Russian women's clothing companies. Women's dresses Onatej. We choose clothes from Russian manufacturers

Choosing clothes Russian manufacturers

According to our observations, which we have been conducting for several years now, on the Russian market for men's and women's clothing There are always some changes happening, and only in better side. Which, you see, cannot but please our compatriots who want to be able to buy fashionable, inexpensive and at the same time high-quality clothes.

But the advantage is that we consume something in advance, prepare it for sale, and we can dedicate more production. This means we have 285 pieces of clothing, but they are multiplied by a size range of at least five to eighteen sizes. We have an advantage in our 15 retail outlets. In addition to 300 wholesale products for different organizations, we produce only 300 over 500 clothing options for our stores. Thus, the range varies significantly, sometimes it is almost unattainable.

And often the varied offer is so surprising that the client really doesn’t know what to choose. Milan Jenicek: We can do custom orders or measuring instruments, but we have limited it only to large large customers who fulfill their larger orders - mainly clothes for their employees, because these products cost more money. Simply because you need to prepare a special cut that is made in your hands. It must then be cut separately.

Domestic manufacturers are improving the quality of their products every year and today are ready to offer an excellent range of not only women's, but also men's and children's clothing.

Of course, for some people, prices for domestically produced goods remain a bit “biting”. However, if we're talking about When it comes to quality items made from expensive materials, their price, of course, cannot fall below average. Although, if you look at the online store Russian clothes, then it is quite possible that you will have the opportunity to buy a worthwhile item at a low price.

It's the difference when you cut 20 identical jackets or one jacket with slightly different, perhaps wider shoulders. This gives you the same cutting job, but it's just one piece, meaning it takes more time and costs more. Rather, we are trying to expand the size ranges so that they all fit as far as possible. Meanwhile, we only make one of the ten types in oversized sizes.

Do you only wear your banner clothes, or do you have outside seamstresses? We had seminars in Cologne and Jindrichuv Hradec, where our employees worked. Now we have sewn together in the new university town of Sezimovo Usti. We did everything before, including shirts, shirts, polo shirts, but we don't run anymore. So for some shirts, tank tops and polo shirts, we already have a manufacturer and we import. We leave them to be sewn under our brand, we check the goods on the spot. Sometimes it's difficult for a product to look the way it is, and that's good, we have to control a lot of things.

There is nothing easier than buying domestically produced clothes on the Internet. For example, Ivanovo knitwear, which seems to never go out of fashion. Enterprises that are concentrated in the city of Ivanovo work with fashion designers and used in production only natural fabrics High Quality, carefully monitor the cut of manufactured knitwear.

For some multi-volume orders, we also sometimes use external production facilities. What appeared in the materials of the “green program” - with the exception of membranes? And is there a difference between our fashion and that of a foreigner? Milan Zenicek: When we started, in Czech Republic there were many fabric manufacturers. At least in my idea, as a man who went to the Dingle, he went into nature. Therefore, we searched a lot, although everyone produced different fabrics. From the very beginning it was the intention to produce substances manufactured in accordance with our requirements.

Online clothing store from Russian manufacturers

Ivanovo textile factories never cease to delight us with their collections of clothing that meet high European quality standards and latest changes in the global fashion industry.

If you want to buy wholesale clothes Russian production, online store - the best place to implement your plans. By purchasing Ivanovo-made knitwear in bulk, you have the opportunity to significantly save your budget. Especially if you chose the Grandstock online store to make a purchase. A special flexible system of discounts has been developed for this store, which will help reduce the cost of products sold.

At that time, arriving somewhere and wanting something new was almost unthinkable. But we managed to find suitable material, and others for production. But it was still such a military canvas. What manufacturers in the Czech Republic could offer was 100% cotton or polyester cotton. When he started walking there was a problem with the paint - we need green color, but green, which some did not understand. They either offered khaki green or bottled green. True, green is a very difficult color to produce.

Including this is the same and does not differ for each delivery. Dyes that are used green are aggravated, it is worse than any other color. When everything gradually crystallized and the artists learned color, they became very high for change. They then gradually collapsed as the market opened up and foreign materials began to be imported. So we started looking abroad and started with ship materials. We said why it was similar, but foreign clients saw the difference.

Our store's website presents original collections of women's, men's and children's clothing in a wide range age group. We offer clothes for people with perfect figure and non-standard forms, for newborns and adolescents. The manufacturer pays equally great attention, both the quality of tailoring and the styles of products. We are sure that you will not regret if you buy an autumn coat or dress from Russian clothing companies.

Then the Czech shipyard began to produce, we ordered it for many years and sold products from it even abroad. Because this is a real ship and the price is higher than in Germany. The plant in Krnov, which produced it, but also finished it. However, we wanted to continue it, and we learned how to produce it from a foreign manufacturer. If people want it, we'll start again.

What material does your clothing have? Lately? We mainly use new, more modern materials, mainly polyesters. The advantage of polyester is that it sticks to color rather than getting rid of it, usually without tears. Previously, the trend was to have everything from cotton, polyester, which is bad and uncomfortable to wear. Today this is not the case. When you pick up your cotton trousers, they crawl. This is traditional natural material, but today cotton is combined with viscose, etc. Often it is no longer natural cotton.

Just 5-10 years ago, the retail and wholesale markets for women's clothing were dominated by products from foreign manufacturers. This, mainly due to the relatively low cost, was clothing from manufacturers from China, Vietnam and a number of countries of Eastern Europe. Due to a number of objective and subjective reasons, clothing from domestic companies was not particularly loved by buyers.

The problem is its color fastness and shrinkage. People don't mind going into a blurry business. Today they are worried because they are used to materials that they do not have to deal with. So we started using materials in combination with polyester, we tried to replace cotton with mixed materials, artificial fabrics. They are dyed directly into the mass, not after the match, they are dyed directly so they hold the color.

We buy materials from Asia, but they still need to be carefully controlled to our specifications, perhaps thirty times. Now we have two exciting new materials on the way that we want to make into standard uniforms and casual clothes. But first we will test them, and when they do, we will begin to form.

Today, it is worth recognizing the fact that it is domestic women’s clothing wholesale and retail that is confidently displacing imports from the shelves. Moreover, this is especially typical for models large sizes from 48 and above, which are presented very sparingly in the product line of foreign manufacturers.

Reasons for the popularity of domestic women's clothing

There are many reasons why interest in the products of Russian factories has increased. Firstly, this is a noticeably lower cost of such clothing compared to foreign analogues. This is largely due to the fact that in this case There are no very high customs duties and transport costs. In practice, this is expressed in the fact that in the end, women's clothing from a manufacturer from Russia turns out to be noticeably cheaper than clothing of similar quality from abroad.

Can you tell me how many meters of material you need to order on a regular batch of bundles? Minimum amount is between two and three kilometers. When the fabric starts to work, we order another one. Delivery time is about two months. We get ours key points for our customers because we have a combination of materials. Therefore, for one type of jacket we must order at least six times three kilometers of material. Since last summer we have also started experimenting with color combinations such as green and black, which we have also seen abroad.

Secondly, in last years Russian women's clothing from manufacturers wholesale and retail has become of higher quality. Domestic factories managed to achieve such a breakthrough through the use of more modern technological equipment, the accumulation of certain practical experience in sewing women's clothing and the need to improve their business in conditions of market competition. Separately, it is worth mentioning the widespread implementation of the recently popular quality management system (QMS) and its certification for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9000.

Although it was unusual, people began to want such clothes because they wanted to try something different. Apparently they are not true bird hunters who wouldn't go out in the green, but those going into the wild want to walk.

The younger generation of hunters is dying. In America, camouflage fashion is wildlife, but here these clothes have no tradition. Can your foreign manufacturers really guarantee the same quality and color? They say that this is from Asia, from China, this is bad. But this is no longer the case - if you compare the materials we produce specifically with consumer goods, where the quality is low because it is cheap, and the Asian manufacturers are simply squealing. We test the materials we make to order, and if they weren't good, we didn't accept them.

Thirdly, the buyers themselves are already tired of the dominance of expensive and not always high-quality foreign products. The fashion for Russian goods, including women’s clothing from manufacturers wholesale and retail, is growing. Moreover, according to many experts, soon domestic textiles will be in even greater demand than imported ones.

If we were only dealing with stores, it is a question of whether there is one jacket of one type of fabric and one of another. But we also make uniforms for clients who come back after two, three years and want the same thing. For them we must wear the same material and the same color.

In addition, nowadays the hunter wants to have both a jacket and trousers. The best of the same material, in the same style. Lately people want to complete. That's why we have a collection for hunters and stay in nature, sorted by collection.

But the hunting color is also found in the Czech Republic, in addition to green and brown, gray and black. After a year and a half that we had in our clothes in these colors, it was shown that they were also bought by hunters, especially young ones. These clothes look sporty and modern. They are no longer classic hunting jackets, but sporty cuts. They have a more universal use, people don't have to wear them only in nature. In addition, recently we have been working with conservation workers - officials of the Office of Protected Areas, National Parks.

It is worth noting that women’s clothing from the manufacturer in most cases is deservedly popular. Indeed, today such textiles can boast not only of low price, but also of quality and, most importantly, their safety for the buyer. Factories are increasingly switching to natural fabrics and paying special attention to obtaining all the necessary hygiene certificates for their products.

Already exists great amount people who want color combinations. We also offer clothes with a combination various materials, the jacket is unique. This is a problem for us not only to ensure production, but also to store many types of jackets.

But clients want it, so we meet them. Are there any clothing options that you supply, for example, only to the French or German markets and do not offer them to us? We also try to take advantage of our clients. But previously there were enough such supplies. For example, Scandinavian countries always wanted a "radio" - a radial pocket that they carried for hunting. People understood this as a practical thing, but the pocket shouldn't just be a transmitter. And different elements come to us.