The Vorobyovy family business is ruining the Moscow region. Vorobyov Maxim Nikiforovich paintings and biography

Vorobyov Maxim Nikiforovich is a famous Russian architect and painter who lived in the 19th century. He gained his fame thanks to his skillful painting of landscapes, which inspired many artists of that time. The world also remembers him as a brave traveler who dared to conquer the very heart of the Islamic world.

Maxim Vorobyov: biography of his early years

The future artist was born into the family of a retired military officer. This happened on August 6, 1787. The love of art was instilled in Maxim from early childhood, because he grew up surrounded by many beautiful paintings. The thing is that his father worked as a watchman at the Academy of Arts, and therefore often took his son with him.

This led to the fact that all the teachers at the academy knew well who Vorobyov was. Maxim brought them his work day after day for checking, until the adults saw glimpses of real talent in them. Ultimately, the management came to the conclusion that the ten-year-old boy deserved to study within the walls of their institution, and they took him in.

Teachers of a young artist

Maxim Vorobyov achieved great success in architecture. Therefore, it is not surprising that teachers tried their best to develop this particular trait in him. Thomas de Thomon, a famous French architect and painter, supervised the young man’s education. F. Ya. Alekseev and M. M. Ivanov made no less contribution to Vorobyov’s training.

Thus, after graduating from the academy, Maxim Nikiforovich skillfully painted landscapes, and also competently drafted architectural projects. Subsequently, it will determine his entire future fate and glorify him as one of the best landscape artists of his time.

Work under the supervision of Fedor Alekseev

The former mentor highly appreciated the talent of his pupil. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1809 he chose him as his assistant. Together they went to explore the historical places of Tsarist Russia, along the way sketching the most colorful of them. It was a very painstaking work that required maximum dedication from the artists, and they successfully completed it.

Moreover, they were able to revive the paintings by adding the image of the king to them. This idea gave them recognition from the sovereign, which subsequently glorified them throughout the country. Now Maxim Vorobiev was not just an assistant, but a full-fledged artist, capable of working independently.

The Great Journey to the Sacred Land

The year 1820 became significant for the artist. The government of Tsarist Russia was in dire need of architectural sketches of Jerusalem temples in order to build local shrines based on them. But there were no such things in their archives, so someone needed to go to Palestine and sketch new projects there.

And then they remembered the talent that Maxim Vorobyov possessed. Naturally, no one could go against the will of the state, so the artist had to come to terms with their decree and go on this dangerous adventure. It was difficult because in those days the territory of Jerusalem was completely under the control of Muslims, which means that Christians were not particularly welcome there.

But, despite all the difficulties, Maxim Vorobyov went to such a distant country in order to fulfill the instructions of the state. Looking ahead, we note that the trip went quite well. During the time spent in the hot country, the artist managed to draw more than 90 works, most of which were skillful sketches of Christian shrines.

Works dedicated to the lands of the East

While in the Holy Land, Vorobiev painted many wonderful landscapes. Thus, his best works are considered to be paintings depicting the view of Jerusalem and Constantinople. He also managed to reliably capture the nature around the cities of Smyrna, Jaffa and the islands of Rhodes. What he saw in these parts lingered in the artist’s soul for a long time, and even after returning home, he depicted landscapes of distant overseas lands for a long time.

As for the state task, Maxim Vorobyov fulfilled it with amazing accuracy. Thanks to this, Nicholas the First was able to realize his brilliant plan for the reconstruction of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the vicinity of the capital. The artist himself received unprecedented fame and recognition, thanks to which his name began to be on everyone’s lips.

The significance of Vorobyov’s creativity

Contemporaries highly valued the works written by Maxim Vorobyov. “Russian Sea”, “The threshold of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem”, “Sunrise over the Neva”, “View of Smyrna” - these and many other paintings became a real inspiration for the artists of that period. Therefore, it is not surprising that young talents constantly revolved around the young master, eager to receive instructive instructions from him.

Among his students, the most gifted ones should be highlighted. Such as the Chernetsov brothers, Mikhail Bogolyubov, Lev Lagorio and Ivan Shishkin. All of them subsequently glorified their teacher, giving the world dozens of stunning landscapes. Moreover, many of them even today evoke admiration among art connoisseurs.

The last years of the great master

The decline of Maxim Vorobyov’s work occurred in 1940. This is due to the tragic death of his wife, which plunged the artist into the abyss of despair. In order to quench the bitterness of loss, he plunged headlong into alcohol and partying, which over the years completely undermined his health. Finally, he contracted an unknown disease that doctors could not cure. It was she who led Vorobyov to death in September 1955.

Today, many critics underestimate the work of Maxim Vorobyov, because they consider him too down-to-earth. However, they should understand the fact that most of his paintings were government orders. And only a few of them were written by the maestro in a fit of true inspiration. But even so, his works still delight people, and isn’t this the main indicator of talent?

Vorobyov Maxim Yurievich is a modern businessman, he is the chairman of the board of directors of PJSC Russian Aquaculture.

Originally from Russia, Krasnoyarsk, where he was born on 09.08. in 1976. Graduated from 2 higher educational institutions: graduated from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and also took an MBA course in Spain (Executive MBA Universidadde Navarra).

I am attracted to science-intensive projects that require development from scratch.

Vorobiev Maxim Yurievich

History of career growth of M.Yu. Vorobyova

In the mid-90s, he and his brother created an organization called “Russian Sea”, currently called “Russian Aquaculture”.

At first, the organization was focused on export activities, then on fish processing. M.Yu. Vorobiev actively participated in the company’s activities, was involved in sales, was a manager, then, in the process of developing the organization, sales director, and subsequently took the position of executive director.

Already at the beginning of the 2000s. he bought a controlling stake in Russian Sea and took a leadership position - the post of general director. He then joined the company’s board of directors (in 2007), and 2 years later became its chairman.

Another 2 years later, he became one of the founders of another enterprise - “Russian Sea - Production”, which is now called “Russian Fishing Company”. The main activity of the organization is fishing.

Later (2013) he sells the Russian Sea brand along with the fish processing business. The new organization is called “Russian Aquaculture”, and its main activity is the cultivation of certain species and varieties of fish (aquaculture). At the moment, the company is actively developing, and Maxim Yuryevich continues to hold the post of chairman of the board of directors.

The success of a company depends not only on the amount of money allocated for its development, but primarily on the level of intellectual capital that it receives at its disposal.

Vorobyov Maxim Nikiforovich (August 6 (17), 1787, Pskov - August 30 (September 11), 1855, St. Petersburg) - Russian painter; occupies a significant place in the history of Russian painting as an artist and as a mentor to a whole generation of Russian landscape painters.
M. N. Vorobyov was the son of a soldier who rose to the rank of non-commissioned officer, and after his retirement he was hired as a caretaker in the Academy of Arts. Here the future artist was educated: in 1798 he was enrolled in the architectural class led by J.B. Thomas de Thomon, and graduated from the Academy of Arts in 1809 in the class of landscape painting. Vorobyov's life turned out well: in 1814 he became an academician, the next year he began teaching, in 1823 he received the title of professor, and in 1843 - emeritus professor. He trained several dozen students, among whom there were many excellent landscape painters (I.K. Aivazovsky, A.P. Bogolyubov, L.F. Lagorio, G.G. and N.G. Chernetsov, etc.); At the same time, he himself never gave up his brush all his life. Vorobyov painted city and seascapes, architectural monuments and views of nature, and sometimes even episodes of war. He traveled a lot around Russia, visited abroad several times and created new works based on his impressions from his trips. In 1813-14 the artist visited Russian troops in Western Europe; the result of the trip was his canvas depicting a solemn prayer service performed by the Russian clergy in Paris on the occasion of the victory. A little later he performed a series of excellent views of Moscow, mainly painting the Kremlin. Vorobyov became widely famous for his paintings created after a trip to the Middle East (1820-21): “Entrance to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem” (1822), “Interior view of the Church of Calvary in Jerusalem” (1824), “Interior view of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem" (1820s), etc. At the end of the 1820s. the artist also visited the theater of military operations on the Danube. Based on the sketches and sketches made during the trip, landscapes of magnificent color were painted: “Bosphorus”, “Seashore near Varna” (both 1829). Vorobyov's paintings were invariably successful with the public and critics, and he had to repeat many of them for customers. Still, the most valuable part of the artist’s heritage is the St. Petersburg landscapes, created mainly during his creative heyday, in the 1820-30s. The romantic image of St. Petersburg with its cool beauty appears in the landscapes “Sunset in the vicinity of St. Petersburg” (1832), “Neva embankment near the Academy of Arts” (1835), “Moonlit night in St. Petersburg” (1839), “Construction of St. Isaac’s Cathedral”, “Peter and Paul fortress" (both 1830s), etc. A romantic painter, he managed to perceive the city in a new way - in unity with the dynamic life of nature, with the changing state of atmosphere and lighting. Many Russian artists experienced the influence of his painting.

M.N. Vorobyov was the son of a non-commissioned officer, who, after retirement, was hired as a caretaker at the Academy of Arts. Here the future artist was educated: in 1798, he was enrolled in the architectural class, led by J. B. Thomas de Thomon, and graduated from the Academy of Arts in 1809 in the class of landscape painting.

Vorobyov's life turned out well: in 1814 he became an academician, the following year he began teaching, in 1823 he received the title of professor, and in 1843 - emeritus professor.

A widely educated man, a keen connoisseur of art, an outstanding violinist, Vorobyov early felt the need to abandon outdated forms and rules. The first works in which Vorobyov’s originality was manifested were drawings and watercolors made at the Nikolskoye-Tverskoye estate of L. N. Lvov. In May 1812, on his way to Moscow, the young artist stopped at Lvov. Here Vorobyov created many drawings, testifying not only to his remarkable talent, but also to his new attitude to the landscape genre.

He trained several dozen students, among whom there were many excellent landscape painters (I.K. Aivazovsky, A.P. Bogolyubov, L.F. Lagorio, G.G. and N.G. Chernetsov, etc.); At the same time, he himself never gave up his brush all his life. Vorobyov painted city and seascapes, architectural monuments and views of nature, and sometimes even episodes of war.

Vorobyov traveled a lot around Russia, visited abroad several times and created new works based on his impressions from his trips. In 1813-14 the artist visited Russian troops in Western Europe; the result of the trip was his canvas depicting a solemn prayer service performed by the Russian clergy in Paris on the occasion of the victory. A little later he performed a series of excellent views of Moscow, mainly painting the Kremlin.

Among the famous paintings: “Entrance to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem” (1822), “Interior view of the Church of Calvary in Jerusalem” (1824), “Interior view of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem” (1820s), etc. At the end of 1820- x years the artist also visited the theater of military operations on the Danube. Based on the sketches and sketches made during the trip, landscapes of magnificent color were painted: “Bosphorus”, “Seashore near Varna” (both 1829). Vorobyov's paintings were invariably successful with the public and critics, and he had to repeat many of them for customers.

Still, the most valuable part of the artist’s heritage is the St. Petersburg landscapes, created mainly during his creative heyday, in the 1820-30s. The romantic image of St. Petersburg with its cool beauty appears in the landscapes “Sunset in the vicinity of St. Petersburg” (1832), “Neva embankment near the Academy of Arts” (1835), “Moonlit night in St. Petersburg” (1839), “Construction of St. Isaac’s Cathedral”, “Peter and Paul fortress" (both 1830s), etc.

Sunrise over the Neva View of Jerusalem An oak tree crushed by lightning
St. Isaac's Cathedral and the monument to Peter I Alley in Albano View of the military telegraph near Varna
View of the city of Grodno View of the Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg View of Jerusalem
View from the window View of the Moscow Kremlin (from the side of the Kamenny Bridge) View of the Moscow Kremlin from the side of the Ustinsky Bridge
View of Constantinople View of Rome View from the Elagin Terrace
View of the Gruzino estate from the Volkhov side Sunrise over the Neva Elagin Island at night
Sunset in Rome Sunset in the vicinity of St. Petersburg Italian landscape
Moonlight night in St. Petersburg Neva embankment near the Academy of Arts Odessa
Autumn night in St. Petersburg. Pier with Egyptian sphinxes on the Neva at night Peter and Paul Fortress Visit of two Arab sheikhs
Seaside view in Italy Smyrna

Vorobyov Maxim Yuryevich is a Russian businessman, investor, chairman of the board of directors and co-owner of the Russian Aquaculture company. He is known in the business environment for large-scale projects in the fishing industry, including recognition as the founder of the Russian Sea company.

First steps in business

Maxim Vorobyov was born in the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk. He was one of the best students in the class, was actively involved in sports throughout his school years, and attended the hockey club for a long time. After graduating from school, he entered the economics department of the Moscow Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As part of one of his student internships, he joined his older brother, who had moved to Moscow several years earlier and was taking his first steps in business. The brothers decided to start supplying fish from Norway, which borders Russia in the northwest: they began transporting small quantities of mackerel and herring and distributing them to retail outlets. The stores' interest in partnerships with start-up businessmen grew quickly, since they relied on strict adherence to agreements: they tried to organize the supply of fish ahead of the deadlines specified in the contract, at a fair price and of the best quality.

Being in his last year at the institute, Maxim Vorobyov combined study and work. My brother was responsible for making agreements with Norwegian companies and ensuring the supply of quality products; Maxim was responsible for organizing a well-functioning sales network and monitoring compliance with the terms of contracts with retail outlets purchasing products. Having started the business together, the brothers gradually expanded the team. Maxim, who actually worked as a sales manager, became a sales director, receiving several managers as assistants. The brother served as general director. It was then that the business received the name “Russian Fish Company”.

How the sea of ​​possibilities expanded

A few years later, when the company not only grew in staff, but even opened a branch in Voronezh, which supplied fish to the south-eastern regions of Russia, it was decided to create a fish processing plant. With these plans in mind, Maxim Vorobyov went to Spain, to the recognized international business school IESE, to improve his competencies in business management. Living in fact in two countries, Maxim became a graduate of this school a year later, receiving a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.

Meanwhile, his company began building a small plant in the town of Noginsk near Moscow, which began producing salted fish and caviar. For these products, Maxim Vorobyov’s team developed the “Russian Sea” trademark, which very quickly entered all the largest retail chains and became popular with consumers. By 2000, products under this brand were supplied to almost all regions of the country.

Gradually, the Russian Fish Company expanded its product range and production itself, equipping it with new technological equipment. The “Russian Sea” line now includes seafood delicacies, caviar, and a variety of salted and baked fish. Meanwhile, Maxim’s brother gradually moved away from the fishing business, and in fact, management of the company passed to Maxim. He first became the executive director of the Russian Sea, then the general director, and after he bought out his brother’s share of the Russian Fish Company, he became the chairman of the board of directors and the sole owner of the business.

In 2010, Maxim Vorobyov decided to take the company through an IPO in order to, through the sale of company shares on the stock exchange, attract additional funds for development - at that moment the business was growing rapidly, and Maxim did not want to miss the chance for consolidation. The “Russian Sea” brand, which by that time had become well-known and popular among Russians, was decided to be used as the company name. "Russian Fish Company" became the "Russian Sea Group of Companies".

Deep dive

The IPO, as expected by Maxim Vorobiev, allowed, firstly, to expand production and increase the range of products, and secondly, it opened up new segments for business. The company, in particular, got into aquaculture - growing fish, purchasing for this several fish-breeding lake areas in Karelia and the rights to develop areas in the Barents Sea in the Murmansk region. In Karelia, the "Russian Sea" began to grow trout, and in the Murmansk region - salmon. At the forefront was the idea of ​​using our own fish in fish processing production, rather than purchased from other companies that catch or grow it.

At the same time, Maxim Vorobyov attracted partners to organize a fishing business: the Russian Sea - Production company was established, which united several small fishing companies from different coastal parts of the country. Having modernized the fishing vessels, "Russian Sea - Production" began catching herring and pollock, as well as cod, greenling, lemonfish, and squid.

The aquaculture direction required significant funds: Russia had no experience in this agricultural segment; here it was possible to rely only on the expertise of other countries. Fascinated by the development of this project, Maxim Vorobyov decided to sell the fish processing part of the business and direct funds to the aquaculture sector. He often personally traveled to Norway, Chile, and the Faroe Islands to learn from these countries, considered world leaders in aquaculture.

And the Noginsk plant of the Russian Sea and the rights to use this brand were transferred to another manufacturer of fish products in 2013; Maxim Vorobyov focused on commercial fish farming and fish production. The companies were named "Russian Aquaculture" and "Russian Fishery Company" respectively.

Not just a fish

At the same time, Maxim Vorobyov invested in other projects, choosing areas that were interesting and understandable to him. In particular, he participated in the development of several construction companies, including one of the largest developers in the north-west of the country, Glavstroy-SPb, and also owned shares in a number of Russian banks and mining companies. In 2014-2015, he became a business angel and invested in a number of technology startups.

According to Maxim Vorobyov himself, he is attracted to knowledge-intensive projects that require development from scratch. In the implementation of his projects, he is focused on the introduction of innovative technologies. I am convinced that “the success of a company depends not only on the amount of money allocated for its development, but primarily on the level of intellectual capital that it receives at its disposal.” He believes that “the basis of any promising project is the right idea, competent specialists and advanced technologies.” He also believes that “real success is when you make the most of your potential: you shouldn’t rely on the “goldfish” - it’s in you.”

Maxim Vorobyov has been happily married for a long time and has four children. He still plays active sports, including hockey, loves to travel, and reads a lot.


MGIMO (Russia), IESE (Spain)


"Russian Sea", "Russian Aquaculture", "Russian Fishery Company", "Glavstroy-SPb", "SPb Renovation", "Bank St. Petersburg", Bank "SKIB", etc.

In 2009, he was included in the personnel reserve of the President of Russia (“golden presidential thousand”) as a manager managing large-scale projects.