How can you learn to play the guitar. How to Stay Fit to Play the Guitar

Most people can teach themselves to play the guitar, although many beginners give up too quickly. Beginners often quit playing, citing lack of time or pain in their fingers. The problem is that they simply don't practice enough. This page may not give you more time to exercise, but it will show you how to successfully become sufficiently good guitarist without the cost of expensive textbooks.


    Search online and select appropriate instructions. There are hundreds of websites on the Internet offering free lessons, many of which are very well developed and can be applied in your routine practice. There you will find comprehensive answers to your questions.

    Learn to distinguish good musician from bad. If you learn to play as well as your favorite musician after a few weeks, try imitating a more skilled musician.

    Learn the tool. Learn the names and functions of guitar parts. Understand their interaction to produce sounds. Understand how sound is produced by a guitar and how string tension affects the sound. The half hour spent on this basic understanding will be repaid many times over during your practice and play.

    Learn to play chords in different positions. There are 10 different hand positions on the fretboard in which you can play a C chord. Start with a clean C chord, but the more ways you learn how to play a chord, the more flexibility you will have in moving from one chord to the next. This may also come in handy if you decide to try composing music.

    Practice daily (at least 5 days a week) for at least half an hour. If you want to learn quickly, you must fill your brain with guitar. This includes ear training to understand the pitch and intonation of sounds, comfortable posture of your body (including legs, back, shoulders, and arm position), right-hand technique for producing sound, and left-hand technique for controlling sound. The most important thing is to train the muscle memory of your hands on the bar.

    Practice chords and hand positions without sound while watching TV or talking to a friend. Training left hand muscle memory is much more difficult than training right hand muscle memory (excluding string picking). You don't have to use your right hand at all, just play different chords with your left hand over and over again. Watching TV or talking will help you avoid looking at your hands too often. But when you're learning chords, you need to carefully monitor the position of your fingers and hand so that muscle memory retains the correct position. Over time, look at your fingers less often, but still check your hand position. Gradually your confidence in proper positioning will increase and you won't have to look at your hands as often.

    Build calluses on your fingertips. It hurts. But once the calluses appear, the pain you once felt will disappear. The more you practice, the faster it will happen. There are callus extension devices that you can buy.

    Learn barre chords along with open chords. Don't skip barre chords, although they are more difficult to play. Just like building calluses, playing barre chords gets easier as you practice. Playing barre chords depends almost entirely on the strength of the left hand.

    Exercise your left arm muscles by repeatedly squeezing a tennis ball or similar object for 5 minutes several times a day. (Be careful, this may cause overvoltage).

    Allow yourself to be upset. It's unavoidable. This is fine. That chord you've been trying to play cleanly for days or weeks will eventually sound clear and beautiful. Keep working on it. Repeat until you are sure the chord sounds great.

    Practice. Practice. Practice. “Practice makes perfect.” And these are not just old wives' tales. While practicing, strive for quality. If you practice carelessly, you will reinforce bad habits forever. Best aphorism might actually sound like "Practice makes consistency." Just as athletes rotate their kettlebells by focusing on a specific part of the body, you can play passages by focusing on various aspects- tone, smoothness, speed, accuracy. By focusing on different aspects of music separately, you can improve your skills and improve your playing!

    Play songs you like along with the CD. A CD player is a great device for practicing music because CDs are easy to rewind and repeat even very small parts of a song.

    Start playing songs. There are two ways to record guitar music. One notation technique is called notation, and the other is called tablature. Find articles online. The ability to read both ways of writing is extremely valuable.

    Play on different types guitars. Start learning bass, play classical guitar, play tenor guitar, play electric guitar. You will be familiar with the sounds of different guitars.

  1. Enjoy your new guitar skills!

    • If you have a friend who is an experienced guitarist, try to meet him once a week to play together. Even though he or she is a much better player, you will only save the time it would normally take to learn guitar by simply playing around him, watching him play, and learning from him.
    • Learn a few ways to check if your game is in tune. May take time to develop musical ear.
    • Pay a little more for good guitar. If you're thinking about buying your first guitar but aren't sure you'll enjoy playing or have the time to practice, buy an inexpensive guitar. If you decide to continue learning, you may be able to buy a more expensive guitar within your budget. But make sure it's not too cheap. Some guitars can take away from your enjoyment of playing. It is very important to consider the distance between the strings and the fingerboard. If the strings are far from the fingerboard, then to obtain good sound you have to press harder on the strings, which will lead to pain and disappointment.
    • Use nylon strings While your fingers are not stiff enough to use regular steel strings, they are easier on your fingers.
    • Instead of practicing longer and less often, try practicing short and often. By doing this, your brain will be able to remember chords and melodies faster. This will also keep your fingers safe when you start practicing guitar.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't understand chords. Remember, this is your first time. Just take your time and learn slowly. You will gain skills one way or another.
    • Try to change your strings regularly - once a month if you practice regularly every day. You will be amazed at the improvement in sound.
    • If you're looking for an alternative to online courses or want to find more sources for learning guitar, public library there is also big choice books for guitar.
    • Collect tablatures from different guitarists. There is a 99 percent chance that you will find free tablature online on the first page of search results. Type the song title, musician's name, and the words "guitar tablature" into the search box. You will have a large selection regardless of the genre. If you like them then you can play them
    • If you have an audio editor - GarageBand or , then you can select only part of the song to study. This helps a lot.
    • It's easy to learn the basics of playing guitar with the help of the above. If you encounter serious difficulties, you will need the experience and knowledge of a professional teacher. This page in no way suggests that teachers are unhelpful. This page is just to help you get started.
    • If you are left-handed, you must choose your guitar especially carefully. A left-handed guitar will be more natural to you and may the right choice. However, if you can force yourself to learn on a right-handed guitar, you will have a lot more choice and be able to swap guitars with other guitarists. You don't have to mentally flip the image of the chord to fit your fretboard. In the end both hands have to do quite precise work. You need to avoid choosing one type to avoid regretting your choice.
    • Try video guitar lessons on the TocarGuitar websites. YouTube, Songsterr and ultimate Guitar .
    • Make notes about how you feel and how well you play every time you practice. If you practice daily, you will notice a big difference every day.
    • Choose your practice songs strategically. This resource will teach you how to do it Nobsguitar Newsletter. Most methods involve trying to make some use of technique and theory from one song to another. Choose parts that you love and can play, and parts that challenge your playing skills.
    • Try to keep notes of your exercises to track your progress. Since you can't notice the immediate difference, you may find amazing gains you've made in a fairly short period of time.
    • Try to accompany someone else's singing or playing. This will help develop your technique, rhythm and ear. If you work with other guitarists, try to avoid simple copying.


    • Before purchasing, play a variety of different guitars, which you can find at large specialty guitar stores. These big stores have hundreds of guitars and you can choose the one that suits you best. Don't let pushy salespeople pressure you into buying something when you have no choice. Don't be too embarrassed when playing in front of people.
    • Never use steel strings on a classical guitar. Classical guitars will not match the tension of the steel strings. Strings will bend or break the neck, soundboard or bridge. The cases are built differently and are not interchangeable. You can use nylon strings on an acoustic guitar, but the sound will seem softer, less shiny, and more subdued.
    • Don't be shy about playing in front of other, more experienced guitarists. They were once on your level, and most of them remember what it was like. They also love to share and demonstrate their playing to aspiring musicians.
    • Watch the angle of your left wrist. Since you are a self-study, you won't have a teacher telling you that you are holding your wrist incorrectly. If you bend it too much, you may seriously injure yourself. Keep it straight! If you are unsure, show your technique to someone experienced and ask about proper wrist placement.
    • To prevent your hand from getting damaged, keep your calluses under control. Sand your fingertips several times a week. Polishing and buffing your calluses is important. Over time, the outermost layer of skin will begin to separate. Be sure to polish the calluses then, or the string may get stuck in the open recess of the callus when changing chords.
    • Buy an electric guitar tuner. You'll save many sets of strings and be careful when tuning, especially the first string.
    • Playing the guitar can hurt your fingers. You can put some ice in a bowl of water and soak your fingertips for a minute or just pour it over them cold water. This will prevent blisters and make the calluses grow faster. Wait a while after absorption before playing.

greetings to all guitarists, of different stripes and levels of training. In this article, this is probably the 3rd or 4th time I’ve raised important topics self-study and, first of all, for beginners (taking into account what you have already purchased), and it would also be useful to remember for more experienced ones.
From the most banal and funny, to the important and necessary, in simple words. Just 10 useful recommendations!

1. Learn to listen to sounds.

Musical hearing begins to develop from simple things, namely from training the hearing organs - the ears. So that they not only “clap”, but also be able to distinguish all the subtleties of what they hear. AND best coach- our daily life.
Start listening to the sounds around you and selecting a specific one from several that are sounding at the same time.

For example, among a noisy city street, highlight the sound of someone else's mobile phone call, the cry of a bird, the whistling of car wheels, the sound of the wind, etc. Try to understand which sounds are the loudest or most sonorous in this moment time. Even simpler and more interesting: try to find the difference between the sound of a personal message arriving and the sound of an incoming postcard, etc. in your VKontakte account.
These simple workouts They will definitely help you in the future with analysis, and especially guitar tuning.

2. Correct positioning hands are the key to success.

I know from myself that Beginners almost always start playing everything, right away - without paying much attention. At this stage, the guitarist's future self-esteem is formed, because the quality of your playing will depend on this.
It's like learning to write in 1st grade. After all, then, being in the 10th, “everything will be clear” with you.
Don’t be lazy and give yourself the attention you need!

3. Don't overexert yourself!

8. Knowledge of musical notation is a tangible plus!

9. Learn to play and sing guitar with friends!

After grueling workouts playing the guitar, sitting at home in front of the computer, even the computer can become sad. And what can we say about ourselves... And after another fatigue of your fingers, you may have a desire to quit all these guitar lessons and...

First of all, don’t despair! Think about your friends, of whom there will probably be someone who wants to take or, even better, sing with you

Stringed instruments require dedication when practicing to play them. There is a widespread belief that you can learn guitar picking only by studying with a teacher. A teacher at a music school helps you better develop your playing technique, but it’s easy to learn the basics at home.

Is it possible to learn to play the guitar on your own?

You can achieve success in any creative or not so creative business only by approaching it with all seriousness. When wondering how to learn to play the guitar on your own, you need to remember a few fundamental things:

  1. Any training that involves a beginner acquiring some skills requires regularity. The more often you practice at home, the faster you will learn to play.
  2. Each action must be worked through until the correct result is achieved. If something doesn't work, try it again until you can play everything properly.

How to quickly learn to play the guitar at home

After several independent studies You shouldn’t expect phenomenal results right away; skills come and develop gradually. There is a lot of educational literature for “dummies” on the Internet, after downloading which you can select for yourself important points. The constant elements of successful learning are the instrument itself, its tuning, the position of the guitarist and the position of the hands.

Tool selection

The guitar can be classical, acoustic or electric, six-string or seven-string. How to decide and make an unmistakable choice? Before purchasing a tool, consider the following points:

  • Decide your allegiance to a particular genre of music. For example, if you prefer classics, then it is unlikely that it will suit you Spanish guitar.
  • Beginners' fingers will definitely hurt when clamping strings. acoustic guitar, since they are more rigid than those of an electric guitar.
  • Beginners should prefer a six-string guitar. Russian seven string guitar is a thing of the past, now the additional “low” seventh string does not interfere with using only the usual six.

Correct fit

How correct the guitarist’s position is during playing determines the outcome of the training. An incorrect posture can not only be uncomfortable, leading to rapid fatigue. Often this reduces the possibilities of performing one or another polyphony. Beginning musicians are advised to learn guitar exercises in a sitting position, since playing while standing will not be difficult.

You need to learn to play while sitting on a hard stool, raising your left knee above the seat level. To do this, a stand is used, on which the guitarist must place his foot. The back should remain straight without touching anything. Place the guitar with the notch in the middle of the raised left thigh. Right foot Provide the bottom of the tool with the necessary support. In this case, the bar should be slightly above the level of the left shoulder, and the lower deck should be at chest level. For left-handers, the position will be completely mirrored: the guitar is placed on the right raised hip, the neck is slightly above the level of the right shoulder.

Correct hand placement

Once you've figured out the placement of your legs, move on to your arms. The right elbow should be closer to the body and not extend beyond the guitar body on the right side, and the wrist should not be too close to the top soundboard. The fingers of a rounded hand hanging from the strings must be closed together, except for the thumb, so that their tips line up in one line. The reference point for the location of the thumb is the strings responsible for the bass. Place the phalanges parallel to the guitar frets.

The left hand is more difficult for a beginner to handle. The wrist of the raised forearm should be bent, the hand should be rounded and positioned thumb in the center of the neck at the back. The remaining fingers should stand on the strings, pressing them with pads. Over time, you will learn to assume this position without straining your shoulders and hands. It is important to study at home systematically.

Guitar tuning

Before you learn to play the guitar at home, it is important to get a feel for the instrument and tune it correctly. To play beautiful melodies, you need not only to place your hands, but also to achieve the right sound guitars. Knowledge of notes will be an absolute advantage, although tuning can also be done by ear. There are a few simple ways:

  • Use an online service that plays the correct sound of each string.
  • You can tune your guitar using a piano if you have one at home. Strings are designated by letters that correspond to one or another piano key. They should sound identical.
  • When using a guitar tuner, tuning it will not be difficult at all. The device will indicate the note you played and all that remains is to untwist or tighten the string.
  • If you have a good ear for music, you can use a tuning fork.

First exercises for playing the guitar

In order to properly learn to play the guitar at home, perform a guitar solo and your favorite songs, you will have to practice hard every day. Start mastering guitar playing better with exercises that are played on one string. Often teachers teach their students a very simple song about a grasshopper. On the Internet you can find tablature for it, where the numbers indicate which frets need to be clamped sequentially on the string. Having mastered such exercises, you can move on to guitar picking, combat and other more complex elements.

Abstract: This article describes the first steps of learning to play the guitar: how to hold it, where to start. First lesson from the PesniGitara portal!

I bet you've at least once heard how beautiful the usual sound is. six string guitar! Yes and, you heard 100%!

Nowadays, there are no problems with this - there are a lot of mp3 recordings, videos... It used to be more difficult: someone heard it in the army, someone on cassette recorders, and of course, in the yard!

The guitar is a very sensitive instrument, but learning to play is not that difficult (at least).

There are two ways to learn to play the guitar:

  1. Sign up for training courses in your city ( music schools, individual lessons etc.)
  • pros: It is always very easy to learn from a professional, and if you have the desire, you will very quickly master this instrument.
  • Minuses: you will have to pay money.
  • Learn to play yourself.
    • pros: You can learn to play at any time and at no cost.
    • Minuses: Good advice, you will have to get it from the net/books on self-teaching yourself how to play the guitar.

    And so, if you have chosen to study with a professional, sign up and go ahead with your studies.

    If you do not have the opportunity to learn to play the guitar from a pro in your city, or for some other reason, you want to be self-taught, we hope that our portal will help you!

    Let's learn to play the guitar. First steps

    First of all, let’s decide what we will need during the learning process:

    1. Guitar. If it’s not there, then I think it’s not a problem to borrow an instrument from someone you know (there are actually a lot of guitarists).
    2. Hands. Of course, you can also play with your feet; this depends on the unique structure of your body.
    3. Head
    4. Passion and patience. These are the most important factors in learning to play the guitar. If there is no desire and patience, write, it’s lost.

    Once you have everything you need (attention: some things must be given to you at birth!), you can begin training!

    So, first, let's pick up the guitar. If you are right-handed, then the strings on the fingerboard (the stick on which the strings are stretched (for those who don’t know;D)) should be arranged in this order:

    1. e (The thickest. You can try to play “Farewell of the Steam Locomotive” by holding the string on the first fret, give it a good tug (just don’t break it) and move it all the way to the right.)
    2. H(B) (Second thickest string, fifth on the list)
    3. F (Third thickest. Fourth on the list)
    4. D (Fourth thickest. Third on the list)
    5. A (Fifth thickest. Second on the list)
    6. E (The thinnest.)

    Great, now we know the names of the strings and how to hold the guitar correctly (there will be a separate article for left-handers).

    Let's move on to a more complex process - taking the first steps.

    We hope our article helped you. Best regards, portal!

    Articles about guitar Views: 11738

    Having set ourselves the goal of mastering something new, we often run into the same question: where to start? The same problem arises for a person who decides to learn to play the guitar on his own. Our article will tell you how you can learn the basics of playing the guitar at home from scratch and quite quickly.

    What is important is that below is the simplest and quick way learn to play guitar. Here we will not suggest you study notes and theory. Just practice!

    1. Guitar. First of all, you will need the guitar itself. But don't rush to spend money. If you have the opportunity to borrow a guitar from friends, then by all means take advantage of it. What if you don't like it? You will always have time to buy a guitar, but selling an inexpensive instrument is very problematic. But if you still have a burning desire to become a great guitarist, then this article will help you with choosing a guitar: How to choose an acoustic guitar?
    2. Settings. In order for a guitar to delight you and your neighbors with its sound, it must always be in tune. Therefore, you need to learn how to configure it yourself. The process is not particularly complicated and is well described in almost any tutorial. You can find an online tuner on the Internet. If you have a microphone in your computer, then using it it is very easy to tune each string to the appropriate note. If not, it doesn’t matter: look for a tuner online that produces the sound of each string. By sounding string It's very easy to tune your instrument.
    3. Correct posture and hand placement. Please pay SPECIAL attention to correct posture and hand placement. This is very important because... playing incorrectly will not only hinder your progress in the future, but can also cause overwork, muscle tightness and other unpleasant “sores”. There is a lot of material on the Internet with photos and videos on hand placement and landing. But ideally it is better to take 2-3 lessons from professional guitarist. No matter how hard you try yourself, you can see better from the outside. A good professional will easily detect all your mistakes in the bud, which will have a beneficial effect on your training in the future. Correct landing is a big asset for future progress.
      In general, there are 2 types of landing: classic and fatal. Each type of planting has its pros and cons; we will not describe them here. It’s easier to position your hands - there are several unshakable rules that will help you easily pinch the strings, play with strumming and plucking.
      Regarding sound production, it is worth paying attention Special attention right hand. Proper sound production - necessary condition for the purity of your music. There are many exercises for the right hand in the tutorials. Do them separately first, only right hand. Then - together with the left, changing chords. This will help develop hand coordination. As a result, it will not be difficult for you to play the rhythm with your right hand and press the chords with your left.
    4. Chords. Now that the guitar is tuned, you can start learning chords. They are in all tutorials and on the Internet. Start with simple ones, for example Am, Em, Dm, etc. After learning a few chords, try changing them. For example, Am to Dm, etc. A quick change of chords is practiced as follows: take 2 chords and within one minute move from one to another: Am-Dm-Am-Dm... And so on for a minute. At first it will be difficult, your fingers, as if made of wood, will be reluctant to search Right place on the frets. But after a few days of consistent practice at home, you will feel progress.
    5. Right hand technique. If you are not an ardent electric guitar fan, then forget about the pick at first. You need to master the finger technique. There are 2 options for playing with the right hand: combat and bust. Accordingly, there is different types battles and various searches. Mastering them yourself will not be difficult, it’s just a matter of time.
    6. Songs. So, we have a minimum set of knowledge and skills. What's next? The simplest thing is to start practicing chords, strumming and strumming on songs. Find a few easy songs that you like and play them. Slow songs are sung with strumming, fast songs with strumming. At first it will be difficult to remember the chords and move your fingers in time. However, this skill develops quite quickly. And in just a few weeks it won’t be difficult for you to play more than half of the repertoire of the average “drive-in” guitarist. Yes, and don’t try to sing on the guitar right away. And don’t be too upset that you can’t sing and play at the same time - we’ve all gone through this stage :) First, practice the accompaniment until it becomes automatic and only then start singing along.
    7. Performance of compositions. How to learn guitar compositions? Education musical notation requires serious effort and time. A simpler option is to play using tablature. These are schematic images that show which string to press on which fret. Today there are many computer programs that present music in the form of tablature. The most popular is Guitar Pro. Download a few simple tablatures and practice them. This will allow you to learn new playing techniques and take your game to the next level.

      So, how to learn to play the guitar from scratch on your own and at home? Of course, the path described in this article is not the only correct one. If you already have some musical experience behind you, or have an irresistible desire to approach the issue thoroughly, then you can immediately start learning with theory. Learn notes, scales, modes, and how they all apply on the guitar. However, for a person who picks up an instrument for the first time, such an abundance of theoretical information will most likely lose any desire to study music in the future. I would like to immediately learn the minimum basics.

      I wish you creative success!