What is the metaphorical nature of the story unknown flower. Literature lesson on the topic "Unknown Flower" A.P.

The genre of the work is a fairy tale. There are two main characters - the strange flower itself and the girl Dasha. The beginning is the appearance of an unpopular flower in a vacant lot. Development of action - a description of the growth, survival and formation of a plant. The culmination is a meeting with the girl Dasha and her work to improve the wasteland. The denouement - in a vacant lot, a descendant of an unpopular flower grows, which has become even more beautiful than its father.

In an allegorical manner, the tale talks about the need to overcome life difficulties. If the soil on which a creature grows becomes noble, this does not at all mean that the life of this creature will improve. Dasha, coming to the fertilized wasteland a year later, did not find the flower - it died. But his descendant grows up in the same difficult conditions, on rocks. His father gave him vitality and the ability to overcome difficulties. The consequence of this was the external improvement of the new flower.


The appearance, survival and formation of an unpopular flower in a wasteland. A girl, Dasha, accidentally wandered into a vacant lot and met a flower. The girl brought pioneers with her to improve the wasteland. A year later, Dasha came to the camp again and came to visit the flower. Instead of a vacant lot there was a well-kept place. Meeting with the descendant of a flower.

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My favorite day of the week, oddly enough, is Thursday. On this day I go to the pool with my friends. The peculiarity of Platonov’s prose is that even if it is written for children and assumes young readers as the main addressee, it still contains a certain charge of “adulthood” and philosophy. True, a child may not read these layers of text, but an adult can. The reader will be convinced of this if he reaches the end of this article. Our focus is on Platonov. "Unknown Flower": summary

and analysis of a children's fairy tale will be the subject of discussion.

Birth of a flower

The flower appeared heroically. The wind carried the seed and threw it into a vacant lot, among stones and clay. The wasteland became the flower's home, and stones and clay became its closest neighbors. His life was difficult. The flower ate little and drank little. He ate mainly dust particles carried by the wind, and drank, of course, dew, which he carefully collected not so much from the roots as from the leaves. And even in such difficult conditions, the flower grew stronger and stronger. One problem: he was completely alone. And this depressed him even more than the daily struggle for life. Platonov gives the reader a sad hero. “Unknown Flower” (summary) we continue to consider further.

Finding yourself. The flower has a corolla

This is how the world works that no effort is wasted. So Mother Nature awarded the flower with a beautiful corolla. Before this, the flower itself considered itself grass. And now, of course, he has become completely different. It had a scent and was now visible even at night. One feels that they are imbued with sympathy for their hero Platonov. “The Unknown Flower” (summary) is not such an essay devoid of hope, but this will become clear a little later.

The fairy tale could be like this: the flower struggled and struggled, and died alone, but then it would not be a fairy tale, but a reality. Most of us are never able to change our fate until death, although we try hard.

In our story, events turned out more favorably for the flower hero. Once upon a time, a girl Dasha was walking through a vacant lot. She wrote a letter to her mother and took it to the station to send it. Dasha was a good girl - a pioneer, and she loved her mother very much.

To reach her destination, the girl had to cross a wasteland. Walking along the intended route, she heard the sad aroma of a flower and responded to the silent call. Thus, hope creeps into the reader’s heart that the flower can still do well. How it will actually happen will only be known by those who read our article to the end: “Platonov, “The Unknown Flower”: summary and analysis.”

The pioneer discovered the flower and was surprised at the dissimilarity of this plant from its other brethren. However, the heroes talked, and the girl felt inner strength plant and was amazed at its vitality. The meeting shocked her so much that in parting she kissed the flower on its corolla. A kiss is a symbol of approval and a sign of the right path chosen by the flower. Thus, A.P. Platonov encouraged his hero. “The Unknown Flower” is not such a hopeless story.

Pioneers. Turning a vacant lot into a garden

Dasha could not remain indifferent to the fate of the flower. In general, it must be said that she herself did not arise from the void. Not far from the vacant lot there was a pioneer camp where the girl rested. Reinforcements came from there. Simply put, the pioneers came to the wasteland, began to measure it and estimate how much ash and manure was needed to turn this place into a garden. And the pioneers managed to carry out their plans. I never saw their flower again. One day only Dasha came to him. Thus, as it turned out, a story full of hope was written by A.P. Platonov. “The Unknown Flower” is, if a fairy tale, a very true one.

The girl came to say goodbye to the flower. Summer was ending, the pioneer had to return to her native land.

A blossoming wasteland as a monument to the efforts of a flower

The pioneer arrived on next summer to the same camp and, of course, hurried to the vacant lot, where, as it seemed to her, her friend was still living. But when the girl got there, she didn’t find it: there were fresh ones there, but not the same beautiful flowers. They were not so good because they did not have the strength of an unknown flower, its desire to live.

But then, among the stones, Dasha noticed her friend’s descendant. The son was as strong as his father, maybe even stronger, because he grew between two stones.

Platonov’s story “The Unknown Flower” leads the reader to the fact that real heroism does not disappear, does not dissolve in the world, it remains in it forever, and the job of people is not to forget about it.

The main characters and analysis of the work of A. P. Platonov

We will go from macro to micro level:

  1. Life. Of course it is main character narrative, because without it the flower would not have been able to fight for its existence so desperately and passionately.
  2. Flower-man. If you allow yourself to decode the story, it turns out that the flower is a generalized image of a person who is struggling simply to live. Nowadays such words as “self-realization”, “destination”, “calling” are fashionable, but there are still people in our world who are simply fighting for the right to live. For them, existence is by no means a gift, but rather an ever-eluding opportunity.
  3. Dasha, symbolizing hope. A flower girl is hope. Having met her, the flower realized that his efforts would not be in vain.
  4. Pioneers are everything and everyone transformative Soviet authority, which completely controls reality. Nothing is impossible for her.

This concludes the analysis of the story that Platonov wrote. “The Unknown Flower” (including the main characters) was analyzed in some detail.

1) Features of the genre of the work. Work by A.P. Platonov’s “The Unknown Flower” belongs to the genre of literary fairy tale. IN literary fairy tale the writer’s position and the essence of the author’s intention are visible. “Unknown Flower” in the fairy tale genre. Fairy tale - literary genre, combining the characteristics of two genres: fairy tales (a narrative based on fiction) and were (a narrative based on real events). The beginning of the work by A.P. Platonov’s “Unknown Flower” is reminiscent of the fairy tale genre: “Once upon a time there lived a little flower.”

2) Features of the plot. Plot is the sequence of events in a work of fiction.

How is the place where the flower lived described in the work? (in a vacant lot, no grass grew there, there were only old stones, there was dry dead clay)

How does the work of A.P. end? Platonov? (a story about a new unknown flower that grew among the stones)

3) Characteristics of the heroes of the work.

Flower image.

When did the little flower begin its life? (“one day a seed fell from the wind”)

What did the flower do to survive in the wasteland? (“This seed languished for a long time, and then it was saturated with dew, fell apart, released thin hairs of the root, stuck them into the stone and clay and began to grow.”)

Which natural phenomena helped the little flower survive? (wind and dew)

What was the little flower like? (hardworking)

Like A.P. Platonov describes the corolla that once blossomed on a flower? (“Its corolla was composed of petals of a simple light color, clear and strong, like a star. And, like a star, it shone with a living, flickering fire, and it was visible even on a dark night.”)

Why did the pioneers perceive the little flower as a hero? (the flower survived, despite the difficulties, and blossomed)

The image of the girl Dasha. Dasha is a pioneer, a hardworking girl, she misses her mother when she is away from home, and writes her a letter; knows how to appreciate the beauty of nature, remembers a little flower all winter, a kind soul.

Why did the girl Dasha walk past the vacant lot? (the girl was in a pioneer camp, missed her mother, so she “wrote a letter to her mother and took the letter to the station so that it would arrive quickly”)

How did Dasha feel when she approached the vacant lot? (fragrance)

What connection did Dasha see between herself and the lonely flower growing in a vacant lot? (“Maybe this flower misses its mother there, like I do,” thought Dasha.”)

What did the guys do in the vacant lot? (fertilized the soil in a vacant lot)

What was Dasha thinking about all long winter? (“about a small flower unknown by name”)

4) Artistic Features there were fairy tales.

What epithets does the writer use to describe the wasteland where the little flower grew? (“bare stone wasteland”, “dead clay”, “bare stone”, “dry clay”)

What artistic and expressive means describe an unknown flower? (epithets: “its leaves could not... become green: one vein was blue, another red, the third blue or gold”, “its corolla was made up of petals of a simple light color, clear and strong”, “it glowed living flickering fire"; comparison: petals, "like a star"; metaphors: "the thin hairs of the root came out", "the leaves were heavy with dew"; guarded the dew and collected it drop by drop”, “he worked day and night”, “he... overcame his pain from hunger and fatigue with patience”, “the flower... did not want to live sadly”, “he was dozing”, etc. )

Which poetic device uses A.P. Platonov when describing the meeting of a girl and a flower? (personification: the flower speaks to Dasha, telling about his fate)

Lesson topic: Lesson - discovery. The beauty in human life.

Analysis of the fairy tale by A. Platonov “The Unknown Flower”


  1. Reading and ideological and artistic analysis of fairy tales;
  2. Determining the main idea of ​​a fairy tale;
  3. Developing the ability to navigate the text work of art;
  4. Cultivation of reading taste;

Lesson equipment:

1.Multimedia presentation;

2. Portrait of A. Platonov;

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time. (Hello, guys! Welcome the guests of our lesson. Write down the date, topic, epigraph ( slide 1,2)
  2. Lesson topic message.

1.Opening speech by the teacher.

  • I invite you on a journey! And every journey reveals something new to us. Today we will dive into art world Andrey Platonov.

Read out (Semyonov, Stebo)

  • The writer gave the fairy tale “The Unknown Flower” to his daughter Masha, who would later devote her life to the memory of her father. After many years, this small piece was highly appreciated. ( slide 3)
  • Determine the type of this fairy tale. (Literary, author's) Why did you decide this?
  • How did Platonov define the genre of his work? (fairy tale).

And now we will remember.

  • What do we call a fairy tale? What features does any fairy tale have? (fiction, entertaining, instructive) ( slide 4)
  • What is reality?
  • What is a parable?
  • “A parable woven from melodies of hope, longing, faith in justice

children. Pure gold of poetry of the heart,” a critic will say about it

Victor Chalmaev ( Slide 4)

  • Now we will listen to “pure gold of poetry” in an actor’s reading. Listen to every word. Follow the text. (Listening to audio recording) (slides 6-9)
  • . Listening to a fairy tale.
  • . Work on the text.
  • What impression did the fairy tale make on you? What remains unclear?
  • Let's explain some words from the text. ( slide 10)
  • And now we will return together to the text of the fairy tale and try to figure out WHAT AND HOW Platonov wanted to tell us.
  • Which episode did you like best? Were there any episodes that made you sad while reading?
  • What parts would you divide the text into? (The story of a flower before meeting Dasha, a conversation with a girl, new life wasteland a year later.)
  • Find the first part.
  • What was the life of a flower in a vacant lot like? ( slide 11)
  • Find words in the text that support your answers.
  • Any flower has a stem, corolla, and leaves. Any flower grows, feeds on moisture, catches the rays of the sun and fights for its existence. How is the flower from Platonov’s fairy tale different from all the others?(He was alive, endowed with feelings, will, could speak, he had a son) What is this literary device called? (personality)
  • The author writes about the flower: “Its corolla is made up of petals of a simple light color, clear and strong, like a star.” Can we agree with Platonov? (A flower in a vacant lot is like a star in the vast expanse of the sky) ( slide 12)
  • Why do people need stars? Flowers? (Dream, reflect, enjoy the beauty of the universe)
  • Have there been any joys in the life of a flower? Which? (Support with quotes from the text)
  • Did the flower have the most important purpose in life?
  • Can we say that the flower emerged victorious in the fight against the conditions in which it happened to be born and live? ( In the middle of summer... until the end of the paragraph)
  • Find words in the text that help determine the author’s attitude towards the flower.
  • Why do you think so much space is devoted to describing the life of a flower in a vacant lot? ( So that we can make a discovery. Learned better about the life of a flower)
  • Think about the aphorisms. How do you understand the meaning of these words? (slide 13)
  • What does Platonov convince the reader of the fairy tale? What is the idea of ​​the fairy tale? Read it. ( slide14)

Find the second part.

  • Have you forgotten that today we are making a discovery? What conditions are necessary for a discovery to occur? (unknown, unfamiliar)
  • Is this enough?
  • There must be someone who makes a discovery, a discoverer. Can anyone be a pioneer? Let's return to the text.
  • Why did Dasha end up near the vacant lot?
  • What mood was she in? Find it in the text.
  • Why was Dasha jealous of the letter? Have you experienced something similar in your life?


  • What role does the memory of your mother’s fairy tale play in the development of the plot? (Thanks to the fairy tale, Dasha tried to find the source of the fragrance)
  • Why did Dasha step into a vacant lot and talk to a flower? ? (I wanted to take my mind off sad thoughts, I was inquisitive)
  • Do you think the flower helped Dasha in any way? (Dispelled the sadness, Dasha seemed to be helping a flower from mother's fairy tale, earning the approval of a very loved one)
  • Sympathy, empathy, compassion are important properties human soul. Dasha met the flower, tried to understand it, showed active compassion, remembered it when we were apart, and became a true friend. ( slide 16)
  • Dashamade a discovery small unknown life, took a step towards the lonely soul, managed to see something that no one had noticed before.
  • What is said in

third part?

  • Did the children's efforts yield results? (yes, the wasteland has been transformed)
  • Why did Dasha feel sad? (many flowers, but not the one I remembered all winter)
  • Where did Dasha find the same one, but only new flower? (in the previous ones, even more harsh conditions) (slide 17)
  • What did the son inherit from his father? What changed?
  • How does a new flower make you feel?
  • . Lesson summary.

Guys. Thanks to all. Each of you is an individual, you know how to speak and listen.

Guys, ask everyone to come to the board. Raise your palm petals higher, squeeze right palm into your fists. A lot of hearts... And if you combine them all, it will work out huge heart, full of kindness and humanity. Is it easier to live in such a world?

  1. .Homework.


Ask your relatives, remember for yourself whether there were small, but very important discoveries? In the next lesson we will discuss these discoveries.

The genre of Andrei Platonovich Platonov’s work “Unknown Flower” is very difficult to attribute to any specific type. IN literary criticism Most often you can find the term “ story ", however, it is more correct to attribute this work to literary fairy tale . The author himself defined the genre as fairy tale . Indeed, “The Unknown Flower” intertwines truth and fiction.

The beginning is reminiscent of a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there lived a little flower.” However, the very next line indicates reality: the flower lived in a vacant lot, where even cows and goats did not go and children from the pioneer camp did not play. The entire first part reveals the flower’s difficult struggle for survival, when a small seed, finding itself in a hole between stone and clay, was able to germinate, feeding only on dew and wind-blown dust.

This story of a flower could in itself become a complete work - a unique anthem hardworking flower. Then the work could well be called fable , because it contains an explicit allegory : behind the image of a surviving flower you can see the fate of a person in the first half of the twentieth century, who had a difficult time in harsh years Civil War, Great Patriotic War, V post-war years. In the understanding of the author, who himself endured many trials, this is nothing more than allegory about the fate of the entire Russian people.

However, the appearance of the girl Dasha not only develops the plot, but also continues the fairy tale line. A pioneer girl, vacationing in a nearby camp, goes to the station to send a letter to her mother. At the edge of the wasteland she smells the fragrance and really sees unusual flower: it resembled a star, because it “glowed with a living, flickering fire,” and it could be seen even on a dark night.

As it should be in a fairy tale, Dasha begins to talk to the flower and finds out that he has become so “unlike others” because it is difficult for him to be alone. The girl invited her pioneer friends to look at the unusual flower. This is where the fairy tale ends and reality begins. The pioneers appreciated the heroic struggle of the little worker and decided to help him. They walked around the wasteland, measured its area and calculated how many carts with manure and ash needed to be brought in to fertilize the dead clay.

The children of the Soviet country sincerely wanted to help the little flower so that it could rest, and from its seeds “the best flowers shining with light, which are not found anywhere,” would grow. In this desire to change life one can also read Soviet ideology: Children should live better than their parents, so parents are willing to endure hardships for a better future. And the desire to grow the best flowers in the world also clearly echoes the myth about better life in the country of victorious socialism. One of the mottos of the era was: “We were born to make a fairy tale come true.” So Andrei Platonov’s fairy tale turned into reality.

The pioneers worked for four days in a vacant lot, fertilizing the land. Soon, on the site of the wasteland, a “garden city”, once praised by the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, appeared. After this, the pioneers lost interest in this wasteland and went traveling, apparently looking for new objects to transform. Only Dasha, feeling responsible for her little friend, visited him before leaving home. And then I remembered him throughout the long winter.

When the girl arrived at the camp again, the first thing she did was run to the wasteland, but did not find her friend. Yes, the wasteland was transformed: it was all overgrown with grass and full of flowers, butterflies fluttered and birds flew over it. The new flowers were good, but they were not like that flower, because they did not have to fight for their lives.

At the end of the work, everything ends happily, as it should be in a fairy tale: Dasha sees a new flower, which, unlike her father, was even better and more beautiful, because it grew “from the middle of the cramped stones.” He was “alive and patient” like his father, but turned out to be stronger than him because he “lived in stone.” However, this flower no longer spoke to Dasha, but called to her “with the silent voice of her fragrance.”

Such a realistic ending, according to the author, contains a very obvious idea. The fact that the flower hero could grow in stone and clay is miraculous, but it is not a fairy tale. Hard work, perseverance, desire for high goal should be rewarded. Only those who truly strive for something live unusual life, become special, not like others.

Of course, in a unitary society, when the idea was affirmed that a person is a cog or wheel of a huge mechanism called the state, the writer’s idea should have been perceived as sedition. The story, or rather the true story, of Platonov inspires hope for finding one’s own individuality even in the conditions of a totalitarian state.

As in other works of the Russian writer, special attention is deserved style Andrei Platonov: unusual use of words (for example, “fell”, “embarrassed”), a peculiar primitivization of the language through the use of colloquial words and expressions (“no”, “between”, “them”, “little by little”, “now”), violation lexical compatibility (“black fat earth”, “they will grow and not die”).

Platonov's world is always a living world, with its own feelings and motives. This is not even a personification - it is a special worldview. The clay in the wasteland is dry, which means it is dead. The flower was guarded by the wind, working to “live and not die.” According to Dasha, he doesn’t just smell - “he breathes like that.” At Platonov's surrounding a person the world is truly alive, with its own feelings and motives.

  • “Return”, analysis of Platonov’s story