Foreign brands that are actually Russian. The most famous Russian brands in the world

Many well-known world-famous companies once began as small family businesses, gradually growing into joint-stock companies and largest corporations. Not all companies managed to preserve their inheritance, but some, having survived wars, crises and family feuds, are still a source of income for the descendants of their founders. We present to your attention a rating of the nine most large companies which are family property.

Leader of global family businesses is a network retail stores Walmart, which in currently is headed by a descendant of the business founder, Robson Walton. In 1962, Sam Walton opened the first point of sale in Arkansas, and today Walmart is the leader in global retail and owns tens of thousands of supermarkets, generating annual profits of $400 billion.

Second largest family business in the world market – Korean company Samsung. The founder of the company, Lee Byung-chul, began in 1930 with a rice flour processing workshop. He was the father of three sons and decided to call his business “three stars” (Samsung). The youngest of the sons, Lee Kun-hee, took over the business after his father, and today is the main shareholder and the most prosperous citizen South Korea, since the company's annual revenue is more than $200 billion.

Ford Motor Cothird the company is in the ranking of the largest family businesses. For a whole century, the company has belonged to the Ford family, and Henry Ford is considered not only the founder of the family business, but also the automobile industry as such. Today the concern produces almost a dozen brands of cars, from economy-class Ford to premium Jaguar, and the company’s annual profit exceeds $160 billion.

Fourth the place was also given to a car company - TOYOTA GROUP, which has grown to become a global concern under the management of several generations of the Toyoda family. The company was founded by Sakihi Toyoda back in 1926, when he invented an automatic loom, the design of which was later used by his son Kiichiro in the automotive industry. The first Toyota car was released in 1930, and today more than 10 million cars a year roll off the assembly line, bringing the company approximately $130 billion.

Fifth the place belongs to the concern Siemens. It all started with a small company for the production of telegraph equipment, which was opened by the German engineer and inventor Werner Siemens in late XIX century. Subsequently, his heirs grew an entire corporation, a leader in the production of electronics, transport and energy equipment. Siemens' annual revenue is about 80 billion EURO. ($108 billion)

Sixth a retail chain again occupies a place in the ranking of family businesses, but this time a European one - Auchan. This network is only one of the directions of the entire corporation of the Mulier family, which has been actively developing the industrial family business for more than a hundred years. The creation of a retail chain of stores was unusual, but, as it turned out, the most successful direction in the affairs of the Mulier family. The first point of sale was opened in 1961, and today several thousand stores bring in 33 billion euros ($546 billion) a year.

Beauty serves not only as the salvation of the world, but also good source income. Seventh m considered successful family business becomes world famous cosmetics company L'Oréal. In 1909, the enterprising chemist Eugene Schueller opened a plant producing safe paint for hair, which will serve as the birth of a cosmetic giant. It was thanks to Eugene's irrepressible energy that the whole world began to wash their hair with shampoo and replaced perfume with eau de toilette, and by his grace blondes reigned on the screens and streets. Today, Eugene’s daughter, Liliane Bettencourt, owns 30% of the company’s shares, and the annual income from the sale cosmetics– 17.5 billion euros ($24 billion).

On ninth the sweetest place successful business, owned by the Ferrero family. Michele Ferrero's chocolate factory produces everyone's favorite sweets under the following brands: Nutella, Mon Chri, Ferrero Rocher, Kinder Surprise, Raffaello, Tik-Tak. The business dates back to the 1940s when Michele's father opened Italian city Alba was the first confectionery factory and store to sell sweets. Michele Ferrero still heads the company, which has annual revenues of 7.8 billion euros ($10 billion).

We are accustomed to using foreign goods, but we don’t think about the fact that in the West there are also Russian brands that they know and love, from anti-virus programs to airplanes and even cartoons. You may be pleasantly surprised or, conversely, disappointed.

In times of deteriorating relations with the West and sanctions, talk about the competitiveness of Russian goods compared to foreign ones is popular. Another topic is how residents of other states view Russia. In the global world, large companies with powerful brands are coming to the forefront of influence. Our country has these too.



AvtoVAZ began exporting cars under the Lada brand to the West in the 1970s. So Soviet cars began to gain popularity abroad. But the popularity turned out to be specific. The British made up a lot of jokes on this topic, for example:

What's the difference between a golf ball and a Lada?

The ball can be sent 200 meters.

What do you call a Lada driver who talks about a fine for speeding?

What is a Lada car on the top of a hill?

What are several Lada cars on top of a hill?

And 100 Lada cars on the top of the hill?

Automobile plant.

The most popular program about cars, “Top Gear,” could not pass by Russian cars. The presenters lowered them below the British dog.


Bears, vodka, balalaika - these are attributes of classic stereotypes about drunken Russians. The adjective “Russian” is used by vodka producers to emphasize where it comes from: “Russian Standard”, “Russian Gold”, “Russian Shot”, “Russian Bear” and so on. Some of them are put by alcohol critics on an equal footing with Western brands from America, Scandinavia and Poland. Potion for export - a promising direction Russian manufacturers in the context of growing interest in our country in the world.

But there is famous brand and among the beer. Baltika can be found in Western stores.


There are also positive example export of Russian automobile products. Especially this year. KAMAZ usually appears in the world media as the winner of auto raids, but it also has achievements in business. The fall in the ruble exchange rate made the plant's products cheaper and made them more accessible to foreign markets, resulting in increased sales. Asia and South America are not averse to driving Russian trucks.

We say America, we mean Mickey Mouse, Hollywood, hamburgers, the Statue of Liberty. When we say Switzerland, we mean a pocket knife and cheese. We say England, we mean tea at five o’clock, pudding, lawn. The Russian popular culture There are not many world-famous brands. But there are exceptions: one of them is Cheburashka. On June 5, the Japanese cartoon “Cheburashka”, based on the books of Eduard Uspensky, will be released in Russia. RR decided to compile a list of famous Russian brands. We are proud, we hope, we believe

01. Cheburashka

Description brand
A plush animal of an unknown breed with big ears and kind eyes. Apparently eternal child, most likely male, although he speaks in a female voice. The only representative of its kind. The personification of unlucky kindness and sincerity that defeats any evil.

What means
Kindness, patience, touchingness and forgiveness of the Russian soul.

Cheburashka first appears in Eduard Uspensky’s fairy tale “Crocodile Gena and His Friends” in 1966, and three years later becomes the hero of the cartoon “Crocodile Gena.” Since then, Cheburashka has been an honored guest at children's matinees and one of the most popular characters jokes. In the 21st century, he became a symbol of the Russian Olympic team; his images greeted tourists at airports and train stations in Bosco kiosks. Abroad, the Cheburashka brand was at one time popular in Sweden; in the 2000s, the miracle beast, as if specially created for anime or as a symbol of the Hello Kitty brand, became popular in Japan.

Marketing ideas
Russia lacks a themed Chebupark. This is especially offensive considering that in one of the fairy tales, Cheburashka built a playground for schoolchildren. In addition to endless actors dressed as Cheburashka, Gena, Shapoklyak and other heroes from Uspensky’s fairy tales, this park should have themed attractions like “Help Cheburashka find friends by riding a roller coaster,” a large crocodile, areas for building birdhouses and collecting scrap metal.

02. Vodka

Description brand
Alcoholic drink 40% strength, obtained by mixing ethyl alcohol and water. The ideal vodka should be in a half-liter bottle with the label “Stolichnaya” or “Moskovskaya” - both brands, alas, belong to cunning Latvians. Actually, the Poles and Belarusians are trying to challenge the word “vodka” in our country, but so far it seems to be in vain: we say vodka, but we mean Russian vodka. The connection between the brand and Russia is so strong and obvious that after the adoption of the domestic law “on gay propaganda,” European and American LGBT organizations came up with a proposal for an asymmetrical blow: a boycott of Russian vodka.

What means
The drunken frenzy of the Russian soul.

Vodka, or rather, strong alcohol, came to Russia at the end of the 14th century along with Genoese merchants. The drink quickly became popular, but the current vodka appeared only at the end of the 19th century. It conquers Europe and the world after the revolution of 1917 and Civil War: The emigrants tried their best. In the 1950s, vodka's position was strengthened with the advent of cocktails based on it. Thanks to spy films, it becomes an attribute of any Russian. Russians also always clink glasses and say: “Nazdorovie.”

Marketing ideas
The consumption of vodka should be made into an attraction for tourists - something like a Chinese tea ceremony. Take foreigners to Russian restaurants for feasts with toast specialists. Let them not consider us alcoholics, but immerse themselves in complex world taboos and recommendations: “There is a small break between the first and second”, “Don’t change your hand”, “Don’t pour it while you’re weighing”. The next day, for those who wish, you can arrange a hangover ceremony with brine and other attributes. Foreigners will be delighted.

03. Kalashnikov assault rifle

Description brand
An automatic small arms weapon with a recognizable curved horn. Trouble-free, easy to use, cheap, found everywhere.

What means
The unpretentiousness and reliability of the Russian person.

Kalashnikov's first "Avtomat" appears in 1841: Russian official Ivan Kalashnikov publishes the novel "Avtomat". False start. The machine gun we are interested in appeared in 1947 and was put into service in 1949; its creator was Senior Sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov. The debate about how original this development is is long-standing and pointless. One way or another, it was used for the first time in combat conditions in 1956 in Hungary, then it was used en masse by Vietnamese soldiers against the Americans since 1964. Then it comes to the machine worldwide fame, now it is one of the most widespread species in the world small arms. In addition to Russia, many countries produce AK variants both under license and without it. "Kalashnikov is the most best machine gun in the world, and my wedding will be the most fun in the Carpathians. Boom Boom Boom. Ka-lash-ni-kov!” - sings Bregovic in Kusturica's "Underground". African countries they place the legendary machine gun on their flags, rappers dedicate their songs to it.

Marketing ideas
As already mentioned, the Kalashnikov has gained the reputation of an unpretentious and trouble-free weapon. Why not use the power of a brand to promote completely peaceful products? Well, for example, SUVs. They, too, must be unpretentious and trouble-free. Project Lada Kalashnikov - new model“Niva” was announced, but, alas, it did not come to release.

04. Bear

Description brand
The brown bear, strong, toothy and clawed, is ferocious when angry, but if you don’t anger him, he can seem like a cute bear cub.

What means
The harsh power of Russia.

Bears have lived in Russia (although not only) since time immemorial. In Europe, forests were constantly being cut down, and bears gradually turned into a curiosity. We still have a lot of forests in our country. Perhaps the inextricable (for a foreigner) connection between bears and Russia is explained by the fact that, starting from the 15th century, Russian ambassadors often gave bear skins to foreign sovereigns. On ancient maps it was customary to draw animals that were found in a particular territory. Bears lived in Muscovy, and eventually they became a symbol of both Muscovy and the Muscovites. In addition, the bear, or rather Ursa Minor, is a northern constellation, where should it be on the map if not over Russia? The Austrian diplomat Sigismund Herberstein came as ambassador to Vasily III at the beginning of the 16th century. That year there was a terrible famine, and bears actually often came into the cities to profit from something - a normal bear practice. The Austrian described what he saw in “Notes on Muscovy” - this is how the legend about bears walking the streets of Russian cities was born. In the cartoon "Family Guy", the characters arriving in Moscow discover a city where instead of residents there are only bears on unicycles (bicycles are a tribute to the circus, which will be discussed below). As a result, the bear became a symbol of Russia, if you want to show it in a caricature Russian Empire, USSR or the current Russian Federation, you can always draw a bear. Moreover, the bear can symbolize both unlimited power and clumsiness - it depends on the position of the author.

Marketing offers
Strange: the bear is a symbol of Russian power, but there is not one known species weapons that we ourselves would call “Bear”. The Americans even designate our Tu-95 with the code word Bear. The name “Bear” also suggests itself as a brand of Russian honey. And the same SUV, by the way, and in general everything that should be powerful and reliable.

05. Balalaika

Description brand
Russian folk musical instrument. The body has a triangular shape, the sound is soft, subtle, alluring. Together with the accordion - the main ones national instruments, but if the accordions are in different types Other nations also have it, but only the Russians have the balalaika. In theory, all residents of Russia, young and old, can play it.

What means
Subtle Russian soul.

The first written evidence of the balalaika dates back to the end of the 17th century. modern look it was adopted at the end of the 19th century through the efforts of the balalaika promoter Vasily Andreev. The world learns about it thanks to the endless performances of various Russian military and folklore ensembles V post-war years. It is then that the image of a blue-eyed and blond-haired Russian guy takes shape, masterfully playing something perky on the balalaika. "Ba-la-lay-ka!" - says Japanese pop idol Kusumi Koharu in a song about the Russian circus. Balalaikas of all types, including the largest, the size of a piano, play important role in the iconic kitschy Baseman Jaxx video Take me Back to Home. They stand on a par with other symbols of Russia: the bear, vodka and frost.

Marketing prospects
The heroic balalaika virtuoso Alexey Arkhipovsky is promoting his instrument in Russia and in the world. You can try sending it to Eurovision.

06. Russian winter

Description brand
It's always cold in Russia all year round snow. White and white, even in summer.

What means
The beauty and, again, the severity of Russia.

The central part of Russia has a typical continental climate with cold winters. And the further you go east, the colder the winters. In Europe they are softer. This fact played out several times cruel joke with the invaders: Russian winters pretty much battered the armies of Charles XII, Napoleon and Hitler. During the time of Napoleon, the expression “General Frost” or “General Winter” was born. In reality, Russian troops also always suffered heavy losses from frosts, but foreigners were completely unfamiliar with them, so the “general” led first of all psychological warfare. Another image of Russia is associated with cold weather and winter - a hat with earflaps on the head of a Russian soldier.

Marketing prospects
The philosopher Nikolai Fedorov planned to use the Russian winter in the most radical way: he proposed moving the capital to the shores of the Arctic Ocean and making it cold national idea. It’s unlikely about the capital, but it’s worth thinking about the cold. Especially against the backdrop of global warming. If now hot countries are in demand among tourists, then soon they may be drawn to cold ones. Baikal, by the way, is already loved by travelers.

07. Russian Circus

Description brand
Russia has the best, or at least one of the best, circuses. The best clowns, the best acrobats, the best bears.

What means
Kindness and training are the essence of Russia.

Back in the 16th century, the Swedish bishop Olaf Magnus suspected that the bear trainers roaming around Europe were Russian spies. IN Soviet time Indeed, a lot of money was invested in the circus, and our main circus dynasties are already more than a hundred years old. Circus groups toured the world a lot, demonstrating their achievements Soviet state. As a result, the Russian circus became very popular in some countries. “In Japan, the word “circus” almost automatically means “Russia,” said the creator of the Japanese “Cheburashka,” animator director Makoto Nakamura.

Marketing prospects
Creation of a single circus brand similar to Cirque du Soleil. But if French-Canadians can do without trained animals, then let us have a circus with only bears. Well, okay, let there be more cats.

08. Russian novel

Description brand
Great Russian prose, primarily Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but also Chekhov, his plays are almost like novels. The prose is full of deep judgments about human soul and is still relevant even 150 years later.

What means
Wisdom and depth of the Russian soul.

For his contemporaries, Leo Tolstoy was almost like Steve Jobs for modern hipsters - a great guru, and Dostoevsky mania among European intellectuals began soon after the death of the writer and does not stop to this day. When it comes to a real novel, big, psychological, serious, they say: “Like in a Russian novel.” Jonathan Franzen, the greatest American writer modernity, its last book“Svoboda” was written with an obvious eye on “Anna Karenina.”

Marketing prospects
Dostoevsky and Tolstoi are excellent brands for an international network of Russian-language bookstores or Russian schools.

09. Sputnik and Gagarin

Description brand
The USSR was the first to launch a satellite and a person into space, and, despite losing the lunar race, our rockets are still relatively reliable, at least they fly to the ISS properly.

What means
The power of Russian science.

On October 4, 1957, the R-7 rocket launched the first artificial object, a Soviet one, into low-Earth orbit. spaceship"Sputnik-1". Then the word satellite in various options included in different languages world, thanks to him, by the way, the word “beatnik” appeared: a typically Slavic suffix was added to the English beat. Three and a half years later, Yuri Gagarin, the ideal Russian from a propaganda poster, went into space, the name Yuri became popular all over the world. And although both launches - Sputnik and Human - caused panic in the West (it was cold war), the brands turned out to be not only menacing, but also touching: a metal ball with tails flies alone in the eternal cold; and the first man in space was not a gloomy big man, but a good-natured guy with a Hollywood smile.

Marketing prospects
In principle, both brands are already in use: the first cosmonaut is responsible for hockey (the Gagarin Cup in the Kontinental Hockey League), and the first metal object in space is for the Internet (the state search engine Sputnik). The fate of both brands depends on the success of the projects. But there is clearly more to think about. International Cosmonaut School "Gagarin" - why not?

10. Cossack

Description brand
In the 19th century, the Cossacks were the invincible light cavalry of the Russian tsars. These horse people are fierce and bearded. In the twentieth century, thanks to various choirs and dance ensembles, they became a symbol of Russian male beauty.

What means
A real Russian man.

Until the 18th century, Russian Cossacks were known only in the East. Western Europe learned about them during the Seven Years' War, when Russian easy cavalry marched through German lands. But Napoleon suffered the most from them; in the end, it was the French who created this brand - Les cosaques. Both Alexandre Dumas and Jules Verne admired the harsh but fair Cossack traditions. First world war their glory is like effective light The cavalry only became stronger. However, in the twentieth century this is rather a myth about the ideal Russian man. Dovlatov described a Swedish woman who shouted to him: “Cossack, pour me Russian vodka.” But the book “Rachel and Trudy Are Flying Around the World,” a collection of tales about the life of flight attendants, popular in America forty years ago, reveals much deeper ideas about the Cossacks. In one of the short stories, the girls found themselves in Brezhnev's Moscow and were stunned at the sight of a slender, handsome border guard. This was, in their opinion, a real Cossack, and the girls dreamed that he would detain them, interrogate them, and maybe even search them.

Marketing prospects
The most famous TV Cossack now - Babai from Kramatorsk - would hardly be liked by American flight attendants. Cossacks could become a brand for a network of affordable fitness or bodybuilding centers.

Photo: Reanimedia; Alexander Belenky/ITAR-TASS; Dmitry Arbuzov/PhotoXPress; Arco Images GmbH/Alamy/ITAR-TASS; Petr Zaborovsky/Interpress/ITAR-TASS; Aleksandrs Kendenkovs/Alamy/ITAR-TASS; Vladimir Perventsev, Vladimir Fedorenko/RIA Novosti; ITAR-TASS; RIA News

In times of deteriorating relations with the West and sanctions, talk about the competitiveness of Russian goods compared to foreign ones is popular. Another topic is how residents of other states view Russia. In the global world, large companies with powerful brands are coming to the forefront of influence. Our country has these too.

Masha and the Bear for children

The popularity of the Masha and the Bear cartoons has gone far beyond the borders of Russia, whose population is inferior to the number of views of many episodes. The Western version has different voice acting and captions. English language: restless Masha calls the bear “Ze Bea”. There are seven language versions in total, as well as many products under the Masha and the Bear brand. The cartoon entered various world cartoon tops. Now, for foreign children, the Russian bear is friends not only with the balalaika.

Su for military

Russia ranks second in the world after the United States in exports of military products, including jet aircraft. The vehicles of the Sukhoi design bureau ended up in Lately in the spotlight due to the operation in Syria. "Rosoboronexport" that there was a line of buyers for the Su-35, one Su-24 was shot down by the Turks, and the other was scared by an American destroyer. In terms of popularity, the Sukhoi are unlikely to ever catch up with the Kalashnikovs, but they have already made a splash on the international scene.

Leo Tolstoy for readers

In the world top lists of works of literature with most likely you will find the novel "War and Peace". Leo Tolstoy with his story about Russia early XIX century is still on sale. Proof of this is the increase in sales of the novel in the UK after the recent one of the same name. BBC series. Other popular work Tolstoy - "Anna Karenina". Among Russian classical writers, Nabokov, Dostoevsky and Chekhov are famous.

Kaspersky for users

It is difficult to compete in the IT market among Russian companies with the fame of Kaspersky. The developer of antivirus programs is one of the leading in the world. Another well-known IT brand related to security is Dr. Web. It was also created by the Russian company of the same name, Doctor Web.

Other brands that we are not ashamed of are related to linguistics - ABBYY and PROMT. Both companies are engaged in automatic translation and conversion of text.

Gazprom for fans

The oil and gas company actively advertises abroad and is a leader in the ratings of Russian brands. How much does sponsorship cost? Football League champions - Gazprom stood on a par with such brands as Playstation. MasterCard and Sony. But the main difference between Gazprom and other sponsors of the tournament is the ability of ordinary Europeans to purchase goods. A European cannot choose whose gas to buy, and the network of blue and white gas stations is poorly developed. Confusion about this fact resulted in jokes from foreign football fans. During matches, messages like “tell me where I can buy Gazprom gas?” appear on social networks every now and then. or “when will the Christmas gas discounts be?”

Lada for jokers

AvtoVAZ began exporting cars under the Lada brand to the West in the 1970s. So Soviet cars began to gain popularity abroad. But the popularity turned out to be specific. The British made up a lot of jokes on this topic, for example:

What's the difference between a golf ball and a Lada?

The ball can be sent 200 meters.

What do you call a Lada driver who talks about a fine for speeding?

What is a Lada car on the top of a hill?

What are several Lada cars on top of a hill?

And 100 Lada cars on the top of the hill?

Automobile plant.

The most popular program about cars, “Top Gear,” could not pass by Russian cars. The presenters lowered them below the British dog.

Russian Vodka for bad men

Bears, vodka, balalaika - these are attributes of classic stereotypes about drunken Russians. The adjective “Russian” is used by vodka producers to emphasize where it comes from: “Russian Standard”, “Russian Gold”, “Russian Shot”, “Russian Bear” and so on. Some of them are put by alcohol critics on an equal footing with Western brands from America, Scandinavia and Poland. Potion for export is a promising direction for Russian manufacturers in the context of growing interest in our country in the world.

But there is a well-known brand among beer. Baltika can be found in Western stores.

KAMAZ for good men

There is also a positive example of the export of Russian automobile products. Especially this year. KAMAZ usually appears in the world media as the winner of auto raids, but it also has achievements in business. The fall in the ruble exchange rate made the plant's products cheaper and made them more accessible to foreign markets, resulting in increased sales. Asia and South America are not averse to driving Russian trucks.

Domestic brands known throughout the world.

Residents of Russia know many American and European companies. For example, we all know American Nike, Ford, McDonald's, Levi's, Apple, Dell, Tesla, SpaceX, American Apparel, Uber, MAC, Google, Wal-Mart, Leo Burnett, and for each of them we can remember at least one competitor.Ibusiness has brought together companies that Russia is known for abroad.

Natural resources


The transnational company was founded in August 1989. The corporation has its assets in Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Switzerland, and in the countries of Eastern Europe and others.

The company is well aware that it is one of the most famous Russian brands in the world and actively uses this fact in advertising campaigns. The other day it became known that the FAS prohibited Gazprom from using words about National treasure. However, contrary to the requirements of the antimonopoly service, the company continues to use the slogan “Gazprom is a national treasure.”



Another company from the Russian energy sector that is known throughout the world. The Lukoil trademark was included in the Financial Times list of the world's top 100 brands back in April 2007.


IT and technology


One of the first Russian IT companies appeared in 1997. Now Yandex has a turnover of more than 50 billion rubles. The company has more than 50 services. In the ranking of popular search engines in RuNet, Yandex is in first place - 50.93 percent of users, while Google is used by 40.11 percent.

Wikipedia Commons


YotaPhone is a Russian smartphone that became famous due to the presence of screens on both sides of the device and the fact that it is a product from Russia.

The world premiere of the smartphone took place at the International Consumer Show (CES) in 2013 in Las Vegas. Then YotaPhone was awarded in the category “ Mobile devices».


A dating application developed by businessmen Roman Sidorenko and Alexander Kukhtenko. Among its analogues are Tinder, Badoo and Mamba, well-known to the Russian audience, but Pure is distinguished by its concept - the application has a limited duration of the questionnaire and communication, so users have to quickly arrange a meeting and exchange contacts.

In an interview with Mashable from August 2015, Sidorenko stated that over the past 12 months a meeting had been agreed upon more than a million users. In November, it became known that the company participated in the Portuguese acceleration program Lisbon Challenge, where it won and was rewarded with an office with free rent in Lisbon for a period of 30 years.


The service, where you can add music to looped videos, was launched in 2012 by the Gladkoborodov brothers, who previously worked at LookAtMedia. Initially, the creators aimed their product at a Western audience, but it first became in demand in Russia. In December 2013, the number of visitors to the service amounted to 28 million; in February 2014, attendance increased to 45 million unique visitors, who watched 320 million CUB per month.

Since 2014, Coub began expanding in America; in the summer of that year, the company opened an office in New York. In March 2015, Anton Gladkoborodov complained, What Russian media who write about technology are inattentive to the success of domestic projects in the international arena. In his opinion, Russian media write about domestic projects only after the news is published on TechCrunch and other English-language business publications.

Kaspersky Lab

The development company was created in 1997 by Evgeny Kaspersky and a small group of people. The central office of Kaspersky Lab is located in Moscow, but the company also has offices in the UK, China, France, USA, UAE and other countries. The company employs about three thousand people. In 2014, the company's revenue was $711 million. Kaspersky Antivirus (KAV) is one of the most popular antiviruses. Most of all, according to data for 2010, Kaspersky Lab products are used in European countries (40 percent), in Northern and South America(21 percent), in Eastern Europe and the Middle East and Africa (27 percent).



According to data for 2014, the largest buyer of vodka from Russia was Great Britain, Germany was in second place, then Latvia, the USA, Israel and the CIS countries. The largest producers of vodka in the world after Russia