Formation of the Petrashevites circle. Petrashevtsy

Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman and military leader, military theorist, one of the best military leaders of the Red Army in the Civil War of 1918-1920.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was born on January 21 (February 2), 1885 in the family of military paramedic Vasily Mikhailovich Frunze (1854-1897), a Moldovan by nationality, who served in the city of Pishpek, Semirechensk region, Turkestan region (now Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan).

After graduating from the Pishpek City School, M. V. Frunze entered the gymnasium of the city of Verny (now Almaty in Kazakhstan), from which he graduated with a gold medal. In 1904, he became a student in the economics department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. Actively participating in student and workers' circles, in the same year he joined the Bolshevik faction of the RSDLP. After his arrest in November 1904, M. V. Frunze was expelled from the capital, becoming one of the professional revolutionaries.

During the Revolution of 1905-1907, M. V. Frunze conducted party work in, from May - in and (he was known under the pseudonym “Comrade Arseny”), became a member of the RSDLP committee. In May - July 1905, he was one of the leaders of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk general strike of textile workers. At the head of the fighting squad of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya workers, M. V. Frunze participated in the December armed uprising of 1905.

In 1906, M. V. Frunze was a delegate to the IV Congress of the RSDLP in Stockholm, where he met. In 1907, he was elected as a delegate to the V Congress of the RSDLP, but was unable to take part in it due to his arrest.

In March 1907, M. V. Frunze was arrested in, in 1909-1910 he was twice sentenced to death penalty, replaced first by 10 years of hard labor, and then by lifelong exile. After 7 years of imprisonment in the Vladimir, Nikolaev and Aleksandrovsk convict prisons, in April 1914 he went to settle in a village in the Irkutsk province. In August 1915, M. V. Frunze was arrested for creating a political organization of exiles in the village. On the way to the Irkutsk provincial prison, he escaped in the village of Oek, from where he initially went to, and then to, where he worked under the name Vasilenko in the statistical department of the Chita Resettlement Administration and in the editorial office of the weekly newspaper "Zabaikalsky Review".

In 1916, M. V. Frunze, on instructions from the party, launched revolutionary work in the army. Under the name Mikhailov, he served in the committee of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union on the Western Front, and headed the Bolshevik underground in Minsk with branches in the 3rd and 10th armies.

After February Revolution 1917 M. V. Frunze was the head of the people's militia of Minsk, a member of the soldiers' committee Western Front, member of the executive committee of the Minsk Council and chairman of the Council of Peasant Deputies of the Minsk and Vilna provinces. During the fight against the Kornilov rebellion, he was the chief of staff of the revolutionary troops of the Minsk section.

In September 1917, M. V. Frunze was sent to, where he was elected chairman of the Council and the district committee of the RSDLP (b). During October revolution 1917 arrived on October 30 (November 12) with an armed detachment of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya workers and took part in battles with counter-revolutionaries. In 1918, M. V. Frunze was simultaneously the chairman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial party committee, the chairman of the provincial executive committee, the provincial economic council and the military commissar of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. In August 1918 he became military commissar of the Yaroslavl Military District.

Since 1918, M. V. Frunze took an active part in the Civil War. In December 1918, he was appointed commander of the 4th Army of the Eastern Front. Since March 1919, M.V. Frunze commanded the Southern Group (4th and Turkestan armies), which in April also included the 1st and 5th armies. During the counter-offensive of the Eastern Front in 1919, he carried out a number of successful operations against the admiral's troops. From July 1919, he commanded the troops of the Eastern Front, liberating the Northern and Middle Urals.

From August 1919 to September 1920, M. V. Frunze commanded the Turkestan Front, carried out the Aktobe operation of 1919 to defeat the White Guard troops in Southern Urals and restored contact with Turkestan, and then led the defeat of counter-revolutionary forces in Central Asia and the overthrow of the feudal regimes in Khiva and Bukhara.

In September 1920, M. V. Frunze was appointed commander of the Southern Front (took command on September 27) and led the operation to defeat the troops of General P. N. Wrangel in Northern Tavria and the Crimea.

From December 1920 to March 1924, M. V. Frunze was the authorized representative of the Russian Military Socialist Republic in Ukraine, the commander of the troops of Ukraine and Crimea and at the same time a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR (from February 1922) and deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Economic Council . In November 1921 - January 1922, the military leader headed the Ukrainian diplomatic delegation that concluded a treaty of friendship between the Ukrainian SSR and Turkey.

On March 14, 1924, M. V. Frunze was appointed deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and from April 1924 he was simultaneously the chief of staff of the Red Army and the head of the Military Academy.

Since January 26, 1925, M. V. Frunze has been chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and since February 1925 also a member of the Labor and Defense Council. Under his leadership, the military reform of 1924-1925, begun by L. D. Trotsky, was completed in the USSR.

M. V. Frunze was a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of all convocations since January 1918. Since 1921 he was a member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), since 1924 - a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee.

For skillful military leadership in years Civil War M. V. Frunze was awarded the Honorary Revolutionary Weapon and two Orders of the Red Banner.

Received great methodological and practical significance for strengthening the defense of the Soviet state theoretical works M. V. Frunze: “Reorganization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” (1921, together with S. I. Gusev), “Unified Military Doctrine and the Red Army” (1921), “Military-Political Education of the Red Army” (1922, published in 1929), “Front and Rear in the War of the Future” (1924, published in 1925), “Lenin and the Red Army” (1925), “Our military development and the tasks of the Military Scientific Society” (1925), etc.

M. V. Frunze died on October 31, 1925 as a result of an unsuccessful medical operation. He was buried near the Kremlin wall behind the Mausoleum on Red Square in.

Relevant to populated areas:

He took part in the December armed uprising of 1905 in Moscow, as well as in the suppression of the anti-Bolshevik rebellion in the city in October 1917. Last years spent his life in Moscow. He died on October 31, 1925 as a result of an unsuccessful medical operation, and was buried near the Kremlin wall behind the Mausoleum on Red Square.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze (party pseudonyms Mikhailov, Trifonych, Arseny, literary pseudonyms Sergei Petrov, A. Shuisky, M. Mirsky). Born on January 21 (February 2), 1885 in Pishpek, Semirechensk region - died on October 31, 1925 in Moscow. Revolutionary, Soviet statesman and military leader, one of the most prominent military leaders of the Red Army during the Civil War, military theorist.

From the bourgeoisie, the son of a paramedic, Moldovan Vasily Mikhailovich Frunze (1854-1897), who served in Pishpek (Bishkek).

He is married to Sofya Alekseevna Popova, the daughter of a Narodnaya Volya member. I first became acquainted with revolutionary ideas in a self-education circle at a gymnasium in the city of Verny (now Alma-Ata). In 1904 he entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute and joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. In November, for their revolutionary ideas, was arrested for the first time.

On Bloody Sunday, January 9, 1905, he took part in a demonstration on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, was wounded in the arm. Later, Mikhail Vasilyevich admitted that it was this event that led him to become a “general of the revolution.”

During the revolution of 1905-1907, he conducted party work in Moscow, from May - in Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya (under the pseudonym “Comrade Arseny”), a member of the RSDLP committee. One of the leaders of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk general strike of textile workers (May - July 1905). At the head of the fighting squad of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya workers, he participated in the December armed uprising of 1905 in Moscow. In 1906 - delegate to the IV Congress of the RSDLP in Stockholm from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk district organization, where he met.

In 1907 he was elected as a delegate to the V Congress of the RSDLP, but was arrested and sentenced to 4 years of hard labor.

On February 21, 1907 (already a prisoner), together with Pavel Gusev, he tried to kill police officer Nikita Perlov near the village of Dmitrovka. On March 24, he was arrested in Shuya and charged in the case of armed resistance to the police. For attempted murder twice (January 27, 1909 and September 22-23, 1910) he was sentenced to death, commuted under pressure. public opinion for 6 years of hard labor. After imprisonment in the Vladimir, Nikolaev and Aleksandrovsk convict prisons, in March 1914 he was sent to permanent settlement in the village of Manzurka, Irkutsk province.

In August 1915, after being arrested for creating an organization of exiles, he fled to Chita, where he lived on the passport of V. G. Vasilenko, worked in the statistical department of the resettlement department and in the editorial office of the weekly newspaper “Zabaikalsky Review”.

In 1916 he moved to Moscow, and then in early April with a passport in the name of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Mikhailov and a direction from the All-Russian Zemstvo Union to Belarus.

In April 1916, Frunze, on instructions from the party, under the name Mikhailov, entered the position of statistician in the Western Front Committee of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union (a rear, mainly supply organization).

On March 4, 1917, by order of the civil commandant of the city of Minsk, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Mikhailov was appointed temporary chief of police of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union for the Protection of Order in the city of Minsk. This date is considered the birthday of the Belarusian police.

On the night of March 4-5, 1917, detachments of workers' combat squads led by M. V. Frunze (Mikhailov), together with soldiers of the assigned units of the Minsk garrison, disarmed the city police, seized the city police department, as well as the archive and detective departments, and took protection of the most important state institutions.

In addition to police affairs (Head of the Minsk city police), by the summer of 1917 Frunze held the following positions: chairman of the executive committee of the Council of Peasant Deputies of the Minsk and Vilna provinces, editor of the Peasant Newspaper, one of the editors of the Bolshevik Zvyazda, organizer and member of the Minsk City Committee of the RSDLP , member of the soldiers' committee of the Western Front, member of the executive committee of the Minsk Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies (chairman - Lyubimov, I. E. from July 8 (21) to August 1917). Mikhailov served in Minsk until September 1917, and then the party transferred him to the city of Shuya.

Created underground party cells in the 3rd and 10th armies of the Western Front.

Since the end of August, the chairman of the Shuya Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies, the chairman of the district zemstvo government and the city duma; Shuya's representative at the All-Russian Democratic Conference in Petrograd.

During the days of the uprising in Moscow in October 1917, he took part in the battles near the Metropol Hotel building.

Member of the Constituent Assembly from the Bolsheviks of the Vladimir province.

In the first half of 1918 - chairman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial committee of the RCP (b), provincial executive committee, provincial economic council and military commissar of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province.

From August 1918 - military commissar of the Yaroslavl military district.

In February - May 1919, the commander of the 4th Army of the Red Army, which defeated the Whites during the spring offensive, in May-June - the Turkestan Army, in March-July - also the Southern Group of Forces of the Eastern Front, from July 19 to August 15 - the entire Eastern Front. For the implementation of successful offensive operations against the main forces of Admiral A.V. Kolchak, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

From August 15, 1919 to September 10, 1920 - commander of the Turkestan Front. Member of the Turkestan Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars (October 1919 - July 1920); supporter of the “organization” of the revolution in the Bukhara Emirate through the invasion of the Red Army, led the assault on Bukhara on August 30 - September 2, 1920.

From September 27, he commanded the Southern Front, organizer of the expulsion of the troops of General P. N. Wrangel from Northern Tavria and Crimea. The fight against the Wrangelites was carried out jointly with the Insurgent Army by N. I. Makhno, with whom in October 1920 he signed an agreement on unity of action against the white troops and established good personal relations. After the assault on Perekop, he sent a telegram to Wrangel’s troops inviting them to freely leave Crimea in exchange for a cessation of resistance.

On December 3, 1920, he was appointed commissioner of the Revolutionary Military Council in Ukraine and commander of the armed forces of Ukraine and Crimea, at the same time elected a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, and from February 1922 - deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR.

By order from Moscow, he led the defeat of the Insurgent Army of Makhno (for which he was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner in 1924) and the detachment of Yu. O. Tyutyunnik.

In November 1921, he headed the Extraordinary Embassy to Ankara to establish relations between Ukraine and Turkey, and negotiated with Ataturk.

From March 1924 - Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, from April 1924 - simultaneously Chief of Staff of the Red Army and Head of the Military Academy of the Red Army.

Since January 1925, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs.

Under the leadership of Frunze, the military reform of 1924-1925 was carried out. - reduction in the size of the army, introduction of the principle of unity of command, reorganization of the military apparatus and political management of the Red Army, combination in the structure Armed Forces standing army and territorial militia formations. Author of a number of military theoretical works.

The military doctrine developed by Frunze was based on the application of Marxism to military theory and assigned a special place in the army to political departments and communist cells.

Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. From 1921 - member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), from 1924 - candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee, candidate member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b).

During the Civil War, he repeatedly gave security guarantees from himself personally to those opponents Soviet power, who voluntarily lay down their arms and confess to the Cheka (trans-Ural Cossacks, army officers in the Crimea, Bukhara “Basmachi”, Makhnovists).

He died after surgery for a stomach ulcer from general blood poisoning (official conclusion). According to other sources, he died from cardiac arrest resulting from the effects of anesthesia, the anesthetic chloroform, into which Frunze was intolerant.

There is a version that his death was not accidental, but was organized by Stalin, who especially insisted on carrying out the operation. This version is reflected by Pilnyak in his “The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon”, in Aksenov’s novel “The Moscow Saga”, as well as in films based on these works. The version of the organization of the murder is also described in Bazhanov’s book “Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary.”

The probable causes of the death of Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze became the topic of one of the episodes of the TV show “After Death” on Channel Five, aired on November 20, 2009. In addition to the presenters of the program Lev Lurie and Tatyana Ustinova, invited experts took part in the discussion: Viktor Topolyansky (Associate Professor at the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, author of a book investigating the death of top officials Soviet state“A draft from the past. Time and documents"); forensic expert Vyacheslav Popov (Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Forensic Medical Association of the North-West of Russia, creator of two scientific schools, author of the book “Forensic Medicine. Competence and morality"); historian Sergei Poltorak.

This is what Frunze himself wrote to his wife Sofya Alekseevna in Yalta: “I’m still in the hospital. There will be a new consultation on Saturday. I’m afraid that the operation will be denied.” “At the consultation, it was decided to perform the operation” (TsGLSA. F. 32392. Op. 1. D. 142. L. 3-5. Autograph). Mikhail Vasilyevich writes to his wife that he is satisfied with this decision. Not a word about the fact that he would like to refuse the operation. On the contrary, he hopes that doctors will “once and for all take a good look at what is there and try to outline a real treatment.”

Mikhail Frunze - Special folder

Family of Mikhail Frunze:

Father - Vasily Mikhailovich Frunze (1854 - February 1897) was a native of the peasants of the Kherson province, a Moldovan by nationality. After graduating from the Moscow paramedic school, he was drafted into the army and sent to Turkestan. After serving time military service in 1879, settled in Pishpek, where he worked as a paramedic.

Mother - Mavra Efimovna Bochkareva (1861 - 1933), a peasant woman from Russian settlers in the Voronezh province. In 1879 she married V. M. Frunze.

The family of V.M. and M.E. Frunze had five children: sons Konstantin and Mikhail and daughters Lyudmila, Claudia and Lydia.

M. V. Frunze’s elder brother, Konstantin Vasilyevich (1881-1940), graduated from the Vernensky gymnasium with a gold medal, which gave privileges when entering higher education. educational establishments. He continued his education at the medical faculty of Kazan University, which he graduated in 1906. He participated in Russian-Japanese war, worked as a zemstvo doctor in Pishpek. During the Civil War and after it, he worked as a military doctor. Since 1928 in forensic medicine. Honored Doctor of the Tajik SSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1940, due to deteriorating health in retirement. In 1940 he moved to Moscow, died in Moscow on December 25, 1940. He had two sons: Mikhail, Boris, daughter Nina. The descendants of Konstantin Vasilyevich live in Moscow.

M. V. Frunze’s sister, Klavdia Vasilievna Frunze-Gavrilova (1887-1948), graduated from the Vernenskaya gymnasium in 1906 with a gold medal. After marriage, she went to Italy, where her husband studied. Then she returned to Moscow, where she continued her studies. She had two daughters: Yulia and Olga. Descendants live in Moscow.

The second sister of M. V. Frunze is Lyudmila Vasilievna Frunze-Bogolyubova (1890-1959). Graduated from the women's gymnasium in Verny and St. Petersburg medical school General practitioner by profession. She worked as a local doctor in Kyrgyzstan. After the death of her husband, she lived in China with her sons and father-in-law, and worked at the Russian trade mission in China. From June 1930 until the end of her life she worked in Moscow in the central medical institutions. Member of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel medical service. She has two sons - Igor Semyonovich and Vladimir Semyonovich. Descendants live in Moscow.

The third sister of M. V. Frunze - Lidia Vasilievna Nadezhdina-Frunze (1898-1978) was born after the death of her father. After graduating from the Vernensky girls' gymnasium, she could not study further, so she began to work. She lived with her mother in Pishpek. She married geologist Alexei Mikhailovich Nadezhdin. She had a daughter, Lydia Alekseevna. Descendants live in St. Petersburg.

Wife - Frunze (nee Popova, then Koltanovskaya) Sofya Alekseevna (12/12/1890 - 09/04/1926). She committed suicide.

Frunze had two children, who, after the death of their father in 1925 and mother in 1926, grew up with their grandmother Mavra Efimovna Frunze (1861-1933). After the grandmother’s serious illness in 1931, the children were adopted by their father’s friend K.E. Voroshilov, who received permission for adoption by a special resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

Son - Frunze, Timur Mikhailovich (1923-1942) - fighter pilot, Hero Soviet Union(posthumously).

Daughter - Frunze, Tatyana Mikhailovna (b. 08/02/1920) - professor, doctor of chemical sciences, in the 1960-1970s - a major specialist in organic chemistry. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. Her husband - Pavlov, Anatoly Georgievich (04/22/1920 - 01/04/2007) - prominent Soviet military leader, Colonel General. From 1978 to 1989 - First Deputy Chief of the GRU of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces. Their son Timur Frunze (06.10.1944 - 26.10.2008), candidate of chemical sciences, graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. His wife, Lyubov Anatolyevna Besedina, graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.

They have a daughter, Elena Timurovna, who graduated from MGIMO and is currently a co-director of a large company.

Their daughter Elena (b. 12/10/1948), candidate of chemical sciences. Husband Sergei Yuryevich Gladkov (b. 07/25/1950), head of the Econ company. Natalya Sergeevna Gladkova (born 1972), candidate of chemical sciences, she is married to Alexander Zotikov, they have a son, Pyotr Alexandrovich (born 02/28/2005) and a daughter, Ekaterina Alexandrovna (born 2007).

Anatoly Sergeevich Gladkov (b. 01/02/1983). Graduated from MEPhI. Worked abroad, now works in Russia. Wife Olga. They have a daughter, Anastasia (born 2009).

Bibliography of Mikhail Frunze:

Frunze M.V. About youth / Frunze M.V. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1937

Frunze M. V. Selected works. - M.: 1950

Frunze M.V. Selected works. T. 1: 1918-1925. / Frunze M.V. - M.: Voenizdat, 1957

Frunze M.V. Selected works. T. 2: 1921-1925. / Frunze M.V. - M.: Voenizdat, 1957

Frunze M.V. Selected works / Preface. M. Gareeva. - M.: Voenizdat, 1977

Frunze M.V. Unknown and forgotten: Journalism, memoirs, documents and letters / Frunze M.V. - M.: Nauka, 1991

Frunze M.V. Unified military doctrine and the Red Army // Krasnaya Nov: magazine / ed. A.K. Voronsky. - M., 1921. - No. 1

M. Mirsky. European civilizers and Morocco. - Stahl A.V. Small wars of the 1920–1930s. M.: ACT; St. Petersburg: Terra Fantastica, 2003 - Military Bulletin, 1925.

Representatives younger generation of the modern era, including schoolchildren and students, are unlikely to remember that during the birth of Soviet power this man was a major and authoritative figure on the political Olympus. But today boys and girls are presented with a whole arsenal modern sources, from which it will not be difficult for them to find out what his biography was. Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich is both a revolutionary and statesman, both an army commander and a military theorist.

Many historiographers are inclined to believe that the life of this hero of the revolution resembles a romance with fascinating story. Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze, short biography who was known to all pioneers and Komsomol members, was twice sentenced to death, but his reckless daring saved him from this terrible fate. However, the death of the revolutionary, which occurred in 1925, is shrouded in an aura of mystery.

Political scientists and historians put forward the most odious versions of his death. Some believe that this is the work of the “leader of the peoples”, others believe that Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose short biography has long been carefully studied by scientists, was mortally wounded while hunting, others claim that one of the doctors during the operation unsuccessfully administered anesthesia with a “poisonous” "chloroform. One way or another, the end to this issue will not be put to rest soon. So who is he, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose short biography is described today by historians in great detail? Let's consider this question.

Years of childhood and youth

So, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze. It will not be possible to talk about him briefly, since all stages of his life contain many remarkable and interesting facts.

He was born on February 2, 1885 in Kyrgyzstan (Pishpek settlement). The father of the future revolutionary worked as a simple paramedic in Turkestan. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose brief biography is little known to modern youth, received his secondary education in today's capital of Kazakhstan (then the city of Verny). Moreover, for his special diligence in his studies, the young man was awarded a gold medal.

Student time

In 1904, Frunze went to the city on the Neva and became a student at the Polytechnic University.

It was then that young man Views on the political system in the country began to take shape. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze chose the path of a romantic idealist, who generally supported the theory of populism. However, he interpreted it in his own way: it is not necessary to be useful in the village or to work for the benefit of the village, work can be carried out in the city, the main thing is to actively contact the workers at the factories.


And after a while Political Views Frunze underwent significant changes. Mikhail Vasilyevich transformed into an ardent anti-state activist, becoming a radicalist with a clearly “leftist” bias. The young man soon dropped out of university, concentrating his efforts on revolutionary propaganda.

In 1904, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose photo had previously been published in textbooks on the history of the USSR, became a member of the RSDLP. He took part in the events of the First Revolution in Russia and was wounded in his hand. After this, Mikhail Frunze firmly established the pseudonym “Comrade Arseny” (many of his comrades knew his other “call signs” - Vasilenko, Trifonych, Mikhailov).

The revolutionary began underground work to overthrow tsarism in Russia. Soon he initiates a strike of textile workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, rallying around himself a fairly large group of like-minded people. In the same city, Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze ( real name in the “party” environment - Mikhailov, Vasilenko) creates the Council of Workers' Deputies. Subsequently, he will repeatedly use this political platform to hold pickets, demonstrations, and marches.

At the end of 1905, Mikhail Vasilyevich, together with his comrades, took part in the armed uprising that broke out in the capital on Presnya. Soon fate pits Frunze against the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ulyanov. Their acquaintance occurs at the next congress of the RSDLP, which was organized in the Swedish capital.

Terror and exile

Carrying out revolutionary work, Frunze often resorted to terror. For example, at the beginning of 1907, Mikhail Vasilyevich initiated an attack with the aim of seizing the Shuya printing house, as a result of which a law enforcement officer was injured. The sentence for the revolutionary turned out to be more than harsh: he was sentenced to death twice. But the public prevented justice from being done. Some of its representatives considered the punishment to be excessively cruel; ultimately, the authorities made concessions, mitigating Frunze’s punishment. Mikhail Vasilyevich was exiled to hard labor, and then sent to Siberia as an exile (Irkutsk province).

Moreover, he had to remain there until the end of his days.

Return to the underground work of a revolutionary

In 1916 he escaped from exile. First he ends up in Irkutsk, then in Chita, where, under the name Vasilenko, he gets a job at the local resettlement department. But his party comrades did not forget about Mikhail Vasilyevich. His place in the party was one of the key ones. Frunze receives the task: to ensure revolutionary work among the soldiers. After some time in the army, he was able to establish himself as an experienced propagandist and revolutionary. In the landmark year 1917 for the country, “Trifonych” fought on the side of the revolutionaries in Moscow.

After October

When the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in the country, the nature of the work that Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze performed also changed. Interesting Facts from his biography only confirm that he was simply obliged to make a dizzying career in political sphere. Before the October Revolution, his main task was to demoralize the army and abolish the bourgeois state institutions. After the victory of the Bolsheviks, he was elected as a deputy of the Constituent Assembly from the “left”.

In 1918, Frunze headed the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial committee of the RCP (b) and received the post of military commissar of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. After some time, Mikhail Vasilyevich was entrusted with the duties of military commissar of the Yaroslavl Military District, to which as many as eight provinces were subordinate.

Shortly before this, an uprising against the new government broke out in Yaroslavl, so Frunze needed to consolidate around himself soldiers loyal to Bolshevism, who would become the backbone of the Red Army.

The essence of work in the army

Of course, “Trifonich” did not have wide theoretical knowledge from the point of view of competent and impeccable preparation and conduct of combat operations. However, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze tried to use the knowledge and experience of military experts, albeit former officers, in the Civil War. He regularly contacted people competent in military affairs, asking them for advice on what to do in a given situation. Naturally, Frunze filled in his gaps in the theory of the art of combat with the help of special literature. One way or another, but the fact that Mikhail Vasilyevich possessed leadership qualities, thanks to which he was able to rally and lead numerous detachments of the Red Army, it would be a mistake to question it. He himself did not hesitate to take a rifle and personal example show how to deal with the enemy. And as a result of such battles in 1919, in the vicinity of Ufa, Frunze received shell shock.

But the main merit of the revolutionary was that he knew how to quickly establish and coordinate the work of headquarters and mobilize the rear in emergency situations.

Victories at the front

In 1919, “Trifonych” led the 4th Army of the Eastern Front and began to lead the Southern Group of Front Forces, which entered into resistance with the White Guard forces. Frunze conducted several successful military operations (Buguruslan, Belebey, Ufa), as a result of which the White positions were pushed back at first to the Urals, and then to Siberia.

Then Mikhail Vasilyevich ended up on the Turkestan front. He was able to break the blockade of Turkestan and liberate the province from the White Guards. Frunze won the battles with the Separate Orenburg, Separate Ural, Southern, Semerechinsk armies.

At the next stage military career Mikhail Vasilyevich is waging war on the Southern Front against General Wrangel. After the end of the Civil War, Frunze gained fame as a commander in the fight against the Ural Cossacks, Kolchak and Wrangel.

In the early 20s, “Trifonych” fought in Ukraine with criminal elements and Makhno’s detachments, where he received a bullet.

Further career

When the peak of the political confrontation between Stalin and Trotsky came, Frunze headed the Headquarters of the Red Army and became assistant to the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. After some time, he was entrusted with the responsible post of People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. In this capacity, he continued to reform the army according to Trotsky's work. At the same time, Mikhail Vasilyevich did not join the ranks of Stalin’s group, adhering to neutrality in the political confrontation.

But in the army, “Trifonovich” enjoyed enormous authority, which could not but alarm representatives of the political elite of the USSR.


He died in the fall of 1925 on the operating table. IN Lately Frunze's abdominal pain worsened. Doctors have repeatedly recorded internal bleeding from Mikhail Vasilyevich. According to doctors, the cause of death was general blood poisoning.

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Biography, life story of Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich - Soviet revolutionary, statesman, military theorist.

Childhood, youth

Mikhail Frunze was born on February 2, 1885 (according to the old style - January 21) in the city of Pishpek (on modern style– Bishkek). His father was a paramedic, Moldovan by origin, his mother was Russian.

Mikhail studied at the local city school, after which he entered the gymnasium in the city of Verny (now Alma-Ata). Young Frunze graduated from high school with a gold medal. In 1904, Mikhail began studying at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute in the economics department. During his student days, Frunze actively took part in all student circles. It was then that Mikhail Vasilyevich joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. For this he was first arrested.


During the revolution of 1905-1907, Mikhail Frunze continued his party activities. He worked in Moscow for some time. Mikhail was one of the organizers of a mass strike of textile workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. In 1906, Mikhail Vasilyevich was lucky enough to meet at the IV Party Congress in Stockholm. A year later, Mikhail Frunze was elected as a delegate to the V Congress of the Social Democratic Labor Party, but he was arrested. Frunze received a sentence of four years of hard labor.

While a prisoner, Mikhail, with the support of Pavel Gusev, attempted to murder a police officer. A month later, Frunze was arrested in Shuya and charged with resisting police and attempted murder. At first, Mikhail Vasilyevich faced the death penalty, but a little later the punishment was changed to hard labor for six years.

In 1914, Mikhail Frunze was sent to a village called Manzurka (Irkutsk region). Literally a year later, Frunze fled to Chita, as he managed to create an organization of exiles in Manzurka and was arrested. In Chita, Mikhail changed his passport and became known under the name Vasilenko. In 1916, the opponent of the system moved to Moscow, and from there - with a new passport and a different name (Mikhailov) - to Belarus.


At the beginning of the February Revolution of 1917, Frunze was the leader of a revolutionary organization, the center of which was located in Minsk itself. Mikhail Vasilyevich took part in the preparation of the October Revolution of 1917. Having won, Frunze became the head of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Executive Committee. At the same time, Mikhail took the post of deputy of the Constituent Assembly from the Bolsheviks.

Since 1918, Mikhail Frunze was one of the most active participants in the civil war. In 1919, under his command, the army of the Eastern Front defeated the troops of the Turkestan Front led by.

In 1924, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was appointed deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. A year later, the prefix “deputy” disappeared. At the same time, Frunze held the positions of People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chief of Staff of the Red Army and the Military Academy.

Personal life

Mikhail Frunze's wife's name was Sofya Alekseevna. The marriage produced two children - daughter Tatyana and son Timur.


On October 31, 1925, Mikhail Vasilyevich died due to blood poisoning during surgery for a stomach ulcer. According to another version, the cause was cardiac arrest due to an allergy to the anesthetic.

There is also an opinion that Frunze’s death was staged

The Russian Military Historical Society continues the series of stories about the events, the centenary of which is celebrated this year.

Start life path and revolutionary activities

The life path of Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze began in the city of Bishkek, Semirechensk region. Here, in the family of paramedic Vasily Frunze, on January 21 (February 2), 1885, the future commander was born. In the city of Verny (now Alma-Ata), he received his education at the local gymnasium. In 1904 he entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, but, as befits a professional revolutionary, he failed to graduate from the university. The arrest and subsequent deportation ended his metropolitan education. All further revolutionary activity Mikhail Frunze is filled with events that could become the plot for an exciting adventure novel.

On January 9, 1905, on a day that went down in history as, he was among the participants in the procession to Winter Palace. Much later Mikhail Vasilyevich said that this event made him “the general of the revolution.” During the December uprising in Moscow, a detachment of weavers under the leadership of “Comrade Arseny” successfully operated on the barricades of Krasnaya Presnya. This was Frunze's party pseudonym. At the IV Congress of the RSDLP he meets.

In 1907, Frunze was elected as a delegate to the V Congress of the RSDLP, but his arrest and subsequent sentencing to four years of hard labor did not allow him to take part in the work of the congress. Already under arrest, he and a friend tried to kill a policeman. For attempted murder, Frunze was sentenced to death, which was avoided only thanks to public intervention, but another six years of hard labor were added to the main sentence.

I.I. Brodsky. Portrait of M.V. Frunze

He began imprisonment in various hard labor prisons, and in March 1914 he was sent to permanent settlement in the village of Manzurka Irkutsk region, from where he escaped in 1915. The party sent Frunze to work in Belarus, where on March 4, 1917, the birthday of the Belarusian police, he was appointed temporary chief of the Minsk police. Mikhail Vasilyevich worked in Minsk until September 1917, then, on behalf of the party, he arrived for service in the city of Shuya. Here his authority was very high; he occupied only key administrative positions. In October 1917, Frunze was in the forefront of the rebellious proletariat of Moscow. In 1918 he returned to the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province.

"General of the Revolution"

In August 1918, Frunze was transferred to the post of military commissar of the Yaroslavl Military District. At this time, the Civil War was gaining momentum in the country, and Mikhail Vasilyevich proved himself to be a talented commander of the new people's army.

M.V. Frunze in 1919

Frunze led the 4th Army of the Red Army, later - Southern group Eastern Front. It was his troops that defeated the white troops during Kolchak’s spring offensive of 1919. The leadership talents of Mikhail Vasilyevich were appreciated by the leadership Soviet republic, and he became the commander of the Turkestan Army, and later the entire Eastern Front. The Red Army confidently advanced to the East, towards the Urals, and victoriously fought against the Kolchakites. In 1920, Mikhail Frunze fought with the troops of the Bukhara emir and.

When the Red Army entered Crimea, Frunze ordered that the White Guards who surrendered be spared. The leadership in Moscow did not like this very much, and he was even reprimanded personally by V.I. Lenin. Frunze did not participate in the repression of prisoners; he was urgently transferred to Ukraine, where he had to fight the troops of Nestor Makhno. He also successfully completed this task. For his successes during the Civil War, Mikhail Frunze was twice awarded the order Red Banner.

Peaceful days

At the beginning of 1925, Frunze served as chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and was appointed People's Commissar for Naval Affairs of the Soviet Union. Mikhail Vasilyevich believed that in military affairs, not only the strong discipline and training of the army, but also its technical equipment should be at the forefront.

In an article published in the Pravda newspaper, he proclaimed the slogan “Give us technology!” Frunze said that future military clashes would depend more on people of science than on the command. It was under him that the development of aviation began, navy and tank troops.

Mikhail Frunze and Klim Voroshilov take part in the parade on Red Square

Mikhail Frunze also showed himself as a military theorist. They prepared a series scientific works, among which we can highlight such as “Reorganization of the Red Army” (1921) and “Front and Rear in the War of the Future” (1924). Subsequently, these and other works of his influenced the formation of a unified Soviet military doctrine.

Unfortunately, Mikhail Vasilyevich’s life was interrupted very early. Having gone through the difficult times of the Civil War, he died on the operating table on October 31, 1925.

The memory of the people's commander was immortalized in the names of geographical objects, the names of numerous settlements, districts, streets, squares. Hometown M. Frunze - Bishkek - from 1926 to 1991 bore the name of the legendary commander. Until 1998, the Higher Military Academy was also named after him.

Monument to M.V. Frunze in Ivanovo

Let us add that with biographies of famous military figures National history you can find it on the website created by the Russian Military Historical Society.