What to read in summer 2 school 2100. Modern foreign literature

1 Stories by K. Ushinsky about children
2 L. Tolstoy's stories about children
3 Russian epics “Dobrynya Nikitich”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”
4 Poems by A.S. Pushkin
5 Poems by M. Lermontov
6 N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”
7 Poems by S. Cherny
8 Poems by S. Yesenin
9 Poems by F. Tyutchev
10 Poems by A. Fet
11 Fables by I.A. Krylov
12 Poems by N. Rubtsov
13 Poems by G. Ladonshchikov
14 Poems by E. Moshkovskaya
15 Poems by I. Tokmakova
16 Poems by A. Alien
17 Verse by A. Barto
18 Russian fairy tale “Princess Nesmeyana”
19 Russian fairy tale “The Flying Ship”
20 Russian fairy tale “Finist the Clear Falcon”
21 Arabian tale " Magic lamp Aladdin"
22 English fairy tale"The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle"
23 Ukrainian fairy tale"Spikelet"
24 Hungarian fairy tale “two greedy little bears”
25 Tatar fairy tale"Three Daughters"
26 Latvian fairy tale“How the rooster deceived the fox”
27 Belarusian fairy tale"Light Bread"
28 Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga”
29 German fairy tale"Grandma Metelitsa"
30 Japanese fairy tale"Crane Feathers"
31 American fairy tale “Ant and grains of wheat”
32 V. Odoevsky “Town in a Snuffbox”
33 V. Kataev “Seven-flowered flower”
34 Yu. Dmitriev “About nature for big and small”
35 A. Gaidar “Hot Stone”
36 V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad?”
37 S. Alekseev “General to the Generals” (About Suvorov)
38 K. Paustovsky “Steel Ring”
39 N. Sladkov “Everything has its time”
40 N. Sladkov “Badger and Bear”
41 N. Sladkov “Dancing Fox”
42 N. Sladkov “The Magpie and the Hare”
43 N. Sladkov “Why is the year round?”
44 N. Sladkov “Bear Hill”
45 V. Bianchi “Musician”
46 V. Bianchi “Arishka the Coward”
47 V. Bianchi " Cunning fox and smart Ducky"
48 V. Bianchi “Flood in the Forest”
49 V. Bianchi “Bathing bear cubs”
50 V. Bianchi “Adapted”
51 V. Bianchi “The Adventures of Ant”
52 D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of brave hare - Long ears, Squinty Eyes, Short Tail"
53 D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”
54 M. Prishvin “Zhurka”
55 M. Prishvin “Sip of Milk”
56 M. Prishvin “Golden Meadow”
57 M. Prishvin “Fox Bread”
58 M. Prishvin “Birds under the snow”
59 G. Skrebitsky “Cat Ivanovich”
60 G. Skrebitsky “Caring Mother”
61 G. Skrebitsky “Lark”
62 G. Skrebitsky “How a squirrel spends the winter”
63 G. Skrebitsky “What does a woodpecker feed on”
64 Stories by B. Zhitkov
65 Stories by I. Sokolov-Mikitov
66 Stories by G. Snegirev
67 E. Charushin “Cat Epifan”
68 E. Charushin “Friends”
69 E. Charushin “Nikita the Hunter”
70 E. Charushin “Tomkin’s dreams”
71 V. Dragunsky “Girl on a Ball”
72 V. Dragunsky “The secret becomes clear”
73 V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”
74 V. Dragunsky “My sister Ksenia”
75 V. Golyavkin “Stories”
76 N. Nosov “Cheerful Family”
77 N. Nosov “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”
78 Brothers Grimm "Golden Goose"
79 Brothers Grimm fairy tales
80 Ch. Perrault “Puss in Boots”
81 Ch. Perrault “Cinderella”
82 Ch. Perrault “Ricky with a tuft”
83 G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”
84 G. H. Andersen “Flint”
85 G. H. Andersen “The Snowman”
86 S. Lagerlöf “Nils’ Journey with the Wild Geese”
87 E. Raspe “The Adventures of Munchausen”
88 E. Seton-Thompson “Street Singer”
89 F. Baum “The Wizard of OZ”
90 O. Preusler “Little Ghost”
91 Yu. Raskin “When dad was little”
92 E. Hogarth “Muffin and his merry friends”
93 G. Oster “A Tale with Details”
94 G. Oster “Bad advice”
95 D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”
96 D. Rodari “What color is the craft?”
97 N. Artyukhova “Coward”
98 N. Artyukhova “Big Birch”
99 E. Permyak “Paper Kite”
100 E. Permyak “Missing threads and other tales”
101 A. Lingred “Kid and Carlson”

At the beginning of the article, I immediately want to stipulate the age of the children. Summer reading list for second graders It may well be suitable for both first graders and 3rd grade children. Age limits are always arbitrary. The books for this list were selected by primary school teachers with extensive experience. Of course, it will be difficult for a child to read all the proposed books. And not every adult can handle it this list literature in one summer. Therefore, parents should understand that the lists of recommended books are selected extensively solely for the purpose of selecting suitable works.

I would also like to remind you that elementary school children do not always have well-developed reading skills. Over the summer, a child's reading technique may deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable that children read every day for 5 to 20 minutes. Better twice a day. If this is difficult, then at least once before bed.

If your child is not interested in reading fairy tales, then try offering educational literature, magazines or books with workshops (For example, the book ““. However, this list of references consists exclusively of a list of fiction.

To develop text analysis skills, we recommend holding conversations with children about reading. Let the child tell you what he liked, which of the characters aroused admiration or indignation, for what reasons the child had the corresponding feelings, in what genre the work was written, what is the name of the author, in what country the events described take place, in what country is the author, etc. d. For variety, find a cartoon based on the work you read and invite your child to compare these two works: the book and the cartoon.

Now, after some tips, let's look at the prepared list.

Russians folk tales:
  1. Magic ring: Russian folktale
  2. Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf: Russian folktale
  3. The Flying Ship: Russian Folk Tale
  4. Marya Morevna: Russian folk tale
  5. The Sun, the Moon and the Raven Voronovich: Russian folk tale
  6. Princess Nesmeyana: Russian folk tale
Classics of Russian literature:
  1. Balmont K. Poems
  2. Blok A. Poems
  3. Ershov P. Little Humpbacked Horse
  4. Lermontov Yu. Poems
  5. Maykov A. Poems
  6. Marshak S. The Cat and the Quirks
  7. Nikitin I. Poems
  8. Pleshcheev A. Poems
  9. Pushkin A.S. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel
  10. Pushkin A. Poems
  11. Surikov I. Poems
  12. Tyutchev F. Poems
  13. Fet. A. Poems
Contemporary Russian literature:
  1. Gaidar A. Blue cup
  2. Gaidar A. Hot Stone
  3. Gubarev V. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
  4. Dragunsky V. Stories
  5. Zhitkov B. Stories
  6. Zoshchenko M. Scientist monkey
  7. Koval Yu. The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov
  8. Koval Yu. Chisty Dor
  9. Oster G. Grandma Boa Constrictor
  10. Prokofieva S. The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
  11. Prokofieva S. The Magician's Apprentice
  12. Schwartz E. The Tale of Lost Time
Fairy tales of foreign writers:
  1. H.K. Andersen Wild Swans
  2. H.K.Andersen Flint
  3. H. C. Andersen The Little Mermaid
  4. H.K.Andersen Steadfast tin soldier
  5. V. Gauf Little Muk
  6. V. and Ya. Grimm Belyanochka and Rosette
  7. V. and Ya. Grimm Little men
  8. V. and Ya. Grimm the brave little tailor
  9. Ch.Perrot Bluebeard
Modern foreign literature:
  1. A.-K. Westley Dad, Mom, Eight Kids and a Truck
  2. R. Kipling Where did armadillos come from?
  3. R. Kipling Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
  4. R. Kipling Baby Elephant
  5. A. Lindgren Malysh and Carlson
  6. A. Milne Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all
  7. Hainault Roud Muff, Low Boot and Mossy Beard
  8. D.Harris Tales of Uncle Remus

This is our small reading list for the summer after 2nd grade. We hope it was useful to you.

Good afternoon

Here we come summer holidays, it's time to think about summer reading.

My son has already finished 2nd grade, which means the books should be more serious :)).

We study under the “School of Russia” program. Our list of literature is posted on the school website. But friends and neighbors have different lists. From this we conclude that literature for the summer is set taking into account the teacher's priorities. And what difference does it make which list you read from? The main thing is to read! And read interesting and exciting books. It is clear that different children will have different literary preferences.

Literature for the summer 2nd grade School of Russia

List of books for extracurricular reading for students who have completed 2nd grade:

  1. Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess"
  2. B. Zakhoder “Funny Poems”, “Bird School”
  3. L.N. Tolstoy “Kitten”, “Two Comrades”, “Bulka”
  4. G. Andersen “Wild Swans”, “The Princess and the Pea”
  5. Anne Hogard "Muffin Bakes Pies"
  6. N. Nosov “Steps”, “Patch”. "Entertainers", "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  7. S. Mikhalkov “Drowsiness and Yawning”, “About Mimosa”, “Uncle Styopa”, “Cleanmanship”
  8. S. Marshak “Child in a Cage”, “A Memory for a Schoolchild”, “A Story about an Unknown Hero”
  9. G.A. Skrebitsky "Cat Ivanovich"
  10. Brothers Grimm "Three Brothers"
  11. M. Prishvin " birch bark tube", "Hedgehog"
  12. A.P. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek", "Conscience"
  13. V.A. Oseeva " Magic word", "Conscience", "Sons"
  14. V.V. Bianchi “How the ant got home”, Arishka-Coward”, “Who sings with what”
  15. E.N. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”
  16. G.B. Oster “Tail Charger”, “Bad Advice”
  17. V.Yu. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"
  18. V.P. Kataev “Tsvetik-semitsvetik”
  19. MM. Zoshchenko “Christmas tree”
  20. V.V. Medvedev "Ordinary Giant"

List of literature for summer 2nd grade Federal State Educational Standard

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Summer reading list “Perspective”

For future third graders:

(summer reading list)

  1. Alexandrov T. “Kuzka the Brownie”
  2. Andersen G.H. " Ugly duck", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Ole-Lukoje", "Flint"
  3. B. Grimm “The Town Musicians of Bremen”
  4. Bianchi V. “Forest Newspaper”, “Forest Houses”
  5. Volkov A. “The Wizard of the Emerald City”
  6. Gaidar A. “Chuk and Gek”
  7. Garshin "Frog - Traveler"
  8. Gauf V. “Dwarf Nose”, “Little Muk”
  9. Dragunsky V. “It’s alive and glowing”, “First day”, “Where has this been seen?”, “A cunning way”
  10. Durov V. “My animals.” Stories
  11. Zhitkov B. “How I caught little men”
  12. Zhukovsky V. “How mice buried a cat”
  13. Zakhoder B. “About everything in the world.” Poems and fairy tales
  14. Zoshchenko M. “Scientific Monkey”
  15. Kataev V. “Seven-flowered flower”
  16. Mamin - Sibiryak D. “Seraya Neck”
  17. Nosov N. “Dunno on the Moon”, “Steps”
  18. Odoevsky V. “Town in a snuffbox”
  19. Oseeva V. “Before the first rain”, “Thank you”, “Cookies”
  20. Paustovsky K. “Hare’s paws.” Stories and fairy tales
  21. Platonov A. “Multi-colored butterfly”
  22. Plyatskovsky M. “Carousel horses”
  23. Prokofiev S. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”
  24. Pushkin A.S. "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"
  25. R. Kipling "Rikki - Tikki - Tavi"
  26. Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”, “Ivan the Peasant Son”
  27. Tolstoy A. “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”
  28. Tolstoy L. “Filippok”
  29. Ushinsky K. “Two plows”
  30. Harris D. "Tales of Uncle Remus"
  31. Charushin E. “Nikitka and his friends”
  32. C. Perrault "Sleeping Beauty"
  33. Schwartz E. “The Tale of Lost Time”, “The Absent-Minded Wizard”, “The New Adventures of Puss in Boots”

But here is a completely different list of literature on the same program "Perspective". Choose according to your taste!

  1. Russian folk tales: Tiny Khavroshechka, Princess Nesmeyana, The Flying Ship, Finist the Clear Falcon
  2. Aladdin's magic lamp ( Arabian tale), The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle (English fairy tale)
  3. Epics: Dobrynya Nikitich, Dobrynya and the Serpent, Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber
  4. Krylov's fables
  5. L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”
  6. V. Garshin “Frog Traveler”
  7. L. Geraskina “In the land of unlearned lessons”
  8. N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”
  9. D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Alyonushka’s Tales”
  10. Lindgren A. “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof”
  11. P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”
  12. V. Dragunsky “Girl on a Ball”, “Enchanted Letter”
  13. C. Perrault “Ricky with a tuft”
  14. Yu. Dmitriev “About nature for big and small”
  15. R. Kipling “Rikki - Tikki - Tavi”, “What causes a camel’s hump”
  16. S. Prokofiev "The Magician's Apprentice"
  17. V. Gauf “Dwarf Nose”, “Little Muk”
  18. E. Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time”
  19. N. Nosov “Dreamers”
  20. Poems by Y. Moritz, A. Barto, Y. Akim, B. Zakhoder, I. Tokmakova, G. Graubin “Stranger Friends”
  21. Mythological subjects Ancient Greece(1-2 stories to choose from)

Summer reading list “21st century”

  1. V.F. Odoevsky “City in a snuffbox”, “Poor Gnedko”
  2. V.M. Garshin "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose"
  3. P.P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”, “Blue Snake”
  4. S.T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”
  5. E.S. Veltistov "Adventures of Electronics"
  6. K. Bulychev “Alice’s Journey”, “Girl from Planet Earth”
  7. D. Swift "Gulliver's Travels"
  8. G.H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid", "Snail and Rosebush"
  9. M. Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “Dick Baker and His Cat”
  10. S. Lagerlöf “Holy Night”, “In Nazareth”, “The Amazing Journey of Nils Holgersson in Sweden”
  11. A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
  12. M.Yu. Lermontov "Three Palms"
  13. L.N. Tolstoy “Book for children: Stories, fairy tales, fables”
  14. N.S. Leskov “The Lion of Elder Gerasim”
  15. I.S. Turgenev "Dog"
  16. A.P. Chekhov "The Fugitive", "Children"
  17. IN AND. Dahl "About the toothy mouse and about the rich sparrow"
  18. K.D. Ushinsky “The Postman’s Bag”, “The Blind Horse”
  19. M. Gorky “About Ivanushka the Fool”
  20. A.K. Tolstoy "Ilya Muromets"
  21. S. Cherny “Silver Christmas tree”
  22. K.G. Paustovsky “Hare’s Paws”, “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle”
  23. M. M. Zoshchenko “Galoshes and Ice Cream”, “Stupid Story”
  24. V.Yu. Dragunsky “There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya”
  25. A.P. Platonov “The Soldier and the Queen”, “The Magic Ring”
  26. MM. Prishvin "Chicken on poles"
  27. V.P. Astafiev “Spring Island”, “Horse with a Pink Mane”
  28. A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Duckling”, “Ball”, “Bonfire and Ants”
  29. S.A. Ivanov “Winter Girl”
  30. S.G. Georgiev "House of the Sunny Bunny"
  31. D. Tolkien “Farmer Giles of Hem”, “Blacksmith of Big Bud”
  32. F. Salten “Bambi”

From this article you will learn:

Conscientious teachers should give their students summer book list in reading and literature. And responsible and inquisitive students should read it from A to Z. In fact, it turns out that at the end of the school year, many teachers, who are wrapped up in the end, forget to do this. And if, nevertheless, the treasured list ends up in the hands of children, the latter, for the most part, happily throw it away until better times. But then August begins - and then the parents get involved, asking the poor child if he has read anything. If you have lost your list, no problem. We will help you restore it.

Naturally our summer reading list will be approximate. There is no single list approved by the Ministry of Education. However, what you will find here is as close as possible to age characteristics students by grade and those literature programs that they will have to study in the new academic year. Some useful tips will help you get the most out of them:

  • do not look for lists specifically for the programs “School of Russia”, “2100”, Korovina, Kurdyumova, Belenky, etc.: they all almost duplicate each other;
  • there is no need to try to read the entire list: you need to choose something that will be interesting to the child: the list was created in order to orientate oneself in the world of literature;
  • We advise you to keep a reading diary every day, writing down the author, the title of the book and the number of pages read per day;
  • It is advisable not to download books in electronic formats, so as not to damage your eyes when reading: now you can easily purchase very beautiful publications in stores or borrow them from the library;
  • if the book regular format, then it’s very easy to calculate the reading rate per day: add a zero to the class the child is moving to. That is, a first-grader needs to read 10 pages a day, and a 10th-grader needs to read at least 100.

Very often there is confusion with classes. To find list of books to read in the summer during the transition from one class to another, the list must be intended for the subsequent class. That is, if you have completed 3rd grade, you are no longer a third grader - accordingly, you should look at the list for 4th grade.

Lifehack. To remember the plot of the book, after each read it’s a good idea to watch a cartoon or Feature Film based on his motives.

In elementary school, everyone has now switched to the Federal State Educational Standard, in different schools are being implemented different programs: “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, “Primary school of the XXI century”, “Perspective Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "System of Elkonin and Davydov", "Rhythm", "Initial innovative school" However, the course literary reading in all these systems, it is aimed at one thing - to instill a love of books in young students. That's why it's so important for them to read in the summer. Our lists will only help them with this.

List of books for summer 2nd grade

  • Andersen G. H. Flint. Thumbelina. Ugly duck.
  • Bianchi V. Who sings with what. Phalarope. Arishka is a coward."
  • Grimm brothers. Three brothers. Brave tailor.
  • Demyanov I. Children's book.
  • Dragunsky V. Enchanted letter.
  • Zoshchenko M. The most important thing.
  • Kipling R. Baby Elephant. Why does a camel have a hump? Where did armadillos come from?
  • Koval Yu. Sparrow Lake.
  • Korshunov M. House in Cheryomushki. Petka and his, Petka’s, life.
  • Krylov I. A. Swan, Crayfish and Pike. Dragonfly and ant.
  • Ladonshchikov G. Starling in a foreign land.
  • Milne A. Winnie the Pooh and that's it, that's it.
  • Mikhalkov S. Storks and frogs.
  • Nosov N. Telephone. Adventures of Dunno. Dreamers.
  • Oster G. Bad advice.
  • Permyak E. Hasty knife. Magic colors.
  • Perrault S. Sleeping Beauty. Thumb Boy. Puss in Boots.
  • Russian folk tales: The Man and the Bear. Snow Maiden. Morozko. Sivka-Burka. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. Princess Frog.
  • Sladkov N. Dancing Fox.
  • Uspensky E. Crocodile Gena and his friends.
  • Ushinsky K. Who turns his nose up.
  • Tsyferov G. What's in our yard?
  • Charushin E. Scary story. Nikita and his friends.
  • Janson T. The Adventures of Moomintroll.

List of books for summer 3rd grade

  • Aksakov S. Scarlet Flower.
  • Bazhov P. P. Silver hoof.
  • Bulychev K. Alice's Journey.
  • Epics: Dobrynya and the Serpent. Nikitich. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber.
  • Veltistov E. S. Adventures Electronics.
  • Gaidar A. Blue Cup. Hot stone.
  • Garshin V. The Tale of the Toad and the Rose. Frog traveler.
  • Gubarev V. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.
  • Ershov P. The Little Humpbacked Horse.
  • Zakhoder B. Gray star.
  • Kataev V. The pipe and the jug.
  • Kuprin A. Elephant.
  • Lagin L. Old Man Hottabych.
  • Lindgren A. Little Nils Carlson.
  • Marshak S. Twelve months.
  • Odoevsky V.F. City in a snuffbox.
  • Paustovsky K. G. Disheveled sparrow. The adventures of the rhinoceros beetle.
  • Platonov A.P. Magic ring. Soldier and queen.
  • Prishvin M. Pantry of the sun.
  • Prokofieva S. The Magician's Apprentice.
  • Pushkin A. S. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.
  • Russian folk tales: Vasilisa the Beautiful. Sivka-Burka. Finist's Feather - Yasna Sokola. Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water.
  • Tolstoy L. Jump. Shark. Lion and dog.
  • Schwartz E. The Tale of Lost Time.

List of books for summer 4th grade

  • Volkov A. The Wizard of the Emerald City.
  • Geraskina L. In the Land of Unlearned Lessons.
  • Golitsyn S. Forty prospectors.
  • Gubarev V. In open space.
  • Dick I. In the wilds of Kara-Bumba.
  • Dragunsky V. Deniskin's stories.
  • Zoshchenko M. Yolka.
  • Kassil L. At the blackboard.
  • Korinets Yu. There in the distance, across the river.
  • Kulikov G. How I influenced Sevka.
  • Kuhn N. Olympus.
  • Moritz Y. Raspberry cat.
  • Nosov N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home.
  • Panteleev L. Honestly.
  • Paustovsky K. Hare's feet. Meshcherskaya side. Golden tench. Basket with fir cones.
  • Prishvin M. Golden Meadow.
  • Segal E., Ilyin M. What from what.
  • Tolstoy A. N. Nikita’s childhood.
  • Turgenev I. Sparrow.
  • Uspensky E. School of Clowns. Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.
  • Fraerman R. Girl with a stone.
  • Tsyferov G. The mystery of the baked cricket.
  • Chekhov A. Vanka.

At this stage, it is better for parents to take control of reading books in the summer and ask their children to read aloud to develop technique. After the daily quota has been overcome, you need to discuss what you read and make sure that the child understood the book.

Helpful advice. You don't have to read everything daily norm for 1 time. You can split it into a morning and evening dose, for example.

Some middle-level classes have now also switched to the Federal State Educational Standard. On the summer reading list for this age group includes mainly adventure works, the purpose of which is to continue to interest the child so that he does not give up this good cause.

List of books for summer 5th grade

  • Andersen G. H. Nightingale.
  • Astafyev V. Vasyutkino Lake.
  • Belov V. Starlings.
  • Gauf V. Dwarf Nose.
  • Gogol N. May night, or the Drowned Woman.
  • Defoe D. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
  • Zhukovsky V. The Sleeping Princess.
  • Zoshchenko M. Great travelers.
  • Kipling R. The cat that walked by itself.
  • Kuprin A. Wonderful doctor.
  • Paustovsky K. Cat-thief.
  • Platonov A. Magic ring.
  • Rodari D. Talking bundle. Tales on the phone.
  • Twain M. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
  • Tolkien D. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again.
  • Wilde O. The Nightingale and the Rose.

List of books for summer 6th grade

  • Aleksin A. Call and come.
  • Astafiev V. Photo in which I am not.
  • Bradbury R. The Third Expedition.
  • Bulychev K. Reserve of Fairy Tales.
  • Henry O. Leader of the Redskins.
  • Gogol N. Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.
  • Doyle K. A. Hunchback.
  • Dostoevsky F. Boy at Christ's Christmas tree.
  • Dumas A. Three Musketeers.
  • Zheleznikov V. Traveling with luggage. The eccentric from the sixth "B". Scarecrow.
  • Iskander F. Evening road. The Forbidden fruit. First thing. Martyrs of the stage.
  • Krapivin V. Brother, who is seven. Valka's friends and sails.
  • Cooper F. Pathfinder. The Last of the Mohicans. Ghost story.
  • Leskov N. Pygmy. Stupid artist. Man on the clock. Deception.
  • Lindgren A. The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist.
  • London D. Where the paths diverge. The Tale of the Whale. On the shores of Sacramento. White silence.
  • Paustovsky K. Meshcherskaya side.
  • Platonov A. In a beautiful and furious world.
  • By E. Oval portrait.
  • Pushkin A. Belkin's Stories.
  • Reed m. Headless Horseman.
  • Seton-Thompson E. Lobo. Boy and lynx. Tito. Mustang pacer.
  • Stevenson R. Treasure Island.
  • Tolstoy L. Hadji-Murat.
  • Turgenev I. Khor and Kalinich.
  • Chekhov A. Defenseless creature. Surgery. Thick and thin. Burbot. Complaint book.

List of books for summer 7th grade

  • Astafiev V. Boy in a white shirt.
  • Bradbury R. Green morning. All summer in one day. Holidays.
  • Bunin I. Dreams of Chang.
  • Gogol N. Taras Bulba.
  • Gorky M. Makar Chudra. Old Isergil. Childhood.
  • Green A. gold chain. Scarlet Sails. Running on the waves.
  • Zhukovsky V. Svetlana.
  • Zoshchenko M. Case history.
  • Kuprin A. Emerald. Ballroom pianist.
  • London D. White Fang. On the shores of Sacramento.
  • Aldridge D. The Last Inch.
  • By E. Little Frog. Golden beetle.
  • Pushkin A. Bronze Horseman. Poltava. Queen of Spades. Stingy Knight. Boris Godunov.
  • Rozov V. Good morning!
  • Rybakov A. Trilogy about Krosh
  • Swift D. Gulliver's Travels.
  • Saint-Exupery A. Planet of People.
  • Twain M. A Ghost Story.
  • Tolstoy L. Hadji-Murat. Childhood.
  • Turgenev I. Burmist. Singers.
  • Wells G. War of the Worlds.
  • Fraerman R. Wild dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love.
  • Chekhov A. Tosca. Slut.

List of books for summer 8th grade

  • Beers E. Man and the Snake.
  • Bunin I. Numbers. Lapti.
  • Hardy T. The fatal mistake of church musicians.
  • Henry O. Leader of the Redskins.
  • Gogol N. Marriage. Inspector. Petersburg stories.
  • Hugo V. The Man Who Laughs. 93rd year.
  • Jerome K. Jerome. Mrs. Corner pays.
  • Giovagnoli R. Spartak.
  • Dickens C. Caught red-handed.
  • Doyle K. A. How Copley Banks finished off Captain Sharkey.
  • Irving T. Rip van Winkle. Ghost groom.
  • Kipling R. The Devil and the Deep Sea.
  • London D. Under the deck awning.
  • Merimee P. Colombo. Capture of the redoubt. Tamango.
  • Maupassant G. Thuan.
  • Maugham W. Breakfast.
  • By E. The Stolen Letter. Glasses. Little frog.
  • Pushkin A. The Bronze Horseman. Captain's daughter. Boris Godunov.
  • Pushchin I. Notes about Pushkin.
  • Stevenson R. Owner of Ballantrae. Markheim.
  • Twain M. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Journalism in Tennessee.
  • Tolstoy L. Childhood. Adolescence. After the ball. Hadji Murat.
  • Turgenev I. Asya. First love.
  • Wells G. The Invisible Man.
  • Haggard G. King Solomon's Mines. Daughter of Montezuma. Ivory child. Beautiful Margaret. Martin.
  • Tsvetaeva M. My Pushkin.
  • Chesterton G. The Mystery of Flambeau.
  • Sheckley R. The smell of thought.
  • Shelley M. Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus.
  • Yamamoto S. Dialogue about the song.

Some books wander from list to list, but this should not confuse: it means that they are very important for assimilation literary program and it will be useful for the child to repeat the plot of the work, even if he read it last summer.

Helpful information. Usually it is high school students who are lazy to read in the summer. However, parents should understand that all these works will help them successfully pass final exams in the Russian language after grades 9 and 11, as well as write an essay on literature in grade 11.

Although summer book list for high school students does not differ in length; the volume of recommended works can frighten many.

List of books for summer 9th grade

  • Averchenko A. Crooked angles.
  • Aleksin A. Smoke without fire. Remember his face. Signalmen and buglers.
  • Bach R. Seagull named Jonathan Livingston.
  • Bulgakov M. The Adventures of Chichikov. Dog's heart.
  • Vasiliev B. And the dawns here are quiet. Tomorrow there was a war. Exhibit No…
  • Gogol N. Dead Souls. Petersburg stories.
  • Griboyedov A. Woe from Wit.
  • Karamzin N. Poor Liza.
  • Lermontov M. Hero of our time. Masquerade.
  • Likhanov A. Children's library.
  • Moliere J. B. The tradesman in the nobility.
  • Pushkin A. Evgeny Onegin. Southern Poems.
  • Radishchev A. N. Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
  • A word about Igor's regiment.
  • Solzhenitsyn A.I. Matryonin yard.
  • Teffi. Marquita. Russians in Europe.
  • Fonvizin D. Minor.
  • Chekhov A. Bear.
  • Shakespeare W. Sonnets.
  • Sholokhov M. The fate of man.

List of books for summer 10th grade

  • Gogol N. Dead souls.
  • Goncharov I. Oblomov.
  • Dostoevsky F. Crime and Punishment.
  • Lermontov M. Hero of our time.
  • Leskov N. Stupid artist.
  • Ostrovsky A. Dowrylessness. Storm.
  • By E. Murder in the Rue Morgue.
  • Pushkin A. Evgeny Onegin. Queen of Spades.
  • Saltykov-Shchedrin M. History of a city.
  • Tolstoy L. War and Peace.
  • Turgenev I. Notes of a Hunter. Fathers and Sons.
  • Wilde O. Portrait of Dorian Gray.
  • Chekhov A. Ionych. Little trilogy. The Cherry Orchard. Uncle Ivan.
  • Show B. Heartbreak House.

List of books for summer 11th grade

  • Akhmatova A. Requiem.
  • Bulgakov M. The Master and Margarita.
  • Bunin I. Gentleman from San Francisco. Sunstroke. Dark alleys.
  • Bykov V. Sotnikov.
  • Vampilov A. Eldest son
  • Vorobyov K. Killed near Moscow.
  • Gorky M. Old Woman Izergil. At the bottom.
  • Kuprin A. Garnet bracelet. Olesya.
  • Mayakovsky V. Cloud in pants.
  • Nabokov V. Mashenka.
  • Nekrasov V. In the trenches of Stalingrad.
  • Pasternak B. Doctor Zhivago.
  • Rasputin V. Farewell to Matera.
  • Solzhenitsyn A. One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich.
  • Fat T. Yorick. Sitting on the golden porch...Kys.
  • Tolstoy A. N. Peter I.
  • Shmelev N. Summer of the Lord.
  • Sholokhov M. Quiet Don.

Summer book lists for students of any grade should not be a duty or obligation. It should be an interesting, exciting path into the world of art. And for high school students, the incentive should be the desire to successfully pass final exams. And without reading this is simply impossible.