Armenian male names are beautiful. Armenian male names

The Yellow Dog will give representatives of this sign unique opportunity– immerse yourself in an amazing atmosphere of vivid emotions and impressions. March 2018 will be a month of fulfillment for Sagittarius cherished desires. Don’t think that you will be able to win several million dollars in the lottery and you will immediately go on vacation to warm countries.

Try to set your priorities correctly in order to decide which area to begin your solemn ascent to the Olympus of success. Desperate careerists, ladies of the fair sex who have firmly decided to go to the end - a green light. You will forget about fatigue, and you will rush to work, as if hypnotized. Why not? Don't allow yourself to relax and you will definitely achieve tremendous success. Lady Fortune loves self-confident individuals who are used to going ahead. But don’t confuse it with a trip over the heads, these are completely different things. The world begins to gradually awaken after winter hibernation, the flowers in the soul bloom every day.

Catch your luck by the tail, you will probably get the position you have dreamed of for so long. Try to control yourself and not turn into a cynical beauty, no one likes such persons. Behave as usual, you have earned this position, but no one has yet canceled working on yourself and self-improvement. Colleagues at work will envy you with deep envy, learn not to pay attention to those around you. On the personal front, Sagittarius will have many victories, including those who have been members for a long time serious relationship. Singles, get ready to enter into a desperate battle for your happiness; heavy artillery will definitely come in handy. Please pay attention Special attention your health, you feel in Lately like a “squeezed lemon”? We urgently need to use our treasured weekends for relaxation.

Favorable days in March 2018 for Sagittarius: 1, 6, 8,9, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19,22, 27, 29.

Love horoscope for March 2018 Sagittarius

You really want to fall in love, but are you too busy with your career? These thoughts haunt you and every day the snowball becomes bigger. Try not to get hung up, everything will happen, but a little later. Sagittarians tend to imagine too much for themselves, and then they themselves suffer from these thoughts. The “cockroaches” in their heads decided to organize a rally; their life is too boring. And there it’s not far from the demonstration; you should make an appointment with a psychologist. It will help you look at many things differently, you will look back and understand a lot. People who are actively searching for something just want to take some man away from their family.

Cupid likes to watch from the sidelines, he is even ready to take part in these scandals, intrigues and investigations. The main thing is not to play around. If you don’t really like the young man, don’t give him false hope that everything will work out for you. Married couples in March 2018 will be protected from any scandals and dramatic scenes. Silence, calm and tranquility. A homewrecker may appear on the horizon, and if you do not urgently take important measures, expect trouble.

A marriage breaks down at the seams only in those rare moments when a third party appears and tries to ruin everything. It wouldn’t hurt to keep a closer eye on your man if you’re overwhelmed with doubts. Small detective investigation It will definitely do you good, calm your nerves, and you can learn a lot of interesting things about your spouse. If you still haven't solved your housing problem, it's time to take care of it.

Living with your parents at your age is not an option at all. Family is a new unit of society, and it is important that you feel comfortable in your relationship with a person. Parents like to interfere and dictate their own rules, which are not always appropriate. Draw conclusions, make an important decision and just move on towards your goal.

Finance horoscope for March 2018 Sagittarius

Sagittarius does not always have the confidence to defend their point of view to the last. Those born under this zodiac sign are mired in their doubts, and are unlikely to find the right way. The bosses are trying in every possible way to interest Sagittarius in taking part in the new project, but for some reason they still can’t achieve what they want. The trick is that such people will never fulfill other people's responsibilities. They are accustomed to being guided by the rule “my house is on the edge, I don’t know anything,” and they definitely don’t need any extra responsibilities. Therefore, if the director calls you to his office, immediately prepare logical explanations why you are not going to carry out his instructions. It is advisable to go over these arguments in your head several times so that they sound as convincing as possible.

Sagittarians are accustomed to feeling free even at work, and a reshuffle in the office can negatively affect the fighting spirit of these people. Be prepared for what financial situation in March 2018 will become significantly more complicated. You will have to make an important decision: go borrow money from friends or find a part-time job. The weekend is free, why not try it? Increase in income for the first time spring month is not expected, you will be stuck in place and will not be able to move forward confidently. The main thing is not to plunge headlong into this illusion. Sagittarius has not yet learned how to spend money; he can save from every salary, and then spend it on some nonsense. On the one hand, such an action plan will help defuse the financial situation, but on the other hand, it is unlikely that anything good will come out of this venture.

It is not recommended to organize business meetings on March 2 and 31 - the full moon does not bode well. The new moon on March 17 is another unlucky day on which you should stay at home. You don’t even have to go to work; an extra day off won’t hurt you. You will have the opportunity to change the environment and take a little break from the work process. “Finance should not sing romances,” you need to find within yourself not only the strength, but also the motivation to move on. Fortune smiles only on those who are willing to take risks and put everything they have on the line.

Health horoscope for March 2018 Sagittarius

Those born under this zodiac sign are very impressionable individuals who are too susceptible to everything that happens around them. They take everything that happens to heart: the words and actions of other people really hurt Sagittarius. There is a high probability that you will have health problems due to nervousness. A real wizard will come to the rescue - a psychologist. He will help you come to your senses, give you a few useful tips, which are definitely worth taking into account.

In March 2018, an exacerbation of viral diseases is expected. Try to have less contact with virus carriers, and then the month will pass relatively smoothly and without incident for you. If there is someone nearby who is highly contagious, sneezing and looking like a zombie, you will definitely wake up the next day with a clear malaise. Sagittarians cannot cope with frequent headaches, and do not even try to find the cause of this disgrace. It's simple, change your sleep pattern and you will feel much better. Irregular eating and constant overwork have contributed to the fact that you have now become the “lucky owner” of all these problems.

If you don't take care of your health, who will? Nuts and fruits should always be on hand so that at any time you can restore your energy, strength and vigor. Start your day with gymnastics, physical exercise– just what you need to maintain morale. Wet cleaning in the house will allow you to breathe fresh air, don't forget about daily walks. A 30-minute walk around the city will be enough, you can have a cup of coffee with best friend and keep it confidential. Rest more, with your irregular working days you have completely forgotten how you can have a good time on an ordinary day.

March 2018 will allow you to deal with everything bad habits, you still can’t quit smoking? A real lady should not be seen with a cigarette in hand, otherwise the reputation will be hopelessly damaged in the eyes of others. Remember that such “little things” can present many unpleasant surprises in the future. Take care of your health, you will definitely succeed if you do not put off making important decisions until later.

A difficult period awaits representatives of this zodiac sign. Sagittarius himself is a very energetic and purposeful person. However, as the March 2018 horoscope predicts, Sagittarius may face some problems. There will be a lot of things to do, and everything must be resolved. Despite the not-so-successful start to spring, Sagittarius will get into a rhythm and solve all their problems thanks to their best qualities. They will be able to arrange their personal and business lives. Don't give up your experience different areas activities, try everything you take on. You have plenty of talent and hard work.

The first 10 days of March will be the most difficult of the entire month. Don't be afraid in advance. Everything is not as scary as it seems. The fact is that Sagittarius will be able to look at problems from a different angle, understand the essence and find the right solution. There is no need to beat around the bush, you need to get rid of the root of the problem. There will be a lot of work, and all the assigned tasks will have to be completed. Remember, it is during this period that the issue of your positions in the company is decided. There may even be a promotion planned if Sagittarius deserves it. Should be adhered to business etiquette: do not quarrel with your partners, and especially with your superiors. You may feel stiff. You'll want to get more freedom in actions and views of the world. To do this, you don’t even have to communicate with some individuals who have a detrimental effect on you. This will open your eyes to what is happening and help you be more flexible in different situations.

Representatives' second decade zodiac sign will be devoted to daily responsibilities, home and family. Sagittarius, March 2018 will give you the opportunity to change the furnishings in your home, make repairs or finish the construction that has begun. In fact, there will be no less work than in the first days, but it, apparently, is connected with the home. Sagittarius will be happy to meet relatives and spend more time with family and children. At this time, it’s a good idea to take out of the house everything that is not used in the family: old cups, spoons, decanters, possibly unnecessary furniture. They don’t bring any benefit anyway, and they also take up space. It is better to get rid of them in any suitable way.

At the end of the month, an even more dynamic situation is expected. There will be a chance to receive long-awaited bonuses at work: a meeting with partners, a new interesting and profitable project. There will be enough strength and energy to realize all your dreams and plans. Approach the matter wisely and everything will work out. Sagittarius will receive good news. This could be news about relatives, their long-awaited arrival, or the birth of a child. As you can see, there is room to spend energy, so don’t do it thoughtlessly. You will need it for more serious and responsible accomplishments.

Favorable days: 1, 4, 14, 21, 27

Unfavorable days: 2, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 25, 29, 31.


Like everyone else, Sagittarians also have health problems. Often people don't show them, but they are there. Therefore, you should not be overly secretive and appear invulnerable. If there is something to complain about, it is better to do so by contacting the appropriate specialist.

The Sagittarius horoscope for March 2018 predicts mental problems. Try not to get into conflicts, be restrained, if it is impossible to contain your emotions, throw them out, but so that no one knows about it. See a psychiatrist.

The cold will take you by surprise again. Beware of encounters with carriers of cold viruses. Don't take pills in vain if you're sick. Better consult your doctor. ethnoscience will help Sagittarius in preventing diseases. General malaise and weakness may occur. In this case, you should pay attention to your diet and sleep patterns. Lack of sleep and junk food can lead to these consequences. Normalize these aspects of your life, then your health will improve.

Class physical culture and diet are also important in achieving a healthier standard of living. You can include vegetables, fruits, chocolate, nuts, honey, and dairy products in your diet. All this will add strength and vigor to you. A cool shower will tone your body for the whole day.


In March, Sagittarius will be less confident in their abilities. Responsible tasks will be completely rejected, no risk! This will surprise your colleagues and management, because you are usually goal-oriented and hardworking man, not afraid of difficulties, but here... You shouldn’t be afraid of these difficulties. In March, except yourself, no one and nothing will prevent you from achieving your goals. Be more decisive. Don't give up on extra income. If the opportunity arises, change jobs.


Lead a more economical lifestyle, do not get involved in fraud and adventures - you will lose your savings. It is better to spend this money on yourself, on vacation, and not give it to a stranger. The more you work, the more you will earn. Don’t assume that everything will come by itself, be in constant search profitable work and more income. Consider the fact that Sagittarians have never been practical when it comes to managing finances, and they are as good at saving as they are at building a spaceship.


Not the most rosy period awaits representatives of the sign in relationships. As predicted love horoscope for March 2018, Sagittarius at this time may feel a misunderstanding on the part of a loved one, on the other hand, he himself will want to get more from him or her. Men should not change their lifestyle because of the whims of the woman they love. By the end of the month, relations will improve. At least the Sagittarius man will understand that his attractiveness and charm have not diminished.

Women will want a more significant confirmation of love from their chosen one. Additional meetings with heroes of past novels are possible. Constantly being busy and absent, as well as spending time with another man, can push your partner into jealousy and scandal.

Sagittarius Man

March promises the stronger sex to delve deeper into their own dreams. As the horoscope for March 2018 says, a Sagittarius man will want to purchase real estate with land plot, will look for advertisements for the sale of such or try to find workers for construction on summer cottage. In any case, there is no harm in dreaming, and all this is done, sometimes, in more than one year. But if the man himself and his family are ready for this, why not.

Sagittarius Woman

Ladies will want to understand and learn more about their relatives and parents. As the horoscope for March 2018 says, Sagittarius - the woman will be interested in life and relationships between individual members big family. In March, they will be interested in home and family relationships.

Armenia is associated with the Caucasus, good wines and long, ornate toasts. The soil here is rocky, giving generous fruits to its inhabitants. Armenia is the oldest and great culture Urartu, the heir of ancient Anatolia and the very first state that adopted Christianity. To this day, 95% of the entire population professes this particular faith.

Armenian names male and female - this is a mirror image of the history of a people who survived many conquerors and wandered around the world for a long time. Therefore, many names are borrowed, but adapted to own language. Interesting fact, that, despite being under the yoke of the Turks for a long time, the Armenians never adopted their names.

National characteristics

Some names in Armenia are given to both men and women, for example, Armen is masculine, and Armenui is feminine.

Most Armenian surnames end in “-yan” or “-yants” and reflect their belonging to a specific clan. For example, the beautiful Armenian male name Sargsyan - that is, from the Sarkis family.

The country still uses generic names, which are not indicated in official documents, but are used in everyday life. Such names are given according to the person’s occupation or nickname.

National names

This group includes names that were previously borne by gods, kings and generals. The most popular Armenian male names in this category include:

  • Ashot. Translated as “the hope of this world.” But if interpreted according to Turkic etymology, the name means “not afraid of fire.” In the Middle Ages, Ashot was a very popular name, but with Islamization it practically disappeared from the languages ​​of the Caucasus, remaining only among Christian Armenians. Boys with this name have leadership qualities, but overly touchy. They have good imagination and do nothing against their will.
  • Vardan. There are many versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, it appeared from the so-called Vardapet monks, and in this version it is translated as “reward”. Boys with such names are characterized as adherents of foundations and traditions, who have a hard time accepting something new. Men can be interested in archeology and history. They get married early and love their wives.
  • Tigran. This name was borne by several Armenian kings and is present in the epic “Vipasank”. There is a version that it was nevertheless borrowed from the Persians and is translated as “possessing the strength of a tiger.” As a rule, these are inquisitive boys, but with age they become more sedate and ask less questions witty questions. At the same time, they remain quite emotional and open to the whole world. Depending on the situation, a man with this name can be as gentle as the most affectionate kitten and strong as a tiger. Usually, regardless of the chosen field of activity, Tigranes achieve success.

Derived names

This is a fairly large group of Armenian male names, derived from the name precious stones, planets, holidays and stars. For example, Arev in the mythology of ancient Armenians is the personification of the Sun. Shown as young man, which emits light. IN figurative meaning the name means "life".

There are names that are derived from descriptive characteristics of flora and fauna, from common nouns. They were given with the goal of seeing certain qualities in the child in the future, that is, they were chosen completely consciously. For example, Patvakan, that is, “venerable”, Zhirayr – “glib”. The name Garnik - “sacrificial” or “led to fire”, has no analogues in other languages.

A number of names have the ending “-air”, which means “man”. An adjective is placed before the ending, which should characterize the bearer of the name. But such names are becoming less and less common.


The three-thousand-year history of the people has greatly expanded the list of Armenian male names. First of all, these are the names of common Christian saints - David and Solomon. There are many analogues adapted into the Armenian way, for example, Johann became Hovaness.

Some names are not taken from the Bible, but have religious implications. For example, Khachatur is translated as “sent down by the Holy Cross,” and Arakel is “apostle.” There are many names adopted from the Persians, for example Suren.

An interesting borrowing occurred during the period when Armenia was part of the USSR. The diminutive has taken root in the country endearments Russian names: Yurik, Volodya, Zhora. At the same time, names appeared that bore famous people world, even their names – Karl, Roosevelt and Engels. And during the period when the borders of the state opened, names began to appear, characteristic of peoples Western Europe: Hamlet, Henry and Edward.

Armenian male names, alphabetical list

Acharyan Rachia made a great contribution to the study of this issue, who compiled a book of five volumes called “Dictionary of Armenian personal names.” Rachia held basic research this question, in the book you can find not only the name, but also its meaning, the history of its appearance.

A short list of the most common Armenian male names:

Azat – free

Hmayak - the highest spirit

Aram – noble

Armen - the spirit of the Aryans

Arthur - light of truth

Bagram - happiness of love

Barkhudar – worshiper of strength

Barseg – influential

Babken - sage

Bagish - intoxication with happiness

Vardan - reward

Vardges - king of the country

Vardvan - protector

Vasak - light of the eyes

Vramshapuh - oath

Garnik - led to the fire

Gaspard - liberator

Gurgen – knowledge from a spiritual teacher

Gagik - heavenly

Grant is a sacred book

David - giver of knowledge

Jivan is the living embodiment of the soul

Derenik - church student

Jirair - active

Davtak - beloved

Ervand - holy veneration

Eranik - blessed

Erdzhanik - happy

Yegiazar – the one whom God helps

Egan is a descendant of a noble family

Zhirayr - living Aryan

Zatik – Easter

Zinvor - warrior

Zaven - well-mannered

Zoravar - commander

Zurab - divine

Emil – hardworking

Ercanik - happy

Edward - Guardian of Wealth

Karen - elephant, generous

Karlen is a man

Karapet - sun

Kaytsak – lightning

Ktrich - lord

Levon – lion

Ler - rock

Lorenz – resident of Lavrenta

Lorik - quail

Mihran - the face of the sun

Mesrop - arrow of the moon

Markar - the noble path

Mushegh - magnificent

Marzpet - chief

Nubar - praise

Navasard is the first month of the Armenian calendar

Narek - in honor of the 10th century saint

Nver – gift

Norayr – new man

Oganes – fiery

Parunak - a piece of God

Poghos - guy

Parkev - reward

Petros - stone

Patvakan - honor from a young age

Rachiya - creation

Saghatel - a sign of power

Saro - possessing strength

Sargis – powerful by nature

Sako – divine

Santur - holy light

Tatos - paternal

Toros - assertive

Tyrant - sacred face

Trdat – bestowed by the Gods

Tatul is a joy for the father


Today, the top five popular Armenian male names include:

  • Eric, or "eternal ruler";
  • Hayk, in honor of the mythical Armenian progenitor;
  • Narek, in honor of the ancient Armenian holy city;
  • Horus, or "formidable".

Borrowed modern

Popular, borrowed and modern Armenian male names include:

  • David, a name of Hebrew origin meaning “favorite.” Usually these are calm and balanced men, pragmatic and strong-willed.
  • Raphael, also the Hebrew name of one of the seven archangels. Boys are distinguished by great persistence and emotionality.
  • Alain, French origin, meaning the need to dominate everywhere and always. Men are not afraid to compete, even if they know that they are weaker.
  • Albert, Old German, means “brilliant.” Men are usually secretive and confident.

Because the national history Armenians are quite complex; Armenian names are a peculiar mixture. You can meet Armenians with native Armenian names, and with Parthian names, and with Arabic, Greek, Slavic, and biblical names.

Most often, all Armenian names are divided into five categories: by parents, by occupation, by geography, by distinctive feature person and titled names. It is also customary to distinguish the following layers of personal names of Armenians.

1. National names.
The group of national names includes the names of pagan Armenian gods and names derived from them, such as Hayk, Anahit, Vahagn. The group also includes the names of Armenian kings (Tigran, Ashot, etc.) and generals (Vardan, Gevorg, etc.).

2. Names formed from words of the Armenian language.
This group includes names derived from the names of stars and planets, precious fabrics and stones, and holidays. Such names include Arev (sun), Manushak (violet), Metaxia (silk) and others. Enough a large number of Armenian names come from descriptions of flora and fauna.

Such names, like all personal names derived from common nouns, were invented a very long time ago. In ancient times, a name was chosen in accordance with the qualities of a person or the desire to see these qualities in the future. Thus, names were given to people in a meaningful way. For example, the Armenian name Rachia suggests that its bearer has “fiery eyes,” and Zarmair means “noble man.” Many names are designed to reflect the internal and external virtues of the wearer. So, Zhirayr means “glib”, and Patvakan means “venerable”.

Many male names have the component “air” at the end, meaning the word “man”. This component is usually preceded by an adjective that describes the speaker. Similarly, many women's names end in "duht", translated meaning "daughter", and the father's name is placed at the beginning of the name. Thus, new names appear. For example, Vormizdukht or Aykandukht.

Names that include descriptions of flora and fauna objects arose from totems deified in ancient times. Such names include Garnik, Nargiz, Tsakhik, etc.

3. Borrowed names.
Such names include, in particular, the names of common Christian saints. For example, the names Solomon or David. As in others developed cultures, biblical names were slightly modified in their own way. Thus, Johann became Hovaness among the Armenians, maintaining a sound close to the original. A number of Armenian names, although not biblical, still have religious significance. Such names are translations of foreign religious names. For example, Khachatur – “sent down from St. Cross" or Arakel - "apostle".

A number of names were borrowed from Persian. For example, the name Suren. Many foreign names have changed, becoming familiar to the ears of Armenians.

Over the years of the existence of the USSR, Armenians began to call their children names from the Russian language. Diminutive forms of names were often borrowed. So, Armenians began to be called by the names Alyosha, Volodya, Zhora, Yurik. In those same years, names familiar to Western Europe became widespread. Among them were the names Henry, Edward, Hamlet and others. Also used as names among Armenians popular names and last names famous personalities. For example, Engels, Karl, Roosevelt and others. However, later the bearers of such unusual names began to change them to more familiar Armenian names.

A number of Armenian names can be worn by both men and women. Such names include Arshaluys, Hayastan, Erdzhanik and others. Some names have a masculine and a feminine form. For example, the male name Armen is female name Armenui.

In Armenia, the family name is still widely used. It is not mentioned in documents and is especially widespread outside cities. The generic name is formed on the same basis as the surname, but in in this case The nickname or occupation of the founder of the clan is taken as a basis.

Many Armenians live outside Armenia, forming large diasporas. Under the influence of diasporas on the Armenian nation itself, first and last names are very diverse. You can find both native Armenian and christian names. Surnames may be of Armenian, Turkic, Greek, Old Testament or Iranian origin.

Most surnames end with the endings “-yan” and “-yants”, which indicate that the bearer belongs to a particular clan. For example, the surname Sarkisyan indicates belonging to the Sarkis family.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what different Armenian male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmastide calendars of holy people, without the consultation of a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Vigen (strong), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the bearers of other names will be weak. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Armenian names for boys in 2015 are also a misconception. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child, the deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below are several hundred male Armenian names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Armenian names in alphabetical order:


Abig - chanter
Avet, Avetik, Avetis - blessing, sacred knowledge
Agasi - unshakable
Azat - free
Hayk, Haykaz - unity
Hakob - may God help and protect
Amazasp - victorious defender
Hmayak - sincere, highest spirit
Ambartsum - ascension, luminous, sparkling in the sky
Amo - walking
Ananias is one of a kind
Ara - noble
Arakel - apostle, divine protector
Aram - noble
Argam - worthy
Argishti - worthy of love
Areg - sun, sacred movement (sign)
Aristakes - holy protector
Armen, Armenak - the spirit of the Aryans
Arsen - a noble warrior
Artavazd - the abode of truth
Artak - striving for the sun
Artash, Artashes - striving for truth
Artem - the path to truth
Arthur - light of truth
Artush - striving for light
Harutyun - resurrection
Arushan - sunny face
Arshavir - solar hero
Arshak - life-giving sun
Atom - divine spirit
Ashot is the hope of this world


Babken - father-sage
Baghdasar - blessed power
Bagish - intoxication with happiness
Bagram - happiness of love
Bagrat - the joy of love
Barseg - very influential
Barkhudar - worshiper of strength


Vahagn - omnipresent fire
Vaan - shield, omnipresent
Vagharsh, Vagharshak - the omnipresent sun
Wagram - the swiftness of a tiger
Vazgen - light of sacred knowledge
Vanik - merchant
Varazdat - the gift of space
Vardan - reward
Vardwan is a patriot who loves the country
Vardges - king (lion) of the country
Varuzhan - born to be a protector
Vasak - light of the eyes
Vahak - the omnipresent sun
Vahinak - solar warrior
Vachagan - fiery speech
Vache - speech, word
Vigen - strong, powerful
Virab - hero-defender
Vramshapuh - good oath


Gagik - heavenly
Galust - arrival, coming to the house
Geregin - fire of sacred knowledge
Garnik - lamb, sacrificial lamb led to the fire
Garsevan - fire worshiper
Gaspard - going to liberate
Gegham - home
Grant is a holy book
Gurgen - sacred knowledge from a spiritual teacher


David - beloved
Derenik - humbly worshiping God
Jeevan - living incarnate soul


Yeghish - thirsty for power
Ervand - holy faith, holy veneration


Zhirayr - lively, lively Aryan (male)


Zaven - well-mannered, humble
Zoriy - priest of the cult of the sun and fire
Zurab - divine, fragrant


Kamari - holy love
Karapet - lord of the rays of the sun, sun
Karen - elephant
Kerop - solar arrow
Kikos - hard, durable
Kirakos - chronicler
Koryun - chanting, praising God, the sun


Mamikon is mine
Markar - the path of the Aryans, the noble path
Mher - sunny
Melkon - greeter of the sun
Melkum - greeting the dawn
Mesrop - moon arrow
Mehak - carnation, sunny eye
Mihran - sunny face
Minas - fish
Mushegh - excellent


Nerses - the birth of a hero
Nubar - praise


Ogan, Oganes, Ovanes - fiery


Panos - amazing, wonderful
Parkev - reward, custom of libations (associated with sacrifice)
Partev - ruler, king, warrior
Paruyr - a spiral filled with light
Parunak - a particle of God
Patvakan - dignity, honor from a young age
Petros - stone, fatherly, paternal
Poghos - boy


Rachiya - creation, creation


Sahak - the power of the sun
Sagatel - a sign of power
Sako - divine
Sanasar - the power of eternity
Santur - sacred light
Sapah - worshiper of God
Sargis - the power of nature
Saro - strong


Tatevos - the path of the ancestors
Tatos - paternal
Tatul - father's joy
Tyrant - sacred person
Bargaining - the coming savior
Hummock - pressure, Energy
Trdat - gift of the gods