Beauty and intriguer Rapunzel: plastic, traces of which are almost invisible. Have you seen Barbie alive? And Rapunzel? The network was conquered by a photo of a girl with incredibly long hair. What does a real Rapunzel look like?

Andrea was born in the USA, but most recently lives in Micronesia, where she came on a Christian mission. The woman admits that she is inspired by Disney's Rapunzel, and she refuses to even think about ever cutting off her luxurious long hair.

Of course, with such long hair there is a lot of hassle, but most of all, random passers-by on the street bother a woman:

People stop me, touch me by the hair and always ask the same question: “Are they real?” However, I don't feel negative. When people compare me to Rapunzel, it really lifts my spirits.

Andrea started growing her hair as a child, and for the last 7 years she has kept her hair length to her ankles, only cutting off her split ends every 3-4 months. When caring for her hair, a woman uses regular shampoo, but never applies it to the roots and head - only to the ends, so as not to spoil the silkiness and natural shine of the hair.

Andrea also never blow-dries her hair and admits that sometimes she has to wait several days for it to dry completely due to the climate in Micronesia.

Cutting off my hair is like cutting off part of my body. Hair makes me unique. This is my canvas. I can't draw, but with my hair I can create different images, fulfilling my need for artistic expression.

How does Andrea take care of her 163 cm hair?

  • Eats a spoonful of peanut butter every day
  • Twice a week, rub coconut oil into your hair and leave the mask on for an hour.
  • Once a month uses a hair mask made from egg, coconut and olive oils
  • Wash hair with cold water and dry gently with a velvet towel

Many women dream of having long hair like a fairy princess, but the reality is that first you need to grow it, and then also take care of it, and both are not easy things. Of course, many women choose an alternative - extensions, but the heroine of our article is not looking for easy ways.

Russian Rapunzel from Barnaul named Dashik Gubanova, also known as simply Freckle, is the lucky owner of very long hair. The beauty and length of Dashik’s hair was appreciated by users from all over the world, because her page is on Instagram has more than 140 thousand subscribers.

Meet Dashik Gubanova

Dashik stopped cutting her hair 13 years ago

The girl says she plans to continue to grow her hair to her toes

“I love creativity in all its forms. I felt felt boots, I draw. I love long hair. I’ve been growing my hair since 2003. My goal is a braid down to my toes,” reads the description of her Instagram page

In move

Some users started telling Dashik that she should donate her hair for wigs

"This post is for those who say that I should donate my hair for wigs.. When I was 14 years old, I cut off my hair and donated it to make wigs. At the moment I am growing it out. My goal is to grow it to my toes "- wrote Dashik

Dashik started growing her hair in 2003

Hair waterfall

In the style of Disney Princess Jasmine

Looking at the girl’s hair, many users do not understand how the girl manages to dry it and take care of it, but be that as it may, most of the comments are positive

Hair cycle

In addition to growing his hair, Dashik is into fitness and loves to ride horses.

“Another 3-4 years and they’ll grow to their heels,” the girl captioned this photo.

In general, an athlete, a needlewoman and just a real Russian beauty

What will happen when she achieves her goal of growing her hair to her toes is known, perhaps, only to the girl herself

Participants in the famous television production “Dom-2” never cease to shock the public. One of the brightest was Olga Rapunzel. She took the pseudonym because her main decoration is her long and beautiful hair. Olga came to the project at the age of 30, and it is worth noting that she looks very good. Therefore, many immediately started talking about plastic. However, the girl herself does not admit that she went under the surgeon’s knife.

Read in this article

The story of Rapunzel before plastic surgery

Some members of the house carefully hide their biography, others, like Olga Rapunzel, openly talk about everything. And sometimes even more than I would like to know. Olga's real name is Grigorievskaya. The girl was born in 1987 on April 4 in Vladivostok.

The girl grew up without a father, and her mother worked as an ordinary saleswoman in a local store. Accordingly, Olga spent a lot of time in various after-school groups, clubs and summer camps. Probably thanks to this she developed bright artistic abilities.

Rapunzel constantly performed and took part in all concerts, events, productions at school and in the house of creativity. So she has been accustomed to being the center of attention since childhood and knows how to present herself from the best side. Indeed, Olga Rapunzel stands out noticeably from the general background. Even those who don’t watch the Dom-2 project know her.

The girl is an economist and accountant by profession, but she did not have to work in her specialty. But she was an English tutor. Not the most pleasant details of Olga Rapunzel’s life before the project recently surfaced. She was engaged in providing online sex services for older foreigners. But the girl paid no attention to her personal life at all, so by the age of 30 she had no one in mind. But Olga herself earned money for an apartment and a good car.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

Negative reviews about the participant in the television project appeared on the Internet. Many considered this behavior undignified. However, Olga herself does not see anything wrong with this, since everyone earns as much as they can. In this way she was able to provide for herself and her family.

But she decided to go looking for love at Dom-2. Initially, Rapunzel stated that she loves mature, handsome men, wealthy and who have achieved something in life. But on the project she built relationships with guys who had completely opposite qualities. Among her fans were insecure individuals, clowns and freaks, even complete losers.

In addition, the girl carefully takes care of herself. Photos from the Seychelles prove this. It is worth noting that Olga Rapunzel is a very stubborn girl. She always achieves her goals, no matter the cost.

Time and years have done her good. Olga has become a beauty, a well-groomed woman who is worthy of admiration. She sincerely believes that she is a princess. However, the main transformation was Rapunzel's hairstyle and hair. The girl got rid of her white hair, split ends and burnt curls. She grew long strands, nourishes and moisturizes them. Now her hair is smooth, manageable and shiny.

A little girl's personal life

Olga Rapunzel is still on the Dom-2 project. She lives with her fiancé Dmitry Dmitrenko. The couple is trying to win the Million Dollar Wedding. However, the rest of the participants are sharply negative against the guys. Many consider their relationship to be insincere.

However, her mother says that she would like the young parents to leave the project and live like all normal people, raising their daughter not under cameras.

The whole state of affairs is complicated by periodically emerging facts about treason. Pregnant Olga Rapunzel has to go through nervous shocks again and again. But in the end she decided that all these were things of the past.

In addition to family plans, Olga Rapunzel dreams of a career in the project. She would like to become a co-host of Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina. This is not surprising, because she loves various quarrels, disputes and scandals.

Many girls carefully hide the fact that they resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. Olga Rapunzel was no exception. But nevertheless, she showed that by the age of 30 you can look much better than in your youth. The main thing is self-care and self-improvement. And even if you do plastic surgery, it is important to correct it a little, and not change your personality.

Useful video

Watch the video about Olga Rapunzel's breast augmentation:

If you are already fed up with all sorts of variations of living Barbies and Manga cartoons, what about Rapunzel? We are sure: this girl will not leave you indifferent!

Every day more and more cool, animated Barbies and other “human wonders” appear on the Internet, but this girl, referred to in social networks as “ Rapunzel" just blew up the internet! Russian Daria Gubanova He simply amazes with the length of his hair, which, by the way, he has been growing since 2003. Her Instagram has more than 111 thousand followers, who awarded the beauty the name of a fairy-tale princess.

Dasha herself knows that she is very similar to the heroine of a popular cartoon and in every possible way confirms this similarity with all kinds of hairstyles or simply beautiful pictures with her hair down. When asked by followers why she doesn’t donate hair for wigs for people in need (for example, chemotherapy survivors), "Rapunzel" replies that he will definitely do this when he reaches his goal.

By the way, does he take care of his hair? Daria using natural linseed oil, which she described on her Instagram page:

“I want to talk about a product like flaxseed oil, the beneficial properties of which are very important for human health.

This oil can be used as a hair mask - Apply a small amount of heated oil to the scalp with massage movements. Distribute over the entire length of the hair. Keep the mask on for an hour or two. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. You can add vitamins A and E, olive oil, sour cream to this mask..

Flaxseed oil can also be taken on an empty stomach before meals in the morning (1 tablespoon). This supplement will help keep the body healthy - both internally and externally: it normalizes hormonal balance and metabolism, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails))).”

Daria also uses organic argan oil: "The other day I tried the medicinal organic oil ORGA (vanilla and musk) KERA CELEB ORGA HAIR OIL TREATMENT I really liked it. After it my hair was soft, light and combable well. I even applied it to the roots of my hair and didn’t regret it.. My hair doesn’t become greasy even after a couple of days )".

By the way, Dasha is raising a daughter, who, like her mother, can boast of luxurious hair!

Dasha is compared not only to Rapunzel, but also to another long-haired heroine - the Little Mermaid.

Dasha "Rapunzel" in childhood

Thanks to the Dom-2 project, when most people hear the word “Rapunzel,” they imagine not the Brothers Grimm folk tale about a girl with long hair who was imprisoned in a tower and waited for a knight, but the reality show participant Olga Grigorievskaya (the girl’s real name), who was remembered TV viewers as a bright and emotional character.

Star of the show "Dom-2" Olga Rapunzel

The girl jokingly says that she is the brand of the television project, and this is true: even opponents of the show continue to follow Rapunzel’s biography. On her page in Instagram 372 thousand subscribers.

Childhood and youth

The future participant of the project was born on April 4, 1987 in the Primorsky Territory, in the city of Vladivostok. Olya grew up without a father, the future TV star was raised by her mother Tatyana Vladimirovna, who, according to rumors, worked as a salesman in a local grocery store.

Since childhood, the girl began to show her character: little Grigorievskaya loved to be in the spotlight, constantly participated in school competitions and won prizes. Olya often spent time in pioneer camps, where she sang songs, danced and showed her creative abilities.

But the girl also excelled in her studies, which allowed her to easily graduate from school and enter college at the Faculty of Economics.

Grigorievskaya quickly realized that she did not want to work as an economist-accountant, so Olga organized private lessons in English, which she knew almost perfectly: the girl graduated from specialized foreign courses.

"House 2"

The participant came to the reality show on the 4050th day of television construction, June 12, 2015. At the place of execution, Rapunzel (this nickname was given to the girl because of her long hair) immediately announced the purpose of her arrival - it was Oleg Volkov. The girl admitted that she was not very interested in “House-2”; before appearing on the perimeter, Olga watched the last few episodes, and Oleg became “love at first sight.” Grigorievskaya claimed that the sensible guy reminded her of her ex-boyfriend, so the girl was ready to fight to the end.

The tall brown-haired woman (Oli Rapunzel’s height is 174 cm) with blue eyes and a slender figure immediately captivated a significant proportion of the men in the project. But behind the girl’s pretty appearance lay an obstinate and confident character, so not every guy could cope with the beauty.

Olya’s relationship with Oleg did not work out - the girl herself arranged the first date, which ended unsuccessfully. But because of the mistake, Grigorievskaya did not intend to leave the television project. So, soon the scandalous participant Ilya Yabbarov became the girl’s new lover.

After a short conversation, the young people declared themselves a couple, but soon separated due to constant quarrels and insults. But the self-confident beauty hoped to find a man with whom she would build a real family.

The girl was in the Seychelles, where one of the most prominent participants in the reality show was seeking her attention. But the sultry princess did not pay attention to Kolya, and Nikolai Baranovsky became the third guy on Olya’s project. The couple did not last long, because the diligent Dolzhansky finally achieved the girl’s attention, but their relationship was fictitious. The spontaneous man arranged a “surprise” wedding for the girl, to which Rapunzel reacted with tears and hysterics.

On the television project “Dom-2” the girl still managed to find love. The chosen one was Dmitry Dmitrienko, who stated that the main thing is not Olya’s past, but their joint present.

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko

Everything is going great for the young people; Rapunzel posts happy photos of lovers on Instagram. Although Dmitry’s mother is unhappy with her son’s decision.

In life, Olya is a very cheerful and perky person: the girl admits that she likes to be capricious and also loves to sleep.


Although Rapunzel was awarded the “Burd of the Year” award (based on the results of audience voting), the participant in the television project did not even think of losing heart. At the ceremony for awarding the “burdock”, Olya stated that she was not worthy of this title.

In the fall of 2016, he posted a photo of a shaven-headed Rapunzel with the question, is this true? Disputes erupted on the Internet, but the fact that Olya was shaved was never confirmed.

A considerable scandal was caused by facts from Olya’s past: the participants of the show saw video materials where the girl appeared naked for an erotic video chat even before the project. YouTube users also immediately became aware of this, because the hosting was full of scandalous videos. Rapunzel did not deny and talked about this part-time job, which lasted for nine whole years. The show participant earned $200 an hour and allowed herself to buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and the girl also helped her parents financially.

Despite the attacks from the participants, Rapunzel remained confident, declaring that her past cannot be attributed to prostitution.

At the moment, Olga is 30 years old, and she continues to lead an active life as a participant in the reality show “Dom-2”. But the girl has plans to move up to a higher rank - Rapunzel intends to become the host of a television project. As Grigorievskaya admits, this is her dream. Therefore, Olya is ready not only to put forward her candidacy, but also to work hard to get a vacant position.

In the summer of 2017, Olya will have a long-awaited event - a wedding with Dmitry. The ceremony is only in plans for now; lovers are preparing for the celebration and planning expenses. According to rumors, the wedding will take place in the project's clearing.

In March 2017, Dima gave Olya a “disabled car”, saying that “we are happy with what we are rich”, but Rapunzel, of course, did not like such a gift.

June 17, 2017. The wedding ceremony of the newlyweds took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow. After the painting, the newlyweds had a festive party in one of the capital's restaurants, where they invited family and friends.