Interesting facts about the history of Siberia in the 17th century. History of Siberia

People who go on holiday for the first time southeast Asia, often pay attention to very short stature indigenous people. They seem very small to us compared to us. In which countries do the smallest people live? Where do giants live?

So, 5 countries with the tallest men:

  1. Netherlands: 182.5 cm
  2. Belgium: 181.7 cm
  3. Estonia: 181.6 cm
  4. Latvia: 181.4 cm
  5. Denmark: 181.4 cm

As you can see, the tallest men on the planet live in Europe, mainly in the northern part.

5 countries with the tallest women:

  1. Latvia: 169.8 cm
  2. Netherlands: 168.7 cm
  3. Estonia: 168.7 cm
  4. Czech Republic: 168.5 cm
  5. Serbia: 167.7 cm

The tallest women in the world also live in Europe, but there is no longer a clear range, but are distributed from south to north.

Now let's move on to the shortest men:

  1. East Timor: 159.8 cm
  2. Yemen: 159.9 cm
  3. Laos: 160.5 cm
  4. Madagascar: 161.5 cm
  5. Malawi: 162.2 cm

In general, these are the residents Central Africa and southeast Asia.

5 countries with the shortest women:

  1. Guatemala: 149.4 cm
  2. Philippines: 149.6 cm
  3. Bangladesh: 150.8 cm
  4. Nepal: 150.9 cm
  5. East Timor: 151.2 cm

Here, too, there are mainly residents of Southeast Asia.

In general, there is a general trend: the closer to the equator and the hotter the climate, the lower the indigenous people. And the further north the country is, the higher the inhabitants are. There is also a correlation between population growth and the standard of living; the higher the standard of living, the higher the population, and vice versa, the less developed countries the population as a whole is below average. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general these trends are visible.

What are these patterns associated with? Most likely due to the fact that in developed countries people work less exhausting physical labor, pay more attention to their health and proper nutrition, play sports, in such countries medicine and human rights are developed. In underdeveloped countries most of the population is engaged in exhausting physical labor (most often in agriculture), often go hungry, pay less attention to their health and sports. In addition, human height directly depends on the place of residence, for example, in dense forests and impenetrable jungles, it is easier for people with short stature to survive. Thus, long-term genetic selection has led to such different results.

Overall in the world is coming trend towards increasing average population growth. Over the past 100 years, this indicator has increased in all countries of the world. So over the past 100 years in Iran, Greece and Japan average height men increased by more than 15 cm. And the average height of women in South Korea by as much as 20 cm! In Russia, the average height of men is 176.5 cm (an increase of 9 cm over 100 years), and for women 165.3 cm (an increase of 12 cm over 100 years). Again, this can be associated with a sharp increase in the standard of living of the countries' populations.

Scientists believe that global growth change man is walking wavy. IN ancient period residents of developed countries at that time were taller modern man. Subsequently, human height decreased and reached a minimum in the Middle Ages. Over the last 200 years go by constant increase in growth. It is believed that in the next 50-100 years the average human height will stop increasing, and perhaps in a few centuries a new decline will begin, initiated by some kind of disease or warrior. But this is all the distant future, which only our great-great-grandchildren will see.

You will find the rest of the countries in ours, in the “Medicine” section.

Human growth is a genetically determined process that cannot be changed. It is this that is one of the most important indicators of the state of the body. There are many factors on which human growth depends, including: hormonal regulation, the supply of important substances, social status, conditions environment, a complex of hereditary properties, etc.

According to many experts, the growth process in boys stops by the age of 18-21, and in girls by the age of 15-16. Psychologists are confident that men have always had a desire to become taller. The maximum height that suited the stronger sex ranged from 183-185 cm. Over time, this mark became a kind of standard for many Europeans. In addition, it is possible that the taller a young man is, the more sexually in demand he is.

Women were no exception either. According to statisticians, we can conclude that the taller a woman is, the faster her pace career growth. Whether this is true or not is a completely different question. But research confirms this hypothesis. But American scientists decided to find out from women and men what height of the opposite sex they prefer most. Many girls answered that they would like to see a tall man next to them. In this case, the preferred difference in height should be 20 cm. Representatives of the stronger sex practically agreed with women. In the company of ladies, they will feel comfortable, being 8-10 cm taller than them. Summing up, we have calculated the “ideal” combination of height for a beloved couple: man - 188 cm, woman - 173 cm.

As a rule, each nationality has its own average height. In Russia it fluctuates around 160-178 cm, since it is a large and multinational country. Therefore, the data that we will indicate mainly concerns Russian people, since these measurements were mainly made in Moscow. The average height of a man is 175 cm, and that of a woman is 162 cm.

Representatives of the World Health Organization recently concluded that with the advent of a new generation, humanity continues to grow. They showed this difference in comparison with 1970. For example, in the USSR, the average height of a man in those years was 168 cm, and a woman - 157 cm. By the end of the 80s, this figure had changed significantly: 176 cm and 164 cm. That is, citizens Soviet Union grew by about 8.5 cm. But in the turbulent 90s, this trend changed in the opposite direction. According to scientists, in the coming years this figure will decrease by 2-3 cm.

However, you should not bother with these generally accepted norms, which, to our deepest regret, do not depend on a person. He is who he is. It would be wrong to believe in the success of tall people. To a large extent it depends on completely different qualities.

Opinions about how old a man grows vary greatly. Scientists have found that human growth is uneven, different years life at different paces. The nonlinear growth rate is explained by the fact that during development, hormones responsible for growth are produced in different volumes.h

Work has a big impact on growth thyroid gland. If it does not function properly, a person can either remain short or grow very tall, and this will be accompanied by problems associated with internal organs and the cardiovascular system.

In this article we will talk about the age to which men grow. Also here you will find information on how to increase your height, and for what reasons the increase in height may be delayed or stopped.

Why are we growing?

  • A special somatotropic hormone (otherwise known as “growth hormone”) helps a person grow. This substance allows the body to stretch linearly, i.e. grow in height.
  • Under its influence, the tubular bones of the limbs lengthen, which is why we become taller.
  • The highest concentration of growth hormone is observed in the human body in adolescence, and then the level of this substance gradually decreases.

Periods of human growth

Most main period intensive growth is intrauterine development. In the womb, a little man grows from a tiny droplet in 9 months to a length of 51-52 cm.

In the first year of life, a child grows on average 24 cm, then growth slows down somewhat. Every year the baby gains fewer and fewer centimeters.

An active growth spurt occurs in girls at 11-13 years old, and in boys at 12-14 years old. This is the age when puberty occurs and growth hormone actively begins to “work.” During this period, teenagers can gain up to 12 centimeters over the summer.

By the age of 15, girls practically reach their peak and no longer add centimeters in height, while boys, on the contrary, after 15 years old begin to actively catch up with their older peers. Active growth of boys ends by the age of 18-19. However, some people still continue to grow beyond their 20s. The increase in height is usually small and finally stops by the age of 27.

What does a person's height depend on?

Scientists have proven that human growth is directly influenced by several important factors:

  • Heredity (if family members have been tall for several generations, then their descendants are likely to be rather tall).
  • Racial-ethnic group (so, some Asian peoples For the most part, they are not tall, but Africans are often very tall and strong).
  • A person's height can change throughout the day. In the morning we are all 1-2 centimeters higher, and in the evening we are lower. This is explained by the fact that during the night the spine stretches, and during the day the intervertebral discs settle, and by the evening the person becomes a little lower.

Years also rob people of centimeters of height. Starting at the age of 50, a person loses 1 cm in height every decade. This decrease is associated with the loss of elasticity of the spine and its gradual curvature.

Is it possible to change your height?

There can be two types of influence on human growth: surgical and physiological.

The surgical method is a radical way to increase height. During the operation, bones are lengthened using special devices. The method gives visible results, but requires long rehabilitation.

Physiological ways to increase height are the use of special exercise equipment, daily physical exercise to stretch the spine. A balanced diet and consumption of dietary supplements will also help to add the necessary millimeters of growth.

Our entire humanity is gradually “growing.” For 200 years average man on our planet grew by 10 cm, and a woman by 9.4 cm.

Have you noticed that you are a little taller? It is quite possible, and it does not matter at all that you are not a teenager. The human body continues to surprise us! It turns out that he grows even in adulthood. For example, Philip Kirkorov grew several centimeters after turning 30.

  1. In each case, everything is individual - it depends on genetics, hormonal balance, and lifestyle. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure whether this or that man will grow up or not. At what age can you expect an increase in height?
  2. For most men, this period falls between the ages of 20 and 25, in some cases up to 28. Well, of course, now we are not talking about childhood and adolescence, this does not count.
  3. Growth may not increase gradually, but sharply. For example, one year you did not notice any changes, and the next you became 2-3 cm taller. This is also individual and you cannot predict when and how much taller you will become (if, of course, you become).
  4. Why do males grow until almost 30 years of age? This is due to hormonal changes. Women mature several years earlier, but guys continue to develop. At this age, their figure is constantly changing, which is quite normal and natural.

Heredity – main factor. No matter how much you hope for improvement, if you have short parents, you are unlikely to be taller than them. Of course you can do special exercises, there are products that promote growth, but the result will be insignificant - no more than a couple of centimeters.

To what age do men grow?

As we have already said, this process can continue until the age of 30, in some cases, height increases even after this age. You can help yourself and speed up your growth with a few tricks:

  • Horizontal bar. Hang on the horizontal bar as often as possible, this exercise really works. Spend 10-15 minutes a day on this, it’s simple to do - you need to hang on outstretched arms. This exercise has a positive effect on the spine and stretches it.
  • Stretching. There are many exercises to improve stretching and flexibility, do them daily. This type of exercise will not only speed up growth, but also improve flexibility.
  • Proper nutrition. Remove all harmful foods from your diet, forget about smoking and alcohol. Eat as many legumes, nuts and seeds, cereals, vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish as possible.
  • Vitamin complex: Your diet may be too low in essential vitamins and minerals. We recommend drinking a vitamin complex regularly; it can be purchased at any sports nutrition store.
  • Increase testosterone - do strength training twice a week, forget about beer and other alcohol. We also recommend including in your diet foods that help increase testosterone - fish oil, nuts, fish and seafood, fresh herbs, green and red vegetables and fruits.

Don't expect instant results proper nutrition and the exercises can have an effect even after six months. That is why it is important not to give up and follow the regime for several years; it should become your way of life. In the end, exercise and quality food are good for the male body in any case.

If you still cannot achieve an increase in height, we advise you to consult a doctor. He will help you choose medications that will not harm your health and will help you grow a little. Good luck!

About men's sizes

An interesting fact is that a person’s size, including height, depends on many factors and even on the place of residence. Many people probably know that the people of China are significantly shorter than Europeans. And Americans are larger in volume.

The size of a person can also depend on the hereditary factor: if everyone in the family is puny and short, you should not expect different results. The heir will most likely have the same build.

  • The size is also influenced by the regime, diet, and psycho-emotional state.
  • Well, probably the most important factor is the presence of growth hormone in the body.
  • What’s interesting is that scientists have proven that 80% of it is released at night, so boys who don’t get enough sleep can be significantly smaller than their peers.

About age

Scientists cannot identify exact numbers indicating how old men grow, because each organism is individual. But there are average indicators. While girls grow up until they are about 20 years old, boys have a couple more years left. According to scientists, men grow until they are about 23 years old. Peak growth in boys occurs at the age of 13 years.

At this time, the annual increase can be up to 10 cm! A man's height can also decrease over the years; this is associated with the aging process of the body.

  • So, from about the age of 60, representatives of the stronger sex can gradually decrease in size.
  • In total, height may decrease by about 2-3 cm.
  • But you shouldn’t get hung up on information about how old men grow, because the world knows facts when a person stopped growing at the age of 17, as well as those when changes in growth occurred even before the age of 40!

About sport

Understanding how old boys grow, it is worth noting that the sizes own body you can influence while there is an opportunity for this.

So, up to the age of 20, a guy can “stretch out” on his own just by “hanging” on the horizontal bar. Until this time, it is also easy to increase muscle volume, because at an older age it is quite difficult to do this.

About the most important

Understanding the information about how old men grow, guys may also be interested in such a sensitive topic as the growth of their self-esteem - the penis. What time frames should we focus on and is it possible to influence this indicator? It is worth noting that the male reproductive organ grows with the boy until about 23 years of age.

Its size can be influenced by various factors, but the most important of them are hereditary factor, the level of testosterone (a specific hormone) in the body, the quality of nutrition.


When interested in information about how long men grow, it is worth considering many different factors that affect growth. But don’t be upset if you don’t like the numbers in some way, because that’s not the main thing in life.

Periods of human development and growth

The human body grows unevenly. Jumps of rapid growth alternate with periods of calm. The most fast pace growth occurs during intrauterine development, because within nine months a baby is formed from a pair of cells that can only be seen with a powerful microscope. In the first year of life, a person also grows very quickly: at this time, height increases by about 20 centimeters. Next comes a period of decreasing rates of body growth. Of course, the child continues to grow, but this does not happen so dynamically.

The next jump is observed in adolescence: at 13-15 years old for girls and at 14-16 years old for boys.

  • This is easy to see in the example of secondary school students: often, returning from vacation, classmates are surprised to note that over the summer almost all the girls have “overtaken” the boys.
  • Moreover, within just one school year boys can “outgrow” girls, because the increase in height during this period of development can be up to 10-12 centimeters!
  • The growth spurt during puberty is associated with changes in the hormonal system. When hormonal levels stabilize, growth stops.

Then some pretty interesting things happen. Girls continue to grow slowly until they are 21-22 years old. As a rule, for females, growth practically stops after 15 years and the increase can be a maximum of 2-3 centimeters. In young men, growth can last up to 30 years.

Of course, in in rare cases people continue to grow into their 40s and 50s, and in some diseases, growth continues throughout life. However, the latter is considered a pathology and is associated with multiple disorders various systems body.

What does growth depend on?

A person's height depends on a number of factors. The most important of them is heredity: tall parents usually give birth to tall children and vice versa, if mom and dad are short, then the child will not be tall. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, for example, parents of average height have a son or daughter who may outgrow those around them.

However, in most cases, the reasons still lie in genetics and the child simply inherited the “growth gene” from his grandmother or grandfather.

Human growth is also affected by ecological situation, quality of nutrition, the presence of intrauterine malformations and a number of other factors. Height may be reduced due to a genetic condition such as dwarfism or Down syndrome. Also, growth retardation may be associated with diseases of the endocrine system: with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, girls do not produce female sex hormones, which are responsible not only for the formation of the reproductive system, but also for growth, so usually in people with this disease the body length rarely exceeds 145 centimeters.

Racial factor

The rate of body growth is influenced not only by heredity, but also by racial characteristics. This is probably due to the fact that in each race the selection was based on unique criteria. For example, it has been proven that in southern countries people mature and grow to their "final size" at the age of 13-14 years. Perhaps the tradition of early marriages is connected with this, for example, in India a girl is considered a bride, and a boy is considered a groom at the age of 14.

Indeed, the inhabitants of this country in adolescence are often already fully formed and have reached their maximum height. In Europe, Russia and other northern countries, at the age of 14 a person is still considered a child and continues to grow.

What parts of the body grow throughout life?

Most human tissues and organs stop growing after the end of the hormonal explosion that occurs during adolescence. However, there are some organs that can increase in size throughout life. And this applies to both men and women.

  • Noses and ears grow throughout your life. You may notice that older people's noses become long, fleshy and hooked, and their ears are much larger than those of young people. Moreover, usually only the earlobe grows.
  • The hands and feet do not lose their ability to grow. However, only people who intensively engage in sports or physical hard work can notice an increase in their size.
  • Individual bones of the skull also increase in size. In men, facial features change under the influence of testosterone, and in the fair half of humanity, the appearance may change slightly while bearing a child.

Sometimes, organ growth can be associated with disease. For example, when one kidney is lost, the second one increases in size. The same thing happens when one testicle is removed in men. The process is connected with the fact that one organ has to perform a double load.

How can you increase your height?

If desired, a person can increase his height a little. True, you will have to try and put in a lot of effort.

The following techniques will help you become a little taller:

  • exercise. It is especially important to stretch the spine. In a year of systematic exercise, you can become a couple of centimeters taller. True, it will not be possible to increase the body length further;
  • hang a horizontal bar at home. The more often you hang on it, relaxed, the better the spinal column will stretch;
  • eat more foods that help strengthen bone and cartilage tissue. You should introduce more cottage cheese, dairy products, meat and legumes into your diet;
  • take vitamin complexes that help strengthen the skeleton;
  • Increased height in men is promoted by the male hormone testosterone. Fish oil, nuts, fish, as well as green and red fruits help increase testosterone. You should not take a synthetic hormone in the form of tablets: this can lead to unpredictable consequences for men's health. For example, excess testosterone consumption can cause cancer.

When to expect results

You should not expect a quick effect from the above recommendations: you will notice an increase in height after a year of regular exercise, taking vitamins and eating healthy foods. True, you can cheat a little and try to become visually taller using the following methods:

  • stop hunching over. Crooked posture can “steal” up to five centimeters of height;
  • wear clothes with vertical stripes that visually “stretch” the silhouette;
  • buy shoes with thick soles;
  • girls can ask the hairdresser to give them a high haircut. A bouffant hairstyle allows you to look a little taller.

Of course, society dictates certain standards of beauty. Both men and women dream of becoming taller: “model parameters” and “appearance standards” force them to look for ways to add at least a couple of centimeters. However, it is better not to chase the ideal and not to try to break your own nature, but to learn to love yourself as you are. After all, every person, both tall and short, is beautiful in his own way!

How old does a man grow?

Its upward growth continues on average until twenty, and for some young men it continues further - up to 25 or even thirty years of age. At 20-25 years old it happens last period rapid growth, when a person can add half a centimeter per year.

  • This means that the internal organs have finished forming, have strengthened, become denser, and the remainder of the resources for increasing the body have been devoted to lengthening the skeleton.
  • After this “golden age,” when a man is said to be in his prime, and a woman is said to be “in her prime,” the body’s development in this regard stops.
  • In the question of how old a person grows, race and genetic inheritance play a key role. Puberty and general formation organism in Negroid race for people who live in southern Asia, it passes a little earlier.

If European boys (especially in northern countries) at the age of 14 are still mere children, then in India and in African continent– these are already fully formed young men. This applies even more to girls, which is why the tradition of early marriage is connected. On European continent an earlier cessation of growth was also noted in southern peoples and a more extended period of growing up in the northern ones.


– is also a decisive factor in how long a person grows. If both parents are tall and slim, there is a 90% chance that their children will also be taller than average. And, conversely, short people also have small children. Of course, there is still 10% left. What are these factors? Can we somehow influence them and, therefore, adjust our growth?

  1. Yes, because if you eat right and lead an appropriate lifestyle, then this, although slightly, can affect your body length.
  2. Knowing how old a person grows, you can add an extra centimeter or two not allotted by nature.
  3. By consuming certain foods that help strengthen the bones of the spine and increase the elasticity of the intervertebral discs (cottage cheese, fatty fish, aspic or jellied meat), you can increase body growth.

Special physical exercises that stretch the spine also help to increase metric characteristics. But the influence of carrots on the upward movement of our body turned out to be too exaggerated. Carrots only have a strengthening effect, like other fruits and vegetables.

Growth hormones

You need to take an x-ray of your hand. If the pictures show gaps (the so-called growth zones) - cartilaginous layers from which bones grow in length, an increase in height is possible; if the layers are ossified, the growth zones are closed, and there is no point in stimulating them.

The increase in the growth rate of a man at this age step is due to the fact that the formation and strengthening of internal organs systems, and the body can put all its efforts into “stretching” the body.

After this age, not a single organ of the human body, both female and male, increases in length (except for the ears and nose).

What determines a man's height?

During the period of intense puberty, adolescents experience a number of profound changes of a somatic and mental nature. The beginning of this period is characterized by the appearance of pronounced secondary sexual characteristics, including enlargement of the penis and testicles.

At the same time, short, weakly expressed erections and emissions begin to appear. The prostate gland and seminal vesicles, gradually beginning to function, increase in size.

  • Secondary sexual characteristics in men also include the appearance of facial hair, armpits and pubic hair, the nature of which has its own characteristics. On the pubic area, vegetation appears in the form of a long, sharp wedge running towards the navel.
  • There are 3 stages of intensive human growth: 1st year of life, 4-5 years, period of puberty (puberty).
  • During these periods, all body systems work at full force, therefore, the child’s adaptive capabilities at this time are reduced - he gets sick more often, functional disorders of various organs and systems appear.

Bottom line: to what age does a man grow?

Boys enter adolescence later than
girls, 13-14 years old. They very quickly add about 10 cm in height on average and continue to grow for years
up to twenty.

But it happens that young men reach their maximum height only when
30 years old. What especially worries men during adolescence reaches
its maximum length at 17 years.

And, of course, the level of growth hormone (somatotropin) production affects. Without it, no pineal glands will save :))

Height Man Woman
Dwarf Below 150cm Below 140cm
Very low 150-159cm 140-149cm
Short 160-169cm 150-159cm
Below the average 170-174cm 160-164cm
Average 175-177cm 165-167cm
Above average 178-183cm 168-173cm
High 184-189cm 174-179cm
Very tall 190-199cm 180-189cm
Giant Above 200cm Above 190cm

Average human height in Russia

Behind last century The average height of Russians has increased. Currently, the average height of a man in Russia is 176 cm, and a woman is 165 cm. . For comparison, according to the World Health Organization, in the 60s the average height of men in the USSR was 168 cm, women - 157 cm.

The age to which a person grows inevitably also depends on heredity. This factor cannot be influenced; it is built into everyone’s growth program. Heredity determines overall height by 90%, and only the remaining 10% is made up of external factors such as nutrition, environment, etc. If a child has a tall mom and dad, then he will most likely be tall. And vice versa. In general, people continue to grow until they are 40 years old. Only externally such changes are almost invisible.

When does growth stop?

Why does a person grow and when does growth stop? Two factors that influence growth are known to everyone - genetic potential and nutrition in early childhood.

  • Children with tall parents usually have more high growth than those of short stature. This, however, is observed provided that children generally eat fairly correctly.
  • Many scientists and doctors who study human growth and development have come to the conclusion that every person has certain programs inherent in nature, including the “Growth Program”,
  • but, as numerous observations show, mainly in adults whose height is below average, the mentioned program was not completed. The slightest change in DNA can result in increased or decreased height.

According to British and American scientists, a gene has been discovered that can explain differences in human height. The gene discovered is called HMGA2. According to scientists' theory, a person grows by 1 cm if one of the basic “letters” of the gene is changed.

At the same time, it cannot be said that HMGA2 is completely responsible for human growth: there is a chance that other genes also have an influence, but scientists have not yet discovered them. At the same time, it is known that our height is determined by 90 percent of heredity, and only 10 percent of it is determined by ecology, nutrition and other external factors.

Intrauterine factors

They also seem to be extremely important, since the most intensive growth occurs during pregnancy. If during this period there is damage to the placenta and thus the nutrition of the fetus is disrupted, the child may be born with growth deficiency and low body weight.

  • From the first year of life until growth stops, the endocrine system plays a leading role in the regulation of growth.
  • The growth of the skeleton and other organs is influenced by growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, a small endocrine gland located at the base of the brain. The release of growth hormone is stimulated by the centers of the hypothalamic region of the brain.
  • For a long time, it was unclear how growth hormone affects skeletal cells to stimulate their growth. It turned out that there is an intermediary on this path - insulin-like growth factor-1, produced by the liver and a number of other tissues, which has much in common with insulin in structure.

This factor is released under the influence of growth hormone and circulates in connection with a certain protein; the lack of one or the other affects the growth rate.

But growth hormone is not the only growth regulator. The body also secretes a growth hormone antagonist, somatostatin. Normal growth is maintained by the balance in the secretion of these two hormones.


In addition to growth hormone, which is the main factor influencing growth, thyroid hormones and sex hormones are also important. The first years of a child’s life are important, when thyroid hormone levels are high. It is at this stage that hormones ensure the maturation and differentiation of bone tissue, the central nervous system. The child is born with a large thymus gland.

  1. During childhood, it continues to increase, and at 13 or 14 years old it begins to shrink. The thymus gland is connected to the gonads. It works while the gonads are small. As soon as they begin to develop, the thymus gland stops its work.
  2. This is why when a person finally matures sexually (at about age 22), he practically stops growing.
  3. Sex hormones accelerate growth, but when they are in excess in childhood Early closure of growth plates may occur. The child may remain small. A lack of sex hormones during puberty leads to growth retardation.

At an older age, growth retardation can be triggered by any chronic disease - for example, intestinal absorption disorders, frequent bronchopulmonary infections, heart defects, liver dysfunction, kidney disease, anemia, etc. Therefore, we can say that height is a very sensitive indexer of a child’s health. Growth retardation in most of these diseases is reversible - once the cause of the disease is eliminated, the rate returns to normal.

Despite the fact that generally accepted schemes and schedules provide for stable gradual progress in body growth, most children grow in a completely different way - as if in leaps that alternate with pauses.

Types of growth

There are 3 stages of intensive human growth: 1st year of life, 4-5 years, period of puberty (puberty). During these periods, all body systems work at full capacity, so the child’s adaptive capabilities are reduced at this time - he gets sick more often, and functional disorders of various organs and systems appear.

  • If growth rates decrease, the body seems to calm down, and gradual growth and development of internal organs occurs.
  • During puberty, a growth spurt occurs. In girls, it is observed at 11-12 years of age; the increase in height ranges from 6 to 11 cm (on average 8 cm per year). In boys, puberty occurs later, at 13-14 years old, and the increase in height during this period ranges from 7 to 12 cm (average 9.5 cm).
  • Girls usually reach their final height by the age of 15, i.e., they stop growing, while boys at this age grow very rapidly and reach their final height only by the age of 19-20.

In fact, a person continues to grow slightly even after the age of 25 and reaches his maximum height around the age of 35-40. After that, it decreases by approximately 12 mm every ten years. The reason for this is the dehydration of cartilage in the joints and spine as we age.

Hello dear readers! You know, today we will touch upon very interesting topic: the average height of a man in Russia. I'll start, as always, with some background.

I grew up in a happy and wealthy family. My mother often played a game with me: when we were just walking, riding the subway, or sitting and looking out the window, she would choose one person: it didn’t matter whether it was a man or a woman.

So, having drawn my attention to this person, we began to guess with her: who is he? Where does he work? How old is he? Married or not? What is his height and weight? Bad habits and much more. “What did that get you?” - you ask. The answer is very simple: I began to intuitively understand people, I could immediately make up my mind psychological picture any person.

Over the years, I began to notice that I guessed a lot, often paid attention to things that others did not see, and learned to read between the lines. This game helped me a lot adult life, that's why I recommend it to everyone.

People all over the planet are very similar to each other, but at the same moment they are different. And salary, social status have absolutely nothing to do with it. Have you ever wondered why Slavic women are considered the most beautiful in the world? And the most passionate - Italian men? Still, something should unite the men of our country.

Does a person's height play any significance in his life?

I will say for myself: according to my personal research, I have found that men of average and short height achieve success more often than tall guys. And the latter are more popular among women. Even if you read the study conducted by men’s glossy Men’s Health. More than 60 thousand guys took part in the experiment and it turned out that height not only affects the number of partners, but also the quality of the act itself.

Scientists explain this all by evolution. Back in the days when women lived in caves and men hunted mammoths, tall defenders were popular. They could protect a woman, get food, and become a protector and support.

Interesting fact: when women are looking for a man on a dating site, they first look at his social status, then at his appearance, and then at his height. But guys shouldn’t despair, whether you’re tall or not, the main thing is to be a decent and worthy person. Probably 😉

IN modern world a man's height can be equated with success. Or is this all a big commercial move? How do you think?

Well, for some reason, no one takes pictures of small and medium-sized guys at shows or in men's glossies; even in the modeling world, appearance is not as important as height. In my opinion, this is discrimination, as, for example, will a guy feel who is already last in the ranks in physical education at school.

And it doesn't matter at all , even if he is much smarter than his classmates, he will still strive to grow up early, to become more successful and better than those who stood in the ranks first. It seems to me that it is precisely this kind of discrimination that becomes the basis for the fact that then tall guys stand in security, and short guys rule the company, funds, banks, countries.

What is the average height of a man in Russia?

  • Average male height in Russia it is 170 cm.
  • The average female height in Russia is 163 centimeters.

But in China, guys with a height of 160 cm used to be considered tall, but today these indicators have changed a lot. I don’t know what influenced the people of this country so much, but today the average height of a Chinese man is 172 cm and above, sometimes there are guys with a height of 2 m.

I'll tell you another story on this topic.

I have a friend, she is a very good, decent girl, from a very decent and wealthy family. An excellent student in life: school with a gold medal, college with honors, everything is as it is written in books. And on a personal level, everything was fine with her too, she constantly dated one guy, as long as I remember she went with him.

Naturally, we all joked that, well, let’s do it when it’s already a wedding. But the guy was in no hurry to take such an “ideal” girl as his wife. One day we were all relaxing, and I asked that guy: “What’s the matter?”. He answered me that according to genetics, in families ideal girl Everyone is short, and he is afraid that the children will be born Lilliputians.

Honestly, I was so amazed by his answer, and I thought: “Can genetics have such an influence on people’s relationships? But what about couples who really have problems?” Of course, as you already guessed, there was no wedding, he still proposed to her, and then a month before the wedding he said that he did not want to get married.

Cruel, right? And all because of his short stature. What do you think is normal height and does it really matter that much to you? Share in the comments.

What does a person’s height depend on - a short video:

Chasing the Ideal

Discussing the average height of a man in Russia is not so bad.

What is the average weight for a man that is considered optimal?

It seems to me that our life is a constant pursuit of ideals; it’s as if we are given many different labels, and they see how well we will live up to them. If you reach out, you’re cool; if you don’t, you’re a loser. It’s also good that we are adults and can be aware of ourselves and filter information, but what about schoolchildren?

It seems to me that they should be dealt with school psychologists and parents. Often the latter forget about their children and try to realize themselves in career, creative, family terms, but this is not about my mother, who completely devoted herself to the family.

Yes, many will not agree with me, they will say that I am selfish, but I have grown into a self-sufficient man. I have a lot of complexes, but my parents supported me in every possible way, spoke to me as equals and always helped. So, I was able to survive youthful maximalism, a bunch teenage problems and become who I am today.

Regarding average weight, I’ll tell you the story of my childhood friend, I think you’ll like it

As long as I remember him, he always changed dramatically in terms of weight. Before he was 20, he weighed no more than 48 kilograms, his friends constantly laughed at him: don’t go outside when a storm is coming, he’ll blow you overseas. But at the same time, with a smart look, everyone encouraged him: it’s okay, they say, soon you will grow up and put on weight.

These words became prophetic.

After his second year at university, David began to weigh more than 70 kg, and then the girls started making fun and away they went. Free schedule, own car, life according to the principle of work, rest, sleep, have sex, and friends have already begun to joke differently: “You’ve become fat, brother! Like a pig, look at your belly". And all these conversations irritated David, and they were incomprehensible to me.

The last straw for David

was a meeting of graduates of our school, ten years after graduation. Constant phrases “yes, you’ve completely recovered!” and surprised “what a wild boar!” They literally left him no choice. David decided to take care of himself and find his golden mean. Despite the fact that my trainer is completely against diets, he advised my friend to try Dukan, and he jumped on this information. I must say that the diet is pretty good (I’ve never been on it), but I think guys will like it: you need to eat meat and in large quantities.

In 60 days of living in harmony with a planned diet, he lost 20 kg. Then David acted according to classical principle: a gym membership, two months of active cardio training, then working with weights, with the goal not so much of maximizing muscle growth, but of making them work and getting into athletic shape. He continues training today, gets up at 7 am - and goes ahead. And then he walks around cheerful all day.

And in general, his life changed radically, he opened himself to the world, began to get involved, and has already made 5 jumps, although before he was completely afraid of heights. In a word, no you, or apathy there.

From a psychological point of view, I can say that my friend simply believed in himself and began to live to the fullest. He is no longer surrounded by envious people, he simply does not communicate with half of our former company, he does not listen to their opinions, does not look for disadvantages in himself, but works and works on himself, every day.

Why did I tell you about his life?

It's simple: you will never be ideal for everyone, whether you are tall or short, thin or plump, there will always be people on your way who will “put a spoke in your wheel”, incite you, mock you.

These are all obstacles that you must overcome with dignity. Move forward and be worthy people, and believe me, height does not matter if you are a self-sufficient man.

See you soon guys! For those who have not yet subscribed to the blog, I recommend doing so to always be in the know. latest events! Invite your friends and let's discuss interesting topics together...

Text— Agent Q.

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Many people are interested in the question: how much should a person’s normal height be? Let's try to sort this issue out.

A person's height is the distance from top point head, to the plane of the feet. Affects human growth a large number of various factors are: heredity from parents, gender, age, environmental factors, diseases (including hereditary ones), lifestyle.

A person’s ethnicity to a particular group also affects his height. So, for example, the average (normal) height of the Chinese is 165 cm (for men) and 156 cm (for women). The Dutch have completely different height indicators: 185 cm (for men) and 169 (for women). The smallest stature was among a tribe of dwarfs, which was discovered in 1970 on the Brazilian-Peruvian border, their height was below 105 cm. The shortest midgets are Juan de la Cruz, his height is 48 cm, and also Gal Mohammed (57 cm). As for women, the shortest height was 30cm, Pauline Masters. At 9 years old she weighed 15 kg and was 55 cm tall. The tallest man was Robert Pershing Wadlow, at 22 years old his height was 272 cm and his arm span was 288 cm. The maximum weight he had was 223 kg.

If we talk about the growth of humanity as a whole, it is increasing. For example, in the 1950s, the average height of a person was 165 cm, today this figure has increased by 2.5 cm, and weight has also increased, by about a kilogram. The biggest changes occurred among teenagers, because... their height increased by 3.5 cm compared to the 1930s. Changes in height in people different eras, is called acceleration. For example, the height of Neanderthals was almost no different from the height of a person in the 21st century (160-165 cm).

Somatotropic hormone is responsible for normal human growth. It is also called growth hormone. The secretion of somatotropin decreases with age. It is greatest in adolescents during periods of puberty and intense linear growth, and least in old people and older people.

Here's how a person's height changes in different years of his life:

By the first year of life, men and women grow by 23 cm.

By the second year of life, men and women grow 10 cm per year.

TO fourth year the lives of men and women grow by 7.5 cm per year.

At 5-7 years of age, men and women grow by 5.7 cm per year.

At 7-10 years of age, men grow by 4.3 cm, and women by 4.5 cm per year.

At 10-13 years of age, men grow by 4.5 cm, and women by 5.2 cm per year.

At 13-17 years of age, men grow by 5.1 cm, and women by 3 cm per year.

At 17-19 years of age, men grow by 1.5 cm, and women by 0.5 cm per year.

At 19-26 years of age, men grow by 0.5 cm (as a rule, men do not grow after 19; usually those who have had late puberty grow).

How tall should a person be to be considered normal?

Dwarf height - below 129.9cm for men and below 121.9cm for women

Very small - 130-149.9cm for men and 121-139.9cm for women

Small height - 150-159.9cm for men and 140-148.9cm for women

Below the average norm - 160-163.9 cm in men and 149-152.9 cm in women

Average height is 164–166.9 cm for men and 153–155.9 cm for women

Above the average norm - 167-169.9 cm for men and 156-158.9 cm for