The premiere of the film "Matilda" at the Mariinsky Theater will take place without the leading actors. "Matilda" is one big disappointment

While Orthodox activists, albeit in very small numbers, protested, singing prayers not far from Mariinsky Theater, inside, under the protection of riot police, police and people's squads, a completely different atmosphere reigned.

On premiere show a film about a ballerina's relationship Imperial theaters Matilda Kshesinskaya and the latter Russian Emperor Nicholas II, journalists and celebrities gathered.

Stars against the background of scenery

Some of the film's decor was moved to the theater lobby. And against her background stood Ksenia Rappoport and Ingeborga Dapkunaite.

But the dramatic love story was of interest not only to women. In the foyer, the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent met actor and TV presenter Andrei Urgant, deputy Maxim Reznik, and manager of the affairs of Russian President Vladimir Kozhin.

By the way, there were whispers in the audience: in order to get to the premiere at the Mariinsky Theater and be among the celebrities in the spotlight, some viewers had to pay 10 or even 15 thousand rubles. This price, against the stated official 6 thousand rubles, was requested by resellers.

Dream come true

By and large, today Matilda hosted guests. It's no secret that film crew Alexei Uchitel spent ten filming days on the historical stage.

And during the recording of the soundtrack, Valery Gergiev himself conducted.

However, quite full holiday did not happen. Due to constant threats from Orthodox activists, German actor Lars Eidinger, who played Nicholas II, did not attend the premiere. He was afraid for his life and health. And Russian actor Danila Kozlovsky, who portrayed Vorontsov, who is in love with Matilda, on the silver screen, could not attend due to filming in Ireland.

Let us remind you that the actor got the role Prophetic Oleg in the sixth season of the Canadian-Irish series “Viking” by Michael Hirst.

That’s why a film crew headed by Alexei Uchitel lined up on the stage before the premiere show, says a Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent. And after that they showed three video messages from the artists who had not arrived.

The director did not hide that he dreamed of the first screening of the film within the walls of the Mariinsky Theater even during the filming of the film. And so, despite threats and attempts to disrupt the premiere, the dream was realized.

We tried our best

But they tried to disrupt the show more than once. It all started with numerous statements by State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya, who repeatedly spoke out against it. Then, Orthodox activists, seeing that even with the support of the former prosecutor of Crimea, their position did not find support, launched open threats, promising violence to both cinemas and spectators.

On October 23, Orthodox activists gathered in front of the Mariinsky Theater. They held a prayer service against the screening of Alexei Uchitel's film. The bravest ones approached the porch of the theater. But the law enforcement officers guarding the prime minister asked them to maintain a distance of 50 meters.

Finally, someone probably managed to get inside and snoop around in the Mariinsky's wardrobe. Judging by the smell, either some kind of slop was spilled there, or some other “flavoring agent”. But “amber”, in a negative sense, according to eyewitnesses, is worth something more. Apparently, to spoil the aftertaste of the film premiere for viewers who will come here to buy outerwear after the movie ends.

Let everyone decide for themselves.

The official premiere of the film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel about the ballerina of the Imperial Theaters Matilda Kshesinskaya will take place today at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. The director plans to personally present the film to the audience, but many of the artists involved in the filming refused to come to the Russian premiere.

“I’m looking forward to watching it at the Mariinsky. We are worried about how this will happen technically and how it will generally be seen and heard. But nevertheless it will happen. It’s a huge event for me, and for everyone who wants to see this picture in the future, this is also quite a joyful event,” TASS quotes Teacher.

“It was my dream that the first screening of the film would take place at the Mariinsky Theater, on the stage of which we filmed for half a month during the theater’s vacation. The whole theater was at our disposal thanks to Valery Gergiev,” added the director. He also noted that Gergiev helped persuade the American composer Marco Beltrami to write music for the film so that it would be performed by the Mariinsky Theater orchestra under the direction of the maestro.

According to the press service of the Mariinsky Theater, no additional efforts had to be made to technically prepare the site for the film screening. The halls of the Mariinsky Theater are equipped with retractable screens - they are used in theatrical productions and experimental programs.

"Matilda" is one of the largest projects of modern Russian cinema. Filming took place directly in the places where the plot takes place - in Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky theaters Petersburg, as well as in Tsarskoye Selo, Peterhof, Pavlovsk, Yusupov and Marble palaces.

A large international team worked on the film. The role of Nicholas II was played by the German actor Lars Eidinger, the image of Matilda was embodied by the Polish actress Michalina Olshanska, the mother of the emperor Maria Fedorovna was played by the Lithuanian actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The film also stars Russian actors- Evgeny Mironov, Sergey Garmash, Danila Kozlovsky, Grigory Dobrygin and others.

The film brings to life key events in Russian history late XIX century - the coronation ceremony of Emperor Nicholas II in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. For this scene, a unique set was built, recreating with extreme accuracy interior decoration temple. And for the scene of the tragedy on Khodynskoye Field, more than two thousand actors were involved crowd scenes. Against the backdrop of events national history The film tells about the relationship between the heir to the throne - the future Emperor Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

The plot of the film caused a scandal even before its release. wide screen. State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya is trying to ensure that the film is not released, since, in her opinion, it insults the memory of Tsar Nicholas II and the feelings of believers. The director calls Poklonskaya’s attempts to influence creative process and the film's distribution fate.

According to Uchitel, the Western actors who starred in the film are afraid to go to the Russian premiere of the film, so most of the actors in the film will participate in the St. Petersburg screening remotely.

“In connection with the events that happened with our film, and those attacks - even physical ones, when cars were set on fire, Molotov cocktails were thrown... Despite the fact that those people were arrested, the artists still have fear. German actor Lars Eidinger, playing the role of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, even open letter published in the German press. They are all afraid to come: he, and Mikhalina Olshanskaya, who starred in the role of Matilda, and Louise Wolfram, who plays Alexandra Fedorovna,” said Uchitel.

“I specifically flew to Hamburg and tried to persuade them, but they are really afraid for their lives. And their families don't let them in. Therefore, unfortunately, they will not come,” the director said.

At the same time, he said that the leading actors plan to participate in foreign shows. The day after the film’s release on the wide screen in Russia, which will take place on October 26, the screening of “Matilda” will begin in Germany. The filmmakers will travel with him to four major German cities.

SAINT PETERSBURG, October 23. /TASS/. The official premiere of the film "Matilda" by Alexei Uchitel about the ballerina of the Imperial Theaters Matilda Kshesinskaya will take place on Monday at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. The director plans to personally present the film to the audience, but many of the artists involved in the filming refused to come to the Russian premiere.

“I’m looking forward to watching it at the Mariinsky. We’re worried about how it will happen technically, and how it will be seen and heard in general. But nevertheless, it will take place. It’s a huge event for me, and for everyone who wants to see this film in the future, This is also quite a joyful event,” Teacher told TASS on the eve of the premiere.

“It was my dream that the first screening of the film would take place at the Mariinsky Theater, on the stage of which we filmed for half a month during the theater’s vacation. The entire theater was at our disposal thanks to [ artistic director- theater director] Valery Abisalovich Gergiev,” said Uchitel. He also noted that Gergiev helped persuade the American composer Marco Beltrami to write music for the film, so that it would be performed by the Mariinsky Theater orchestra under the direction of the maestro.

“It all seemed fantastic, but it happened,” the director added.

As the press service of the Mariinsky Theater told TASS, no additional efforts had to be made to technically prepare the site for the film screening. The halls of the Mariinsky Theater are equipped with retractable screens - they are used in theatrical productions and experimental programs.

The theater complex, founded in the 18th century in St. Petersburg, includes three venues - historical scene Mariinsky Theater on Theater Square, where Kshesinskaya performed, the second stage on the Kryukov Canal, where the film will be shown, as well as the Concert Hall.

A film about a ballerina and an emperor

"Matilda" is one of the largest projects of modern Russian cinema. Filming took place directly in the locations of the plot - at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky theaters in St. Petersburg, as well as in Tsarskoe Selo, Peterhof, Pavlovsk, Yusupov and Marble palaces.

A large international team worked on the film. The role of Nicholas II was played by the German actor Lars Eidinger, the image of Matilda was embodied by the Polish actress Michalina Olshanska, the mother of the emperor Maria Fedorovna was played by the Lithuanian actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The film also stars Russian actors - Evgeny Mironov, Sergey Garmash, Danila Kozlovsky, Grigory Dobrygin and others.

The film brings to life key events in Russian history at the end of the 19th century - the coronation ceremony of Emperor Nicholas II in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. For this scene, a unique set was built, recreating with utmost accuracy the interior of the temple, as well as the tragedy on the Khodynka Field. More than two thousand actors from crowd scenes were involved in its filming. Against the background of events in Russian history, the film tells about the relationship between the heir to the throne - the future Emperor Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

The plot of the film caused a scandal even before its release on the wide screen. State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya is trying to ensure that the film is not released, since, in her opinion, it insults the memory of Tsar Nicholas II and the feelings of believers. The director calls Poklonskaya’s attempts to influence the creative process and distribution fate of the film unacceptable.

Earlier, State Duma deputies Oksana Pushkina and Irina Rodnina addressed the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, as well as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, with a request to check the unregistered religious association"Christian State - Holy Rus'" in connection with threats to the Teacher and the campaign against the film. The deputies recalled the arson of the building of the Lendok film studio in St. Petersburg, where the Teacher’s workshop is located, the arson of the Cosmos cinema in Yekaterinburg and two cars near the office of the Pen and Paper bar association, which is engaged in the defense of the director. In addition, the joint network of Cinema Park and Formula Kino previously announced their decision not to show “Matilda” due to security reasons; later, a decision was made to return the film to the repertoire of the network’s cinemas.

Premiere without artists

According to Uchitel, the Western actors who starred in the film are afraid to go to the Russian premiere of the film, so most of the actors in the film will participate in the St. Petersburg screening remotely.

“In connection with the events that happened with our film, and those attacks - even physical ones, when cars were set on fire, Molotov cocktails were thrown... Despite the fact that those people were arrested, the artists still have fear. German "The actor Lars Eidinger, who plays the role of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, even published an open letter in the German press. They are all afraid to come: both he and Mikhalina Olshanskaya, who starred in the role of Matilda, and Louise Wolfram, who plays Alexandra Fedorovna," Uchitel told TASS.

“I specifically flew to Hamburg and tried to persuade them, but they are really afraid for their lives. And their families do not let them in. Therefore, unfortunately, they will not come,” the director said.

At the same time, he said that the leading actors plan to participate in foreign shows. On October 27, the screening of "Matilda" will begin in Germany. The filmmakers will travel with him on four largest cities Germany.

Many Russian and foreign cultural figures spoke out in support of the film’s creators, and Russian students ballet schools- Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova and Perm State choreographic school- recorded videos dedicated to the film. In their videos, future ballerinas repeated 32 fouettés - movements classical dance, which was performed for the first time by a Russian artist by Matilda Kshesinskaya. Famous ballerina she herself was a graduate of the Imperial theater school, which is now called Vaganovsky.

It seems that after the premiere of “Matilda”, deputy Natalya Poklonskaya will have a significant increase in supporters. And not for political, but for aesthetic reasons Still from the film

“Matilda” at the Mariinsky: At whose expense is the banquet?

All the St. Petersburg nobility will gather tonight for the premiere screening of an ordinary, but very publicized film.

23.10.17 elite

The climax day has arrived in the Matilda story. Today at 19.00 the main premiere screening of the film will take place in St. Petersburg. It will take place on the Second Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre. All St. Petersburg nobility - officials, businessmen, cultural figures - were invited to the pompous celebration. Total guests - more than 1000 people. Even the famous New Year's gubernatorial receptions of the early 2000s did not attract so many VIPs. But at whose expense will this banquet be?

The budget of the evening, as well as the personal composition of its participants, are strictly classified. It is unknown whether Georgy Poltavchenko will be governor. Smolny did not officially announce his plans for Monday evening. But in Lately Georgy Sergeevich often winks at the “democrats” - they say, I am one of them (the interview with Novaya Gazeta is a very clear example; some even perceived it as an attempt to swear allegiance to supporters of the pro-Western course), so his appearance at the premiere of the scandalous film is very, very likely.

The income lost by the Mariinsky Theater (due to the fact that that evening the Second Stage will not be given over to a performance) can only be approximately calculated. Taking into account average cost tickets and number of seats is about 5 million rubles. However, part of the amount may be compensated. Although tickets for the premiere show are not sold on the theater's official website, other sites offer seats in the benoir at a crazy price - 10 thousand rubles. Let us remind you that “Matilda” is not an opera or a ballet, it is a movie. It is unclear whether the Mariinsky Theater itself is selling tickets, or whether this is the work of speculators. The second is more likely.

The main characters of the evening will be director Alexey Uchitel and his lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin, a former senator who became famous in his time for his words about the possible legalization of same-sex marriage. Ingeborga Dapkunaite has also been announced - she played Empress Maria Fedorovna in the film. There will be no one else. The performers of the main roles - Polish Michalina Olshanska (Matilda) and German Lars Eidinger (Nicholas II) - refused to come to St. Petersburg. The teacher assures them that they are scared. “I specifically flew to Hamburg and tried to persuade Eidinger, but he is really afraid for his life,” the director said in an interview with TASS.

Probably the absence foreign stars will be presented at the evening at the Mariinsky Theater as further evidence of the “savagery of Russia” - both the Teacher himself, and especially his lawyer, are for this recent months got more experienced. In any case, politics will definitely not happen tonight.

It is unclear whether Gergiev will be there. This is a very important question, because by its presence or absence it will be possible to judge with some degree of certainty how the country’s top leadership actually feels about “Matilda”. Valery Abisalovich is now in Germany, Munich philharmonic orchestra under his leadership gives concerts every day from October 19 to 25. But there doesn’t seem to be a concert scheduled for the evening of the 23rd, so theoretically Gergiev could fly to St. Petersburg for a few hours.

For the Teacher, his appearance at the premiere is extremely important. The artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater is also musical director"Matilda". Gergiev provided the historical stage of the Mariinsky Theater for the filming of the film, and the orchestra under his direction participated in the recording of the soundtrack. And finally, the premiere itself takes place within the walls of the famous theater - albeit on the Second Stage.

On the other hand, the Mariinsky Theater is presented in the film (to put it bluntly) as a brothel, where high-ranking people choose their ballerina girls from photographs. At the very beginning the phrase is heard: “We are better than a brothel - we receive government subsidies.” This is what Evgeny Mironov’s hero says, explaining to the ballerinas where they ended up. How will Gergiev like this?

The St. Petersburg premiere of “Matilda” will take place against the backdrop of an ongoing discussion about the film. True, just before the premiere it acquired a discourse that was unfavorable for the Teacher. Prior to this, deputy Natalya Poklonskaya was considered the main spokesman for the position of opponents of the film. But the day before, the Russian Orthodox Church clearly formulated its opinion.

The two most influential hierarchs spoke first. Father Tikhon (Shevkunov), executive secretary of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, categorically refused to become a consultant for the film, which was what Teacher asked him to do after filming was over. And Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) of Volokolamsk described the film as “the apotheosis of vulgarity,” citing as an example an episode in which the ballerina Matilda Kseshinskaya’s bra comes off during a stage performance and her breasts are exposed, and “the heir, sitting in the royal box, immediately gets up excitedly from the chair."

And on October 12, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' spoke publicly about “Matilda” for the first time.

“When turning to the pages of the past, it is very important to avoid speculation, especially those that are not only false, but also capable of hurting great amount people, as happened with something that has not yet been released, but has already become sad famous film", said the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

"The artist has the right to fiction, he continued. “But fiction and lies are two different things.”

The position of the church as the most influential social institution cannot be ignored, and Alexey Efimovich, of course, understands this.

However, there are no liberties in interpretation historical truth will become the rock on which the director of “Matilda” will stumble. Another problem awaits him. Many people are waiting for the much-hyped film as the main event in domestic cinema over the past twenty years. The “democratic” public dubbed the film a masterpiece in advance. The very fact of the premiere at the Mariinsky Theater is worth something! The level of expectations is off the charts.

But judging by the reviews of those few who have already seen the whole picture, “Matilda” is not a masterpiece at all. It is called “pass-through”, “cardboard”, “nothing”.

The opinion of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky is interesting, who, as you know, defended the Teacher and his creation with all his might. “This whole campaign has flared up around ordinary cinema,” he said the other day.

“The dialogue in the film makes you want to suffocate,” film critic Denis Korsakov writes in his devastating review. - Cousin The future emperor, Andrei, is quietly in love with Matilda. Nikolai asks him: “What gift have you prepared for her - a bracelet or earrings?” - "Life! Otherwise you can live through it and still not understand who you are.” “I also want to know who I am!” - Nikolai solemnly answers and sets off, which means, for this purpose, to indulge in love with Matilda. But then they instructively tell him: “You have the right to everything. Except love! Oh, even Alla Pugacheva, the performer of the familiar song about kings, will want to hang herself at this moment. But almost everything is like that there.<…>It's all lies. Not the slightest trust in any scene, not in any character, nothing real - just an opportunity to make spectacular shots.<…>"Matilda" is full of dazzling falsehood."

In other reviews, the “masterpiece” of Teacher is called a “costumed fairy tale”, “a melodrama on the level of TV series on the Rossiya channel”, and is compared to “The Addams Family”.

“Matilda looks with a fatal squint, says banalities like “You will never forget me,” argues with her rival Alexandra Fedorovna in a bazaar style,” writes KP journalist Daria Zavgorodnyaya. - I would like to dress the heroines in simpler women’s costumes. Let's say, Nadia and Raisa Zakharovna from the film “Love and Doves”. Short social status, maybe I could revive these dead princesses. Alexandra Feodorovna would have shouted “Village!”, and Matilda Feliksovna would have grabbed her coifure.”

“Most of the film resembles either a trailer for a multi-episode television show thanks to the rather chaotic editing that despises all laws, or a video for Irina Allegrova’s songs about a crazy empress and a junior lieutenant,” Natalya Grigorieva, a film reviewer for Nezavisimaya Gazeta, pronounces her verdict.

It is not difficult to predict how the St. Petersburg nobility, who will gather today at the Mariinsky Theater, will react to this extravaganza: they will smile strained and applaud strained. Maybe someone will like it, but still St. Petersburg is still at least a little bit, but cultural capital, and most people have not completely lost their sense of taste. Guests will relieve the stress of what they saw at the banquet - they will eat, drink, and relax.

Well, what should the average viewer do? “Matilda,” which was allegedly refused to be shown in cinemas, will be released to the public on October 26. It will be shown in every St. Petersburg multiplex with unprecedented frequency - 8 - 12 shows per day. It is difficult to even imagine how much “stress” will be relieved after these sessions and how many supporters Mrs. Poklonskaya will have by the end of the week.


Internet magazine "Interestant"

24.10.17 elite

On the Second Stage of the Mariinsky Theater on the evening of October 23, the premiere of the film that everyone was talking about took place whole year. More precisely, the screening of “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel promised to be pretentious, “all the St. Petersburg nobility” were expected, but in reality the seats in the hall were occupied by “VIPs” of medium and small size. It was probably for the best: the film turned out to be a blown bubble. Watch the parody of Russian history a parody of the St. Petersburg nobility has gathered.

At the entrance to the Mariinsky-2, by seven o'clock in the evening a lot of people crowded - as Interestant wrote, more than 1000 people were invited to the ceremony: important gentlemen and ladies in stones, leaving outerwear in parked cars, shivering from the cold in front of the metal detectors through which security guests were filtered.

As compensation, guests were given the opportunity to warm up with free alcohol in the lobby. But we had to buy snacks with our own money. Looking ahead, let's say that the real gastronomic expanse came later - but only for a select few who were admitted to the banquet after the film screening.

By the way, among the guests there was a great specialist in food - St. Petersburg restaurateur Leonid Garbar (Stroganoff Steak House, Russian Wine Glass No. 1). We also noticed the animator, American Oscar winner Konstantin Bronzit and the artist Andrei Urgant, father famous TV presenter Ivan Urgant, who is now the advertising face of Tinkoff Bank. Oleg Tinkov himself was there, however, for some reason he did not want to communicate with journalists - probably fearing questions about his conflict with a number of top bloggers. Druz came, which is not surprising - he goes to all such parties. As well as the former PR man of Megafon, the foul-mouthed prankster Alexander Tsypkin, who calls himself a writer. In the crowd we also spotted the general director of the RusGroup production center Dmitry Lyuty, ex-husband Allochka Dovlatova, if anyone remembers her now. The colorful “actor” Anvar Libabov happily posed for photographers against the backdrop of a huge banner with the inscription “Matilda”. Teacher’s lawyer, former senator Konstantin Dobrynin, smiled joyfully. The respected choreographer Boris Eifman looked a bit like a black sheep in such a company.

Representatives of the authorities either did not come or successfully hid from the eyes of journalists. There were definitely: State Duma deputy from St. Petersburg Elena Drapeko and Legislative Assembly deputy, chairman of the commission on education, culture and science Maxim Reznik. Colleagues saw Alexei Kudrin among the VIPs, but maybe they confused him with someone else. With Urgant, for example.

Vice-governors Alexander Govorunov and Vladimir Kirillov took the rap for Smolny: Governor Poltavchenko did not honor the evening with his presence, although words of gratitude were addressed to him in the film credits.

Alexey Uchitel noted with regret that Valery Gergiev was not allowed to be at the premiere tour schedule. “Interest” wrote that the presence or absence of Gergiev can be considered a certain sign of how the country’s top leadership, to whom Valery Abisalovich is very close, actually treats “Matilda.”

Filming in Ireland distracted one of the stars of the film, Danila Kozlovsky, from promoting Matilda, who, however, recorded a welcome video for the audience.

“I am glad that the country has prevailed common sense"- the Teacher noted with satisfaction before the start of the show, hinting at the worries that accompanied the preparation of the film for distribution. But, apparently, the leading actors Lars Eidinger and Michalina Olshanska were not sure of this; as the director said from the stage, they were afraid to come to the premiere because of threats. They followed Kozlovsky's example - they made do with video messages. “My heart breaks that I’m not with you,” said Eidinger, whose controversial filmmaking past was brought to light. White light Natalya Poklonskaya, who tried in vain to ban the painting.

By the way, Poklonskaya absolutely in vain refused to watch “Matilda”. Otherwise, she probably would have regretted her strength, which she put on the altar of the Romanov house. There was nothing to protect the emperor from. And it’s not a matter of ideology or religion. The picture about the highest affair, which either happened or didn’t, turned out, in our opinion, to be so empty, ridiculous and helpless that no matter how much you criticize it, it will still be a compliment. It’s just amazing how famous director It was such a weak movie. Fraud historical facts(what is one crash of the imperial train worth, which actually took place two years before the start of communication between Tsarevich Nicholas and Matilda) is supplemented by script holes (only in the final scene for Kozlovsky’s hero, officer Vorontsov, we learn from his patter why he so passionately pursued Kshesinskaya ) and holes in logic, forgivable for domestic television series consumer goods, but not for the work of an eminent master, which the Teacher undoubtedly is.

What's it worth? actor play- or rather, its absence. You look and understand that for the “major European actor” Lars Eidinger and Mikhalina Olshanskaya, with their glycerin passions, the decision not to come to the premiere was absolutely correct. But in the film it is not clear what the same Danila Kozlovsky, and Grigory Dobrygin, and Evgeny Mironov, and Sergei Garmash - his Alexander III looks simply like a clinical idiot, sentimentally addressing the Tsarevich to a dubious ballet trick: “Take care of him.” The height of disappointment was the work of Ingeborga Dapkunaite (she was present at the premiere). It is impossible to get rid of the feeling that this actress does not care who she plays - Empress Maria Feodorovna in “Matilda”, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in the series “Gregory R.” or Russian Ambassador in the Norwegian TV series "Occupied" (it talks about... the invasion Russian army to Norway). No matter what colors Dapkunaite looks for, the end result is the currency prostitute Kisulya from “Interdevochka” - the patterns are the same.

In general, “Matilda” gives the impression of a grandiose fake. Professionalism and truthfulness have as much to do with the film as Kshesinskaya herself has to do with the Second Stage of the Mariinsky Theater, where this disgrace was shown to us. That would be fine, we've seen worse films. But the unhealthy passions that have arisen in society because of the Teacher’s painting will continue to simmer for a long time. On the other hand, “Matilda” received excellent promotion. Almost for nothing - especially if you remember the film’s budget of 25 million dollars, a significant part of which was public funds. And in this regard, it’s a pity for the Teacher himself - if the people, succumbing to the hype, suddenly flock to “Matilda”, and then from the middle of the screening they pour out of the hall, then this film could become fatal for his directorial career.