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The creator of the film “Matilda’s Lie” spoke about the anti-Semitic roots of the movement opposing Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda”.

The creator of the film "Matilda's Lie" about the project

The creator of the film "Matilda's Lie" Sergiy Aliev made unexpected statement about the ideology of the fighters against the film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel. According to him, “Matilda” blasphemes the king, whom he considers the redeemer . With his film “Matilda's Lie,” Aliyev intends to dispel myths and legends about Nicholas II, his life and death. Thus, according to the agency's interlocutor, the king became a victim of a Jewish conspiracy, in which representatives of the highest clergy of Orthodox Jews - Hasidim - took part. As proof of his theory, he recommended reading Sergei Nilus “There is a door nearby...the secret of the protocols Elders of Zion”, which included “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and other publications (some of them are considered anti-Semitic). In November 2012, an entry under number 1496 was added to the Federal List of Extremist Materials: “Brochure “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (decision of the Leninsky District Court of Orenburg dated July 26, 2010).”

Let us note that the ideology of the ritual sacrifice of Tsar Nicholas II, who was allegedly killed by emissaries of influential Jewish circles in order to gain power over the Russian people, is characteristic of the so-called internal opposition movement within the Russian Orthodox Church - they are called Tsarebozhniki. The ideology of a number of representatives of this movement is sometimes neo-Nazi in nature with an emphasis on religiosity and monarchism. Let us add that today Sergius Aliyev admitted that the Ekaterinburg Diocese and the Russian Orthodox Church generally distances himself from Matilda opponents. So, according to the director of “Matilda’s Lie,” he received a call from the Diocese asking him to film away from the Church on the Blood. And as a result, the episode of the film, where today the Orthodox historian Alexei Solovyov spoke in defense of Tsar Nicholas II, was filmed in the park near the monument to Peter and Fevronia. Let us recall that earlier opponents of “Matilda” went to the so-called stand against Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda” in Yekaterinburg at the Church on the Blood, instead of the promised forty participants, they received no more than a dozen. According to our sources, the situation became possible after the intervention of FSB officers, who conveyed to the ideologists of the action the agency’s position on the undesirability of carrying out this kind shares After which four participants were detained and administrative protocols were drawn up against them for violating a public event.

Protest of opponents of "Matilda"

Thus, administrative punishment could become for fans of Nicholas II a kind of punishment for unwanted self-will. Let us note that today Aliyev confirmed the secret participation of the FSB in countering the rally, but added that these are his former colleagues, many of whom also profess Orthodoxy, and therefore support his fight against the film. Let us add that the release of the film “Matilda’s Lie” was announced during Royal days during the visit to Yekaterinburg of deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, known for her fight against the film by Alexei Uchitel.

A conversation between the monk of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, Abel the Seer of Mysteries, and Emperor Paul I in 1800 is presented, who asked who would be given the throne by his great-grandson Alexander III.

“Abel answered: Nicholas II, the holy king... He will have the mind of Christ, long-suffering and dove-like purity. Scripture testifies to him: Psalms 90, 10 and 20 revealed his fate to me.”

2 2. Didn't save myself

“You can leave and save your lives, but Russia will perish. If you stay, they will kill you and your family, but Russia will survive,” said Blessed Pasha of Sarov in 1903.

“If a sacrifice is needed, let me be that victim,” replied the emperor.

3 3. Was not a weak person

“How could a weak-willed person ascend his Golgotha ​​with such dignity? - asks the chief researcher of the Institute Russian history RAS Vladimir Lavrov and answers: “No way.”

Test cosmonaut Sergei Ryzhikov: “This year we returned from orbit, and since our expedition coincided with the centenary tragic events and in view of my personal veneration of the holy king, I took his small icon into orbit.”

4 4. Denigrate Nicholas

Artist Nikolai Burlyaev: “In Soviet time we, schoolchildren, were told that this bloody king, they remembered Khodynka, but then, when our lives changed and we began to live in new Russia, we began to think... Life shows that those who overthrow and continue to overthrow the image, place and role of Nicholas II in the life of Russia, they do it maliciously.”

5 5. When it comes to his holiness

“He is on a par with all the saints, we should not take the past: when he was born, lived, served, ruled the empire. He is a saint, his death proved to us his holiness, and his death gives us goosebumps. “He not only died himself, but his entire family,” says traveler and archpriest Fyodor Konyukhov.

6 6. Wasn't bloody

And again, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Lavrov: “The communists say that he is bloody, but whoever should remain silent is the communists. In the entire Russian history there were no more bloody rulers than their rulers Lenin and Stalin... What is he to blame for? The fact that they began to storm the tents where there were food and drinks for the coronation celebration? This is an accident, it should be treated as an accident.”

7 7. He didn’t start the First World War either.

Political observer Yegor Kholmogorov: “It’s ridiculous to say that the royal Russia, it began to be tolerated by the Provisional Government, which, by its own order, destroyed the army, and it was completed by the Bolshevik government, which was programmed to ensure that Russia admitted its defeat. Thus, we're talking about not about Russia’s defeat in the First World War, but about the victory stolen from us.”

8 8. Loved Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. And no one else

At the 23rd minute, the thing for which everything was intended finally begins: the story of the tsar’s personal life. Acquaintance with Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, the future wife of the Tsar Alexandra Feodorovna, whom Nicholas fell in love with at first sight and “lived with one thought that Alix would become his wife.” But that's all, actually. Not a word about the ballerina Matilda.

9 9. And what is this story about?

The first part of the film “Matilda's Lie” took 2 months to film. Ural director Sergei Aliev paid for all the work from his own pocket. The premiere took place on the Internet: on October 9, Aliyev posted the picture on his own website “The First Positive international portal", V in social networks and on Youtube. Channel One and Rossiya-1 refused to broadcast it; the director believes that television gave preference to the film by Alexei Uchitel, released on October 26 and telling the love story of the heir to the throne and the ballerina. The second series, entitled “Royal Golgotha,” is almost ready for release and should be published on Sunday, October 15. According to the director, she will be key. We will talk, in particular, about how Nicholas II felt during his abdication and how his family died. Aliyev believes that official version does not tell the whole truth about those events.