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When a girl is passionate about a guy and she likes him, no matter for a long time or recently, she looks for every opportunity to make sure that his feelings are mutual, that everything is not in vain. As a rule, sympathy for a young man is so strong that even at night, even while looking for an answer to the most important question. even the smallest clue that her beloved loves just like her. But how to solve the riddles that are given in a dream, how to understand what the dream means and what to do and think if you dream about a guy? This article will help with this complex issue and will maximally illuminate all possible situations in which a guy may dream and interpret it. So, what does it mean when you dream about a guy?

As a rule, a girl dreams of seeing her lover before going to bed. And so she goes to bed, closes her eyes, and she dreams of different situations related to someone she really, really likes.

If it gives, it means that there will soon be a meeting, which in nature will be closer to a date, shrouded in warmth and love.

If in a dream a guy takes a girl by the hand and leads her somewhere, then in the near future, quite possibly, if this has not happened yet, the girl will become his friend, his beloved. It is important here not to rush things, but to let the situation take its course. It should be remembered that luck can be frightened off by your excessive curiosity and impatience. It is clear that exciting question, what will happen next is very interesting, but it is better to keep up with the times and not try to overtake it.

If you dream of a guy who you like very much and at the same time he looks and smiles, it means that he wants to say a lot kind words and compliments. There is a possibility that in reality he is silent only because of his embarrassment. The girl should be patient and wait out this moment, everything will come in due time. If you don’t have the strength to wait, you can gently push the guy, but you don’t need to act rashly.

It happens that you dream of a quarrel. This is a kind of warning that you should not enter into disputes and polemics with each other. All issues can be resolved by reaching a compromise or turning everything into a joke.

A girl may just see a guy she knows different situations, for example, he does not recognize her in a dream. Such a dream may mean that he has another. There is no need to get upset and try to sort things out. If there are no deep feelings, you should let him go, let him go his own way, such situations happen very often, anger and revenge will not help here at all.

If, for example, he invites you to take a walk or go somewhere with him? The dream often suggests that the guy is at a loss. Before you let him know about your feelings, you need to figure out what’s in your heart yourself.

If you dream of a guy and in the dream he calls you by name, you can be sure that your loved one remembers him very often. Perhaps he is fascinated and constantly thinks about the girl. It’s better not to be proud here, because guys love more ordinary girls. Such couples quickly become family.

You can be with a guy in a registry office in a dream. Anything can happen, it's a dream. There is a possibility that a marriage proposal from your loved one will actually arrive soon.

If a guy is rude in a dream and does not look you in the eye, this is often evidence of deception and disrespect. It’s better to check if this is really the case, and it’s not too late to break off all relationships before they reach a stage where the break will be painful.

There are quite a lot of situations when a loved one may dream. If any girl is in a hurry to find the meaning of sleep. The main thing is not to take everything seriously. Everything in this life can be wrong, including dreams. You can treat them the same way as horoscopes - believe in what you like best. Moreover, different dream books As a rule, different interpretations are given for the same case. You can choose exactly what you like the most. You need to travel through dreams with a smile!

Very often, women dream about the very man they like. real life . Those. such a dream is a kind of projection on your life. But as a rule, everything that happens in a dream has a mirror meaning. For example, a kiss seen in a dream with a man to whom you are not indifferent promises small chips in life, bad feeling. It is important after such a dream to behave with restraint, not to aggravate situations, and not to respond to provocations that could lead to conflicts. Spend a little time alone with yourself after such a dream.

Your beloved young man squeezes you in his arms- This good dream. So in reality a beautiful woman awaits you love story. But be prepared that she will not be with the person you dreamed about. If in a dream you saw a person whom you really like, but he is indifferent to you, then such a dream is good. It portends you positive changes in your life. It is even possible that this person will begin to be interested in you, and a relationship may begin. To be disappointed in a young man in a dream promises you wonderful romantic relationship with a person who has loved you for a long time. Look around, maybe you are missing out on some really important and significant person.

Why do you dream about a guy?

If a guy in a dream is attractive and handsome, it means that soon the girl will have luck and success in any endeavor, not only in love.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

If you dream of an ex-boyfriend in a situation of a quarrel, argument, showdown, then this means good changes in your personal life or professional activity. If you kiss your ex-boyfriend, then this means that you have not yet let go of this situation, and it has a mental impact on you. If your boyfriend has another wife in a dream, then this means your speedy love acquaintance with serious intentions.

What did the guy dream about?

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar guy, then this means news in your environment.

Why do you dream about kissing a guy?

Kissing a guy in a dream means a good relationship and have a nice time with your boyfriend. If you kiss a stranger in a dream, then you should pay attention to your behavior and be careful in everything.

Why do you dream about the guy you like?

If in a dream you meet a guy you like in a beautiful setting, then this means that your couple will have an even, long-term relationship that may end in a wedding. If in a dream a guy does not show interest in you, then this means that you are still for a long time you will be together.

Why do you dream about your beloved guy?

Dreaming about your beloved guy means that in the near future you need to avoid dubious acquaintances and not trust random people.

Why see a guy in a dream

If the guy you dreamed about looks happy and content, then this means positive changes in your life - perhaps you will soon find good friend, friendship with whom can develop into love relationship.

Why do you dream of a girl with a guy?

If in a dream you see a girl with a guy, then you should not place great hopes on your immediate plans and desires - they will not come true.

Why do you dream about a guy hugging you?

If an unfamiliar guy hugs you in a dream, then expect a pleasant acquaintance soon.

Why do you dream about a guy with someone else?

If in a dream your beloved guy hugs another unknown girl, and they have a close relationship, then this means your own relationship with this guy - you will have love and loyalty, and a quick wedding is also possible.

Why do you dream Ex-girlfriend guy

Your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is dreaming that most likely you yourself are not sure about his feelings and are worried about the development of your relationship.

Why do you dream about a guy cheating?

If in a dream you see your boyfriend cheating, this means that someone - you or your boyfriend - is not satisfied with the existing relationship between you, and you want to change something.

Why do you dream about a guy leaving you?

If you dream that your boyfriend has left you, this means that deep down you are not yet ready for a serious relationship and its consequences - wedding, family and the birth of children. Analyze your condition.

Why do you dream about breaking up with a guy?

If you dream of a difficult breakup with a guy, accompanied by quarrels and conflicts, then this means that not everything is going smoothly in your relationship. We need to find this hot spot and try to correct the situation.

Why do you dream about your friend’s boyfriend?

If you dream about your friend's boyfriend and you have a love relationship with him, then such a dream means that you will face betrayal in the near future.

Why do you dream about meeting a guy?

If in a dream you meet a guy, then this dream warns of the dangers associated with your excessive persistent desires in some matter.

Why do you dream about a guy you know?

If you dream of a guy you know, but in reality you don’t feel sympathy for him, then such a dream means quick news that will not affect your soul.
Why do you dream about a young guy?

A young guy dreams in a dream - this means you will soon have the opportunity to meet interesting person, with whom you will subsequently have a love relationship.
Why do you dream about a guy’s mom?

If in a dream you see your boyfriend’s mother and you have a conflict with her, then this means your imminent troubles, which you will get due to your incontinence and excessive emotionality.

You can find out more about your boyfriend or lover in love readings:

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

It is believed that with the help of information seen in a dream, you can find out what to expect in the near future. Often a person is interested in what and why he dreams on a particular day. And, as a rule, it is possible to decipher even such a task. Now we need to figure out what the guy is dreaming about on Friday.

All people dream very often. Some are good, some are not very good, and some are very bad. Regardless of whether the dream was good or bad, most people are always or almost always interested in what he dreamed about.

After all, dreams Dreams are very amazing phenomena of the human subconscious. Before interpreting a dream with the presence in it young man, it is in this aspect that we need to consider what a guy might dream about. The fact that a girl often dreams of the same young man indicates that this guy is thinking about her. If you dream from Thursday to Friday, it means it will come true.

There are interpretations of the dream in which a guy dreams great amount. Depending on what the young man looks like in a dream, what are the circumstances under which the action takes place in a dream, the dream can have one meaning or another. If a woman dreams of a guy, then this portends her an imminent pregnancy, and most likely a girl will be born.

If, again, a woman dreams of an unfamiliar guy, serious changes in her life await her. Seeing your boyfriend with another girl means marriage. If an ex-boyfriend returns to a girl in a dream, this promises her new love. If you dream that a guy hits you, you will soon meet the love of your life.

A guy on Friday may dream of changes in life. Seeing a drunk young man means conflicts with strangers. It is considered a good sign if in a dream you find yourself with a young man in a well-known and pleasant place. This may mean that in the near future there will be success in professional activities and advancement up the career ladder.

If a young man in a dream takes something or demands something, expect a gift.

Seeing a kiss with a guy in a dream is a sign of betrayal. When a guy dreams of another guy, then good luck in business and luck in important transactions awaits him.

When you dream of a scandal with a guy, you should expect surprises or surprises.

And if a girl dreams of two or several guys at once, then a difficult choice awaits her. It could be a choice educational institution or place of work, but not choices regarding relationships.

But what can a dream in which a guy dreams about on Friday talk about? There are also quite a few interpretations for a specific day. So, for example, a Friday dream involving a guy may portend an imminent marriage. And the guy you dreamed about on Friday promises a happy life.

In general, in any dream, it all depends on the circumstances. For example, if on Friday you dream that a guy is proposing, then such a dream can be interpreted as news of betrayal and an imminent separation. And, if a girl cries in her dream, and a guy calms her down, you should expect good news and good luck in business.

The most accurate interpretation of a dream will be if you break it down into details and only then interpret it in parts. That is, if you dreamed about a drunk guy in a restaurant, you first need to find out why the drunk guy is dreaming, then why the guy is dreaming, and, finally, what the restaurant is dreaming about. Based on the information received, create a generalized interpretation of the dream. It will be the most accurate

A pleasant young man dreams of pleasant moments in real life, warm friendly conversation, tenderness and memories with a loved one.

An unfamiliar young man who appears in a dream promises a memorable event that will be deposited in the memory and heart for the rest of one’s life.

If a man dreams of an unfamiliar young man with his chosen one, then soon he will have a woman who will occupy all his thoughts.

If you see yourself as a young man in a dream, then the dream foretells great joy in the near future. If you become a young man in a dream, such a dream can bring very big and quick changes to your life.

If a man saw a young man in his dream, a young man, in reality he should control his envy. If a young man’s face is disfigured from a dream, he needs to prepare to meet the enemy.

First of all, you should pay attention to the guy’s appearance. A handsome, slender, strong and healthy young man is a symbol quick changes, finding a reliable friend and lasting relationships.

If the guy looks sick, too thin or unpleasant in appearance, there will also be changes, but unfavorable ones.

It is important to remember that thoughts tend to materialize. You should try to remember only good dreams and think about them more often. And forget those dreams that portend bad things. After all, these are just dreams, not prophecies from above. We should not forget that the interpretation of a dream is always conditional.

When interpreting dreams, you should also take into account the fact that a dream is just “jokes” of our subconscious, and it cannot carry 100% of the information. A dream is something unreal, and what is real is only what is happening here and now, what you can touch, see and feel in reality.

Dream Interpretation Guy from Thursday to Friday

Why does the Guy dream from Thursday to Friday in a dream according to the dream book?

A guy dreams from Thursday to Friday - in reality the young man in the dream constantly thinks about you. The dreamed plot will literally come true. awaits you happy life and a strong marriage.

Friday morning guy may foreshadow things to come life changes. It is possible to obtain a fairly high position or get married.

Dream Interpretation Former boyfriend, why do you dream about Former boyfriend in a dream

Dream Book of AstroMeridian Why does the ex-boyfriend dream according to the dream book:

Seeing your ex with someone else in a dream is a dream for people who have had a bad end to their relationship with their ex. Even if it seems to you that everything is in order, remember if you have any unresolved questions?

Why do you dream about your ex with someone else - leave all grievances, clear your mind of the ghosts of the past.

Seeing your ex with someone else in your dream could mean that you will never be able to be with your ex again.

Former young man - such a dream clearly indicates that you are thinking about your ex, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

A former young man dreams of unresolved questions from the past, to which you are now obliged to give answers.

Why does your ex dream about being drunk? Most likely, your ex is now in severe emotional turmoil. If you communicate with him, then you can provide him with moral support. It’s worth remembering this dream and turning it over in your head again - if your ex dreams of being drunk, there is a hint in the dream, a key to his emotional state.

A drunk ex, like a drunk acquaintance, can mean trouble.

Why do you dream about your ex on Wednesday? Such dreams are often prophetic. What did you do with your ex in your dream? What were your feelings? Such a dream could mean upcoming events in real life.

Why do you dream about your ex on Saturday? In this dream you will see a reflection of your problems with your past. In half the cases such a dream will come true.

Why have you been dreaming about your ex since Friday? Such dreams can help you deal with the present. Seeing your ex from Friday to Saturday means you should be very patient and refrain from making adventurous proposals. Pay attention to what your emotions were in the dream. You can find out more about your destiny.

Why do you dream about your ex from Sunday - to see yourself and your ex from Sunday to Monday in beautiful dream means arrival good ideas or a surge of creative energy.

Women's dream book

Why does a girl who doesn’t think about him in reality dream about her ex-boyfriend? The dream book interprets this dream as a subconscious desire to return the relationship.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend and your relationship with him? - If it ended on your initiative, perhaps you doubt whether you did the right thing or whether the reason was good enough.

If the reason for the separation was his betrayal or the desire to break up with you, you experience an ambivalent desire to be with him again, and to forget about him forever. In this case, it is better to pay attention to your current personal life, make new acquaintances and communicate with old friends.

It is not advisable to remain completely alone for a long time - this can become an impetus for you to make the wrong choice or make a decision that will not affect your destiny in the best way.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

To see in a dream From Vanga’s point of view, everything old means gone. That is, something that cannot be returned or should not be returned. This will become a burden or an obstacle to the development of a new, happier life.

Why do you dream about an ex-boyfriend - longing, suffering, a desire to return past love or a departed person.

If you have a dream in which you and your ex-boyfriend are back together and happy, you have completely let go of him and do not experience any feelings. Such a dream can be a harbinger of a new relationship that will develop into marriage.

The dream interpretation of an ex-boyfriend often means a break in relations with a current boyfriend or an obstacle from relatives.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend:

A dream in which a girl meets her ex-boyfriend can be a harbinger of a quarrel or discord with her real lover.

A quarrel can occur both because a girl, unaware of the seriousness of the dream, tells her boyfriend or husband about it, and because her man instinctively senses that she is thinking about someone else, even if unconsciously.

Sex with an ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes hidden sexual desires, conscious or unconscious dissatisfaction.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? Often, a dream about an ex-boyfriend symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship for a girl, an imminent marriage or a marriage proposal.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream - If a girl feels only pleasant emotions in a dream, this indicates her readiness for a new relationship. The dream book interprets such a dream as the upcoming beginning of a new life, in which she will not regret the choice she has made.

If your ex-boyfriend scolds you in your dream book, you will have to decide in the near future with whom you are ready to throw in your lot.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend smiling in a dream means health problems, strengthening current relationships.

What does it mean if a guy dreams on Saturday? I heard that it means something, but I can’t remember what exactly)


Mikhail Viktorovich

That means he's thinking about you!!!

Leader of a pack of dogs

it means you’ll go to the cinema on Sunday, he probably doesn’t know about it - call and tell him

Malvina With Blue Eyes

So it's Friday... you most likely spent time with this guy :)

Ekaterina Zenkina

If you dream about a guy: Happy Mon. on Tue. - respects you. From Tue. on Wed. - thinks about you. From Wed. on Thurs. - he dreams about it. Happy Thurs. on Fri. - loves (likes) you. From Fri. on Sat. - jealous of you. From Sat. on sun - is offended by you. Happy Sun on Mon. - looking forward to meeting something like this...

Oksana Hilyazheva

it means you're thinking about him

A stubborn philosopher

So it's time to meet him

It is very important whether a girl or a man had a dream about a guy, because the interpretation of the vision depends on this. For a man to see a guy in a dream - a sign that he envies other people too much in life, so he should be more attentive to own life rather than constantly looking at others. If a woman dreamed that she was a guy, she saw herself in a different guise, then we should expect changes in life; if she was happy that she turned into a guy, then the changes in real life will become pleasant. Why do you dream about 2 guys? If they do not fight, then such a dream foreshadows positive changes and career growth.

If a girl had a dream about a guy who got into a fight, and he had bruises and wounds on his face, then in life she will have many unsolved mysteries. For a man, it is considered a pleasant sign to see a dream in which a guy walks arm in arm with a girl. This means that the dreamer will soon meet his wife or life partner.

In general, the meaning of a guy’s dream is changes, but what specific changes are indicated by the details accompanying the dream. A bad sign a woman who has children will see a dream about a young guy. The vision most often becomes a sign of illness in children or that they are in bad company.

What did the guy dream about: Miller’s interpretation

For a girl, a dream about a guy means a positive interpretation, because in life only success and luck will await her, but this is only true if the guy in the dream is handsome. But if a girl woke up in horror because she dreamed of an ugly guy, then she should expect a little disappointment that will befall her on the way to her dream. A dream about a famous young man, singer or actor indicates that the girl who sees this dream will be happy and famous. If at the sight unknown guy in a dream, you feel a chill, hostility, then in life expect betrayal from a person from your first environment, and maybe even from your best friend.

If you dreamed of a boy according to Vanga’s dream book

If you dreamed about a boy wearing white clothes, it means that in reality the dreamer will fulfill his cherished desires. A guy in a black robe in a dream will be a sign that many obstacles will appear on the way to achieving your goal.

I dreamed of a fat guy I don’t know—sometimes girls wake up with such a cry. In addition to being surprised by what you see, it is worth looking into the dream book, because the dream is quite symbolic. It means that in the future you will not have to solve difficult problems, fortunately, your life will be carefree and easy.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a young guy

Different dreams have different interpretation, so the meaning when a guy dreams depends on how young or old he was, what kind of figure he had. When a young guy appears in a dream to a girl who is not yet married, then this girl should be protected and protected, because in reality she experiences increased anxiety. Hasse interprets the appearance of a fat guy in a dream as positive sign and a sign of financial well-being.

Why do you dream about your boyfriend? - Tsvetkov interprets

If you dreamed of your boyfriend, with whom you are not yet engaged, but are dating, then this is a sign of future pleasures and pleasures. But if a guy dreams about a guy, then this is a sign of new beginnings. If a guy suggested dating in a dream, then in reality you can expect such a situation.

I dreamed about a guy, what is this for? Let's ask Freud

If a man dreams of a guy who is younger than him, then in reality he suspects his fiancée or wife of infidelity. Unfortunately, many men cannot control themselves due to their absurd jealousy, and their fantasies are transferred to dreams. Most often, a guy dreams of a man who has complexes about his sexuality.

When a woman says that she saw a guy in a dream, then you need to ask her what his appearance was, because such a dream means that she sees such an ideal partner for herself. Did you have a dream about a friend who suggested dating in a dream? In fact, the subconscious itself tells the girl the right way out. In reality, there probably are feelings for this person, although the dreamer does not admit it.

The famous psychotherapist interprets everything based on sexual desires. So, it won’t be difficult for him to answer the question of why the ex-boyfriend is dreaming. You guessed it yourself, this means an unfulfilled carnal desire for this person. There is a grain of truth in this interpretation, because when people are together, their energies are intertwined, and when they part, it is difficult to let go of this person, which is why he appears in dreams.

I dreamed about a girl, what does this mean - Meneghetti will answer

It happens that a girl wakes up and tells her boyfriend that she dreamed about him. It is necessary to clarify the details of the dream. If a headdress appeared in a dream, it means that the girl is hiding something from you. If a guy dreams of being naked, then this is a symbol of danger and risk; you should be more careful when making decisions. But if the guy was wearing a shirt or some kind of white robe, then with a high degree of probability she will be unhappy in marriage with this person. Sometimes it becomes so scary when a girl says: I saw my boyfriend in dead in my sleep. However, don’t worry, because this dream symbolizes profit and an increase in money.

I dreamed about a guy - video dream book

Dream theme: ,

Since ancient times, dreams have been considered peculiar signs of fate, which people tried to unravel and explain. Dreamers are especially interested in dreams in which they see people - familiar or unfamiliar. What to expect from fate if you dream of a guy? Is this dream a good or worrying sign?

I dreamed of an unfamiliar, familiar guy

Often, upon waking up, dreamers are puzzled to see a completely unfamiliar guy in a dream. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the behavior and appearance of the stranger. So, if the dream character is attractive, it is likely that a patron and guide will soon appear in the dreamer’s destiny, who will help in solving problems.

When you dream of an unfamiliar guy, it is important to evaluate his appearance and actions:

  • A healthy, handsome young man promises a joyful event and prosperity in the house.
  • An unattractive, repulsive character promises serious disappointment.
  • If a stranger ended up in the dreamer’s house in a dream, in reality the latter will acquire an intercessor and defender of his interests.
  • A stranger who gives flowers - one should expect a spontaneous outburst of feelings from the object of the girl’s passion.
  • A declaration of love from a stranger - to lift the veil over the secrets of loved ones.

The situation is completely different if the guy seen in the dream is an acquaintance. Such a dream is usually interpreted as favorable. Depending on a man’s mood, one can judge the future.

I dreamed about a guy I know - evaluate his mood:

  • A cheerful, smiling young man promises laughter and positive emotions in reality.
  • A gloomy, taciturn acquaintance is a symbol of anxiety and concern.
  • A close friend who becomes aggressive in a dream speaks of possible disappointments in loved ones in reality.
  • To see an old friend in a dream, whom you have not seen for a long time, means to receive quick news from him.

Constantly seeing a familiar male character in your dreams means your wishes will come true.


Every lady will be puzzled by a dream with an ex-lover in leading role. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Depending on the context, the dream can mean the following:

  1. Breaking up with an ex in a dream - to new meeting in reality.
  2. Seeing an ex-boyfriend who is far from the dreamer means making new friends.
  3. The marriage of the ex-groom foreshadows troubles in reality.
  4. Married woman ex-man is for forced travel.
  5. A kiss with an ex in your dreams is a surprise in reality.