Comprehensive training for men at home, training program for home. Exercises for men at home - instructions on how to improve men's health very quickly! (70 photos)

Many men over 40 years of age who experience problems with reduced potency and erectile dysfunction often use gymnastics to improve it. Special exercises for men for potency can help. Thanks to such activities, not only physical fitness improves, but also congestion in sedentary parts of the body is eliminated, which helps the genitals receive the necessary blood flow.

What is potency

Sexologists refer to the term “potency” only to male sexuality. This concept defines the sexual capabilities of representatives of the stronger sex. Potency to a certain extent characterizes the tension of the penis, the speed of erection, and the duration of sex. Potency is the ability and desire to perform sexual intercourse. Men with sexual problems may have many complexes, psychological barriers, and diseases. Normal potency is approximately determined by the following external signs:

  • warm hands;
  • normal weight;
  • not pumped muscles;
  • self confidence;
  • clean and smooth skin;
  • developed sense of humor;
  • energetic gait;
  • high intelligence;
  • good sense of smell;
  • low voice.

What exercises increase potency

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to swim in the pool or go to the gym. These activities improve men's health and prevent congestion in the genitals. Although, if problems have already appeared that are associated with a decrease in potency, swimming and various workouts will no longer help. Therefore, you will have to use specialized exercises to increase potency. There is a whole range of such activities:

These physical exercises increase potency. If they are performed regularly and in a timely manner, you can avoid taking medications and maintain erectile function in an active state for a long time. As a rule, exercise is aimed at improving blood supply to the pelvic organs, which contributes to longer sexual intercourse. Physical exercises for potency have the following positive aspects:

  • activate testosterone production;
  • eliminate stagnation in the body;
  • help relieve stress.

Exercises to increase potency

Sex therapists, in order to return a man to normal sexual life, have developed a whole training regimen that includes the following exercises to improve potency:

  1. Arch. We lie on our backs, stretch our arms along the body. Raise your pelvis above the floor and lower it little by little. The back remains pressed. We do it 10 times.
  2. Holding the stone. Legs spread apart in a standing position. Imagine that you are holding a ball or a stone with your knees. Tighten your muscles as if trying to hold an object. Perform 10 sets of 5 seconds each.
  3. Rotation of the pelvis. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. Performed while standing. It is necessary to rotate the pelvis in each direction 30-40 times with a large amplitude.

All exercises to enhance potency in men should be performed calmly with a gradually increasing load. It is best to start practicing with several repetitions, increasing their number up to 20 times. To achieve effective results, you need to do the exercises in a good mood. At the same time, do not forget about visiting the gym and jogging.

Physical exercises to increase potency

Various factors contribute to potency problems:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • chronic diseases;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • disruption of internal organs.

To avoid impotence and prostatitis, a man can benefit from general strengthening physical exercises to increase potency, which can easily be performed at home. There are complexes developed by trainers and doctors that can help you maintain physical and sexual health for a long time. Such activities can generally increase potency and strengthen the male body.


An excellent prevention of prostatitis and congestion in the prostate gland is to do squats. Such exercises help maintain the genitals and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. It's better to start squats with 15 reps. Squats must be included in the complex to restore potency. These can be plie and sumo squats, the classic version, dynamic and shallow. Squats and potency are interconnected, because... Effective squats can activate the perineal muscles. To perform the exercise correctly, you must:

  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • take a deep breath and, as you exhale, do a slow squat;
  • when reaching the lowest point, parallel to the mat, you need to place your hands between your legs;
  • place your palms on the floor;
  • then you should stop and take 5-10 breaths;
  • while inhaling, you need to rise slowly;
  • In the starting position, you can repeat inhalation and exhalation.


The easiest way to stay in excellent physical shape is running, especially for people who want to lose weight. Many doctors point out that obesity is often the cause of decreased sexual activity, so running for potency plays an important role. This exercise will help strengthen the spirit and body of a man. In addition, this sport has the following effects on the body:

You need to run in the fresh air. Running over obstacles increases self-esteem; Long-distance running perfectly trains all muscles and increases blood circulation in the genitals, which helps prolong sex. On your first runs, you need to combine interval running with fast walking. It is better to go to classes in the morning, and the training duration should be 20 minutes a day. Muscles should be warmed up before jogging. While running, breathing should be even.

Exercises to restore potency

For men who are faced with the problem of decreased sexual function for the first time, physical rehabilitation exercises for male potency will help. The most accessible and simple way to increase desire is walking, which perfectly improves blood circulation in the genitals. During this activity, the testicles are stimulated. To achieve results from walking, you should walk about 3 km every day at a fast pace. There are other exercises to restore potency:

  1. Parade step. It is necessary to march in place for at least 5 minutes (then the time may increase), while trying to raise your knees high, pulling them towards your stomach. You can put your hands behind your head. Performing this exercise warms up the joints.
  2. Skipping. Starting position – legs bent at the knees. You need to start running in place, your toes should be pressed to the floor, and your heels should be raised up alternately. When performing the task, you must quickly push your knees forward.
  3. Butterfly. Lying on the floor, you should bring your feet to your buttocks. Place your hands on your knees and spread your legs to the sides. The lower back should not be lifted off the floor. You should try to touch your knee joints to the mat. You can help with your hands while moving. The exercise is done smoothly while exhaling, but with muscle tension. Bringing the legs together is also done while exhaling, but the hands do not help, but resist.

Prostate exercises

When performing exercises to strengthen potency, the work of the muscles located in the pelvic region significantly improves. In addition, changes in abdominal pressure are reduced, which leads to a natural massage of the prostate, improved metabolic processes in the prostate gland and increased blood flow to the genital organ. Exercises for the prostate can also help improve the functioning of the nervous system, adrenal function, and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Exercises for prostate massage

Prostate massage is of great therapeutic importance for the prevention and treatment of prostate diseases. Its implementation ensures the necessary blood flow to organs important for potency. Even if the procedure is carried out several hours before sexual intercourse, this can help ensure a stable erection and increased potency during it. The most effective exercises for prostate massage:

Kegel exercises for men with prostatitis

Properly selected exercises for male potency can quickly improve the condition of the pelvic floor muscles and penile erection. In addition, the volume and force of ejaculation increases, and premature ejaculation disappears. Kegel exercises for men with prostatitis are considered the most effective. The popularity of such gymnastics lies in the fact that it can be performed without prior preparation at home. Some Kegel exercises:

  1. For about a minute, it is necessary to contract the muscles of the perineum and relax them. The action must be repeated 10 times, gradually increasing the contraction time. Up to 20 seconds maximum.
  2. Relaxation and contraction of the muscles of the groin area. You should contract and tense your gluteal muscles, retracting your anus. You need to do it 10 times per approach, gradually increasing to 50.
  3. Relieve minor need. You must try to stop the flow at least 4 times. At the same time, be sure to tense your muscles.

Exercises to increase libido

The concept of libido is psychological, potency is physiological. They are closely related. After all, a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction often occurs due to stress, psychological trauma, fatigue, and anxiety, so potency exercises for men cannot always help here. You may need to consult a psychologist and sexologist. Although there is a set of classes that includes exercises to increase libido:

  1. Lying on your back. You need to rub your palms. We lower our head onto our right hand and place our left hand on our genitals. We strain the anus and leg muscles, squeeze the genitals, slightly stretching them. We perform this exercise 20 times.
  2. Power training. Weightlifting helps the body produce testosterone. In this case, you can only perform a few squats and push-ups.
  3. Fast walking barefoot. In this case, you need to walk not on the carpet at home, but on stones or grass. There are contraindications: skin diseases.

Video: exercises for potency at home

Greetings, dear readers and part-time supporters of a healthy lifestyle! Today I’ll tell you about exercises for men at home, don’t worry girls, you can use them too. I will give several complexes for all occasions, and I will also not ignore such a rapidly developing trend as CrossFit and tell you how you can do it at home!

Not everyone now who wants to get or keep in shape has the opportunity to visit the gym due to various circumstances, be it workload or a long and long business trip somewhere where there is no gym. It is for such cases that there are sets of exercises that can be done at home, in a hotel room and even on the street. Next we will figure out what they are.

A very convenient option is training with your own body weight, since it does not require any equipment costs and can be carried out anywhere, and all you need is comfortable clothing.

When training at home, do not forget to follow these rules:

  • Use rooms where there is enough space for studying
  • You should train in a well-ventilated area
  • The optimal temperature for training at home is 23⁰С
  • Before you start training, do not forget to warm up thoroughly
  • After class, do
  • Directly during training, drink enough water so as not to feel thirsty (0.5-1 l.)

Now let's go straight to the training program and start with the simplest one.

  1. Squats: 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. To complicate the exercise, you can slow down the pace of execution: 10 seconds for the negative phase of the movement and 10 seconds for the positive one. If this load is not enough, then squat on one leg, holding onto a stable support with the other
  2. Exercise “wall”: 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds. In this exercise you need to stand on your hands next to a wall.
  3. : 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  4. Boat exercise: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Pull-ups: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. If you can’t do pull-ups, then do a plank with your arms straight forward for 2-3 sets of 20-30 seconds.
  6. Push-ups: 3 sets of 30-40 reps
  7. Vertical push-ups: 2 sets of 8-10 reps

As you can see, this complex is designed for all muscle groups. This type of training has a name and is great for beginners, and will also be useful for experienced athletes as maintenance training. The exercises do not require the use of equipment (except perhaps a horizontal bar), but I came up with a replacement for that too. A plank with arms extended forward is an analogue of a pullover with a dumbbell, and as you know, a pullover is the basis for the latissimus dorsi muscles.

To give this complex a fat-burning effect, you need to increase its intensity. This can be done by converting the training into a circular one, performing each exercise one approach. After you complete the entire circle, rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat everything again, and so on 2-3 times. This training is perfect for losing weight, but don’t forget about nutrition!

A set of exercises for home using sports equipment

More advanced training will be using various types of sports equipment: dumbbells, jump ropes, and fitballs. Their use will expand the possibilities for fruitful training. Where you can buy them - at any sports store.

Dumbbell workout

Today I will make a training program for you with dumbbells. Go!

  1. Squats with dumbbells in hands: 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps
  2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Standing calf raise with a dumbbell in your hands: 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  4. Standing dumbbell rows: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Dumbbell push-ups (similar to push-ups, but unlike them, they use stabilizer muscles): 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  6. Seated or standing dumbbell press: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  7. Zottman Curls: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  8. Overhead dumbbell extension: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  9. Crunches: 2 sets to failure (to make it more difficult, you can pick up a light dumbbell)

In addition to fullbody training, there are training programs aimed at working one muscle group, for example, the pectoral muscles, back or legs. Their distinctive feature is the use of a certain range of exercises to work only the target muscle group.

For example, if you want to strengthen your back muscles, then the width and direction of your grip can be changed to shift the emphasis to certain areas of your back. Don't be discouraged if you don't have a bar, use dumbbells or an expander.

Training with an expander

An example of a complex (if everything is done correctly, your back will thank you):

  • Vertical traction of the expander to the chest

Attach the middle of the expander somewhere high so that when you sit down, its attachment point is some distance above you. Grab the handles. In the starting position, the arms with the handles should be raised up and straightened, while the expander should be slightly stretched. Next, pull the handles down towards your chest. The exercise is similar to the vertical block pull in the simulator, but only instead of a cable with a weight, an expander. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Horizontal pull of the expander to the belt

The sequence of actions is the same as in the first exercise, only now the expander should be in front of you and you need to pull the handles towards your belt. An analogue is the horizontal block pull in the simulator. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Extension

We step on the middle of the expander with our feet and grab the handles. Initial position: the body is tilted forward 50-60 degrees from the vertical, the lower back is straight. Slowly straighten your back, stretching the expander; when your back is fully straightened, just as slowly return to the starting position, repeat the movement. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Shrugs

Step on the middle of the expander with your feet and grab the handles. The initial position of the body is at attention. For those who have not been in the army, this means the body is vertical to the floor, the fists touch the outer side of the thighs, the expander must be in a tense position. Gently pull your shoulders towards your ears and slightly squeeze your shoulder blades. There is no need to pull straight to your ears; stop halfway and return to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

That’s actually the whole complex for a strong back! Do it no more than 2 times a week, as the muscles need rest.

CrossFit at home

First, let's figure out what CrossFit is. CrossFit is a currently popular sport. It is equally popular with both boys and girls. It is a separate brand and is promoted as a system of physical exercises. Incorporates elements from various sports areas. This is high-intensity training, powerlifting, and even gymnastics all rolled into one. The main goal of CrossFit is to develop ten parameters:

  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Breathing endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Dexterity
  • Balance
  • Accuracy

CrossFit is characterized by high intensity, since the complex is performed without rest for a strictly defined period of time. For example, you select 4-5 exercises and do them one after another, as in circuit training, but you do not rest after each circuit, but try to complete the maximum number of circuits in a certain amount of time, say 20 minutes. As you can see, you have to work hard!

Well, we’ve sorted it out, now let’s talk about what can come out of all this at home.

I note that the exercises here have specific names, as they were invented by the Americans. Let's go over them.

  • Burpee. , knees should touch your chest. Throw your legs back, taking a prone position, then return to the starting position and jump up as much as possible. Afterwards, return to the starting position again.
  • Kipping. Essentially, simple pull-ups, but they need to be done as quickly as possible, so we perform pull-ups with a jerk.
  • Leg lift. Hang on the bar and lift your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach, you need to do this as quickly as possible and without swinging. .
  • Explosive squats. They differ from regular squats only in that the moment you stand up, you must jump up with all your might. At the same time, your hands should be above your head at all times.
  • Explosive push-ups. Just like regular push-ups, but as you rise, push your arms up so that your palms come off the floor.

An example of a CrossFit workout at home (it’s better, of course, that there are no neighbors downstairs):

  1. Burpees - 15 reps
  2. Kipping – 15 reps
  3. Leg raises – 15 reps

Complete as many circles as possible in 20 minutes.

So that you don't get bored, I'll give you another complex:

  1. Burpees – 15 reps
  2. Explosive push-ups – 15 reps
  3. Explosive Squats – 15 reps
  4. Leg raises – 15 reps


Due to the variety of types of workouts, as well as even more exercises that can be done at home, there is no need to worry about not being able to go to the gym. What can we say, even if you can do CrossFit at home! So friends, everything is in your hands!

With this, I will say goodbye to you and ask you to subscribe to the blog and share, share and once again share useful things with your friends on social networks. See you soon!

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This home training program is designed for both beginners and people with some experience. If you strictly follow all the recommendations, you can achieve significant results with this training program, despite the fact that the classes will take place at home.

Before starting to study this material, be sure to read the introductory part. The link to the introductory part is at the top of the article.

Day one (Monday)

So, let's start our training on Monday. Today our biceps will be subject to load. To do this, we use an exercise such as standing dumbbell curls. We initially select the dumbbell weight with which you can do 20-25 repetitions until failure and perform 5-7 approaches with it.With each approach, the number of repetitions will decrease and if it decreases to 10-12 times, then it is necessary to reduce the weight of the dumbbells to such a level with which you can again perform 20-25 times. Next, we finish off the muscle with an exercise such as “hammers.” It uses those muscle fibers that the previous one used to a lesser extent. We perform 3-5 approaches 15-25 times, selecting appropriate weights in each approach.

Day two (Tuesday)

The main task of today will be to thoroughly work out all three bundles of the pectoral muscles; for this we will use push-ups from the floor. To train the middle part of the chest, we use classic push-ups, performing 3-5 sets of 15-30 times. To train the upper chest beams, we do push-ups with our legs thrown onto the bench, also performing 3-5 approaches of 15-30 times. To train the lower chest, we perform push-ups from a bench 3-5 sets of 15-25 times. Perform push-ups with maximum concentration on the pectoral muscles. Perform the exercise slowly, without rushing, feeling each fiber receiving the load. If you find it difficult to perform the given number of repetitions, then do push-ups from your knees at first.

Day three (Wednesday). REST

As already mentioned, two days of training are followed by one day of rest. Try to do it correctly. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, eat more proteins and carbohydrates, and reduce the amount of fat you consume as much as possible. A massage or a visit to the sauna will be helpful.

Day four (Thursday)

We will devote the fourth day of our training program to the deltoids (shoulders). Let's start with an exercise such as the dumbbell press while seated. We perform it 5-6 approaches 20-25 times, selecting the appropriate weight of the shells. Next, we perform an isolating exercise - raising dumbbells to the sides for 3-5 approaches, 15-25 times. We finish the workout by lifting dumbbells in front of us, also performing 3-5 sets of 15-25 times.

Day five (Friday)

On the fifth day of training, we load the back muscles. To do this, we perform pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip. We do 5-8 approaches with the maximum number of repetitions in each. After this, but not necessarily, we perform bent-over dumbbell rows - 3-5 sets of 15-20 times. This will allow maximum load on the latissimus muscles. At the end of the workout, you should work out the trapezius muscles; to do this, we perform shrugs with dumbbells: 4-7 approaches of 20-25 times.

Number of repetitions: maximum

Number of approaches: 5-8

Number of repetitions: 15-20

Number of approaches: 3-5

Number of repetitions: 20-25

Number of approaches: 4-7

Day six (Saturday). REST

Day seven (Sunday)

We devote the seventh day of training to triceps. To work them out, we’ll start with narrow push-ups from the floor and perform 5-7 sets of 15-25 times. This is followed by reverse push-ups from the bench - 4-5 sets of 20-50 times (can be performed with dumbbells on the hips). After this, we do arm extensions with a dumbbell from behind the head: 3-5 sets of 15-20 times, thus “finishing off” the triceps.

Number of repetitions: 15-25

Number of approaches: 5-7

Number of repetitions: 20-50

Number of approaches: 4-5

Number of repetitions: 15-20

Number of approaches: 3-5

Day eight (Monday)

The last exercise of the cycle is squats with dumbbells. We perform 5-7 approaches 20-25 times. After this, we perform rows on straight legs (both the lower back and the muscles of the back of the thigh are involved) 4-5 approaches of 15-25 times.

Number of repetitions: 5-7

Number of approaches: 20-25

Number of repetitions: 15-25

Number of approaches: 4-5

Day nine (Tuesday). REST

We rest for another day or two and start the cycle again. Don't forget about proper rest and proper nutrition. We eat more eggs, dairy products, meat and fish.

Home Training Products
Wall horizontal bar. The main simulator for home workouts. Mandatory in this program
Expander. Gives you the opportunity to make your brushes stronger at home. Plus a built-in counter that will count your records.

Important information!

After each cycle, some exercises will need to be alternated with others. So on the first day of the second cycle, instead of doing dumbbell curls while standing, you should do pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip, and on the first day of the third cycle, doing dumbbell curls while sitting. Also on the fourth day, we alternate the seated dumbbell press with the Arnold press, and then with the shoulder pull. On the fifth day of training, alternate pull-ups to the chest with pull-ups behind the head. On the seventh day, we alternate the extension of the arms with a dumbbell from behind the head with the extension of both arms in an inclined position. On the eighth day, alternate straight-legged rows with lunges with dumbbells in your hands. All this is necessary in order to give the muscles a varied load and protect them from getting used to and adapting. Also, different exercises have different effects on the same muscle group and their development becomes better. For information about all alternative exercises, see the section

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Once again, I continue to introduce you to sets of exercises, both for the gym and for home. Today is a home set of exercises for men. If you are not yet familiar with the complexes, go to the training program section on. If you want individual training, don't hesitate to write.

A set of exercises at home for men

Today I will offer a complex for men at home, if you visit the gym and have not yet decided on the complex, dear men, check out this one for weight loss. The home exercises below are suitable for men who also want to lose excess weight and improve the shape of their body. The main objectives of this training plan are to burn fat, develop strength endurance and thoroughly work out muscle groups. Before we begin, let's look at what you need to have to complete this complex. These are dumbbells, preferably collapsible weighing up to 30 kg (with your average strength training), a collapsible barbell and a horizontal bar. Someone may be missing one element, so you can replace the barbell with dumbbells. Of course, the best option would be to have all three.

The program consists of exercises that must be performed in trisets, i.e. three exercises go one after another without interruption. I agree, it’s quite difficult, but quite acceptable for the average man. There is no need to chase the scales, there will be plenty of load as it is, the main thing is the technique of execution. The break between trisets should not exceed 2-3 minutes.

The highlight of this complex is the load on three muscle groups. Each workout you will work three different body parts. There will be a total of 9 exercises per day and each triset will work the three main muscles of your body. That is, throughout the entire workout you will alternate three muscle groups, so by the end of the complex they will be so full that you will immediately feel the effect of the exercises of the presented complex. At the same time, an intense triset load will speed up the fat burning process.

For some exercises we need stools as a bench. Push-up exercise, for deep effectiveness, it is better to place your feet or hands on a stand. Pull-ups can be made more difficult by adding additional weight.

On the contrary, for each exercise the approximate number of repetitions and approaches will be indicated. How many sets you want to perform, 3 or 4, is up to you, the main thing is the result. To begin with, you can perform 3 approaches. As always, the basis of this complex is basic exercises. The intensity is very decent. Therefore, you will need to do good pull-ups and push-ups. Hence, the average time to perform this complex for men at home is 1.30 (30 minutes for each triset), but not less than 1 hour. I remind you that there should be no rest inside the triset.

You can allow a reduction in weight in the last approaches. After all, our goal is to lose weight, so weight loss is allowed, but the number of repetitions is not.

home set of muscle exercises for men

First training. (Abs + chest + back)

1 . Hanging leg raises - 3x4 (sets) - 10x18 (repetitions)

Wide grip push-ups - 3x4-10x20

Wide grip chest pull-3x4-8x15

2 .Twisting lying on the floor-3X4-10X18

Lying dumbbell flyes-3X4-10X15

Bent-over barbell row-3X4-10x15

3. Seated leg raises-3x4-10x18

Pullover lying down with dumbbells-3Х4-10Х15

Bent-over dumbbell row-3X4-10X15

We've finished our first workout, how do you feel? We'll rest for a day and move on to the second training session. I'm waiting for your comments.

Now let's look at the load on our muscles during training.

You can find out the load on all muscle groups in this.

Second training session. (legs + buttocks + back + shoulders)

1. Squat with a barbell on the shoulders-3X4-8X12

Bent-overs with a barbell on the shoulders-3X4-10X15

Standing barbell press from the chest-3X4-8X15

2. Lunges with a barbell-3X4-10X15

Standing overhead barbell press-3x4-10x15

Dumbbell swings to the sides - 3x4-10x15

3. Side lunges-3x4-10x15

Broach with barbell standing-3x4-10x15

Shrugs (trapeze) with a standing barbell - 3x4-10x15

So the second training session has come to an end, how are you feeling? I hope the muscles are well loaded. Now is a day of rest.

The load on our muscles during the second workout

Third training. (abs + biceps + triceps)

1. Hanging leg raises-3X4-10X18

Reverse grip chest pull-3x4-8x15

Push-ups from the bench from behind - 3X4-8X15

2. Twisting lying on the floor-3X4-10X18

Standing barbell curl-3x4-10x15

French press with dumbbells standing-3x4-10x15

3. Seated leg raises-3x4-10x18

Arm curl with hammer dumbbells -3x4-10x15

French bench press with a barbell-3X4-10X15

I deliberately did not indicate weights since each person has an individual physical condition, so try to choose the weight yourself. To do this, try going through the complex with experimental weights and only then determine your working weight. But keep in mind the trisets here, so you don’t need to take heavy weights.

home workout complex for men

You complete it within 2-3 months, then you can move on to another one. If you want to create your own, but don’t know what exercises to include in it. Write in the comments, I will create a set of exercises for you personally. Yes, I almost forgot, don’t forget to follow your diet, because training is only 40% of success, the rest is proper nutrition. I can also help with your diet. Pay attention to the choice of sports supplements, it will come in handy. Best regards, Sergei

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