How Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya met. Ilya Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya

Communication is central problem pedagogy. It is the main means of solving the problems of training, education and personal development of students and is aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate, an optimal state of the educational process and the effective achievement of pedagogical goals.

Pedagogical communication is specific form business interpersonal communication, which has its own characteristics, and at the same time subject to general psychological patterns inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people, including communicative, interactive and perceptual components.

Pedagogical communication is the main form of implementation pedagogical process. Its productivity is determined, first of all, by the goals and values ​​of education and, accordingly, the communication necessary for its implementation. At the same time, these goals and values ​​must be accepted by all participants in communication as subjects of this process as an imperative for their individual behavior.

Thus, pedagogical communication is a multifaceted process of organizing, establishing and developing communication, mutual understanding and interaction between students and teachers, generated by the goals, nature and content of their joint activities.

Therefore, for the correct organization of effective pedagogical communication, the future teacher needs to understand the purpose and content of this communication, know its functions and means, types and styles of pedagogical communication, its general structure and various models.

The purpose of pedagogical communication consists both in the transfer of social and professional experience (knowledge, abilities, skills) from teacher to student, and in their exchange of personal meanings associated with the objects being studied and life in general. It is communication that contributes to the emergence and formation, formation and development of new properties and qualities of individuality of both students and teachers. Only in the process of pedagogical communication can the formation of a common and professional culture students, systems of life goals and values, moral norms and principles.

Content of pedagogical communication is, first of all, an exchange of information, a purposeful organization by the teacher of mutual understanding and relationships with students through various communication means. Communication is a rather complex, multi-aspect and multi-subject socio-psychological phenomenon. It is diverse in its focus and its internal content. You can understand the essence of pedagogical communication only by analyzing the subject of communication, that is, what it is about.

Means of pedagogical communication can be defined as methods of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information transmitted in the process of communication. The means of communication refers to how a person realizes the content of communication and achieves its goal.

The implementation of pedagogical communication, the successful achievement of its goals and content with the help of selected means are ensured through the implementation of a certain set of functions this communication. In the course of performing these functions, the desired interaction between the teacher and students occurs, as a result of which the necessary pedagogical conditions to be able to solve the assigned tasks of the educational process. The general structure of the set of functions of pedagogical communication can be clearly presented using Fig. 67.

Main functions of interaction between subjects of the pedagogical process with optimal pedagogical communication are the following:

- constructive function of communication, providing pedagogical interaction between teacher and student when discussing and explaining the content of knowledge and practical significance specific academic discipline;

- organizational function pedagogical communication consists of the purposeful organization of joint educational activities teacher and student, in their mutual personal awareness and common responsibility for success in the educational process;

Rice. 67. Basic functions of pedagogical communication

- communicative-stimulating function pedagogical communication is a combination various forms educational and cognitive activities (individual, group, frontal), organization of interaction and mutual assistance in order to ensure pedagogical cooperation. It is aimed at creating students’ awareness of what they should learn, understand in a given lesson or when studying a given discipline, what to learn;

- informational- teaching function pedagogical communication serves to show the place of the academic discipline in the system of the future professional activity student and its connection with production. It is intended for the student’s correct understanding of the world and orientation in events public life; ensures mobility of the level of information capacity training sessions and its completeness in combination with an emotional presentation of the material, relying on the visual-sensory sphere of students;

- emotional-corrective function pedagogical communication consists in implementing in the learning process the principles of “open prospects” and “victorious” learning during the change of types of educational activities. It ensures the establishment of a relationship of trusting communication between the teacher and the student and, with its help, improves the quality of the educational process and its effectiveness;

- control- evaluation function Pedagogical communication consists in organizing mutual control between the teacher and the student, in their joint summing up of the educational process or a certain stage of it, in its assessment with self-control and self-assessment.

Depending on the goals, objectives and nature of the joint activity of people, its organization and the existing system of relationships, several types of communication .

in accordance with the classification proposed by A.A. Leontiev, the main types of communication are the following (Fig. 68).

Rice. 68. Basic types of communication

1. Socially oriented communication , the forms of which are a lecture, report, oratory addressed to a certain audience. The lecturer or speaker acts as a representative of society, he encourages people to direct social activity, strives to unite listeners around some social meaningful idea, tasks, etc., provides a “backdrop” for social influence, forms ideas, changes their beliefs.

2. Group subject-oriented communication . Here industrial relations come first. The purpose of such communication and its subject are to organize the collective interaction of communication participants in joint work and study.

3. Personality-oriented communication represents communication between subjects of the educational process with each other, aimed at solving personal problems, including in the process of joint activities.

4. Psychological relationships represent special kind communication, in which, according to A.A. Leontyev, relationships “subjectively for a person stand in the center; sometimes he does not realize that social relations are hidden behind them.”

One of the most important requirements for the teaching profession is the clarity of the teacher’s social and professional position. The position of a teacher is a system of intellectual and emotional-evaluative relationships to the world, to pedagogical reality and to pedagogical activity. The social and professional position of a teacher cannot but affect his style of pedagogical communication , which means individual typological features of interaction between a teacher and students. General overview Fig. 1 shows the different styles of pedagogical communication. 69. When classifying them, one should take into account both the basis on which this or that style of communication is formed, and what is most characteristic of its manifestation. V.A. Kan-Kalik identifies five different styles of pedagogical communication based on the following positions.

1. The style of communication between the teacher and students is based on joint passion creative activity. Such communication can develop in the process of joint research, management of coursework and theses, inviting a graduate to graduate school. It is typical for established scientific schools.

2. Communication style based on friendly disposition. However, in this case, a certain measure of distance must be observed, which preserves the status positions and sovereignty of each of the subjects of the process pedagogical interaction.

3. Communication style based on a clearly established and strictly maintained distance. At the same time, the teacher distances himself from the student, emphasizing his experience and knowledge, differences in social status. But the distance must be based on authority. Otherwise, the overall creative level may drop sharply collaboration the teacher and the learner.

4. A communication style based on intimidating students. It is an extremely negative form of communication, is inhumane in nature and most often reveals the pedagogical failure of the teacher who resorts to it.

5. Communication style based on flirting with students. This style of communication is false; usually the teacher who resorts to it aims to gain cheap authority among students.

Rice. 69. Classification of pedagogical communication styles

Communication styles such as intimidation, flirtation and extreme forms of communication-distance, when used frequently, become a kind of cliches, reproducing ineffective methods of pedagogical communication and making it difficult to achieve the goals of the educational process.

For an experienced, highly qualified teacher, the style of communication with students is not something frozen and final. Life practice testifies to the endless variety of pedagogical situations, each of which, for its effective resolution, requires different style communication, which, however, should not depend on the emotional and psychological state of the teacher, on his mood. Therefore, the style of pedagogical communication, in our deep conviction, should be formed on the basis of respect for the student’s personality, on high general, professional and pedagogical culture teacher.

From the standpoint of the most characteristic manifestation in the classification of pedagogical communication styles, its varieties are distinguished: autocratic, authoritarian, democratic, free-liberal, liberal and inconsistent.

Autocratic(or autocratic) style of communication occurs in cases where the teacher exercises sole control of the educational and cognitive activities of a group of students, not allowing them to express their views, without allowing any critical comments. At the same time, he consistently imposes a certain set of requirements on students and exercises strict control over their implementation.

Authoritarian(or authoritative) style of communication allows for the opportunity for students to participate in the discussion of issues of academic or collective life, but the decision is ultimately made by the teacher in accordance with his principles, views and attitudes. An authoritarian style of communication gives rise to inadequate self-esteem in students, instills in them a cult of power, contributes to the formation of neurotics, leads to a distorted understanding of values, to a high assessment of such personality traits as “the ability to get away with anything”, the ability to use others to do what one must do oneself . The main forms of teacher interaction in this style are orders, instructions, instructions, and reprimands.

Democratic communication style presupposes the teacher’s attention to students and consideration of their opinions, the desire to understand them, to convince them that they are right, and not to order. In this case, the teacher strives to conduct dialogic communication “on an equal footing,” develop students’ self-government skills, and take them into account as much as possible. individual characteristics. With a democratic style of communication, the teacher stimulates students to creativity, initiative, and organizes conditions for self-realization. The main methods of communication in this case are requests, advice, information, and the desire to include everyone in active work. This style of communication is characterized by strong educational and scientific contacts with students and stimulates them to successful cognitive activity.

Free liberal The communication style is characterized by familiarity, connivance, and anarchy. This is the most “harmful” and destructive style for business. It disorganizes the normal educational and cognitive activity of students, reduces the importance of monitoring its results, creates uncertainty among students, causes tension and anxiety in them.

Liberal the style of communication appears as a kind of anarchic, permissive. The teacher who follows it tries not to interfere in the life of the team, does not show activity, and actually removes himself from responsibility for what is happening. When using this style, the teacher only formally performs his functional duties, limiting himself only to teaching as a presentation educational material. The consequence of such tactics is also the lack of proper control over the results of students’ activities and the dynamics of their personal development.

It should be noted that characteristic common features Liberal and authoritarian communication styles, despite their apparent opposites, are the formation and maintenance of distant relationships between the teacher and students, the lack of mutual trust between them, extreme isolation, alienation, and the teacher’s demonstrative emphasis on his dominant position.

Inconsistent, illogical communication style is that the teacher, depending on external circumstances and his own emotional state carries out any of the above-mentioned communication styles, which leads to disorganization and situationality of the system of relationships between the teacher and students, and to the emergence of conflict situations.

In real pedagogical practice Most often there are mixed communication styles. The teacher cannot exclude from his arsenal some techniques of the authoritarian style of communication; they sometimes turn out to be quite effective. In general, the teacher should be focused primarily on a democratic style of communication with students, since it is this that contributes to the maximum implementation of the personal development strategy of pedagogical interaction and the effective achievement of the goals of the educational process.

All variants of communication styles can be reduced to two types: monologue and dialogic. At monologue The nature of communication involves subject-object relationships, where the subject is the teacher and the object is the student. At dialogical In the same communication, more productive subject-subject relationships are established, during which the teacher interacts with students on the basis of partnerships, in alliance with them. Here the principles are implemented to the maximum extent modern pedagogy cooperation. Therefore, the results of fruitful pedagogical communication based on pedagogical cooperation are the following.

Firstly, a two-way process based on the interaction between teacher and student is successfully carried out. The effectiveness of this process depends both on the activities and personality of the teacher, his professional and pedagogical competence, and on the activities of the student.

Secondly, cooperation pedagogy provides the opportunity for the development and maximum manifestation of the student’s individual capabilities, abilities and characteristics, and the realization of his creative potential.

Third, in the course of dialogical communication in subject-subject relationships, an active creative search by the teacher for optimal pedagogical decisions, adequate to each specific situation.

Subject-subject relationships are thus carried out in an atmosphere of creativity and contribute to the actual implementation of the idea of ​​humanizing professional education.

Different communication styles give rise to certain behavior patterns teacher when interacting with students. They can be conventionally designated following L.D. Stolyarenko, as follows (Fig. 70).

Dictatorial The model corresponds to the behavior of the teacher, in which he seems to be detached from the students he is teaching. For him they exist only as a kind of faceless mass of listeners. Such a teacher lacks any personal interaction with them. Pedagogical functions reduced to an information message. The consequence of this model of behavior is the lack of necessary psychological contact, and, consequently, the complete lack of initiative and passivity of students.

Non-contact the model is close in its psychological content to the first. However, it differs from it in that there is weak feedback between the teacher and students due to an arbitrary or unintentionally erected barrier, which may be a lack of desire to cooperate on any side, informational rather than dialogical nature of the lesson; involuntary emphasis by the teacher on his status, a superficially condescending attitude towards students. This is where his weak interaction with students and their emphasized indifference towards him come from.

Model differentiated attention based on the selective attitude of the teacher towards students. In this case, the teacher usually focuses not on the entire composition of the audience, but only on a certain part of it, mainly either the most talented students or the weakest. In other words, he focuses on either the leaders of educational and cognitive activity or its outsiders. He, as it were, puts them in the position of unique indicators by which he orients himself in the mood of the team. One of the reasons for this model of communication in the classroom may be the inability to combine individualization of student learning with a frontal approach. As a result, the integrity of the act of interaction in the teacher-student team system is violated; it is replaced by the fragmentation of situational contacts.

Hyporeflex The model is that the teacher, in the process of communicating with students, seems to be closed in on himself: his speech for the most part monologue, he hears only himself and does not react in any way to the listeners, is not interested in their perception of the educational material. In this case, there is no necessary interaction between students and the teacher; its educational impact turns out to be purely formal.

Hyperreflexive the model is psychologically opposite to the previous model. A teacher who chooses this model of behavior is concerned not so much with the content of the interaction as with how it is perceived by students. Interpersonal relationships elevated by him to an absolute, acquiring dominant significance for him, he constantly doubts the effectiveness and persuasiveness of his arguments, the correctness of his actions, and reacts sharply to the nuances of the psychological atmosphere, often taking them personally. Such a teacher is like an exposed nerve. The choice of this model of behavior does not exclude a situation in which the reins of government will be in the hands of students, and the teacher will take a leading position in the relationship.

Model inflexible response consists in the fact that the teacher builds his relationships with students according to some rigid program, where the goals and objectives of the lesson are clearly adhered to and are didactically justified methodological techniques, there is an impeccable logic of presentation and argumentation of facts, facial expressions and gestures are polished, but the teacher does not have a sense of understanding the changing communication situation. They do not take into account the composition and mental condition students, their age and other characteristics. As a result, a perfectly planned and methodically practiced lesson does not achieve its goal.

Model active interaction is the most effective. At the same time, the teacher is constantly in dialogue with students, keeps them in a positive mood, encourages initiative, easily grasps changes in the psychological climate of the group and reacts flexibly to them. The style of friendly interaction predominates while maintaining the necessary role distance. As a result, all educational, organizational and ethical problems that arise are usually resolved fruitfully and creatively through joint efforts. That is why this model of behavior is the most productive.

In the structure of pedagogical communication, we can distinguish a time aspect, which allows us to consider the process of this communication as a certain logically determined sequence of stages. Stages of pedagogical communication correspond to the logic of the pedagogical process, including the plan, implementation of the plan, analysis and evaluation. In accordance with this, it is customary to distinguish the following main stages of pedagogical communication (Fig. 71).

Rice. 71. General structure of pedagogical communication

1. Prognostic stage. It consists of preliminary modeling by the teacher of upcoming communication with students in the process of preparing for the implementation of teaching activities.

2. Initial period of communication. It consists of getting to know the audience, group and organizing direct communication with it.

3. Communication management stage. It takes place directly during the developing pedagogical process and consists in the implementation of a pre-selected and modeled communication technology.

4. The final stage. It consists of analyzing the results of implementing the selected communication technology and modeling new technologies to solve subsequent problems. pedagogical tasks.

Let us consider in more detail the content of each of these stages.

First stage. Its general structure is shown in Fig. 72. At this stage of pedagogical communication, a unique planning of the communicative structure of interaction, the process and content of communication is carried out, based on the goals and objectives of the lesson, the current situation, the individuality of the teacher and the characteristics of the students. In this case, it is selected in advance emotional mood for a future lesson, based on the composition and size of the group, existing communication experience. Are being thought through lyrical digressions” as possible filling of pauses, ways of responding to the expected behavior of students, etc. With such preparation, repetitions should be avoided (what was successful in one stream will not necessarily be successful again). Stereotypes in group communication greatly reduce the teacher’s authority among students.

Preliminary modeling helps the teacher to imagine a probabilistic scheme of interaction, anticipate the possible atmosphere of the lesson in advance, sense the possible level of relationships during the upcoming communication, and on this basis more accurately build both the content and methodological structure of the future lesson.

Thus, at this stage, both moral-psychological and communicative-technological elements clearly appear, pedagogical tasks are transferred into the sphere of communicative tasks, and their compliance is achieved, ensuring the productive implementation of the goals of pedagogical interaction.

Second phase pedagogical communication is the organization of direct interaction between the teacher and the audience in the initial period of contact with it. This stage largely determines the success further development both the content-didactic system of activity and its socio-psychological basis. Its important elements for the teacher are: a) specification of the previously planned communication model; b) clarifying the conditions and structure of upcoming communication; c) implementation of the initial stage of direct communication. When establishing contact in communication important role plays into the unconventionality and originality of the teacher’s behavior. Entering the classroom, you may notice something unusual: its fullness, the placement of students, the readiness of teaching aids, the sanitary condition of the room, etc. The reaction to this unusual “here and now” is always perceived positively by the audience, provided that it is friendly, spontaneous and non-standard.

In the very first moments of communication, the teacher must clarify the possibilities of work using the selected teaching methods, see the general mood of the audience, etc.

The very position of the teacher as the initiator of communication at the transitional stage from the pre-communicative situation to the situation of direct interaction is extremely important. The teacher’s initiative in communication appears here as a way to manage communication and all educational activities, joint creative work teacher and staff, i.e. management of cognitive search at a lecture, seminar, etc. carried out through a properly organized communication system.

Third stage pedagogical communication consists in managing communication during the developing pedagogical process and in managing this process itself, in organizing learning during the lesson. At this stage, the teacher implements the planned communication system, exerts a verbal influence on students, selects and implements various means communication and transmission of information, maintains contact with the audience.

At the third stage, a complex of communicative interaction between subjects of the pedagogical process is implemented at three levels: emotional, cognitive and socio-psychological (Fig. 73).

Rice. 73. General structure of the communicative complex

interaction at the third stage of pedagogical communication

Emotional, or surface level communication determines the comfort of the situation of pedagogical communication, but does not characterize its substantive aspects.

Cognitive level is associated with the subject side of communication. It is at this level that the explanatory process unfolds as a core element of personal-group pedagogical communication and ensuring the desired effectiveness of students’ educational and cognitive activities.

Communication on socio-psychological level determines the interpersonal and group relationships of the teacher with students and students with each other. Here the art of communication is closely intertwined with teaching technology and the organization of student work.

Thus, methodically expediently organized pedagogical communication performs not only its inherent functions of ensuring sustainable communication, but also leads the teacher to the possibility of solving more complex problems that contribute to the formation of meaningful formations in students - professional orientation, ideological positions, moral and ethical principles and beliefs, etc.

At the final fourth stage pedagogical communication, the teacher, if necessary, analyzes the communication system he used, clarifies possible options organization of communication in this student team, correlates all this with the substantive aspects of the activity performed, thereby predicting upcoming educational communication with this audience. This stage is a kind of feedback in the general structure of communication, without which the reflexive moment not only worsens, but may even become completely inadequate to the situation. In fact, here the transition to the first stage of pedagogical communication is carried out cyclically. This stage includes both clarifying aspects and partially prognostic ones, and it has a serious impact not only on the communicative aspects of learning itself, but also on the entire upcoming educational process.

The presented stages reveal the most typical situations that arise in the process of pedagogical communication. Although in real teaching activities they may be different. Some stages, for example, may be collapsed or not clearly defined, and sometimes, on the contrary, overextended. It all depends on the situation in which pedagogical communication takes place, on the teacher himself, as well as students, their level general culture, motivation and other factors.