about their origin, they rebelled against a relative and took power from him. The brothers decided to found their own city, but during construction they quarreled, and Romulus killed Remus.

He named the built city after himself. The legend about the emergence of Rome belongs to toponymic legends.

The Legend of the Golden Dragon - The Path to the Heavenly Temple

Among the legends, stories about dragons are very popular. Many nations have them, but traditionally it is one of the favorite themes of Chinese folklore.

The legend of the golden dragon says that between heaven and earth there is a bridge that leads to the Heavenly Temple. It belongs to the Lord of the World. Only pure souls can enter it. Two golden dragons stand guard over the shrine. They sense an unworthy soul and can tear it apart when trying to enter the temple. One day one of the dragons angered the Lord, and he expelled him. The dragon descended to earth, met other creatures and dragons of different stripes were born from him. The Lord became angry when he saw them and destroyed everyone except those not yet born. Having been born, they hid for a long time. But the Lord of the World did not destroy the new dragons, but left them on earth as his governors.

Treasures and Treasures

Legends about gold occupy no last place on the list of popular legends. One of the most famous and beautiful myths Ancient Greece tells of the Argonauts' search for the Golden Fleece. For a long time The legend about the treasure was simply considered a legend until Heinrich Schliemann found a treasure of pure gold at the excavation site of Mycenae, the capital of the legendary king.

Kolchak's Gold - another one famous legend. In the years Civil War Most of Russia's gold reserves were in their hands - about seven hundred tons of gold. It was transported in several trains. Historians know what happened to one train. He was captured by the rebel Czechoslovak Corps and handed over to the authorities (Bolsheviks). But the fate of the remaining two is unknown to this day. The precious cargo could have been dumped into a mine, hidden or buried in the vast area between Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk. All the excavations that have been carried out so far (starting with the security officers) have not yielded any results.

The Well to Hell and the Library of Ivan the Terrible

Russia also has its own interesting legends. One of them, which appeared relatively recently, is one of the so-called urban legends. This is a story about a well to hell. This name was given to one of the deepest man-made wells in the world - Kola. Its drilling began in 1970. The length is 12,262 meters. The well was created exclusively for scientific purposes. Now it is mothballed because there are no funds to maintain it in working condition. The legend appeared in 1989, when a story was heard on American television that sensors lowered to the very depths of the well recorded sounds similar to moans and screams of people.

Another interesting legend, which may well be true, speaks of a library of books, scrolls and manuscripts. The last owner of the precious collection was Ivan IV. It is believed that she was part of the dowry of the niece of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine.

Fearing that the precious books in wooden Moscow might be burned in a fire, she ordered the library to be placed in the basements under the Kremlin. According to the seekers of the famous Liberia, it may contain 800 volumes of priceless works of ancient and medieval authors. Now there are about 60 versions of where the mysterious library may be stored.

The contents of the section are legends and sagas, epics and epics, canons and apocrypha of religions from all over the world.

Myth(Greek μῦθος - legend, tradition) - a story, an archaic story about gods, spirits (later about heroes). Myth is historically the first form of culture, compensating for the lack of practical mastery of nature through semantic twinning with it.

Added approx. 2006-2007

Ancient Greek geographers called the flat region between the Tigris and Euphrates Mesopotamia (Interfluve). The self-name of this area is Shinar. Development Center ancient civilization was in Babylonia...

The Hittite religion, like the entire Hittite culture, developed through the interaction of cultures of different peoples. During the period of unification of the disparate city-states of Anatolia into a single kingdom local traditions and the cults apparently survived...

The main monuments that reflected the mythological ideas of the Egyptians are various religious texts: hymns and prayers to the gods, records of funeral rites on the walls of tombs...

The most early mentions about Ugarit were found in Egyptian documents of the 2nd millennium BC. Two huge ones were excavated royal palace, which amazed contemporaries with their luxury, temples of the gods Balu, Daganu and, possibly, Ilu, houses, workshops, necropolis. An archive from the 14th century was also found. BC, including magical and religious texts...

The myths of Ancient Greece - their essence becomes understandable only when taking into account the peculiarities of the primitive communal system of the Greeks, who perceived the world as the life of one huge tribal community and in myth generalized the entire diversity of human relationships and natural phenomena...

Northern mythology represents an independent and richly developed branch of Germanic mythology, which, in turn, in its main features goes back to ancient Proto-Indo-European history...

Vedic mythology - a set of mythological ideas of the Vedic Aryans; Usually, Vedic mythology is understood as the mythological ideas of the Aryans from the period of the creation of the Vedas, and sometimes from the period of the creation of the Brahmins...

Buddhist mythology, complex mythological images, characters, symbols associated with the religious and philosophical system of Buddhism, which arose in the 6th-5th centuries. BC. in India, during the period of the centralized state, and widespread in the South, South-East and Central Asia and in the Far East...

Unlike ancient mythology, well known for fiction and works of art, as well as the mythologies of the countries of the East, the texts of the myths of the Slavs have not reached our time, because at that distant time when the myths were created, they did not yet know writing...

Why is this on a site that was originally designed for myths and various religious and anti-religious things? - There is simply no desire to expand myths now. Did not hear? - Ukraine was attacked. And the devastation in the minds from Sikelev is worse than the religious one. More about myths later.

March 7, 2019

Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the Holy Martyr Eugenia

321- by decree of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Sunday was declared a day off

1274- Thomas Aquinas, philosopher and theologian, saint, died

1530- Dad refused to the English king Henry VIII had the right to divorce, which prompted the king to create the Church of England

1693- Pope Clement XIII was born (Carlo della Tore Rezzonico)

1724- Pope Innocent XIII (Michelangelo dei Conti) died

1768- according to the agreement between Russia and Poland, Orthodox and Catholics were equal in rights on the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

1965- for the first time in Canada in Catholic churches Services were held in English

1984- Polish students staged a sit-in at Stanisław Staszek College in Metn, demanding that crucifixes be reinstated in classrooms

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- Yes, my son, lying is a great sin.

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