How many cartoons are produced in the world per year? How old is The Simpsons? Interesting facts about the cartoon

Who doesn’t know about the mega-promoted animated series “The Simpsons” now? How many years, efforts and time did this comedy mastodon take from the creators and ardent fans!

In the article we will discuss the history of its appearance and some interesting facts that you might not have noticed while watching a humorous cartoon. In addition, at the end of the article you will find out how many years The Simpsons have been running! You just won't believe it, but this brainchild of American cinema has reached middle age! What will it be like now for those who are used to thinking of it as a cartoon for rebellious teenagers? How the series appeared, how old is the cartoon “The Simpsons”, what is the age of the main characters and much more - you will learn all this in the continuation of the article.

History of creation

The concept of the popular animated series belongs to cartoonist Matt Groening. It took him only 15 minutes to create a cinematic masterpiece, and the profit he still makes every year is more than one billion dollars! Looks like someone will have a carefree old age!

It’s scary to even imagine how many years the Simpsons series will excite the fantasies of children and adults, but it is definitely not going to lose ground.

What an unexpected success!

Matt had an epiphany while he was waiting for an audience with producer James Brooks. Groening brought a completely different idea to the meeting, but, fearing that he might be deceived, he decided to quickly scribble a worse idea. Matt sketched five angular characters and named them after his relatives.

Next, we will focus on interesting facts and details of the series “The Simpsons”. How many years have passed, but people are still interested in this series, so the facts about it will also be very fascinating. So let's get started!

Facts about The Simpsons characters

How old are the main characters? The father of the family (Homer) is 36 years old, his wife (Marge) is 34 years old, his son (Bart) is 10 years old, the eldest girl (Lisa) is 8 years old, and his little daughter (Maggie) is only one year old.

According to the original idea, Bart was supposed to be the main character. But, as the results of the first two seasons showed, viewers found Homer more interesting, and since then almost everything has revolved around him.

Homer got his name in honor of Matt Groening's father, the name Marge is a variation of the name of his mother Margaret, and the cartoonist's sisters also served as material for creating the image of the characters.

The name form "Bart" is not just an abbreviation for Bartholomew - it is a kind of anagram of the abusive word brat, which translates as "brat" or "puppy".

Oddly enough, but The Simpsons can be called ideal American family. This is not immediately noticeable, but if you look closely, you can see that the couple is legally married, they have three children, they regularly attend the local church, and Homer does not leave his workplace at all and works hard for the good of the family. In addition, they have their own own house! Isn't all this together the same American dream, which many people dream about?

The surname "Simpson", which is quite suitable for the character of the characters, is translated from English as "son of a simpleton."

In the first shorts, Maggie sometimes spoke.

It is assumed that Homer was born in 1955, and his son in 1979.

Unusual facts about the appearance of heroes

In the Simpsons universe, all characters have four fingers on their hands. It's worth mentioning that this is a fairly old cartoon practice in hand-drawn films of the time.

As the old cartoonists said, the fifth finger does not play a special role, and if you do not pay attention to its image, you can save a lot of precious time on drawing. If you look at the fingers in Family Guy, you'll notice the same trend.

The hairstyle of Homer's wife (Marge) was borrowed from the film "Bride of Frankenstein".

The production of one episode of “The Simpsons” (only its ardent fans know how old the cartoon is) costs 1 million 800 thousand US dollars.

Each episode takes approximately eight months to produce, so there are usually ten episodes in production at once.

In the credits for each episode you can see the name of only one screenwriter, but in fact about 20 people work on one episode. Sometimes we can see the name of a certain screenwriter only because it is his turn to appear in the credits, although usually the credits include the author who wrote the draft script before anyone else.

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IN Once again Seeing the kids huddled in front of the TV to watch the next cartoon on CartoonNetwork, I wondered what the very first cartoon in the world was, when and by whom it was created, what it was about, general topic I was hooked and while the children were enjoying another series of adventures of their loved ones (in this moment) heroes, I plunged into search and this is what I found...

There is probably no child in the world who doesn’t like cartoons and has never watched them in his life. Of course, if this child is not a resident of the outback from a family of Old Believers. Colorfulness, emotionality, and most importantly fast development plot, can attract a child to the TV on for a long time. Cartoons with meaning or humor make adults look intently at the screen. We have long been accustomed to them. Who knows what the very first cartoon in the world was. Who is its author? And the year of release of the first masterpiece for children?
As it turned out, the issue of primacy has not yet been resolved and even experts cannot find the beginning of the story. There are three contenders for the title of “First Cartoon”. This " Humorous phases funny faces and "The Haunted Hotel" by American cartoonist Stuart Blackton. The first work was in 1906, and immediately followed in 1907 by the second work. The second contender is Emil Kolya. With his famous "Phantasmagoria", 1908

The Humorous Phases of Funny Faces by Stuart Blackton

At the end of the 19th century, Stuart Blackton began working as an engineer for the world electrification specialist Edison. Together they created the first animated film. They were drawings in motion that were captured on film. “Humorous phases of funny faces” incorporated the art of graphics and film technology. The man he drew with chalk on the blackboard comes to life and moves without the artist’s help. In 1906, the residents of France were the first to see the masterpiece. And now, thanks to YouTube, we too can see it:

Haunted Hotel Stuart Blackton

In 1907, Blackton presented The Haunted Hotel. It’s interesting that this particular film with animation elements received greatest success among the audience, this is explained by the appearance of the first “special effects” when they moved inanimate objects, and for a long time the operators of the Gaumont company could not figure out how the author was able to make his figures move and they even gave such a movement a name - “American”

But, nevertheless, according to most experts, despite their popularity, Stuart Blackton’s films were not full-fledged films, but were demonstrations of the possibilities of a new invention, and indeed the right to be called the very first cartoon in the world belongs to “Phantasmagoria”, the author of which is the French artist cartoonist Emil Kolya

Phantasmagoria Emil Kolya

The first paintings were little similar to modern ones. Scientists believe that “Phantasmagoria,” a short film by Emil Kohl, is the first hand-drawn cartoon. This picture was published in 1908. In it, the author painted Fantosh, who falls from the horizontal bar and ends up in various interesting, and often comic situations, on paper white. The cartoon is only 1.5 minutes long. During the work on the cartoon, more than 700 drawings were created! Animation specialists pay attention to the effect that was achieved by combining dark background and light lines. I don’t know about specialist animators, but in my untrained eye, this world’s first cartoon still looks quite up to date, especially if you take into account the budget and technology that was in the world at the time of its creation:

The very first cartoon in Russia

The title of the founder of the Russian animator went to Vladislav Starevich, a scientist in the field of biology. It was his failure to film a scientific film about a fight between two stag beetles (correctly beetle - deer), which forced the biologist to come up with an animation: the scientist attached the thinnest wires to the dissected insects with wax and filmed frame by frame. Based on animation, there were no films in Russia before. A few years later, they were presented with a painting about insects, “Beautiful Lucanida, or the War of the Longhorned Hornbills with the Horned Hornbills.” A small short film aroused the world's admiration for the fact that beetles can be trained for a film. Here we already see a full-fledged story, with a plot that is interesting to watch as complete work The scientist himself later began working in puppet animation.

This is the story about the very first cartoon in the world and in Russia, I hope the material was interesting for you, by the way, the children were not impressed by the black and white cartoons and they rushed to look on YouTube for the next episode of the animated series about Pokemon.


85 years ago, in 1926, the first book about Winnie the Pooh and his friends was published. English writer Alana Alexander Milne, known in the USSR in the retelling of B.V. Zakhoder under the title “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all.” Adventures of a bear Winnie is loved both adults and children. Conducted back in 1996. a poll conducted by English radio showed that this book took 17th place in the list of the most striking and significant works published in the twentieth century. In the photo: a fragment of the first edition of A. A. Milne’s book “The House at the Pooh Corner”.


According to another version, Winnie the Pooh's birthday is considered to be 1921. That's when Alan Alexander Milne, an employee of Punch magazine, screenwriter, author of short stories and several novels, bought a teddy bear at the London department store Harrods and gave his son Christopher Robin a teddy bear for his first birthday. In the photo: Alan Alexander Milne with his son Christopher Robin and teddy bear Winnie.


In 1924, Alan Milne first came with his four-year-old son to the London Zoo, where little Christopher Robin met the Winnipeg bear (Winnie for short). It was named in her honor Teddy bear. In the photo: illustration by Ernest Shepard “Pooh Visiting the Owl.”


The teddy bear was an inseparable childhood companion of Christopher Robin. Alan Milne began to invent for his son funny stories about the bear. As new toys appeared, the stories were replenished with new characters: a pig, a tiger, a donkey, a kangaroo. In the photo: authentic Christopher Robin toys from the New York children's room public library- Winnie the Pooh (in the center), Kanga (back left), Tigger (left on foreground), Piglet (center foreground) and Eeyore (right).


The first book, “Winnie-the-Pooh,” was published in 1926, the second, “The House at the Pooh Corner,” was published in 1928, although individual stories were published in newspapers before. Worldwide sales of Winnie the Pooh books from 1924 to 1956. exceeded 7 million.

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Pictured: the unveiling of Winnie the Pooh's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2006.

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It's hard to believe, but Milne never read his own Winnie the Pooh stories to his son, preferring to raise him on the works of his favorite "adult" writer Wodehouse (Wodehouse later returned this compliment to Milne, saying that "Milne is his favorite children's writer"). Christopher Robin first read the poems and stories about Pooh Bear only 60 years after their first appearance. In the photo: illustration for “Winnie the Pooh” by E. H. Shepard, who is often called Milne’s “co-author.”


In 1960, “Winnie the Pooh” was brilliantly translated into Russian by Boris Zakhoder. Executed with exquisite precision and ingenious ingenuity, Zakhoder's translation made Milne's book a source of quotations, jokes and anecdotes. In general, “Winnie the Pooh” has been translated into all European and almost all world languages. In the photo: frame from animated film"Winnie the Pooh and Care Day" 1971 Director F. Khitruk, artists - V. Zuikov and E. Nazarov. Film studio "Soyuzmultfilm".


In 1969, Fyodor Khitruk’s cartoon “Winnie the Pooh” was released. Then in 1971-1972. The cartoons "Winnie the Pooh Comes to Visit" and "Winnie the Pooh and the Day of Worries" appeared. The roles were voiced famous actors: Winnie the Pooh - Evgeniy Leonov, Piglet - Iya Savina, Eeyore- Erast Garin. The cartoon series gained enormous popularity. Quotes from it have become common property Soviet children and adults and served as the basis for creating the image of Winnie the Pooh in domestic humorous folklore. In the photo: a still from the animated film "Winnie the Pooh and the Day of Worries." 1971 Director F. Khitruk, artists - V. Zuikov and E. Nazarov. Film studio "Soyuzmultfilm".

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In the photo: a still from the animated film "Winnie the Pooh and Care Day". 1971 Director F. Khitruk, artists - V. Zuikov and E. Nazarov. Film studio "Soyuzmultfilm".