Cool office lettering. Call from telephone exchange operator

I work in an office. Once, due to a strange turn of circumstances, I found myself in an unpleasant situation, but for my colleagues it was just another joke in the office, and quite funny at that.

In general, it was like this. At lunch, I spilled a whole glass of cherry juice on my white T-shirt and walked around the office covered in blood. I think it’s somehow unpleasant to walk like this, I’ll go buy some powder and wash it at work, it’s summer, it will dry out quickly.

I went to the supermarket, bought powder there, and came back. I think I’ll go soak it in the toilet sink and do a quick wash. Well, I go to the toilet, soak my T-shirt, and while it lies there for a little while, I head to the toilet to relieve myself, thinking that no one needs my T-shirt and nothing will happen to it in a few minutes.

A minute passes, I hear the water draining in the sink, I left the stall as quickly as possible, I look into the sink, but there is no T-shirt! I think it's an ambush!

It’s not customary for us to walk around naked, so I put on the red curtain that was hanging there and wandered off to look for my T-shirt. I’m walking, everyone is looking at me, someone is giggling - we haven’t had such a joke in the office for a long time, but I’m mentally swearing.

I decided to go straight to the cleaners, since I don’t think anyone else could take her. On the way I met the director, he looked at me with bewilderment and asked what kind of species it was. I told him that I was cold, that’s the first thing that came to my mind!

I finally got to the cleaning ladies, they all come from Central Asia and in Russian nothing at all. I looked around and saw that there was a bucket in the corner, and there was something similar to my T-shirt. I took it and went back in a red cape with a bucket and powder! On the way, I remembered that I had a meeting coming up.

He arrived at his desk, sat down on a chair, and began to wring out his T-shirt. I notice that the boss is approaching me with a client, I quickly throw the T-shirt, which looks more like a rag, into the desk drawer and try to push the bucket with my foot dirty water, due to the rough floor, it tips over right at their feet, the director looks at this picture and says that they will come back later.

I think I’ve got it, I need to somehow win over the client, I need to look for a jacket. I ask the department employees, no one says, it’s summer outside, it’s hot. I saw someone’s jacket hanging on a hanger, I asked everyone whose it was, no one admitted it. Well, I put it on, all the buttons came off! My hairy chest was visible, well, I think, at least some kind of appearance, I’ll admit that this is the fashion now!

Well, the finale office prank!

I just returned to my desk when the boss called and said that they would be right up. About 10 minutes later he comes up with a client. I immediately said to her: “Hello, sorry for the inconvenience...” She asked with surprised eyes: “How did my jacket end up on you?”

I almost fell...

Found it on the Internet cool joke in the office to prank colleagues on April Fool's Day.

So: I hide behind my head left hand with a disposable cup. In this position, with an expression of acute pain, I go into the office and complain to my colleagues about the discomfort in the neck area. One of the employees asks what's wrong with me. I answer that it was very windy, but everything will pass, you just have to turn your head correctly for a click to occur. I grab my chin with my right hand. Then I imitate turning my head with my hands, and I sharply squeeze the plastic cup in my left hand. The crunch sounds real, it feels like your neck is breaking. In front of everyone, I feign unbearable pain and fall onto the table, hiding the glass. A female colleague screams in horror, the men are shocked! I loudly, with hysteria, ask you to call an ambulance!

When the prank was exposed, my main task was to quickly escape, since my colleagues, scared to death, really threatened to break my head.

Fun with the mouse

On the eve of April 1, stay late at work. Cover all your colleagues' work mice with tape or paper. In the morning, enjoy watching the expression on the faces of your employees as they turn on their computers. The effect will not take long - everyone will have the problem of an uncontrollable mouse.

Keyboard prank

You will need a regular screwdriver, with which you can rearrange the buttons on the keyboard, for example, strictly in alphabetical order.


In every department there are a couple of employees who dislike each other. This office joke is for them. Change the telephone wires, leaving the devices alone. During the day, before the draw is exposed, each of them will have to take calls that belong to their opponent.


The draw is exclusively for the boss. The day before, agree with your colleagues to bring more of their outfits to the office. Changing clothes several times a day, employees visit the boss in the office on work matters. This will throw him into a stupor and he will think that there is something wrong with his head.

Creative design

A draw for a boss or employee who has a separate office. First replace the furniture and objects in the office with their cardboard mock-ups. Original design will be appreciated.


Set a blue screen of “death” on your colleague’s monitor screen as a screen saver. Or, as an option, a screenshot of your desktop. Place panels and all shortcuts in a carefully prepared separate folder. The person being pranked will begin by rebooting the computer, then nervously and chaotically pressing all the buttons.

Dummy paperclip

A classic but quite funny prank. Place the paperclip on a piece of paper, make several copies, and carefully return the paper to its place. Those being played will try to remove the paperclip from the sheet of paper.


For this office prank you will need a voice recorder or mobile phone with a good external speaker. Record any sound that repeats (such as a heartbeat or church bells). Turn on the recorder quietly and hide it in a place out of sight. Deny that you hear anything if a colleague asks you about strange sounds. It is important not to laugh so that he remains ignorant for as long as possible.


For fun, prepare boots and several pairs of panties in advance. Place your colleagues in cubicles and lock them from the inside.

On the carpet

An old but not yet forgotten April Fool's joke. With a sad look, tell your colleague that he is being called to the carpet by his boss or chief accountant.

Hi all! I suggest today not to study Zen in the field of IT, but simply relax. Moreover, I have a great way to cheer you up.

It's no secret that we all love good jokes, especially if these jokes are not aimed at us. Let's come up with some ways to make fun of your colleagues or friends. Of course, all the jokes will be related to computers, where would we be without them?

We will come up with jokes of various levels, both for beginners and advanced users. You should not joke at the expense of users who are just starting to master the computer; they simply will not understand most jokes, and they may get the impression that you are laughing at their illiteracy. By the way, not always even advanced users can identify the catch, which brings a lot of emotions. The perplexed user begins to restart the computer, plug in/plug in wires and do other “dances with tambourines.”

But before we start, we need to discuss important point. A joke can be considered an action that makes you smile and that does not incur a loss important information or equipment failure. Some iron jokes require certain skills and experience, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to choose another way to joke.


1. The mouse has gone crazy!

The very first thing that comes to mind is to cover the optical sensor on the back side mouse, or swap mouse buttons. To do this you need to go to Control Panel - Mouse and check the box " Change button assignments". Despite the simplicity of this method, it is not always possible to immediately guess what is going on, especially when you are not expecting a catch.

2. How long can you load something?!

Nothing pisses you off like a constant ““ cursor. As a joke, you can set this cursor as the default. This is all done there in the mouse settings. To select the cursor we need to go to the tab " Signposts" and double-click on the field " Basic mode". Then in the window that appears, select the pointer we need, for example, aero_working or aero_busy.

3. Share your mouse =)

Continuing the topic of the mouse... If your desks in the office are next to each other, you can discreetly connect a USB mouse to your friend’s computer and place it on your desk. At the moment when a colleague uses the mouse, quietly move the second mouse and watch as the colleague slowly begins to lose patience, swear at the mouse, knock on the table and do other strange things. The main thing is not to give yourself away with hysterical laughter! ?

4. Coup

Very simple but interesting way make a joke, which does not work on all computers and depends on the installed video card, drivers, and the position of the sun.) You need to run up to the computer, and while its owner does not see it, press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+"left/right/up arrows." If it works, then the screen will flip and the effect will exceed expectations?

5. The window is frozen

For the next joke we will need to open some window on the computer so that there are no icons or shortcuts under it and take a “screenshot” - for those who don’t know - press the key PrintScreen. Then at any graphic editor, you can even in standard Paint, paste this picture from the buffer (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V). We save the resulting image and then set it as the desktop background. The beauty of the joke is that all the shortcuts on the desktop will work as usual, but the window we opened will not want to close. ?

6. Write correctly!

This joke is closely related to the AutoCorrect capabilities in Microsoft Office Word. To implement it, we just need to replace a few frequently used words with any others. For example, " that is = that is«,» if = if«, « since = therefore«, « I command = I command«, « currently = to this day", etc. Let's give free rein to our imagination! This can be done in the main menu in settings " Word Options" - "Spelling" - "AutoCorrect Options".

In the "AutoCorrect Options" menu, in the " replace"We need to type the word or expression that we want to replace and specify the new expression in the next input field. Then, press the button “ Add". You can also enable the “Automatically correct spelling errors” checkbox.

After this, Word will replace all the words in the document with the ones we selected. Imagine an official document consisting of these phrases. I would like to see the eyes of the person who will read all this)).

Don't forget to make a list of all your autocorrects when it comes time to put your settings back into place when you need them.

7. Not this!

In this draw we need to set the following picture to the desktop background.

Yes, yes - it's a BSOD. But to complete the picture, don’t forget to cut out all the icons and documents from the desktop into some folder. You also need to disable the display of My Computer, My Documents, etc. icons in Desktop Settings. In the taskbar properties, check the “Automatically hide the taskbar” checkbox. That is, the desktop must be absolutely clean.

I don’t even know what I would feel if I saw my computer in this state...

What other jokes do you know?

Well, and finally, I suggest you watch interesting video - how programmers work.


Paste over workplace colleagues with paper or self-adhesive film. A workplace means a table, chair, computer and other office equipment.

Replace all the writing pens in your office with “reject” ones or dip the paste into varnish. It will be very funny when your colleagues all at once cannot use the writing above laziness.

Change your glasses. If you know what dioptre glasses your colleague uses, change him to glasses with the opposite effect. This "" will work if the employee above Wears glasses only for working with documents or using a computer. If a person wears them without taking them off, it is unlikely that he will be able to make a joke above him in a similar way.

Cover the microphone on the handset with tape. Any attempt will become a “strength test” for your colleague, because repeating the same thing several times is very difficult and unpleasant.


Any joke should be a harmless joke. Otherwise, mockery of human rights may be recognized as a criminal offense.


  • Banter in the office - 28 great ideas on how to make fun of your colleagues
  • how to make fun of an employee

On April 1, the whole world celebrates April Fool's Day. On this day people play pranks on each other, make fun of each other above your relatives and friends, but good ideas They are not always there for jokes.


One of the most common is the joke via SMS. Write a funny message that will help you prank your friend. This could be a joke about some kind of winning, recognition, etc. Send a message from a number unknown to your friend, or better yet, through the mobile operator’s website. In this case, it will be more difficult to identify you.

If you have access to the computer of a friend you want to prank, do the following. Press the PrtScr key to take a screenshot. Save this image. Then remove all shortcuts from your computer desktop and set the resulting image as the background. Visually everything is the same, but physically the usual labels are no longer there.

A popular computer joke is to reverse the functions of the mouse buttons. To do this, select Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse and in the “Mouse Buttons” tab, check the box next to “Change button assignments”.

A regular toilet can be a great place for a prank. Discreetly pour into the toilet cistern a large number of detergent. Now you need to wait for the victim to above go to the toilet. After flushing the water, the space will gradually begin to fill, and your friend’s consciousness will fill with panic. A special effect is achieved if you celebrate a holiday in company.

Another famous joke. Ask the prank victim to buy a bottle of cognac. After a while, quietly replace it with the same bottle, but with tea inside. Pour it over all guests and drink. In this case, everyone except the victim should know that it is tea, but praise the quality and taste of cognac. The reaction of the person being acted out will be remembered above olgo.

In any case, be creative when pranking your friend. Take into account his characteristics and sense of humor. If your friend doesn't understand or like jokes, then perhaps you should give up on the prank altogether. And always be careful - jokes taken too seriously can backfire.


  • how to make fun of a friend on a computer

The most frivolous and funniest day of the year is April 1, April Fool's Day. On this holiday, you may well become a victim of a prank, but perhaps you yourself will make fun of someone to lighten the mood. Here are some prank ideas.


Great prank for class or student audience- write a note on a piece of paper “there is a broom hanging on the ceiling” and send it to the desks. It will be funny to watch how everyone will raise their head up and look at the ceiling, including the teacher, because sooner or later he will become interested, everyone is looking at the ceiling. A friendly burst of laughter is guaranteed!

Play it out best friend! Give him a completely new bill (for example, with a face value of 100 rubles) and with a mysterious look add: “Just don’t put it in the ATM.” In the next half hour, and perhaps longer, your friend will diligently compare your 100 rubles with his own and look for signs of counterfeit. Just don't torture him for too long!

Make fun of your own child (or nephew) by assuring him in the morning that you are going to buy a goat and from that day on he will have to graze it every day in a nearby park, and then bring it home on a string, feed and milk it. To be more convincing, do phone call, in which you will discuss the conditions for delivering the goat to your apartment. That's how a pet is!

You can make fun of your beloved man. In the morning, secretly from him, sign your phone number in his mobile with the name of his best friend. When your husband gets ready for work, diligently preen yourself in front of the mirror, do your hair, hum to yourself. After your surprised husband leaves for work, write him an SMS: “I saw how he just came into your apartment handsome man with a huge bouquet of roses." Expect an angry husband to appear in 5 minutes wearing new erotic lingerie. Let him be a little late for work on April Fool's Day!

Make fun of a work colleague - buy in advance the same phone panel as his. On April 1, ask him to give you a phone number to call on an important matter. Move to the side with the phone, imitating a conversation. Discreetly replace your colleague's phone with a purchased panel. Start talking emotionally, you can even shout. At the end of the conversation, throw the panel onto the floor with all your might, and for greater effect, begin to trample it with your feet. Can you imagine your colleague's face?

Jokes almost always lift the mood, tone up, distract from routine and immerse a person in fun and joy. But you should remember that jokes should not be rude and cruel, otherwise everything may not turn out as rosy as we would like.

You can joke about almost anyone you know. Just don’t forget that a person may be in a far from rosy mood, which will make the situation even worse. Therefore, you should think about the adequacy of your pranks and their appropriateness.

How to make fun of someone you know

Imperceptibly stick a piece of paper on his back, but not with a rude wish in the spirit of “spit at me,” but with a good and pleasant one: “smile at me,” “hug me,” etc. Attacks of tenderness from others will greatly surprise your friend.

When talking to a person, answer any question with the same sound or word; it is best to choose a word that does not exactly fit your conversation, for example, the word “elephant”. Repeat this word until your interlocutor loses his temper. If you can’t think of any word, then you can repeat the same interjection, for example, “yeah.”

Another method is very similar to the previous one, only you need to repeat not the same phrase or sound, but the last word or a phrase from your interlocutor. At the same time, in all cases, you cannot react in any way to comments about your adequacy.

In the same way as in the cases described above, you can repeat the gestures and facial expressions of the person with whom you are talking. This is perfect if your interlocutor emotional person and gesticulates strongly when speaking.

Just don’t joke like that at a person whose sense of humor you’re not sure of. After all, in the end, instead of a great mood, you can end up with an acquaintance who is forever offended by you.

How to make fun of your household

If one of your household members likes to fry in the morning, this is a great way to make fun of them. In the evening or at night, when no one is looking, boil all the eggs that are in the refrigerator and put them in place. If there are several dozen eggs, then you should not transfer the entire rather expensive product - boil 5-10 eggs and hide the rest. And in the morning, watch as the object of your joke tries to make himself an omelette. Just don't laugh too early for the joke to really work.

Buy a fake cake for home and invite everyone to eat it together. And when your household tries to cut it, watch their reaction. Try not to get the honorable mission of cutting the cake, otherwise they will be watching you. Only then get a real cake, otherwise the joke may turn into a real offense.

How to make fun of your colleagues

It's quite boring to sit in the office and work all day. But sometimes it doesn’t hurt to defuse an overly serious atmosphere with a good joke. You can repeat some of the above jokes in the office. Or you can use “office” jokes.

Wait for the right moment when your colleague leaves the office or is simply distracted and switch your keyboard or mouse to his computer. When he sits down to work, start performing various actions using the mouse or keyboard. The joke will not last long, as he will soon notice the “set-up,” but a cheerful mood is guaranteed for both you and your colleague.

April Fool's Day is celebrated with a variety of pranks and jokes, which are still remembered whole year. That is why, when preparing, you need to use your imagination, try to think through a plan and arrange everything to the highest standard.


Have fun at work. The team and management are ideal targets for April Fools' pranks. For example, print out the order and place it in a visible place (so that someone will notice it purely by chance). Or do the opposite - write a resignation letter at will the entire department and rank go to the chief’s office. The main thing is to hold back your laughter and keep a straight face.

Come to work half an hour early and work some magic on your colleagues’ computers. Put obscene things on your screensaver, change your mouse settings and swap the functions of its buttons. After you finish, run away from the office and return with everyone else so as not to be suspected of what you did.

Make fun of your neighbors. People living on the same landing are unlikely to expect a dirty trick from you, especially in the morning. Get up early, take a rope and tie all the doors together. Tie the rope tightly to the door handle and, without cutting it, pull it to the next one. After that, take a place at the peephole and watch the bewilderment due to the doors not opening.

Play a prank on your loved one. For girls, options for sending to work time SMS with the text “Where are you? Come on quickly before your husband returns!”, or jokes with a pregnancy test. Take it out of the package and use a red felt-tip pen to draw two clear stripes. You are guaranteed to surprise a man.

Guys can make fun of girls in the following way. Go to a cafe or restaurant and have a quiet dinner. As soon as your lady leaves the line of sight, call the waiter and pay the bill. In front of her, pretend that you forgot the money and, after a few minutes of hesitation, offer to run away before the bill arrives.


If you don't know the person very well, it's not entirely wise to play a prank on them. The reaction may be exactly the opposite of what was expected. Make sure that he is friendly towards you and has a sense of humor, and only then proceed with the implementation of plans.

April first - perfect occasion make fun of colleagues. There are many happy drawings, you can use several of them or come up with your own. Just remember that not everyone likes to be made fun of. Choose something that is not difficult for you to arrange.

That's why most We will all spend the day at work, unless it is Saturday or Sunday.

Therefore, the most popular jokes afterwards will be for work colleagues, and those who are bolder can play pranks on the boss, director and other managers.

What April 1st pranks can you come up with for office employees to have fun on this day?

The main thing is not to harm anyone or damage someone else’s property!

List of fun and harmless pranks on colleagues

The most popular pranks for employees at work are various jokes with the computer on April 1st.

Because most office dwellers know the computer only at the user level.

Not working icons on the screen

While the owner of the computer is away, make a PrintSrceen of the screen on his computer, save it on the computer and make it a background image for the desktop. Select all the icons on your desktop and drag them off the screen with your mouse. For greater effect, you can remove the “Taskbar” along with the icons. When the unfortunate user sits down at his desk and starts clicking on the usual monitor icons, nothing will happen. Only “arranging icons by...” and changing the background will help.

You can go further and first create folders and documents on your desktop with provocative names like “My selection of erotic lingerie”, “Vacation with Volodya”, “Vacation with Mikhail”, “How to bait your boss.doc”, etc. Seeing the desktop, a colleague will first think where these folders came from, and then try to delete them. What a surprise it will be when she or he discovers that the folders are unclickable. It is also very interesting to observe the mental anguish of the victim, because, on the one hand, you need to seek help, and on the other, colleagues are unlikely to believe that “this is not mine, it somehow appeared on its own.”

Live "mouse"

Pull a chair under the table and use a strong rope to tie the tail computer mouse tight to the chair. When the victim begins to move the chair away, the mouse will crawl away from it. For the first 20 minutes, the colleague will not understand the current situation.

Naughty computer mouse

This prank can be done in an office where computers are facing each other (this arrangement is quite common). All you have to do is switch the mouse from one computer to another and vice versa before your colleagues arrive. Then you can enjoy the effect when your workmates simultaneously turn on their computers and get to work. The expressions on their faces can greatly amuse you.

You can also swap the functions of the buttons (left-handed mode).

Keyboard prank

Take out some letter keys on your colleague's keyboard and swap them around. Two or three are enough. It is not difficult to remove the keys from their usual places; you just need to pick them up with a ruler or the tips of stationery scissors. When a comrade sees that what is coming out from under his hand is not a coherent text, but abracadabra, a complex expression will appear on his face. Perhaps he will start turning the keyboard this way and that, shaking it and even looking under it for some reason.

Prank with a paper clip

Take an ordinary paper clip and bend it so that it simulates that the paper clip is holding the sheets together, and only half of it is visible. Break off one part, put it in the corner of the scanner and make several dozen “copies” of the paperclip. Place these sheets of paper back into the copier tray. Your colleague, having made a copy, will find a paper clip imprint on the documents and decide that he forgot to remove it from the document. Seeing that there is nothing on the papers, he will make another copy. Then he will examine the scanner itself, finding nothing, and try to print again. It’s a lot of fun to watch the process from the outside and even film it on your phone.

But there are other funny April Fools' jokes for the office.

Whose 5000 rubles is this?

You can go into your colleagues’ office and, looking under the table in amazement, ask an innocent question: “Oh, someone dropped 5 thousand. Whose is this? Rest assured, everyone will rush under the table! And all you have to do is laugh and congratulate everyone on April 1st.

Raffle "Toilet"

This is a drawing for April 1st in an institution where there are a lot of visitors. Attach a sign (leaflet) with the inscription “Toilet” to the door of one of the offices. Imagine: the door constantly opens rapidly and another visitor bursts in, looking at everyone in surprise and muttering something unintelligible like: “Oh, sorry!”, “This is not a toilet!”, “Where is the toilet?” This way you will prank both your colleagues and visitors to your office.

Glasses of water

Place 15-20 in a row on the victim's desktop plastic cups, staple them in one line. Fill to the brim with water. Having taken one glass, your colleague will inevitably spill the liquid from the neighboring ones, quietly curse and put it back in its place. And then two options are possible: either he will manually pull out the paper clips from all the cups, or he will call other employees for help so that he can go to the nearest toilet, chained together.

Box without bottom

Long known april fools prank at work for those who are especially curious, which is still in effect.

On a tall cabinet, place a small box with an opening top but no bottom. On the outside of the box, stick a bright inscription that is visible from afar - for example, CONDOMS, DO NOT TOUCH WITH YOUR HANDS, etc. Fill the box with confetti. The “victim,” seeing a box with a defiant inscription, removes it from the cabinet to look inside. But the box has no bottom. Firework!!! Return to the room with a broom and dustpan for those especially curious.

Another “fun” box

Take a large box that would be difficult to get through the door with. Make a slit on top, and make an inscription on one side. For example, “Help raise money for gender reassignment surgery.” Or “Not enough for Lexus. Help whoever you can." Come up with ideas, don’t skimp on your imagination! Then take the box with the inscription facing you. You get stuck at the door. And ask the colleague heading to your door to hold the damned box, otherwise your boss will urgently call you to his place. Help your friend squeeze through the door and run away. The inscription on the box is visible to everyone! Everyone is laughing or giggling and whispering, but the poor guy can’t understand what’s going on.

Prank for a secretary or office manager

The person being played receives a call from the next office and is told in a serious, stern voice that this telephone exchange is cleaning the wires with a special steam. We urgently need to wrap up everything in the office telephone handsets polyethylene (or just place them on the floor). If the “victim” believes it, wait until she has done this to all the office telephones.

Popular draws for April 1 with photos

1. Latest technologies.

2. All employees are afraid of this - the lack of paper in the toilet. Make their worst fears come true.

3. Start your colleague’s morning by reading the newspaper.

4. Prank with balloons.

5. Apply tape to the optical sensor of the mouse.

6. Change the M and F icons on the toilet doors.

7. Grow cat grass on a decommissioned or old keyboard and replace it with your laziest colleague.

8. Cover with a large piece cling film the most important items on the victim’s desktop are the phone, keyboard, mouse... Place the rest - monitor, organizer, calendars - on top. A similar option is to stick something to the table with double-sided tape.

9. For those who have at least a little knowledge of Photoshop, make a head in a jar.

10. Cover your boss’s car with colorful stickers.

A good prank should not offend, insult or humiliate colleagues. Also, it must not cause moral or material damage.

All consequences of jokes should be easily removable. And most importantly, the prank or joke should be such that the one you played could laugh with everyone when everything was revealed.

This article will tell you how to prank a colleague in the office with the least physical and moral losses for yourself. After all, a bad joke can provoke completely unpredictable consequences. Therefore, before playing a prank on a colleague in the office, you should review many prank options in order to choose the most successful one.

Be careful, funny!

Before pranking a colleague in the office, you should carefully read the safety rules.

  1. You shouldn’t interrupt the work process for a long time, or disorient the work of the rest of the office team.
  2. Since playing a prank on a colleague in the office does not always work out correctly, it is likely that he may be offended and even take revenge later. And it could be even more cruel joke than the one they played him with.
  3. You should not joke about people who lack a sense of humor or have a different sense of humor from what is generally accepted in a given group.
  4. It is not recommended to make fun of those who stand career ladder higher, even if the difference between the “steps” is relatively small.
  5. Pranks for colleagues should be neutral, not related to appearance, shortcomings, family and financial situation specific person. Even nice habits that are publicly ridiculed can affect a person deeply.

Please speak louder!

Before playing a prank on colleagues, the prankster often has to prepare something. For example, print out a sign with approximately the following content: “With today A new service is starting to work in the office - voice control of electrical appliances.

  1. To turn on the kettle, just say the phrase “Make tea!”
  2. The coffee maker is started with the command: “I want a cup of coffee!”
  3. Before starting the microwave oven, you need to give the command: “Pot, cook!”
  4. To turn on the lighting in the room, you should say: “Let there be light!” Commands should be given, pronouncing them clearly and as loudly as possible.”

The notice should be posted on the door leading to the eating room, after turning off the lights there. It’s very funny for the joker to hear how gullible colleagues scream loudly in the eating room, giving commands to the appliances.

Cool announcement about universal labialization

Since you can prank a colleague in the office on April 1 this way, you shouldn’t skimp on it. Cool announcements should be posted where the entire team can see them. They may contain the following content.

“Today everyone urgently needs to undergo labialization. For a certificate confirming your passage, go to office No. ___.” You should indicate your office.

Labialization is the name given to the way of pronouncing sounds with the lips extended forward - “duck”. Therefore, those who come for a certificate should be asked to say the phrase “April 1st - I don’t trust anyone!” as a check, with their lips stretched out like a straw.

Massive IQ and ego testing

When thinking about how to prank a colleague in the office on April 1, you can develop a special cool test. It might be something like this.

"FULL NAME. subject___

Age (full years)___

Personal opinion about your IQ (number from 1 to 10)___

Real IQ test results take place in office No.___

Specialist diagnosis____

Test date___


In the office of the “responsible for testing IQ,” the joker offers the subject his own cool test, which should result in a number below 5. Based on this, “inflated self-esteem” is indicated in the “diagnosis” column.

Don't take someone else's!

Less harmless than the previous one. But sometimes it gets so annoying to notice how the food supplies left in the common refrigerator are decreasing! And since pranking your colleagues can be beneficial for the common cause, this option is proposed.

You need to prepare in advance several dishes with filling: cakes, pies or “nuts”. The part should have trivial “internals”. But a few pieces need to be stuffed with pepper, herring or onions.

It is important to choose the combination in such a way that it is unexpected and, if possible, as disgusting as possible. For example, a pie with herring, a “nut” with raw onions, a sweet cake with a salty layer.

During lunch, you need to treat someone with what you brought, but from the “normal food” group. You should do this in front of everyone, loudly praising the unique taste in order to attract the attention of the thief. But “cool” foods need to be put in the refrigerator.

However, there is no guarantee that someone who likes to profit from other people will get caught and give himself away. Most likely, he “eats” both the food and the insult on the sly, and the owner learns about his invasion only by the decrease in the number of “goodies.”

There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked!

Since you can prank a colleague at work using an ordinary mirror, it’s worth talking about this in more detail. The joker must arrive at the office before the rest of the employees. It won’t be difficult for him to paste a printed photograph of some monster onto the mirror with soap. In cinema, you can choose a successful character.

Each employee approaching the mirror is faced not with his own reflection, but with a terrible face. The caption says that “there’s no point blaming the mirrors,” they say, who is to blame for the fact that your ears are green?

You can do this joke individually. To do this, you will need to slightly change the function of your hand-held small mirror. Having pretended that a colleague has a stain on his forehead or cheek, you need to invite him to wipe it off. And at this moment it is worth unobtrusively placing your “charged” mirror in his hand. Catchphrase, starting with the word “necha,” can be pronounced, or you can replace it with words about the first of April.


A wonderful gift for a colleague. It can be packed in several boxes stacked one inside the other. Before the birthday person begins the procedure of unpacking the offering, he can be warned that the box can only be opened after performing a number.

Thus, the hero of the occasion will be forced to sing several songs and read a bunch of poems before he gets to the main gift.

"Greedy" gentleman

It's no secret that every girl dreams of getting married. Therefore, pranks on March 8 for colleagues can be based precisely on this lady’s desire. Of course, you can only joke like this on a very familiar employee, in whose reaction the joker is one hundred percent sure.

During the working day, a messenger should come to the office with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Pre-prepared friends begin to be indignant that her lover is so tight-fisted. It’s necessary to present such a trivial, modest gift!

However, upon opening the package of sweets, the girl unexpectedly discovers a case with an engagement ring inside. Everyone around freezes, and in the ensuing silence the groom’s voice suddenly sounds. It was he who went into the room and made a beautiful, romantic proposal in front of everyone!

Blue screen of death

Before you prank your colleague in the office after vacation, you should work on his computer. After all, equipment usually does not sit idle while someone is resting. Therefore change background screensaver computer is easy enough.

The best option is to replace the usual wallpaper with the “blue screen of death”. A colleague who has returned from vacation needs to be informed that something has happened to his computer and it has stopped functioning in the required mode. A “terrible” picture appears before the eyes of an upset specialist. Colleagues suggested that, most likely, it would not be possible to recover the lost data.

Why don't my desktop shortcuts work?

This joke can also be suitable for pranking colleagues on a regular working day. Only in addition to the “blue screen of death” can you use a screenshot of the desktop. True, you should hide all shortcuts in advance discreet place, so that they are not displayed, and replace the screensaver with a screenshot of the old desktop. The employees will laugh at the unlucky bungler who leaves his work tool unattended in a team where everyone is able to make fun of their colleague!

Call Ivan Kuzmich!

If the question arises of how to prank a colleague in the office over the phone, you can use the option of a collective prank. To implement this joke you will need a number of participants. It is they who, moving further away from the “victim’s” office, call the pranked colleague with a request to call the mythical Ivan Kuzmich to the phone.

After 5-7 calls, the poor colleague is in the stage of barely restrained anger. And then he is “finished off” by the last attack of the jokers: a call from Ivan Kuzmich, who, having introduced himself, politely asks if anyone has called him on this number.

Call from telephone exchange operator

Phone pranks are the coolest. Today calls from cellular operators are common. Indeed, it is quite funny when a pleasant female voice reports that the subscriber’s debt for a call to the operator’s support service amounted to a tidy sum, for example, $50. Message options are possible, for example: “News from the operator: you have been transferred to the new tariff “Stop chatting” - per-second billing, each second is twice as expensive as the previous one!” Or: “Due to network congestion, you are being transferred from Beeline to Megafon, the balance in your account will be cancelled!”

Wrong parking

A pretty cool call supposedly from an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will make the day of almost every car owner. The message text might look something like this.

“Hello, Sergeant Poloverko is bothering you. Your car was parked here. Well, we got into it a little. She stood there so awkwardly, wrongly. In short, we’ve already kicked the wheels and banged on the headlights, but you still don’t come out. They were already cracked anyway. In short, we finished them off. What? There is no need to park the car so carelessly that it is impossible for people to pass! In short, go out to the parking lot, take with you your documents, money to pay the fine, well, don’t forget another thousand for a bribe. We'll figure out. In short, you may have to come to our office. Or straight to the restaurant. Because we played a joke on you! Happy April, 1!"

Call from the registry office

This joke is suitable for bachelors. It is also implemented using a phone call.

“Hello, the registry office is bothering you. Then your girlfriend came with passports. She asks to formalize the marriage over the phone. Today this service is available only with us! After the start of the Mendelssohn march melody, you are only required to press the number 1, which means agreement. If you do not press the button, it will be tantamount to consent. You are given a minute to think. So, the time has come! And then, of course, the wedding march begins to sound.