Topic: Doctor of Science Mom's Siberian "Alyonushka's tales"

D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "A saying to Alyonushka's Tales"

Lesson objectives: to familiarize children with the life and work of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak; instill a love of reading and literary fairy tales.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

    Read V. Orlov’s poem “The Crow” with a “buzzing” reading.

    Kra! - - Stop, crow.

    The crow screams. - Do not scream.

    Theft! Don't shout

    Guard! Shut up.

    Robbery! You can't live

    The missing! Without cheating:

    The thief snuck in from you

    Early in the morning! No pocket!

    He stole the penny - How! -

    From the pocket! The crow jumped

    Pencil! And she blinked in surprise.

    Cardboard! - Why are you earlier?

    Traffic jam! Didn't they say?

    And a beautiful Car-r-r-raul!

    Box! Kar-r-man


GROSH - an old copper coin of 2 kopecks. Later - half a penny. “Not worth a penny” - worthless, worthless.

    Which parts of this poem will you, imitating the crow, read loudly, and at the same time emphasizing the sound [r]? Read this poem so that we hear the crow. (Expressive reading by students.)

III. Introduction to the topic

1. Preliminary conversation.

    In what works did we meet the crow? (We read stories, fables, poems about her.)

    Today we are opening a new section of the textbook. Read its title. (The section is called “Literary Fairy Tales.”)

    What does “Literary fairy tales” mean? (These are original fairy tales. They were written by writers.)

    Let's read about this on page 180. (Role-based reading by pre-prepared students.)

    2. Conversation after reading.

    What two groups are fairy tales divided into? (Fairy tales are divided into 2 groups: folk and literary, or author's.)

    How to distinguish them? (Folk fairy tales appeared a long time ago. For a long time, these fairy tales were told orally and simply memorized. And they began to be written down and printed much later. Folk tales do not have an author. A literary, author's fairy tale is a special fairy tale, it is always original, individual and unusual. It has an author.)

    Look at the illustrations on page 181. Think about the fairy tales you have read before. Name your favorites. (Children's answers.)

IV. Physical education minute

V. Studying a new topic

    Guys, read the name of the writer whose work we will get acquainted with today, look at his portrait. (Children read from the board: Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912).)

    1. Teacher’s story about the writer.

    Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912)

    D.N. Mamin was born in a small factory village in the Perm province; his father was a priest and a teacher in the village school. The house had a well-chosen library, and the “modest priest’s house” itself, according to contemporaries, was “a concentration of disadvantaged factory people.” Even in early childhood, shocked by the contrast of the majestic nature of the Urals and the life of ordinary people, the boy remembered for the rest of his life the terrible “machine room”, where they imprisoned and beat guilty workers.

The writer turned to the children's readership very early - in the 80s, although his main works were written starting in the 90s (in 1892, his twenty-six-year-old beloved wife died in childbirth, leaving the writer with a seriously ill daughter, Alyonushka). The feat of fatherhood, which all contemporaries remember, was reflected in especially close attention to the children's world, in the creation of a unique philosophy of childhood (“Children are the future of humanity: they contain future opportunities,” and the book is “a living thread that leads out of the children’s room and connects with the rest of the world,” “a children’s book is a spring ray of sunshine that awakens the dormant powers of a child’s soul and causes the seeds thrown onto this fertile soil to grow,” these are some of the writer’s statements).

The cycle of “Alyonushka’s Tales” is adjacent to the tales of nature. These tales were created sporadically from 1894 to 1897 and were not initially intended for publication - they were written and told for a seriously ill daughter, who sometimes had difficulty falling asleep at night. Subsequently, one of my friends came up with the idea of ​​publishing them. Unlike fairy tales of nature, this cycle can be called fairy tales of life, since they were conceived as pedagogical commandments for a child who needs to be persistent, independent and self-valued in life. Each fairy tale is a kind of lesson, devoid of primitive clarity, a model of the behavior of a weak creature in the big world. The newly born Kozyavochka at first thinks that the world is beautiful and belongs to her alone, but, alas, the very first meetings plunge her into amazement - everything already belongs to someone, and the little boogers are threatened with trouble from all sides. Look for your place in life. Don’t be defenseless and dependent, like the yellow bird Canary, but try not to be petty, like Voronushka. Remember that even small mosquitoes are capable of defeating a bear, know that courage “takes the city,” but don’t get too carried away with victory. Don’t judge by the laws of the “poultry yard”: the last one in it may be the first in the real big world, and vice versa. Keep in mind that while two people are quarreling, the third will definitely benefit from it. And most importantly, you must be able to love life.

At the center of “Alyonushka’s Tales” are animals, fish, insects, dolls, but people almost never appear in them. Mamin-Sibiryak’s skill was manifested in solving the most difficult task - in an extremely laconic form to give children an idea of ​​​​the laws of human existence. It is no coincidence that the language of Alyonushka’s Tales was given the name “Mom’s Syllable” by contemporaries.

Stories about the nature of the Urals and the people of the Urals (“Ural Stories”) and stories about little workers are deservedly considered the most popular in Mamin-Sibiryak’s works for children. (At the same time, the two named thematic groups of stories are contrasting in their own way: for example, in the “Ural Stories” it is nature that dominates and determines the specificity of what is drawn, and in the stories about little workers it seems to be absent at all - after all, children driven into mines and workshops, its they just don't see it.)

Often in the writer’s work there appear works that warn of the danger of thoughtless intrusion into the life of nature, which exists according to its own laws. People brought the “funny” baby Medvedko into the house, and gained nothing but trouble and annoyance from communicating with the animal. But the bear cub also suffers, deprived of its usual habitat, being thrown from house to house. It’s good that “fortunately” a hunter was found who rescued both the people and the “filthy beast” that had become a burden to everyone.

2.Reading the saying on page 182.

    Now we will read the saying to Alyonushka’s Tales.

    Where did you meet the saying? Which of them do you remember? (Fairy tales begin with a saying. For example: “In a certain kingdom...” “Once upon a time...”)

    Conversation after reading.

    What is special about the writer’s saying? (Its peculiarity is that this saying goes to several fairy tales at once. It brings together the heroes of these fairy tales: the cat Vaska, the dog Postoiko, the gray Mouse-Norushka, the Cricket, the motley Starling and the bully Rooster, the scythe Hare, the wolf , bear Mishka, old Sparrow.)

VI. Lesson summary

    Which writer’s work did you get acquainted with in class? Say his name.

    What have you learned about his life and work?


This is a lullaby by Mamin-Sibiryak, which appears in his collection before all the stories. This saying is read to children at night before the fairy tale, and the name of the heroine Alyonushka can simply be changed to the name of your baby.

Fairy tale Saying download:

Fairy tale Saying to read


One of Alyonushka’s eyes is asleep, the other is watching; One ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.

Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everyone is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, the shaggy village dog Postoiko, the gray Little Mouse, the Cricket behind the stove, the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster.

Sleep, Alyonushka, now the fairy tale begins. The high moon is already looking out the window; over there the sideways hare hobbled on his felt boots; the wolf's eyes glowed with yellow lights; Bear Mishka sucks his paw. Old Sparrow flew up to the window itself, knocked his nose on the glass and asked: how soon? Everyone is here, everyone is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alyonushka’s fairy tale.

One of Alyonushka’s eyes is asleep, the other is watching; One ear of Alyonushka sleeps, and the other listens.

Open lesson during primary school week

MBOU Secondary School No. 4 Krasnoarmeysk MO

3rd class “A”, 12/24/2013 Teacher Guseva N.N.

Subject: D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Alyonushka’s fairy tales” (saying).

Lesson type: learning new material.

Goals: to acquaint children with the life and work of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak; develop the ability to read a work expressively, conveying the mood with intonation; teach children to answer questions, highlight the main idea; enrich their vocabulary; cultivate kindness and mercy.

Planned results : students should be able to read a work expressively out loud, silently; highlight the features of a literary fairy tale.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, an exhibition of the writer’s books with his portrait, an audio supplement of the work being studied with musical accompaniment to the textbook by L.F. Klimanova (Publishing House “Prosveshchenie”), a book of tests for the textbook.

During the classes:

I. Psychological moment.

1.Exercise for hands “Greeting”

Place your hands palm over palm.

Smile and greet each other.

Rub your palms, feel the warmth.

Fold your hands over your chest and listen to your heart beat.

Move them apart and wish each other well.

Guys, we have guests at our lesson today - give them smiles and the warmth of your hearts.

II. Checking homework: test No. 102, pp. 134-135 ( call 5 students to the board, evaluate the answers). As you review the test, ask the following questions:

clause 1 What is another name for literary fairy tales? (answer B - copyrighted)



Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everyone is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, the shaggy village dog Postoiko, the gray Little Mouse, the Cricket behind the stove, the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster.

Sleep, Alyonushka, now the fairy tale begins. The high moon is already looking out the window; over there the sideways hare hobbled on his felt boots; the wolf's eyes glowed with yellow lights; Mishka bear sucks his paw. Old Sparrow flew up to the window itself, knocked his nose on the glass and asked: how soon? Everyone is here, everyone is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alyonushka’s fairy tale.

One of Alyonushka’s eyes is asleep, the other is watching; One ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.



A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig will crack somewhere, a bird will fly up, a lump of snow will fall from a tree - the bunny is in hot water.

The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew up big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid.

- I'm not afraid of anyone! - he shouted to the whole forest. “I’m not afraid at all, that’s all!”

The old hares gathered, the little bunnies came running, the old female hares tagged along - everyone listened to how the Hare boasted - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail - they listened and did not believe their own ears. There has never been a time when the hare was not afraid of anyone.

- Hey, slanting eye, aren’t you afraid of the wolf?

“I’m not afraid of the wolf, or the fox, or the bear—I’m not afraid of anyone!”

This turned out to be quite funny. The young hares giggled, covering their faces with their front paws, the kind old hare women laughed, even the old hares, who had been in the paws of a fox and tasted wolf teeth, smiled. A very funny hare!.. Oh, so funny! And everyone suddenly felt happy. They started tumbling, jumping, jumping, racing each other, as if everyone had gone crazy.

- What is there to say for a long time! - shouted the Hare, who had finally gained courage. - If I come across a wolf, I’ll eat it myself...

- Oh, what a funny Hare! Oh, how stupid he is!..

Everyone sees that he is funny and stupid, and everyone laughs.

The hares scream about the wolf, and the wolf is right there.

He walked, walked in the forest about his wolf business, got hungry and just thought: “It would be nice to have a bunny snack!” - when he hears that somewhere very close, hares are screaming and they remember him, the gray Wolf. Now he stopped, sniffed the air and began to creep up.

The wolf came very close to the playful hares, heard them laughing at him, and most of all - the boastful Hare - slanted eyes, long ears, short tail.

“Eh, brother, wait, I’ll eat you!” - thought the gray Wolf and began to look out to see the hare boasting of his courage. But the hares don’t see anything and are having more fun than ever. It ended with the boastful Hare climbing onto a stump, sitting on his hind legs and speaking:

– Listen, you cowards! Listen and look at me! Now I’ll show you one thing. I... I... I...

Here the braggart’s tongue seemed to freeze.

The Hare saw the Wolf looking at him. Others did not see, but he saw and did not dare to breathe.

The boastful hare jumped up like a ball, and out of fear fell straight onto the wide wolf’s forehead, rolled head over heels along the wolf’s back, turned over again in the air and then gave such a kick that it seemed like he was ready to jump out of his own skin.

The unfortunate Bunny ran for a long time, ran until he was completely exhausted.

It seemed to him that the Wolf was hot on his heels and was about to grab him with his teeth.

Finally the poor fellow grew weak, closed his eyes and fell dead under a bush.

And the Wolf at that time ran in the other direction. When the Hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone had shot at him.

And the Wolf ran away. You never know how many other hares you can find in the forest, but this one was kind of crazy...

It took the rest of the hares a long time to come to their senses. Some ran into the bushes, some hid behind a stump, some fell into a hole.

Finally, everyone got tired of hiding, and little by little the bravest ones began to peek out.

- And our Hare cleverly scared the Wolf! - everything was decided. – If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have left alive... But where is he, our fearless Hare?..

We started looking.

We walked and walked, but the brave Hare was nowhere to be found. Had another wolf eaten him? Finally they found him: lying in a hole under a bush and barely alive from fear.

- Well done, oblique! - all the hares shouted in one voice. - Oh yes, oblique!.. You’re clever scared old Wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you were bragging.

The brave Hare immediately perked up. He crawled out of his hole, shook himself, narrowed his eyes and said:

– What would you think! Oh you cowards...

From that day on, the brave Hare began to believe that he was really not afraid of anyone.




Nobody saw how Kozyavochka was born.

It was a sunny spring day. Kozyavochka looked around and said:

- Fine!..

Kozyavochka spread her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around and said:

- How good!.. What a warm sun, what a blue sky, what green grass - good, good!.. And everything is mine!..

Kozyavochka rubbed her legs again and flew off. He flies, admires everything and is happy. And below the grass is turning green, and hidden in the grass is a scarlet flower.

- Kozyavochka, come to me! - the flower shouted.

The little booger descended to the ground, climbed onto the flower and began to drink the sweet flower juice.

- How kind you are, flower! - says Kozyavochka, wiping her stigma with her legs.

“He’s kind, but I can’t walk,” the flower complained.

“It’s still good,” Kozyavochka assured. - And everything is mine...

She hasn't had time yet negotiate, as a furry Bumblebee flew in with a buzz - and straight to the flower:

- LJ... Who climbed into my flower? LJ... who drinks my sweet juice? LJ... Oh, you trashy Booger, get out! Lzhzh... Get out before I sting you!

- Excuse me, what is this? - Kozyavochka squeaked. - Everything, everything is mine...

– Zhzh... No, mine!

Kozyavochka barely escaped the angry Bumblebee. She sat down on the grass, licked her feet, stained with flower juice, and got angry:

- What a rude person this Bumblebee is!.. It’s even amazing!.. He also wanted to sting... After all, everything is mine - the sun, the grass, and the flowers.

- No, sorry - mine! - said the furry Worm, climbing a stalk of grass.

Kozyavochka realized that the Worm could not fly, and spoke more boldly:

- Excuse me, Worm, you are mistaken... I’m not stopping you from crawling, but don’t argue with me!..

– Okay, okay... Just don’t touch my grass. I don’t like this, I must admit... You never know how many of you are flying around here... You are a frivolous people, and I am a serious little worm... Frankly speaking, everything belongs to me. I’ll crawl onto the grass and eat it, I’ll crawl onto any flower and eat it too. Goodbye!..


In a few hours, Kozyavochka learned absolutely everything, namely: that, in addition to the sun, blue sky and green grass, there are also angry bumblebees, serious worms and various thorns on flowers. In a word, it was a big disappointment. Kozyavochka was even offended. For mercy's sake, she was sure that everything belonged to her and was created for her, but here others think the same thing. No, something is wrong... It can’t be.

- This is mine! – she squealed cheerfully. - My water... Oh, how fun!.. There is grass and flowers.

And other boogers fly towards Kozyavochka.

- Hello, sister!

- Hello, darlings... Otherwise, I’m getting bored of flying alone. What are you doing here?

- And we are playing, sister... Come to us. We have fun... Were you born recently?

- Just today... I was almost stung by the Bumblebee, then I saw the Worm... I thought that everything was mine, but they say that everything is theirs.

The other boogers reassured the guest and invited her to play together. Above the water, the boogers played like a pillar: circling, flying, squeaking. Our Kozyavochka was choking with joy and soon completely forgot about the angry Bumblebee and the serious Worm.

- Oh, how good! – she whispered in delight. – Everything is mine: the sun, the grass, and the water. I absolutely don’t understand why others are angry. Everything is mine, and I don’t interfere with anyone’s life: fly, buzz, have fun. I let…

Kozyavochka played, had fun and sat down to rest on the marsh sedge. You really need to relax! Kozyavochka watches how other little boogers are having fun; suddenly, out of nowhere, a sparrow darts past, as if someone had thrown a stone.

- Oh, oh! – the little boogers shouted and rushed in all directions. When the sparrow flew away, a whole dozen little boogers were missing.

- Oh, robber! - the old boogers scolded. - I ate a whole ten.

It was worse than Bumblebee. The little booger began to be afraid and hid with other young little boogers even further into the swamp grass. But here there is another problem: two of the boogers were eaten by a fish, and two by a frog.

- What is it? – Kozyavochka was surprised. “It’s not like anything at all... You can’t live like that.” Wow, how disgusting!..

It’s good that there were a lot of boogers and no one noticed the loss. Moreover, new boogers arrived that were just born. They flew and squeaked:

- Everything is ours... Everything is ours...

“No, not everything is ours,” our Kozyavochka shouted to them. – There are also angry bumblebees, serious worms, nasty sparrows, fish and frogs. Be careful, sisters!

However, night came, and all the boogers hid in the reeds, where it was so warm. The stars poured out in the sky, the moon rose, and everything was reflected in the water.

Oh how good it was!..

“My month, my stars,” our Kozyavochka thought, but she didn’t tell anyone this: they’ll just take that away too...


This is how Kozyavochka lived the whole summer.

She had a lot of fun, but there was also a lot of unpleasantness. Twice she was almost swallowed by a nimble swift; then a frog sneaked up unnoticed - you never know how many enemies there are! There were also joys. Kozyavochka met another similar little booger, with a shaggy mustache. She says:

- How pretty you are, Kozyavochka... We will live together.

And they healed together, they healed very well. All together: where one goes, there goes another. And we didn’t notice how the summer flew by. It started to rain and the nights were cold. Our Kozyavochka laid eggs, hid them in the thick grass and said:

- Oh, how tired I am!..

No one saw Kozyavochka die.

Yes, she didn’t die, but only fell asleep for the winter, so that in the spring she could wake up again and live again.



This happened at midday, when all the mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - his long nose nestled under a wide leaf and fell asleep. He sleeps and hears a desperate cry:

- Oh, fathers!.. oh, carraul!..

Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted:

- What happened?.. What are you yelling at?

And the mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything.

- Oh, fathers!.. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As soon as he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes; As soon as he breathed, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We barely managed to get away from him, otherwise he would have crushed everyone...

Komar Komarovich - the long nose immediately became angry; I was angry with both the bear and the stupid mosquitoes that squeaked to no avail.

- Hey, stop squeaking! - he shouted. - Now I’ll go and drive away the bear... It’s very simple! And you are only yelling in vain...

Komar Komarovich became even more angry and flew away. Indeed, there was a bear lying in the swamp. He climbed into the thickest grass, where mosquitoes had lived since time immemorial, lay down and sniffled through his nose, only a whistle sounded, as if someone was playing a trumpet. What a shameless creature!.. He climbed into someone else’s place, destroyed so many mosquito souls in vain, and still sleeps so sweetly!

- Hey, uncle, where did you go? - Komar Komarovich shouted throughout the forest, so loudly that even he himself became scared.

Furry Misha opened one eye - no one was visible, he opened the other eye - he barely saw that a mosquito was flying right over his nose.

-What do you need, buddy? - Misha grumbled and also began to get angry. - Of course, I just settled down to rest, and then some scoundrel squeaks.

- Hey, go away in good health, uncle!..

Misha opened both eyes, looked at the impudent man, sniffed and became completely angry.

- What do you want, you worthless creature? – he growled.

- Leave our place, otherwise I don’t like to joke... I’ll eat you and your fur coat.

The bear felt funny. He rolled over to the other side, covered his muzzle with his paw, and immediately began snoring.


Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted throughout the swamp:

- I cleverly scared the furry Bear!.. He won’t come next time.

The mosquitoes marveled and asked:

- Well, where is the bear now?

- I don’t know, brothers... He got very scared when I told him that I would eat him if he didn’t leave. After all, I don’t like to joke, but I said it straight out: I’ll eat it. I’m afraid that he might die of fear while I’m flying to you... Well, it’s my own fault!

All the mosquitoes squealed, buzzed and argued for a long time about what to do with the ignorant bear. Never before had there been such a terrible noise in the swamp. They squeaked and squeaked and decided to drive the bear out of the swamp.

- Let him go to his home, in the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp... Our fathers and grandfathers lived in this very swamp.

One prudent old woman, Komarikha, advised her to leave the bear alone: ​​let him lie down, and when he gets some sleep, he will go away, but everyone attacked her so much that the poor thing barely had time to hide.

- Let's go, brothers! - Komar Komarovich shouted the most. - We'll show him... yes!

Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. They fly and squeak, it’s even scary for them. They arrived and looked, but the bear lay there and didn’t move.

“Well, that’s what I said: the poor fellow died of fear!” - Komar Komarovich boasted. - It’s even a little pity, what a healthy bear...

“He’s sleeping, brothers,” squeaked a little mosquito, flying right up to the bear’s nose and almost being pulled in there, as if through a window.

- Oh, shameless one! Ah, shameless! - all the mosquitoes squealed at once and created a terrible hubbub. - He crushed five hundred mosquitoes, swallowed a hundred mosquitoes and he himself sleeps as if nothing had happened...

And furry Misha is sleeping and whistling with his nose.

- He's pretending to be asleep! - Komar Komarovich shouted and flew towards the bear. - I’ll show him now... Hey, uncle, he’ll pretend!

As soon as Komar Komarovich swooped in, as he dug his long nose right into the black bear’s nose, Misha jumped up and grabbed his nose with his paw, and Komar Komarovich was gone.

- What, uncle, didn’t you like? - Komar Komarovich squeaks. - Go away, otherwise it will be worse... Now I’m not the only Komar Komarovich - a long nose, but my grandfather, Komarishche - a long nose, and my younger brother, Komarishko - a long nose, came with me! Go away, uncle...

- I won’t leave! - the bear shouted, sitting down on his hind legs. - I’ll pass you all on...

- Oh, uncle, you’re boasting in vain...

Komar Komarovich flew again and stabbed the bear right in the eye. The bear roared in pain, hit himself in the face with his paw, and again there was nothing in his paw, only he almost tore out his own eye with a claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered just above the bear’s ear and squeaked:

- I'll eat you, uncle...


Misha became completely angry. He uprooted a whole birch tree and began to beat mosquitoes with it. It hurts all over his shoulder... He beat and beat, he was even tired, but not a single mosquito was killed - everyone hovered over him and squeaked. Then Misha grabbed a heavy stone and threw it at the mosquitoes - again to no avail.

- What, did you take it, uncle? - Komar Komarovich squeaked. - But I’ll still eat you...

No matter how long or how short Misha fought with the mosquitoes, there was just a lot of noise. A bear's roar could be heard in the distance. And how many trees he tore out, how many stones he tore up!.. He all wanted to catch the first Komar Komarovich, - after all, right here, just above his ear, the bear was hovering, and the bear would suffice with his paw, and again nothing, he just scratched his whole face into blood.

Misha finally became exhausted. He sat down on his hind legs, snorted and came up with a new trick - let's roll on the grass to crush the entire mosquito kingdom. Misha rode and rode, but nothing came of it, but only made him even more tired. Then the bear hid its face in the moss. It turned out even worse - mosquitoes clung to the bear's tail. The bear finally became furious.

“Wait, I’ll ask you this!” he roared so loudly that it could be heard five miles away. - I’ll show you a thing... I... I... I...

The mosquitoes have retreated and are waiting to see what will happen. And Misha climbed the tree like an acrobat, sat down on the thickest branch and roared:

- Well, now come up to me... I’ll break everyone’s noses!..

The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the bear with the whole army. They squeak, circle, climb... Misha fought and fought, accidentally swallowed about a hundred mosquito troops, coughed and fell off the branch like a bag... However, he got up, scratched his bruised side and said:

- Well, did you take it? Have you seen how deftly I jump from a tree?..

The mosquitoes laughed even more subtly, and Komar Komarovich trumpeted:

– I’ll eat you... I’ll eat you... I’ll eat... I’ll eat you!..

The bear was completely exhausted, exhausted, and it was a shame to leave the swamp. He sits on his hind legs and only blinks his eyes.

A frog saved him from trouble. She jumped out from under the hummock, sat down on her hind legs and said:

“You don’t want to bother yourself, Mikhailo Ivanovich, in vain!.. Don’t pay any attention to these crappy mosquitoes.” Not worth it.

“And that’s not worth it,” the bear rejoiced. - That’s how I say it... Let them come to my den, but I... I...

How Misha turns, how he runs out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - his long nose flies after him, flies and shouts:

- Oh, brothers, hold on! The bear will run away... Hold on!..

All the mosquitoes got together, consulted and decided: “It’s not worth it! Let him go - after all, the swamp is behind us!”



3rd grade educational complex “School of Russia”





Primary school teacher

Chursina Yulia Vladimirovna



Formation of the concept of literary fairy tales;

Getting to know the life and work of D.N. Mom's -Sibiryak;

Instilling a love of reading.

EQUIPMENT: ICT, exhibition of books by D.N. Mom's - Siberian.


    Organizing time

    Updating knowledge

    Setting a learning task. Introduction to the topic.

    Working on new material.

Physical education minute.

    Continuation of work on new material.

    Reflection. (Lesson summary)



1. Organizational moment.

I'm sitting in class

I don't knock or shout.

I quietly raise my hand,

If they ask, I answer.

2.Updating knowledge

Speech warm-up.

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He himself, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

Guess the riddle.

People are surprised:

The stove is moving, smoke is coming out,

And Emelya on the stove

Eating big rolls!

Read the text slowly in buzz reading. What have you read?

Read the riddle orthographically.

Read the riddle spellingly.

Guess the riddle.

What unites these tales? (These are Russian folk tales).

Right. What do you think we will work on in class today? (Above fairy tales).

3. Statement of the educational task. Introduction to the topic.

You will find out which fairy tales we will work with in class when you solve the crossword puzzle.

Questions for the crossword:

    Devoted friend of the little dog from L.N. Tolstoy. (A LION)

    Famous artist, creator of beautiful paintings and illustrations based on Russian folk tales.. (BILIBIN)

    A poet who, as a child, often spoke in rhyme, for example:

“Why isn’t mom coming?

After all, Michelle is still waiting and waiting?” (LERMONTOV)

    The poet is a citizen who felt keen sympathy for human suffering. (NEKRASOV).

    What do I.A. Krylov’s fables make fun of? (VICES)

    Nature lover, savior of hares from Nekrasov’s work. (MAZAY)

    This object of inanimate nature spent the night on the chest of the cliff - the giant in Lermontov’s poem. (CLOUDS)

    Who said: “What a delight these fairy tales are!?” (PUSHKIN)

    Famous Russian fabulist. (KRYLOV)

    Which of the heroes of Krylov’s fable said:

“Look, godfather, my dear,

What kind of face is that there?” (MONKEY)

    A story told by L.N. Tolstoy about a boy who wanted to do everything his own way. (BOUNCE)

    In this object, the monkey saw his image in Krylov’s fable. (MIRROR).

What keyword appeared in the crossword puzzle? (LITERARY)

Who will try to fully formulate the topic of the lesson? (Literary fairy tales).

4. Work on new material.

1). Working with the textbook.

That's right, today we are opening a new section of the textbook “Literary Fairy Tales”.

What do you think literary fairy tales are? (These are original fairy tales, They were written by writers.)

Let's read about this on page 180. (Reading the text according to the roles of previously prepared students.)

2). Conversation after reading.

Look at the pictures

Remember fairy tales. Which you have read before. Name your favorite.

What two groups can fairy tales be divided into? (2nd: folk and literary)

What is their difference?

3). Acquaintance with the life and work of the writer D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Look at the portrait and read the name of the creative writer we will meet in class.

D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak was born in a small factory village in the Perm province, his father was a priest and a teacher in a village school, his mother worked as a teacher in the same school.

Mamin received his primary education at home and graduated from the Perm Theological Seminary. Studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. However, he was never able to complete his education.

Incomplete education did not prevent Mamin from becoming a good and beloved writer for adults and children. He wrote more than 130 fairy tales and stories for children.

Among them is the well-known fairy tale about a sick but very strong and brave duck (“Gray Neck”).

A special place in the work of Mamin-Sibiryak is occupied by the cycle of “Alyonushka’s Tales”. These tales were created from time to time and were not originally intended for publication - they were composed and told to a seriously ill daughter who had difficulty falling asleep at night. Then one of the writer’s friends suggested publishing them.

These tales are not related to each other. Each of them is a separate story. At the center of “Alyonushka’s Tales” are animals, but people are rarely found in them.

Let's get acquainted with the names of some of them. (Review of the book exhibition.)

Physical education minute.

5. Continued work on new material.

- “Alyonushka’s Tales” begin with a saying. Let's read it on page 182 on our own, buzzing reading.

Let's read the saying out loud.

Where did you meet the saying?

Which ones do you remember?

Reading the saying out loud in a chain.

What is special about the writer’s saying?

6. Reflection. (Lesson summary)

What fairy tales did you meet in class?

What is the difference between literary fairy tales and folk tales?

Which writer did you get acquainted with?

Tell me in outline what today's lesson taught you.

I found out…; introduced...; smog…;

Using three hearts red, yellow, green, rate yourself and your class. (Red – “3”, Green – “4”, Yellow – “5”).

7. Homework.