Light arm tattoos. Arm tattoo for girls

Tattoos on the arms are most often on display, but they are easy to hide if necessary.
This is one of the favorite places for masters, because there are no problems with either the relief or skin turgor. You can apply drawings of any size, color and complexity without fear for their quality.

Select a sketch

      As extensive is the design of a tattoo on the hands, so are its sizes. Since hands are made up of various parts, then tattoos can be applied in different ways. For big works Sleeves are most often used:
  • The long one represents an extensive tattoo covering from the shoulder to the wrist, representing both a complete image and a composition of several small drawings, merging into a single whole.
  • When applying a half sleeve, the design is located on the upper or lower part of the arm.
  • There are also so-called quarter sleeves. This is when the sketch is drawn from shoulder to elbow.

Today, hand tattoos for men are most often symbols - dragons, lions, eagles and other paraphernalia, which are signs of power, strength and courage.
Women prefer small pictures that are more gentle and congenial to them - flowers, stars, zodiac signs, and sometimes small inscriptions. Women's hand tattoos look great - bracelets made up of small flowers, pictures or inscriptions. This ornament is good to place on the wrists or forearms.
Small format images can decorate and men's shoulders, especially if it is a bracelet with an woven ethnic ornament.
Many people apply tattoos on their hands only on the outer part, forgetting about the inner part. This is completely wrong, since this is just as good an area for application. They look especially good

Today one of the most popular places tattoo is applied to the hand. Perhaps this happened because of conservatism and reluctance to change established traditions, or perhaps a tattoo on the arm attracts people with its simplicity and attractiveness. In any case, tattoos on the arm occupy the top positions in the ranking of areas of the body for tattooing.

The hand is one of the most mobile parts of the body, which has many bends. Because of this, tattoos on the arm are divided into several types:

Each of the parts listed above implies its own type of sketches. Thus, tattoos with inscriptions are most often applied to the fingers, and to the shoulder - volumetric images animals, birds or any other. The shoulder is generally considered one of the most versatile places to get a tattoo on the arm.

If we talk about a tattoo on the whole arm, then there is special kind tattoo called sleeve. This is a tattoo that occupies most of the surface of the arm and has three designs: long sleeve(from shoulder to wrist), half sleeve (from shoulder to elbow or from elbow to wrist) and quarter sleeve (tattoo from the shoulder and not reaching the elbow). As a rule, such tattoos are some kind of design or pattern with the addition of inscriptions or significant dates.

Arm tattoos

You can get a tattoo on your arm inexpensively in Moscow in our Territory Tattoo salon. A huge selection of sketches, professional craftsmen and reasonable prices are what distinguishes our salon from other similar establishments. Of course, getting a tattoo in Moscow is not a problem, but if you want to get the highest quality results for the lowest price, then contact the Territory tattoo salon.

Arm tattoos are popular among both boys and girls. At the same time, tattoo inscriptions on the hand are becoming increasingly recognized.

As for the pain of the procedure, I would like to note that the hand is not the most sensitive organ of the body, so although the process of applying a tattoo on the hand will be somewhat unpleasant, it will not bring severe pain.

So, if you want to get tattoos on your arm inexpensively while getting a ton of... positive impressions, and at the end - a great result, then welcome to our Territory Tattoo salon.

The time when drawings on the body spoke about a person’s criminal past has given way to a time when these same drawings are a way of self-expression. Women's tattoos tattoos on the arm have become more popular than ever, and more and more often the idea of ​​having something tattooed on their body is visited by young girls. However, this decision must be made after answering questions about the meaning and appropriateness of the pattern.

Fashionable tattoos for girls on the arm

If you can't decide what you want to say with a design on your body, check out the popular options. This step is not always based on an idea that you want to express, or a desire to place a talisman on your body. In some cases, the reason is simply an attempt to attract attention and add zest to your image. Among the fashion trends are tattoos on the arm for girls. recent seasons present:

  • Mehendi. IN Arab countries ritual pattern for European women- Just beautiful drawing, which is a ligature of lines and curls. Mehendi is done with henna; it is a temporary tattoo, but a similar pattern can be done with a needle.
  • White (relief) drawings. A new type of tattoo: it looks like a scar, but has a clear outline. The trend was tried on by the majority Hollywood stars which ensured his popularity. The main drawback is that, regardless of size, it is not readable from a distance.
  • Paired tattoos for girls on the arm echo the same tattoos on their other halves, made in the same place. The drawing may be in literally divided so that when the hands are brought together they form one whole. Or it’s finished, but has a connection/reference to another person’s picture.

Wrist tattoos for girls

The most painful option, because the skin in this area is very thin and sensitivity is increased. However, the wrist is one of the most graceful parts of any girl’s body, regardless of her constitution, and the tattoo emphasizes this fact. In order to preserve the visual fragility of this area, professionals recommend making small drawing or an inscription that does not completely cover the wrist. Looks impressive on girls:

  • ringing phrases or weaving;
  • a scattering of small elements without much detail;
  • cute floral pattern;
  • paired tattoo on the wrist of the left hand;
  • random pattern from the wrist to the inside of the elbow.

Tattoo on hand

Performed on the back side. It is not advisable to do this if the brush is wide and the fingers are not long - a drawing, especially one that completely covers a given area, will aggravate the problem. This area is not particularly popular among girls who want to get a tattoo, but it is one of the main areas for oriental body painting. Marriage mehendi - henna designs - fill the back of the hand and are drawn along the arm to the elbow. Pattern thin line crosses the hand from the wrist bone to index finger, or occupy the entire area. This tattoo will be the most impressive.

Forearm tattoo

The higher the picture rises and the larger the area it can occupy, the larger the picture itself. This rule does not always apply, but in relation to tattoos on the hands of girls, it is extremely important. Small patterns are not applied to the area above the elbow - solid large pictures are preferred: for example, flowers, birds, edged weapons. It is important that they occupy at least half back side forearms. Exception for girls - inner side, where is located short phrase or scattering small elements.

Shoulder Tattoos

They may look exactly the same as in the forearm area. Shoulder tattoos for girls are represented by large elements, bright, catchy designs. This is a kind of unisex: almost everything that a man can stuff on his upper arm can also be suitable for a girl. Fantastic animals look impressive as tattoos - for example, dragons, whose tail entwines the arm. Wide inscriptions ringing the shoulder are also possible. Some design options extend to the shoulder blade.

Tattoo sleeve

An option that attracts attention and catches the eye. It often looks very informal, since it is extremely rarely a light, elegant pattern. Sleeves, similar to regular clothing, completely cover the shoulder and can stretch the entire length of the arm to the wrist. The pattern can be colored or monochrome and covers the entire surface of the skin. Before you decide to do this, you should understand that this tattoo can no longer be hidden, especially in the summer.

Masters divide tattoo sleeves into 3 categories:

  • full – up to the wrist;
  • half – to the elbow or from the elbow (bracer);
  • quarter - to the middle of the forearm.

Tattoos with meaning for girls

If you want the drawing to be more than just beautiful picture, but carried a certain message, think about what you want to put into it. Any tattoo for girls on the arm can have a subtext - this applies not only to unambiguous phrases, even in a foreign language. Behind the little star lies your desire to remember the day when something happened to you that radically changed your life and social status.

The most common interpretations of hand tattoos for girls:

  • tiara - a reflection of a leading position, a “princess” in the soul, a sense of uniqueness;
  • a small bird with open wings - a desire for freedom, creative nature, carelessness;
  • dream catcher - talisman-amulet;
  • five-pointed star - self-confidence, calmness, readiness for change;
  • an eight-pointed star is a sign of enjoying life and the situation;
  • owl - wisdom, life experience;
  • Lotus flower - a call of good luck.

Beautiful inscriptions for tattoos on the arm

The easiest way to make a drawing with meaning is to choose a phrase that characterizes you, your attitude towards life and/or towards people. It could just be a saying that is very important to you, perhaps said by someone close to you. Fashion trends invite girls to write inscriptions on foreign languages, down to Hindi, Arabic, or even hieroglyphs. The latter are convenient because one element contains a whole word or phrase. An ideal option for an invisible tattoo on the arm for girls who do not want to show off the design.

Popular options:

  • fixed expressions in Latin like “per aspera ad astra”, the translation of which is not required;
  • phrases in Arabic about love;
  • your own or your loved one’s initials;
  • religious statements;
  • memorable words with date.

Photo: tattoos for girls

For the clearest understanding of what you can choose from, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a photo selection of sketches and finished drawings, where women's tattoos on the hand in all its diversity. Laconic phrases, abstract patterns, large pictures, color and black and white options. Even if you fail to find what you were looking for, photographs will help you formulate the idea of ​​your tattoo more accurately and push you to the right idea.

Video: Tattoo inscriptions on the wrist for girls

Tattoos on the hands were applied in ancient times to indicate belonging to a certain tribe, profession, type of activity or social status. Tattoos were often applied to the hands simply for beauty and aesthetics. This trend has continued to this day.

The main areas for hand tattoos include fingers, palm, hand, wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder. Tattoos on the hands are applied both to individual areas and to the entire hand at once.

Tattoos on different areas of the arm

For certain areas of the hand, use different types tattoos, for example, are small inscriptions, symbols, letters or numbers placed on the fingers. Often on the fingers you can see the end of the tattoo, starting higher. The wrist is most often used for names and stars. Inscriptions or drawings of an individual type are applied to the palms and their outer area, because this is the most open part bodies. Elbow tattoos are used to continue a tattoo from the shoulder or forearm; separate elbow tattoos are rare. Tattoos in the form of small animals, flowers or flames are often applied to the forearm. A tattoo on the shoulder is perhaps the most common place; as a rule, it is called universal.

The predominant type of tattoo on the hand are inscriptions with a huge variety of fonts and semantic load. Any tattoo parlor will help you choose the font and catchphrase or expression you wish.

Sleeve tattoo

Often the so-called “sleeve” is applied to the hands, which is divided into two main formats:

  • “half-sleeve” - from the wrist to the elbow or from the shoulder to the elbow;
  • “long sleeve” - applied entirely to the entire arm from the shoulder to the wrist.

This type of tattoo is equally common among both men and women; it emphasizes the individuality of the wearer and makes him stand out from the crowd. Most often, this is a single, continuous pattern that tightly covers the surface of the skin of the hand.

Among female half tattoos are common on the shoulder, forearm and wrist, usually something beautiful and unique. Among the male half, images of predatory animals, flames, “tribal”, “mechanics”, significant dates and various expressions are popular.

The area of ​​the hands for tattooing is the least painful, which is why tattoos on the hands are common among women.

Video about applying a tattoo to the hand

Below, see photos of various types of hand tattoos from artists from all over the world.

Photos of tattoos on hands

Tattoo | | 3507

Male body in itself is beautiful, and tattoos become an excellent decoration. Drawings can be located in different places; they look especially fascinating on moving parts of the body. One of the most popular is the elbow area. And this is not surprising, because muscle mobility there is quite high. Therefore it is not surprising that men's tattoos to the elbowsketches More and more guys are interested in such images.

Men's tattoos up to the elbow - the brutality that people fall in love with

The abundance of different tattoo designs has led to a kind of collapse: it is difficult to make the right choice.

The tattoo industry offers its fans a lot of different trends and styles. Each style has its own sub-styles, not to mention the fact that they are often intertwined into an intricate pattern. Popular destinations speakers:

  • black and white;
  • new and old school;
  • Celtic motifs;
  • blackwork;
  • neo-traditional and traditional;
  • watercolor;
  • graphic arts.

Moreover, each type can be harmoniously combined with the other. A hilarious situation arises when tattoo sketches inscriptions for men They ask me to do it in new school style. Here any master is lost and cannot understand how to achieve the result desired by the client.

That is why, when choosing a design or inscription, it is worth at least asking a tattoo artist for advice. Ideally, you should contact him for both the sketch and the work itself.

If you order a drawing from one person and a work from another person, be prepared for the fact that the discrepancies in the picture and the result can be significant.

One of interesting places The male neck is used for tattoos. Quite delicate skin is easily subject to drawing, the downside is the process of applying ink, it is painful. Experienced tattooists say that the most painful place to apply a design is on the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae. However, this does not stop you from ordering more and more neck tattoo, men's sketches which are also drawn in different styles.

Old school tattoo for men – an opportunity to express yourself brightly

Old school is an interesting style for tattoos. It belongs to the classic, because the first tattoos appeared in the 19th century. Sailors have revived the idea of ​​getting tattoos. This is not surprising, because fate was quite harsh towards them.

New old school tattoo sketches for men today they either echo those early drawings or reproduce them completely. The most popular among sailors were the motifs of love, women and fate. This has left its mark in modern images.