Tickets for a concert of foreign stars. Concerts

Recently, concerts have become one of the most numerous and popular entertainment and cultural events around the world. Events of this type are now incredibly popular and in demand in our country.

It should be noted that the “Concerts” category is very broad and versatile. After all, events of this genre can be both musical and other. Participants in such events can be performers of various genres and styles. For example, today, among numerous international and domestic spectators, tickets to rock, pop, or, for example, folk concerts are in incredible demand. Performances by academic musicians or ballet dancers also attract the attention of the public. But sometimes comedians, parodists, or readers and theater and film actors also become participants in such events. Sometimes representatives of various genres of musical and performing arts can take part in one program. Solo concerts by popular artists are also incredibly common. By the way, today’s viewers are attracted not only by events with the participation of adult professional artists, but also by young talents or amateur creative groups. Concerts can be large-scale, taking place on the largest stages or in the open air, as well as cozy and intimate. Sometimes events in this category can be timed to coincide with various holidays or events of state and public importance. And recently, charitable programs of this type have become widespread everywhere. Almost every famous artist or musician celebrates their anniversaries and other significant events with grandiose solo performances or large-scale projects with a large number of participants. And most festivals and competitions end with gala concerts, where you can see the best numbers of this program. Concert events can be either exclusively intended for adult audiences or for children or intended for family visits. There are many other types of concerts.

With such a broad concept, it is no wonder that concerts are now incredibly common and popular around the world. By the way, on the capital’s posters you can almost always see many events of this genre taking place at various venues in the city. Sometimes there are so many of them that deciding on an interesting and worthwhile event becomes very difficult even for the most experienced viewer. But with our convenient section of the site, finding the right program will become as easy and convenient as possible. After all, all the events of this type that will be held in Moscow in the near future are presented here. And, if you still can’t make a choice or want to order tickets for a concert, then you definitely need to contact our qualified specialists. They will not only select the best places for you and, if possible, a convenient date, but will also help you get to even the rarest and most exclusive event. In most cases, the company can guarantee that you will attend the program, even if there is very little time left before it starts. In this case, the delivery of your order will be carried out by employees of our own courier service at a time and place convenient for you.

Today, a concert is a way to get a charge of positive energy, have a great time with your family and witness an unforgettable, grandiose show. A concert is not always a purely musical event; often these are performances of different genres, by visiting which spectators can enjoy humorous performances, excellent performances by famous actors and reciters, as well as musical performances.

Concerts can be dedicated to the work of one single artist, or can also include numbers from several solo performances or groups. Depending on which entertainment genre you prefer, as well as what type of performing arts you find most interesting, you can opt for a specific concert presented on this site.

Concert tickets

Attending a good concert, and even buying a ticket at the best possible price, is not an easy task. Many lovers of bright emotions and unique performances strive to purchase good seats for the upcoming concert in the very first days of ticket sales.

Mos-kassir offers everyone tickets to the most popular concerts this season. Do you want to have an unforgettable time, give a holiday and a lot of positive emotions to your loved ones? Then take care in advance of purchasing tickets for one of the many concerts, which will become a real discovery for you and will allow you to experience all the charm of these entertainment events...

It is worth noting that having chosen in favor of one program or another, you can order a ticket on the website with free delivery throughout the city! Also, for the convenience of customers, there is a whole staff of managers who are ready to accept orders by phone from 09:00 to 21:00 and will answer all questions regarding the order form, payment and delivery of tickets.

Without exaggeration, today rock can easily be considered one of the most popular musical styles on Earth. After all, the number of fans of this genre exceeds all conceivable and inconceivable limits!

Rock music has a history of almost half a century. Despite the fact that it owes its birth to the United States and some European countries, this genre has spread throughout the entire planet in the shortest possible time. Such a high interest in it is explained not only by the inherent spirit of protest in this style, but also by its bright musical forms, innovative ideas and the constant search for a new sound. At the same time, not only new and new rock groups or performers, but also new forms of this trend do not cease to emerge all over the world. And the earlier ones often do not become obsolete, but become classics. This genre of contemporary music is one of the few whose masterpieces have long become classics of modern art. At the same time, many of the major foreign or Russian musicians of the past and to this day can boast of continuous creative activity. And sometimes not only adult listeners, but also today’s youth try to book tickets for such rock concerts. But also all over the world, many young interesting representatives of this trend are born every year. Such music today is often combined with jazz, electronics, hip-hop, folk and even academic art, and therefore can be attractive to fans of various genres. In our country, such a phenomenon as Russian rock stands apart. It arose in Soviet times and initially copied the best images of Western music of that time. But today it is a completely independent and recognizable genre. It also never stops developing and changing. In Russia, as in the rest of the world, rock is now considered one of the most popular genres. Therefore, a large number of concerts of such performers and thematic festivals are constantly held here. Among their participants you can find both famous musicians and beginning artists.

A huge number of events related to rock music are constantly organized in Moscow. But selecting the most remarkable ones is not an easy task even for a true connoisseur of the genre. And only our specialists know which of these events may be interesting to a particular music lover. They will help you choose the most convenient places, and will also allow you to attend even exclusive events, which are very difficult to get to.

Moscow has always been the cultural capital of our Motherland. The most current cultural events take place mainly here. Our company is pleased to provide you with all the detailed information that will display ticket prices, schedules and posters of concerts in Moscow.

Just since the beginning of the current season, the following world stars have performed in Moscow:

  • Madonna (her performance, by the way, ended quite scandalously);
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers;
  • Rammstein;
  • Scorpions;
  • The Queen;
  • Sting;
  • Marilyn Manson;
  • and many others.

The organization of these events was carried out at a very high level, so there is no doubt that we will experience another long meteor shower on Moscow soil. If you have a desire to become a participant in future extravaganzas, don’t hesitate where to buy tickets for concerts in Moscow 2018-2019, contact us.

The most anticipated concerts

Thanks to the fact that we have established direct connections with tour organizers and producers of world-class stars, the cost of tickets purchased from us will be significantly lower than the retail price. At the same time, you will be provided with the most comfortable purchasing conditions; if necessary, we can deliver the ticket you purchased directly to the concert venue.

  • Johnny Hallyday
  • Deep Purple
  • Manowar
  • Mireille Mathieu
  • Status Quo

And this is an incomplete list of expected performances. You can find information about all future tours of world-class stars on our website. Only with us is it possible ordering and selling electronic and invitation tickets to the concert in the most convenient way for you.

For fans of domestic performers

We can make all your wishes come true. If you prefer performances by our domestic performers, then we can provide you with tickets to any concert of all Russian stars at a reasonable price. Thanks to the work of our consultants, you will be able, regardless of your income level, to choose and order cheap tickets and watch Russian concerts in the most comfortable conditions. Our task is to take into account your tastes and help you purchase tickets for events that interest you. You only need to name the performer, and we will not only inform you about the time of the next performance, but also offer the required number of tickets for this concert.

By contacting our company, you save yourself from standing in lines when purchasing tickets to the best cultural events. Specially trained staff will help you decide on the choice of event, which, believe me, will not be boring. We will be able to take into account your taste and offer the most suitable holiday option for you. Our database contains a complete list of all events related to the cultural life of the capital. Thanks to this, we can help you participate in each of them.

Free concerts in Moscow? Yes it is possible! This section of our website will introduce you to unique information about where and when live performances by both little-known and popular musicians take place, but at the same time, admission to the concert is free!

Music is not only pleasure, a background for relaxation or the rhythm of dance. She is able to unite and unite people. You just need to be open to the world and not sit at home! Many people meet at concerts, this is how friendships are struck and families are created. Only at live concerts can you feel the full energy of the performers, and you can completely immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of your favorite music.

The choice of concerts in the capital is huge and free performances of various live performers are often held here. These are both celebrities and newcomers who perform music of no less quality than the bands playing at paid concerts. Rock, jazz, pop music - whatever your heart desires!

“Admission to the concert is free” - these words can accompany a poster for a concert supported by sponsors or a presentation of a new club; musicians often perform for free on holidays in large areas.

In short, you can safely go to many concerts without a ticket, the main thing is not to miss information about them. Therefore, check out this section of our website for free Moscow events more often and tell your friends about it!


Concert of the group “Night Highway”


On August 1, a concert by the Night Highway Band (blues rock, cover band) will take place at O’Connell’s pub.

Jazz Thursdays in the Bauman Garden

until 08/29/2019 (Thursday) 19:30-21:30

Every Thursday, free jazz concerts are held in the Bauman Garden. Groups performing in different jazz styles perform on stage - from classics to modern avant-garde movements.


Concert of the group “Blues Gravity”


Blues Gravity is one of the most popular and professional cover bands in Moscow.



Alexey Kozlov's club presents GlavMosJam - Main Moscow Jam - the first and only vocal jam that lasts all night!

August 3, 2019 (Saturday)

Concert of the group "Mr. Twister"


Concert. Aleksey Fetisov Rock-N-Roll Trio


Concert. Sergey Pakhomov & Friends


Not only a variety of music in the styles of Jazz, Blues, Soul and Rock, but also a bright, fiery show that makes the audience an active participant in the concert.