Haplogroups: description of ancient genera and famous representatives of haplogroups. Haplogroups in ethnic definition are a myth

Main characteristics of the technosphere:

Autonomy (having autonomy, independence from something)

Self-determination (unambiguous predetermination).

Like the natural one, the technoenvironment is a kind of self-contained system that can be determined without (independently) human intervention. The structural elements of this system are so closely interconnected that it is impossible to separate them from each other or solve any problem. technical problem isolated.

The ever-accelerating movement toward environmental disaster, disastrous for humanity, gives rise to a sense of fear among many of the technical phenomenon and engineering impact on nature. Indeed, along with the tools of creation human mind from ancient times, he created more and more sophisticated weapons of destruction and destruction, moving along this azimuth much faster and showing much more ingenuity and resourcefulness. IN last decades XX century It was discovered that the technology that was conceived and designed to make life easier, create abundance, and improve the world, itself contains the danger of global catastrophes.

In the technogenic era, natural systems are divided into their component elements; technology tears them out of their immediate natural connection, thereby qualitatively transforming the organic matter of the world in accordance with material purposes.

Globality of modern environmental problems mediated by inorganic and pseudo-organic results scientific and technological progress and the production associated with it.

IN modern processes globalization the technosphere plays a dual role:

ü firstly, it is an instrument of globalization, as well as a kind of cause of this phenomenon;

ü secondly, from the moment of its formation, the technosphere (as a set of technology and technological processes) itself is globalizing, absorbing and rooting man himself.

In a technological society, technology has invaded not only between man and nature, but also into the sphere of interpersonal communication.

Structure of the technosphere

The technosphere is usually considered as an integral global system in two systemic links:

· “man – technosphere” (technosphere represents and replaces nature; acts as a natural element, is a continuation of the structural complication of living nature)

The structural elements of the technosphere as a natural phenomenon can be considered technical products, which are the final link in the transformation of natural matter. In this case, it is legitimate to talk about technological methods of production or technological structures as a formalized principle of goal setting. It is also legitimate to describe objects of the technosphere as technocenoses as spontaneously formed communities and technological species as units of these communities.

· “technosphere - biosphere” (in it the technosphere represents and replaces society, acts as an artificial element, separates man from nature)

The structural elements of the technosphere as an artificial phenomenon are usually recognized territorial-industrial complexes (TIC). There are agro-industrial, urban-industrial, mining and mining processing, energy, and recreational complexes. The defining factors in a description of this type are external function environmental pollution, as well as the common goal and control function for each of them human society. This classification is due to the natural patchy distribution of technosphere objects over the surface of the globe. Transport communications connect these mega-objects into a common framework of the technosphere. Thus, external geographical description the material part of the technosphere shell. At the energy level, the technosphere can be considered continuous, since electromagnetic radiation (for example, in the radio range) can be detected anywhere on the earth. The territorial description of technosphere objects is externally functional, and, in essence, these objects are considered as a black box.

The internal description of the system is truly structural, since it is determined by a single criterion of objects belonging to the system and a fundamental property - ambivalence.

The internal structure of the technosphere is determined by the processes occurring in it.

General classification processes is based on the most general character transformation of matter. Contains the following classes:

1. Processes of transformation of substances;

2. Processes of creating things;

3. Processes of operating things;

4. Processes of decomposition of used items.

The ambivalence of the technosphere is manifested, in particular, in the fact that the processes of the third group - the exploitation of things - cannot be carried out without the processes of the first and second groups, and the latter, in turn, cannot be carried out without already created things. A group of processes of the first class creates structural materials for a group of processes of the second class, energy prerequisites for the implementation of processes of the first three classes, new concentrated substances, and releases elements, thereby performing functions similar to the functions of soil in the biosphere. Therefore, such a function cannot be avoided. To implement its first stage - mining in the course of historical development - mechanisms were created that imitate the human hand (excavators, draglines, etc.). Some minerals can be extracted without the use of such mechanisms (underground gasification of coal, ore leaching, oil and gas extraction, etc.). But when developing others, for example, construction or chemical raw materials, such technologies are impossible, because A mineral is an entire rock. Some elements are extracted from the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere and pass into the technogenic cycle, while others remain in waste. The general chemical composition of the technosphere is thus very different from that of the lithosphere. It also differs from general composition biosphere. And it is precisely this discrepancy chemical compositions leads to environmental problems. The movement of material flows during the implementation of processes of transformation of substances creates network structures similar to the trophic chains of the biosphere.

To create each material, through the combined efforts of people, such network structures for the transformation of matter are organized, covering significant spaces. Ore can be mined in one place, metal can be smelted hundreds of kilometers from the mine, metal parts can be produced in another country, cars from these parts can be assembled on another continent, and a car can end up in a landfill on the other side of the earth.

Thus, the things for the production of which the technosphere exists are local, and the processes of transformation of matter for the production of these things are global. Flows of matter, being autonomous for the production of individual materials, are partially combined at the stage of creating things.

The smaller structural elements of the techno-trophic chains of the sphere are various levels of transformation of matter, usually associated with various industries - mining, metallurgical, chemical, etc. At each of these levels, there are thousands of enterprises that are united by goals, objectives, materials, and technologies on a social level, but are separated physically - geographically. Each such enterprise is a structural unit of the technosphere, similar to an organism in the biosphere. Each of them is essentially a natural-technical system, i.e. artificial system located in the natural landscape. The functioning of such systems is studied in various branches of geoecology. At the same time, they study the interaction of natural and artificial components as a whole, i.e. produce a description of their external functions. The natural component is considered not from the point of view of its internal functions, but how it affects the artificial one (for example, how a rock mass affects the structure standing on it). Conversely, an artificial component (for example, a building) is considered not from the point of view of the processes occurring in it, but from the side of those processes that influence the surrounding natural component.

Thus, when studying natural-technical systems, the functional (external) properties of these technosphere objects are considered in the system links “man - technosphere”, “technosphere - biosphere”, “technosphere - lithosphere”, “technosphere - hydrosphere”, “technosphere - atmosphere” . The internal properties of the natural-technical system as a structural unit of the technosphere, which largely determine and external behavior, can only be described through the processes of technological transformation of the substance inside it.

The links of technotrophic chains are connected not only by material and energy flows, but also by the consistency of technologies of different industries, because in the process of converting a substance, the products of the previous link are a material in the subsequent technological process.

A single element of the structure of the technosphere can be considered the elementary technological process of transforming matter, which retains the properties of ambivalence as a defining property of any object belonging to the technosphere.

The functioning of each elementary technological process does not contain ambivalence, since, in addition to obtaining a useful product (for which it is intended), it is, as it were, a motor of influence, i.e. constant supplier of pollution, technical system to natural. An attempt to control the process by limiting waste or changing its quality is ineffective, because In an already functioning technical system, it is impossible to achieve two optima - a certain product quality and specified waste properties. This leads to the transfer of pollution to another level, i.e. The requirements for the material included in the technological process are becoming more stringent, which leads to the creation of new production facilities to bring the material to the required standards, while new waste arises. Another way is to change the properties of a useful project, which leads to additional technological difficulties at subsequent stages of transformation of the substance.

Types of technosphere zones:

1)Industrial Zone

A zone that includes industrial areas of the city, as well as areas of individual industrial enterprises and other production facilities, serving their cultural and social institutions, streets, squares, and green spaces.

Territories of compact location of enterprises.

An industrial district is a city territory where enterprises with service buildings, institutions, roads, etc. are located. An industrial district includes a system of green areas that are separated from other areas by a sanitary protection zone.

Sanitary protection zone- green spaces from 50 to 1000 m wide, protecting territories from the harmful influence of industry and transport.

2)Urban zone

Conventional territorial unit of the city.

Urban zones:

Reflect historical development And internal organization cities;

They differ in the intensity of use of the occupied area, population composition and other socio-economic characteristics.

3) Residential zone

ü part of the territory settlement, intended to accommodate residential, public (public and business) and recreational areas, as well as individual parts of engineering and transport infrastructure, other objects, the placement and activities of which do not have an impact requiring special sanitary protection zones.

ü part of the city's planning structure; territory including:

Residential areas and microdistricts;

Public and shopping centers, streets, thoroughfares, highways;

Landscaping objects.

In the residential zone, separate municipal and industrial facilities may be located that do not require the establishment of sanitary protection zones.

The residential area occupies on average 50-60% of the city's territory.

Main goals:

Making the most favorable conditions to meet the socio-cultural and everyday needs of the population;

Minimizing time spent on spatial accessibility of service facilities, recreational facilities, cultural and community institutions.

4)Transport zone

ü a system of ground, elevated and underground highways intersecting at several levels.

In world practice, there are already transport interchanges on five levels. With increasing number and variety Vehicle the degree of complexity of the city’s transport network increases and, thus, the system of connections between functional zones improves. The planning structure depends on the location of the city on the terrain.

There are compact plan forms, dissected, dispersed with evenly distributed areas, dispersed with a predominant area and linear. The complexity of the planning structure of large cities also lies in the fact that a wide variety of industrial enterprises cannot be located on the territory of one industrial zone. This causes division of residential areas. New residential areas are emerging on the periphery of the city, and new recreation areas are being formed. New industrial zones lead to the emergence of sanitary protection territories. The growth of the city contributes to the development of external transport and the expansion of the transport zone.

4. Characteristic flows of mass, energy and information for various components of the “man-environment” system:

The technosphere is characterized by flows of all types of raw materials and energy, a variety of product flows and human reserves; waste streams (emissions into the atmosphere, discharges into water bodies, liquid and solid waste, various energy impacts).

The technosphere is also capable of spontaneously creating significant flows of mass and energy during explosions, fires, destruction of building structures, transport accidents, etc.

Main flows in the natural environment.

  • Solar radiation, radiation from stars and planets;
  • Cosmic rays, dust, asteroids;
  • Electrical and magnetic field Earth;
  • Cycles of substances in the biosphere in ecosystems, in biogeocenoses;
  • Atmospheric, hydrosphere and lithospheric phenomena, incl. – spontaneous;

Main flows in the technosphere.

  • Flows of raw materials, energy;
  • Flows of products from economic sectors;
  • Waste from economic sectors;
  • Household waste;
  • Information flows;
  • Traffic flows;
  • Light fluxes (artificial lighting);
  • Flows of matter and energy during man-made accidents;

Social environment consumes and generates all types of flows characteristic of a person as an individual. In addition, society creates information flows when transferring knowledge, when managing society, and when collaborating with other social formations. The social environment creates flows of all kinds aimed at transforming the natural and man-made worlds, and creates negative phenomena in society associated with smoking, consumption of alcohol, drugs, etc.

Main flows in the social sphere.

The main flows consumed and released by a person in the process of life.

  • Flows of oxygen, food, water and other substances (alcohol, tobacco, drugs);
  • Energy flows (mechanical, thermal, solar, etc.);
  • Information flows;
  • Waste streams from life processes;

Waste streams arise according to law on the inevitability of waste and side effects of production: “In any economic cycle, waste is generated and side effects, they are not removable and can only be transferred from one physical and chemical form to another or moved in space”.


To assess the degree of influence of technosphere factors on humans and develop protection concepts, it is necessary to consider the mechanisms of influence of various factors on humans and the possible consequences of this influence.

Flows of masses, energies and information, distributed in earthly space, form a habitat for living nature. Man and his environment interact harmoniously and develop only in conditions when these flows are within limits that are favorably perceived by man and the natural environment.

Any excess of the usual flow levels is accompanied by negative impacts per person and/or environment. Under natural conditions, such interactions are observed during climate change and natural phenomena. In the technosphere, negative impacts are caused by its elements and human actions.

At the heart of the occurrence negative impacts The non-equilibrium state of the material world and, above all, differences in the energy characteristics of its components, in the levels of thermal, kinetic, electromagnetic and other types of energy, affect humans and their environment.

Negative factors are classified as follows:

1) by origin

ü natural (kinetic energy wind and water elements, released stress energy of the earth's crust, thermal energy of volcanoes)

ü anthropogenic (associated with the emergence of human society and its economic activity; general main reason implementation of anthropogenic NF from the very beginning there was an uncontrolled energy output)

2) by nature of impact

ü physical (the defining feature is the type of energy (for example, mechanical, thermal or electromagnetic).

This group includes

Main unfavorable characteristics air environment and illumination;

Mechanical factors, including the impact of moving machines and mechanisms, vibration and acceleration;

Acoustic factors (infrasound, noise and ultrasound);

A large list of electromagnetic radiation (ultraviolet and infrared radiation, high- and ultra-high-frequency radiation, ionizing radiation, laser radiation, etc.).

ü chemical (determined by the chemical structure of the substance).

This group includes

Deviations in the natural composition of the air (too low or too high levels partial pressure O 2 , etc.),

Dust and gas pollution in the air.

ü biological

These include:

Direct exposure to living organisms: damage from animals, reptiles and insects,

Exposure to waste products (such as pollen) and biotechnological production. The latter, in particular, are one of the main sources of allergens, i.e. substances that cause allergic reactions and diseases (for example, bronchial asthma or eczema).

ü psychophysiological (associated with labor activity person, i.e. These are NFs that create high levels of physical and neuropsychological stress and the resulting degree of severity and intensity of work).

3) by the nature of the impact

- active , affecting by their own energy (for example, moving machines and mechanisms, collapsing structures, thermal and electrical factors)

- passive , activated by energy carried by the person himself (for example, sharp piercing and cutting objects, surface unevenness, etc.).

4) on the consequences of exposure to humans

- dangerous (negative impact on a person that results in injury or death)

- harmful (negative impact on a person that leads to deterioration of health or illness).

Classification of a number of physical and chemical NPs as harmful or dangerous depends on their quantitative characteristics(intensity, concentration, dose, etc.). Those factors that provide comfort to a person in a certain range of values ​​become harmful or dangerous at other values.

World Health Organization (WHO) hazard classification:

ü hazardous substances

ü mechanical hazards

ü thermal hazards

ü electrical hazards

Types of dangerous and harmful factors in the technosphere for humans and the natural environment:

Ingredient, biological and energy pollution,

Degradation of the natural environment,

Information and psychological influences.

Types of dangerous and harmful factors in the technosphere:

Emissions and discharges of harmful chemical and biological substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere,

Acoustic, electromagnetic and radioactive pollution,

Industrial and domestic solid waste,

Information and transport flows.

The space in which exposure to a dangerous or harmful factor is possible is called danger zone.

These areas include: machine grip areas, surfaces and projections of moving parts, work areas of material handling equipment, as well as areas around collapsing buildings, machinery, pressure vessels, etc. There are permanent and temporary dangerous zones, which are characterized by geometric dimensions, and temporary ones - also by the probability of its occurrence.

Conditions that create the possibility of exposure to hazardous factors are defined as dangerous situation. It occurs when a person is in a dangerous zone at the moment the corresponding danger occurs. To characterize dangerous situations, probabilistic indicators are used.

The frequency or probability of the occurrence of hazards and the accidents they cause is called risk(risk of accident or failure, risk of emergency and injury). In a mathematical sense, risk is a numerical characteristic random variable, used to describe the hazard.

NS is possible with two conditions: a person is in a dangerous zone at the moment of danger and does not have sufficient C3.

In environmental conditions, especially in industrial conditions, a person is usually exposed to multifactorial influence, the effect of which may be more significant than with the isolated action of one or another factor.

When several factors influence organisms, they distinguish:

· combined effect– the total effect of several factors of the same nature (for example, a number of chemicals);

· combined effect– the total effect of several factors of different nature (for example, chemical substance and ultraviolet radiation);

· complex impact– multifaceted effects of one factor (for example, intake of the same substance orally, respiratoryly and through the skin).

Related information.

Definition and essence of the technosphere

TECHNOSPHERE(Greek techne - skills, skill, ability and sphaira - ball)

    the field of real existence of technology and the totality of material means of human transformative activity; the global human environment, the synthesis of the natural and the artificial, leading to the symbiosis of technology and humanity in nature.

    a special shell of the planet in which human practical activities are carried out.

    as part of the biosphere, radically transformed by man into technical and man-made objects;

    as part of the biosphere, transformed by people through the direct and indirect influence of technical means in order to best meet the socio-economic needs of man;

    as a closed regional-global technological system of utilization and reutilization, involved in economic circulation natural resources.

    “second nature”, created by man in the process of materializing his goals, ideas, theories, is an inorganic mechanical system, which today also includes scientific concepts that are trying to transform the world.

2. Stages of development of the technosphere

The technosphere has passed three main stages of its development:

    eotechnics(When building material was wood, and the source of energy was water);

    paleotechnics(where iron and coal predominated);

    neotechnicians(in the 20th century, when metal alloys and electricity began to be used).

    forecast – biotechnology, i.e. a technique based on the laws of biology.

American sociologist L. Mumford back in the 40s. XX century predicted the onset of the stage of biotechnology. Development along this path in science began with the creation of computers based on the human brain model, as well as with the emergence of post-industrial society - the result of the globalization process.

    forecast – noogenics, i.e. the stage of creating an intelligent principle that will unite the biosphere and the global technosphere into one organic whole.

In the 20th century technology has turned into a new, artificial human environment, displacing the old, natural one.

3. Main characteristics of the technosphere

Main characteristics of the technosphere:

    autonomy (having autonomy, independence from something)

    self-determination (unambiguous predetermination).

Like the natural one, the technoenvironment is a kind of self-contained system that can be determined without (independently) human intervention. The structural elements of this system are so closely interconnected that it is impossible to separate them from each other or solve any technical problem in isolation.

The ever-accelerating movement toward environmental disaster, disastrous for humanity, gives rise to a sense of fear among many of the technical phenomenon and engineering impact on nature. Indeed, along with the tools of creation, the human mind, since ancient times, has created more and more sophisticated tools of destruction and destruction, moving along this azimuth much faster and showing much more ingenuity and resourcefulness. In the last decades of the 20th century. It was discovered that the technology that was conceived and designed to make life easier, create abundance, and improve the world, itself contains the danger of global catastrophes.

In the technogenic era, natural systems are divided into their component elements; technology tears them out of their immediate natural connection, thereby qualitatively transforming the organic matter of the world in accordance with material purposes.

The global nature of modern environmental problems is mediated by the inorganic and pseudo-organic nature of the results of scientific and technological progress and the production associated with it.

In modern processes of globalization the technosphere plays a dual role:

    firstly, it is an instrument of globalization, as well as a kind of cause of this phenomenon;

    secondly, from the moment of its formation, the technosphere (as a set of technology and technological processes) itself globalizes, absorbing and rooting man himself.

In a technological society, technology has invaded not only between man and nature, but also into the sphere of interpersonal communication.

With the advent of people on Earth, the influence of their activities on the cycle of substances and energy exchange in the biosphere began, and the tragedy of the biosphere began. On a path that intensifies confrontation with the biosphere, the ancestors modern man set foot about 1.5-3 million years ago, when, obeying the commands of their mental apparatus - the brain, needing ever greater amounts of energy to satisfy their needs, they first lit fires in Africa and Northern Yakutia (in the village of Dirin-Yuryakh). From that moment on, the paths of man and the biosphere finally diverged, their confrontation began, the consequence of which could be the collapse of the biosphere or the disappearance of man.

Humanity, growing in numbers and spreading on the planet, automatically and inevitably pushed aside other inhabitants of nature. And it rejected nature itself to the margins of the biosphere, replacing the latter technosphere, or biotechnosphere.

Technosphere- this is a part of the biosphere in the past, transformed by man through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best suit his material and socio-economic needs.

By creating the technosphere, man sought to improve the comfort of the environment, increase communication skills, and provide protection from natural negative influences. All this had a positive impact on living conditions and, together with other factors (improved medical care, etc.) on people’s life expectancy.

But the creation by the hands and mind of man of the technosphere, designed to maximally satisfy his needs for comfort and safety, has far from lived up to people’s hopes. Unsustainable economic activity, greatly enhanced by the achievements of scientific and technological progress, has led to damage and depletion of natural resources, changes in the regeneration mechanisms of the biosphere, deformation of the natural cycle of substances and energy flows on the planet formed over many millions of years, and disruption of the dynamic balance of the global terrestrial socio-ecosystem.

In the global ecosystem, the biosphere, which is a single whole, nothing can be won or lost, nothing can be the object of overall improvement. Everything that is extracted from it by human labor must be returned.

Payment of this “bill” cannot be avoided; it can only be postponed.

Technosphere includes regions, cities, industrial zones, industrial and domestic environments. The new technosphere includes the living conditions of people in cities and industrial centers, production, transport and living conditions.

To live, a person must provide for his life, first of all, financially. .

Material production is an activity aimed at developing the natural environment.

It includes industry and agricultural activities. Material production is the basis social development, since it satisfies a wide variety of human needs. The leading role in the material production system was played by:

1) agricultural production, which dominated in Europe almost until the beginning of the 18th century;

2) industrial production, which began from the moment when steam and machines revolutionized industry;

3) information production - the production of knowledge, which is increasingly becoming the defining form of labor. At the third stage, the production of ideas, knowledge, and information comes to the fore.

Technosphere and its composition

The technosphere is a part of the biosphere that has been radically transformed by man into technical and man-made objects (mechanisms, buildings, structures, mine workings, roads, etc.) through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best meet the socio-economic needs of man.

A system is an object that is a collection of elements that interact in the process of performing a certain range of tasks and are interconnected functionally.

A system element is an object that represents the simplest part of the system, the individual parts of which are not of independent interest within the framework of a specific consideration.

Object - a technical product for a specific purpose, considered during the periods of design, production, testing and operation.

Objects can be various systems and their elements, in particular: structures, installations, technical products, devices, machines, apparatus, instruments and their parts, assemblies and individual parts.

Systems operate in space and time. The process of systems functioning represents a change in the state of the system, its transition from one state to another. In accordance with this, systems are divided into static and dynamic.

A static system is a system with one possible state.

A dynamic system is a system with many states in which a transition from one state to another occurs over time.

The modern technosphere is diverse: its representatives are cities, which include industrial and residential zones, transport hubs and highways, shopping and cultural areas and individual premises, thermal power plants and thermal power plants,
recreation areas, etc.

Technosphere - a set of regions of the biosphere in which the natural environment has been completely or partially rebuilt by humans using direct or indirect technical influence in order to best suit their material and spiritual needs

Figure 1 - Structure of the technosphere

With the advent of man and the development of human society, a qualitatively new and most complex type processes – technogenesis. Technogenesis refers to the impact of human economic activity in all its forms on the natural environment. Problems generated by technogenesis:

The problem of chemical pollution of natural environments;

The problem of thermal pollution of the biosphere;

The problem of probable growth greenhouse effect;

The problem of atmospheric dust as a result of emissions from enterprises and other types of industrial activities;

The problem of reduction total number biomass and biodiversity in the Earth's biosphere as a result of two main types of processes:

A. technogenic processes not characteristic of the biosphere: production of substances that do not exist in nature, movement of substances, creation of man-made objects that have no natural analogues, use of atomic energy, etc.

b. technogenically transformed biosphere processes: any processes of movement and transformation of matter and energy that continue to be carried out in general in the same forms and according to the same laws as in nature, but their course, one way or another, is changed as a result of technogenic influence.

The technosphere is characterized, compared to the biosphere, by a wider range of hazards and negative impacts, a high probability, the magnitude of the level and consequences (damage) of their implementation.
Technogenic negative factors in the technosphere are formed due to the presence of industrial and household waste, due to the use of technical means, due to the concentration of energy resources, etc. Negative factors of the technosphere are most concentrated in the sphere of production.
Work environment– this is a part of the technosphere with an increased concentration of negative factors. The main carriers of traumatic and harmful factors in the production environment are machines and other technical devices, chemically and biologically active objects of labor, energy sources, unregulated actions of workers, violations of regimes and organization of activities, as well as deviations from the permissible parameters of the microclimate of the working area.
Traumatic and harmful factors are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysical.

Physical factors– moving machines and mechanisms, increased levels of noise and vibration, electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, insufficient lighting, increased level of static electricity, increased voltage in the electrical circuit, etc.

Chemical factors– substances and compounds, different in state of aggregation and having toxic, irritating, sensitizing, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on the human body and affecting its reproductive function.
Biological factors– pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and their metabolic products, as well as animals and plants.

Psychophysiological factors– physical (static and dynamic) and neuropsychic overload (mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, monotony of work, emotional overload).
From a safety point of view, the tasks of studying technical systems are to see how the elements of the system function in the system in interaction with its other parts and for what reasons a failure that threatens to occur may occur. negative consequences for the environment.

Sources of man-made danger:


Potentially dangerous objects;

Enterprises, organizations, institutions carrying out the relevant type of activity.

Environmental factors are any element of the environment that can have a direct impact on living organisms, at least during one of the stages of development.

Technogenic hazard factors:




Pulse accelerations.

The structure of the technosphere is usually considered as an integral global system in two systemic links:

A. “man - technosphere”;

b. "technosphere - biosphere".

In the first connection, the technosphere is a natural system (a continuation of the structural complication of living nature), and in the second, it is artificial (separates humans from it)

The structural elements of the technosphere are:

A. Technical products that are the final link in the transformation of natural matter. Objects of the technosphere as technocenoses as spontaneously formed communities and technological species as units of these communities.

B. Territorial-industrial complexes (TPC). The determining factors are the external function of environmental pollution, as well as the common function of purpose and control on the part of human society for each of them.

Smaller structural elements technotrophic chains – enterprises = organism in the biosphere.

The elementary technological process of converting matter can be considered a single element of the structure of the technosphere

Technosphere processes:

Transformation of substances;

Creating things;

Operation of things;

Decomposition of used items.

Types of technosphere zones.

1. Industrial zone. Includes industrial enterprises serving their cultural and social institutions, streets, squares, and green spaces.

2. Urban zone is a conventional territorial unit of a city:

Reflect the historical development and internal organization of the city;

They differ in the intensity of use of the occupied area, population composition and other socio-economic characteristics.

3. Residential zone - part of the territory of a settlement intended to accommodate residential, public and recreational zones, as well as individual parts of engineering and transport infrastructure, other objects, the location and activity of which does not have an impact requiring special sanitary protection zones.

Occupies approximately 60% of the city's territory.

4. Transport zone - a system of surface, overground and underground highways intersecting at several levels. The planning structure depends on the location of the city on the terrain

Modern principles of formation of the technosphere:

1. Development of a development strategy modern civilization preliminary studies the strategy of development of the biosphere (billions of years), higher animals (many tens of millions of years), humans (hundreds of millennia), and former civilizations (many millennia).

3. It is advisable to have two types of concepts: ideal (utopias) and real (theories).

4. In addition to scientific and technical activities: the spiritual revival and renewal of man, a sharp increase in the value of his intellect, the priority of spiritual needs, the transition to a new level of knowledge of nature.

5. Architectural and planning zoning of the territory

6. Information support for accounting and Information support legal relations.

7. The state of the territory is characterized by the composition, spatial distribution, and indicators of its components.

8. The use of the territory is characterized by the composition of functions, their spatial distribution, and indicators of their impact on the environment.

9. External conditions are characterized by spatial distribution and indicators of the influence of environmental factors on the territory.

Priority of safety and nature conservation issues in the formation of the technosphere:

1. The assessment of the technosphere moves from its complete approval to its complete condemnation.

2. The proposed programs are unfeasible or insufficient for changes.

3. The controllability of the built environment is in question.

4. Living in conditions of constant uncertainty is the price for personal freedoms and progress.

5. Long-term planning for the development of the technosphere

Over the course of many centuries, it slowly changed its appearance and, as a result, the types and levels of negative impacts changed little. This went on until mid-19th V. — the beginning of an active increase in human impact on the environment. In the 20th century As a result of a large-scale outbreak in many regions of the world, there was a global and vital source of hazardous substances harmful to human health. Zones of increased pollution of the biosphere have emerged on Earth, which has led to its partial, and in some cases, complete regional degradation. These changes were largely contributed to on Earth () and his; growth in consumption and concentration of energy resources; intensive development of industrial and agricultural production; mass use means of transport and a number of other processes.

Biosphere and technosphere

A sharp increase in anthropogenic pressure on nature has led to a disruption of the ecological balance and caused degradation not only of the environment, but also of human health. The biosphere gradually lost its dominant significance and in populated regions began to turn into the technosphere.

Biosphere- the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere 12-15 km high, the entire aquatic environment of the planet (hydrosphere) and top part earth's crust (lithosphere 2-3 km deep). The upper boundary of the biosphere is located at an altitude of 15-20 km from the Earth's surface in the stratosphere. Active technogenic human activity has led to the destruction of the biosphere in many regions of the planet and the creation of a new type of habitat - the technosphere.

Technosphere- this is a region of the biosphere in the past, transformed by people into technical and man-made objects, i.e. the environment of populated areas.

The technosphere has replaced the biosphere and, as a result, there are few areas left on the planet with undisturbed ecosystems. Ecosystems are most destroyed in developed countries- Europe, North America, Japan. Natural ecosystems have been preserved here in small areas, which are surrounded on all sides by areas disturbed by human activity. Therefore, the remaining relatively small spots of the biosphere are subject to strong technosphere pressure.

Development of the technosphere in the twentieth century. had an exceptionally high rate compared to previous centuries. This led to two diametrically opposed consequences. On the one hand, outstanding results were achieved in science and various industries, which had an impact positive influence for all spheres of life. On the other hand, previously unprecedented potential and real threats were created to man, the objects he formed, etc. By creating the technosphere, man sought to improve the comfort of the living environment and provide protection from natural negative influences. All this had a beneficial effect on living conditions and, together with other factors, affected the quality and length of life. However, the man-made technosphere has not lived up to people's hopes in many ways.

New, technospheric conditions include human living conditions in cities and industrial centers, production and living conditions. Almost the entire urbanized population lives in the technosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from those in the biosphere, primarily due to the increased influence of man-made negative factors on humans. Accordingly, the ratio between natural and man-made hazards changes, and the share of man-made hazards increases.

One of sources of environmental disasters are man-made accidents and disasters, since they usually produce the most significant emissions and spills of pollutants. The areas of highest risk of environmental pollution due to man-made accidents and disasters are industrial areas, as well as big cities and megacities. The major accidents and catastrophes that occurred in recent decades in Russia and abroad, along with the loss of life and enormous material damage, as a rule, caused irreparable damage to the natural environment and ecological systems of a number of regions and territories. The environmental consequences of man-made accidents can manifest themselves over years, tens and even hundreds of years. They can be varied and multifaceted. Accidents at radiation hazardous facilities are especially dangerous.

The appearance in the biosphere of new components caused by human economic activity is characterized by the term “”, which is understood as by-product waste generated as a result of human (society) economic activity, which, when released into the natural environment, changes or destroys its biotic and abiotic properties. The environment is polluted a huge amount industrial waste that is toxic and has the ability to accumulate in the human body or food chains.