How to draw a donkey Eeyore step by step. How to draw a donkey from Shrek step by step with a pencil

art appeared a long time ago. Man has been drawing since ancient times. At first it was a kind of chronicle on the walls of caves, in which he tried to reflect the main moments from the life of the tribe. With the invention of writing, drawing did not lose its informative content. With the help of drawing, we still convey our feelings, emotions and what surrounds us. But everyone does it in their own way. Someone’s drawing, like a camera, conveys everything exactly the smallest details, and some have no idea how to draw a donkey, not to mention more complex compositions.

Yes, like any skill, drawing is not for everyone. And although we all come from childhood, in adult life Even simple image skills have been lost for many. But you can learn. And even if your paintings won’t be sold at auction for millions of dollars, you can definitely paint something simple.

Learn to draw for real

To learn how to draw, you need to start with the simplest. A little later, having worked and consolidated the basic skills, you can try more complex drawings with lots of details and composition. Let's start with simple lines and sketches, gradually drawing out every detail. Let us depict the parts of the animal's body in the form geometric shapes: circles, ovals, triangles. With this approach it is much easier to understand how to draw a donkey yourself. This method may seem a little strange, and your donkey will not immediately look like itself. But that's what they do experienced artists, so remember.

Draw step by step

To start let's take a pencil and a sheet of paper and determine where the animal will be located in the drawing. We draw a small oval - the head of the future donkey. Add ears to it on the sides. They can be long and drooping. But if desired, they can be raised up, like a hare’s, or one can be lowered a little. Fantasize and reflect it on paper. Now let’s draw the details of the muzzle: let’s designate the eyes, nostrils and mouth. You can depict it slightly open so that the teeth are visible. This will make the drawing more realistic.

Let's continue. Next we will draw the torso. In an ordinary donkey it is oblong. But if you want the drawing to be funny, you can also draw a well-fed character. Then, under the head a little lower, at a distance, we draw not an oval, but a circle. When learning how to draw a donkey step by step, you should strictly follow the instructions, moving from one stage to the next. This makes it easier to remember the main points.

So, now let's add a couple to the body curved lines. This is the neck. Let's connect it to the head. Ready? Admire the result and add a mane to your artiodactyl. We remind you that from a distance it looks like a brush. And in front, add a funny bang.

Now it's time to draw the legs. There is nothing easier in the task of how to draw a donkey than drawing legs. Two in front, two in back - four in total. The donkey moves on its hooves, they also need to be reflected. Did you forget about the tail? It has a tassel at the end. You can lift it slightly, then you get a cheerful donkey.

You need to start drawing good mood. Then everything is clear and easy, and the picture is completely positive. And it doesn’t matter if at first you can’t keep the proportions. Everyone goes through this.

If you train constantly, the situation will change. Over time, you yourself will be able to teach others how to draw a donkey and a nightingale, as well as other animals and birds.

Well, our donkey is ready. True, this is just a sketch for now. Now you need to clearly outline its outline and carefully remove a simple pencil from the paper.

Let's decorate

But that is not all. After all, a donkey cannot hang in the air. He walks on the ground and nibbles grass. So, in the task of how to draw a donkey, appear additional elements. Let's try to sketch a simple composition. A donkey is grazing in a meadow, the sun is shining from above, clouds are running across the sky, trees are growing on the sides and a brook is babbling. It’s not difficult to draw all this, even a child can do it. Now let's do everything in color. Let's decorate watercolor paints or colored pencils. It turned out beautifully, didn't it? That's all for today.

Hello, dear users! I liked the idea of ​​drawing characters from the cartoon "Shrek". As you remember, yesterday we learned how to draw Puss in Boots. And today I'll show you how to draw another character from this animated film. Meet Donkey!!!

The donkey is talkative, curious, always and everywhere sticking his nose into things that aren’t his own business. For this, he constantly gets it from Shrek, who is annoyed by Donkey throughout the entire journey with his irrepressible chatter. And if it weren’t for the quick wit and sweet spontaneity of the Donkey, he would have been expelled long ago. But, thanks to his charm, enterprise and determination, Donkey not only guides Shrek in the strange and incomprehensible world of people, but also becomes his right hand, and subsequently a true true friend.

While traveling with Shrek, Donkey sometimes shows best qualities of his character - cowardice, boastfulness, inflated self-esteem, the desire to shift the blame onto another. But at the same time, the best qualities are revealed in his character - friendly support, intelligence, the ability to reason logically, eloquence and persuasion.

Donkey and Shrek's friendship results in them complementing each other. Donkey helps Shrek overcome his doubts and insecurities and understand complex life situations, inspiring him to great deeds. Shrek, in turn, re-educates Donkey, helping to get rid of cowardice, deceit, and the desire to live at the expense of others.

The friendship between Donkey and Shrek mutually enriches their natures, makes them better and more noble. As a result of joint participation in adventures, Donkey becomes attached with all his soul to Shrek and can no longer do without him. He even calls Shrek Don Quixote - a fighter for justice. And he assigns himself the role of Sancho Panzo’s faithful companion. Donkey's erudition and intelligence make him one of the most charming characters, contrary to the popular belief that donkeys are stupid. The donkey, as the most groovy character, is full vital energy, gifted with a wonderful sense of humor, wit and a kind heart.

It must be said that Donkey is in marital relations with the Dragon, and once even turned into a horse.

By the way, interesting fact: The Donkey's movements in the film were modeled by the animators on the dog's movements - with the exception of the chase scene at the beginning of the film, in which the Donkey's movements were modeled on the rabbit's movements.

Step 1. In the first step we will draw the guide lines and shapes that together will form a strong frame for our Donkey. Let's start by drawing a circle for the head, two "antennas" for the ears, and a large oval for the body. After that, draw small circles for the hooves, knees and tail.

Step 2. In the next step we will draw the ears, eyes, eyebrows and mouth. Then we will begin to draw out part of the neck and front leg. After this, you can move on to the next stage.

Step 3. Now we will draw the donkey's teeth, then add a small neck line on the right. After that, we’ll finish drawing the front legs and mark the tassel of the tail.

Step 4. This final stage our lesson today. Now we will detail individual parts of the drawing. Let's draw inner part ears, draw eyes, paint over the mouth, nostrils. At the end of the stage, we will delete all the lines that we drew in the first stage.

Step 5. OK it's all over Now! Our cheerful and always cheerful Donkey is ready! All that remains is to color it and add it to your collection of drawings. I'll wrap it up here. I look forward to your comments and... see you soon! ^_^

Eeyore is the saddest and at the same time the wisest friend Winnie the Pooh. Eeyore seems unnoticed and lonely to himself, because he cannot just play and have fun like the others, he cannot be as carefree as Winnie the Pooh, or as cheerful as Tigger. It seems to him that everyone around him is constantly having fun, completely oblivious to him and his problems. This makes him even sadder.

How to draw Eeyore step by step

Eeyore's got it together difficult relationships with his own tail, which keeps getting lost, despite the fact that Christopher Robin once pinned it with a nail. Sometimes it seems to the donkey that it is the tail - main reason his troubles Once Eeyore even tried to get rid of his tail, but almost immediately regretted it and went in search of it. Luckily, someone always finds the tail and returns it to its owner.

Despite his gloomy character, his friends love the donkey very much and try in every possible way to help him. And Eeyore himself does not stand aside when his comrades need help, although he may grumble a little at the same time. The character is loved by children, so after watching the cartoon, they try to learn how to draw Eeyore, and doing this step by step according to our lesson is very simple!

Often in a fit of anger we say “stubborn as a donkey!”, thereby attributing to this animal such negative qualities like stupidity and stubbornness. Actually this is not true. Donkeys are quite intelligent creatures, and also very able-bodied. We dedicate our lesson to this animal.

How to draw a donkey step by step

We’ll start our lesson by explaining how to draw a donkey step by step:

Stage 1
Draw an oval that will serve as the body. Draw a slightly rising line from it. Then draw an inverted arch. It should look something like this:

Stage 2
As you already understood, the inverted arch is a sketch of the head. Continue working with the head: draw the ears with zigzag lines. Then draw two small ones to the large arch, as shown in the figure below:

Stage 3
Draw a curl-shaped eye and a comma-shaped nostril. Draw the neck, then the legs and hooves of the donkey. Gradually draw the entire body. Draw a mane on the head with short strokes.

Stage 4
Erase auxiliary lines and trace the outline. Add even more touches to make the mane fuller. Darken the brush on the tail and draw an eyebrow.


“And he goes in and out. It turns out great!” Did you find out whose words these were? Certainly famous character from Soviet cartoon. Let's see how to draw Eeyore.

Draw the outline of the head as follows. Draw 2 circles for the eyes, divide the muzzle with an arc. Draw the pupils and dark eyelids. Show the nostrils as two dots.

Draw long ears, use a thick pencil to draw the donkey’s hair, and also draw raised sad eyebrows.

The next thing to do is draw the donkey's body. First draw the legs that are on foreground, and then the other two. Draw a color dividing line on the body.

Eeyore lost his tail. Therefore, there is no need to draw a tail, but immediately start coloring.

Draw a donkey with a pencil

Try to draw a donkey with a pencil, following the following instructions.

The first thing to do is sketch hard pencil some basic shapes that will define the main contours of the animal. Draw a circle for the head, a large oval for the body and another circle for the back of the animal. Without pressing down on the pencil, add an arched shape to the circumference of the head to outline the shape of the muzzle.

Add some important details: ears, mane, legs and tail. Draw a shadow on a horizontal surface.

Erase the unnecessary pencil. Draw dividing lines on the muzzle with a light pencil. They will help to symmetrically depict all the details of the muzzle. Draw the eyes, nostrils and mouth section. Shade the ears and darken their tips. Add more strokes with a thick pencil to the mane.

All that remains is to pay attention to the shading and the application of light and shade. Look how this is done in the pictures.

Donkey and nightingale

And now I would like to remember the donkey from Krylov’s fable. He undertook to judge the nightingale's singing, and distinguished himself by his stupidity and lack of taste. Let's try to draw a picture for the fable “The Donkey and the Nightingale.”

Draw large round eyes, and then draw the muzzle from them. Draw the nostrils as massive and the front teeth protruding from the mouth.

To illustrate a fable, you don’t need to maintain proportions; on the contrary, make your donkey disproportionate.

Using small strokes draw the mane and then the protruding tail. This is what a stupid donkey turned out to be.

sitting donkey

A cheerful and stupid donkey is shown in the cartoon about Shrek. He is usually very active, but then he decided to rest and sit down. You can watch the tutorial video on how to draw a sitting donkey. Following step by step instructions artist, you can draw a wonderful picture.


Let's take a closer look at how to draw a donkey's head.

Sketch first general outlines. At this stage it is necessary to use a light pencil, as you may have to erase and draw again several times.

This concludes our lesson. And you, don’t be stubborn like this character, but try to draw and you will get better every time! Good luck!

Krista ~ 07/21/2013 16:30

Let's finish the topic of Winnie the Pooh and his friends by looking at an example of how to draw Eeyore. So, let's begin. First, as in most cases, we draw a circle, quite small.

This will be the nose of our donkey's muzzle. Then, draw two elongated ovals located above the nose and slightly inclined towards each other. These will be the eyes of our sad Eeyore.

Now, you can complete the contour of Eeyore's muzzle by drawing a truncated oval from one side of the nose, around the eyes and to the other side.

That's it, Eeyore's face is already defined in its size and orientation in space, now we can draw the body. Let's draw big circle on the side and below our muzzle.

We draw the large, elongated ears of our donkey.

We add volume to the ears by painting their inner part.

Let's draw Eeyore's legs. They are quite small and seem to be collected in a bunch, and all with refraction, this gives the donkey additional instability, harmoniously inscribed in his image.

We finish drawing the neck and tummy of our donkey.

Now, let’s draw hooves on Eeyore’s legs. Erase the extra line on the donkey's neck and add a lip to it. Please note that it is drawn at the bottom of the muzzle.

We paint over the hooves, remove additional lines, draw Eeyore’s nostrils and eyes.

We paint over the eyelids, draw eyebrows, with a characteristic sad tilt, and bags under the eyes, to give an even more sad look, which distinguishes Eeyore from all the other heroes.

Now, let’s draw thin hair and a tail for our donkey.

That's it, Eeyore is finished, you just need to paint it!

Congratulations to everyone who had the patience to finish the lesson, I hope you liked it)))

Sofochka ~ 07/21/2013 22:12

Eeyore, really as sad as in the cartoon) I don’t even know what to say, I watched the lesson, but haven’t tried it yet... somehow it’s not inspiring...

Nyusha ~ 07/25/2013 11:57

Not everyone likes Eeyore due to the specific nature of the character, everything is drawn wonderfully, as always, simple, clear, accessible and very similar to the original!

Troll ~ 07/26/2013 12:05

The donkey is good, compared to the cartoon it’s not even a little lacking in apathy and manic-depressive syndrome. I should have lowered my ears and made my eyes even sadder!!

Tata ~ 07/26/2013 15:32

I liked Eeyore, like all the previous lessons. In general, I don’t so much teach a child to draw as I teach myself, and then I show it to the child, at home, on the street with chalk... so he gradually learns and helps me!

Aksinya ~ 07/27/2013 01:23

I loved the donkey, thanks Krista! I’m also learning to draw myself from your master classes, so that I can then show my child “miracles” when he asks to draw something, but before I was lost and couldn’t squeeze anything out of myself except the sun and a flower))))