Politeness is the weapon of kings who said. Accuracy - the politeness of kings

Accuracy - the politeness of kings
From French: L\"exatitude est la politesse des rois.
Attributed to the French king (1814-1824) Louis XVI11 (1755-1824).
Usually used in the sense: to be precise, not to be late - to act like a king.
The full version of the phrase has a different meaning: Precision is a courtesy of kings, but a duty for their subjects.
That is, the king is not at all obliged to be precise (strictly adhere to the daily routine, observe reception hours, etc.). His accuracy is only his courtesy, a sign of attention to someone, and is by no means an obligatory attribute of royal status.
The expression is sometimes found in another, less common, version: Accuracy is the politeness of kings.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Accuracy is the politeness of kings” in other dictionaries:

    Accuracy - the politeness of kings

    This expression, sometimes quoted in French, L exactitude est la politesse des rois, is attributed to the French king Louis XVIII. Dictionary of popular words. Plutex. 2004 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Accuracy is the politeness of kings- wing. sl. Accuracy (precision) politeness of kings This expression is sometimes quoted in French: L exactitude est la politesse des rois, attributed to the French king Louis XVIII... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Noun, g., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? accuracy, what? accuracy, (I see) what? accuracy, what? accuracy, about what? about accuracy 1. Accuracy is the strict compliance of any object, process, phenomenon with any known norm,... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Accuracy - the politeness of kings. Louis XVIII Inaccuracy of the politeness of queens. Oleg Sein Punctuality, politeness, boring. Evelyn Waugh Punctuality is the thief of time. Punch magazine, 1864 Punctuality is the art of guessing how late someone will be... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    To tie? Prince from Pennsylvania ... Wikipedia

    Fr. (lexactitude e la polites de roi) precision politeness of kings; words of Louis XVIII. Dictionary foreign words L.P. Krysina. M: Russian language, 1998 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Exactitude e la Polites de Roi- * l exactitude est la politesse des rois. Accuracy - the politeness of kings. It must be said that the sovereign’s accuracy fully justified the French proverb: L exactitude est politesse des rois. V. Voeikov 24. Exactly at the shooting range, everyone went to the dining room, and... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    POLITE, oh, oh; Iv. Observing the rules of decency, well-mannered, courteous. Polite treatment. V. hint. Politely (adv.) to ask. | noun politeness, and, wives. Accuracy c. kings (aphorism). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Accuracy. Politeness of Kings, Dmitry Alekseev. The book "Accuracy" is A New Look on the problems of society and ways to solve them. After reading the book, you will become higher than your previous state, the book is a step... eBook

Accuracy - the politeness of kings

Precision is the politeness of kings (French: L’exatitude est la politesse des rois). The phrase is attributed to the French king Louis XVIII. Sometimes used differently: neatness is the politeness of kings. And, as usual, a phraseological unit is a quote taken out of context. In fact, Louis XVIII said: “Accuracy is a courtesy of kings, but a duty for their subjects,” that is, it is not the king who is obliged to be precise and accurate, but his subjects

Origin of the expression “precision is the courtesy of kings”

Louis's statement is given in a letter from the German journalist and publicist Konrad Engelbert Elsner (1764 - 1828) to a German writer Jewish origin Rachel Levin (after the baptism of Frederick Antony Farnhagen von Enze (1771 - 1833). Her huge correspondence(more than 6,000 pages) was published thanks to the efforts of her husband, the Prussian diplomat Karl Farnhagen (1875 - 1858). The letter, which mentions Louis' maxim about precision and politeness, was sent from Paris to Berlin on July 8, 1817. It was published only in 1865 in the book Briefwechsel zwischen Varnhagen von Ense und Oelsner. But even earlier, the aphorism was given in the “Memoirs” of the banker and politician Jacques Lafitte, published in 1844 (Band I, S. 119; Souvenirs de J. Lafitte, Paris, 1844, t. I, p. 150).


Louis XVIII ruled France from 1814 to 1824. He was the brother of Louis XVI, executed by the Jacobins, and led the dynasty after the death of his nephew, the son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Louis XVII. Louis XVIII or Louis Stanislas Xavier escaped the fate of his older brother because, unlike him, he was successfully able to leave France at the height of the revolution in 1791. Wandered around Europe: Austria, Poland, Italy, Sweden - until he settled in England. From there, in 1800, he turned to Napoleon with an appeal to “return its king to France, and future generations will bless your name.” In response, Bonaparte offered Louis 2 million francs to renounce his claims to the throne. Louis did not agree. When the restoration happened in 1814 and the Bourbons returned to power, Louis signed the so-called Declaration of Saint-Ouen with the promise of a constitution.
On May 27, the Constitutional Charter was signed. But following it was difficult: too many feelings of anger, vindictiveness and intransigence had accumulated in France over the years of revolutionary and military storms. Freedom of the press existed only in name; Napoleon's supporters were persecuted, expelled, and deprived of their property. Louis was guilty of this indirectly, because, indecisive and weak, he did not have the strength to curb his flaring passions. Louis in last years Throughout his life he suffered from severe gout and was practically confined to a chair. He died of gangrene in both legs and became the last truly reigning French monarch.

They say that Accuracy - the politeness of kings. To paraphrase this saying, we can say that punctuality is also the politeness of kings. When you arrive at a meeting on time, you show respect to all the people around you, and also show that you respect yourself, because... you kept your promise and arrived on time.

But if you do not consider yourself to be of royal blood, this does not mean at all that you can afford to be late (sadness, trouble). Few people know how this phrase originally sounded, which was originally expressed by the French king Louis XIV.

Louis XIV on accuracy and punctuality:
"Accuracy is the courtesy of kings and the duty of all good people».

In the modern urban rhythm, when literally every minute counts for everyone, this idea is becoming more and more relevant. No wonder they are becoming more and more fashionable books about time management and the ability to manage life. The ability to arrive on time, complete projects on time, and fulfill promises has become almost worth its weight in gold.

How to become punctual?

Punctuality- this is precision. Be on time at the meeting, fully carry out the assignment clearly and without deviations from what is required in the task; punctuality also means strict compliance rules, accuracy, systematicity. You could even say that punctuality is meticulousness. IN ordinary life Usually, punctuality is most often understood as “ be on time».

Whatever you are good employee, if you are constantly late, then you will be judged as an undisciplined, disorganized person. You may also be credited with such qualities as frivolity, unreliability, and irresponsibility. As a result, you are unlikely to be promoted career ladder or they will instruct interesting project. And if you work as an entrepreneur, then everything that you don’t do on time can be recorded in the “lost profit” column. Business partners may consider you arrogant.

Moreover, when someone is late for a meeting with you, it seems that the person is unable to set priorities, does not feel the value of the event, does not respect other people’s time, and perhaps he is also superficial about his own time.

If a person knew in advance about the time and place of the meeting, he could plan your day so as to be on time. The occurrence of traffic jams and other disturbing factors could be foreseen in advance. Most likely, if a person is late, then he treats the meeting superficially and does not value it. And perhaps he treats you the same way - he doesn’t respect you, he doesn’t take you seriously.

Punctuality and accuracy is not only the ability to arrive at your destination on time. This means not missing deadlines, fulfilling agreements, and making sure that deadlines do not expire. Partners can reasonably assume that if you do not fulfill your obligations regarding the place and time of the meeting, then this indirectly indicates that you can also violate your other obligations to other people. Lack of punctuality ruins your business reputation. People also begin to be late for meetings with you, and even worse - they may begin to avoid meeting with you completely. And this is a direct loss of money, loss of business contacts.

Why is it beneficial to develop punctuality?

A punctual person values ​​his time and knows how to manage it. In addition, a punctual person values ​​other people's time and respects them. In addition, a punctual person realizes that it is impossible to be in two or three meetings or places at the same time. Consequently, he knows how to set priorities, rationally distribute time and resources. He does not give unrealistic communications, but if he promises, then it will be as he says and his words are believed. And that is why such a person has a greater chance of becoming the master of his time, and therefore of his life.

Of course, anything can happen in life. Transport may break down, problems may arise unseen circumstances. But in this case, nothing prevents you from picking up the phone, calling your partner or colleague and saying that you will be half an hour late and that he can go for a walk and drink some coffee. Or you can reschedule the meeting.

Punctuality builds trust- and gives at least a plus one to karma. This shows qualities such as the ability to predict a situation, flexibility, the ability to see several steps ahead, concentration and the ability to quickly navigate the situation.

How to become punctual and stop being late

The first thing I would advise you to do is to study the book “Time Drive: How to Manage Your Life and Work” by Gleb Arkhangelsky.

It is important to understand that punctuality is truly a necessary skill for - the appearance of such a character trait will raise you several levels higher. Lack of such a skill as punctuality can be costly and cause damage to both your personal life and business. It is not for nothing that they say that seven do not wait for one. And indeed it is. The train will never wait for all passengers - it runs on schedule. If you're late, it'll be your problem.

You can look at our articles from the authors of the site: , and . If you spend a little time planning things out, you will save a lot more time than it might seem at first glance.
It is possible that you are constantly late and miss deadlines because you are doing something you don’t like. I already talked about this in the article "". It's unlikely to help here. You either want to or don't want to be on time. A meeting is either important or not important to you. There is no third option.

Traffic jams and other unforeseen situations must be initially included in the daily plan. If it takes you half an hour to get to the other end of the city, then you need to allow at least 45 minutes for the road, because... taxi may be delayed. This happens with public transport too. Arriving a little early is always better than being late. So you can come, get yourself in order, prepare a little for the event, chat with people on the spot, and look around. And in general, this is good form.

Experts advise not to make excuses for being late. It is better to apologize for the inconvenience caused and try to prevent this from happening in the future. Otherwise, by turning the arrows on traffic jams, you seem to be programming yourself to the idea that being late is inevitable. very big. I talked about this again. If you really want to become punctual, you can do it.

All in all, time is as valuable a resource as health and energy. By wasting time, we lose an irreplaceable resource.

At the end of the working day:
1. Write a plan for tomorrow;
2. Evaluate the results of the past day;
3. Complete what you didn’t have time to do;
4. Try to complete the day.

During the day:
1. A measured pace of work is more effective than working under deadlines;
2. Know how to say “no”— reject anything that clearly doesn’t fit into your work schedule. Or abandon some of the previously made plans. You can't sit on three chairs.
3. Unplanned and impulsive activities should be limited within reason.
4. It is useful to perform similar tasks in series;
5. Take short breaks from work;
6. Do not only what is urgent, but also what is important in the long term;

At the beginning of the working day:
1. Study the day's plan, make changes;
2. First of all, you need to do important and complex tasks while your head is fresh and working well;

Let's look at a few more aspects that are worth paying attention to.

Empty chatter

In many companies, colleagues like to discuss football, relationships, politics, new films, and so on. If possible, you should try to stay away from such conversations. Especially if you planned to do a lot of things today. You can chat during your lunch break or after work over a cup of coffee.

Long wait

Germany is famous for punctuality and accuracy. And there is interesting saying: “The one who is late is punished by life.” IN in social networks They advise: warn your colleagues that you will wait for them for a maximum of 30 minutes, and then get up and leave if they are not there. Another tip is to make an appointment at convenient location. If your partner is late, so you can sit in a coffee shop and read a book. Take a book with you so you don't have to wait in vain. Make an appointment in a place that is personally comfortable for you.

Unclear goal setting

Lengthy meetings

Avoid meetings. This is everything you need to know about meetings. American studies show: only 15% of meetings bring real benefits. In 85% of cases they can only bring stress and squabbles to the team. Sometimes meetings drag on for hours, and the number of participants exceeds the actually necessary level. Meetings need to be held clearly and to the point and not drag them out for too long. Running effective meetings is a science. Set a goal, establish regulations, control the situation. But it's better to just avoid it.

Phone calls

It’s good practice to completely switch off during business meetings. cellular telephone. In case of emergency calls, you need to apologize to your partner or colleagues. If the call is not urgent, then you can quickly answer that you will call back, because... can't talk now. But if you don't interrupt the conversation because the phone rings, the person opposite you will feel that you treat him with great respect.

I don't take it to the gym mobile phone. This allows you to completely turn your head off from current worries during training and devote full time to training. And for cold calls from organizations that I did not allow me to call and offer brokerage services - you have every right to drop their calls or add the number of particularly intrusive companies to the blacklist. It's your personal number and just anyone should not call it simply because your number appeared in some database.

Organization of space

Organize the space around you. Organize your desk and briefcase. Write down your daily to-do list in your diary. Then you won’t forget anything and everything will be ok. On the contrary, sloppiness can become a time sink. This all doesn’t sound very scientific, but many will agree that working in a clean and tidy environment is more pleasant than at a dusty workplace with a pile of papers, where it is impossible to find the required receipt without going through everything one by one.

Time sinks

Think about what activities, events, people or phenomena will take up a lot of your time. If necessary, you need to try to get rid of what is especially aggressively consuming your time. We all have 24 hours in a day. In this sense, we are all equal. The only difference is how we distribute this time. Time sinks may include:

  1. Meetings, chatter, excessive communication - what we wrote about above;
  2. Insufficient communications, lack of preparation for discussion, lack of information;
  3. Distractions;
  4. Not finishing what has been started;
  5. Long waits for meetings;
  6. Excessive haste and fuss;
  7. Inability to prioritize;
  8. Inability to refuse, to say “no”;
  9. Unplanned affairs and events;
  10. Lack of planning, motivation, organization or control - any of the 4 functions of management are critical;
  11. Phone calls;
  12. Lack of desire, motivation;
  13. Lack of clear goals;
  14. Poor day planning;
  15. The desire to take on an overwhelming number of tasks and tasks;

Continuing the topic of professional qualities, let’s consider one more thing – accuracy. Accuracy is sometimes confused with commitment, but these are completely different qualities. Commitment - break into a plank, but do what needs to be done (see the post “Commitment is an important professional quality. IF YOU ARE NOT DEAD, CALL”). Accuracy - fulfilling your promises, responsibilities, strictly following the planned plan, characterizing the start time, duration and end of the activities you perform.

I am a participant in one voluntary public organization private entrepreneurs. Good men, boys and girls. Smart, hard workers. We hold periodic meetings of various formats. We agreed to meet at 10:00 a couple of days a month, having previously agreed on each specific day of the meeting. And we usually gather at the appointed time. As a rule, one or more participants, respectable comrades, are late. It seems to be forgivable, there are different circumstances for busy people. On another Thursday, I come in at 9:59, see the empty chairs of the meeting participants and propose to put into practice one of the first organizational innovations of our society: every latecomer does push-ups on the floor the number of times equal to the quantity minutes late. Everyone smiles and jokes a little. The first latecomer appears at 10-03. Me: “Here, the first one went. Do three push-ups.” We smiled. I go out for a walk. I come back at 10-10 and hear: “Come on, do push-ups!” I smile myself, saying that I “fixed” at 9:59, but I understand that I need to do push-ups. Left for later.

Is there a meeting scheduled for 2:47 p.m.? So, please come by 2:47 p.m. Not at 14-50, not 14-47 minutes and 5 seconds, but at 14-47. People are waiting. And they are bored. You have things to do, and they, you know, have nothing to do except count crows while waiting for you. Perhaps everyone has too much to do.

In Dainova in the 90s, after repeated comments, in order to accustom people to accuracy, they decided that latecomers would do push-ups on the floor 10 times. For one thing, we will support the health of important specialists and managers. Let us help busy people who don’t always have enough time and concentration for health-improving exercises. Amid approving jokes, managers of all ranks began to participate in meetings after ten push-ups. And the event began in a positive tone both among the spectators and the athletes themselves.

Accuracy - important component success of the employee and the organization as a whole. Accuracy, both in the time of fulfillment of one’s obligations, and in the understanding, interpretation, and communication of what is included in these very obligations. WITH light hand friend and partner Vladimir Velich (see the post “Fairy Tales for Adults”), I give a short parable on this topic. A simple summary of what can happen if you follow the advice exactly, literally:

Precision (a parable of unknown origin)

The village blacksmith found an assistant who agreed to do the hard work for a minimal fee. The blacksmith immediately began to instruct the guy:

- As soon as I take the strip of metal out of the fire and put it on the anvil, I will nod my head to you. At this moment, hit it with a hammer.

The student did as he understood.

The next day he became the village blacksmith.

Accuracy, as stated above, is nothing more and nothing less. This is the norm. Or “just in time” in time. By the way, I was surprised to discover that in the authoritative encyclopedia Wikipedia there is no article about the term “accuracy” in a social, universal sense. There is precision in technology (“accuracy of measuring instruments”, “accuracy of measurement results”). But I never found the most basic, “human” concept of “accuracy”. Those who wish to “immortalize” themselves incognito can correct this omission. Dahl’s excellent dictionary, which has long become a classic interpretation of words and terms, also does not contain this most important concept. Here's what another classic says: explanatory dictionary, Ozhegov's dictionary: “Accuracy, -i, g.1. see exact. 2. The degree of true correspondence to something. Calculate to the nearest hundredth. 4- Exactly (colloquial) – 1) absolutely exactly. Did exactly as ordered; 2) exactly the same, exactly the same. The suit is exactly like yours.”

Accuracy is also not very general (we, artillery students in our second non-mathematical specialty, joked that the inaccuracy of aiming is compensated by the size of the projectile). Otherwise it might turn out like in that story:

Conversation between the aircraft crew after the wild New Year celebrations:

- Navigator! Where are we??
- In the sobering-up station!
- Why do we need such precision?! Tell me the city!

The saying “Accuracy is the politeness of kings” is known to many, but few know that it is really of royal origin, in the original it has its continuation and sounds like this: “Accuracy is the politeness of kings and the duty of their subjects.” There was also this interpretation: “Accuracy is the courtesy of kings and the duty of all good people.” For the first time in the post-Napoleon era, it was used by the French monarch Louis XVIII (born in 1755, reigned in 1814-1824), which served as a quick and mass development etiquette in Europe. Since the time of this king, society has begun to take punctuality, commitment, and skillful handling of one’s own and other people’s time much more seriously.

Accuracy is often associated with time, which nowadays historical period Time is one of the most valuable intangible assets. Often decisive for achieving results in privacy and the life of the enterprise. Remember: “ When the Lord created time, He created it enough” (Irish proverb). To be successful, you need to learn how to properly handle this capital. If a person is not able to properly distribute and use his time, then he will not see serious success in life. The inability to manage time is the inability to manage anything else. And no one else. In this case, the best thing that awaits a person is dependence and subordination to circumstances, dependence on other, more skillful people. Personal disorganization, fuss, long, vague conversations and interruptions from business phone calls- “birthmarks”, sure signs of such a person.

I will not open America by saying that today accuracy is not only the politeness of a boss towards a subordinate. Accuracy is as much a responsibility of a leader as it is a responsibility of a subordinate. If, of course, the manager wants to successfully implement management tasks and achieve his goals. If he is not a tyrant. Two hundred years ago, a king could afford to be inaccurate, showing commitment and punctuality as politeness, today It is unthinkable to be successful and not be a punctual, inaccurate leader.

That is, accuracy is something that is useful to the person himself, which is also pleasant and necessary for the people around him. Accuracy - courtesy to everyone. POLITENESS OF THE KING. And his duty. Let's be kings! Both superiors and subordinate specialists. Even in small things.

In conclusion, a minute of video with humor:

P.S. Especially for readers of “Computer News”, “Pressball” and other publications that sometimes post “up blog” materials.

Friends, I’m sorry if you feel that the article is in the wrong place and/or is not in the scope of your publication. But! The decision to post material on other Internet resources is made exclusively by the resource’s editorial board. An offer with the placement of this and other articles has not been sent or is being sent to any address (personal or corporate). The author does not receive or expect to receive any royalties for them. IN different time Some online publications offered to post blog posts of their own choosing. What consent did they receive?

And, actually, The purpose of creating a blog is to create and maintain a benevolent, constructive corporate culture in the company that I have the honor to lead, and simply benevolent and constructive among the people around me, friends and partners. Previously, articles and materials were sent only via internal corporate mail. The goal, in my humble opinion, although not ideal, is being achieved.

All the best!

Adam Paluchowicz

Continuing the topic of professional qualities, let’s consider one more thing – accuracy. Accuracy is sometimes confused with commitment, but these are completely different qualities. Obligation - break into a plank, and do what needs to be done (see post). Accuracy - fulfilling your promises, responsibilities, strictly following the planned plan, characterizing the start time, duration and end of the activities you perform.

I am a member of a voluntary public organization of private entrepreneurs. Good men, boys and girls. Smart, hard workers. We hold periodic meetings of various formats. We agreed to meet at 10:00 a couple of days a month, having previously agreed on each specific day of the meeting. And we usually gather at the appointed time. As a rule, one or more participants, respectable comrades, are late. It seems to be forgivable, there are different circumstances for busy people. On another Thursday, I walk in at 9:59, see the empty chairs of the meeting participants, and propose to put into practice one of the first organizational innovations of our society: every latecomer does push-ups on the floor a number of times equal to the number of minutes they are late. Everyone smiles and jokes a little. The first latecomer appears at 10-03. Me: “Here, the first one went. Do three push-ups.” We smiled. I go out for a walk. I come back at 10-10 and hear: “Come on, do push-ups!” I smile myself, saying that I “fixed” at 9:59, but I understand that I need to do push-ups. Left for later.

Is there a meeting scheduled for 2:47 p.m.? So, please come by 2:47 p.m. Not at 14-50, not 14-47 minutes and 5 seconds, but at 14-47. People are waiting. And they are bored. You have things to do, and they, you know, have nothing to do except count crows while waiting for you. Perhaps everyone has too much to do.

In Dainova in the 90s, after repeated comments, in order to accustom people to accuracy, they decided that latecomers would do push-ups on the floor 10 times. For one thing, we will support the health of important specialists and managers. Let us help busy people who don’t always have enough time and concentration for health-improving exercises. Amid approving jokes, managers of all ranks began to participate in meetings after ten push-ups. And the event began in a positive tone both among the spectators and the athletes themselves.

Accuracy is an important component of the success of the employee and the organization as a whole. Accuracy, both in the time of fulfillment of one’s obligations, and in the understanding, interpretation, and communication of what is included in these very obligations. With the light hand of my friend and partner Vladimir Velich (see post), I present a short parable on this topic. A simple summary of what can happen if you follow the advice exactly, literally:

Precision (a parable of unknown origin)

The village blacksmith found an assistant who agreed to do the hard work for a minimal fee. The blacksmith immediately began to instruct the guy:

- As soon as I take the strip of metal out of the fire and put it on the anvil, I will nod my head to you. At this moment, hit it with a hammer.

The student did as he understood.

The next day he became the village blacksmith.

Accuracy, as stated above, is nothing more and nothing less. This is the norm. Or “just in time” in time. By the way, I was surprised to discover that in the authoritative encyclopedia Wikipedia there is no article about the term “accuracy” in a social, universal sense. There is precision in technology (“accuracy of measuring instruments”, “accuracy of measurement results”). But I never found the most basic, “human” concept of “accuracy”. Those who wish to “immortalize” themselves incognito can correct this omission. Dahl’s excellent dictionary, which has long become a classic interpretation of words and terms, also does not contain this most important concept. And here’s what it says in another classic explanatory dictionary, Ozhegov’s dictionary: “Accuracy, -i, g.1. see exact. 2. The degree of true correspondence to something. Calculate to the nearest hundredth. 4- Exactly (colloquial) – 1) absolutely exactly. Did exactly as ordered; 2) exactly the same, exactly the same. The suit is exactly like yours.”

Accuracy is also not very general (we, artillery students in our second non-mathematical specialty, joked that the inaccuracy of aiming is compensated by the size of the projectile). Otherwise it might turn out like in that story:

Conversation between the aircraft crew after the wild New Year celebrations:

- Navigator! Where are we??
- In the sobering-up station!
– Why do we need such precision?! Tell me the city!

The saying “Accuracy is the politeness of kings” is known to many, but few know that it is really of royal origin, in the original it has its continuation and sounds like this: “Accuracy is the politeness of kings and the duty of their subjects.” There was also this interpretation: “Accuracy is the courtesy of kings and the duty of all good people.” For the first time in the post-Napoleon era, it was used by the French monarch Louis XVIII (born in 1755, reigned in 1814-1824), which contributed to the rapid and massive development of etiquette in Europe. Since the time of this king, society has begun to take punctuality, commitment, and skillful handling of one’s own and other people’s time much more seriously.

Accuracy is often associated with time, which in our historical period, time is one of the most valuable intangible assets. Often decisive for achieving results in private life and corporate life. Remember: “ When the Lord created time, He created it enough” (Irish proverb). To be successful, you need to learn how to properly handle this capital. If a person is not able to properly distribute and use his time, then he will not see serious success in life. The inability to manage time is the inability to manage anything else. And no one else. In this case, the best thing that awaits a person is dependence and subordination to circumstances, dependence on other, more skillful people. Personal disorganization, bustle, long, non-specific conversations and phone calls that distract from business are “birthmarks”, sure signs of such a person.

I will not open America by saying that today accuracy is not only the politeness of a boss towards a subordinate. Accuracy is as much a responsibility of a leader as it is a responsibility of a subordinate. If, of course, the manager wants to successfully implement management tasks and achieve his goals. If he is not a tyrant. Two hundred years ago, a king could afford to be inaccurate, showing commitment and punctuality as politeness, today It is unthinkable to be successful and not be a punctual, inaccurate leader.

That is, accuracy is something that is useful to the person himself, which is also pleasant and necessary for the people around him. Accuracy – being polite to everyone. POLITENESS OF THE KING. And his duty. Let's be kings! Both superiors and subordinate specialists. Even in small things.

In conclusion, a minute of video with humor:


P.S. Especially for readers of “Computer News”, “Pressball” and other publications that sometimes post “up blog” materials.

Friends, I’m sorry if you feel that the article is in the wrong place and/or is not in the scope of your publication. But! The decision to post material on other Internet resources is made exclusively by the resource’s editorial board. An offer with the placement of this and other articles has not been sent or is being sent to any address (personal or corporate). The author does not receive or expect to receive any royalties for them. At various times, some online publications offered to host blog posts of their own choosing. What consent did they receive?

But, in fact, the purpose of creating a blog is to create, maintain a benevolent, constructive corporate culture at the enterprise that I have the honor to head, and simply benevolent and constructive - among the people around me, friends and partners. Previously, articles and materials were sent only via internal corporate mail. The goal, in my humble opinion, although not ideal, is being achieved.

All the best!