How to learn to draw straight lines without a ruler. Drawing lines in Photoshop

Drawing a circle is not the most common task in life. It becomes even more difficult to gather your thoughts when you have to draw a circle by hand, without a compass, stencil or other auxiliary devices. But no one is immune from such a need. For some people more often, and for others less often, drawing a circle without a compass happens to everyone. For schoolchildren and students who forgot their cooking utensils at home. For parents of preschoolers who love to cut out “skirts” for cardboard dolls. Parents of schoolchildren receiving homework make paper snowflakes. Housewives who regularly cover the bottom of the baking dish with suitable rounds of culinary parchment.

Draw at home smooth circle easy: take a plate, saucer or glass, place it upside down on paper and trace along the outline. How about drawing perfect circle by hand? We bet the circle will look more like an oval, ellipse or polygon, depending on the precision of your coordination of movements? In the end, this is already a challenge to yourself. Will I be able to do such a trifle as drawing a perfect circle without a compass?! We know you can. If you practice and use a few tricks, you can draw an even circle without a compass and/or stencil, by hand.

What's the easiest way to draw a circle without a compass?
Forgetfulness is not a problem if you can compensate for it with resourcefulness. Let's say you left your compass at home while heading to a geometry lesson (on a topic related to circles) or a meeting (you urgently need to draw a visual pie chart). So that no one guesses about your absent-mindedness, gives you a bad mark or reprimands, we offer you the following simple ways drawing a circle without a compass:

  • Take a protractor from your pencil case (yours or your desk neighbor’s). This drawing instrument is famous for its versatility: it often replaces a ruler, and in the absence of a compass it will also perform its task. Place the protractor on the paper, placing the middle of its flat side at the point that will become the center of the future circle. Holding the protractor with your left hand, trace its rounded part with a pencil - this is half a circle. Now, being careful not to displace the center of the circle, rotate the protractor approximately 90° around the midpoint. Trace the rounded side again in a new location. Turn the protractor on the paper to complete the circle and bring the pencil line to full circle. In principle, you can draw a circle from two semicircles, but not all protractors allow this, so the three-step method is considered the most versatile and accurate.
  • Even if there is no protractor nearby, you will have to violate the reputation of a diligent student and use an object that is not approved by all teachers: a CD. It will be easier for the manager at the meeting, because he will probably have a disk with a presentation or photos from a recent corporate event at hand. Place the disc on the paper and, pressing it with your left hand, trace it with a pencil with your right. If you need to draw a small circle, circle the disk not outside, but along the inner hole.
  • Drawing a circle for a diagram by hand couldn't be easier! To do this, take an ordinary glass (glass or plastic disposable - it doesn’t matter), pretend that you want to wet your throat. Pour water into a glass (this will make it heavier and more stable), make sure that the bottom remains dry on the outside, and place it on a sheet of paper lying in front of you on the table. Now casually, without attracting unnecessary attention and without doing sudden movements, outline the bottom of the glass on paper. Take another sip of water and place the glass away from the paper.
Compasses, CDs, and glasses are the most common objects found in offices, but you can use other rounded outlines to draw a circle without a compass. The only drawback of this handy method is the limited radius of the resulting circles.

How to draw circles of different sizes without a compass?
To draw different circles without a compass evenly and beautifully, you will have to do without any aids: only paper, a pencil and the dexterity of your hands. But don’t be alarmed: it is the hands that can draw a circle without a compass. You can use these methods in almost any situation:

  1. For drawing small circle by hand, literally, place a sheet of paper on a table or other flat horizontal surface, and take a pencil in right hand normal movement. Bring your hand with a pencil to the paper and, slightly not completely lowering the lead onto the sheet, rest your little finger on the paper. The main condition: the little finger must press the sheet firmly against the table, but allow it to rotate around the axis, which is the point of contact of the pad of your little finger. Place the writing tip of the pencil on the paper and fix the position of the brush. With your other hand, rotate the sheet of paper around the little finger axis - and you will see how the stylus draws a perfect circle around it. A couple of tips: it’s more convenient to use a soft pencil (B or 2B) and cut your nails short.
  2. To draw an even circle with a larger diameter, you will not need any other devices other than those listed in the previous paragraph. In the same way, take a pencil with a fairly soft lead with the fingers of your right hand. This time bend your little finger and press it against your palm, as if you were gathering your fingers into a fist. Lean on the crook of your little finger and repeat the previous technique. Rotate the piece of paper under your hand and hold the pencil still at a comfortable speed to create a neat circle. Manicure in in this case no longer plays big role. You can draw a medium-sized circle without a compass separately, or you can draw it around an already drawn small circle.
  3. To draw a circle of even larger diameter, you can again use your own hands. The pattern of actions is repeated exactly until the moment of bending the fingers. But this time, lean not on your knuckles, but on the protruding part of your wrist. There is a protruding bone on the outside that will serve as an excellent support for your hand when drawing a circle. Hold the brush and pencil motionless while turning the sheet of paper on which the smooth circle the right size.
The greatest difficulty of the described methods is to learn not to move the right hand holding the pencil. But you will probably get the hang of it after a few workouts and/or find the speed of rotation of the sheet of paper under the stylus that suits you. In any case, artists admit that they use this technology when they need to draw a perfect circle by hand.

How to draw a large even circle without a compass?
Schoolchildren, artists and office employees a little easier: their circles fit on small paper. But tailors and cutters have to work with larger surfaces, and circles are no less common in their work. The bottoms of panama hats and hats, the hems of sundresses and flared skirts - all these silhouettes are based on a circle. But this circle is often such that a compass commensurate with it simply does not exist. And this is how seamstresses came up with drawing circles without a compass:

  1. First, determine which circle to draw by hand - that is, the radius of this circle. To do this, use a regular measuring tape to measure the desired area: waist circumference, head circumference or other parameter. Let's assume that this is a waist circumference of 60 cm.
  2. The resulting number is the circumference. To find out the radius of a circle from the length, use the arithmetic formula: R= circumference/2∏. Accordingly, the radius of our circle will be equal to 60/2*3.14 = 60/6.28 ≈ 9.5 (cm). This is the radius of the circle that we have to draw by hand.
  3. Take two pencils of the same length. Tie them with a strong thread, the length of which without taking into account knots (that is, the actual distance between the pencils when the thread is taut) is 9.5 cm. Place one pencil in the center of the future circle, and move the second one to the length of the thread.
  4. Keeping the first pencil stationary, wrap the second in a circle, drawing a mark of the lead on the paper and keeping the thread tension the same throughout the entire process of drawing the circle.
  5. Thus, we simulated the principle of operation of a compass without having a compass to draw great circle. The drawn circle is perfectly smooth and can be used to pattern a skirt belt.
To draw full pattern skirts, increase the radius (the length of the thread between the pencils) by the expected length finished product and draw a second circle around the first. Here is a blank pattern for a sun flared skirt, which you drew without the help of a compass or even a stencil.

How to draw a perfect circle without a compass
The main and perhaps only drawback of all the methods outlined above is the flaws in the circle being drawn. A circle drawn without a compass turns out to be approximately even, but not quite perfect, especially if you draw it in a hurry. There is a way to fix this problem. It will take a little more time, but you will be pleased with the result:

  1. Take a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler.
  2. Decide what the radius of the future circle will be.
  3. Place a dot on a piece of paper and mark it with a “0” mark on the ruler.
  4. Place a second dot on the paper exactly next to the number indicating the radius you have chosen.
  5. Move the ruler, place the “0” again on the starting point and place a second point according to the length of the radius.
  6. Continue placing dots at equal distances from the center of the future circle.
  7. As a result of these actions, you should get a circle drawn with a dotted line.
  8. How more points you bet, the thicker the dotted line will be and the smaller the distance between its risks.
  9. Connect the circle along the dotted line.
These are the simple and available methods draw a circle without a compass. Choose any of them or use the one that suits your circumstances. And remember that hopeless situations doesn’t happen - you can always figure out how to get out, how to solve a problem, or even draw an even circle by hand without a compass. Good luck, beautiful drawings and perfect schedules!

A figure such as a five-pointed star has many meanings in different cultures. Mentions of this symbol are found in Europe, the Middle East, and even in distant Africa. In paganism, it denotes the unity of the four elements and the human principle, in Islam (together with the crescent) it symbolizes the Prophet Muhammad. And in the twentieth century, it was the red five-pointed star that became the symbol of communism. Nowadays, stars can also be found simply as a decorative symbol - they are hung on christmas tree, make crafts, draw on the walls of houses. And if you also want to learn how to draw a star, step-by-step instructions will help you with this.

How to draw a five-pointed star step by step

If you want to learn how to draw a five-pointed star, then you need to proceed as follows:

First of all, we draw a flat vertical line- axis of symmetry.

From her top point we draw two diagonal lines so that the angle formed by them is divided by the axis of symmetry into two equal parts.

Then we draw two parallel horizontal lines.

Based on these auxiliary axes, we draw the three upper rays.

Then we make two lower rays. It is important that they are all the same length.

Erase all auxiliary contours.

That's it, now our picture is completely ready!

Learning to depict a three-dimensional star

If in the last section we learned how to draw a star step by step, now we will complicate the task a little - we will add volume to the figure. Don't worry, it's not difficult at all.

First, draw three lines - vertical and two diagonal. You should get something like an isosceles triangle divided in half.

Then draw another triangle, this time with an obtuse angle and a downward point.

All that remains is to complement the two lower rays using two diagonal lines. General outlines ready.

Now we divide the lower rays in half with two more diagonal lines converging in the center.

We do the same with the two upper rays.

Let's add 4 more short lines converging to the center.

Then we will remove all unnecessary contours.

Time to work with color. We chose blue and light blue, but you can choose any shade. It is only important to remember one rule: dark and light areas should alternate. Then the figure will look voluminous.

That's all, the drawing is complete.

An even five-pointed star in a few steps

You've probably seen that geometric bodies very often they draw inside a circle. And for good reason, because this is how to portray straight figure much simpler. You can see this for yourself if you decide to learn how to draw a star with a pencil.

First of all, let's draw a circle. To ensure everything goes smoothly, it is better to do this using a compass. Then mark five points at equidistant distances from each other.

We connect each point with two others that are not adjacent.

Now let's draw the main outline with a marker or felt-tip pen.

And we will erase everything unnecessary.

Now the star is ready - we did it!

A star made from a pentagon - couldn’t be simpler

If you want to know how to draw a star correctly, then there is one very simple and quick way. True, for this you need to be able to draw pentagons. Or have it ready-made.

At the first stage we draw a pentagon.

On the second, we connect its vertices so that one point is connected to two opposite ones.

Yellow Star for Beginners

If you are just starting your journey in fine arts and you want to learn how to draw a star evenly, then you need to do it like this:

First, we draw the letter “A” with a slightly higher crossbar.

Then left extreme point We connect the transverse strip to the lower end of the right diagonal line.

We repeat the same on the other side.

After this, color the resulting figure in yellow. If desired, you can choose a different shade.

Draw a shooting star and make wishes

We all know that when you see a shooting star, you should make a wish. Now we will figure out how to easily draw a star “with a train”.

First, let's draw an ordinary five-pointed star. It's okay if the lines are a little uneven.

Then we’ll mark a point in the lower left corner and draw four smoothly curving lines to it from the rays. In some ways, these lines will resemble part of an umbrella - its spokes are located in a similar way.

Then you should draw all the contours with a black felt-tip pen.

Now let's add transverse strokes - they will indicate movement and give the drawing dynamism.

That's it, our drawing is ready.

Eyeliner arrows can be created using different beauty products; choose your option depending on the result you want to achieve.


It comes in liquid, gel and cream, and is available in different formats (liner or felt-tip pen, in a jar), with tips and brushes different thicknesses. All eyeliners are suitable for creating classic eyeliners with perfectly straight edges, but each has its own characteristics.

It is more convenient for beginners to use eyeliner with a thicker brush and a felt-tip eyeliner.

If you have already got your hands full, you can easily use a special thin brush for eyeliner, and girls with drooping eyelids must choose long-lasting eyeliners that literally freeze on the eyelid. By the way, if the eyeliner has dried out, do not rush to throw it away - perhaps you will get it.

More information on the topic:


The easiest option for those who do not know how to draw arrows at all and are just about to take their first steps in this direction. It is most convenient to draw clear arrows hard pencil, but make sure that it is well sharpened and does not scratch the eyelid: the stylus should glide easily over the skin.

Advice! Before sharpening your pencil, place it in the freezer for 30 seconds.

Soft ones are unlikely to help draw clear arrows, but they are suitable for drawing the mucous contour of the eyelids and interlash space, they can also be used for “smoky” arrows and as a base when creating makeup. Products with a gel or cream texture are suitable for working with mucous membranes and for drawing arrows - but not graphic, but with soft, smooth contours.

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Use regular shadows to draw smoky arrows. In this case, you will want an eyeliner brush with a thin bevel that allows you to create straight lines.

Jil Stuart © fotoimedia/imaxtree

How to draw arrows with a pencil?

Step-by-step photo instructions that will help you create perfect arrows, even if you are doing it for the first time.

Prepare the eyelid

This stage is very important, since a good base is half the success. Avoid using eye cream or other products that may leave a sticky or wet residue on the skin. Cleanse your eyelid with micellar water and apply a trusted eyelid primer. Or powder your eyelid properly.

If you have oily skin, keep mattifying wipes on hand and blot your eyelids throughout the day to prevent the lines from blurring.

Apply interlash liner

To make eyelashes visually look thicker and make-up with arrows to be more harmonious and seamless, be sure to paint the space between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid with a long-lasting pencil. Run the pencil along the roots of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer (and don’t forget to sharpen the pencil first!). To prevent eyeliner from imprinting on your lower eyelid, try not to blink for the first 10-15 seconds after applying the pencil.

Draw the tail of the arrow

Looking in the mirror straight ahead, draw a delicate “tail” of the arrow. Repeat this step immediately on the second eye to achieve symmetry. If you want the arrow to be pointed, apply the pencil to the corner of the eye and make a fairly sharp, jerky movement towards the temple, as if leaving a small stroke.

Emphasize the contour of the eyelashes

Carefully draw a line along the eyelash contour with a pencil and connect it to the “tail”. To make the line as smooth as possible, while drawing, slightly pull the skin of the eyelid in the outer corner of the eye towards the temple with your finger. But proceed carefully and under no circumstances stretch the skin too much, and also do not try to repeat this technique at the first stage when drawing the “tail” of the arrow, otherwise it will turn out uneven.

Make the arrow thicker

Moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, gradually thicken the arrow, immediately duplicating any action on the other side. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.

For this photo tutorial, we used a pencil with a hard lead. How to create perfect wings using gel eyeliner, watch our video.

How to draw arrows with eyeliner?

If pencil arrows are already a past stage for you, move on to creating graphic arrows using liquid or gel eyeliner. We present two photo instructions: the first will help you create a classic thin arrow, the second will help you create a basic cat eye.

Thin arrow

From the outer corner of the eye, draw thin line parallel to the ciliary edge.

Connect the resulting “tail” and the eyelash contour together.

Color the space between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid with a black waterproof pencil.

Using a small pencil brush, apply a highlight of light shadows in the inner corner of the eye, and use it under the eyebrow. This way the eye will not look flat against the background of a bright arrow.

Apply mascara to your eyelashes. The image is ready!

Even more valuable information that will help you draw graphic arrows with eyeliner is in our video tutorial.

Wide arrow

Prep your eyelid by applying an eyeshadow base or powder. Place gel eyeliner on a thin brush and make a stroke from the corner of the eye to the crease of the upper eyelid. The line should run parallel to the base of the eyebrow.

Visually divide the line along the contour of the upper eyelashes into four equal parts. Stepping back 1/4 from the outer corner, draw a line towards the tip of the ponytail.

From the inner corner of the eye, draw a smooth line to the middle of the line that you drew in the previous step.

Paint over the resulting “empty” stripes.

Paint the space between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid and apply thick mascara to your eyelashes.

Find another version of “cat” eye makeup in the style of singer Lana Del Rey in our video below.

How to draw arrows with shadows?

Use an angled brush for eyeliner. A similar brush for eyebrow makeup is also suitable.

Wet the brush a little with water (but only lightly, it shouldn't end up wet!).

Scoop up some dry eyeshadow with the brush to “cover” both sides of the brush. Shake off any excess by running the brush over your hand. Otherwise, the shadows will immediately fall off under the eyes.

Starting from the inner corner of the eye, draw a line to the outer corner and extend it slightly beyond the edge. Try to keep the brush as close to the lash line as possible.

10 secrets of perfect arrows

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to draw even, beautiful arrows the first time, but if you know a few beauty tricks, you’ll achieve desired result you can do it pretty quickly. Follow our advice.

To prevent your hand from shaking when drawing an arrow, place your elbow on a flat surface. Place the little finger of the hand with which you are drawing the arrow on your cheek: this will help create an additional point of support.

If the arrow is not so perfect, go over the border with black shadows to soften the unevenness.

Even if you choose a long-lasting eyeliner, wait until it dries and seal the result with a transparent one on top. This will help extend the life of your makeup.

The following will help you quickly and easily correct flaws in your makeup: just paint over the areas where excess eyeliner or pencil has come into contact. If you don’t have any of these products on hand, you can erase the failed lines using a transparent balm or lip gloss.

Another useful and popular life hack for beginners: before drawing a line with eyeliner, place several dots in a row along the eyelash contour. Connect them to get a more or less straight line.

Before applying eyeliner, use shadows to mark a “draft” line and only after that draw the main line.

Glue a strip of tape near the outer corner of the eye to create a neat and even “tail” of the arrow. For the same purpose, you can use other available means: a business card or a discount card.

The easiest way to make straight arrows is to first draw them as they appear, and then simply remove the excess cotton swab or an angled synthetic brush dipped in makeup remover.

Start drawing from the “inconvenient side” - from the left eye if you are right-handed, and from the right eye if, on the contrary, you are left-handed.

Draw the “tails” of the arrows only with with open eyes– this will make it easier to control their direction, length and symmetry.

Eyeliners of different shapes

Here we talked about the most popular types eyeliner. Still don't know which one to choose? Take a short test to help you decide.

1. Take a drawing ruler and draw the first vertical line with a pencil. Now put the ruler aside and try to draw 10-20 lines parallel to the first one by hand. Don't be discouraged if you can't draw a straight line the first time. Try again and again until you are satisfied with the result.

2. On the next sheet, draw a horizontal line in exactly the same way and try to draw straight lines parallel to it with a pencil. At the beginning, the lines may not be very long - 8-10 centimeters. Gradually increase the length of the segments. The steadier your hand, the longer the line you will be able to draw.

3. You can make these exercises more difficult by controlling the pressure on the pencil. Try to ensure not only that the lines are straight, but also their color, they should be uniform.

Experiment. Try drawing straight lines diagonally, at different angles. The main thing is that your lines are straight (and this is only possible if you hold the pencil confidently and your hand is steady). Do this exercise more often and, eventually, you will be able to draw straight lines without using a drawing ruler at all.

Drawing circles of various diameters is far from the most necessary skill in life. However, sooner or later the need to draw a circle without a compass and other auxiliary items round shape takes everyone by surprise. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance without a compass, regardless of its diameter.

How to draw an even circle without using a compass

You can be a schoolchild who came to a geometry lesson, forgetting his drawing tools, a student, an adult forced to draw a perfectly straight circle - different situations happen.

It will be useful for every person to know how to draw an even circle without a compass. We offer you several ways to solve this problem.

A compass can easily be replaced by another tool found in every student’s pencil case, namely a protractor. Place it on paper, marking the central point on the straight part, this will be the center of the future circle. Circle inner part semicircle, then rotate the ruler about ninety degrees and draw a third of the circle. Rotate the protractor one more time and complete the circle.

If you are at a meeting or at your workplace, but don’t have it at hand the right tool, just use the CD. Trace it from the outside or from the inside to get a smaller shape.

In an office setting, you can also use a glass. To do this, take a glass of water, take a sip and place it on a sheet of paper, lightly circle the bottom. Drink some more and set it aside.

All of the above items can be found in any office; the protractor will also be available to students. With their help you can draw a circle evenly without a compass.

Draw circles of different sizes without auxiliary objects

What to do if you need to draw circles of different diameters?

It is not at all difficult to cope with this problem, having only paper and a simple pencil on hand.

Take a pencil in one hand and place the other on a piece of paper. Place the little finger of your first hand on the sheet so that it is the center of the future circle. Hold this position well. With your other hand, start turning the paper around your little finger. You will see how a smooth circle is obtained, just like when using a compass.

Circle bigger size is drawn in the same way, but in this case bend your little finger, as if you clenched all your fingers into a fist. With your left hand, start turning the sheet until you see the resulting circle. It is advisable to use a pencil with a soft lead.

A circle with an even larger diameter can be drawn by repeating all the above tips, but now the right hand should touch the sheet with the protruding bone on the wrist.

These are the most simple methods how to draw a circle without a compass. The most important thing in these methods is to learn to keep your right hand motionless (left if you are left-handed).

How to Draw a Perfect Circle Using a Ruler

If you have a regular ruler on hand, then you can use another tip on how to draw a circle without a compass. Take a ruler and place it on the paper, the "0" mark will be the center of the circle, so place it in in the right place. Draw a second point near digital value, corresponding to the radius of the circle. Move the second edge of the ruler slightly so that the middle remains at zero, and the third point is located slightly above the second.

Do this procedure several times. As a result, you should have a circle drawn. The more often the dotted line, the easier it will be to connect everything into a solid line.

This is perhaps the easiest, but at the same time the longest way to draw a circle without a compass.