The song “Study, Study” is performed by everyone. Questions for the quiz "In the animal world"

Goals: to form in children a cognitive interest in the natural world around us; develop memory and associative thinking.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introduction to the topic.

1. Statement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

2. Introductory conversation.

Look out the window. What do you see there? The children answer.


What is visible only at night? (Stars, moon.)

It warms in summer, cools in winter. (Sun.)

Without arms, without legs, but he runs. (Water.)

He breathes, grows, but cannot walk. (Plant.)

In the forest, a flatbread grew on a leg. (Mushroom.)

Its tail wags under the bridge. (Fish.)

There is a palace on the pole, and in the palace there is a singer. (Starling.)

The crawler crawls, the needles are lucky. (Hedgehog.)

How to call all this in one word? ( Surrounding nature.) II. Main part.

1. Natural phenomena.

What is weather?

(Weather is a certain state of the atmosphere around us, which depends on the movement of huge masses of air and on differences in atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity.)

How can we find out what weather awaits us today? Tomorrow? a week later? (This is why there is a weather service and meteorologists.)

Meteorologists collect information about weather conditions and put the information into a computer. Computers calculate temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction for thousands of places on our planet. The results are plotted on the hag. Weather maps are shown on television, printed in newspapers, and transmitted to special traffic services.

Weather satellites provide enormous assistance to weather services. They orbit at an altitude of 800 to 1,100 kilometers. The entire earth's surface is studied twice a day. (Children look at photographs of satellites.)

Weather satellites take photographs day and night using special cameras. Satellite photos are valuable because they can predict the weather two weeks in advance.

What do you know about natural phenomena?

The children answer.

This is interesting!

On June 24, 1904, large hail fell in Moscow. The weight of hailstones reached 400 g or more. They had sharp spikes, the hail fell vertically and with such force that the glass of greenhouses and conservatories seemed to be shot through with cannonballs. Hailstones made holes up to 6 cm in the soil.

A tornado is a very strong whirlwind. Its harbinger is the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud, as well as thunderclouds. The base of such a crater is only hundreds of meters in diameter, but it destroys everything it encounters along the way. Has destructive power enormous strength wind. The walls of houses are collapsing, buildings are crumbling, like House of cards. Tornadoes cause such destruction that in areas where they are most common, residents build special shelters.

1st stage of the quiz.

1) It will knock in the sky, but it can be heard on earth. (Thunder.)

2) I have neither fire nor heat, but I set everything on fire. (Lightning.)

3) It’s not fire, but it burns. (Freezing.)

4) I twist, I mutter, I don’t want to know anyone. (Blizzard, blizzard.)

5) The gray-haired grandfather at the gate covered everyone’s eyes. (Fog.)

6) The gates have risen - beauty to the whole world. (Rainbow.)

7) What happens if a volcano gets “angry”? (Eruption.)

8) Along the blue sea

White geese are swimming. (Clouds.)

9) Warms in winter,

Smoldering in the spring

Dies in the summer

Comes to life in autumn. (Snow.)

10) Walking in the field, but not a horse,

It flies freely, but is not a bird. (Wind.)

2. Animals.

Which animal lives the longest?

The children answer.

This is interesting!

Among mammals, the elephant is usually considered the longest-living. The registered record is just over 60 years. The horse shares the lead in longevity with the elephant. There are many cases where these animals lived for more than 50 years. But here are other, unquestioned facts of longevity: hippopotamus - 41 years, rhinoceros - 40, bear - 34, monkeys - more than 20 years, cats - about 23 years, dogs - 22 years. These data refer to individual animals.

2nd stage of the quiz.

1) Not a farmer, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the village. (Horse.)

2) Walks in summer, rests in winter. (Bear.)

3) There is a haystack in the middle of the yard,

A pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (Cow.)

4) The neck and sides are in patches,

He looks down on everyone. (Giraffe.)

5) Not a mouse, not a bird

frolicking in the forest,

lives in trees

And he gnaws nuts. (Squirrel.)

6) Not a tree, but rather gnarled. (Deer.)

7) The largest African feline predator. (A lion.)

8) The largest predator. (Polar bear.)

9) It looks like a lined notebook. (Zebra.)

10) Grayish, toothy,

Prowls across the field,

Looking for calves and lambs. (Wolf.)

3. Birds.

Which flying bird is the largest?

The children answer.

This is interesting!

The largest bird living on Earth cannot fly at all. This is an African ostrich. It reaches 2.5 m in height and weighs more than 135 kg. It would be hard work to lift such a bird into the air.

The two species with the largest wingspan of flying birds are the albatross and the condor. (It is advisable to illustrate.) Adult birds weigh about 13 kg.

The flight speed of different birds varies greatly. The highest measured speeds belong to two swifts from India. They flew along a course of 3.2 km, covering this distance in 36 and 42 seconds, that is, 274 and 320 km per hour! The domestic pigeon flies about 96 km per hour, and the hummingbird flies from 80 to 88 km per hour.

3rd stage of the quiz.

1) Pinches your heels - run without looking back. (Goose.)

2) Silent during the day, screaming at night. (Owl.)

3) The boss is not great, but he doesn’t tell you to sleep long. (Rooster.)

4) Blacker than soot, whiter than snow, above the house, below the grass. (Magpie.)

5) Which birds have wings covered with scales? (Penguin.)

6) Which of the birds in our country flies the fastest? (Swift.)

7) What bird builds a nest on the roof of houses? (Stork.)

10) In the middle of the trees, blacksmiths forge. (Woodpecker.)

4. Insects.

What do you know about insects?

The children answer.

This is interesting!

There are 2 million species of insects living on our planet, more than all other animals and plants combined. They live in the soil, on the ground, in the water, in the air - everywhere. The largest insect is the ornithoptera butterfly from the Solomon Islands. Its wingspan is about 30 cm. The length of the goliath beetle is more than 20 cm. (Look at it using a ruler.) Along with the giants, there are also crumbs. Thus, the length of the trichopteryx beetle is only a third of a millimeter. And such a baby has a brain, a heart, respiratory organs, and intestines!

The flight speed of insects is low. A bee flies on average 10-20 km per hour; bumblebee - 3.5; fly - 2; lacewing - only 0.5 km. But horseflies fly at a speed of up to 40 km per hour, and moth moths - about 60 km.

The science that studies insects is called entomology.

4th stage of the quiz.

1) Without arms, without legs, crawls on its belly. (Worm.)

2) Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly.)

3) Carpenters walked without axes and cut down a hut without corners. (Ants.)

4) There are many, many threads, but he doesn’t wind them into a ball, he doesn’t sew clothes for himself,

And the fabric always weaves. (Spider and web.)

5) A domestic insect that everyone tries to get rid of. (Cockroach.)

6) Flying bloodsucker. (Mosquito.)

7) Who lives behind the stove and doesn’t let me sleep at night? (Cricket.)

8) What happens to the bee after it stings? (He will die.)

9) How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

10) Not the sun, not fire, but shining. (Firefly.)

5. Fish, reptiles, amphibians.

This is interesting!

As we know, fish breathe using gills through which water constantly passes. But there are also fish that can spend enough time without water.

Flying fish are very interesting. She swims rapidly, moving her tail very energetically. Then it spreads its fins and jumps out of the water at speed. It can fly several hundred meters over water.

An even more unusual fish is the climbing perch. He lives on Far East. Individual individuals range from 8 to 20 cm in length. They can crawl ashore with the help of moving scales that cover the gills. Pushing through with its tail and fins, the perch can “walk” along the ground! In addition, they can be found on trees at a height of about 1.5 m.

5th stage of the quiz.

1) He lives in the pool itself -

Master of the depths.

He has a huge mouth

And the eyes are barely visible. (Som.)

2) With his eyes bulging, he watches

He speaks French

Jumps like a flea

Swims like a human. (Frog.)

3) Who wears their house? (Snail.)

4) Not a blacksmith, but with tongs. (Cancer.)

5) I drink blood, but I give life. (Leech.)

6) He turns into a frog. (Tadpole.)

7) Non-venomous snake? (Already)

8) Who did Emelya catch? (Pike.)

9) Who wears a stone shirt? (Turtle.)

6. Plants.

This is interesting!

Trees reach their greatest heights higher plants sizes. In tropical forests - on average 50-80 m, often up to 100 m; the maximum height of trees is about 150 m for eucalyptus and sequoia trees.

The total lifespan of a shrub can be very long, several hundred years, but each stem with its own crown lives for a limited time, on average 20-40 years (but for raspberries - only 2 years, and for lilacs - up to 60 years.)

Shrubs are found in almost all regions of the Earth and in various types of vegetation, but in forests in the form of a second tier - undergrowth, that is, in shading, which can be one of the factors inhibiting the growth of individual stems.

Shrubs are miniature shrubs no more than 50 cm high, on average 10-30 cm. The lifespan of individual skeletal axes is less than that of shrubs, on average about 5-10 years. In forests, shrubs form a low shrub layer, sometimes together with herbs (blueberries, lingonberries).

6th stage of the quiz.

1) It’s not fire, it burns. (Nettle.)

2) Whose fluff flies around the city? In the middle of July there is snowfall. Passers-by scold him

And it's the wind's fault. (Poplar.)

3) There is a cake standing on one leg, Whoever passes by, everyone will bow. (Mushroom.)

4) Sisters are standing in the field -

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

5) Soft, not fluff, Green, not grass. (Moss.)

6) Wood from which matches are made. (Aspen.)

7) White peas on a green stem. (Lily of the valley.)

8) Which one is the best big berry? (Watermelon.)

9) I look like the sun

And I love the sun

I turn after the sun

I head my own. (Sunflower.)

10) My food is sweet, but my vengeance is terrible. (Bee.)

Purpose of the game: Stimulate the cognitive interest of students through the game, deepening their knowledge on the topic “Human Professions.”

Tasks: generalize students’ knowledge about human professions; develop the ability to work in a team, the ability to listen and hear the opinion of another person.

Preparatory stage

  • breakdown into teams;
  • preparation of an exhibition of drawings “My future profession”;
  • preparation of equipment: bags with items, numbered barrels;
  • poster “ Lucky case”;
  • selection of counting group;
  • awards and prizes for the winners and participants of the game.

Quiz script.

While the planet is spinning in space,
On her, smelling of the sun,
There will never be a day without dawn,
There will not be a day without labor!

Each team takes turns rolling the game dice. There are units on five sides of the cube, and a horseshoe on one. If a one appears on the top face of the cube, then the team receives 1 point for the correct answer to the question; if - horseshoe this means that the team is lucky, it has a “lucky chance” and for the correct answer it receives 3 points. During the first game, each team rolls the dice 7 times.

Questions for the 1st game: “Guess the profession”

1) I have a lot to do
If someone gets sick.
I will cure everyone, friends!
Guess who I am? (doctor)

2) I am at the helm
and I give commands.
I conquer the seas.
Guess who I am? (captain)

3) I'm going on a flight,
I'm getting on the plane
And I'm flying above the ground.
Guess who I am? (pilot)

4) Every day I sit in the cockpit,
I start the car engine,
I'm going to distant lands.
Have you guessed who I am? (driver)

5) By apartments and houses
Many letters, telegrams
He brings it to the recipients.
What's his name guys? (postman)

6) Who with a saw and plane
He makes sleds for the boys,
So that in winter you can roll down the hill
Misha, Anya and Egorka? (carpenter)

7) Brushes, paints and easel:
I'm painting a portrait of my mother
For an art gallery.
Guess me quickly! (artist)

8) Who teaches the kids
read and write,
Love nature,
respect old people? (teacher)

9) Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

10) Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand,
He himself is colorfully painted. (painter)

Mom needs it for work
Place notes on the music stand.
Just ask your mom -
And he will play: “Mi, salt, si!”
I will tell the guys proudly:
"Mom knows all the chords!" (musician)
12) He will direct the glass eye,
Click once - and we remember you. (photographer)

13) The trains are noisy
And sometimes they honk
To us beeps or whistles,
And they are driven... (drivers)

14) Mom can put cans,
Apply to abrasions and wounds.
Mom gives injections
To all the children of our school.
Mom with affection, kind words
Helps you become healthy! (nurse)

2. Game – “Troubles from a barrel”

The presenter brings out 6 multi-colored numbered barrels on a tray. The team that currently has the fewest points starts pulling the barrels. The presenter takes out bags containing items that are used by people of various professions. Players must guess what profession this is. For each correct answer, 2 points are awarded.

No. 1. Device for measuring pressure. (doctor)

No. 2. Thread and needle. (Seamstress)

No. 3. Spatula or chisel. (builder)

No. 4. Striped wand. (traffic police officer)

No. 5. Scissors and comb (hairdresser)

No. 6. Brush and watercolor or gouache paints. (artist)

3. Game – “Dark Horse”

Teams are asked to guess the name of the profession. It is a person of this profession who appears in the office and asks the children 5 questions closely related to his work activity. For each correct answer - 2 points. Each question is given 30 seconds to discuss, and the team that found the correct answer the fastest answers. If the “dark horse” thinks the answer is incorrect, the opposing team answers, and then the audience.

Andryusha has an older brother -
Excellent bearing of the soldiers.
He is serving, but at the same time
Armed with water and a hook.
He is on duty in the cold and in the heat.
Tell me, who is he? (firefighter)

4. Game - “You for me, I for you”

Teams ask 3 pre-prepared questions to each other. For each correct answer, 2 points are awarded.

5. Game – “Race for the leader”

The host asks 15 questions to each team, starting with the losing one. Teams strive to give as many correct answers as possible. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

  1. What is the telephone number to call the fire brigade? (01)
  2. What do you call a person who takes care of garden plants? (gardener)
  3. Profession of a person related to forest protection? (forester)
  4. What is the phone number for calling an ambulance? (03)
  5. What is the name of the head cook in a restaurant? (Chef)
  6. What is the profession of a person who treats animals? (vet)
  7. Children's doctor? (pediatrician)
  8. Mayor. (mayor)
  9. Profession D.A. Medvedeva (President of the Russian Federation)
  10. The person working in the store? (salesman)
  11. Main man At school? (director)
  12. What is the profession now of the person who used to be called a “barber”? (hairdresser)
  13. Spiritual profession? (priest)
  14. Animals that often guard together with people state border? (dogs)

15) The most funny people at the circus? (clowns)

16) A person directly related to precious stones and metals? (jeweler)

17) What profession in English sounds like “bodyguard”? (bodyguard)

18) What is the name of the doctor who treats teeth? (dentist, dentist)

19) What was Viktor Dragunsky’s profession? (children's writer)

20) A person involved in eliminating speech impediments? (speech therapist, defectologist)

21) Phone number where you can call the police. (02)

22) Who was Yu.A. Gagarin? (astronaut)

23) Who is V.V. Putin by profession? (Prime Minister)

24) What was the profession of Uncle Styopa from the poem by S.V. Mikhalkov? (policeman)

25) Director of feature films. TV series? (director)

26) There is such a profession - to protect the homeland. What kind of profession? (military)

27) What is a person’s profession related to training service dogs? (dog handler)

28) A person who develops fashionable clothing styles? (fashion designer)

29) The profession of a person who develops various layouts of cities and towns? (architect)

30) Flight attendant on airplanes? (stewardess)

Summing up the game. Team awards.

Note. The texts of the riddles for game 1 were taken from various Internet sites.

Schoolchildren really like quizzes because they diversify educational process, bring an element of play into it. These questions and activities can be used to give a quiz on the world around you in second grade.

Express poll "Who can guess the fastest?"

1. What is the name of the bird house? (Nest).

2. What animal hibernates in winter? (Bear).

3. Who collects pollen from flowers? (Insects, eg bees).

4. Which animal doesn’t like the sun? (Mole).

5. Which tree is considered slender? (Birch).

6. Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches arrive to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands).

7. Why do rooks arrive first in spring? (The first thawed patch is enough for the rooks to reach food - larvae - with their beaks).

8. Which bird's chicks incubate their eggs? (Northern snowy owl. Owls hatch at different times).

9. Which bird does not have a nest, and the chicks lie right on the bare ground? (At the nightjar).

10. Why does crossbill build nests in winter? (In winter there are a lot of spruce seeds for chicks, but not in spring).

11. Who plants trees with their nose? (Kedrovka - pine nuts, jay - acorns).

12. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers? (Birch with its sap).

13. Which bird has the most big family? (The gray partridge has 26-28 chicks).

14. Which migratory flock promises snow? (A flock of migrating geese. Expect snowfall in 2-3 days).

15. Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow).

16. What bird can tease? (Parrot).

17. Which bird is proud of its multi-colored tail? (Peacock).

18. Which bird has “glasses” on its nose? (At the eagle owl).

19. What coniferous trees and shrubs grow in our forests? (Spruce, pine, larch, juniper, fir, cedar).

20. Which coniferous tree sheds its leaves and needles in the winter? (Larch).

21. Who needs hollow trees? (Birds nest and animals live in the hollows of old trees).

22. What plant is called hare cabbage? (Oxalis, trefoil).

23. What berry is called the northern pomegranate? (Kostyanik).

24. How to distinguish between a young rook and an adult by its beak? (An adult rook has a white base of its beak.)

26. Who cuckoos - male or female? (Male).

27. Why are young birch leaves sticky? (Resinous substances protect the leaves from frost).

28. What does the “crying” of a birch tree in spring mean? (Sap flow).

29. What harm do forest fires cause? (The growing forest, habitats of birds and animals, mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants are destroyed; waterlogging and undesirable change of forest species are possible).

30. Which forests are most dangerous for fire? Why?

(Conifers, especially dry pine forests; fire occurs from mosses, lichens, small litter. Ledum and heather are the most fire hazardous; blueberries and lingonberries - less).

Quiz "Trees and Herbs"

1. Which tree is the strongest wood for use in construction? (Larch wood)

2. Name the medicinal herbs of our region. (Coltsfoot, St. John's wort, oregano, etc.)

3. Which tree absorbs the most radiation and purifies the air better than others? (Poplar)

4. Name the flowers of our region that are listed in the Red Book. (Maryin root, frying, lumbago, white water lily)

5. Everyone is trying to find happiness in the inflorescences of this plant. (Flowers with five bent blades instead of four. Lilac)

6. The branches and leaves of this tree are the personification of power, longevity and health. (Oak)

7. This tree quickly comes to life in the spring. It is believed that this is due to its special fruit-bearing power. Therefore, it became a symbol of the holiday of Kolosyanitsa, and after the adoption of Christianity in Rus' - the Trinity. (Birch)

Riddles about animals

1. I’m a hunchbacked beast, but the guys like me. (Camel.)

2. Small, light, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Lizard.)

3. Guess who is wearing the bone coat. (Turtle.)

4. What kind of horses are they all wearing vests? (Zebra.)

5. Who has horns longer than the tail? (At the goat.)

6. There is a nickel, but it won’t buy anything. (Pig.)

Guess by the description

1. This is a forest animal. It sleeps during the day and comes out to feed at night. In winter it feeds on tree bark. In winter it moves easily through deep snow. He runs fast, but is saved from his enemies by a fur coat that is the color of snow. (Hare.)

2. The fur is reddish in color, and resembles pine bark. The nest is built near the top of a spruce or fir. They feed on nuts, seeds, mushrooms, and berries. Main food - seeds coniferous trees. (Squirrel.)

3. This is a predator. Look like big dog. They are called forest orderlies, since they primarily attack sick and weakened animals... (Wolf.)

4. These are the furry heavyweights of predators. A thick layer of fat saves him from the cold. The muzzles of these animals are elongated, like those of dogs. The eyes and ears are very small, but the claws are huge. They eat roots, berries, nuts. There are black, dark, beige, and even bright red ones. But their favorite delicacy is honey. (Bear.)

5. Good at catching mice. They can be kept instead of a cat. The main food is insects. Hunts at night. He has short legs. Sensing danger, it curls up into a ball and exposes sharp, hard needles. (Hedgehog.)

6. Lives in lakes, swamps, swamps and bogs. Spends the day in a sweet slumber. When an insect flies by, it throws out a sticky tongue and, having caught its prey, quickly swallows it. These amphibians greet the evening dawn in large companies with an obligatory concert... (Frog.)

Questions for the quiz "In the animal world"

1) What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

2) Favorite delicacy of storks. (Frogs.)

3) What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer? (Gogol.)

4) What bird is called a “forest cat”? (Owl. For its ability to hunt at night.)

5) Do birds hibernate in a birdhouse in winter? (No.)

6) Bird fortune teller. (Cuckoo.)

7) Does a penguin belong to the order of birds or mammals? (Birdish.)

8) Where is the ear of a grasshopper? (On the foot.)

9) Tadpoles hatch from it... (Caviar.)

10) People call this flower “the flower of the sun.” (Sunflower.)

11) What bird of prey can be called a “orderly”? (Black kite. It feeds not only on rodents, but also eats carrion.)

12) Who often changes clothes without undressing? (Chameleon.)

13) What kind of fish builds a nest? (Catfish, stickleback.)

14) Who will be born three times before becoming an adult? (Butterfly.)

15) What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing. The toad is forced to go on a “diet”, since usually at this time of year she sleeps soundly.)

16) What berry is white, black, red? (Currant.)

17) Which forest bird is considered the most talkative? (Magpie.)

18) Who is rightfully called the “forest doctor” by the people? (Woodpecker.)

19) Which birds fly south first? (Rooks.)

20) What is meant by the term “silent hunting”? (Collecting mushrooms.)

21) Which bird “collects” shiny objects? (Magpie.)

22) What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen.)

24) Which tree is rightfully considered a symbol of Russia? (Birch.)

25) Which bird does not want to “fulfill its parental duty” towards its future offspring by throwing eggs into other people’s nests? (Cuckoo.)

26) A herb that can be recognized even with eyes closed? (Nettle.)

27) What bird all year round wears a tailcoat? (Penguin.)

28) This bird ranks first in flight speed among all birds. (Swift.)

29) The smallest bird on the planet? (Hummingbird. Its size does not exceed one and a half to two centimeters.)

30) Animal Science. (Zoology.)

31) Which forest animal changes its “wardrobe” twice a year? (Hare, squirrel, fox.)

32) The cleanest animal? (Badger.)

33) What kind of fish is called “river orderly”? (Pike. She eats weakened and sick fish first.)

34) Construction engineer of a house on the river? (Beaver.)

35) Which animal is rightfully considered the fastest? (Cheetah.)

36) An animal of our forests, similar to a cat in an enlarged form. (Lynx.)

37) Which animal puts itself forward when running? hind legs? (Hare.)

38) What animal picks apples with its back? (Hedgehog.)

39) When do hedgehogs not prick? (Barely born.)

40) What animal is popularly nicknamed “oblique”? Why? (Hare. For its unusual slanting eye shape.)

41) Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile.)

42) Which cow do the ants milk? (Aphid.)

43) Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (All the legs of a giraffe are the same size.)

44) What insect is popularly called the “big-eyed hunter”? (Dragonfly.)

45) What fish is named after a person? (Carp.)

46) What animal’s cubs feed on the milk of someone else’s mother? (Hares.)

47) How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

48) How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)

49) Which animal loses its “headdress” every winter? (Elk. Once a year, in winter, it sheds its antlers.)

50) Which animal likes to sleep upside down? (Bat.)

51) Which animal is called the “orderly” of the forest? (Wolf.)

52) Which animal is considered the smallest? (Shrew. Her height is -3.5 cm.)

53) Which insect are we forced to clap our hands not at all as a sign of our admiration and approval? (Pray when we want to kill her.)

54) Which forest bird is considered long-lived? (Forest crow. Life expectancy is 120 years or more.)

55) What well-known and terribly annoying insect can move upside down and taste food with its paws? (Fly.)

Scenario game program For junior schoolchildren

Game script – fairy tale quiz

Description of work:

This material will be useful for class teachers and teachers primary classes who wish to conduct interesting event for extracurricular activities. Students age: 7-8 years old, 2nd grade.

Objectives of the event:

Summarize students' knowledge about fairy tales;

Develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their characters;

Develop creative imagination, associative memory;

Foster the need to read books, cultivate a love for oral folk art, for fairy tales of various writers.

Time spending: 40 minutes.

Before the event, students divided into three teams, chose a captain, and came up with a name and motto.

Progress of the event:

Hello guys and dear guests! Today we have gathered here to talk about fairy tales and check how well you know and love fairy tales. The one who gives the most correct answers to our quiz will receive a diploma “An expert in fairy tales.”

Conversation on fairy tales.

Both adults and children love fairy tales. What is a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is a work related to oral folk art, with a person’s personal fantasy, the author’s idea. The fairy tale was created for entertainment and educational purposes. The fairy tale teaches kindness, honesty, courage, hard work and others positive qualities. The favorite heroes of fairy tales were and remain in Rus': Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, etc. Evil heroes- Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych.

There are different fairy tales: about animals, everyday tales, magical... In a word it's Magic world, which talks about how it is better to be kind and honest. Reading, listening, watching fairy tales, we experience a feeling of sadness, joy... A fairy tale is a miracle! You agree with me?

Today at fairytale quiz Teams taking part:

1. “Znayki”

Motto: “He who reads a lot knows a lot”;

2. “Readers”

Motto: “In order not to be branded as a know-nothing, we must be friends with a book”;

3. “Why”

Motto: “Where? For what? And why? - I’ll solve the mystery.

I’ll pick up the book and I’ll find out the answer.”

And our respected jury will judge the competitions... ( school librarian, teacher-organizer, deputy director for educational resources in primary schools).

The quiz consists of 4 rounds:

1st round – Riddles about fairy-tale characters;

2nd – Did you know?;

3rd – Fairy clothes;

4th – Fairy shoes

Rules of our game

1. The team chooses a question. She is given 20 seconds to think.

2. The team captain gives the answer. If a team's answer is incorrect, then the other two teams have the right to answer.

3. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. For an answer that helps the other team - an additional 1 point.

At the end of the game the results are summed up. The team that scores the most points wins.

The jury sums up the results and comments (the jury has cards with numbers, the total score is entered into the table on the board).

1. Riddles about fairy-tale characters

We are from a fairy tale - you know us.

If you remember, you will guess!

If you don’t remember, well, so...

Read the story again!

In this fairy tale there is a name day,

There were many guests there.

And on these name days

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to steal the mistress,

Almost killed her.

But to the insidious villain

Someone cut off the head.

("Fly Tsokotukha".)

Skok-skok, skok-skok

Through the sea and the forest!

Along the way I found the Firebird

And a beautiful maiden

Well, the stupid king

It was not in vain that he managed to deceive.

So I helped Ivanushka

Smart little horse

Well-known to everyone... (Humpbacked Man.)

They know the doll Malvina

And cheerful Pinocchio:

If the enemy is on all sides,

Will win in an unequal battle

True friend- reliable, nice,

Brave poodle... (Artem.)

Monday and Wednesday

Tuesday and Saturday...

These are the names of the gnomes,

I believe someone remembers.

With this fairy tale, friends,

You have known each other for a long time.

It's called... ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.")

He always lives above everyone:

He has a house on the roof.

If you go to bed quickly,

You can chat with him.

Will fly to you in your dream

Lively and cheerful... (Carlson.)

Fruit and vegetable country

It's in one of the fairy tale books,

And in it the hero is a vegetable boy.

He is brave, fair, mischievous.

("The Adventures of Cipollino")

2. Fairytale test “Did you know?”

1. What the Needlewoman dropped into the well in the fairy tale “Ivanovich Moroz”

a) Ring; c) bucket;

b) spindle; d) spinning wheel.

2. Who did the Cockerel call when he found the spikelet?

a) Chicken with chicks; c) Twist and Vert;

b) Murka and Bobik; d) the hostess.

3. Where did the Jinn live for a thousand years?

a) In the palace; c) in a bottle;

b) in a lamp; d) abroad.

4. Which one musical instrument visited the Swineherd?

a) A pot with bells; V) music Box;

b) flute; d) barrel organ.

5. Which flower did the Beast love most?

a) Tulip; c) bell;

b) chamomile; d) scarlet flower.

6. Who did the Frog turn into at night?

a) To Vasilisa the Beautiful; c) to Helen the Beautiful;

b) to Varvara Kras; d) into a swan.

3. “Fairytale clothes”

1) The kindest and fearless man wore a doctor's white coat, a white cap, and glasses on his nose. (Dr. Aibolit.)

2) Which character wears a red (or blue) fur coat with a white collar, boots and a hat, and his nose and cheeks are always red? (Father Frost)

3) He was dressed charmingly - in a silk caftan, but it was impossible to say what color this caftan was: it shimmered either blue, or green, or red, depending on where he turned. (Ole-Lukoje.)

4) Which one fairy tale hero I loved bright colors and that's why he wore canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie? (Dunno.)

5) Who was the owner of frog skin? (Vasilisa the Beautiful.)

6) A woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, which seemed to be woven from millions of snow stars. This woman, extraordinarily beautiful, was all made of ice, dazzling, sparkling ice! (The Snow Queen.)

4. “Fairytale-magical shoes”

1) In one country, to establish identity, they began to use a special yardstick to measure the leg. What kind of measure is this and who were they looking for? ( glass slipper, "Cinderella".)

2) A smart pet brings its simpleton owner into the public eye. What shoes does this beast prefer to wear? (Boots, “Puss in Boots.”)

3) Dashingly measured their steps

Two huge legs.

Size forty five

He bought boots. (Uncle Styopa.)

4) Which hero “has gloves on his heels instead of felt boots”? (A scatterbrained man, “How scatterbrained.”)

5) Who owned the magic running shoes and the cane that could look for treasures? (To Little Muk.)

6) “Fleas came to Mukha,

They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple

They have gold clasps.”

Who were they given to? (Mukha-Tsokotukha.)


The jury sums up the results and awards the best team.

primary school teacher

MBOU "General Educational School No. 2"

Purpose of the event: attracting children's attention to learning mathematics, promoting the development of mathematical abilities.
be able to apply knowledge acquired in class to non-standard situation.
develop children's speech, mathematical thinking, attention, memory.
develop a love for animals
instill an interest in mathematics.

1. Organizing time. To the music, the children take their places. (music)

Presenters: Hello, friends!

Today we are going to visit the queen of all sciences - Mathematics.

Why is there solemnity around?

Hear how quickly the speeches fell silent

This is about the queen of all sciences

We start this evening.

2 presenter

It is no coincidence that she is so honored.

It's a long time ago to give her answers,

How to do a good calculation

To build a building, a rocket.

Children sing the song “Twice two is four”

2. Mathematics the Queen of Sciences is published.

How many stars are there in the sky?
And a blade of grass in the field?
How many crumbs are there in the bread?
How many drops are there in the sea?
To these questions
Can't find the answer
But now, children,
I'll give you one piece of advice.
If you try
Be friends with numbers
You don't have to be afraid
Live and not bother.
Don't be afraid that you will offend
You are your friends
Count and see:
Simple, no fuss
And candies and toys,
Dolls, books and firecrackers
Can be divided equally
Don't forget anyone.
If you can count,
You will overcome all sciences.
The guys will say about you:
"Our friend is a crazy person."
And when the years pass,
You will be an adult then.
Maybe you'll become an astronaut,
You can reach the sky with your hand.
So as not to get bored during the flight,
You can count the stars.

Children recite poems about mathematics.

I love, love, love,
My math.
Because there's nothing better
In the world: no doubt!
Where is she there we are and everyone
It will be useful to us everywhere
Because without her
We'll be lost and that's the end of it!!

Queen of Sciences, Mathematics,
We are very grateful to you.
Introduced us to multiplication,
You haven't forgotten division either.
Fractions await us ahead,
Sines and tangents.
Just don't let me down
Help us through life.
You are loved and sweet
We are nowhere without you!

I'm good with math
If necessary, I'll give you a hint.
I will always let you write off
And there is no need to scold us.
I'm for a cheated lesson
I'll get a big rent
Some candy, some chewing gum,
Maybe even a pack of chips.
Hello everyone from Artyom,
Come at six I'm home...
I love mathematics - I adore it .

The song “Study, study” Performed by everyone

Host: So, let's start our quiz.

The first station "Tsifrulkino" (slide)

Mathematics calculates everything. Translated from ancient Greek, “mathematics” is learning to acquire knowledge. Let's test your knowledge guys.

1.Words are written in letters, but what about numbers? (in numbers)

2. How many legs does an octopus have? (8)

3. Insert the word into the proverb: The mind is good, but... better. (2)

4. What number is included in the title of the fairy tale about Nuf-Nuf, Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf? (3)

5. What number will you get if you turn 6 over? (9)

6. How many days are there in a week? (7)

7. How many fingers are there on your hand? (5)

8. How many months are there in a year? (12)

9. Insert the word into the proverb: Measure seven times, -...cut once? (1)

10. How many ends does the stick have? (2)

11. If you saw off 1 corner of a table, how many corners will the table have? (5)

12. 7 candles were burning, 2 went out. How many candles are left? (2.5 candles burned out).

13. A flock of geese was flying. 1 goose sat on the pond. How many geese are left? (1, the rest flew away).

Second station Geometrino (slide)

Compose geometric shapes made from sticks

Third station "Chislograd". (slide)

Mathematics is a beautiful and strong country.

Work is in full swing here, everyone is calculating something.

How much coal do blast furnaces need?

How about chocolate for the kids?

How many stars are there in the sky? And freckles on your noses?

1.Six funny bear cubs

They rush into the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired,

I fell behind my comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are there ahead? =5)

2. Somehow four guys

We rolled down the hill,

Two people are sitting in a sleigh

How many fell into the snow? (4- 2 = 2)

3. Three daisies - yellow-eyes,

Two cheerful cornflowers

The children gave it to their mother.

How many flowers are in the bouquet? (3+ 2 = 5)

4. A group of baby ducklings

They want to swim and dive.

Six sailed away

Two dived deep.

5. The hedgehog went mushroom hunting

I found ten saffron milk caps,

Eight put in the basket,

The rest are on the back.

How many saffron milk caps are you bringing?

On your needles, hedgehog? (10 – 8 = 2)

6. The wind blew, the leaf tore off,

And then five fell.

7. Mom fries for lunch

There are 7 cutlets for my children.

The kids ate at lunch

Only 3 cutlets.

How many cutlets

Didn't the kids eat for lunch? (7-3=4)

8. The baby has monkeys

There were books on the table:

9 books about animals,

And 4 is about children.

Which of our children

Will he tell you how many books the monkeys have? (13)

9. On the lawn by the river

The moths have settled;

2 were sitting on daisies,

8- on fragrant cereals,

Yes 1 moth

Sat on a blue cornflower

Which one of you is ready to say,

How many moths were there?(11)

10. Along the path to the forest

Kolobok rolled.

I met a gray bunny

I met a wolf, I met a bear,

Yes the cheating fox

I met him in the forest.

Answer quickly

How many animals did Kolobok meet? (4)

11. 5 green frogs

They lie in a row on the sand.

One of the five brothers

I wanted to swim.

The rest are reluctant

Return to the swamp again.

How many frogs are left lying on the sand? (4)

12. For a walk from the nursery

10 babies came out.

Five of them sat on the grass,

The rest are on the swing.

How many guys sat on the swing?(5)

The fourth station "Rebusovo". (slide)

1) "O5" (again)

2) “100l” (table)

3) “100p” (stop)

4) Austria (Austria)

5) “7ya” (family)

6) “40a” (forty)

7) “100 faces” (capital)

8) “po100voy (guard)

9) “s3zh” (swift)

Playing with spectators

Behind certain time you need to fill in the missing numbers.
1. If you cut down a _______ tree, plant ten.
2. _________ you can’t clap your hands.
3. The price for a braggart is ________ kopecks.
4. Without _________ corners, the hut cannot be cut.
5. The horse has ___________ legs, and even then it stumbles.

Fifth station "Riddle - Shutkino". (slide)

1. The miller came to the mill. In each corner there are 3 bags, on each bag there are 3 cats, each cat has three kittens, each kitten has a mouse. How many legs?

(The miller has two legs, the rest have paws, paws).

2. Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits, 3 swifts and 5 hedgehogs. How many birds, answer quickly. (6 birds, the rest are not birds).

3. Is it possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

(Yes, this is a rider on a horse).

4. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1, other animals).

5. There were 50 apples growing on the birch tree. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. How much is left?

(Apples do not grow on birch trees).

6. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All 12, there are 30 days in a month, then there are 28 days among them).

7. There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4).

8. Why would a hairdresser in Geneva prefer to cut two Frenchmen's hair rather than one German's? (Because he will earn twice as much on them).


To drive ships

To fly into the sky,

There's a lot to know

You need to know a lot.

And at the same time, and at the same time,

Will you notice?

Very important science


Why ships

Don't run aground

And they follow the course

Through fog and snowstorm?

Because because,

Will you notice?

Helps captains


So that as a doctor, a sailor

Or become a pilot,

First of all we must

Know arithmetic.

And there is no profession in the world,

Will you notice?

Wherever we need it

Team awards