The simplest bodypainting on the face. Lace gloves on hands

To apply paint to the body, artists use a variety of tools - brushes, contour pencils, special felt-tip pens, cotton pads, airbrushes and much more. You can achieve the perfect drawing by combining different tools.

Before you start painting live model, most artists sketch or model an image in special programs. This is necessary for more subtle and competent work. Typically, an artist will start with an outline, then use primary colors to paint the base areas, and then work on the details.

Often the process of applying a pattern to a model’s skin can last for several hours; this requires great concentration from the artist. After completing the image, it is fixed on the skin using special means.

Types of paints

Beginning artists often use for body art regular gouache, it fits well on the skin, the colors do not mix if you let them dry. To prevent the paint from cracking after drying, add shampoo, glycerin or petroleum jelly to it. Such painting lasts no longer than twelve to fifteen hours.

Face painting is used by artists who prefer to create complex, multi-colored images with shading, transitions, or bright details. Face painting is suitable for artists because it is not very expensive, but at the same time it has a number of properties that make the work easier. Face painting is quite elastic, does not crack, dries quickly, has a very rich colors. Water-based paints do not cause irritation or allergies. The only problem is that it washes off quite quickly, so artists use strong fixatives to secure it.

Experienced artists combine several types of paints, add glitter tattoos (using special glue and sparkles), and apply a design using an airbrush to achieve an unusual effect or competition.

Body art competitions, or body painting, are held in major cities Russia. Within the framework of such competitions, not only the artist’s work with paints is assessed, but also the entire image of the model (hairstyle, accessories, shoes). Competitions most often involve short appearances of models accompanied by music, during which they try to demonstrate the artist’s idea to the public using dance moves, complex poses and plastics.

The term "body painting" describes the look contemporary art, in which the human body itself becomes a kind of canvas, an object for creativity. Even in ancient times, it was used as a way to indicate one’s status, religious beliefs, receive protection from evil spirits and diseases. Today this is one of the ways to express and emphasize your individuality.

Types of body painting

For some reason we have a widespread opinion that body painting- these are drawings with paint on the body, while this concept is much broader than we imagine, and, in turn, is divided into different types.


This one is for everyone known species we used to refer to it as body painting. In fact, its name is bodypainting, which literally means body painting. Such designs are temporary and completely safe, provided good coloring materials are used.

Appearing for the first time back in the Stone Age, body painting became distinctive feature postmodern art of the late 20th century. Now body painting is not only a form of self-expression, but is also often practiced in the field of advertising of goods and services. IN popular culture female body painting much more popular than men's - it is believed that body painting is female body easier to implement and looks more attractive. And examples of body painting in real life can be seen by football fans, in the form of fans’ faces painted with team symbols.


Facepainting is bodypainting limited to the face only. It also originates from ancient culture and art: for the first time, such body painting on the face was used as an identifier of the main persons in tribes, such as shamans and leaders. Later this style began to be used more widely, for example as "war paint".

Modern face painting is most often “cosmetic makeup”, which is found in the fashion industry, in theater stage, television and cinema, as well as face painting - low-fat makeup on a special water base.

Mehndi (mehendi)

Body painting, which is created by applying patterns to the skin from a special paste made from henna powder. It has been used for thousands of years in the Middle East and southeast Asia, and is most widespread in India.

After applying the paste to the skin, do not touch it until it dries. The resulting marks first take on an orange tint, which darkens to red or brown over the next two to three days, and then disappears within a few weeks.

This year, flash tattoos have also become popular, which appearance very reminiscent of henna designs.


A tattoo is a permanent design or inscription made by injecting permanent ink into the lower layers of the skin - the dermis, which ensures its durability. Tattoos have been a popular form of body decoration since the days of ancient art. The emergence of modern tattooing is associated with the invention of the electric tattoo machine in late XIX century.

In our century, the popularity of tattoos is growing rapidly, and the images applied are divided into many different styles, for example, old school, realism, dotwork, biomechanics, Chicano and others.

Permanent makeup

This is a short-lived form of tattooing - permanent makeup. In this case, special pigments are introduced not into the lower layers of the skin, but into the upper ones. Lasts on the skin for four to six years.

Such body painting is now very common because it allows you to forget for a long time about wasting time on applying makeup and shopping decorative cosmetics; it does not wash off and always keeps its shape, and a skilled artist and correctly selected colors will help make this makeup as natural as possible.


Piercing is another ancient form body painting, which has remained popular through the centuries. WITH in English literally translates as “to make holes.” This type of body painting means that the skin is certain place pierce and insert some jewelry into the puncture site.

Nowadays, piercing has become a huge trend. You can get a piercing at almost any age, starting from three to four years old.

Nail art

Nail art is the most modern form body painting, but at the same time one of the most common among female representatives.

It includes any shape decorative arts applied to fingernails and toenails: coating nails with varnish, gel, acrylic paints and other suitable means, creating designs on nails, decorating with beads, stones, pieces of fabric, etc. You can learn how to do nail art at home.

Scarification (scarification)

This is an extreme form of body painting. To carry it out, you have to purposefully injure the skin with cuts. a certain shape so that after scarring they form a pattern.

Depending on the depth and angle of the scalpel when making scars, the result can be either barely noticeable or deliberately convex or concave.


Another extreme body art, which involves applying electrical, chemical or thermal burns to the skin.

Through such injuries, a certain pattern is formed, which remains on the skin in the form of a burn scar - it consists of convex lines that are darker than the skin, red or brown.


This is the most extreme form of body art, originating from ancient times, which involves various deformations of the body, such as "forking" the tongue, creating "elfin" ears, corseting, and implanting foreign objects under the skin, such as metal spikes or balls.

Like scarring and branding, this body painting can be hazardous to health.

Bodypainting technique

Paint body painting on the body is not so difficult; in fact, the technique for performing it is surprisingly simple and requires only one thing from you - drawing abilities or the desire to develop them and devote time to practice.

  • To begin, separately draw a sketch of the future drawing. If you are not yet confident in your drawing skills, then practice on paper at least a few times. You can also use a stencil - print it out desired drawing and cut with nail scissors.
  • Before applying the design to the body, prepare the skin: it must be epilated, cleansed and moisturized with day cream.
  • After this, start drawing. Always start body painting from the background, paying attention to the outline and details after the bottom layer has completely dried. Do not forget about shadows if the drawing requires the transfer of volume.
  • The finished drawing can be decorated with rhinestones, feathers or special stones.

Paint application methods

It is better to use face painting or other materials as a material. special paints, which definitely will not cause an allergic reaction. This is why it is not recommended to paint body art with gouache or watercolor - they tighten the skin and can cause irritation, not to mention the fact that most often they are not environmentally friendly. How can you apply body paint to your skin? There are several options.

Brush and sponge

A sponge is usually used to apply the background of a design, and a brush is used to apply its details. There are many various types and the size of brushes, which one to choose depends solely on your preferences and the design itself, the main thing is to make sure that there are no long bristles sticking out of the brush, which could cause excess paint to spill.

It is better to buy such brushes not in a cosmetics store, but in an art shop, since this technique is much closer to painting than to applying makeup.

This method is inexpensive, but quite labor-intensive, and it cannot ensure uniform application of paint.


Some companies produce special safe water-based markers designed specifically for children, so you can safely use them for body painting.

The main advantage of using such markers is that they do not flake like paint and do not wrinkle when the skin is stretched. However, such body painting will take quite a lot of time, because the size of the markers does not allow covering too large areas when applied to the skin.


Applying paint with an airbrush is perhaps one of the fastest and highest quality methods of body painting, although the cost of such a tool is not cheap. When sprayed with an airbrush, the paint goes on smoothly and efficiently, without cracking or peeling. This technique is suitable if body painting performed for commercial purposes, with a limited amount of time or for a photo shoot.

The above methods of bodypainting can be combined, for example, using paint with an airbrush to create a background and gradient, and to draw individual parts and lines use an ordinary brush.

And if you want to learn face painting, start with the following video with simple children's face painting:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Almost everyone knows about famous landmark sculptures like the Statue of Liberty in New York or the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen. However, there are others, not very well known, but very unusual sculptures that decorate cities around the world – we have collected some of the most dynamic ones in this article.

Body painting can be amateur or professional. Professional body painting is a complex body painting that takes several hours, is performed by professional artists on a nude model and usually serves for advertising purposes. The fact that body painting is a new direction in art and fashion is evidenced by the fact that the spelling of the word is still not settled and raises questions.

How to write: body painting, body art or body art? All options can be found. Body art is also called tattoo or biotattoo, but they are not the same thing. Temporary tattoos applied in any way are amateur, home body painting. Its main varieties:

  • henna painting;
  • decorative flash tattoos;
  • nail art;
  • children's face painting.

Henna painting - fashionable, beautiful, useful

Of course, paints for home body painting must first of all be safe, so the undisputed leader in artistic painting body at home is henna. A special paste is prepared from henna powder to paint on the body. It is not very liquid and is squeezed out of the tube in a thin stream, meaning you can paint without a brush. Essential oil and sometimes dyes are added to henna paste. The good thing about paste is that it can be used to draw quite complex interesting pattern, and there is no need to rinse or scrape it off - after a few days it is safely removed from the skin.

Before applying paint to your hand, you can practice on paper. Learn the basics of drawing, come up with your own original pattern. Home body painting on your body can give useful experience in drawing on three-dimensional objects. For many women this activity brings great pleasure, the patterns on the body are fascinating and uplifting. When the details are carefully drawn, they resemble precious lace. You can buy ready-made paste in a convenient tube in our store.

The simplest type of home body painting is a flash tattoo.

Another popular way to decorate yourself is a flash tattoo or tattoo decoration. By the method of applying flash tattoos to the skin, decorative tattoos resemble decals: just remove the transparent film from the pattern, apply the picture to the skin and moisten it with a damp sponge. Flash tattoos delight Russian fashionistas with a variety of colors and shades, golden, silver, metallic, neon shine, the easy way application and affordable price. Last fashion trend– holographic tattoos that change color. It is also important that they are easy to remove from the body with soap and a washcloth. Still, this method has little to do with artistic painting, but it is a good option for home body painting - bright, simple, and exciting.

Nail art with acrylic paints

Another type of painting on yourself is nail art (the art of painting nails) - the spelling of the term also has several variations. They have proven themselves very well in nail art. acrylic paints water based. They do not have an unpleasant odor and dry quickly. The variety of colors and shades is achieved largely due to the fact that polymer additives are added to acrylic paints that change the texture: as a result, the paint layer can be matte or glossy, metallic or pearlescent. Adherents of home body painting quickly appreciated the beauty of acrylic paints and began to apply artistic acrylic paints on their nails, intended for painting interior items. Meanwhile, in the Artist store you can buy special acrylic paints for painting nails.

The process of painting nails is not particularly different from painting any other object with these paints. First, the base is applied to the nails, then the paint and finally the sealer. The paint should be applied with a brush dipped in water, thoroughly shaking off the water. An unsuccessful line can be easily corrected or washed off with a damp cotton swab, but this must be done immediately, because the paint dries quickly. Thanks to the special properties of the paints themselves, such a manicure always looks rich and festive.

Children's body painting

For children, body painting is, first of all, exotic and entertainment. Plant-based powder paints can be covered from head to toe - it's fun. With the help of face paint you can turn into a bear, a wolf, a fox, a butterfly, a clown - this creates a special mood. For children's body painting (another name is face painting), they produce paints, crayons, pencils - of course, not ordinary ones, but special ones. Paints are applied with brushes, but first apply the main background with a soft sponge and wait until it dries. Then draw. It's better to practice on paper first. They sell special paints for home body painting - not causing allergies. However, individual intolerance to any component is not excluded, so before the start of the holiday it is better to apply a little paint to the child’s skin in a test mode.

Most of the adult drawings are applied to the body using a stencil method: there is little room for imagination here. For children, the situation is different: it’s fun for both the one who draws and the one on whom they draw. The pleasure is mutual. In addition to paints, markers, crayons, and pencils are produced for children's body painting. All these products, as well as brushes for makeup and nail painting, can be found in the artist salon in Korolev - in addition to professional paints and pencils.

By eastern tradition a woman is created for decoration. Someone sees in home body painting simple entertainment, for some - a way to become beautiful and desirable, for others, patterns on the body are a need to express their creative potential, for some - a meditative ceremony, unconventional way communication with the world. If body painting is congenial creative process, is it so important to be an artist of the canvas or of your body?

Bodypainting (from English. body art- “body art”) is a popular avant-garde art form today, in which the human body itself becomes the main object of creativity, and its content is revealed through gestures, facial expressions, as well as decorations and drawings applied to the body. Body painting allows anyone to express themselves, express own opinion about what, for example, is happening around, to defend your point of view.

For example, at rallies dedicated to protecting the rights of our little brothers, defenders do animal-style body painting on their faces and bodies.

What to draw?

The most popular, widespread and beloved among children and adults today is body painting on the face. Make it for Halloween, New Year's or any other themed party.

Many people prefer this type of body art. After all, if a skull, butterfly or cat, painted with paints, is easily washed off after the holiday, then, for example, it will not be possible to simply get rid of a full tattoo.

Well, another significant advantage is accessibility - in order to paint your face, it is not at all necessary to visit a specialized salon. You can, for example, take a couple of face body painting lessons from professional artist, or you can do it at home yourself or turn to relatives or friends for help. You can also look for body painting lessons on the Internet.

Where to begin?

Well planned is half done. That’s why before you start, you need to decide on a thematic design.

You can use your imagination and come up with something exclusive yourself, or you can look for makeup options in specialized magazines or online resources.

For example, for Halloween you can do body painting on your face in the form of a Butterfly, Dryad, Kikimora, Blue Dragon, Witch, Dark Angel, One-Eyed Pirate, Vampirella, Devil, Fire Demon, Margarita, etc.

On new year holidays As a rule, body painting is done on the face in the form of the animal that symbolizes the coming year - Dragon, Horse, Snake, Goat, Bull, Cat, Tiger, Monkey, etc. However, you can get by with the traditional images of Snowflake, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Snowman or Gnome.

For specific theme party Body painting on the face in the form of a skull, skeleton, spider, bleeding wounds, scars, scalped skin may also be appropriate.

For children's parties - matinees, birthdays - the following body painting designs on the face are suitable:

  • Representatives of flora and fauna - in the form of a cat, lynx, dragonfly, bear cub, bee, butterfly or flower;
  • Fairy-tale characters - princesses, fairies, knights;
  • Fairy tale and cartoon characters - Barbie and her friend Ken, Superman, Spider-Man, etc.

Note. If you are planning to do body painting for a child, keep in mind that the younger the child is, the more difficult it will be for him to sit in one place for a long time. Therefore, to create an image, choose some simple ideas(this could be, for example, cute animals that are easy and quick to draw - Bunny, Rabbit, Mouse, etc.).

During the process, help your child get used to the character: tell fascinating story, talk to him about the scenario of the upcoming holiday. It is unacceptable to shout at a child, forcing him to sit calmly and evenly - this will only ruin everyone’s mood and may even cause tears.

You can draw images on your face yourself, but if you are doing this for the first time and are not confident in your abilities, use stencils sold in specialized stores for this purpose.

What paints should I use?

For this purpose it is best to use special professional paints face painting for body painting. They can be purchased at a specialty store. Such paints do not cause allergic reactions, are absolutely safe, fit well on the skin, last quite a long time and are easily washed off with soap and water after the end of the event.

When purchasing, be sure to check the product quality certificate and pay attention to the expiration date.

To outline the details of the drawing, use special colored water-based markers.

However, if you do not have the opportunity to purchase special paints and markers, you can use regular gouache. Before the procedure, apply a rich cream to the skin - this will make the colors last longer.

Never use watercolor paints, especially cheap ones. Not only do they not give saturated, bright colors and quickly crumble, but also contain heavy metal oxides, and therefore, interacting with the skin, can cause allergic reactions.

How to create a drawing?

To get started, prepare all the necessary materials:

  • paints;
  • stencil pictures;
  • makeup brushes of different sizes;
  • decorative cosmetics (lipstick, mascara, loose powder, concealer, contour pencils of different colors);
  • cotton buds;
  • wet wipes;
  • shoulder cape;
  • two mirrors (large and pocket).

Now let's get started:

  • First of all, prepare your skin. Wash your face thoroughly with soap or special cosmetic product. If you have facial hair, shave it off. Dry your skin and apply moisturizer. Afterwards, lightly blot the skin with a paper towel. There is no need to thoroughly wipe off the cream;
  • Wrap yourself in a cape or large towel so as not to stain your clothes;
  • Sit in front of a large mirror, place the stencil on your face and use carbon paper to transfer it. Then outline the body painting image on the face with a soft contour pencil;
  • According to the instructions on the package, prepare the paint and apply the required amount to the desired area. You can wait until it dries on its own, or you can use a hair dryer (setting it to the minimum temperature) and dry the layer;
  • In the same way, alternately apply all the colors of the design to your face;
  • Remove carefully cotton swabs paints that accidentally ended up outside the outline of the drawing;
  • After completing the drawing, you can proceed to the main makeup - according to the intended image, make up your eyes and lips, apply blush; where necessary, treat the skin with powder. With the help of decorative cosmetics, you can emphasize the expressiveness and advantages of the design, correct possible skin defects;
  • A thin layer of transparent powder can be applied on top of the finished drawing. If necessary, decorate the “work” with cosmetic glitter and rhinestones, placing them on leather glue.

For body painting on the face to be a great success, there is no need to rush - be sure to wait until each layer of paint has completely dried, otherwise the colors will simply spread and the work will have to start all over again.

"We touched on various ways to draw something beautiful. But for some reason we have never touched on this interesting topic like body art. Therefore, in today's article we will talk a little about body art. That is, about where it came from, how to do it (the basics), what is needed for it - and a couple of beautiful examples.

Let's start talking a little about body art from the basics - from the definition. It is generally believed that body art is painting on the body with paints. But in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Thus, according to Wikipedia, body art (body art) is one of the forms of avant-garde art, where the main object of creativity is the human body, and the content is revealed using non-verbal language:

  • gestures
  • facial expressions,
  • applying marks and “decorations” to the body.

The object of body art can also be drawings, photos, videos and body models.

That is, body art is not just drawing on the body with paints. This is also a way to present this drawing (in particular). Moreover, the presentation can be in real time and recorded on information media. It’s cooler, of course, to be present at the same time :) Or even to be a “canvas” for artists. It’s a shame to wash off the paint :)

The origins of body painting are in ancient times. In ritual paint, in religious patterns, in war colors, in tribal tattoos and so on. This probably also explains the desire to take part in body painting modern people- desire to join the past.

Thus, it should be taken into account that in classical body art as an art direction, the body is considered as a thing to be manipulated; artists show increased interest in borderline existential situations. Body art compositions are performed directly in front of the viewer or recorded for subsequent display in exhibition halls.

However, the goals of this article are much more modest. In principle, they are precisely limited to the peculiarities of applying paint to the body - one of the types of body art. This is the most common type of body art, in which the main place is occupied by drawing on the face (face art) and the body as a whole. Nail art is well known - painting nails. Mehndi - body painting using henna, the most durable - lasts three weeks. Let's talk about body painting in more detail.

What you need for body art

Body painting is absolutely safe and does not cause the slightest inconvenience. According to the technique of drawing, body painting is divided, depending on the method, into airbrushing and manual technique. When airbrushing, an airbrush is used, and when manual technique- brush. It must be remembered that all these drawings are only temporary.

Materials for body art can be divided into two groups - professional and improvised. Professional materials (make-up, body paint, body pencil, face painting) are more suitable for experienced artists, whose profession is body painting. Whereas for you and me, novice bodyardists :) any available means are suitable - henna, gouache with glycerin, acrylic paint.

You need to be careful with acrylic paint - on the one hand, it is durable, which is good, but on the other hand, a mistake is difficult to correct. Therefore, to compensate, acrylic paints are often mixed with gouache.

In principle, even multi-colored ones can be used as a bodypainting tool. gel pens. With a certain skill, drawings with pens turn out no worse, or even better, than drawings by professionals. At lower costs :)

How to Draw Bodypainting

Where does body art begin? As in any other form of art, the main thing here is to think through the drawing in advance. To choose a design, you must first listen to your own inner voice, and, secondly, scour the Internet and specialized publications. Today there are a lot of patterns and stencils; it is important that the future design matches the owner who will “wear” it.

If you approach body painting with quality and “forever”, then it is best to depilate the required area of ​​skin. Before applying paint, the skin should also be degreased (with alcohol wipes) and moisturized.

The most important thing you must remember is that body art does not like to be rushed. In an effort to do everything quickly, some artists end up having to at some stage wash off the drawing they have already applied and do it all over again. Take your time, enjoy the process, after all, it’s like an ancient ritual of our ancestors.

Thus, body painting is easy!

By the way, for inspiration - a short video with the results of body painting:

Happy creativity!