Description of Ilya Muromets appearance clothes. Ilya Muromets: “The image of a hero-hero” in epics and legends

1. Ideal ideas of the people.
2. Hyperbolic description.
3. Heroic weaknesses.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes strong.
O. de Balzac

In epics, a special world of exploits, fabulous transformations and opponents who are constantly trying to conquer Rus' is revealed to us. But in such an endeavor they are certainly opposed by the main thing actor of many epics, the hero is the only one who can defeat the enemy in any battle. Therefore, he is glorified and praised in every possible way on the pages of his works. With the help of such images, the authors show not only the courage of the Russian people, but also the greatness of the entire state. They become like business card, which reflects the “ideal of social justice.” Bogatyrs show the people’s ideal ideas about courageous and devoted service to the people and homeland. Perhaps that is why they resist enemy forces, as a rule, alone. However, each of them has its own characteristics, which show one of the sides of their image. Among them are such as the strongest Russian hero Ilya Muromets, the kind and brave Dobrynya Nikitich, the cunning and savvy Alyosha Popovich. But, despite such diversity, all these qualities are a generalized characteristic created by the Russian people, who in their works wanted to show opposition to any force seeking to conquer them.

When creating the image of a hero in the work, both idealization and hyperbolization are used. Such a description applies not only to the main characters, but also to those who help them, for example, a faithful horse. This is Ilya Muromets’s shaggy Burushka in the epic “Ilya the Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”: he “jumps from mountain to mountain, jumps over rivers and lakes, flies over hills.”

But heroes not only fight against dark enemy forces. They do many useful things for the benefit of the people themselves. In their quest, they can not only improve the lives of those in need, but to some extent be stronger than the animals themselves. Ilya Muromets “supports Burushka with his left hand, and right hand It tears up oak trees by the roots and lays oak floorings across the swamps. Ilya laid out a road for thirty miles - good people still travel along it.”

No less hyperbolic features are used when describing the opponents that the heroes have to meet on their way. Thus, it is not so much the frightening appearance of the enemy that is created, but rather Once again the strength of the Russian hero who was able to resist him is shown. For example, the image of the Nightingale the Robber: “The Nightingale the Robber sits across the river on three oak trees, on nine branches. Not a falcon will fly past those oaks, not a beast will run, not a reptile will crawl past them.” But this not only does not stop the hero, but also forces him to get down to business with redoubled force in order to neutralize the enemy.

The image of a hero is also alien to any self-interest. He does not chase money, especially money that is collected through human suffering. This also reflects the aspirations of the Russian people, who see in the hero not only a fairy-tale savior, but also an intercessor. Therefore, Ilya Muromets does not take the money that the wife of the Nightingale the Robber offers him: “They were obtained with the tears of children, they were watered with Russian blood, acquired by peasant need.”

In many epics, the main character is not only the hero, but also the sovereign - Prince Vladimir. IN different texts The attitude of the heroes towards him is contradictory. For example, they can appear at the first call in order to protect Rus'. On the other hand, Prince Vladimir can offend a hero who harbors a grudge, but then, in a moment of danger, he certainly forgives Vladimir’s reproaches and actions. Or he immediately responds quite sharply to any unflattering statements addressed to him. In the epic “Ilya the Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” a third version of the relationship is presented. Alyosha Popovich insults Ilya Muromets, saying that he could not drive through the Nightingale the Robber. But Vladimir acts wisely in such a situation. He asks to show the one whom the hero was able to defeat. At this moment, the Nightingale the Robber resorted to a trick and whistled very loudly, which caused great damage to nearby buildings. Then Ilya brings his work to the end: he cuts off the head of the robber so that he can no longer harm anyone. At the end of this epic, the authors turn to another facet of the image of the hero. Prince Vladimir noted for himself the behavior of Ilya, who did not succumb to reproaches addressed to him by Alyosha Popovich. Therefore, he chooses him as a senior member of the squad. But Alyosha Popovich, even at this moment, is trying to “annoy” Ilya Muromets, saying that “unwashed forest villagers” cannot become the leader. But it is not the social status, but the deeds of the heroes that determine their status and position in this society: “And fame does not come from family or tribe, but from heroic deeds and exploits.” This phrase expresses the understanding of the Russian people of who should stand guard and at the head of the squad - a person whose courage and bravery is manifested in deeds, and not in words.

However, the heroes in the work do not always express only perfect performance about life. They are characterized by certain weaknesses, which are also reflected in their works. For example, in the epic “Ilya the Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” this is represented in the behavior of Alyosha Popovich, who from the first meeting is hostile to the hero. First he accuses him of lying, and then of not having the appropriate social status in order to lead the squad. But such behavior can be explained by the hero’s youth and, to some extent, his inexperience. However personality traits are also visible in other images of the heroes of such works. In particular, in the epic “At the Bogatyrskaya Outpost.”

The first mistake of the heroes in this story is that they were assigned to guard the valiant outpost, but in an “unkind hour” they scattered. Such a negligent attitude towards one’s duties could lead to trouble, since at that time a stranger rode towards Kyiv, whose horse could leave a mark the size of half an oven.

Alyosha Popovich also appears in the epic, who receives an unflattering description from Ilya Muromets: “Alyosha is of the priest’s family, the priest’s envious eyes, raking hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on a stranger, he will envy and die in vain.” Such a description does not mean that Alyosha is a bad hero, but in this episode not only his weak sides, but the wisdom and prudence of Ilya Muromets. In this description, Alyosha Popovich becomes a kind of contrast image in relation to the other hero. And no one is saying that they are both weak, they are just endowed with different human vices and dignity.

But even in the image of Dobrynya, who in this epic goes to punish a stranger, his weaknesses appear. When the enemy began to approach him, the heroic horse fell to his knees. Dobrynya lost his main assistant, so he realized that he could not give battle to the enemy: “Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, and galloped back to the outpost. He arrives neither alive nor dead...” Then Ilya Muromets decides to punish the stranger himself. At the beginning of the work, only the trace of a horse was spoken of, which remained not far from the outpost, and only before the battle of the heroes was a portrait of the enemy himself presented. His main distinguishing feature is not in the description of his appearance, but in his boasting of his strength: “He throws an iron club weighing ninety pounds into the sky, catches the club in flight with one hand, twirls it like a feather.” What he saw does not frighten Ilya Muromets, he only asks his horse to help him defend the heroic outpost. He enters on a just cause and punishes the stranger not only for willfully crossing the outpost, but also for boasting about his strength, which he flaunted.

The image of heroes expressed the moral ideas of the people about the protector. They can fight any enemy. The more terrible and powerful the enemy is described in the epic, the stronger the hero himself seems, since he was able to defeat him.

The hyperbolic images that appear in the work reflect not reality, but rather the aspirations of the people about those who can stand up for them and the just cause, which they consider the most important in their lives. But at the same time, in the image of each hero there are individual features that speak about their character. Such a description does not detract from the strength and dignity of the heroes, but brings the image closer to to a real person. Perhaps this is one of the methods that allows us to believe that heroes once lived in Rus' and could protect its borders from any enemy who wanted not only to conquer it, but also to show their great strength.

Glorious Russian hero and hero ancient Russian legends and epic stories - Ilya Muromets is famous not only in our country, but also in neighboring states. By the way, in German poems dating back to the 13th century, there is a mention of the mighty knight Ilya the Russian.

Meanwhile we're talking about not at all about fairy tale character, but about a person who actually lived at that time, whose remains are in the caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Ilya Muromets Russian Orthodox Church canonized and since then January 1 in the calendar is the day of his memory. Nowadays, the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation reverence the hero as their heavenly patron; it is customary to turn to him for support in difficult times.

Characteristics of the hero

(By origin Ilya Muromets - peasant son. Father - Ivan Timofeevich, mother - Evfrosinya Yakovlevna)

Courage, loyalty to word and duty, strength and love for the homeland - these are the main features epic image Ilya Muromets. Legends say that until the age of 33 he was bedridden in his house in the village of Chernigov near the city of Murom. And only when three elders came to him and miraculously healed Ilya, was he able to get up and find his heroic strength. The elders ordered him to go to Kyiv to serve the prince. From that time on, the history of the hero’s glorious victories over enemies internal (robbers and dashing people) and external (Pechenegs, Polovtsians, Khazars) dates back.

(The famous painting “Three Heroes” by V.M. Vasnetsova)

The epics describe Ilya as a man of powerful build and height (more than 180 cm), with light brown curls, black eyebrows, and a beard streaked with gray. His attire is traditional for that time: a helmet and chain mail, and his weapons are a club, a spear and a shield. For his high military spirit and fighting qualities, Prince Ilya Muromets was appointed senior over all his heroes.

(The Crush of the Nightingale the Robber)

The most famous feats- this is a victory over Nightingale the Robber (the unifying image of bandits who hunted on the roads), Idolisch the Pogany, Kalin the Tsar and other enemies of the Russian land. The hero accomplished many feats during his life, and when he became old, he retired to a monastery. But despite the passing centuries, his glory has not subsided, and in his image the features of all the defenders of the Fatherland, who laid down their lives for people and their freedom, merged.

Hero image

(Ilya Muromets - valiant hero, defender of the people in Rus')

The folk epic put on the image of Ilya Muromets traditional features hero. In each epic, his portrait acquires new features that only complement big picture. So, before leaving home for Kyiv, the warrior bows to his parents and asks them for a Christian blessing.

Ilya even treats his horse as a military comrade. His speech is addressed to him, he gives orders to him. In many epics, the goal of the hero is stated very precisely: to defend Holy Rus' and the Orthodox faith. He is ready to help the offended and unjustly oppressed. When Ilya Muromets liberates the city of Chernigov from invaders, its residents invite the liberator to take the place of governor. However, the hero does not agree, because his goal is completely different, and he serves his homeland selflessly.

(Everyone revered Ilya and came to him for any help.)

It is noteworthy that the hero does not have a family in the usual sense - a wife or a lover. And this is no coincidence. All the strength of the mighty warrior is aimed at protecting Rus', which truly needs him completely. The meaning of his life is to give opportunity ordinary people just live, build your own houses, start families and not be afraid of enemy attacks.

Despite countless victories, Ilya was not boastful. Epic storytellers especially emphasize that he was never proud of his victories and did not show them off. It is often said that the defeated enemy, if there was no order (as in the case of the Nightingale the Robber), was released on all four sides. This special treatment to the defeated enemy can also be traced in the images of others epic heroes, and later became traditional for the Russian warrior-defender.

Within school curriculum students study the characteristics of Ilya Muromets in 7th grade. This is one of the main characters of epics about the ancient Kievan Rus who defended their homeland from the invasion of foreign enemies, courageously fought for native land. Ilya Muromets in Russian literature personifies strength, courage, courage and honor. The reality of this character has long been studied and proven, which leaves no doubt about the real life and exploits of the glorious hero.

Hero Healing

Ilya was born in the village of Karacharovo, near the city of Murom, and was the only son in a family of peasant parents. From his birth he could not control either his arms or his legs.

The epics about Ilya Muromets tell that until the age of thirty-three he remained physically weak, until one day three elders came into the house. There was no one else in the hut, and they asked Ilya to give them water. The owner really wanted to give the travelers something to drink, he lowered his feet to the floor and suddenly felt the strength in them and was able to stand on them. He gave the travelers a bowl of water. The elders did not drink it themselves, but told him to do it himself. The water turned out to be healing; after drinking it, Ilya was completely healthy. He drinks the water again and feels enormous inhuman strength within himself. Then the elders ordered to drink more water to reduce it.

Finding Your Ministry

After healing, the elders send the hero to serve Prince Vladimir in Kyiv, to defend his homeland, predict a great future for him and numerous victories over his enemies.

They also predict to the hero that he must find a huge stone on his way to Kyiv and move it from its place.

The parents were very happy about the miraculous healing of their son and blessed him to faithfully serve Kievan Rus, to protect it from the invasion of foreign enemies.

Going to Kyiv, Ilya found the huge boulder that the elders had talked about. Sliding it aside, he discovers beautiful armor and weapons underneath. Immediately a black heroic horse galloped up to him, who becomes a true friend, faithfully and faithfully serves Ilya, helping him in great feats.

External data

Description appearance Ilya Muromets is depicted very modestly in the epics. However, it is known about him a big increase(more than one hundred and eighty centimeters), powerful physique.

The hero had a courageous, kind face with large strong-willed features, and a gray beard. The image of Ilya Muromets is also described by his sharp gaze under black eyebrows, curly hair, presumably light brown in color.

The hero is armed and dressed in the following armor:

1. Chainmail - a long shirt - consisting of metal rings, which protected against wounds inflicted by cold weapons.

2. A helmet that protects the head from arrows and shells.

3. Mace - a heavy wooden club, consisting of a handle and a metal striking part.

4. Shield for defense against attacks from guns and arrows.

5. Spear - a piercing wooden weapon with a metal tip.

All this equipment was necessary for the battle and protection of the warriors of that time.

Character traits

In order to compile a profile of Ilya Muromets in 7th grade, you need to know what not only his appearance was like, but also his inner spirit. All those long years, which the hero had to lie motionless in his bed, not only did not weaken, but, on the contrary, strengthened his character, made him patient and enduring.

Tales about Ilya Muromets describe him as a very courageous, brave warrior who does not spare his life in order to stand up for his homeland. He bravely and selflessly defended the common people from the raids of the Polovtsians, Pechenegs, and Khazars. Calm, kind, confident, strong not only in body, but also in spirit. For his qualities and courage, he was appointed Prince Vladimir as the eldest among all the heroes.

The epics tell that he was a believing Christian. According to some sources, after the hero finished his service to the country, due to a serious wound at the age of fifty, he began to spend his days in a monastery, becoming a monk.

He was a devoted, fearless defender who had boundless love for his homeland, people and his service.

Military feats of the hero

When compiling a profile of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, it is important to know his brave exploits.

After the hero sets off to serve the Grand Duke, the captured city of Chernigov stands in his way. Here the first feat is accomplished - the liberation of the city from nomads. The people warn Ilya, telling him that on the way to Kyiv another danger awaits him - the Nightingale the Robber. But the brave and courageous hero is not afraid of this news. He goes to specified location to defeat the robber.

Seeing the hero, Nightingale begins to shout and whistle with incredible strength, so even a faithful horse is unable to cope with this whirlwind. But the undaunted hero shoots an arrow at him, which hits and wounds the enemy. After such a victory, the hero goes to Kyiv along with the captured Nightingale, where he executes him on the orders of the prince.

The hero won these and other numerous victories over his enemies, but he never boasted about it.

Despite the exaggeration and amazing events, which are told in epics, all the actions that take place intersect with real events of that time have a basis in truth.

Probably the opponents in the person of Nightingale the Robber, Idolishche Pogany, Kalin the Tsar and others are collective images, meaning all the robbers, as well as foreign enemies with whom the glorious hero had to fight.

Meaning in Russian culture

The number of epics written about Ilya Muromets characterizes him as a brave and valiant hero.

The image of Ilya Muromets is expressed not only in literary works. Behind centuries-old history the courage and valor of the hero is reflected in architecture, culture, art, and music.

A reflection of the strength and courage of Russian heroes was found in beautiful paintings famous artists V. M. Vasnetsova, A. P. Ryabushkina, M. A. Vrubel, I. Ya. Bilibina.

Majestic monuments to the valiant hero adorn the city of Murom Vladimir region, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, the city of Izhevsk of the Republic of Udmurtia, other cities of Russia and Ukraine.

The exploits of the Russian hero are beautifully illustrated in documentaries, fiction, and animated works of many directors, which allow you not only to read about glorious deeds hero, but also to see them performed by actors and drawn characters.

All these facts of life and exploits will allow us to compile full description Ilya Muromets in 7th grade, to reveal the personality, the inner core of the hero.

The epic tells how Ilya Muromets fought the enemy.

  • What epic events could actually happen? Write it down.

Meeting with robbers (Tatar-Mongols), releasing prisoners, building churches.

  • Find in the epic and write down the words that describe the appearance of Ilya Muromets.

A description of the appearance of Ilya Muromets is found only in the epic “Ilya’s Three Trains,” in the episode when the month illuminated his military equipment: “A helmet of forty thousand shone ...,” “yachon stones shone.”

  • Copy from the textbook (p. 20 No. 6) those character traits that you consider the most important.

Brave, courageous, wise, intelligent, fair, strong, kind, selfless, capable of compassion.

  • Find and write down words that seem unusual to you. For example, the night is dark and dark, wealth is countless,

Glorious Russian heroes, popular robbers, cracked oak, low bushes, flint pebbles.

  • Write a story about the hero Ilya Muromets. Write it down support words that you use in your story.

Love for the native land, stands guard over the Motherland, comes to the aid of its people, saves them from enslavement, the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest person devoted to the Motherland and people, does not fear the countless forces of the enemy, not even death itself.

Ilya Muromets loves his native land, stands guard over its borders, in times of danger he comes to the aid of his people, saving them from enslavement and humiliation. He is the embodiment of the ideal of a courageous, honest person devoted to the Motherland and people. He is not afraid of the countless forces of the enemy, not even death itself! Ilya Muromets evokes my admiration, joy, and faith in the powers of the people. Ilya Muromets is a hero-warrior, defender of the Motherland, so he needs to choose the road where the robbers are hiding. He needs to free this road from evil spirits. Ilya is so strong and smart that he can handle any obstacle, even an insurmountable one, and he can deal with any enemy effortlessly.

  • Write down your plan or use this one.
    The first feat of the hero.
    The second feat of the hero.
    The third feat of the hero.
    Ilya Muromets is the defender of the Russian land.

1. The origin of Ilya Muromets, his miraculous recovery.
2. Portrait of Ilya Muromets (appearance and military equipment).
3. The character and actions of Ilya Muromets.
4. My attitude towards the hero of epics.

  • Which version of the epic (prose or poetic) did you like better? Read both versions of the epic out loud to each other. In what case can the melodiousness of a work be conveyed?

Poetic. Epic word especially beautiful, solemn, melodious and poetic. The rhythm is easily captured in the epic verse, so the melodiousness of the work can be conveyed in the poetic version.

  • Write down how epics were performed in the old days (they were sung or told). What musical instruments were used?

The epics were performed by singer-storytellers. Once upon a time in Ancient Rus' they were called boyans (or bayans). This is where the name comes from musical instrument. True, epics were never performed with the accordion, and the name was given to the instrument in the 19th century simply in honor of the ancient singers. Once upon a time, in the old days, epics were performed to the measured, leisurely plucking of the gusli (the gusli is a Russian folk plucked multi-string instrument such as a harp). In the 18th–19th centuries, when scientists began to collect and record epics, they were performed, as a rule, without accompaniment.