By killing ourselves we become stronger. Book: Nietzsche F

A person is spoken of in a passive form. Those. There is a preset that nothing depends on a person.
The second substitution trick: “kills” - is it a process or a result? If “kills” means making us closer to death and more helpless, then the expression turns into “everything that does not make us weaker makes us stronger”... Tautology, yes Neutral events are also ignored. If it already “kills” - this is the result, then one can judge the event only when it has completely taken place, i.e. when it is no longer possible to intervene and use force. Killed? That means it made it weaker! Didn’t it kill you? (And this is about everyone who is still able to read) So it made you stronger! It’s very nice to read how you become stronger for free.
The third substitution trick: who decides what strength is? What about people who do not fit into the framework of this thought and do not feel their strength after trauma? And it's very simple. You need to tell them that they are strong (and this aphorism will give weight to your words). And mentally solve their problem for yourself, because other people’s problems can be solved in an elementary way. Is anyone having trouble doing something? So you just need to “believe in yourself”, “try hard”, “let go of the bad”, “think constructively” and other meaningless motivational statements. And even if the “patient” resists and pushes away his strength, then this inconsistency between reality and the aphorism is temporary ... sooner or later he will either get out or die (and stop bothering, falling out of attention).
And now about the consequences: what will happen if you blindly follow this thought?
The person will strengthen his passive position and the belief that nothing depends on him. And he will be able to more easily refuse what he considers beyond his strength.
A person will receive the correct undeniable truth if he perceives “kills” as a process, or will receive a criterion for solving situations that have already ended if he perceives “kills” as a result. After this, you can more confidently broadcast the truth (the process) and not be afraid that the solution you propose will cause Negative consequences(result).
A person receives another inviolable rule of life, which helps to feel the unity and limitations of this world at the cost of avoiding contradictions.
And finally, about the reasons that made this aphorism so popular. The aphorism helps to distract from one’s powerlessness, it helps to communicate more confidently and be firmer in one’s decisions, it protects against feelings of guilt and shame when dealing with other people’s unresolved problems, and, finally, it does a more predictable and safer picture of the world. But the price is high! If you (according to your ideas) know how to admit your mistakes, are free and spontaneous in communicating with other people, are ready for surprises in this world and still adhere to this belief, let me know about it and refute my words with your own example.

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Nietzsche was wrong, says a group of American scientists led by Susan Charles from University of California(USA). Their research suggests that negative experiences have the opposite effect on many of us 1 .

Back in 1995, Pennsylvania State University psychologist David M. Almeida began an experiment in which 1,483 people, men and women, took part different ages. They were asked to take two tests. The first asked them to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being “never” and 5 being “always”) how often during the past 30 days they felt: a) worthless/hopeless/nervous/twitchy/restless, b ) how often it seemed to them that everything they did required a lot of effort, c) how often they were so sad that nothing seemed to be able to cheer them up.

In the second test, participants were asked to answer whether they had experienced any of the specified types of stress the day before the survey. Types of stress included arguments, situations in which one refrained from brewing arguments, problems at work, problems at home, and worries about friends' problems. Finally, respondents were asked whether they had, during previous year be treated for anxiety, depression or any other emotional disorder.

After 10 years, David Almeida tried again to contact the same respondents. Someone has already died, someone refused to take part in the survey a second time, someone has moved. About half of the participants responded - 711 people aged 25 to 74 years. Almeida asked them to rate on the same scale how often they experienced different negative emotions within the last 30 days. He also asked again if they had received treatment for any emotional disorders in the past 12 months.

The results of the two surveys were analyzed by a group of scientists from different American universities. They found that, contrary to Nietzsche's idea, seemingly small sources of everyday stress that happened in the past had a long-term impact on the mental health of respondents.

“The more often people felt worthless/hopeless/nervous/twitchy/anxious (even though they had not yet required treatment for a mental disorder), the more likely they were to develop a mental disorder 10 years later,” the authors concluded.

Of course, the reason may be personal characteristics rather than difficult circumstances. It is clear that different people react differently to similar unpleasant events. What makes one person feel insignificant, another will just give up on. However, the research shows that for some people, even small problems can have negative consequences - weakening rather than strengthening the psyche. In other words, the more painful we perceive everyday small difficulties, the more vulnerable our mental health will be in the future. So catchphrase If it is fair, then, alas, it is not for everyone.

The most important danger for our peace of mind, are not the problems that surround us every day, but how we relate to our problems. The biggest danger for us is not the problem itself, but what it leaves behind, a state of discomfort, disappointment, powerlessness. The problem itself does not affect our physical condition, but the feelings it brings can destroy us.

We need to make a clear distinction between what is happening and our reaction to what is happening. Remember, any problem can be solved, the main thing is how to do it, causing a minimum of harm to yourself and others. We are not always able to influence what happens. But we can influence our condition. Many successful people have developed the strength to accept life's problems as natural occurrences and manage their reactions to the situation. Why is it so difficult for us to learn this?

First you need to understand: “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” Learn to treat problems as life lessons. From any problem you can learn something new. See a problem as an opportunity to acquire new experience is that you are still not familiar.

Don't consider the problem insoluble. Everything can always be changed, the main thing is to want it. Don't give up and don't give up. We usually spend more energy worrying about a problem than solving it, although it should be the other way around.

Don't let the problem affect all areas of your life. If in some area of ​​your life there was problematic situation, do not allow it to affect other areas of life. What happens at work should stay at work, what happens in the family should stay in the family.

Do not consider your personal qualities to be the cause of the problem. Look at the problem as new challenge your capabilities, do not reproach yourself, but solve the problem, do not be pathetic. Fate loves the strong.

Don't wait for the problem to go away, but solve it. Like any strong person, treat the problem as a problem that needs to be solved. Don't take the problem too seriously, but try to solve it. Having solved one problem in our life, we will encounter another, a third, a fourth... Over time, we will learn to solve all problems at once, as a problem with many solutions.

Expand your views. Look at the problem from all sides, because the solution to a particular problem may be the most unexpected.

It is by solving problems that we can achieve success, because only then do we force ourselves to think about what is training for our gray matter. By solving problems, we develop a lot of good qualities in ourselves. . There are no problems for which a reward would not await you if you solved them; you are the master of the situation, and not vice versa.

Exist three types of problems , and, accordingly, the type of their solution. Think about what type of problem you have and how to solve it based on the type:

  1. Problems that we can control directly. We can solve them by changing our habits. For example, the problem of lack of money. To solve this problem, we must change the habit of spending money on everything and learn to save.
  2. Problems that we can solve indirectly. We can solve them only by changing the sphere of influence, i.e. learning something new, gaining experience, changing your outlook on life
  3. Problems that are beyond our control. Usually we cannot solve such problems, and the only thing left is to pull ourselves together and not get upset.

The principle of solving a problem of each type consists of six simple steps :

1. Think about what is useful about this problem? There is a lesson to be learned from any problem. Think about what lesson this particular problem teaches.
2. What shortcomings in my life contributed to the problem? By answering this question you will get rid of the feeling of victimhood. Perhaps the problem arose not because of you, but because of someone else.
3. What should I do to avoid getting into this situation again? Think about what actions you need to take to avoid encountering this problem again.
4. What solutions exist? Think about ALL options for solving the problem, believe me, there are a lot of them. Look at the situation from different angles.
5. What is the best solution? After weighing all the pros and cons, you will choose one, the most correct decision.
6. How can solving a problem make me happy? In simple words what prospects the solution to a particular problem leads to.

Life is full difficult situations, and it cannot be said that for some it is easier, for others it is more difficult. Everyone has had problems at some point, but only strong personalities found decent ways out of the situation. Life does not punish us, but educates us, and what does not kill us makes us stronger.

Life is pretty interesting thing. To some it seems incredibly beautiful and light, while to others, on the contrary, it is unbearably heavy... Who will say that it is unfair, and who will say that better fate and not to be found, but who is truly right? The truth is that each person perceives life differently, one has learned to rejoice in what is today, because yesterday he didn’t even have this, but to the other, no matter how much you give, it will still not be enough! This is where human greed lies.

People are creatures who do not see light or darkness, they are creatures who see only what they want to see, what they need, what attracts them!

My personal worldview has changed German philosopher, who was mocked by the scientists of that time, but he did not lag behind and did not change his mind. People who, even under pressure from the masses, did not change their opinion always aroused my delight and respect, because not everyone can fight against the system. Even a small cancer cell that fights against the system in the body is respected, because it is also trying to survive, a lion killing a defenseless lamb does not kill for pleasure, but in order to continue the race and so that its children can grow up and gain strength. The world is cruel, according to Darwin's theory, survival of the fittest, but according to my own theory, those who strive to survive survive!

“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!” One small but brilliant phrase that the little-known philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said! A phrase that has passed through centuries, through time, through generations of people, so different, but also so identical in their desire to live and continue the family line. There is a lot of evidence that people are just like animals, but there is one important trait that only we can control! This trait, this gift is the ability to think! And it is precisely because of this that even I have the opportunity to give free rein to my thoughts and change something in our world, because you don’t need to try to change the world, you just need to change yourself!

Humanity... Time... Faith... God... Civilization... Progress... Power... Authority... You... and Me! Things that did not appear without people who were striving for what! They didn’t renounce their ideas, but, despite everything, they moved forward!
Nietzsche was very ill during his lifetime, and his illness did not hinder him! And until death knocked on his door, he created and wrote about things that help people believe in themselves, even to this day.

Let's break one quote down into the root cause and the conclusion. The root cause is “that which does not kill!” The conclusion is “what makes you stronger!”

What doesn't kill! ..What doesn't kill us? Every morning we wake up and go to work or study, sometimes we do it through force, but we do it. This is how we overcome our laziness, it doesn’t kill us, which means it makes us stronger! We communicate with people and do not always agree with them, we enter into a discussion, and gain experience. It also does not kill us, which means it strengthens us! There are different people: some like us, and the rest are trying to trample us into the dirt and as far as possible! We think, analyze and try to find the right way out from this situation... It doesn’t kill us, which means it makes us stronger.

We are trying to survive in a world where everyone is for themselves and everyone is trying to carve out a place in the sun! Life does not kill us, and therefore makes us stronger. A simple cold, runny nose, headache, due to non-compliance with hygiene rules or rules of personal protection against colds makes us think about whether we should have dressed so lightly yesterday, whether we should drink cigarettes and alcohol, I generally keep quiet about drugs! But even here there is much more deeper difference and a much more interesting opinion! When we are sick, our body thinks even without our permission and even before the time we start taking medications, the antibodies in the body have already begun to destroy foreign bacteria that have invaded their domain, they will remember these painful bacteria and will be ready next time! It doesn't kill us, it makes us stronger! And we remember that God protects those who are protected, and we draw timely conclusions for ourselves!

Conclusion is what makes you stronger! Every day we fight, gain experience, try to become better, improve, strengthen. Physical labor strengthens our body, because we can’t just lie and think all day, mental labor strengthens our consciousness, we get ready and don’t panic when things don’t work out, but we learn to immediately find a way out of any situation, no matter how difficult it is. was. We believe, and everyone has their own faith, and it is faith that helps us strengthen spiritually and wake up in the morning with a dream that strengthens our desire to achieve something, to move forward! And it doesn’t matter how many times you stumbled, how many times you fell. It is important that you can always get up and still reach the end. DO NOT bend, do not break, but stand until the end and get to your goal, to your dream!

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Every new day this phrase inevitably goes with us through life! And it doesn’t matter whether we agree with it or not, it’s still true!

Once upon a time, one person discovered a truth that was known to everyone, but today all people are guided by one truth. Nietzsche's philosophy was entirely aimed at one single goal! To prove to people that they can do absolutely anything if they believe in themselves!

After all, faith in own strength- this is the energy that gives birth to something new and extremely large! Self-confidence is the power of the Universe, the power of God, the power of the superman. Each person holds within himself that energy that can change not only the world, but also all of humanity. Internal energy gives birth to a force that changes a person’s worldview, some direct it for good, others for evil...

Abraham Lincoln went bankrupt four times in his life and was left with almost nothing, but still did not give up, rose up and went towards his goal. Finally, these merciless blows of fate did not kill him, but only struck him stronger and more resilient!
Walt Disney got kicked out of the newspaper for lack of creativity, and now look what he became! A legend of creativity!
Isaac Newton was one of the worst students, the teachers constantly repeated that nothing worthwhile would ever come of him, but now we are using brilliant formulas, and no one will even remember the names of his teachers.
Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old, he was kicked out of college for getting bad marks, and now he is recognized as one of the best minds humanity.

Beethoven did not know how to hold the violin correctly and his teacher constantly said that he was a complete mediocrity in music... It’s funny, but if this “mediocrity” had held the violin correctly, perhaps today we would not have heard such brilliant works as “ Moonlight Sonata", "Melody of Tears", "Für Eliza", "Storm", etc.

All these people fell, but still rose, they knew the cost of losses, but they also knew what victory was. For this you can bow low to them. There is something to learn from such people and something to borrow.

Nietzsche's philosophy greatly influenced the history of mankind, because thanks to his works about the superman, such a tyrant as Adolf Hitler appeared. And although, as sorry as it is to say this, this man was also able to believe in himself and achieve heights from nothing, but his internal energy he directed not towards good deeds, but towards the seedlings of evil on planet Earth.

This once again proves that the chosen ones, the best people does not exist, we are all equal and only those who believe in themselves, those who believe in their strength and those who are not afraid to rise after the first unsuccessful fall will be able to achieve something,

You will never be the first to come running if you walk, you will never fall if you lie down, you will never be the first if you do not see the back of your opponent, you will never be able to call yourself a human if you simply exist...

And it doesn’t matter whether you agree with me or not, because I will still stand my ground, no matter what lies ahead. I will still go, no matter how many times I have to fall, I will still rise and no matter what grade I receive for opinions pouring from the heart, because I know one thing that can change the life of every living person on this earth : “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!

When a “dark streak” begins in life, many people become depressed, thereby further aggravating the current situation. By submitting to circumstances, they seem to admit in advance that they have lost. And they don’t even try to find a way out, deciding that nothing can be done anyway. Such thoughts are the first sign of weakness. You need to fight in any case, no matter what trials life has in store.

You don’t need to set yourself up for the bad, but you also shouldn’t expect only gifts from life. Any circumstances should be perceived as an experience, which shapes the attitude towards the surrounding reality.

You should not count on the help and support of loved ones. Yes, when there are sympathetic people around, it is easier to survive troubles. But, on the other hand, this is also a step back. Support and words of consolation very often give rise to feelings of self-pity. They rarely motivate decisive action. The words of loved ones have a calming effect, and there is a desire to come to terms with the situation rather than overcome it. This is why it is often more useful to try to sort out problems yourself. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse help. But also count on her, accusing others of indifference. Perhaps the self-removal of loved ones from solving your problems is the first step towards the beginning of a new, brighter and rich life, which you will manage yourself.

Don't blame yourself for all your problems. Self-examination is the first step to deep depression. It is better to direct your energy to finding a way out of the current unpleasant situation.

Why life's difficulties make people stronger

Not everyone who has experienced unpleasant events is able to become stronger. Many “break down” and start drinking alcohol to forget. This is the way to the bottom. Intoxication only temporarily relieves problems and makes you stop thinking about them. But it doesn't solve them. Troubles accumulate, “wind up” on each other, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to find a way out. That is why to fight difficult circumstances need as soon as they appear. Think about solving problems, look for ways to overcome them, and not hide from them. Only such behavior can transform a person into a strong, integral personality. And the sooner this happens, the easier it will be to live on. Small troubles that previously seemed insoluble will simply cease to be noticed. And major problems will be perceived not as tragedies, but as another way to express one’s best qualities and gain new experience.