Who is Rakhmetov in the novel, what to do. Rakhmetov is the “special” hero of the novel “What is to be done?” Chernyshevsky

/ / / The image of Rakhmetov in Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?”

When writing your novel “What to Do?” N.G. Chernyshevsky decided to introduce into it very interesting hero- Rakhmetova. His image can be called revolutionary, because this hero was thoroughly imbued with love for the world around him, he radiated goodness.

Reading the text of the novel, the reader understands that the main role is not given to the description of simple, ordinary family relations, but to glorify the image of a revolutionary man, “special” and unique. The author’s goal is to show the image of Rakhmetov not as the main person in the novel, but as the main person in life. Of course, it has been repeatedly noted that there are few such Rakhmetovs in society. However, their small number makes the world brighter and kinder.

This work by Chernyshevsky has no equal. No one before him had ever described the image of a revolutionary so vividly and accurately, or talked so heartfeltly about his exploits. In the final chapters, the author hints at the approach of a revolutionary coup. N. Chernyshevsky repeatedly called Rakhmetov funny. And, while under investigation, he called this image in other words, because he could not express himself openly. Therefore, Rakhmetov was called a “special” person, a superior person, a rigorist.

Chernyshevsky, while describing his hero, also mentioned his political side of life. Rakhmetov grew up under the influence of his tyrant father, who, in front of the young man’s eyes, offended his mother, his beloved girl and other serfs. All this prompted Rakhmetov to become closer to Kirsanov and to transform his personality. And such a pattern of transformations was not invented by the author, because many revolutionaries came from the noble strata of the population. The appearance of such “Rakhmetovs” suggests that the old society has begun to decompose quite at a fast pace. Decent and healthy people began to strive for better.

Rakhmetov himself leads a strict lifestyle, he tries as much as possible to be like an ordinary person, common man who knows everything life difficulties and hardships. The hero of the novel is busy with ploughing, becoming a carrier, barge hauler and carpenter. For such labor feats he is called by the common nickname Nikitushka Lomova.

Chernyshevsky describes the hero as strong and resistant to life’s temptations. Rakhmetov renounces love and pleasure. His character is ebullient and passionate. He tests his willpower by spending the entire night on felt studded with nails, and passes the test.

At one time, Rakhmetov is stern and rude, and at another time, on the contrary, he is cheerful and delicate.

In this man, N. Chernyshevsky tries to convey the type of revolutionary that was just emerging among people, in society. Constant struggle, morality, devotion to the homeland and people - these are the main character traits of the new person.

The main positive image of Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” - Rakhmetov (Nikitushka Lomov). He is the focus of a certain positive program of Chernyshevsky, the embodiment of the author's ethical and aesthetic ideals. But, of course, the content of this image is not exhausted by either this program or these ideals. Chernyshevsky understood that the people themselves, the peasantry itself, did not have the conditions for developing revolutionary consciousness. And, from this point of view, the image of Rakhmetov is an attempt to artistically resolve the issue that worried Chernyshevsky all his life. It is in the affirmation of the desire for unity with the people that the meaning and content of this image lie. The image of Rakhmetov is bright and original. What is striking is the simplicity and naturalness of this hero emphasized by the author, his complete indifference to wealth (despite his noble origin), the absence of everything gentlemanly and lordly in him, his constant attention to ordinary people. It is Rakhmetov who comes to Vera Pavlovna to help in her great grief. Rakhmetov lives only for the people, in the name of the people: “...he had an abyss of affairs, and all the matters that did not concern him personally, he had no personal affairs...” Trying to show the closeness and unity of Rakhmetov with the people, Chernyshevsky connects in this character there are two images: the image of an advanced person with a “truly modern” way of thinking and the image of a “man of the people” - Nikitushka Lomov. We see how this hero does not feel sorry for himself. He has superhuman strength and endurance, and, together with barge haulers, carries heavy barges on his shoulders. Therefore, it is close and understandable to the people. Comparison with Pushkin's Pugachev, Gogol's Taras Bulba and other similar heroes speaks of the novelty of this type for Russian literature. Chernyshevsky very persistently and consistently emphasizes precisely those new features in the moral character of his hero, which precisely bring him closer to the people. When Rakhmetov is asked what is the reason for his “oddities” and “eccentricities” (he develops himself physically, dresses very simply, eats “simple food”), he replies: “This is necessary... it gives respect and love from ordinary people. “This is useful,” the revolutionary adds, “it may come in handy.” Rakhmetov - extraordinary person. But in whose eyes? “...Everyone was a little afraid of Rakhmetov,” notes Chernyshevsky, “even Lopukhov, and Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt at times a certain cowardice in front of him.” And “he was very distant with Vera Pavlovna.” Only among ordinary people is Rakhmetov “an insider”: he is “the favorite of Masha,” Vera Pavlovna’s servant and everyone “who equaled or surpassed her in the simplicity of soul and dress. Rakhmetov himself was proud of his closeness to the people. This hero considers the most terrible, most unforgivable crime to be a crime against the interests of the people. Reproaching Vera Pavlovna for the fact that during a severe mental shock she forgot about her workshops for a minute, Rakhmetov says that because of this, the business could suffer, a matter ultimately needed by the people. “This, Vera Pavlovna,” Rakhmetov continues, “is what in church language is called a sin against the Holy Spirit, a sin about which it is said that every other sin can be forgiven to a person, but this one - in no way, never.” In the scene of the conversation with Vera Pavlovna, Rakhmetov performs a double “mission”, Vera Pavlovna is calmed down, everything begins to fall within the framework of “ordinary” life, but the hero is concerned about the condition of her servant Masha: - Are you calm now, Vera Pavlovna? - Yeah almost. - Fine. Do you think Masha is sleeping? Do you need her for anything now? - Of course not. - But you have already calmed down; therefore, you could already remember that you need to tell her to sleep, it’s already the first hour, but she gets up early in the morning.” It is interesting that Vera Pavlovna’s scene is the only place in the novel where Rakhmetov appears and acts. Chernyshevsky introduces into this scene the motive of caring for the common man. All the conventions of an “educated society” do not exist for Rakhmetov. The thought of the people permeates the entire image of the revolutionary Rakhmetov. This is no coincidence. For Chernyshevsky, caring about the welfare of the people, about the fate of ordinary people, meant being a revolutionary. The spirit of the era itself is embodied in the image of Rakhmetov, cherished dream writer. It is impossible not to note the romantic features in it. The author raised the hero above the crowd, embodied in him the hope for the awakening of revolutionary consciousness among the people, their emancipation and happiness. It is no coincidence that Rakhmetov appears again at the end of the novel, accompanied by the mysterious “woman in pink,” symbolizing the revolution.

The novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” was written in Peter and Paul Fortress. It was started on December 14, 1862 and completed on April 4, 1863. It was written during the era of rise revolutionary movement in Russia.
The hero of the novel, Rakhmetov, is a revolutionary. He is a nobleman by birth. His father was a rich man. But the free life did not keep Rakhmetov on his father’s estate. He left the province and entered the Faculty of Science in St. Petersburg. Rakhmetov easily became close in the capital with progressive thinking people. I met Kirsanov, from whom I learned a lot of new and advanced politically. I started reading a lot. After six months, he stopped reading books and said: “Now reading has become a secondary matter for me; On this side I am ready for LIFE.” He began to give orders to himself and to carry out these orders exactly on time. Next, Rakhmetov began to harden his body. He took on the hardest work. He was even a barge hauler. He did all this in preparation for great revolutionary deeds.
Rakhmetov followed the path chosen once and for all. He ate only what ordinary people ate, although he had the opportunity to eat better. He explained this simply: “This is necessary - it gives respect and love from ordinary people. This is useful, it may come in handy." Rakhmetov refused to marry a rich young widow. He explained it this way: “...I must suppress love in myself: love for you would tie my hands, they will not soon be untangled for me - they are already tied.”

Chernyshevsky, in the image of Rakhmetov, portrayed a revolutionary leader, a special person. The author wrote about such people: “...This is the color the best people, these are the engines of the engines, they are the salt of the earth.” Rakhmetov is a knight without fear or reproach, a man as if forged from steel. He expands his knowledge with amazing speed and carefully studies life.


Here genuine person, which Russia especially needs now, take his example and, whoever is able and able, follow his path, for this is the only path for you that can lead to the desired goal,
N. G. Chernyshevsky
How actor Rakhmetov appears in the chapter “A Special Person”. In others
In chapters his name is only mentioned. But one feels that this image is central, that Rakhmetov is main character novel "What to do?"
The chapter “A Special Person” forms, as it were, a small independent story in a novel, the idea of ​​which would not be complete and understandable without it. When talking about Rakhmetov, Chernyshevsky deliberately shifts the time frame and does not provide a consistent description and biography. He uses hints and innuendo, interweaving what was “known” about him with what was “found out” later. Therefore, every stroke of the biography is of fundamental importance. For example, origin. Indeed, why does the commoner Chernyshevsky make the main character of a socio-political novel a nobleman whose pedigree goes back centuries? Perhaps, according to the writer, the image of a revolutionary nobleman made the idea of ​​revolution more convincing and attractive. Since the best representatives of the nobility are giving up their privileges, it means that a crisis is ripe.

Rakhmetov's degeneration began in early youth. His family was obviously a serf family. This is indicated by the terse phrase: “Yes, and he saw that it was in the village.” Observing the cruelty of serfdom, the young man began to think about justice. “Thoughts began to wander through him, and Kirsanov was to him what Lopukhov was to Vera Pavlovna.” On the very first evening, he “listened greedily” to Kirsanov, “interrupted his words with exclamations and curses on what should perish, blessings on what should live.” Rakhmetov differs from Lopukhov and Kirsanov not only in his aristocratic pedigree, but also in his exceptional strength of character, which is manifested in the constant hardening of body and spirit, but especially in his absorption in the matter of preparing for the revolutionary struggle. This is a man of ideas in the highest sense of the word. For Rakhmetov, the dream of a revolution is a guide to action, a guideline for his entire personal life.

Rakhmetov’s desire for rapprochement with ordinary people. This is evident from his travels around Russia, physical labor, and severe self-restraint in his personal life. The people nicknamed Rakhmetov Nikitushka Lomov, thereby expressing their love for him. Unlike the commoner Bazarov, who spoke condescendingly to the “thick-bearded” men, the nobleman Rakhmetov does not look at the people as a mass to be studied. He believes that the people are worthy of respect and are trying to experience at least part of the weight that hangs on the peasants' shoulders.
Chernyshevsky shows Rakhmetov as a person of a “very rare”, “special breed”, but at the same time as a typical person, belonging to a new public group, although not numerous. The writer endowed the “special person” with severe demands on himself and... others and even a gloomy appearance. Vera Pavlovna at first finds him “very boring.” “Lopukhov and Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt at times a certain cowardice in front of him... except for Masha and those who were equal to her or superior to her in the simplicity of their soul and dress.” But Vera Pavlovna, having gotten to know Rakhmetov better, says about him: “What a gentle and kind person he is!”
Rakhmetov is a rigorist, that is, a person who never deviates from the accepted rules of behavior in anything. He prepares himself for the revolutionary struggle, both morally and physically. Having slept the night on nails, he explains his action, smiling broadly and joyfully: “Test. Need to. It’s implausible, of course: but it’s necessary, just in case. I see I can." This is probably how Chernyshevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question “What to do?” Nikolai Gavrilovich responds with the image of Rakhmetov and the words placed in the epigraph.

The figure of this rigorist had a huge influence on subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people that their “favorite was especially Rakhmetov.”
I like Rakhmetov. He has the qualities that Bazarov lacks. I admire his tenacity, will, endurance, ability to subordinate his life to his chosen ideal, courage, strength. I want to be at least a little like this hero.


RAKHMETOV - central character works by N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do? From stories about new people" (1863).

R. differs from other heroes of the novel in the same way as Chernyshevsky’s novel itself differs from traditional psychological novels. In the magazine “Epoch”, published by M.M. and F.M. Dostoevsky, they wrote about R. as “some kind of armchair myth, traveling as easily through faculties as across Europe” (N. Soloviev). IN artistic hierarchy In the novel, he occupies the highest level, being the only representative of “special” people - in proportion to how in life the author, in his words, “has so far met only eight examples of this breed.” Some trait “already united them into one breed and separated them from all other people,” simply put - participation in underground revolutionary work. Without knowing Chernyshevsky’s “Aesopian language”, it is impossible to understand why R. led “the harshest lifestyle”, “was involved in other people’s affairs or no one’s affairs in particular”, in the “gathering points” of his friends “he only met people who had influence on others” , “I wasn’t at home much, I kept walking and driving around.”

A “special person” differs from “new people” in many ways. By origin, he is not a commoner, but a nobleman, “from a family known since the 13th century”; It is not circumstances, but only the strength of his convictions that forces him to go against his Environment. He remakes both his mental and physical nature, maintains “exorbitant strength within himself,” because “this gives respect and love from ordinary people.” He completely renounces personal benefits and intimate life, so that the struggle for complete enjoyment of life should be a struggle “only on principle, and not on passion, on conviction, and not on personal need.” Hence R.’s nickname - “rigorist” (from the Latin “rigore” - cruelty, hardness), under which he first appears in section VI of the third chapter of the book. The rigorism of life follows from the rigorism of thought: “All the great theorists were people of extreme opinions,” Chernyshevsky wrote in the article “Count Cavour.” R. serves as a living embodiment of the theory of “calculation of mutual benefits,” realizing the potential inherent in “new people.” It is also important that R.’s closest literary predecessor is Bazarov from Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” While maintaining some stylistic continuity, Chernyshevsky at the same time showed that R. differs from Bazarov in having a positive point of application of his forces and has the opportunity to act among like-minded people.

R.'s image is built on a paradoxical combination of incompatible things. The extreme chronological specificity of his biography, which serves as a starting point for many other events in the book, is adjacent to significant event gaps; a secondary character, he turns out to be “more important than all... taken together”; an extreme materialist in his views, he lives and fights only for an idea. However, this inconsistency results in stylistic diversity, characteristic of the menippea genre, to which the novel is close.

Despite all the visible extraneousness of R.’s image to the main plot of the book, he occupies a pivotal position in it, performing the functions of an intermediary: between the “open” (family) and “hidden” (political-revolutionary) parts of the plot, that is, between the worlds visible and invisible to the ordinary reader : between that world and this (when he gives Vera Pavlovna notes from Lopukhov, who “left for America”); between the past, present and future (when from an “ordinary kind and honest young man” RAKHMETOV, a nobleman, a man of the past, becomes a “special person” of the future and knows the onset of this future to within a year); between in different parts of this world (when traveling around Russia and abroad). The highest manifestation R.'s messianic properties are the anticipation of his arrival on the eve of a “change of scenery.” The obvious mythological subtext of this image is associated with the structure of the novel, organized according to the principle of the “world tree”: R. and a few other “ special people"descend from its upper, heavenly tier onto the sinful earth for its purification. Hagiographical and legendary features of R.’s biography, referring to the “Life of Alexy, the Man of God”, to epics about heroes and to to the newest legends about the barge hauler Nikitushka Lomov, to romantic images superhumans, combined with everyday detailing, are designed to emphasize its universality and absolute reality.

Among the prototypes of R., they are most often called P.A. Bakhmetev (according to Chernyshevsky himself), who studied with Chernyshevsky at the Saratov gymnasium and, after unfinished studies at the agricultural institute, went to Europe and then to Oceania to create a new social system there. The image of R., as befits any hagiographic image, gave rise to many imitations. He became the standard of a professional revolutionary, as D.I. Pisarev pointed out in the article “ Thinking proletariat"(1865), calling R. " historical figure": "IN general movement There are moments of events when people like Rakhmetov are necessary and irreplaceable...”

Lit.: Pisarev D.I. Thinking proletariat

//Pisarev D.I. Essays. In three volumes. 1.1. L., 1982; Skaftymov A.P. Works of art Chernyshevsky, written in the Peter and Paul Fortress

//Skaftymov A.P. Moral quest Russian writers. M., 1972; Bakhtin M.M. Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics. M., 1972; Lebedev A.A. Reasonable egoists of Chernyshevsky. M., 1973; Ta-marchenko G.E. Chernyshevsky is a novelist. L., 1976; Naumova N.N. Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” L., 1978; Rudenko Yu.K. Novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”: Aesthetic originality And artistic method. L., 1979; Pinaev M.T. Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”: Commentary. Book for teachers. M., 1988; Paperno I. Semiotics of behavior: Nikolai Chernyshevsky - a man of the era of realism. M., 1996.

M.A. Dzyubenko

Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .

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It’s no secret that at one time Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” caused a real stir in public circles. A novel about “new people” - this is usually what this work is called, which had a colossal influence on the minds Russian youth 60s of the XIX century. But who are these “new people”?

One of them is Rakhmetov, the character who plays special role in this novel. “A special person” is what the author calls him. Rakhmetov is collectively people of the highest “breed” of that time. What is he like?

Rakhmetov is a revolutionary democrat, a nobleman by birth. As a young man, he entered the university, where he became close to Kirsanov. He greatly influenced Rakhmetov’s views, after which the young man began to study revolutionary literature. However, he did not read everything: he declared that he read only “original” things. Rakhmetov believed that every science has its own textbook sources, and only they are truly worthy of attention. Accordingly, he studied only the most original works, primary sources, because they freed him from the need to study hundreds of similar books.

Some characters call Rakhmetov a rigorist - a man who unswervingly followed his principles and internal guidelines. And indeed it is. Being an aristocrat by birth, Rakhmetov did not allow himself to live in grand style: he ate, apart from beef, only the cheapest foods, and slept on felt. “I have no right to spend money on a whim that I can do without,” he declared. Moreover, Rakhmetov for a long time worked hard in order to experience first-hand all the hardships, difficulties and deprivations that befall poor people. This is the essence of his asceticism: he believed that he could not live differently from the way the common people lived.

Rakhmetov devoted himself entirely to the cause for the good of the people: he never wasted time, studied relevant literature, and even spent no more time communicating with people than was necessary. This reflects one of the main traits of his character - rationality. Sometimes his rationality went to the extreme: he once fell in love with a woman, but Serious relationships didn’t start with her - according to him, it could have “tied his hands.” He meant that love would be an obstacle for him revolutionary activities. Therefore, he left his beloved; For several months after the breakup, I tried to suppress the feeling of love in myself; I walked around depressed and gloomy. And this is just one of the cases of his self-restraint and self-sacrifice.

It is obvious that Rakhmetov is a character to look up to. Unwavering will, firm adherence to principles, rationality, honesty - these are the qualities that each of us should strive to acquire.

Option 2

Rakhmetov appears before us in the chapter “A Special Person,” but it is felt that he was the most important in the work.

We see that the hero began to be reborn as a young man. His household were serfs, and therefore, noticing and experiencing the morals of serfdom, our character began to think about the truth. Rakhmetov differed from Lopukhov and Kirsanov, first of all, strong will and strong character, manifested in the process of preparatory actions in the revolutionary struggle. When he dreamed of revolution, he had everything more thoughts about how to act. He actively sought rapprochement with ordinary people. This is noticeable from his trips around his native expanses, physical labor, and restrictions in his personal life.

People called Rakhmetov Nikitushka Lomov, thereby showing sympathy for him. He believes that peasants and workers need to be respected and tries to understand the difficulties that they bear on their shoulders. The author awarded the main character with severity towards himself and an inconspicuous appearance. Vera Pavlovna at first considers him a gloomy person, but after getting to know him better, she began to claim that he exudes kindness and tenderness.

Rakhmetov never leaves accepted standards behavior. His preparation of himself for the revolutionary struggle is felt both from the moral and physical side. After spending the whole night on nails, he decided to test himself whether he could do this or not. Coming from a noble family, the hero sells his inheritance because he does not want to accept the interests of aristocratic society. Possessing great courage, he refuses happiness and love. It was precisely such a person that Chernyshevsky saw as the leader of the revolutionaries. His image influenced subsequent generations of people with new and progressive views in Russia and the West.

The image of Rakhmetov is close and interesting to me, because he has those qualities that Bazarov did not have. Special admiration What excites me is his independence, stability and, of course, the fact that he knew how to subordinate his life to his chosen ideal.

Rakhmetov's essay in the novel What to do?

The image of Rakhmetov is in some sense truly unique and amazing. It was the highest pure nature, which embodied the features of the era. Chernyshevsky admires the character of his character, he is deeply sympathetic to him. Rakhmetov is endowed with incredible character traits.

This man was an aristocrat by origin, his ideas and thoughts were of a democratic nature. Chernyshevsky himself says about his hero that there are very few such people left.

It is worth noting that Chernyshevsky’s character was not immediately endowed with all of the above traits. When he first arrived in St. Petersburg, he was an ordinary young man without any special bright ideas, plans for the future, dreams, but then Rakhmetov meets Kirsanov. It was he who introduced our character to the teachings of the utopian socialists. This teaching literally turned Rakhmetov’s entire worldview upside down, and it made him a special person. Not last role The teachings of Feuerbach also played a role, who also impressed him with his ideas.

Rakhmetov incredibly quickly masters and remembers what he is told, he amazes Kirsanov with his abilities. He has an inquisitive mind, he is observant, Rakhmetov works in a wide variety of fields, he does not shy away from any work. The barge haulers even nicknamed Rakhmetov after the Volga hero, he was so close to the people.

He limits himself in many things, deliberately forcing himself to endure physical suffering. In secret, Rakhmetov was preparing for the revolution; he even had several people who were interested in revolutionary activities. For the sake of the revolution, he was even able to abandon the woman he loved. He believed that his direct responsibility was work and activity, and he could not afford to associate himself with a woman. His most important task was to fight for the well-being and happiness of the people. And, it’s worth noting, he did it very well. Many people drew strength from Rakhmetov, admired him, and he served as an example for them. He himself was incredibly interested in exploring their lives, observing, studying their lives.

Perhaps in certain period In our country there have always been people who were distinguished by their intelligence, ability to foresee certain circumstances, and perspicacity. Unfortunately, we cannot say that there are many such people, but you need to listen to them, think about every word, and be extremely attentive.

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