Painting directions and their brief characteristics. School encyclopedia

As little girls, these beauties first played with dolls and then grew up to become dolls themselves, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, months of effort and making dozens of plastic surgery. Living Barbies of our time. Meet me.

Valeria Lukyanova

With a height of 172 cm, Valeria weighs 46 kg and has model parameters - 88−50−88. The girl claims that she is not yet 25 years old, likes to call herself a goddess, hinting at extraterrestrial origin, and categorically denies any participation of plastic surgeons in transforming her appearance. She only admits that she enlarged her breasts to make her figure more harmonious.

However, if you look at the photos of Valeria before and after turning into live Barbie, doubt creeps in that her appearance is the merit of only nature. Surgeons believe that Lukyanova not only enlarged her breasts, but also removed ribs, had a nose job, eyelid surgery, lip augmentation, corrected the shape of her cheekbones, and also underwent liposuction. Internet users were not too lazy to find old photos of Valeria and compare them with the current ones.

Valeria herself explains her transformation as the result of spiritual practices, genetic factors, proper nutrition and hard work in the gym. The Barbie girl adheres to the child-free ideology and says that she is not created for motherhood. In one of the interviews, Valeria stated that family values It’s not at all important to her. However, she married the owner of a large construction company. Internet users suggest that it was her husband who helped Lukyanova realize her dream of a doll-like appearance.

In conversations with journalists, Valeria likes to focus on her spiritual qualities, talents and cosmic origins. The doll girl generally loves to talk about mysticism, metaphysics and past lives. He says that a person is not just a pile of meat and bones, but a spiritual substance that should strive to become a Superbeing. Valeria even opened an esoteric school called “Temple of Infinite Unity”, where she teaches people supernatural abilities and helps open the third eye.

Despite discussions about the importance of internal freedom, Lukyanova earns her living mainly by modeling and participating in various photo shoots and events. Thanks to her doll-like appearance and ambiguous outlook on life, the girl has a lot of both fans and haters. on her VKontakte page 440 thousand people subscribed to Instagram account- more than 130 thousand.

Hannah Gregory

22-year-old Sheffield University student Hannah Gregory has the proportions of a Barbie doll, a 55cm waist, and enlarges her eyes with contact lenses and does not leave the house without makeup and outfits that match the doll's image. Hannah claims that she has not had plastic surgery and does not hide photos taken before she became an Instagram star.

According to Hannah, as a child she was a very shy child, and this shyness prevented her from keeping up with the times and dressing the way she wanted. Because of this, she suffered from self-doubt and felt unattractive. Already at the Institute, her classmates began to notice her resemblance to Barbie, which prompted the girl to become the living embodiment of the doll.

Now Hannah spends up to three hours a day creating an image: applying makeup, choosing clothes and putting on huge lenses that imitate an empty doll's gaze. The girl does not go out in simple clothes, claiming that behind the Barbie image it is easier for her to hide from people. “I have a lot of complexes, so it seems to me that no one needs the real me. When others see me as a doll, no one is interested in what I really am and it’s easier for me to communicate with the world,” Hannah once admitted in an interview.

Unusual appearance, figure with a thin waist, bright makeup and outfits in pink tones made Hannah Instagram star, more than 40 thousand people subscribed to her page, who proclaimed the girl “British Barbie.” The girl herself admits that she is upset that guys perceive her only as a doll and do not try to learn about her inner beauty. But nevertheless, she is not going to change her style and believes that she will definitely meet a guy who will love her just like that.

Vanilla Chamu

Japanese model Vanilla Chamu is the champion of our list of “living dolls”; a radical change in her appearance can be seen with the naked eye. According to some reports, the Japanese woman spent 10 million yen on plastic surgery services - that's about 102 thousand dollars. Over the course of several years, the girl underwent more than 30 operations, trying to achieve the appearance of a French doll.

Famous french dolls were made of “biscuit” porcelain, which gave their faces noble pallor, sophistication and elegance. Lush hairstyles, large languid eyes and thin eyebrows combined with fashionable outfits attracted the attention of children and even adults. Real porcelain French dolls are now valued at thousands of dollars on the antiques market and are a source of pride for collectors.

To become such a doll, Vanilla Chamu radically changed her appearance with the help of plastic surgery. The girl underwent double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, liposuction, eyelash implantation, facial reshaping to create dimples, breast enlargement, and skin lightening.

Mine real age the girl is hiding. It is only known that at the age of 17 Vanilla looked like the average Japanese woman: dark skin, black hair and traditional eye shape, then already at the age of 19 she appeared to the world as a red-haired beauty with fair skin, wide-eyed and absolutely European in appearance.

In her native Japan, Vanilla is a celebrity - the girl is often invited to television shows, where she talks about the reasons for the transformation of her appearance, answers questions from viewers and shares secrets. Vanilla Chamu also shoots for fashion magazines and periodically participates in concerts as a singer.

Angelica Kenova

Angelica, a native of Kurgan, moved to Moscow several years ago. The girl does not like to talk about her family; we only know that her mother is a doctor and her father is the owner own business. It was her parents who played a significant role in turning Angelica into “Russian Barbie,” as the blonde herself calls herself.

“I didn’t choose this doll image myself, my parents did it. My mom started buying me collectible Barbie dolls when I was six years old and started dressing me up like one of them. My mother was also very beautiful, in her youth she looked like Brigitte Bardot,” says Angelica.

According to Angelica, in adolescence her parents hired a personal trainer for her, who helped the girl achieve ideal parameters. The result is obvious: Angelica has a figure that any model would envy - amazing thin waist, long slender legs, large elastic breasts. Angelica still enthusiastically trains in the gym - five times a week for 2-3 hours. Likes to be photographed, leads popular Instagram and communicates with fans on

Imitation adult life, games of mom and dad, the embodiment of different life situationsfavorite hobby millions of babies around the world. Role-playing games instills in children their first skills social behavior, develop imagination and creativity, teach empathy, care and concern for someone else.

The best way for a child to try on the role of a parent is a variety of children's equipment and, of course, a favorite doll. The “artificial baby” or baby doll has been an extremely popular toy among children for many years. And if our grandmothers were content with homemade “babies” sewn from scraps of fabric and simple baby dolls, today children are given a huge choice.

So what are they, modern baby dolls?

Appearance of baby dolls

Realistic dolls

Main hallmark Baby dolls are similar to a real newborn.

Modern toy manufacturers produce both simple baby dolls without pronounced sexual characteristics, and exact copies of babies with bright emotions on their faces, expressive eyes, fluffy hair, eyelashes and folds on their arms and legs.

“Vinyl babies” may not only have the appearance of real babies, but also be able to eat, cry, relieve themselves, and even imitate breathing and heartbeat.

Reborn Dolls, Antonio Juans Munecas They copy the appearance, height and proportions of a living baby down to the smallest detail. The more realistic the toy looks, the higher the price.


Baby dolls divided by race and nationality are very popular. Yes, Spanish brand Paola Reina dolls introduces children to the diversity of this world by producing toys with different colors skin, hair, eye shape, shape of lips and nose.


Baby dolls can be:

- asexual;

- with pronounced sexual characteristics (differing in anatomical structure, hairstyle and clothing). They are also called anatomically correct dolls. Example - baby dolls PaolaReina.

Other characteristics of baby dolls


Most baby dolls are dolls for girls, but children's experts have proven that playing “mother-daughter” is no less useful for boys, because it will allow them to try on the role of a father, a protector of the family, which will have a positive effect in his adult life.


Baby dolls range in size from a few centimeters to the height of a real newborn baby. The most popular sizes are 21, 30, 38, 45, 50, 56 cm.

Material of manufacture

Baby dolls are made from:

- rubber,

- vinyl,

- plastic,

- textiles.

The doll can be made of one material or several, for example, have a soft textile body and a head and limbs made of plastic or vinyl. The main thing is that the materials used are safe and of high quality.

There are collectible souvenir dolls made of porcelain.

Manufacturers often use fragrances to make the toy have a pleasant floral, vanilla or sweet smell.


Based on functionality, baby dolls can be divided into:

- on simple ones, which:

  • the head and limbs do not move;
  • the head turns, the arms and legs move, but do not bend;
  • limbs move and bend.

interactive. Interactive baby dolls can smack their lips, suck a pacifier, eat from a bottle, burp, cry real tears, laugh, poop and pee in diapers, crawl, sing songs and speak simple phrases. These are dolls Baby Born, Little Mommy, Simba and others.


Depending on the configuration there are:

1. Baby dolls without accessories.

2. Babies in clothes.

3. with a set of clothes and accessories (diapers, pacifier, potty, bath).

Baby dolls help establish connections between generations and are an integral part of the play and growing up of our children, instilling in them moral and social norms behavior. And the variety of baby dolls will help you choose exactly the doll that your child will love and will remember with tenderness throughout his adult life.

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A child appears in one very ordinary family. Great healthy boy, height 59 centimeters, weight 3.5 kilograms. His mother dotes on him, she dresses him up in beautiful suits, lulls him to sleep, and rolls him around in a stroller. Her son is just a miracle, he doesn’t cry, doesn’t soil his diapers, doesn’t wake his parents up at night, because he’s a doll. The most naturalistic of all possible is a reborn doll.

1. She is distinguished from a living baby only by a motionless glassy gaze and lack of breathing. Reborn hair is fine mohair, vinyl body, glass eyes.

2. He is part huge collection dolls self made, made to order and sent to his “mom” in a wooden box by mail. "He's not alive!" - the uninitiated exclaim with horror after the first impression, and horror replaces emotion.

3. It would seem like an innocent toy, but why does it realize the primal, most terrible fear of any mother - to see a child who does not move, does not breathe, does not blink?

4. Manufacturers of baby dolls talk about the beneficial effects of their “wards” on mental condition women. Taking a heavy doll that looks so much like a living child in her arms, a woman experiences the same feelings as when she sees a real baby. Childless ladies realize their maternal instinct, mothers of adult children remember their youth. At the Moscow exhibition in October 2011, girls over 30 gathered around the demonstration tent.” Despite the fact that the cost of a reborn doll starts from 20 thousand rubles, there were many people interested. One was buying a “brother” for an already existing reborn, the other was choosing a “daughter” for herself.

5. Collector Inna Bogdanova, mother of an adult son, already has 70 doll children. They live in the living room of an ordinary Moscow apartment, she combs their hair, dresses them up, but, of course, does not take them for walks. “This is my hobby,” says Inna, “I always wanted a lot of children, but there was no opportunity.”

6. However, more and more girls and women are having reborns not in addition to living children, but instead! They buy the doll a crib, a stroller, clothes according to the season, the reborn is bathed daily, lubricated with cream, photographed, and the photos are posted on the Internet. The forums are filled with posts about how we went out, suggestions, “Rate our suit,” and even questions, “How do you sleep?” A common conversation among young mothers, isn't it? The only worrying thing is that we're talking about about the inanimate.

7. 49-year-old Linda Jacobson, a collector from America, the birthplace of reborns, admits that she compensates for the need for small children by buying herself naturalistic dolls. “We go to the park, I take them with me while walking the dog, I push them in a stroller or carry them in a sling or cradle them in a blanket, and many people think that my babies are real.” Linda is very happy when people on a walk mistake the doll for a living child and are interested in his age and name. But when a woman is asked about actual adoption, she responds that this option is not for her, it is very difficult and there are too many expenses.

8. Baby dolls have become very popular all over the world, the most famous case related to them occurred last year.

9. An Australian policeman saw a lifeless child in a car, rushed to the car, broke the glass, and what was the policeman’s surprise when he found a doll in his hands!

10. There are several versions about the origin of reborn dolls. According to some sources, these children began to be born in the USA in the late 1980s. According to others, it turns out that reborning began to develop after the Spanish company Dolls by Berengeur appeared on the doll market. These “babies” were positioned as play dolls, and then began to be used as mannequins for demonstrating children's clothing. Now they are sought after by collectors. The most famous doll from Dolls by Berengeur is the baby doll La Infanta Leonor, an exact copy of the daughter of Prince Philip of Asturias and his wife Princess Letizia. This doll was a huge success and was sold out instantly.

11. Then master puppeteers began to appear, giving the dolls that already looked like living babies truly human believability. Reborn in English means “reborn” or “born again.”

12. At first, artists worked on ordinary play dolls, then kits appeared - the basis for creating toy babies. Now you can order a doll of any race, sleeping, smiling, and of different “ages” - from premature babies to first-graders. In addition, there are flavors that give the doll the smell of a child.” And in Lately- these are miracles! - masters learned to imitate breathing and heartbeat.

13. Reborns came to Russia in 2007-2008 and have already gained wild popularity. At first they were purchased abroad, but now their own masters have appeared - Daria Panova, Galina Gaisina, Lyubov Firsova.

14. Each reborn doll is unique, which is why it has a name. date of birth and passport. It all starts with a blank - a mold; they come in several types. A mold is a set of head, arms and legs. Sometimes it also includes a textile body stuffed with filler and weights to give the doll weight. The surface of the workpiece is degreased, slits are made for the nose and eyes, and the actual hard work- painting. Paint dolls with acrylic or oil paints. First, the “baby” is given a natural shade, and then the master applies a unique pattern to the skin of a living child: veins, capillaries, marbling, spots, and so on. To consolidate the result, the workpiece is coated with a special varnish, which also gives the skin some roughness and adds realism.

15. The next stage is the “implantation” of mohair hair. This is very painstaking work: each hair is glued one by one to the doll's head. On final stage glass eyes are inserted, the body is stuffed with synthetic down with plastic or glass weighting.

16. In America, in the state of Illinois, there is a school for expectant mothers, where pregnant women undergo a “young fighter course” - they learn how to handle children. Many expectant mothers have never seen a newborn baby up close, and using dolls as an example, school staff quite clearly tell the “students” about children, explain the principles of care, and teach how to hold, swaddle, and put on diapers. Women confirm that after such lessons they feel much more confident, because the reborn is very similar to a living child. “The one-day-old baby looks like an alien,” says one of the mothers, “if I saw my Zach for the first time without preparation, I would be scared, he is so fragile and awkward! But during the course they showed us newborn dolls, and I knew that the first swelling would go away, the legs and arms wouldn’t be so tight, and my baby would become handsome!” Pregnant women admit that they really enjoyed “playing with dolls,” they imagined that this was their already born child, and the maternal instinct began to “work in advance.”

17. But many psychologists insist on this. that such games are nothing more than sublimation and escapism, an escape from reality. There is nothing reprehensible in the dolls themselves and their collecting; they can indeed have a beneficial effect on the psyche, but immersion in their lives, the replacement of a living person with a toy, and neurotic attachment lead to the fact that lovers of baby dolls become patients of psychologists and sometimes psychiatrists.

18. In the family of Muscovite Anna there was a terrible tragedy: Her child, her little son, died in a car accident. She could not forgive herself for this, she could not survive the grief alone, and whole year treatment at the clinic did not give anything. Doctors advised having another child, but their patient was not able to cope with her fear and pain of loss. Then one of the specialists advised me to buy a reborn baby. The girl followed the advice, and the craftsmen made a doll - exact copy dead baby. The toy was supposed to be a medicine, a softening of the transitional stage between awareness of the tragedy and further life.

19. Anna began to gradually come to her senses, taking care of the reborn. The depression is over, and the time has come for a new stage - to prepare for the birth of a real child. However, time passed. and Anna did not even think of leaving the doll; the girl transferred all her love for her son to it. “I will no longer be able to give birth to a child. - she says, “I will always be afraid of losing him, but with a doll it’s not scary, I like to take care of her, walk with the baby, it seems to me that his cheeks turn pink on the street.”

A reborn doll differs from a living baby in only one way – absolute immobility. She does not move, does not breathe and does not blink, but in everything else - in weight, height, smoothness of her skin, the shine of her eyes - she is indistinguishable from a real child. These dolls were invented for children - just as another entertaining toy to entertain kids. However, as it turned out, reborns are completely unsuitable for this purpose.

“Children don’t like such toys,” says psychotherapist Varvara Sidorova. – It’s impossible to play with them: perform the required number of actions and manipulations, fantasize, invent. Naturalism and resemblance to a living child are more likely to attract the attention of adults.”

Reborns with their exaggerated naturalism, so similar to a living, but strangely and terribly motionless baby, cause many people to be taken aback and want to turn away. But there are people - and there are many of them - who value reborns precisely for their extreme resemblance to newborns and are willing to pay a lot of money for the doll. “People buy them in an effort to satisfy their desires. Some want to nurse a child and take care of him, but for some reason they do not dare to take on a living baby, while others themselves need warmth and care - and do with the doll what they would like to be done with them: wrapping, cradling, rocked in their arms, nursed..." says Varvara Sidorova.

Security and predictability

Women enjoy playing with reborn babies, dressing them up in beautiful clothes, feeding them, rocking them and pushing them in a stroller. They adore these “children” who - oh, miracle! – they don’t cry and don’t force you to get up at night... It turns out to be a convenient, pleasant and safe way to almost be a mother. “This is really very attractive,” says Varvara Sidorova. – You can play with the doll and put it in a drawer. And living children require attention, responsibility, absorb resources, time and energy. Besides, children are forever. And reborns will never grow up, change, or leave their owner. Everything is safe and predictable. They will not say hurtful words or cause pain. There is no need to be afraid for them, there is nothing to expect from them. And in no situation can you feel like a bad mother.”

On the other hand, why don’t women then play with other dolls, also cute and naturalistic, but not with babies? “In any games, life is imitated and certain experiences are trained,” answers Varvara Sidorova. – Playing with a reborn newborn, a woman receives in a homeopathic dose everything that she would receive from a real baby. She can happily allow herself to be gentle and caring. In addition, a baby is touching tenderness, defenselessness, bows, lace, beauty... Therefore, caring for a baby always evokes pleasant emotions - tenderness, admiration. By receiving these experiences in a microdose, a woman makes up for some internal deficiency.”

The surroundings of such a game and the opportunity to create also have their own charm. A woman can create different babies with different characters, inventing their destinies and families. This activity becomes something like writing stories or fairy tales, but not words are used, but material objects.

Reborn can also be purchased by a woman who has not yet become a mother, but thinks a lot about it and is “trying on” future motherhood. While playing, she will learn practical care skills and get used to the role of a mother. By the way, reborns are used as a “simulator” in groups preparing pregnant women for the birth of a baby.

More than a game?

What if the game takes too long? “People with emotional deficits need such a game, which can be compensated by taking care of the doll,” explains Varvara Sidorova. – If we are talking about reborns, then most often it is a lack of care, tenderness, safety, and tender admiration. Sometimes it’s the need for respect and recognition of one’s worth as a caring mother.”

In this case, reborns can reduce the pressure of unfulfilled need, but cannot satisfy it completely. In this case, very often we are talking about people who have experienced trauma in close relationships, often in early childhood, and for some reason this injury was not healed. “In this case, dolls “numb” deep despair, so familiar that the person himself no longer notices it. I just feel that after playing with the doll I feel better, more pleasant,” says the psychotherapist.

That is why it is simply cruel to demand that a person immediately stop playing with an artificial reborn baby. How to take medicine from a patient - or chalk from a person who lacks calcium. This shocks us, it is strange and awkward for us to watch these desperate attempts to fill the gap, but the person gets relief from this. “Even if a person does not realize the depth of what is happening to him, he should not be deprived of the opportunity to play. This will only make him more unhappy,” the psychotherapist notes. “It’s better, without canceling the “painkiller,” to turn to a specialist in order to truly heal that mental wound that remains inflamed and hurts.”

Imagine a woman pushing a stroller with a child in the park. After all, she also asserts herself as a mother, reaps the benefits of the child’s attitude towards her as a mother, and this is exactly what she needs. What if she can get all the same things, but in a different form? Most likely, over time, the craze for reborns will pass, and the woman will move into another category - storyteller or expectant mother ready for a new stage of life.