Jockey from someone else. Aliens: The Beginning in the synopsis of the film "Prometheus"



In Dan O'Bannon's script (the very first version of the script), the heroes were supposed to take the alien's skull with them and much later the only surviving character took it to lifeboat. The alien in this version was nameless and neither his nature nor his connection with Aliens was revealed. The characters found Alien spores not in a compartment of the ship, but in a pyramid-shaped structure located nearby. In the next version, written by producers David Giler and Walter Hill, the abandoned ship was instead an Earth spaceship and the skeleton the characters found inside was human, but it was the first time he was called the "Space Jockey" in this script. The Alien disputes, as in the previous version, were not in the ship, but in a cylindrical structure located nearby. In this version, it was revealed that the unknown planet was a human testing site, and the Alien was a prototype of an offensive biological weapon. Meanwhile, the script did not provide any further explanations about where the eggs came from (were they found on that planet, or were the Aliens created by geneticists), where did all the personnel from the test site go, why they were bred in a cylinder, and why they even tried to deliver the Alien to Earth through infection.

Initially, Ron Cobb and Jean Giraud were involved in the appearance of the alien and the abandoned ship. Hans Giger, who joined the project (who was originally hired to develop the appearance of the Alien), came up with his own appearance of the Space Jockey and his ship, making them biomechanical, based on his earlier paintings (which were not related to the film). To finish most of the scenery and interior elements of the ship and the Alien egg chamber, he used dry bones along with plaster and hand-airbrushed all the decorations in the room with the Jockey. Veronica Cartwright described Giger's work as " erotic... these are big vaginas and penises... it's all about how you gather in some womb or what... it's kind of visceral» .

Creating a compartment with a deceased alien, nicknamed "Space Jockey" by the crew, proved problematic as 20th Century Fox did not want to spend money on expensive sets that would only appear in one scene. But film crew managed to convince the studio that this scene was important to wow audiences and convince them that this was not a B movie. To save money, only one wall was created, and the seat with the "pilot" figure was on a disk that rotated for shots from different shots. In addition, according to the authors' idea, the alien pilot in the seat should have been huge compared to humans, but then he would not have fit into the pavilion. Ridley Scott had to resort to a trick and use two of his sons and the son of one of the operators, who were wearing smaller versions of spacesuits, as replacement actors. Compared to them, Jockey really looked gigantic.


The Jockey himself does not appear in the novelization; instead, the team finds the signal transmitter itself and an empty Alien egg (the Space Jockey was absent in final version script, but Ridley Scott managed to insist on creating his set).


In a scene cut from the theatrical release of Aliens, his ship is found 57 years later by the Jorden family of colonists, however, it is unknown whether they found the Jockey himself. Meanwhile, in Foster's novelization, during the commission meeting, Ripley mentions the Jockey, although in the novelization of the first film, the Jockey is not present.

Aliens vs Predator: Requiem

The Jockey Skull appears in the film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. It hangs upstairs in the trophy room in a shot of the Predator processing an Alien skull.


According to the plot, the Jockeys (in this film they are called Engineers) visited the Earth in ancient times and, using their genetic code, gave rise to human DNA. After this, the Jockeys sometimes visited Earth and over time turned into a kind of gods for the ancient earthlings, but after some time the Jockeys stopped flying to Earth. TO end of XXI centuries, archaeologists all over the Earth have found images of people worshiping Jockeys, pointing to a certain constellation. Analyzing the images, scientists come to the conclusion that this is LV-223 - one of three natural satellites of a giant gas planet orbiting the star ζ2 Reticulum as part of the double star Zeta Reticulum. In 2089, an expedition of the Prometheus ship to LV-223 is organized. On the planet, something like an outpost of the Jockeys is discovered, in which they stored some terrible biological weapon in liquid form. Also, the decoding of the holograms shows that the Jockeys wanted to deliver this weapon to Earth, but it got out of control and killed all the Jockeys at the base (it entered their body and blew their brains). Meanwhile, the main leader of the expedition, Peter Weyland, being very old, is obsessed with the idea that the Jockeys apparently had the secret of immortality, and orders his subordinate, the android David, to experiment with the weapon's liquid. He infects one of the expedition members, Charlie Holloway, with the liquid, who then has sex with his mistress Elizabeth Shaw, in whom, after a few days, a certain squid-like creature with the habits of the Facehugger fully matures in her womb. Shaw manages to remove the creature from himself by caesarean section, but soon it grows to gigantic proportions.

At the same time, it is discovered that a living Jockey is lying in suspended animation at the base, and Weyland wants to wake him up. Elizabeth Shaw begins to suspect that the biological weapon was clearly intended to destroy humanity, and that even after the plan with it failed, the Jockey race clearly hoped that people would decipher their ancient messages and fly to this base to awaken the remaining Jockey. When the Jockey is woken up, Shaw directly asks him why their race wanted to destroy humanity, but Weyland interrupts her and demands to tell him the secret of immortality. Suddenly, Jockey goes into a wild rage and kills everyone except Shaw, who manages to escape from the base. The jockey boards one of the ships at the base and prepares to take off, but after a while the ship is rammed by the Prometheus (everyone on it dies), and it falls to the surface. Jockey, however, survives and after a fight with Shaw, he is captured by a squid-like monster (which survived the crash of the Prometheus), and it infects him in the manner of Facehugger. After this, the twisted android David gets in touch with Shaw (who translated their speech to the Jockey and was the first to fall under his arm, but continued to function) and reports that there are more Jockey ships at the base and he, if Shaw helps him, will be able to control them. After this, Shaw decides to find the home planet of the Jockeys in order to finally find out from them the truth about their attitude towards humanity. IN brief scene after the credits, an Alien-like creature is shown bursting out of the Jockey.

The film does not reveal the reasons for the Jockeys' hatred of humanity, but Ridley Scott revealed in the DVD commentary that during the writing of the script, the idea was considered that the Jockeys were angry at humanity for killing one of their representatives - this implied that Jesus Christ was actually one of the Jockeys, but Scott then thought it was "too obvious" and the issue was left open. It is also revealed in one of the deleted scenes that the name of the Jockeys' homeland meant paradise in most ancient Earth languages.


The role of the last living Engineer on LV-223 was played by Ian White, a longtime fan of the Alien and Predator universe, who has already participated in films based on it - he played Predator Scar in the film Alien vs. Predator and Predator Wolf in the film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem .

Actor Daniel James played the Engineer, who sacrifices himself to create life on the planet in the film's opening scene. John LeBar played the role of a holographic image of one of the pilots of the Engineer ship, which the heroes see in one of the scenes.

The Deacon was replaced by the Xenomorph Jockey - a type of Alien enormous growth and with almond-shaped eyes, cut from the original script for Prometheus.

Alien Covenant

The home planet of the Jockeys with their certain city (obviously the only populated area on the planet) is briefly shown in one of the scenes of the film "Alien: Covenant". The entire population dies when the android David sprays over the city the same black liquid found on planet LV-223.

In books

Aliens versus Predator

In film "Prometheus" the corpses and holograms of the Engineers look similar to the pilot from Alien, but then it turns out that the usual appearance- this is a biosuit, which during flights in space also works as an anti-g suit (apparently, the Jockey ships are not equipped with any stationary equipment designed to compensate for the overloads occurring in flight), and under which hides an appearance similar to a Caucasian with the correct structure of the skull and faces. The proportions and structure of the body are similar to those of humans. Height is about 2.5 - 3 meters. They have highly developed muscles. The skin color is white, around the eyes gray. High bridge of the nose, thin and straight. The nail plate is reddish in color. The sclera of the eyes is gray, the iris is black. Hair and nipples are absent throughout the body and face. Internal organs presumably human-like. Their physical abilities are several times superior to humans. Lifespan is unknown, but probably much longer than that of humans.

In film "Alien: Covenant" on the home planet of the Jockeys lives a race of certain humanoid creatures similar to the Jockeys from "Promethea", but still having external differences(they have different skin and eye colors). The film makes no explanation as to whether these creatures are Jockeys or if they are some kind of Jockey. In everyday life, they wear long cloaks with hoods and are divided by gender (females differ from males mainly only in that they are shorter, but their heads are also devoid of any hair).


Technologically, their civilization was many years ahead of human civilization. The basis of technology is biomechanics, nanotechnology and biotechnology. The durability of their technology is estimated at thousands of years, which is clearly demonstrated in the films “Alien” and “Prometheus”.


  • Earth - there they gave birth to life and influenced the development of humanity.
  • LV-426 - their ship crashed there, the pilot, being infected with an Alien, died, but managed to launch a danger warning signal.
  • LV-223 - there was their base where they developed biological weapons.
  • LV-1201 - there was another base of theirs, where there was a certain artifact capable of keeping Aliens at a distance.
  • Home planet - its name and location are unknown. In a deleted scene "Promethea" The android David tells Elizabeth Shaw that when he asked the Engineer where he came from, he said a word that means "heaven" in most ancient Earth languages. The climate itself is very similar to Earth’s summer, but it is unknown whether there is a change of seasons and whether the climate covers the entire planet. Most There are frequent rains and thunderstorms throughout the year.

Relationships with other races


In the DVD commentary, Ridley Scott suggests that the Space Jockey's ship was a bomber ship, and the Alien eggs on board were weapons with which they fought an unknown enemy.


As shown in the movie "Prometheus", The Space Jockeys, or Creators, as they are called in this film, created life on Earth and influenced the formation of major human cultures, visiting ancient civilizations around the globe. However, for some reason, the Creators decided to destroy humanity by spraying a dangerous pathogen throughout the Earth. However, at the base where he was kept, there was a leak of this pathogen, which killed almost all the creators who were there, and the mission was postponed, for an unknown reason.


The relationship with the Predators is not exactly known, but in the film "Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem" on the Predator's ship you can see a head wearing a Space Jockey helmet.

Creatures from the films Alien and Prometheus are shown here


Origin of Aliens. It is believed that Aliens were a type of biological weapon that was developed and used by its creators. A version was also put forward that the alien is an organism that for millennia inhabited some unknown distant planets of the same Zeta Grid.

Stages of development: The Alien goes through several stages in its development.

I. Face grabber. So named because it attaches to the face of the future host and deposits the embryo (larva) of the future alien into it. In the carrier (the role of carriers are: people, animals, creators) vital activity is maintained until the facehugger lays a larva. Once the embryo is inside, the facehugger detaches and dies.


II. Chestbreaker. It's clear from the name. This is an alien, albeit a very small one. The chestbreaker develops within 24 hours, after which it breaks the host’s chest and climbs out. The carrier dies. The grudolom is practically unprotected, so it usually hides for some time.


III. Adult. A fully formed alien. Reaching a height of approximately 2 meters. A stranger passes into it in a few hours. After which it begins an active search for food.



Deacon. The creature is from the film "Prometheus", although its connection with aliens is not clearly shown in the film. However, as we see the main similarities are obvious. The Deacon received its name because of its head, which is similar in shape to the miter of a priest. It is believed that Deacon is also a subspecies of an alien, but one that evolved from the creator and borrowed part of his DNA. It also has humanoid limbs and walks on two legs.

Facts: The creators of the film "Prometheus" considered several options for what the Deacon should look like. In the image below we see Deacon looking even more like a variant of the Space Jockey mutation. Then this once again confirms that it is unknown what the alien initially looks like. Here we see the characteristic skin color, physique (even if it is more frail) inherent in the creator.

Space Jockeys

Space Jockeys(Creators, Malaaki, Engineers) - creators of life on the planets. According to some theories, it was they who created man on Earth (copying their appearance). The planet where Jockeys live is called Paradise. The level of their technology is very high, they have been developed over thousands of years. The lifespan of a Jockey is unknown, however, they are mortal and subject to aging. Jockeys have their own ancient language, which is practically impossible for the common man to understand.
Facts: The creators, for some reason, wanted to destroy man, or rather replace the form of life on planet Earth, using biological weapons. Perhaps these very weapons were aliens. Also, the Jockeys have some kind of religion, or rather, if self-worship can be called this concept.

Fifield mutation

Want to know how it all started? Where did Aliens come from? Who are the Space Jockeys? Finally, why did a film that was originally announced as a prequel to Alien end up being such a big deal? independent project of epic proportions? Our slimy jaw-huggers tore out a text from the depths of the foreign segment of the Internet that could be a full-fledged synopsis of the upcoming Ridley Scott film (Prometheus). And if this is indeed the synopsis of this movie, then in it you will find the answers to all these questions.

Let us remind you that the script was written by John Speitz and Damon Laindloff. Starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, Rafe Spall and others. Directed by Ridley Scott himself. Cinematographer: Dariusz Wolski. The film's budget is crazy - 250 (yes, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY!) million dollars. The premiere is scheduled for June 7-8, 2012.

The fossilized skeleton of the Space Jockey from the 1979 film Alien.

What exactly did the Engineer (Space Jockey) do at the very beginning of the film?

Film Anatomy Lesson from EMPIRE: A Public Dissection of the Prometheus Mythology

“This is self-sacrifice,” confirmed Ridley Scott, commenting on the version according to which the Engineer drank a black liquid that destroyed him from the inside and “seeded” his DNA to start the process of the origin of life. The Engineer's act, according to Scott, is "equal, in essence, to an act of creation."

Is this Earth?
Yes. And no. In Prometheus: The Art of Film, screenwriter Damon Lindelof asks the question: “What if aliens were involved in the origin of life on Earth?” Scott himself does not hide the fact that he was inspired by the theories of Erich von Däniken. However, Scott recently noted: “It could have been any planet. The engineer simply acts as a gardener in space."

So, Engineers have visited our planet more than once throughout Earth's history?
According to Scott, after the initial sowing, “emissaries” visited Earth several times. In the book Prometheus: The Art of Film, production designer Arthur Max writes that the Engineers, worshiping giant head, worshiped themselves: “Playing the role of God in the universe, they flew to Earth many times and carried out genetic updating of people - both our physiology and our intellect.”

Why would Engineers leave hints on Earth about how to get to a distant temple, or a “weapon depot”?
This is not clear. But 2000 years have passed since the last visit of the emissaries, and during this time the place intended for receiving guests Entertainment Center could very well turn into a vast temple of death.

It turns out that the “invitation” was cancelled?
This is if we assume that people were invited somewhere; Shaw (Noomi Rapace) is not too inclined to believe her findings. According to another theory, the maps left on Earth are a kind of warning system for Engineers that humanity has reached the stage of interstellar travel. Kind of like in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

What's on David's mind? Is he just a servant of Wayland or does he have his own motives?
Lindelof suggests that David is mainly Weyland's puppet, but there may be something like a soul inside this machine, as hinted at by Michael Fassbender's performance. That's why David is the most interesting hero film.

Is it David who chooses Earth as the target of a punitive expedition by placing its hologram on the control panel?
Hardly, although there is a painful ambiguity in the remark “sometimes in order to create, you need to destroy.” Scott made it clear that the Engineers themselves decided to destroy the Earth. We considered it necessary...

If Shaw is an archaeologist, how does she know so much about the autopsy (in the scene examining the Engineer's head)?
She is not a simple archaeologist, but a cosmic one. From the future.

If the Engineers gave birth to us, why did they decide to kill us? And what exactly influenced their decision 2000 years ago, even before we began to destroy our planet?
In one version of the script, they wanted to tell us that Jesus Christ was the Engineer, the last emissary sent to limit the expansion of the Roman Empire. “And you know what? - says Scott. “They crucified him.” It turns out that the desire to destroy the Earth is, um, retribution for the crucifixion.

What is the significance of a fresco that depicts an Alien-like creature and an Engineer who appears to be giving birth?
We assume that the appearance of the Alien on the mural is just “a tribute to Giger and his images of Aliens, without which the film would not exist. The characters look at the fresco and briefly discuss it. But what is depicted on it is unclear.” A theory that appeared on the Internet (authored by LiveJournal user Cavalorn) states that the mural depicts the creative (the Engineer “gives birth” to the world) and destructive (Alien) sides of black slime technology.

What are these worms that are shown to us when people enter the hall with vessels?
Perhaps this is all that remains of the creatures that destroyed the Engineers twenty centuries ago? And when the Prometheus crew awakened the slime again, the worms turned into “hammerpeds,” nasty white snakes.

Why did David put black goo in poor Holloway's (Logan Marshall-Green) drink?
By order of Weyland, Lindelof reports. “I would bet,” he tells, “that during the conversation with Wayland, he gave some order that caused David to mix black goo into Holloway’s champagne. And it was a certainty that Holloway would have sex with Shaw shortly thereafter.”

Why does Holloway see a small worm in his eye?
It is possible that this is the first stage of mutation, like the large worms in the hall with the vessels. They could just be the eye worms of the Engineers, because they were larger than earthlings.

How does black slime work? With its help, the First Engineer gave birth to life, it turned Fifield (Sean Harris) into a zombie, Holloway got sick from it, his body began to deform, through Holloway the mucus penetrated into Shaw, and a squid-like monster grew inside it...
It's not a fact that all the black goo in the film functions the same. According to the already mentioned Cavalorn theory, mucus affects the body differently depending on the mental and emotional state"master". The engineer, being a dispassionate "gardener", had power over the slime and forced it to create. Well, we, unenlightened people, are driven by destruction. Interestingly, in early drafts the slime turned Fifield into something much more Alien-like. In other words, the ultimate goal of the black substance in its destructive mode is the creation of Aliens from subsequent films. (Perhaps Fifield's "Mohawk" is a subtle hint at the Alien's long head?)

Why does the hologram that David turns on show the Engineers running down the corridor in panic? Where did what scared them go?
It can be assumed that the Engineers were fleeing from the mutated black slime, which went into destructive mode in some of them (see above). And then... strangely disappeared.

Why, when people run away from the pyramid to escape the storm, do they see that the truck has already left? Who's driving this truck?
The book “Prometheus: the Art of Film” teaches us that the “all-terrain vehicle” will not go by itself - it needs someone to drive it. We can only assume that the driver was one of the guards whom Shaw told not to take weapons. Or maybe it's space magic.

Why is the automatic medical camera designed for men if it is installed in the rescue module owned by Vickers (Charlize Theron), a woman?
Because in fact, this medical cell is not for her, but for Peter Weiland. Don't be stupid.

Is it true that Vickers is an android (capable of having sex)? She looks a lot like David.
No, but she and David have something in common. "There's a mysterious, subtle connection between her and this character," Theron told us on film set. "It's all about the DNA, the Vickers genes were used to create David." Lindelof notes that the physical resemblance between Vickers and David is not a coincidence. "Is it possible to think of The best way humiliate your daughter rather than create her male counterpart?”

Why did Peter Wayland go to another planet? To find the source there eternal youth? Or meet “God”?
Neither one nor the other. Or both. And since Wayland chose to keep his presence on the ship a secret, it's clear that he loves surprises.

Why cast Guy Pearce as a hundred-year-old man if there are no scenes in which he is young?
This is a mystery to us. Is it just because a much younger Wayland appears in a promotional video for TED 2023? It may well be that deleted scenes with a more recognizable Guy Pearce will appear in the upcoming director's cut.

If the creature in the finale is an Alien, why is it not very similar to the Aliens from planet LV-426 in other films in the series?
Because it's not Alien. On set, he was called the Priest because his head was shaped like a miter. It is believed that this is the predecessor of the Alien, a creature that will give birth to Aliens in the future. The creature's DNA combines the genes of a human, an Engineer, and a giant "trilobite" with tentacles. In the sketches for the film, we see how it maliciously heads towards the crashed ship...

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Engineers, also known as pilots, space jockeys or Mala "kak are the oldest extraterrestrial life. The age of this civilization is billions of years old, but a clear origin is unknown. They have the most advanced technologies in the galaxy. One of the technologies makes them masters of genetic engineering, the origin of life on various celestial bodies.

ATTENTION!!! Due to new information derived from the movie "Alien: Covenant"

- this article is being edited!!!

Biology and appearance

As seen in the movie Prometheus, Engineers are pale white, veiny, human-like humanoids with dark (“dead”) eyes. Previously it was believed that this species has telepathic abilities, but scientists at the Weyland-Yutani Corporation found that this is not the case.

The engineer is found in an abandoned ship on Acheron wearing a bio-helmet that resembles some kind of breathing device. From the central part of the helmet there was a tube connected to the chest. The mouth on the helmet was present at the beginning of this tube, on its sides there were two jaws (or “alien fangs”), in the film “Prometheus” it became clear that this was just part of the costume. The arms were placed along the sides of the body, the lower part of the creature's body was hidden.


In principle, "engineers" look almost the same as human beings, with the exception of body size, eyes and hair. They have no hair on their body, eyebrows or eyelashes, their lips are as pale as the rest of the skin on their body, and their eyes are almost completely black. Their height gives them a huge advantage in strength over humans. Their behavior is almost unknown, the only example of the appearance of a living "engineer" is only in the film "Prometheus".

In this short time we learn that the “engineers” were preparing a course for Earth and planned to use various weapons as weapons dangerous organisms located in the cargo compartment of an alien ship. For unknown reasons, the organisms escaped control and destroyed his entire team except one “engineer”, who somehow ended up in cryo-sleep.

There is no information about the home universe of the “engineers,” but they, as we know, are capable of colonizing worlds similar to their own, carrying out the process of terraforming and creating an atmosphere suitable for breathing. Their technology and knowledge of space is incredibly advanced, as evidenced by the movie Prometheus. It also became clear that the “Engineers” are extremely hostile to humans.

Writing and language

The writing of the "engineers" is strikingly similar to the Mesopotamian cuneiform script found in the Middle East, and their hieroglyphs are identical to those found in Egypt, Central America and other areas Globe.

Attitude towards xenomorphs and other races

Little is known about this. The main theories with their connection with the “aliens” were told by Ridley Scott in the comments to the first two “films about aliens”. It was said that the "engineer" on the alien ship was a "suicide bomber", and that they used them as biological weapons to confront an enemy unknown to us in " ancient war". There is a number of evidence: Alien eggs were supposed to be used as bombs on the enemy planet, and then the "xenomorphs" would continue to destroy the population.

At the beginning of the film "Prometheus" it is clear that the "engineer" left on the planet was apparently responsible for the creation human race. He sacrificed himself by drinking Chemical substance, which completely dissolved him and introduced his DNA into the planet’s ecosystem and began complex processes with environment and microorganisms. Thus, Human DNA and Engineer DNA are almost identical (this is an assumption, because without scientific knowledge and understanding of the human genome is difficult to say for sure). The reasons why this “engineer” performed his “ritual” are unknown, although it seems that his race did not approve of these acts. Dozens of ships carrying cargo in the form of ammunition with black liquid were intended to be launched onto Earth, to spread the infection and further destroy humanity. But due to an incident with the cargo and loss of control over it, the ships remain motionless for a long time, and almost the entire crew dies. The crew of the USCSS Prometheus found out that the planet they were exploring was a laboratory for the design and development of weapons, there is a theory that “xenomorphs” (possibly even from black goo) were also created here.

It was also noted by the Prometheus crew that the "engineer" on LV-223 had been dead for 2000 years. Fans of the film suggested that more than 2000 years ago, "engineers" were in good relations with people, but some event occurred as a result of which they became hostile towards humanity. This explains cave drawings"inviting" humanity to find them.
There is also an option that “engineers” created life on Earth for education." nutrient medium"for proto-xenomorphs for military purposes.

The article has been moved from the old site.