Death at the Mariinsky Theater. Choreographer Sergei Vikharev died

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is conducting a pre-investigation check into the death of the choreographer Mariinsky Theater Sergei Vikharev, who died in St. Petersburg on June 2 during a dental operation. This was reported by the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Northern capital.

According to the investigation, the 55-year-old man died before the ambulance arrived. The circumstances and causes of death will be determined by a forensic medical examination. Based on the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made, the Investigative Committee reported.

As it became known, the Honored Artist of Russia died during an operation under general anesthesia at the private dental clinic "Doctor Livshits" on Torzhkovskaya Street. At the Mariinsky Theater he was one of the leading soloists, and for the last 10 years he worked as a teacher and tutor.

According to Fontanka, on the morning of Friday, June 2, Vikharev went to the Doctor Livshits clinic to remove teeth from the upper jaw and install implants. In the clinic, which is owned by its founder, general director and chief physician Tatyana Livshits, removal costs from 4,000 rubles, implantation - from 30 thousand. The choreographer wanted to replace several teeth.

Vikharev was served by a team of doctors: the only full-time surgeon Vitaly Kalinin, senior administrator Nana Gelashvili (acting as an assistant) and guest anesthesiologist 55-year-old Andrei Goltyakov. According to Fontanka, he is on the wanted list. Known to the registration authorities of St. Petersburg for his change of surname.

According to the publication, Goltyakov gave the artist an intravenous injection of the drug propofol, a sleeping pill intended for intravenous administration. It is used to maintain anesthesia, as a sedative during artificial ventilation, and for procedural sedation.

Propofol is approved for use in more than 50 countries. Side effects its applications are lowering blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, and short-term respiratory arrest. There are known cases of death from drug overdose. Thus, singer Michael Jackson died in 2009 from cardiac arrest after an overdose of propofol. In the US state of Missouri, propofol is used by injection to carry out death sentences.

During surgical intervention Vikharev’s doctors recorded respiratory and cardiac arrest and absence of pulse. For half an hour before the ambulance arrived, clinic staff carried out resuscitation measures, including chest compressions. Ambulance doctors recorded death from unknown causes, but suggested thromboembolism - blockage of the pulmonary artery.

LLC "Clinic of Doctor Livshits" was registered in 2008. Tatyana Livshits is a member of the Russian Dental Society, previously listed as a co-owner of Zubastiki Curient LLC on the Petrograd side. The Doctor Livshits clinic employs 15 people.

Biography of Sergei Vikharev

Sergey Vikharev - student of the Leningrad Choreographic School named after Agrippina Vaganova (class people's artist USSR Vladlena Semenova), laureate international competitions in Varna and Moscow. As TASS notes, in a professional environment he was valued as a versatile classical dancer with outstanding artistry.

Born in February 1962. Graduated from Leningradskoe choreographic school named after Vaganova in 1980 and in the same year was accepted into the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after Kirov (Mariinsky Theatre).

Performed leading roles in the ballets "Sleeping Beauty", "Giselle", "Romeo and Juliet". He danced in performances by Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe, as well as in ballets by Boris Eifman, Alexander Polubentsev, and Vladimir Karelin. In 1999-2006 he was the chief choreographer of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Since 2007, Vikharev has worked as a choreographer and tutor at the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1999, Vikharev staged the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” at the Mariinsky Theater, reconstructing from recordings the 1894 performance staged by Marius Petipa, and then his “La Bayadère” staged in 1900. At the Bolshoi Theater he reconstructed the Mariinsky Theater's 1894 performance of Coppelia, choreographed by Marius Petipa and Enrico Cecchetti (2009). IN Milan theater La Scala staged Marius Petipa's ballet Raymonda (2011).

Among Vikharev's achievements is the reconstruction of the play "Carnival", staged by Mikhail Fokin in 1910. The Golden Mask 2008 award was awarded to his reconstruction of the ballet The Awakening of Flora by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov.

Farewell to Sergei Vikharev will take place on the morning of Thursday, June 8, in the foyer of the dress circle of the Mariinsky Theater. The artist will be buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

In contact with


Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Vikharev, whose death was previously reported by the Mariinsky Theater, died while visiting a dentist. The body of the Mariinsky choreographer reacted to the intravenous painkiller administered. They could not bring him out of his medicated sleep.

The Investigative Committee is conducting a pre-investigation investigation into the death of Mariinsky Theater choreographer Sergei Vikharev, who died in St. Petersburg on June 2 during a dental operation. This was reported on Wednesday by the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg.

Vikharev sought dental help at a clinic on Torzhkovskaya, was plunged into a medicated sleep and never came out of it. His body reacted to the powerful anesthetic propofol, used in America to execute criminals (Michael Jackson died from an overdose of this substance - editor's note).

Vikharev died on June 2 at the age of 55. As the department said, the choreographer died while he was receiving dental services in one of the St. Petersburg clinics.

“Currently, a set of verification measures is being carried out aimed at clarifying all the circumstances of the incident,” the message says.

In particular, medical documents were confiscated and a forensic medical examination was ordered.

“He died before the ambulance arrived. A forensic medical examination has been ordered to establish the circumstances and cause of death. Based on the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made,” said the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg, refusing further comments.

According to the press service of the Mariinsky Theater, farewell to Sergei Vikharev will take place on June 8 at 10.30 in the foyer of the mezzanine of the historical stage. The artist will be buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery.

The choreographer died at the age of 56. At the Mariinsky Theater he was one of the leading soloists, and for the last ten years he worked as a teacher and tutor.

At the Mariinsky Theater, Vikharev performed reconstructions of the ballets “The Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadère”, “The Awakening of Flora”, “Carnival”, “Petrushka”, and was the dance director for the opera “A Life for the Tsar”.

In 1980 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya. Vaganova (teacher Vladlen Semenov) and was accepted into the ballet troupe of the State academic theater Opera and Ballet named after. S. M. Kirov (now the Mariinsky Theater).

In 1986 he became a soloist of the ballet of this theater.

Performed leading roles in the ballets “Sleeping Beauty”, “Giselle”, “Romeo and Juliet”. He danced in performances by Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe, as well as in ballets by Boris Eifman, Alexander Polubentsev, and Vladimir Karelin. In 1999-2006 he was the chief choreographer of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Since 2007, Vikharev has worked as a choreographer and tutor at the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1999, Vikharev staged the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” at the Mariinsky Theater, reconstructing from recordings the 1894 performance staged by Marius Petipa, and then his “La Bayadère” staged in 1900. At the Bolshoi Theater he reconstructed the Mariinsky Theater's 1894 performance of Coppelia, choreographed by Marius Petipa and Enrico Cecchetti (2009).


At the 56th year of his life, Sergei Vikharev, the premier and teacher-repetiteur of the Mariinsky Theater, the choreographer who discovered 19th-century ballet to Russia, died suddenly.

He will go down in the history of Russian ballet as the man who gave us “The Sleeping Beauty” - that real, enchanting production of Petipa of the 19th century, in which the boy Benois fell ill with ballet, who later wrote in his memoirs: “I’m unlikely to be mistaken if I say that I didn’t If it were then for my frenzied passion for “Sleeping”... if I had not infected my friends with my enthusiasm, then there would have been no Ballet Russes, and all the “balletomania” generated by their success.” Indeed, Sergei Diaghilev, the chief of friends Alexandra Benois, conquered the whole world with Russian ballet excess. Except for Russia and its successor USSR. The homeland of “Sleeping Beauty” had its own view of ballet theater- in it, as in Soviet life, there was no place for excesses; moderation and accuracy of academic classics became an axiom for many decades.

Bye the day before XXI century Sergei Vikharev did not accomplish two of his historical feats: he was the first in Russia to read the choreographic text of the ballet, deciphering the extracts from Harvard University recordings of Petipa's contemporary, director of the Imperial Ballet Nikolai Sergeev. And he broke through the wall of conservatism in his native Mariinsky Theater, achieving the restoration of the historical appearance of the performance on the stage, where the meager beauty of the production of the 1950s was considered the standard. Vikharevskaya “Sleeping” appeared as a stunning cascade of attractions. In their galloping stream, acquaintances found themselves equal in rights classical ensembles and the unprecedentedly intricate costumes of Ivan Vsevolozhsky; burning fireplaces, fountains gushing with real water and the virtuoso Blue Bird entrechat. The grand waltz of flowers, like 100 years ago, was danced by 72 people, crowded processions fairy tale characters competed with the restored violin solo musical intermission, and ultimately the prima ballerina turned out to be just one of the details of the complex design of the enchanting ballet.

And if Sergei Vikharev had not created anything in his life other than this great reconstruction, his name would still have been inscribed in the annals of ballet. However, its influence on ballet world immeasurably wider and more diverse. Having entered the Mariinsky Theater in 1980, he was two decades ahead of his time, finding himself a lone virtuoso stylist among a generation of hopelessly heroic ballet stagnation. But he was lucky: the Mariinsky (then Kirov) Theater began to change, and the convinced “classicist”, basking in the intricacies of the most sophisticated combinations, found his niche in its huge repertoire: in the ballets of Bournonville and Balanchine, in the romantic “Giselle” and the stylized “Chopinian” ”, in the then sterile “Sleeping” and Fokine’s world-class “Carnival”.

Towards the end of his performing career, another gift of Vikharev manifested itself: he turned out to be an amazing teacher, capable of turning even a bear into a butterfly. The Mariinsky Theater had its own teachers a dime a dozen, Vikharev’s fantastic “Sleeping” hurt conservatives’ eyes, his reconstruction of “La Bayadère” was received with hostility at the theater, and the capital’s esthete went to Novosibirsk. The years of his leadership (1999–2005) became the golden age of the Novosibirsk Ballet: the troupe danced like never before, and balletomanes from all over Russia came to see Vikharev’s own productions. The Novosibirsk reconstruction of the ancient “Coppelia” was recognized as a reference and won “ Golden mask». Grand Theatre asked Vikharev for a copy of it and, having received it from the hands of the choreographer, was transformed: he danced gracefully, gracefully, subtly and accurately.

This was the case everywhere he appeared - in Astana, Tokyo, Milan. The grandiose reconstruction of the ancient “Raymonda” became a global triumph for the La Scala theater. Vikharev, following Petipa, staged the ballet on an imperial scale, involving in the performance not only the entire troupe and ballet school, but even firefighters and extras recruited from the street - under his leadership they all moved and danced with the courtliness of true courtiers.

At home, his unique talents were in demand by barely a third, but Petipa’s upcoming anniversary in 2018 promised to reverse this deplorable practice. Already this fall, the Bolshoi Theater invited Vikharev to restore his exemplary “Coppelia,” and a year later he was to become one of the directors of the Bolshoi’s grand anniversary gala. Now Petipa's holidays will be taken over by Vikharev's followers (and partly opponents) - Yuri Burlaka and Alexei Ratmansky, who are also working with Sergeev's recordings and restoring the appearance of ancient ballets. True, the first of them is overly pedantic and devoid of flight of fancy, and the second is too keen on the choreographic side of the matter. So we will no longer have extravaganzas: the ballet magician disappeared from this world in one leap - immeasurable and final.

Tatiana Kuznetsova

Last Friday, June 2, information appeared on the Mariinsky Theater website that the famous choreographer-tutor Sergei Vikharev had passed away. The team with whom the man worked for a decade brought sincere condolences to his family and friends. However, for several days nothing was reported about the causes of the artist’s death. Today, the Investigation Department reported that last Friday Vikharev was at a dentist’s appointment in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg. According to their information, it was during the provision of medical services that the man died.

According to media reports, the choreographer’s body could not withstand the anesthesia injected into a vein - doctors were unable to bring him back from medicated sleep. Vikharev went to the clinic to have teeth removed and implants installed. A team of three people provided medical assistance to the man. After they noticed that Vikharev’s heart had stopped, he was urgently resuscitated. However, it was not possible to save the patient - half an hour later he was pronounced dead.

“Currently, a set of verification measures is being carried out aimed at clarifying all the circumstances of the incident. Medical documents were seized, a forensic medical examination was ordered to establish the circumstances and cause of death,” the Investigative Committee concluded.

Fans cannot believe the death of the talented choreographer. Spectators admire his productions in the main theater of St. Petersburg. They rushed to offer their condolences to the artist’s relatives.

“I saw his first productions, they were good”, “Our condolences to the family outstanding master ballet”, “This name says a lot to those associated with ballet. And almost nothing, alas, to the general public. For ballet in general, and for St. Petersburg, and for national culture this loss is irreplaceable,” “It’s a pity when people die so early,” wrote those concerned on social networks.

As reported, farewell to Sergei Vikharev will take place on June 8 at 10.30 in the foyer of the dress circle of the Mariinsky Theater ( historical scene). A little later, a burial ceremony will take place, immediately after farewell at the Serafimovskoye cemetery.

The artist died right in the doctor's chair

There is mourning in the ballet community of St. Petersburg. “On June 2, at the 56th year of his life, the choreographer-repetiteur of the Mariinsky Theater, Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Gennadievich Vikharev, died suddenly,” the theater reports dryly and officially. The first reports said that Vikharev died in Yekaterinburg, where he was working on the production of “ A futile precaution" However, the St. Petersburg Investigative Committee reported that the choreographer died in a dental clinic in St. Petersburg.

On a June morning, Vikharev went to a private dentistry, where he was supposed to get implants. Several specialists were preparing to perform the operation, and the patient was given painkillers. But Vikharev’s body, obviously, reacted too sharply to the drug - the choreographer fell into a medically induced coma, from which, despite half an hour of resuscitation measures, he could not be brought out. The Investigative Committee promptly began an investigation - all medical documents were confiscated from the clinic, and a forensic examination was ordered to establish the exact circumstances and cause of the choreographer’s death. Based on the results, a procedural decision will be made.

There was probably a case of a sudden allergic reaction to the drug, or an overdose - experts will find out. The clinic itself near the Chernaya Rechka metro station, where the tragedy occurred, after the message from the Investigative Committee, is not eager to talk about what happened. The administrator told the MK correspondent that the director will prepare a comment no earlier than tomorrow, and in general, today is not his visiting day, although the clinic itself is open.

Meanwhile, Vikharev’s colleagues and fans are grieving over the sudden and irreparable loss. “It’s impossible to believe, but it’s true,” writes Elena Moshinskaya, a fan of his talent, on the choreographer’s page on the social network. - On June 2, 2017, the brilliant dancer, unique choreographer and wonderful teacher-tutor Sergei Gennadievich Vikharev passed away. Back in December 2016, at a meeting in Theater Museum he told the audience about his creative plans, of which there were a great many. His passing is a personal tragedy for me. It’s impossible to forget him!”

Programs of performances from the 80s with Vikharev’s participation are posted online, and condolences are received even from overseas. “The Harvard Theater Collection mourns the loss of a brilliant dancer and choreographer and amazing person. Like a true theater wizard, Sergei turned pages full of mysterious icons into a living theater, into a fairy tale that we could all enjoy and enjoy,” writes Irina Klyagina, curator of the ballet archives of the Harvard Theater Collection, on Vikharev’s page. - I hope his production will return to the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. I personally mourn the passing of a wonderful, bright, noble and gentle man. Please say goodbye to him on Thursday from the Harvard Theater Collection and from me."

Farewell to the choreographer will take place on June 8 at 10:30 am in the dressage foyer historical building Mariinsky Theater. After farewell, there will be a burial ceremony at the Serafimovskoye Cemetery.