Red lipstick for fair-haired people. How to choose lipstick to create the perfect look

Lips are no less significant and “talking” part of the face than the eyes. And how well the choice of lipstick is justified and thought out depends appearance women.

When did lipstick appear? Lip dyes have been used since ancient times. Then lipstick was replaced by vegetable dyes, which were quickly washed off. Over the centuries, the composition and appearance it changed, and in the 20s of the 20th century lipstick appeared as we know it now - a pencil in a case. Before this, it was produced in jars. In the 30s, permanent dyes were fashionable; it was believed that lips should be bright red: blue-red for brunettes, orange-red for blondes. In the 40s, light lips became the ideal of beauty, in the 60s - pale or almost white, and in the 70-80s, pearlescent shades became popular.

By tinting their lips, girls involuntarily draw attention to them. Lips become more expressive and sexier only if the lipstick color is chosen correctly. The “wrong” lipstick can visually age you by several years, not better side change the tone of the face, emphasize the insufficient whiteness of teeth. Of course not last role Its color plays a role in creating a spectacular and attractive image.


Colors are divided into three main groups:

  1. warm - peach, orange and coral shades;
  2. cold - pink shades;
  3. neutral - beige, brown and terracotta.

Shades are light, medium and dark.

In addition, lipsticks are divided into matte, glossy and pearlescent. And these characteristics certainly affect the perception of color and the effect produced.

When choosing, we must take into account several initial data at once:

  1. eye color;
  2. color of the skin;
  3. hair color;
  4. tooth color;
  5. lip size;
  6. age;
  7. time of day and lighting.

The first three characteristics define the so-called appearance color type. The color of clothes and makeup should be selected in accordance with it, because lipstick should also be combined with them.

Eye color

Natural beige and plum shades suit gray eyes. For blue eyes - beige-pink and cherry shades. For those with green eyes, terracotta and red-orange shades are recommended, while brown, bright red and pale pink shades should be chosen for brown eyes. Of course, you need to take into account skin color.

Color of the skin

If the skin is dark, then chocolate, wine, red, plum and pastel tones go well with it. Beige, light coral, and light pink shades are good for fair skin.

The general rule is that if your skin tone is warm (peach, cream, ivory), then you should choose warm shades of lipstick. With a cold shade, accordingly, choose cold tones of lipstick.

The same rule applies to combining lipstick with color scheme clothes and makeup. Warm colors in clothing are represented by tones from yellow to warm Brown, cold - blue and green colors. In addition to these tones, there is also a neutral one, which includes beige, gray and black. Lipstick in neutral tones suits both warm and cool colors of clothing. TO pastel colors A cool range of lipstick is suitable.

Hair color

Blondes with blue or green eyes and fair skin are suitable for all shades of pink, plum and coral. Not highly recommended bright colors. Blondes with brown and hazel eyes suit delicate shades of pink and red. Not recommended - bright red and bright pink. Blondes with golden skin suit beige-golden shades. Plum, dark red, brown and coral colors are suitable for red-haired ladies with fair skin. Orange and hot pink shades are not recommended.

Brown-haired women with white-pink skin go for pink, dark pink, plum and light brown lipstick tones. Brunettes with gray and blue eyes and fair skinned people should choose a classic scarlet or lilac color. Brunettes with dark eyes and dark skin Plum, chocolate, orange and dark red colors are suitable. Medium saturated shades, as a rule, suit everyone. Dark, rich colors suit dark-skinned, dark-haired women.

Teeth color

White teeth give their owner relative freedom of action; she is bound only by color type. Yellow teeth make you be more careful when choosing lipstick. Not recommended purple with all shades, brown and bright red. Reddish shades, light red and natural pink are preferred.

Light shades of lipstick and lip gloss distract attention from imperfect teeth.

Lip size

Light lipstick visually enlarges the lips, while dark lipstick makes them appear smaller. If you want to enlarge your lips, carefully outline their natural contour with a pencil of the same color as the lipstick. Apply lipstick with a brush and highlight the center of your lips with gloss. In this case, you need to apply more gloss to the lower lip than to the upper lip. You can apply a product with reflective particles above the upper lip, carefully blending it.

It is worth keeping in mind that pearlescent lipstick emphasizes all lip defects and visually enlarges them. Therefore, if your lips are naturally plump, you should use matte, and for the evening - gloss.


Time of day and lighting

For daylight hours, it is recommended to use neutral tones of lipstick and medium-saturated shades or transparent lip gloss. More saturated shades are suitable for the evening and dark color. In cold lighting (winter sky, neon light) you should not use cold shades - give preference beige color and warm shades, and in warm light (incandescent lamps, candles) you should not get carried away with orange and brown tones.

Stylists advise choosing deep, saturated color lipsticks to complement natural, subtle eye makeup. And if your eye makeup is dark or rich, then it is better to use beige, nude shades of lipstick.

The color of the pencil should be the same tone as the lipstick, maximum one shade darker. You can apply it both before and after applying lipstick. Or you can first draw a contour for a more precise outline, apply lipstick, and then correct the accuracy of the lines with a pencil on top. Of course, you need to select lipstick in the mirror, trying and experimenting. Find your color and remember that your face is unique.

Skin and hair shade are the main guidelines when choosing suitable decorative cosmetics. This is especially true for lip coverings, which are the finishing touch to perfect makeup. An incorrectly selected product can easily ruin even a well-thought-out image.

How to choose lipstick color?

Before purchasing a cosmetic product, you should carefully study the following individual features:

  • mouth shape and size;
  • woman's age;
  • condition of the epidermis;
  • familiar shades of makeup.

Here's how to choose lipstick color for your lips depending on their width and shape:

A few more tips on how to choose the right lipstick:

  1. The tone should match the woman's age. Young girls can experiment with bold shades; in adulthood, classic options are preferred.
  2. Dry skin requires the application of moisturizing and nourishing textures. Matte cosmetics and products with increased durability in this case are not suitable, they will aggravate the condition of the epidermis.
  3. The emphasis in make-up is either on the lips or on the eyes. Depending on what a woman highlights, the shade is chosen decorative product. If the main detail of the makeup is the mouth, it is designed in bright colors. When the emphasis is on the eyes, it is better to use nude coverage.

How to choose dark lipstick?

Deep shades are ideal for women with a sensual, neatly and clearly defined mouth. They look great on plump and wide lips, especially in. There are several rules for choosing dark lipstick depending on its base:

Nude lipstick – how to choose?

The choice of nude colors depends on your skin undertone. It can be easily identified by carefully examining the veins on the wrists and elbows. If they are blue-blue or lilac, the nude lipstick should be a cool color. Greenish and light brown veins are a sign of a warm undertone; yellow and orange pigments are preferred in cosmetics. When a specific color is not visible, any neutral shades will do.

Here's how to choose a nude lipstick:

How to choose red lipstick?

This color has ceased to be a detail of exclusively evening make-up and has taken a strong position in Everyday life. Modern stylists suggest wearing it to all women and give valuable recommendations on how to choose a shade of red lipstick that matches your skin tone:

  • light (cold) – juicy berry coating;
  • natural beige - classic red color;
  • dark (swarthy, warm) – burgundy, wine tone.

The base shade is not the only criterion for choosing cosmetics. In tips on how to choose the right lipstick color, attention is paid to the eyes. The lighter the iris, the brighter and more saturated the coating should be. For example, brown-eyed women would be better suited deep noble tone of the product, and for ladies with blue eyes - lipstick of the purest red tone.

How to choose lipstick to match your hair color?

The shade of the curls plays important role, because it emphasizes the entire make-up, including lip coverings. When choosing a product, you must be guided by all of the above rules and at the same time take into account your hair color. Makeup artists distinguish 3 main tones of strands:

  • dark;
  • light;
  • ginger.

Here's how to choose lipstick for brunettes:

  1. White-skinned women with dark or black curls suit all shades except dark and bright orange colors.
  2. Brown-haired and brunette women with a neutral skin tone can paint with any palette with a brown-beige base.
  3. Dark, dark-haired ladies look great with bright and luscious lips that contrast with their skin.

Here's how to choose lipstick for blondes and redheads:

Lipstick to match your skin tone

Having learned to determine the undertone of the epidermis and the shade of the hair, choosing a coating is simple, following the rules for your type. In a cosmetic store, you need to remember a few recommendations on how to choose lipstick to suit your face in artificial light:

  1. Apply a small amount to the tip of your finger, not to your wrist or hand.
  2. Run the probe over a clean white sheet of paper.
  3. Examine the “samples” in natural light from different angles. This way you can discover their base undertone.

What lipstick color suits dark skin?

A tanned, brown or bronze face has a warm tint, so cosmetics should be selected in a similar or neutral palette. Suitable lipstick color for dark skin:

  • scarlet;
  • golden beige;
  • wine;
  • red;
  • chocolate;
  • ocher;
  • caramel;
  • terracotta;
  • coffee with milk;
  • tomato;
  • brown;
  • Marsala;
  • bronze;
  • dark coral;
  • Bordeaux;
  • hot pink.

Lipstick color for fair skin

An almost white, “alabaster” face is combined with appropriate cold, restrained shades of decorative cosmetics. Harmonious lipstick color for pale skin:

  • light pink;
  • light coral;
  • salmon;
  • plum;
  • beige;
  • cherry;
  • pink-lilac;
  • strawberry;
  • lilac;
  • hot pink;
  • rich red;
  • crimson;
  • coral pink;
  • light purple;
  • warm sienna;
  • pinkish carmine.

The right lipstick color helps complete the look and highlight all the advantages of your appearance. But it’s not always possible to find the right shade the first time, since when choosing you need to take into account various subtleties and nuances. How should you do the test so as not to make a mistake with your choice, for brunettes and blondes?

A woman has 3-5 different lipstick tones in her arsenal. The choice of the right one depends on the time of day and season, occasion, mood.

Color groups:

  • all pinks are considered cool;
  • decorative cosmetics from the peach, orange and coral palette are classified as warm colors;
  • beige, terracotta, all shades of brown are neutral.

To look younger, you should focus on light options; dark ones make the image more strict. Girls can experiment with bright colors - fuchsia, tangerine, berries. After 30 years, feel free to use the entire red palette. Orange decorative products are combined with tanned and olive skin, and with a brown tint - with dark skin. Fair-skinned girls need to use cool colors. For more the right choice Take online tests and get advice from a makeup artist on the forum.

After 40 years, they prefer muted, natural colors. Products with a shiny structure will look good; a matte surface will highlight wrinkles around the lips.

Basic rules for choosing decorative cosmetics for lips

You need to do a test at home to determine your skin undertone. To do this, you will need 2 sheets of foil - golden and silver, which should be brought to your face in turn. A warm tone will look advantageous against a gold background, while metallic will highlight all the beauty of the cold color of the skin. If there are no significant differences between the samples, then the type is considered neutral, and you can match any shade of lipstick to it.

The cold type needs to use the appropriate palette - lilac, rose, plum. Warm colors are used only in the form of translucent gloss. The color scheme of scarlet, salmon, ruby ​​and apricot flowers suits girls with warm undertones.

Lipstick and eye color:

  • golden, light brown - brown and beige colors;
  • dark – nude, salmon, beige;
  • blue – pink tones any saturation, cherry, red wine, fiery color;
  • green – delicate pink palette, terracotta;
  • gray – the whole plum and beige range.

The right color will help you adjust the contour and size of your mouth. The basic rule is that dark lips visually look narrower, while light lips appear voluminous. A pencil and a test will create a clear outline.

Lipstick for thin lips is bright, light; you can use gloss to add additional volume. But it’s better to avoid dark, rich and matte options. For an asymmetrical shape, it is better to use a nude, translucent palette. Pearlescent products highlight all imperfections; girls can only wear them with perfect shape mouth If your teeth have a yellowish tint, then you should abandon the tone of burgundy or fiery red. They will draw attention to the imperfect color of the enamel.

Fashionable matte cosmetics are not for everyone. Such decorative cosmetics cannot visually add volume, so women with thin lips should not use them. Bright shades suitable for girls, and mature age It is better to use deep, noble tones. A beige product is ideal for fair skin. With lipstick with a matte structure, you should not apply blue and green shadows - this will make the look vulgar and cheap.

Pearlescent decorative compositions for lips are again in trend, but now they have a noble, muted shine. Such cosmetics visually increase volume, allow you to create a playful and festive look, it is well suited for evening makeup. The gloss highlights all the skin imperfections on the lips, so be sure to use a scrub before applying.

For fair-skinned women, coral, pink and pastel pearlescent palettes are suitable. You can emphasize the beauty of a dark-skinned coat with deep plum, red and chocolate tones. Peach and apricot colors are an excellent choice for girls with golden strands. Red-haired fashionistas can use terracotta and ginger shades.

What lipstick suits brunettes?

In order not to make a mistake with the tone of the decorative product, you should select it according to the shape of your lips, skin tone and eye color. But great importance It also has a shade of strands. Bright makeup is ideal for brunettes; you can safely use it with the entire red and plum palette.

How to choose a color for dark-haired girls:

  • dark hair and porcelain, transparent skin, light eyes - bright scarlet, pink and wine with a cold undertone;
  • for a brunette with brown eyes and dark skin – dark brown, warm red;
  • brown-haired women with cool skin tones – the whole pink and red palette with a metallic sheen and rich pigment;
  • dark strands with an amber tint, olive skin - all warm, rich colors.

But these tips are only for natural brunettes; if the color is naturally different, then a different tone may be required.

How to choose decorative cosmetics for lips for blondes?

Light strands have many shimmers. For fair-skinned blondes, it is better to avoid bright decorative lip compositions; muted pink and peach tones are good. For evening makeup, you can use a desaturated plum and salmon palette. Red, sand, and peach colors suit warm undertones.

If the strands are ashen or wheat, then pink cosmetics, matte or shiny, bright colors will look good on the lips. For business makeup, nude and muted brown decorative products are used.

Suitable shades for red and light brown strands

Red-haired girls often have pale skin, create perfect image Options from plum, pink, terracotta, apricot, and coral palettes will help. Natural pink lip products will highlight the warm undertone of your face. If the strands have a rich red tint, then it is better to use warm orange tones. For creating spectacular image burgundy lipsticks are used.

Natural light brown color strands in combination with porcelain skin harmonizes well with red decorative compositions; you can experiment with pink and beige options. The beauty of light-haired curls with golden tints in fair-skinned girls will be emphasized by golden and pink-beige shades.

If your skin tone is warm and your hair has cool notes, then to create the perfect look it is better to use a nude and pink palette. Light brown strands and olive skin go well with wine, plum and red tones.

Common mistakes when choosing

Rules for choosing lipstick:

  1. You should not put the tester on your lips - many people use the tester, you can become infected with herpes or other viral diseases.
  2. The tester is applied to the fingertips, after which they are brought to the lips, avoiding contact with the skin. This will help you visually see whether the color is suitable or not.
  3. You should not always buy the same shade. During production it is difficult to calculate the amount of pigment - therefore the color differs in different batches. The tone is chosen anew each time.
  4. You need to match the color of lipstick to your skin. To do this, you can run the tester over your wrist - if the veins are not visible under the pigment, then it is suitable.
  5. For spring and autumn, rich and bright or transparent, almost colorless shades are chosen. For cool seasons - dark tones of rich colors.

Various tests on professional cosmetology websites will help. It is enough to upload a high-quality photo to see the entire palette and see how the cosmetics will look with different shades hair. Such preliminary testing allows you not to get confused in the store and choose the most successful tone.

When choosing a lipstick color, you need to focus on your own feelings. Even if the lip product is perfect in all respects, but you don’t like the tone at all, you should look for a different shade.

Brown eyes are the dream of many women. It's like a magnet that attracts the attention of others. How many poems and songs have been written about the look of dark eyes. Such girls do not need to go to great lengths with makeup to be the center of attention. Just choose suitable color shadows for brown eyes and you will have the world at your feet.

What eyeshadow color suits brown eyes?

Brown-eyed beauties are incredibly lucky; this shade allows you to choose from many palettes. Therefore, choosing the appropriate eyeshadow color for brown eyes will not be difficult. Follow one main rule - the cosmetics used should be different in tone from the iris. You can start experimenting with a greenish palette in combination with sand or bronze.

Brown eyes with blue or gold shadows look interesting and bright. It is important to choose the shade that will highlight all the advantages of your appearance, bringing to the fore an amazing brown look.

It is impossible to definitively answer which eyeshadow color suits brown eyes. It all depends on the shades and small inclusions; skin and hair tone plays a big role. But the main thing is lipstick! Without this finishing touch, the image will seem unfinished. It's like the heart note in your favorite perfume scent. Let's try to understand this variety of options.

Ideal lipstick color for brown eyes

Lipstick - essential attribute women's cosmetic bag. It attracts attention, seduces and charms. But this is only under one condition: if the lipstick was chosen correctly. The wrong shade can ruin it diligently created image: make it look older, highlight imperfections or minor imperfections in makeup. So how do you choose the right lipstick color for brown eyes?

When choosing lip cosmetics, consider the time you will use it, the place, and your skin and hair color. Let's consider several selection criteria:

  • Lipstick colors for brown-haired women with brown eyes. Such girls can experiment with saturation. Dark hair allow you to wear almost any shade, including bright ones. If your skin is light, and you can find a red highlight on your hair, the most good combination It will be with soft pink. Lipstick color for brown-haired women with brown eyes and dark skin should be juicy and deep. Bordeaux or Marsala are ideal.
  • Which the color is coming brunettes with brown eyes? Of course, scarlet! This juicy shade will highlight all the advantages of your appearance, creating classic look women in vamp style. The color of lipstick for brunettes with brown eyes should first of all be bright. Such external feature allows you to experiment with palettes without fear of seeming vulgar.
  • What colors suit blondes with brown eyes? Do not think that owners of such rare combination You should be modest in your choice of cosmetics. Quite the opposite. For girls with this appearance, it is important to choose rich shades of the brown palette. Matte lipstick looks perfect on this type of appearance. For an evening out, you can use a scarlet tone.

Whichever color palette Whatever the girl prefers, it is important to remember that the color of lipstick for brown eyes cannot be dark. This is bad manners. Such a bright young lady should do her best to balance her expressive eyes with others. bright accents. Under no circumstances should you rush to buy a product after finding the name of the desired shade in the store. Take a closer look to see if it has the desired effect. Use a small amount of product on the pad of your finger. The skin there is delicate, strongly reminiscent of the structure of lips. After all, very often the purchased color does not at all correspond to what is on the package.

What clothing colors suit brown eyes?

So, we have dealt with the most difficult part. And now we know what lipstick color will suit brown eyes. All that's left is the finishing touch - clothes!

A woman's wardrobe is a universal thing. This is more than rags to protect the body - it is an art, it is a game.

Only a woman can understand what feelings you experience when you radically change your image. The tone of clothing plays an important role here. Be careful when placing accents. Combine makeup with accessories and overall style.

How to choose clothes:

  • Light brown eyes.

If you have a light brown eye color interspersed with green or gray, you can afford pink, lemon, azure and even purple colors of all tones and undertones. Just avoid acidity. Complex combinations will look best.

Jewelry can be massive and gold. Weaving and large earrings look interesting oriental motif. Pearl charms framed with gilding also look advantageous. Silver combined with large weaving can be the highlight of the look.

Avoid bright lemon, chicken shades, contrasting red and black combinations and bright orange. They will unsightly shade the skin, especially if it is pale. Better, if you want brightness, give preference to gold. This palette will create the image of a successful lady in an instant. Brown eyes are perfectly set off by gold, and you can be sure that in such an outfit it will be difficult not to notice you.

  • Dark brown eyes.

What color of clothing suits brown eyes with a warm tint? Natural and natural! Give preference to khaki greens, turquoise, terracotta or coral. If your skin has an enviable tan, you won’t find a better option. Gilding and sand motifs are allowed.

Avoid plain, cream or vanilla fabrics, they will make the look faded and boring. Be careful with black. It is impossible to completely abandon it as one of the basic ones, but try to place it as far from the head as possible.

To understand what lipstick color will suit brown eyes of your exact shade, you need to conduct more than one experiment. Try it out various variations and combinations to get the desired result. See and choose combinations for different types makeup and events. This way, your color perception will slowly develop, and, over time, choosing the right shades of cosmetics will no longer seem like a problem.

To choose a lipstick color for brown eyes, you don’t need to be a colorist. Its brightness allows you to make even the most daring experiments with a skillful move by an experienced stylist. Such is the magic of this enchanting shade.

By tinting our lips, we draw additional attention to them. But they become more expressive and sexy only if the color of lipstick is chosen correctly. “Not your” lipstick can visually age your face by several years, change its color for the worse, and emphasize the lack of whiteness of your teeth.

The modern assortment presents samples of different textures and colors - shiny and matte, bright or transparent. In this article we will look at the question of how to choose lipstick color to create the perfect look. tender girl, a vamp woman or a mysterious and unpredictable lady.

Lip Makeup Basics

Bright shades of lipstick are in perfect harmony with both simple jeans And light dresses, and with exquisite outfits, that is, they are quite suitable for both daytime and evening makeup. The main thing that needs to be taken into account when creating an image is naturalness.

To complement discreet and natural eye makeup, stylists recommend choosing rich, deep color. If your eye makeup is bright, it is better to give preference to nude and beige shades of lip makeup. As for the pencil, its color should be the same tone as the lipstick, or be one shade darker. It can be applied before or after lipstick. You can also first draw a contour to get a more precise outline, paint your lips, and then adjust the accuracy of the lines on top using a pencil.

Tip: if you want to use a red lipstick that is as close in tone as possible to the natural tone of your lips, apply it using your fingertips and blend it a little. Thanks to this manipulation, it will look more natural and subdued. In this case, the eyes should only be slightly tinted with mascara, because bright lips attract enough attention on their own.

When buying lipstick, it is very difficult to evaluate its color visually by examining the tube. Therefore, to make a choice, it is recommended to draw a line along the back side hands, and evaluate the shade - this is the most common advice on how to choose the right perfect color lipstick. Unfortunately, even such a test, which is relatively reliable, may not be entirely correct, and the tone will not suit you. But if this happens, don’t rush to throw away the lipstick. Makeup artists advise in such cases to mix samples of several shades - perhaps you will get a color that can highlight the line of your lips and complete a harmonious look.

Please note that in stores, as a rule, lamps emit cold light. It is recommended to carefully try scarlet lipsticks that have a bluish tint. If the lighting in the store is soft and yellowish, pay close attention to samples of brick-red shades. In addition, you should take into account the fact that lipsticks look faded in any artificial light.


Many girls who are interested in how to choose the color of lipstick to match their face look at photos with examples on the Internet.

One of the main key points factors influencing the choice of the appropriate tone for lip makeup is skin color.

  • Those with fair skin should take a closer look at natural, delicate shades. Opt for cool tones from light pink to plum.
  • For girls with dark skin, it is better to choose juicy and bright samples, paying attention to Special attention to warm peach and brown shades.
  • Girls with not quite light, but not dark skin are advised to pay attention to red and golden tones.


  • For fair-haired girls, coral, berry, mauve and soft peach lipsticks are best suited.
  • For those with red hair, makeup artists recommend taking a closer look at brown and terracotta shades.
  • But dark-haired young ladies will suit many tones. The main rule is that the darker the hair color, the brighter the shade of lipstick.


  • Rich scarlet and brown lipsticks suit girls with brown eyes.
  • Blue-eyed ladies should pay attention to cherry and beige colors.
  • Green-eyed people are recommended to use terracotta and orange lipstick.
  • Women with gray eyes will fit bright hues beige and cherry tones.


Young girls who have recently started using lipstick are recommended to choose neutral or light shades, and best of all - lip glosses. Light lipsticks can be cool or warm shades, and neutrals are usually beige. The glosses are matte and dense, but they can give the image some seriousness and solidity, which is not needed at a young age. For this reason, young ladies are recommended to choose light pearlescent glosses.

Bright makeup is more appropriate for women aged about thirty. They are suitable for samples of satin or satin texture, emphasizing the radiance and youth of the skin.

For ladies over the age of forty, lipsticks without particles of pearl and shine are suitable, since the corners of the lips are already drooping and wrinkles are beginning to appear. Not good good choice There will also be too bright colors, emphasizing the “mesh” near the mouth. It is best to pay attention to the noble dark shades plums or rotten cherries.

A few more secrets

Before you pick lipstick by color, you need to familiarize yourself with a few little secrets:

  • pearlescent lipstick is best suited for evening makeup, as it helps create a seductive highlight on the lips;
  • at the same time, pearlescent lipstick emphasizes the presence of wrinkles around the mouth;
  • lilac and crimson tones make teeth visually darker, while brown ones visually whiten them;
  • those with long faces are advised to give preference to brighter lipsticks and apply them under the contour;
  • young ladies with round face worth choosing matte lipsticks and apply them without contour.

Don’t forget that lipstick will help visually adjust the shape and size of your lips: light shades make them visually plumper, dark shades make them thinner and smaller.