Quotes Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich. Essay by Lermontov M.Yu

“Lermontov’s Fate” - The story of the poet’s soul. V. Bryusov. Romantic. Motives of Lermontov's lyrics. Memoirs of contemporaries. Write an essay “My impression of Lermontov” using keywords and conclusions recorded in class. A. Herzen. The era and fate of Lermontov. Homework: Sonnet “To the Portrait of Lermontov”. Portraits of M.Yu Lermontov.

"Bela Hero of Our Time" - Time. In the preface to the second edition of the novel: Pechorin and Mary. "Bela." M.A. Vrubel, 1890 Vulich and Pechorin. Notes romantic novella. Everything that will happen has not yet come. Traveling officer. Suffering from contradiction. I missed you! - Pechorin answered, smiling. How is the hero presented? An attempt to get closer to a person of another faith ends tragically.

“Prophet Lermontov” - The goal is “to burn the hearts of people with a verb.” In 1842, Lermontov's ashes were transported to Tarkhany. He did not attend social events and cultivated an aversion to the life of the upper circle. He was an unsociable and gloomy person. The main themes of the lyrics. Theme of loneliness. A world of suffering and tears. Tarkhany, or Small Motherland. Contrast of light and shadow, good and evil.

“Lermontov’s novel” - For what purpose does the author use such an unusual arrangement of parts? Was not planned as a single unit. Preface to Pechorin's Journal. Novel "Hero of Our Time". In the journal " Domestic notes" for 1839 published "Bela. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Historical and literary aspect of the problem.

“Lermontov The Death of a Poet” - Teacher of Russian language and literature of the Lisitsyn Secondary School Gavryushkova Z.M. "Death of poet". M.YU.LERMONTOV. "DEATH OF POET". The first part of the poem states that the poet has been killed. Expressive reading poems. The poem is written in iambic tetrameter. GOALS. The poem quickly spread through the lists.

“Lermontov's Lyrics” - Father M.Yu. Lermontov. Educational institution "Minsk State Vocational School No. 114 for Builders" OPEN LESSON ON RUSSIAN LITERATURE "Lyrics by M.Yu. Lermontov" Teacher highest category Krasnikevich R.P. work experience – 26 years. Mother M.Yu. Lermontov. Self-portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov.

There are 18 presentations in total

... Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?...

Oh, that's right, it existed, and that's right, it was

I have a high purpose because I

I feel immense strength in my soul...

M.Yu. Lermontov.

It’s customary for everyone to live and burn,

But then you will only immortalize life,

When to light and greatness

You will draw the path with your sacrifice, I read from one poet (B. Pasternak “The Death of a Sapper”).

The Decembrists also reasoned this way. But the generation that followed them looked at the world differently.

We are rich, barely out of the cradle,

By the mistakes of our fathers and their late minds,

And life already torments us, like a smooth path without a goal,

Like a feast at someone else's holiday.

This is what Lermontov said about his peers in the Duma. And if there was a need to select epigraphs for the chapters of “A Hero of Our Time,” all of them could be found in this poem.

The post-Decembrist era is a dark period in our history. Drill and barracks dominated, living thought persecuted, the country seemed to be numb. During these years, people and characters appeared, which the writer summarized in the image of Pechorin, explaining that

“Hero of our time” is a portrait made up of the vices of the generation of the 30s of the 19th century in full development.

Yes, Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, unfortunately, reflected the thoughts and moods of many brilliantly educated and gifted nobles. He could do a lot, but he did nothing worthy. Best powers and feelings are wasted on achieving goals that are not particularly necessary for him and bring suffering to others. Full of immense powers, he is looking for a use for them: kidnapping Bela, for example. To do this, he leads astray the boy Azamat, who, most likely, “stuck to some gang of abreks, and even lost his violent head.” Deprives his beloved horse Kazbich. And poor Bela? After all, she is dying too.

Pechorin is suffering. He himself is not happy with his nature and powerful energy. But then Princess Mary meets, and his former regrets are abandoned: he makes the girl fall in love with him, bringing her disappointment. And along the way, he starts a deadly quarrel with Grushnitsky, whom he previously considered a friend. Pechorin, seduced by the solution to the mystery, casually destroys life." honest smugglers". And only in “Fatalist”, it seems, he does one useful thing: he disarms a drunken Cossack at the risk of his life. But as if some kind of fate is pursuing him. After all, here the story ends tragic death Vulich, predicted by Grigory Alexandrovich. It seems that we are reading between the lines: “He needs something big, useful to everyone, so that life can find meaning for him!” But you are in the era of “stagnation”, as was the reign of Nicholas 1, there are always not so many big, real things to do... The most interesting episodes of Pechorin’s life known to us are listed. Tired of her, he goes to Persia to die. He talks about the most terrible fatal milestone for every person

Simple and everyday: “Well? To die is to die! The loss for the world is small; and I myself am quite bored.”

Why does a young, healthy, rich aristocrat, happy in friends and love, with every opportunity for service and creativity, not find a place for himself in life? After all, he even loves out of boredom, vainly hoping that his new hobby will last long.

And we hate and we love by chance,

Without sacrificing anything, neither anger nor love:

And some secret cold reigns in the soul,

When fire boils in the blood.

He has no purpose in life, so he rushes about, not knowing what to do with himself. From our point of view, he could have chosen any of the roads; live on their estates, enriching the Fatherland and taking care of the peasants; to the best of our ability to benefit public service; engage in science, art or social activities, awakening best feelings towards people and condemning injustice. Finally, live as a family and raise children. But he doesn't choose one.

Of course, Pechorin himself is largely to blame. In any era you can find a good cause for yourself. But the era is also to blame. It hurts for the country in which the best minds And strong characters they spend their lives petty. This indicates a crisis in the system. Images extra people, starting with Onegin, are present in best works first half of the 19th century.

Pechorin is a hero of the intermediate era. The old has no value for him, and the new does not yet exist. Not accepting ideals secular society, he withdrew into himself and died alone. It's a pity to cry to read about strong nature, broken by the emptiness of life. He had no need to fight for a decent existence, and the man, placed in exceptional conditions, turned out to be superfluous in life.

In our time recently There were also many “extra” people. It is not for nothing that there are so many degenerate intellectuals in society. They had nowhere to put their strength. From my father’s stories I know that two of his university comrades, a poet and a scientist,

They tried in vain to serve the country. A frozen society does not need talented people.

I won’t write that I live in the wrong century,

Our time is not bad at all.

But we don’t need big minds these days:

Suddenly they encroach on the “sacred” -

This is what my father’s friend wrote. He drank himself to death. Another is having troubles in his family... Of course, our parents and the nobles were in very different financial conditions. But they have one problem: the inability to find and fulfill their purpose in life. I believe that the time of “superfluous” people has passed, that our generation will not be able to complain about the lack of meaning in life. And I hope that it will not be possible to say about my peers:

Crowd gloomy and soon forgotten

We will pass over the world without noise or trace,

Without giving up the centuries a single fertile thought,

Not the genius of the work begun.

Topic: "M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" - the first psychological novel in Russian literature. The complexity of the composition."

Lesson Objectives : review and discussion of the content of the novel; analysis of composition features; prove that the work is the first psychological novel in Russian literature.

Tasks : create conditions for a more complete understanding of the text; develop skills in analyzing a literary work through the features of plot and composition; identifying the reading position of students; development of monologue speech skills.

Equipment e: interactive whiteboard, presentation.

Board design: number , theme "M.Yu. Lermontov“Hero of Our Time” - the first psychological novel in Russian literature. Complexity of the composition."

Lesson type :

Epigraph : “The Hero of Our Time, my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development” (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Homework for the lesson:

Reading the novel “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov.

Analysis of the composition of the work.

a) Who tells the story of Pechorin?

    The degree to which the narrator knows the character.

    His social status.

    Intellectual and cultural level.

    Moral qualities.

b) Analyze the plot of the novel.

c) Restore the chronological sequence of events in the novel (plot).

I Organizing time.

II introduction teachers .

Lermontov's only completed novel was not originally conceived as whole work. Russian society got acquainted with the “long chain of stories” by M.Yu. Lermontov under common name“Hero of our time” in 1839-1840: in 1839 in the magazine “Notes of the Fatherland” - “Bela. From the notes of an officer about the Caucasus” and later “Fatalist”. 1840 - "Taman". In 1840, “A Hero of Our Time” was published as a separate book.

III Main part

The time has come for us to get acquainted with this work, form our own idea about it, formulate (define) our own (personal) attitude towards its heroes.

Student answers.

You are not alone in appreciating the work and its hero. The appearance of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov immediately caused heated controversy in society.

    Nicholas I found the novel “disgusting”, showing “the great depravity of the author.”

    Protective criticism attacked Lermontov's novel, seeing in it slander of Russian reality. Professor S.P. Shevyrev sought to prove that Pechorin was nothing more than an imitation Western models that he has no roots in Russian life.

    Before others, V.G. appreciated “A Hero of Our Time” with extraordinary fidelity. Belinsky, who noted in it “the wealth of content”, “deep knowledge human heart and modern society."

    What about the author? To the second edition of “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov writes a “Preface,” in which he insisted that “A Hero of Our Time, my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development.” That is why these words are presented as the epigraph of our lesson.

What kind of generation is this to which both M. Yu. Lermontov himself and his hero belong?

Let's look at this topic in more detail. To talk about the century of M.Yu. Lermontov, it is necessary to remember the history that was characteristic of the 30s -50s of the 18th century.

The worldview of M. Yu. Lermontov took shape in the late 20s and early 30s of the 19th century, in the era of the ideological crisis of the advanced noble intelligentsia, associated with the defeat of the December uprising and the Nikolaev reaction in all spheres of public life.

Nicholas I is the tamer of revolutions, the gendarme of Europe, the jailer of the Decembrists, etc., from the point of view of “communist” historiography. A.S. Pushkin, whose relationship with the emperor was complex and ambiguous, noted the undoubted merits and Petrine scale of his personality. F.M. spoke of Nicholas I “with the greatest respect.” Dostoevsky, who, as is known, ended up in hard labor by his will. Conflicting assessments of personality. The fact is that Nicholas I rejected any revolution as an idea, as a principle, as a method of transforming reality. The Decembrist uprising is not only a noble motive to destroy “various injustices and humiliations,” but a violation of the officer’s oath, an attempt at violent change political system, criminal bloodshed. And as a reaction - a tough political regime established by the emperor.

An ideological crisis is a crisis of ideas. The ideas, ideals, goals and meaning of life of the Pushkin generation - everything was destroyed. These are difficult times, later they will be called the era of timelessness. In such years they talk about lack of spirituality, about the decline of morality. Maybe you and I have experienced or are experiencing such times associated with the collapse Soviet Union... But let's go back to the 30s of the nineteenth century.

The need to master the “mistakes of our fathers”, to rethink what seemed immutable to the previous generation, to develop our own moral and philosophical position is a characteristic feature of the era of the 20-30s.

Practical action turned out to be impossible due to both objective (the harsh policies of the autocracy) and subjective reasons: before action, it was necessary to overcome the ideological crisis, the era of doubt and skepticism; clearly definein the name of what and how act. That is why in the 1930s the philosophical search for its best representatives acquired exceptional importance for society. This was extremely difficult to do. Something completely different was triumphant. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, flowed slowly, as Herzen put it, “the deep and dirty river of civilized Russia, with its aristocrats, bureaucrats, officers, gendarmes, grand dukes and the emperor - a shapeless and voiceless mass of baseness, servility, cruelty and envy, captivating and absorbing everything."

It was very difficult to maintain faith in the expediency of serving good. The vast majority of educated thinking people The 1930s failed or did not yet have time to gain clarity of purpose.

Man and destiny, man and his purpose, purpose and meaning human life, its possibilities and reality, free will and necessity - all these questions received figurative embodiment in the novel.

The problem of personality is central to the novel: “The history of the human soul...is almost more curious and not more useful than history a whole people." And this statement by M.Yu. Lermontov could become an epigraph to our lesson.

It is no coincidence that Pechorin established himself in the eyes of the generation of the 30s as a typical character of the post-Decembrist era. And with your fate, with your sufferings and doubts, and with your whole disposition inner world it really belongs to that time.Not understanding this means not understanding anything. Neither in the hero, nor in the novel itself.

To understand is, in fact, the goal of our lesson.

A. Let us turn to the composition of the essay.

I. – Who tells the story of Pechorin?

Student answers.

Writing on the board (work in notebooks):

1. Maxim Maksimych ("Bela") - staff captain, a man of the people, has served in the Caucasus for a long time, has seen a lot in his lifetime. a kind person, but limited. He spent a lot of time with Pechorin, but never understood the “oddities” of his aristocratic colleague, a man of a social circle too far from him.

2. Wandering officer (officer-narrator) (“Maksim Maksimych”) Capable of understanding Pechorin more deeply, closer to him in his intellectual and cultural level than Maksim Maksimych. However, he can only be judged on the basis of what he heard from the kind but limited Maxim Maksimych. Pechorin “...saw...only once...in my life on high road" Subsequently, having familiarized himself with Pechorin’s diary, which fell into his hands, the narrator will express his opinion about the hero, but it is neither exhaustive nor unambiguous.

3. And finally, the narrative passes entirely into the hands of the human hero sincere, “who so mercilessly exposed his own weaknesses and vices”; a man of mature mind and unconceited.

B. – How does Lermontov build the plot of the work?

Let's open the content of the novel.

Do you notice any strange things? (chapter numbering)

How many parts are there in the novel? (two)

How many chapters are there in each part? (1-3,2-2)

Why after the chapter “Maksim Maksimych” comes chapter No. 1 “Taman”? (Pechorin himself begins the story)

Student answers

First, let's remember what plot and plot are?

Plot – set of events work of art(events arranged in the order in which the author reports them).

    Bela” /4/

    Maxim Maksimych” /5/


    Pechorin Magazine” /6/

    Taman” /1/

    Princess Mary” /2/

    Fatalist” /3/

Fable – events in literary work in their sequential connection (a set of events in their natural chronological order)


    Princess Mary"



    Maxim Maksimych”

    Preface" to "Pechorin's Journal".

Can this collection of stories be called a novel? Why does Pushkin have “Stories Belkin”? Why Gogolcollection of stories "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"?

- Why Lermontov is in no hurry to call his brainchild a novel , denoting it very differently: as “notes”, “essays”, “a long chain of stories”? Let's remember this question.

V. – Restore chronological order events .

Chronology of the events underlying the work, according to V. Nabokov (

Taman”: around 1830 - Pechorin goes from St. Petersburg to the active detachment and stops in Taman;

Princess Mary”: May 10 – June 17, 1832; Pechorin comes from the active detachment to water in Pyatigorsk and then to Kislovodsk; after a duel with Grushnitsky, he was transferred to the fortress under the command of Maxim Maksimych;

Fatalist”: December 1832 - Pechorin comes from the fortress of Maxim Maksimych to the Cossack village for two weeks;

Bela”: spring 1833 – Pechorin kidnaps the daughter of “Prince Mirnov”, and four months later she dies at the hands of Kazbich;

Maxim Maksimych”: autumn 1837 - Pechorin, going to Persia, again finds himself in the Caucasus and meets Maksim Maksimych.”

Let us restore the picture made by M. Yu. Lermontov of “chronological shifts”. It looks like this: the novel begins from the middle of events and is carried through sequentially until the end of the hero’s life. Then the events in the novel unfold from the beginning of the depicted chain of events to its middle.

- Why do you think the author needed to arrange the parts of the novel in this order? (expected student responses )

Teacher's conclusions (depending on the completeness of student answers).

Writing in notebooks :

To interest the reader as much as possible in the fate of Pechorin;

trace its history inner life;

The image of Pechorin is revealed in two ways: from the point of view of an outside observer and in terms of internal self-disclosure (diary);

With this construction, as if leaving the hero alive, it is easier for the author to show his position. Such compositional device expresses the author’s hidden optimism, his faith in man. Remember: “The people dispersed, the officers congratulated me - and definitely, there was something to be said for.” With these words, we say goodbye not only to the main character, who could have done wonderful things if his fate had turned out differently. This is how he, according to Lermontov, should have been remembered by the reader.

All this is true, but not all. Lermontov created absolutely new novel– new in form and content: a psychological novel.

G. - Why is “A Hero of Our Time” the first psychological novel in Russian literature?

What is psychologism?

Psychologism – this is a fairly complete, detailed and deep depiction of feelings, thoughts and experiences literary character using specific means of fiction.

The plot of the essay becomes “the history of the human soul.”

Lermontov first lets us hear about the hero, then looks at him, and finally opens his diary to us.

The change of narrators is aimed at making the analysis of the inner world deeper and more comprehensive.

    Kind, but limited Maxim Maksimych.


    Observations of a mature mind on itself.”

V.G. Belinsky argued that the novel “despite its episodic fragmentation, “cannot be read in the order in which the author himself arranged it: otherwise you will read two excellent stories and several excellent short stories, but you will not know the novel.”

So, M. Yu. Lermontov felt the novelty of his work, which united such genres as travel essay, a short story, a secular tale, a Caucasian novella, and had every reason for this. This was the first psychological novel in Russian literature.

IV Dispute : why Lermontov singled out Pechorin from other heroes, why, despite unseemly actions, Pechorin is better than some other characters.

V Homework (Slide 13) :

Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself.

The love that we read in the eyes does not oblige a woman to anything, while words...

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

Strange thing the human heart in general, and the female heart in particular!

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

Breed in women, as in horses, is a great thing; this discovery belongs to Young France. She, that is, the breed, and not Young France, for the most part it is exposed in the way it walks, in the hands and feet; especially the nose means a lot. A correct nose in Russia is less common than a small leg.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

We must give justice to women: they have an instinct for spiritual beauty.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

This has been my lot since childhood. Everyone read on my face signs of bad feelings that were not there; but they were anticipated - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of guile: I became secretive. I felt good and evil deeply; no one caressed me, everyone insulted me: I became vindictive; I was gloomy, - other children were cheerful and talkative; I felt superior to them - they put me lower. I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world, but no one understood me: and I learned to hate. My colorless youth passed in a struggle with myself and the world; Fearing ridicule, I buried my best feelings in the depths of my heart: they died there. I told the truth - they didn’t believe me: I began to deceive; Having learned well the light and springs of society, I became skilled in the science of life and saw how others were happy without art, freely enjoying the benefits that I so tirelessly sought. And then despair was born in my chest - not the despair that is treated with the barrel of a pistol, but cold, powerless despair, covered with courtesy and a good-natured smile. I became a moral cripple: one half of my soul did not exist, it dried up, evaporated, died, I cut it off and threw it away - while the other moved and lived at the service of everyone, and no one noticed this, because no one knew about the existence of the deceased half of it.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those I loved: I loved for myself, for my own pleasure: I only satisfied the strange need of my heart, greedily absorbing their feelings, their joys and sufferings - and never could get enough.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

I love my enemies, although not in a Christian way. They amuse me, they stir my blood. To be always on the alert, to catch every glance, the meaning of every word, to guess intentions, to destroy conspiracies, to pretend to be deceived, and suddenly with one push to overturn the entire huge and laborious edifice of their cunning and plans - this is what I call life.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

Some consider me worse, others better than I really am... Some will say: he was a kind fellow, others - a scoundrel. Both will be false. After this, is life worth the trouble? but you live out of curiosity: you expect something new... It’s funny and annoying!

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

The restless need for love, which torments us in the first years of youth, throws us from one woman to another, until we find one who cannot stand us: here our constancy begins - a true endless passion, which can be mathematically expressed by a line falling from a point to space; the secret of this infinity lies only in the impossibility of achieving the goal, that is, the end.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

I have already passed that period of spiritual life when one seeks only happiness, when the heart feels the need to love someone strongly and passionately - now I only want to be loved, and then by very few; Even it seems to me that one constant attachment would be enough for me: a pathetic habit of the heart!..

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

And it was only at two o’clock in the morning that we remembered that the doctors told us to go to bed at eleven.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

The princess seems to be one of those women who wants to be amused; if she feels bored around you for two minutes in a row, you are lost irrevocably: your silence should arouse her curiosity, your conversation should never fully satisfy it; you must disturb her every minute; she will publicly neglect your opinion ten times and call it a sacrifice and, in order to reward herself for this, she will begin to torment you - and then she will simply say that she cannot stand you. If you do not gain power over her, then even her first kiss will not give you the right to a second; she flirts with you to her heart's content, and in two years she will marry a freak, out of obedience to her mother, and will begin to convince herself that she is unhappy, that she loved only one person, that is, you, but that heaven did not want to unite her with him , because he was wearing a soldier’s overcoat, although under this thick gray overcoat a passionate and noble heart was beating...

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

Sad things are funny to us, funny things are sad, but in general, to be honest, we are quite indifferent to everything except ourselves.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

I never reveal my secrets myself, but I really love them to be guessed, because in this way I can always deny them on occasion.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Hero of our time

To be the cause of suffering and joy for someone, without having any positive right to do so - isn’t this the sweetest food of our pride? What is happiness? Intense pride.

"A Hero of Our Time" is a psychological novel. Pechorin main character works he dreamed of exploits, but due to his inaction he could not achieve anything in life. Morally devastated, he is deeply unhappy. Despite his excellent appearance and brilliant education, he has no friends or beloved woman. He thought too much, but did little to change his life better side.

Quotes from the novel “A Hero of Our Time” can be used in our lives. They carry life meaning and will be used forever, passed on from generation to generation.

Quotes from the novel by character

Quotes from Pechorin:

Expectation violent death, isn’t there already a real disease?

Please note, dear doctor,” I said, “that without fools the world would be very boring!”

Compassion, a feeling that all women so easily submit to, let its claws into her inexperienced heart.

He studied all the living strings of the human heart, as one studies the veins of a corpse, but he never knew how to use his knowledge (about Dr. Werner).

When the eyes are praised, it means that the rest is no good.

Joys are forgotten, but sorrows are never forgotten.

I was created stupidly: I don’t forget anything - nothing!

Breed in women, as well as in horses, is a great thing.

A peaceful circle of honest smugglers.

Like a stone thrown into a smooth spring, I disturbed their calm and, like a stone, I almost sank to the bottom myself!

I was wrong again: the love of a savage is few better than love noble lady; the ignorance and simple-heartedness of one are just as annoying as the coquetry of the other.

Sometimes a minor incident has dire consequences.

Chasing after lost happiness is useless and reckless.

I sometimes despise myself... Isn't that why I despise others?

Am I really in love? I am so stupidly created that this can be expected from me.

Evil begets evil.

Ambition is nothing more than a thirst for power.

How often do we mistake for a belief a deception of the senses or a lapse of reason!

Not a single image on the wall is a bad sign!

My dear, I despise women so as not to love them, because otherwise life would be too absurd a melodrama.

Quotes from Maxim Maksimych:

This is Asia for me! Whether it’s people or rivers, you can’t rely on it!

There is no use in those who forget old friends!

A bad thing at someone else's feast is a hangover.

Ah, gifts! What a woman won’t do for a colored rag!

And you can get used to the whistle of a bullet.

After all, there are, really, these people who have it written in their nature that all sorts of extraordinary things should happen to them!

There are people with whom you must definitely agree.

She did well to die: what would have happened to her if Grigory Alexandrovich had left her?

Author Quotes:

Habit is second nature.

What started in an extraordinary way, then it should end the same way.

Our public is still so young and simple-minded that it does not understand a fable if it does not find a moral lesson at the end.

We almost always apologize for what we understand.

The most happy people- ignoramuses, and fame is luck, and to achieve it, you just need to be dexterous.

In order to abstain from wine, he, of course, tried to convince himself that all misfortunes in the world stem from drunkenness.

And you can get used to the whistle of a bullet, that is, you can get used to hiding the involuntary beating of your heart.

Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children; everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again the same as it once was and, most likely, will be someday again.

Quotes from the novel “A Hero of Our Time” can be successfully used in modern world. Idioms help color speech more bright colors. They learn to clearly formulate thoughts and enrich their vocabulary.