Landscape at night with a marine pencil step by step. How to draw a beach and sea using pencil and gouache

Landscape is one of the most beautiful areas of painting. It is perfect for beginning artists to master, as it does not require the same precision of construction as people or animals. Among landscapes, the seascape occupies a special place.

It is always easier to draw a picture from life. Therefore, if you are not at sea, it would be nice if you have a photograph of the landscape that you want to draw in front of you.

It is best to paint with watercolors on special paper for watercolors, attached with push pins to a board placed at an angle. The buttons will prevent the paper from curling when it gets wet, and it will be more convenient to draw at an angle.

First of all, with a pencil you need to sketch out the main contours of the future landscape. It is better to make a sketch with a hard pencil so as not to leave bold lines, which will then be visible under the paint. Things like the sun and clouds should not be drawn with a pencil at all, because they will be drawn with very diluted, transparent paint and pencil lines can ruin them.

We will only draw the horizon line and the outlines of the rocks.

After the sketch is made, the paper must be wetted with water so that it absorbs the paint well. In addition, according to wet paper it will be possible to do smooth transitions from one color to another. You should always draw from light to dark tones. The lightest thing in our landscape is the sun, and we start painting from there. Besides the sun, the most bright places in the picture it is the reflection of the sun in the water and the sky around the sun.

After this, we paint the general background with a little darker paint. The sky, during sunset, takes on all the colors of the rainbow. Some of them, such as red or orange, are pronounced, but as the sky turns blue, it turns yellow and even green. If you paint a sunset from bottom to top, gradually mixing paint, starting with red and moving to yellow, then from yellow to blue and blue, then we will naturally get all the colors that are in the sky at sunset.

Try not to paint everything the same in one color. Always mix colors to make the picture painterly, but at the same time, make sure that the color does not become too muddy. You should have a palette on hand to try out colors.

At the same time, we paint the sea, because it practically reflects the sky and the sun, and it has the same colors. But when painting the sea, for now we focus only on its light colors.

After the general background is set, we draw clouds in the sky. Clouds, like the sky, can have different shades.

In order for the clouds to be voluminous, they must be divided into light and shadow. The side facing the sun should be left light, and the opposite side should be made darker. You can also darken some areas of the sky to make the clouds stand out more.

Then we switch to the sea. First, you need to highlight the horizon line. Directly under the sun, the sea is darker, but closer to the edges, on the contrary - the sky with clouds is darker than the sun. Since the horizon line is streaked with excess paint, it needs to be washed out and soaked with a brush like a sponge.

We also leave the middle of the sea light, and closer to the edges we thicken the colors. This is how the sun is reflected in the water. To draw waves dark paint It must be applied in separate strokes so that there are light spaces between them. At the same time, we must not forget that the closer you are, the larger the waves. Small waves in the distance can be drawn with chaotic strokes, but waves near are better marked more accurately. We will leave the foam of the waves near the shore light.

Along with the sea, you can also draw rocks. The rocks in the distance should be a little lighter and blurrier than those that are closer, so that the picture looks more natural.

In principle, the landscape is almost ready and all that remains is to draw it small parts, transitions from light to shadow on waves and rocks. This can be done with watercolors, both by applying paint and by blurring it.

Don't forget, also very important rule in painting, you have to stop in time so as not to ruin everything.

That's it, dry your brushes.


drawing with gouache with children

For drawing a seascape we will need:

  • A sheet of thick Whatman paper A3 or A4 format;
  • Gouache in blue, white, green and black colors;
  • Large soft brush (eg squirrel #6)
  • Brush with stiff bristles;
  • Old Toothbrush;
  • Palette for mixing paints (just a sheet of paper will do);
  • A jar of water for rinsing brushes;
  • A cloth for wiping brushes.

How to draw the sky in a seascape. Draw a line with a pencil, dividing the sheet into two unequal parts - 1/3 will be the sky, the rest will be the sea. This line will become the horizon line. Take white and blue gouache, mix them to obtain the blue color of the desired intensity. Paint over the sky, making horizontal movements with the brush from one edge of the sheet to the other. Since the sky at the top of our picture should be darker, to create the effect of “depth”, you can first apply a dark blue stripe, and then paint the sky with blue paint, shading the dark blue stripe.

Draw clouds in the sky. Apply dotted strokes with white gouache or completely paint over the cucumber clouds. While the paint is still wet, press a crumpled paper napkin onto the design. This will give the clouds a “fluffiness” and blur the clear boundaries.

How to Draw the Sea in a Seascape Take blue paint and cover the bottom of the sheet with it, moving the brush from one edge to the other of the sheet.

Drawing details of the seascape Paint a stone island on the horizon line with black or dark blue paint. Its shape can be completely arbitrary. Draw black checkmarks of seagulls in the sky.

To draw a ship, put a black dot - this is the stern of a retreating sailboat. Dots painted with white paint are sails.

Our seascape is completely ready. All that remains is to dry it and hang it on the wall. .

In this lesson we will introduce you to how to draw the sea with gouache step by step in pictures and with a description. Will be introduced step by step steps, with which you will learn to draw the sea with gouache, like this.

You can draw waves on the sea if you understand how the wave moves. First let's draw the background. Draw the horizon line just above the middle. Let's smoothly paint the sky from blue to white near the horizon. You can draw clouds or clouds as you wish.

To make the transition smoother, paint part of the sky with blue paint, part with white, and then use a wide brush to mix the paint at the border using horizontal strokes.

We will also paint the sea itself with blue and white paint. It is not necessary to apply strokes horizontally. There are waves at sea, so it is better to make strokes in different directions.

Now let's mix green paint with yellow and add a little white. Let's draw the base for the wave. In the picture below, the darker areas are wet paint, the gouache just didn’t have time to dry.

On the green stripe, use a hard brush with white paint to distribute the movement of the wave.

Please note that the left part of the wave has already fallen into the sea, next to it is the raised part of the wave. And so on. Under the fallen part of the wave we will make the shadows stronger. To do this, mix blue and purple paint.

Mix blue and blue on the palette white gouache, let's draw the next falling part of the wave. At the same time, we will strengthen the shadow under it with blue paint.

Let's outline the front wave with white gouache.

Let's draw small waves between the big ones. Let's draw shadows under the near wave with blue paint.

Now you can draw the details. Spray foam with a brush along the entire length of the wave. To do this, take a hard bristle brush and white gouache. There should not be a lot of white gouache on the brushes and it should not be liquid. It is best to smear your finger with gouache and blot the tips of the brush, and then spray it in the area of ​​the waves. It is better to practice on a separate sheet so that you can direct the splashes to specific place. You can also use a toothbrush for these purposes, but the result may not justify the result, because... the splash area can be large. But if you succeed, then that's good. Don't forget, try the splashes on a separate sheet.

You can draw such a seascape with children from 5 to 10-11 years old. Work must be done gouache paints. In general, it is gouache, and not watercolor at all, that is the most convenient material for children's painting. Schools and kindergartens “respect” watercolor very much, not because it is good for children to work with, but because it is compact and not as “dirty” as gouache. In fact, watercolor is a very difficult material to work with. She doesn't forgive mistakes. Any mistake made is almost impossible to correct. By drawing this seascape with children we can solve quite a lot of problems. For example, introduce the child to the concepts of horizon line and perspective. And, of course, we will learn to apply paint evenly on paper, drawing lines from one edge of the sheet to the other. Toddlers may not be very good at this, but try to teach them this technique.
To draw a seascape with children we will need:

  • A sheet of thick Whatman paper A3 or A4 format;
  • Gouache in blue, white, green and black colors;
  • Large soft brush (eg squirrel #6)
  • Brush with stiff bristles;
  • Old toothbrush;
  • Palette for mixing paints (just a sheet of paper will do);
  • A jar of water for rinsing brushes;
  • A cloth for wiping brushes.

How to draw the sky in a seascape.
Draw a line with a pencil, dividing the sheet into two unequal parts - 1/3 will be the sky, the rest will be the sea. This line will become the horizon line. Take white and blue gouache, mix them to obtain the blue color of the desired intensity. Paint over the sky, making horizontal movements with the brush from one edge of the sheet to the other. Since the sky at the top of our picture should be darker, to create the effect of “depth”, you can first apply a dark blue stripe, and then paint the sky with blue paint, shading the dark blue stripe.

Draw clouds in the sky.
Apply dotted strokes with white gouache or completely paint over the cucumber clouds. While the paint is still wet, press a crumpled paper napkin onto the design. This will give the clouds a “fluffiness” and blur the clear boundaries.

How to Draw the Sea in a Seascape
Take the blue paint and cover the bottom of the sheet with it, moving the brush from one edge of the sheet to the other.
Add streaks of green and white paint over the blue layer. The closer to the horizon line, the darker the sea.

Splashes of sea foam can be painted using the splash technique. Children of all ages really enjoy working with this technique. For this kind of drawing we need a brush with very stiff bristles or a toothbrush. You can do this kind of work more accurately with a brush, but it’s easier with a brush. Take a brush or brush, dip it in water and then in white paint. Index finger run over the stubble. There will be small white splatters on the paper. The finger movement must be towards you, otherwise the splashes will end up on the artist!
We paint large “lambs” on the waves with a brush with stiff bristles. The closer to the horizon line, the smaller the “lambs” and the shorter the distance between the waves.

Drawing details of the seascape
Paint a stone island on the horizon line with black or dark blue paint. Its shape can be completely arbitrary. Draw black checkmarks of seagulls in the sky.
To draw a ship, put a black dot - this is the stern of a retreating sailboat. The dots painted with white paint are the sails.
If the seascape seems unfinished to you, you can add a few stones.
Our seascape is completely ready. All that remains is to dry it and hang it on the wall.

Drawing lesson for children from 6 years old

Master class on drawing. Landscape with sunset on the sea

Voronkina Lyudmila Artemyevna, teacher additional education MBOUDOD DTDM g.o. Tolyatti
This master class is intended for teachers, parents, and children over six years old.
Target: Creating a landscape with a sunset on the sea
- get great pleasure from the drawing process
- in 20 minutes create a “masterpiece” that will become not only a decoration, but also a talisman of the house
- relieve fatigue, improve mood, self-esteem
- promote the education of the individual, cultivate a reverent attitude towards native nature.

Purpose: interior decoration, gift.

Scenery - special genre painting. It combines the feelings awakened in the artist from the contemplation of nature, and the skill with which he conveys to the viewer the state of his soul. At this master class you have the opportunity to truthfully depict the living colors of nature and the beauty of a sunset at sea.
It is impossible to be able to do everything, although in contrast to this same phrase there is another, no less famous - “ talented person- talented in everything." It's hard to disagree. Perhaps, in reality, some things are easier for us, others more difficult. But the result depends solely on determination and desire to achieve the goal. Therefore, even being by nature a person of an absolute technical profession, who has never encountered creativity, you can learn to draw. For example, you can start by drawing a landscape.

In this master class, we will create together with you a landscape with a sunset on the sea.

For work we need

A sheet of white paper, A3 format (I use watercolor paper)
Gouache: yellow, orange, red, ruby, purple, black (gouache should be “live”, i.e. soft, the consistency of sour cream).
Brushes (I use synthetic brushes No. 3 and No. 1, sharp ones)
A jar of water.


Select the layout of the sheet. It can be located both horizontally and vertically.
I placed it horizontally. Unlock all colors.

I've always loved watching the sunset.
The sun spills colors across the sky.
Today, like many years ago,
I'm immersed in this fairy tale again.

Using brush No. 3, draw a horizon line in the middle of the sheet using yellow gouache.

We begin to paint the sky with the same paint

Next, add a little orange to the yellow paint. We make a color stretch from yellow to orange

TO orange paint add red paint

Add ruby ​​paint to the red paint (you can skip this step)

Add purple paint to ruby ​​paint

Let's turn the sheet upside down and repeat all the previous steps.

Next, draw a black line along the horizon line

Let's draw the silhouette of the mountains

Let's paint over the mountains. I take purple and black paints on a brush

Using small strokes with brush No. 1, draw the reflection of the mountains on the water

Let's draw the silhouette of a yacht

Let's paint, draw a reflection on the water

Let's draw a mast. Let's just draw a straight line up

Let's draw a sail

Let's draw more yachts in the distance

The final touch - seagulls

Works of my pupils, 3rd grade students

As you can see, they showed their imagination - palm trees and dolphins appeared
More work, painted at summer camp today