The best velvet dresses. Velvet dress: how to choose?

Elegant dress made of blue velvet is associated with an evening outing in honor of some celebration. Such a spectacular dress will suit a woman of any age and build, if the style of the dress is chosen well. It is also important to successfully select additional details that will gently emphasize the lady’s elegant festive look.

What to wear with blue velvet dress:

The velvet fabric itself is already a decoration of the dress. It can be worn simply without any jewelry, emphasizing the blue color with patent black shoes and a handbag. This will be enough to make the image look beautiful and relaxed. Blue color in the evening it will give a refined, mysterious look to the female figure.


Velvet fabrics have always emphasized the luxury of the owners of such an outfit, so wearing cheap jewelry is not recommended. You can use beautiful, high-quality non-precious accessories.

Expensive gold jewelry with inserts of blue, green or transparent gemstones will go well with blue velvet. White pearl necklaces and bracelets will look beautiful against it. They will help to harmoniously emphasize the image jewelry made of silver. Delicate jewelry with rhinestones always looks beautiful in combination with blue velvet. It’s good to choose accessories made of stones that are a little lighter or match the color of the dress.

When choosing jewelry, it is important to remember that blue velvet does not like to be loud. You need to pay attention to the quantity and design of jewelry so as not to overload the entire look with them. The dress will look beautiful with a string of pearls or a rhinestone necklace. Be sure to consider the decoration of the clutch.

Handbag and shoes

Shoes for blue velvet must be black, green or purple. It is desirable that the texture of the shoes differs from the dress. Shoes can be chosen from suede or patent leather.

Priority in the color of accessories should be given to black. Shoes and handbags are black, no matter what they are made of, it is sophisticated, classic style. For young girls in short dresses, stiletto heels will look very beautiful, while ladies are more mature age Can wear shoes with low heels.

A blue velvet dress should only be worn in the evening for leisure-related events. A trip to the cinema or theater, dinner at a restaurant, a holiday party - this look is perfect for all these events. It is best to complement it with a small handbag, for example, a clutch decorated with rhinestones. The main rule: the clutch should be the same color as the shoes and not overload the jewelry.

Fur clothing

Furs with diamond gold decorations will emphasize the bourgeois effect of a velvet dress. Fur capes, stoles, boas will be an elegant addition to evening dress, giving the image a chic and amazing look.


A blue velvet dress goes well with nude or black tights with a fine structure. Depending on the color of the shoes, tights should be contrasting color. The most beautiful combination blue velvet dress - with flesh-colored tights. If the dress is short, then black tights with a lace pattern can highlight the beauty of your legs. Thin tights with a tan color will look very impressive. Tights made of thick material can significantly degrade the beauty of the image, so they cannot be combined with a blue velvet dress.

Going out is always a grand event for any woman, regardless of age. I especially want to look stunning at such an event and feel a sense of pleasure from the curious gaze of the public. Blue velvet in combination with harmoniously selected clothing items, jewelry and accessories will highlight the advantages of your figure and give an amazing, unforgettable look.

Velvet is a material that either comes into fashion or is considered old-fashioned, but is always associated with luxury, elegance and femininity.

Fortunately, fashion is now loyal to velvet - designers are again happy to introduce it into new collections, and celebrities flaunt in front of the cameras in a variety of velvet outfits. Therefore, “Beautiful and Successful” also advises to join the trend and wear velvet things!

What fabrics does velvet go with?

Velvet is a very “aggressive” material: if you put on any velvet item, it will immediately begin to dominate your look, attracting attention! And velvet does not combine with all fabrics and materials.

The website can advise which combinations will hit the mark:

  • Velvet and denim. Jeans are an absolutely correct solution to the question of what to wear with a velvet jacket.
  • Velvet and knitted items (for example, a velvet skirt and sweater).
  • Velvet and. Aristocratic combination!
  • Dense synthetic fabrics (preferably without shine).
  • Thick wool fabric.

This is of course not full list what materials velvet can be paired with. There is also a list of materials that can be in harmony with velvet, but... not always. Wear them only if when you are confident in your sense of taste and are very pleased with the resulting image. This:

  • Fur. Not necessarily natural, but certainly high quality and not worn out. In cheap, shabby and wrinkled furs you will look like Ellochka the Ogre, and in expensive, beautiful and shiny ones you will look like a luxurious society lady.
  • Satin, silk. Of course, velvet and satin can be present in an evening, elegant look. However, in everyday situations they run the risk of looking strange and pretentious.
  • . For a party in a club - yes! During the day or for a more “adult” event (premiere at the theater, dinner at a restaurant) - no.
  • Knitwear. Perhaps, but only if your goal is an image-mix of simple democratic things and unusual velvet ones. For example, what to wear with a black velvet jacket – with a light knitted top or turtleneck.
  • Leather. The combination, as you understand, is very non-trivial - therefore it is only suitable for items that are very compatible in cut and style.

There are also completely unsuitable “neighbors” for velvet:

  • Cotton (chintz). The exception is the classic shirt.
  • Velveteen. Two fleecy materials will not be combined.

Also, don’t try to combine two different velvets in one look.

How to Wear Velvet: Everyday Look

Velvet has long ceased to be a “royal” material - wearing it every day is not considered bad manners.

The main thing is not to overdo it with pathos and brilliance in your daytime look!

For example, what to wear with velvet trousers– complement them with a blouse, knitted cardigan and ankle boots. A velvet skirt will go well with a jumper or T-shirt. You can create a business look for every day: for example, if you have a velvet jacket (for women), you can wear it with classic black or gray trousers and a white blouse.

What to wear with a velvet dress or other velvet items if you need an evening look?

A velvet evening or cocktail dress is a beautiful solution!

Complete it with jewelry, take and put on shoes - nothing else is needed. However, a boa made of natural beautiful fur may also be appropriate if the dress is open-shouldered and open-armed.

However, all these accessories should be quite expensive (at least look expensive): after all, it is very easy to cheapen velvet and “vulgarize” it too much with “samovar” jewelry and accessories “from the market”.

What to wear with a velvet skirt: with a silk or lace blouse, or with a satin corset top. Instead of a skirt, by the way, you can wear loose-fitting trousers - you can also build a very elegant look on their basis!

What accessories and jewelry go with velvet clothes?

Expensive and high-quality and in no case “samovar”!

Here it is important to stay on the edge: simple accessories such as wooden beads or plastic earrings, as well as “gypsy” wide bracelets and thick gold-plated chains, are not suitable.

The best thing is, as always, expensive and modest jewelry classics, vintage jewelry or very high-quality jewelry items of modern production.

If you love jewelry self made, then wear only very elegant and skillfully made things - this is not the case when you can put on lopsided baubles “made” by your daughter or younger sister!

Another caution - avoid an abundance of velvet in your look. Ideally, there should be one velvet item, maximum two (for example, a jacket and shoes). No need to select velvet shoes a velvet handbag, and to go with a velvet hat - velvet gloves! If you really want to create some kind of “connection” between objects, let them be united by a common color or print - this is even more interesting.

Author - Dasha Blinova, website – Beautiful and Successful
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Velvet is the most noble and classic fabric. IN modern collections Various models of velvet dresses are increasingly being seen. But the opinions of fashionistas about the velvet dress are divided, some claim that it is ideal for an elegant and noble evening look, others insultingly nicknamed this material “grandmother’s”.

Royal cloth

Velvet has always been associated with something elegant and solemn and, depending on the variety, gives the appropriate image. It is not for nothing that it is called royal fabric, because previously velvet outfits were worn exclusively by people of royal and noble blood.

Translated into English, velvet sounds like “velvet”, in French – “velor”, which is why velvet dresses are sometimes called corduroy or velor.

Velvet varies in structure and length of pile, and there are the following types familiar to us: corduroy, plush, semi-velvet, pleated, etc.

Another feature of velvet lies in its colors. He gives everyone, even himself bright color a rich, pronounced shade that is at the same time bright and noble, but not flashy, annoying or defiant.

Putting on a velvet dress, a girl instantly transforms and looks royally chic, sophisticated and elegant. It is best to combine with this noble fabric Jewelry and give up massive decorative jewelry. All accessories should only delicately complement the image, without attracting attention or highlighting the chic outfit.

How to wear a velvet dress?

Velvet can be easily combined with any items from your wardrobe. Diversity modern models allows you to wear velvet dresses not only on special occasions, but also on a daily basis.

The best combination of velvet: plain cotton blazers, shoes and opaque tights. If you have any figure flaws, choose a sheath dress; it ideally hides any imperfections and is suitable for both daytime and evening looks.

The universal colors are black, blue and red; they combine flawlessly with any jewelry made of precious stones. It is advisable to select other clothing items from thin material - silk, lace, satin.

The classic noble model of an evening dress always remains long dress to the floor It flatters a sleek, slender silhouette and creates a chic, sophisticated look.

How can you not wear velvet?

  • Do not wear velvet shoes under a velvet dress; rather, take a closer look at elegant models made of patent leather;
  • "Velvet Solo" Never dress exclusively in velvet from head to toe;
  • Never iron velvet! During ironing, the fibers will be destroyed; if you want to smooth out wrinkles, use only steam;
  • Velvet emphasizes any flaws in the figure; avoid too-tight, narrow models if you have problems with your figure.

Fashion designers have long stopped making exclusively pompous and solemn things from velvet. Today, velvet items are combined with denim, leather and other fabrics. The result is completely different images: from a luxurious queen to a daring hooligan.

  • Getting ready for work
  • For everyday wear
  • And some more useful tips
  • Reviews and comments

Velvet dress: always in fashion?

There are several materials that remain in fashion not just for years, but for decades. Velvet is one of them.

Of course, styles and styles change; designers combine this material with other fabrics and various accessories. But the fact remains: this fabric always remains the center of attention, so it is advisable to have a velvet dress in your wardrobe.

They usually say that this fabric is capricious and wears out quickly, which is why unsightly bald spots form on the clothes on the elbows and buttocks. But really high quality materials keep it neat appearance for years.

Therefore, once you splurge on a velvet dress, you can have an outfit option for different occasions: from a date to going to work. Of course, to Nice dress could be used in different images, it is better to take a model with a simple cut and knee length.

Features of exquisite material

Like any other fabric, velvet has specific characteristics. By correctly using the characteristics of the material, you can get a surprisingly successful outfit.

Or, if you don’t take them into account, you can seriously spoil your own image.

  • Most winning color solutions for this fabric - everything deep shades red, blue, coffee;
  • Today this material can also be used for everyday wardrobe. But so that the outfit does not look inappropriate or pretentious, you need to choose not only suitable style outfit, but shoes and jackets, accessories;
  • This material strongly differentiates chiaroscuro, emphasizing the features of the body. Therefore, girls who have a belly should wear dress models with a velvet hem and a top made of a different material;
  • But velvet for skinny people - best friend! It will visually “add” several kilograms, and slightly increase the size of the bust due to the play of chiaroscuro;
  • This is a very “rich”, royal material. Therefore clothes simple cut They look very impressive, but complex styles are heavy and a little pompous.

Don't forget that velvet on an evening dress wears out over time. Therefore, try to wash it as little as possible so that the lint does not rub off. If you want to buy a piece of fabric to sew custom clothes, then choose materials with a thick base - they will not wear out longer.

Pay attention to fabrics with embroidered or painted patterns - they look unusual and stylish. Today, there are types of velvets using synthetic threads, and it is better to buy them. But remember that fabrics with a clearly reduced price may either be defective or differ extremely low quality. Now let’s figure it out: where can you go in such a dress?

Getting ready for work

A straight line fits optimally into a business wardrobe. black dress up to the knees.

Also at work, beige, coffee, blue colors. But it is not advisable to wear white, red and green colors at work - they are too provocative.

A discreet image needs to be complemented classic jacket simple cut, pumps, as well as accessories: earrings, wristwatches.

If you are not going to have a business meeting, and the morals in your office are quite democratic, then you should not dress so restrained and strictly. In this case, the outfit can be complemented with cardigans or chunky knit sweaters, as well as metallic-colored jackets.

The deep shimmer of velvet is very organically combined with a cold and daring radiance. And, of course, don’t forget about tights - thin, flesh-colored underwear, but with a slight shine, is suitable here. A leather briefcase and a light scarf will help complete the look.

For everyday wear

This is not to say that velvet items are ideal for going to the store. However, you can always buy a dress with a comfortable and simple cut, which combines different materials. As a result, the nobility and sophistication of velvet will be softened and will not be conspicuous. So, you can buy a sheath dress with a velvet top and a skirt made of thick fabric.

Or a dress with a velvet skirt, but a knit top. There are a lot of options for such combinations, and they all look beautiful and not provocatively festive at the same time. This look goes well with low-heeled shoes, large handbags, and simple headwear: caps, scarves, berets.

For a date, going to the cinema or club

In this case, all fabric colors are appropriate: black, green, red and others.

But you should “simplify” the outfit a little additional details. In addition, a floor-length velvet dress in a club will look extremely inappropriate, like an original Monet at McDonald's.

For going out to a cafe, velvet dresses are preferably short and without long sleeves, with wrap skirt, bell, mini. Sleeves may be short or completely absent.

Intentionally rustic or brutal details will look impressive with such a cute dress. So, it could be a leather or suede jacket, or even a biker jacket that has been in the closet since university days.

Any simple vests made from natural fabrics or leather will also look great. And finally, denim with rolled up sleeves will go well with this outfit.

Gold jewelry will not go well with this look. It is better to choose a couple of woven leather bracelets or silver earrings and a string of pearls. It is better to take a small bag, and best of all – a leather clutch.

If you opt for a biker jacket, then the shoes should be very elegant, for example, stilettos. And if you choose a simple fitted leather jacket, then you can wear leather shoes with blunt toes, on stable heels or ballet shoes.

Evening long velvet dress: what to wear with it?

A floor-length evening dress is designed for social events and carpets. But an ordinary woman is unlikely to appear at such events. Where else can you wear such a luxurious, elegant, long dress that makes your figure tall and slim?

At weddings, corporate events, banquets, proms. A velvet black dress gives you freedom in choosing jewelry. But you need to be careful with jewelry: against the backdrop of a luxurious outfit, it can look tasteless and cheap. This dress goes perfectly with pearls.

By choosing a string of pearls as decoration, you will show your refined, impeccable and sophisticated taste. Velvet also harmonizes with all precious stones, platinum and gold. But in order not to look defiantly expensive, it is better to opt for silver jewelry Moreover, their radiance perfectly matches the matte shine of velvet.

But you don't need to use the entire set of decorations. Otherwise it will look vulgar. Earrings, or a bracelet, or a necklace will be enough. You can often find in fashion magazines socialites in velvet and furs. This combination looks luxurious and impressive. But such an outfit would hardly be appropriate at a friends’ wedding at the Romashka cafe.

Long outfits should definitely be worn with heels - otherwise the figure will look bulky and heavy.

But short dresses can be worn with ballet shoes. Don't forget that velvet gives off a gothic style.

And, so as not to sound like the heroine of thrillers about ghosts, ancient castle, you need to combine the outfit with lighter materials.

So, you can use inserts and edgings made of lace, organza, and chiffon.

Or “dilute” the outfit with some careless detail - a leather jacket, denim jacket and so on.