Alexander Sheps interview. Marilyn Kerro congratulated on her pregnancy

Let the monster living inside
It won't bother you too much
And will reveal secret paths to you,
On which he will again coldly deceive.
It teaches you not to regret your mistakes,
And fate,
Where is the trust in the constellation of smiles,
Now you change once and for all.
Don't try to guess the reason for everything,
It's just that creatures love those who are stronger than them,
Whether it's a woman or maybe a man,
Inevitably weaker in front of yourself...

Nevertheless, psychics have repeatedly declared to the press their intention to seal the relationship by marriage, but, as far as journalists were able to find out, the lovers did not contact the registry office. Fans are sure that the mediums secretly celebrated the wedding, which is quite consistent with the secretive nature of the couple.

Fans are at a loss as to who this girl is. Some suggest that she is Alexander’s student, others are sure that the blonde is his new lover. Sheps himself prefers to remain silent and not answer questions from fans.

Now, judging by the photo in in social networks, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps are happy together. However, apart from these photographs and rumors, nothing more is known about the personal life of a couple of psychics. They are not too fond of answering personal questions. During one of the interviews, Sheps said that he did not want to talk about what he had not done yet, since plans told to someone never come true.

In June 2017, a tragedy occurred in Alexander’s life: the psychic’s friend and mentor Ilona Novoselova died. The medium posted on Instagram about the death of Ilona Novoselova, Alexander communicated with dead witch as if alive and promised not to forget Ilona.

You are free, but don't cry now,
Behind the smile I see pain.
If you want it, just don't believe it
But continue to play your role...
The rain will tell us where to go
And the winds will drown out the time of tears,
Pride cannot save faith,
After all, love really dies...

In 2017, the psychic went on tour to Russian cities with the “Your Map” seminar. This fall, performances by Alexander Sheps will take place in Sochi, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod.

With her performance at the Tallinn Fashion Week fashion show, Marilyn Kerro sought to convey to the public the message that beautiful lingerie is created and can be used by literally all women, regardless of their body type. And the large audience of fans of the Estonian witch is very greeted violently news about your pet’s new hobby. At the same time, it was noted that they were very pleased with the fact that Marilyn had finally placed an emphasis on more “normal” hobbies.

Fans of Alexander Sheps want to stick with him. Many fans of the popular television project express hope that the psychic will definitely meet his love. In addition, they sympathize with the man. "It hurts to read" Strong people they can’t be together - it’s nature”, “Sasha, we are always with you”, “Sad and beautiful”, “It all started too well”, “Don’t be sad! Everything will work out for you. There are no relationships without quarrels and insults... I sincerely wish you to find a middle ground,” “I don’t know what happened, but I feel sorry for you,” social network users discussed.

Swami Dashi, also the winner of one of the TV seasons of “Battle,” predicts “a crisis in Europe leading to inevitable transformations in other countries” for 2018. Russia and China, and later India, in his opinion, will create a strong economic and political bloc.

Alexander Sheps personal life. All latest information as of 01/21/2018.

There are rumors that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro broke up, but this is not so. This is confirmed by photographs on social networks that lovers periodically post on their pages. These are not only photo sessions, but also vacation pictures. The couple often travels abroad; for example, in the summer of 2014 they visited America and posted many bright and positive photographs. That same summer, Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro participated together in a campaign in support of polar bears and took several photographs with the largest poster. Not Sheps and Marilyn Kerro became the best couple year based on the results of the TNT Respect award.

By the way, Marilyn made a statement about breaking up with Alexander back in January of this year. However joint photos, which appeared in the microblogs of stars, haunted fans and became the cause of rumors. In an interview with journalists, Kerro repeatedly said that Sheps is very close to her and dear person. Nowadays psychics have exclusively friendly relations.

Sheps wrote scripts and did photography. His arsenal includes a collection of photographs and videos from shows, openings, and television projects with the participation of famous stars show business. For some time, Alexander Sheps worked as an actor at the Hammer Theater, was a presenter, and also an administrator at the Atmosphere Special Events Studio. His interest in something new always amazed his family and friends.

Marilyn was partially able to predict how the “Battle of Psychics” ended for her personally. But then she did not know who exactly the man would be, because of whom she would not be able to take first place, but would not be upset at all for this reason. Marilyn only knew that her man would do the same thing as her and would not be from Moscow, but she was sure that she should not have known more at that time.

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Now his manager, Olga Armasova, is organizing Alexander’s receptions. You can contact her via contact. The magician himself does not answer people due to the impossibility of answering everyone at once. His clients first communicate with the manager, after which she makes an appointment for them, and they get a consultation.

During the tests, Sheps used all kinds of attributes: a cane from which he took out the “Wolf Shepherd” amulet, candles, matches, knives, grave soil, coins and spheres in a bowl. Before starting the test, Sheps brandished a dagger. With its help, Alexander can supposedly overcome the barriers between worlds in order to understand what the dead are saying.

Alexander Sheps is on VKontakte, but he is not on Instagram. But you can only contact him through his manager. The clairvoyant, like many other participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” conducts only personal receptions. He does not provide online consultations. As usual, the reason for this is a large number of scammers.

In the same year, rumors appeared that Sheps and Kerro broke up after Marilyn returned to the “Battle of Psychics.” Kerro denied these rumors, claiming that although the couple was going through a relationship crisis, they still maintained love. The problem was that the witch wants to have a child, and Sheps turned out to have different views on life.

Alexander Sheps projects and participation. News today 01/21/2018

But officially none there was no evidence of this. Undoubtedly, the relationship between the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” has already continued more than a year, but there was no talk of a wedding yet. Some viewers believe that the rumors that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps got married are only needed so that the public does not forget about clairvoyants after the end of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics.”

Dear subscribers, Dear friends!
We hasten to inform you of the most pleasant NEWS! The long-awaited event is very soon!!!
Official OPENING OF THE "Magic Workshop" STORE BY ALEXANDER SHEPS in Moscow!!!
Will take place on June 3-4 at the address: Moscow, st. Baumanskaya, 13c3 BC "Central Street" (office 2105). Starts at 12:00 (Moscow time).
You will be able to purchase unique and exclusive amulets, bracelets, rings, amulets enchanted by the strongest Medium, books, stones, as well as other magical attributes for rituals. And also get useful and valuable advice from Alexander on working with magical tools and much more!
We will be glad to see everyone! Welcome to the World of Magic and Witchcraft!

Scream in the fog, looking around,
Call the one who loves pain.
Bursting with wild thoughts,
The king is writhing on the throne...
trying to escape traitor,
But only lies are already inside,
The Creator wants to destroy everything,
But love always has a chance...
The crown rolls again
And commits new circle,
Opportunity melts away illusory,
When your enemy ends up being your friend...

The psychic was not married, but serious relationship were. The personal life of Alexander Sheps is full highlights, but there were also love disappointments. The guy was betrayed, after which he was worried, but everything remained in the past.

Judging by the photographs that the couple periodically posts online, there really was no quarrel. Most likely, this is just a rumor, the purpose of which was to stir up interest in the couple in anticipation of Marilyn’s participation in the new season of the show “Battle of Psychics.”

"Dear friends! I would like to inform you that Sasha and I are not a couple. I’ve already talked about this on camera several times, but apparently it’s required Official statement. Here it is: Sasha and I are not a couple, and now I also have nothing to do with the “Magic Workshop” in Samara. It doesn't mean anything happened. Everything is fine. Each of us has our own life, and I respect Sasha very much. If I take a photo with him, this once again proves that we are not enemies. Love and kindness to everyone!!!” - wrote Mary.

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps were considered almost the most beautiful couple on domestic screens. TV viewers still remember the fiery kiss of lovers in the finale of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” Fans of Kerro and Sheps were looking forward to when they would legitimize their relationship and have children, but this did not happen. As it turned out, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps are no longer together. On her official VKontakte page, Kerro made a sensational statement about their relationship, denying all the rumors.

Dear friends! We are glad to inform you of another good news!
For the convenience and comfort of our foreign subscribers, international delivery of orders and acceptance of international payments are now available in the online store on the official website of Alexander Sheps!
To do this, when placing an order on the website, select:
1. Delivery region: International delivery (remote delivery).
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Magic is much closer than you think...

Alexander Sheps video. Everything that is known. spoke with the famous psychic medium and winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps.

– Alexander, everyone knows you as a person who knows how to speak with the dead. And on the air famous show You demonstrated this about psychics. I want to ask: what is he like? afterworld? How do you see it? And what happens to our souls there?

– It’s not easy to explain, but I’ll try. The fact is that the world we live in is multifaceted. And the so-called afterlife is just one of its components. But when a person finds himself “on the other side,” all dimensions, all facets become available to him. And he can see himself from the outside. Imagine that human soul- This is a large crystal vessel. It crashed and shattered into many pieces. And each of these fragments began to consider itself independent. One has three ribs, the other two... I'm bigger, I'm smaller, I'm darker, I'm lighter. And so everyone goes through a certain path - the path of polishing, when our soul begins to reincarnate, to be reborn. When we die, those parts of ourselves, all our “shards,” become available to us. And you see all the mistakes of the incarnated souls, copies of you. What is all this for? Perhaps, so that later they can come back together as a whole. I even think that perhaps all of us, gathered into one whole, are God.

– There are ideas about reincarnation in many cultures around the world. Some traditions even believe that young children under a certain age cannot be punished, because the souls of deceased ancestors live in them and for some time after rebirth they still remember their previous incarnations. And it is very disrespectful if a grandson scolds his grandfather, who was born his little son.

– A child under 5 years old is God. This is the age when little man you just need to indulge. But you cannot punish, impose something on him, force him. And this is my view on raising children. I believe they actually remember theirs for a while past life. And we absolutely all remember our past incarnations. It's just that most people lose this ability with age. But some keep it. I want to tell you a parable... It once sank into my soul and became a magic key to understanding many things. This parable reflects my philosophy, my view of the world, and I try to tell people about it. For me, this parable is the key to understanding the world, fate, karma - whatever you want to call it! We don't know whether what happens to us is good or bad. In fact, a person does not make mistakes. Never. Everything he does is just a link in a chain of events. Let's imagine: I can now jump up from my seat, run out into the street and, out of the blue, swear at someone I meet by chance. According to the laws of society, I will act badly, immorally. This is some kind of nonsense. But according to the laws of the Universe, at this moment I am the karma of another person. And you know what I will tell you: the future does not exist! Sometimes people come to me and ask about their fate. So - there is no fate! But there is always a CHOICE! If destiny existed, why would we reincarnate? In this case, the meaning of life is lost instantly. One day a peasant was given a horse. His son sat down and galloped off. But then a neighbor came to the peasant, looked at it and said: “Mmmm, they gave you a horse, someone loves you very much, you are so lucky!” And the peasant replies: “I don’t know whether this is good or bad...” And after these words, the horse suddenly rears up, throws the peasant’s son, he falls, breaks his back and remains disabled. The neighbor says: “Well, someone hates you, the horse turned out to be mad, now your son is disabled.” And the peasant answers again: “I don’t know whether this is good or bad...” And a couple of months later - war. All the young men from the village are taken to this war, except for the peasant's son. And no one returned back from this war. And the old neighbor says again: “Probably everything that happened to your son was Divine providence, because even though the guy is disabled, he is alive and he is with you. And our children died...” “I don’t know,” the peasant said again, “whether this is good or bad...”

– Alexander, where did you get your psychic abilities? Hereditary? Or did you develop them in yourself?

– Today I often hear from psychics: “I am a hereditary witch!” or “I am a hereditary sorcerer!” But I think this is wrong. My mother is also an esotericist, but I say: I did not inherit anything from my mother! And my mother and I see it completely differently. I believe that this is a gift and it does not depend on the family branch. She has five children, and I am the only one of all who has these abilities. You don’t think that if dad was an excellent shoemaker, then his son, as soon as he was born, would pick up his tools and sew beautiful shoes? The skill of a shoemaker must be learned. Just like extrasensory perception. You know, there is a very striking example from history: the son of Nostradamus once predicted a fire that was supposed to destroy the city to the ground. But on the appointed day there was not the slightest fire. And then, in order for his prediction to come true, the son of Nostradamus decided to set fire to one of the buildings himself. But he was caught and then publicly executed. And you say – hereditary abilities! During the Age of Enlightenment, a legend appeared about the son of the great Nostradamus, Michel Nostradamus Jr. He became an astrologer, but, not having his father’s talent, he ended badly: he predicted that the city of Puzen would burn to the ground on a certain day and year. And when the prediction did not come true, he tried to set him on fire, was captured at the scene of the crime and executed in 1575. True, it is not known for certain whether Nostradamus had a son named Michel.

– Surely many would like to have your abilities! After all, almost every family has questions for their deceased ancestors. From very complex to such as: “Where did my grandfather bury his gold?” Yes, people have always been attracted by the opportunity to solve problems with the help of magic - at the drop of a hat. magic wand. Is life really easy for a psychic? How many benefits does this gift bring you?

– When you truly have the opportunity to look “on the other side”, all sorts of everyday questions to your ancestors instantly disappear. Everything is different there. Other tasks, other priorities. For example, we have time. He's not there. And you shouldn’t think that the life of a person who can see the dead is a complete thrill. You see, I'm never alone. NEVER. You take this speculatively. And I feel it PHYSICALLY. This makes it difficult to concentrate and deprives you of privacy. It’s easy to go crazy, excuse me, go crazy. And these are just some of the nuances of my gift.

– I immediately imagined this picture: you wake up, it’s a day off, the sun, good mood, go out to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee, and there is a dead man standing there...

- Yes, that happens too! In all seriousness.

Alexander Sheps

Medium: in search of life

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.


Dedicated to those in need of knowledge and inspiration.

That's what the dead say

Imagine for a moment that you are going to an important event and you just can’t find the keys to the house so you can close the door behind you and calmly go to the meeting. Your advantage in this search is obvious: you know what your keys look like, and if you stop and try to strain your memory a little, you will probably remember where you left them in last time. How about finding the keys to your own heart? The keys that once started this engine and since then it has been working mercilessly - and will work until our last breath... How to find something that you have never seen, but you know for sure that it is an integral part of yourself?

We know what the sun is, but we will never become a component of it. We are the very essence of such a thing as life, but we desperately run in the diametrically opposite direction from it.

In this book, I invite you to try to find life where it never occurred to you to look for it before. This does not mean that we will go to the permafrost or the depths of the ocean, hunting for a biological sensation. I will show you that life is much more than breathing, growth and heartbeat. Life is ups and downs, thoughts and speculations, birth and death. Yes, yes, you heard right. It is death that becomes the beginning of life. Starting point an unimaginable and unpredictable journey. Get ready to look at the world from a completely different perspective. Your life will never be the same from now on, all you have to do is find it...

Born in pain

The word “life” itself most often evokes associations with some kind of harmony, movement or development. The image of a scorched forest or, for example, a destroyed bridge will hardly come to mind. The word “life” inspires hope, gives motivation and dominates over any obstacle along the way. Now let's try to imagine the natural process of childbirth for a woman...

Even without seeing it with their own eyes, many know and understand that there is definitely not much pleasant there. A woman experiences incredible pain, but it is simply incomparable to what a newborn baby feels. Our brain carefully erases this memory, and we begin to become aware of ourselves and accumulate our own experience much later. The first thing our beautiful and incredible world, is blinding, painful bright light, irritating sensitive eyes, and then a sharp burning pain pierces the small lungs, saturating them with the first stream of oxygen. It is difficult to remember this entire process, even, rather, impossible, and if we are absolutely sure, then it is hardly necessary at all. Why does the world give us pain in the first place? Why does he show his imperfection at the very beginning? Is he warning us about something or does he want to teach us to be strong and resilient?

When I asked the spirits about the process of birth, they always sent me streams of images of old age and natural death, saying that this is, in fact, already the beginning. At first, I couldn’t understand what exactly the inhabitants were trying to tell me. other world a similar example. Visions of the death of various people unknown to me, dying of old age, in a calm environment, were constantly interspersed with the process of birth and sensations of wild, panicky agony of newborns. The difference is global processes person is obvious, but was fundamentally devoid of logic for me. Everything should have been the other way around. After all, it is death that appears as the end of all things and something inevitable. Birth is primarily associated with a new stage, something beautiful and inspiring! So why are the sensations absolutely opposite? As soon as I started asking myself these questions, everything gradually began to fall into place...

The spirits clearly and undeniably made it clear that they call death the beginning of birth. That this is not just a transition to some other level, but a finding of oneself in a hitherto unknown (or temporarily forgotten) quality. As such, there really is no end to the existence of our consciousness.

I'll put it crudely, but at some point we become " building material"for a new object, as well as dying stars in the boundless space of the Universe. The life of new worlds in space is impossible without the death of old ones.

Of course, the birth of a person in our real, physical parallel is not at all perceived as a terrifying burden, but it is precisely the process of incarnation that the inhabitants of the other side treat almost the same way as we treat death. Only, unlike us, they do not doubt the continuation of everything that exists, but only humbly set out to work off their karma.

To my questions about the need for pain at birth, the spirits answered that this is an equal start for everyone and an example of a path for the non-reincarnated, who always accompany their kind on such “journeys.” Answers often give rise to more questions, and my bewilderment regarding initially sick and handicapped children being born was quite obvious. How is this the same start for everyone?! But even here the spirits were adamant. There are two options for the root cause of such far from rare cases.

The first is when karma “hits” the parents and the responsibility falls entirely on them. In this situation, the soul understands perfectly well what it is going into, but nevertheless agrees to give its loved ones a chance at redemption.

The second is a conscious decision and choice of such conditions. It's like a traffic lane with a high level of obstacles. Having passed it, you will jump over five or seven regular lanes, and you will no longer need to waste your time on them. Many people enter the race, but only a few don’t leave the race...

Natural death from old age these days is sometimes even an unaffordable luxury. What about murders, illnesses or deaths from natural disasters? Is this a pleasant transition to another dimension? The spirits explained most of the cases as the influence of karma - but nevertheless, in each of them, a moment before the separation from our reality, human body switches off and consciousness goes into a state somewhat reminiscent of euphoria. Of course, this process is different for everyone, but everyone ultimately claims that it was worth it. Sooner or later, the transition is inevitable in any case. It’s just that if the passengers of one bus are sure that the bridge they are currently traveling on has not been destroyed and there are a countless number of roads with different stops ahead, then the majority of passengers of the other bus are in constant doubt.

Birth in pain, which we forget, is a kind of exemplary execution for the other world and a reminder of the desire for purification and perfection. My questions about the perfection of the perfume were ignored. Apparently, we continue to search for him on the other side...

The world is only for the strong

You've probably heard the phrase “survival of the fittest” more than once. There is a certain law of nature that does not spare anyone, leaving only the best of the best. But if we think about these words a little deeper, we will see that everything is completely different. The example of the animal world makes us think about how exactly this “strongest” will survive, or more precisely, how will it survive if suddenly its “weak food” simply disappears? Unfortunately, most predatory animal species are not adapted to a herbivorous diet and are dependent on many natural factors. If you think about the etymology of the word “strong,” you probably won’t think of “dependent.” The word “strength” has different interpretations, but, nevertheless, it has nothing to do with dependence on someone or something.

Let's try to understand what power is in general and why the world belongs only to those who possess it?!

Strength is a certain tool that is given to everyone from birth in different amounts, and it is given for a reason.

Strength has an unimaginable number of various characteristics and specifications: willpower, attractive force, acceleration force - and, finally, physical strength.

Pay attention to the very interesting fact: animals with greater strength and speed, they never displace weaker ones from their territory. The more power you have a certain representative animal world, the more noble it appears before us. For example, an elephant. He is not just an obedient human assistant, but also one of the most brightest examples for him. How are greatness, power and nobility combined in this seemingly awkward body? Probably all because the elephants simply did not think about the fact that force should be used exclusively in their own interests. It is these floppy-eared creatures that in many countries are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. They do not collect taxes, do not occupy territory, but only obey natural instincts, which man began to forget and eradicate within himself without a trace. Can you imagine a small, frail elephant leading the entire herd? That's right, a strong and resilient individual will always be at the head. She must be an example to others, she is able to lead.

What is this light that people go to? What does a parallel universe look like? And do the deceased really need our visits to their graveyards? Do you know the answers to questions like these? We don't. Therefore, “B” asked them to the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” show, Alexander Sheps, who recently visited Vladivostok.

– Alexander, people who watch the “Battle of Psychics” have been convinced more than once: when you tell a person about his deceased relative or friend, you get the impression that the deceased is not deceased at all. Because he knows all family affairs: who gave birth to whom, who is doing what... He worries about his loved ones, wants to warn. Or, on the contrary, he rejoices and sends greetings. And he lets living people go, they no longer grieve, they don’t tear their hearts out. It seems like their loved one did not leave for another world, but simply went to another city. What is this? Explain.

– Each of us sees the other world completely differently. There are billions of copies of us. And they are so different that you don’t have enough imagination to see yourself from such angles and in such guises. Each of these copies lives a separate destiny. When one dies physical shell, all these billions of copies that are still living become available to you.

There is no time on the other side

– When, after the death of a person, his relatives come to me and ask when the soul of the deceased will reincarnate, and I answer that very soon - in 20 years, they are surprised. Meanwhile, these 20 years in that reality are a week in ours. All this time, the soul rushes between millions of copies of itself and looks at what it did wrong in life, and when it returns in a new body, it remains with this knowledge. They are called intuition.

– If the soul, being reborn, returns to our world, then how do you communicate with the deceased? How can he come to a person in a dream? He shouldn't be there anymore...

– The first thing to remember is that we are always reborn in the womb own family. Cases when a soul is reborn far from family are very rare. Leaving the family occurs either as a result of a conscious decision of the soul or through ritual. This is extremely rare cases. You can raise your own great-grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.

What remains there? There are spirits on the other side. Spirits, souls, phantoms are completely different things. In short, spirits are those who stay there and never reincarnate again. But the soul continues the path of reincarnation. In turn, a phantom is just a trace of the soul that can show you the past, but not the future. By the way, a phantom may mean that the soul has already been reborn.

– Tell me, do souls really care whether someone comes to their grave or does all this no longer matter?

– If you are able to remember your grandparents sincerely, then don’t go to the grave.

What is important to the dead is a memory that is unselfish towards itself. That is, you should not whine about how much you miss the deceased, but think about what kind of person he was and how he is doing now. This is important to him until he is reincarnated. Rituals were invented by people. Do not wash the floors in the house after the deceased has been taken out of it, do not cover the mirrors if this does not mean anything to you.

The fashion for the supernatural is fraught with consequences

– Is it true that every person has, to varying degrees, supernatural powers? And if you discover such abilities in yourself, should they be developed?

- I can not answer this question. But if a person discovers some abilities in himself, then only he can decide what to do with them.

– They say that if a child is named after someone close to him, then he will repeat his fate.

- Not at all. Each of us has our own own way. If you yourself sincerely believe that your destiny is connected with someone else’s, then perhaps the power of your thought will influence the course of events... The name influences destiny, but only to the extent that you allow it.

– Today mysticism is in fashion. How do you personally feel about the craze for conspiracies and rituals?

– The fashion for everything mystical saddens me. Just think about it: out of hundreds of people who contacted me, who claimed that they had been damaged, only one’s “diagnosis” was confirmed. People do not understand that damage is not just a series of troubles, it is a real catastrophe when the entire female or masculine one after another for 6–7 months. When people literally go gray.

The dangerous thing is that we bring trouble upon ourselves by claiming that we are losers, that we are unlucky. And we send these thoughts out into the Universe. A negative perception of life is fraught with consequences...

Fashion for mysticism and real mysticism are two different things. The ghost can cause actual physical harm, such as knocking a bone out of a person's joint. Or take a huge truck off the road in one motion. During the filming of one of the programs, my shoulder joint was knocked out, but I continued to work because I was in a trance... Then operations followed. And these are completely real things.

Lost talisman takes away trouble

– On a project with you, when completing tasks, magical attributes are always present. Do you make them yourself?

– About 80 percent of the tools that I now use, I saw in a dream, after which I created them. The rest were drawn to me on their own. For example, you can walk down the street and see a button. It will interest you with its shape, color, and something else. And you can make it your talisman. As a child I had such talismans great amount. When I lost them, I knew that I had avoided serious trouble. He gave many of them in the name of his success.

By the way, psychics begin to learn from each other, spy on rituals, and copy talismans. But in my opinion they are wasting their time. When I tried to repeat Marilyn Kerro's ritual, it had no effect. Also, for Marilyn, the rituals that I use did not give any results. Each of us has absolutely our own working method, and there is no point in plagiarizing it.

– You once studied at a theater institute. Why did you drop out of school?

– I didn’t leave the university, I was kicked out of there. The fact is that at the age of 17 I began to live separately from my parents and I needed to provide for myself. I had to work a lot, which naturally had a negative impact on my attendance. In general, after the first year I was called to the dean’s office and asked to pick up the documents. It was a shame, because studying was easy for me, I didn’t get a single C grade.

However, I don’t regret anything. Any experience is useful. Studying at the institute gave me the necessary skills that allow me to speak in front of the public without any embarrassment. I also worked on the radio, voiced characters in films and TV series, sang, and now I write books and poetry.

– What are you writing about?

– My first writing experience was a science fiction novel. There were many prototypes of my friends and acquaintances, various events happened to them, and one hero was killed. After some time, the man from whom the hero was based was killed in the same way. This made a deep impression on me, and I gave up writing for a long time. But then I finished the book. After some time, he wrote another book, this time on the mystical theme “A Medium in Search of Life.” In it I told how I received and developed my abilities, how I use them, etc. Now I’m writing a third book, also on a mystical theme.

– Alexander, you communicate a lot with psychics like you. Are there people with supernatural powers in Primorye?

– This is my first time in the Primorsky Territory and, to be honest, I don’t know anyone here. But I am sure that you also have talented and capable people, as an everywhere.

Medium Alexander Sheps found himself in Vladivostok with his own workshop-practice “Another World”. Corr. PRIMPRESS talked with the winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” and found out how the medium relates to superstitions and traditional rituals.

Alexander Sheps was born and raised in Samara. After school, the future clairvoyant studied at the Samara Academy of Culture and Arts, where he studied acting. According to him, he was not born with his gift, but developed it - the future psychic’s abilities appeared at the age of eight. In 2013, the medium became the winner of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” on TNT.

- As a child, did your abilities interfere with communication with peers?

I was not a withdrawn child, I was sociable. I am the fourth child in the family; there are five of us. I had and still have a lot of friends; my abilities did not interfere with me in any way. If this bothered me, I would not have developed them in myself.

- Have you ever chosen to get an education? Theatre Institute. Tell me why you left him?

I didn’t drop out of school, I was expelled. From the age of seventeen I lived independently, I had to work several jobs to support myself. At the institute I didn’t even have C grades, I completed one course, after which I was kicked out for a huge number of absences. I do not regret anything. Any skill, even a negative one, is useful.

The theater experience helps me feel confident. Many psychics are lost in front of the public, in front of journalists, despite their abilities. Me not. In addition, I work on the radio, do voice-over work for films and TV series, I sang - all this helped me earn money. I write books and poems.

My first book is a fantasy novel that I wrote in graduating class schools. I abandoned writing it for several years for certain reasons. The fact is that in the book I described the prototypes of my friends, and two weeks after I wrote about the death of one of them, exactly the same murder of my friend happened. I experienced the deepest shock and stopped writing for some time. But after all, I finished it and tried to leave everyone alive.

But life is life, it goes on. My next book was on a mystical theme, it is called “A Medium in Search of Life” and is of a documentary nature. In it I talk about rituals, how I received and developed my abilities. Now I’m writing a third book, it will also be on a mystical theme, but I won’t reveal all my cards yet.

- Are there psychics in the Primorsky Territory? Are you familiar with them? Do you keep in touch with them?

This is my first time in the Primorsky Territory, my first day in Vladivostok. I am sure that you have talented, capable people in your region; they are absolutely everywhere. But psychics are people who find it very difficult to get along with each other and maintain “pure” relationships.

-Are you dating Marilyn Kero now?

Mary is a dear person to me. She is part of me, “dating” is not the right word to describe our relationship.

Is it true that all people have psychic abilities to a greater extent or to a lesser extent? And is it worth developing such abilities for absolutely everyone?

We all have abilities, it's true. Psychic or not - everyone decides for themselves. Is it worth developing? It’s also everyone’s decision. individual person, I can't answer for him. I can only say that none of us makes mistakes; if you decide to develop, then it’s right. You are you, your decision is your decision.

- Nowadays there is a fashion for everything mystical. What do you think about it?

I can only look at it all sadly. Only one person out of a hundred who come to me with damage actually has a curse. But everyone talks about their bad luck. If these people saw how the entire female or male race dies out in a maximum of six to seven months, one after another, people turn gray before their eyes - this is damage. The dangerous thing is that people talk about bad luck and begin to bring these troubles upon themselves.

The fashion for mysticism can lead to bad consequences. This is very dangerous. A person does not always understand where he is going. I like the word “mysticism” itself - cool. And there's nothing cool there.

During one of my last investigations, my shoulder joint fell out. Many people didn't believe it, although I had surgery after that. Skeptics were surprised: “How did he run there and wave his hand if the joint flew out?” I was in a trance then, but the effects of the operation have not yet healed. Moreover, during one of the investigations similar case happened to one of the heroes. He almost turned gray and saw how a ghost could knock out human bone. Ghosts sometimes destroy trucks in one motion. Getting involved with mysticism simply because of fashion is very dangerous.

Vladivostok is a relatively young city. However, even here there are legends about ghosts living in old houses and otherworldly phenomena. What is this connected with: the number of people who died here or some historical events?

One follows from the other. People are dying everywhere and in large numbers. There are no more and no less ghosts and poltergeists here than in any other place. Some people just make fashion out of it. I travel around Russia and have been to many cities. There are portals, but this has nothing to do with the city or historical background. If we talk about such a portal as Bermuda Triangle, where the junction of energy fields occurs, these are biofields, this is not geography or history. We paint the place, we create energy. I just arrived in Vladivostok, and so far I like everything.

How can I contact you for help? Is there a single email or a single social media account to which I can write to you?

This good question. I do not take any upfront payments under any circumstances. No matter who writes to you, under what pretext, this is nonsense. I have a page on a social network « In contact with » , where there is a tick, there are about half a million subscribers. This is where my manager Ilya Guru is. You can write to him.

But there are a lot of scammers on social networks. I appeal to everyone: please do not send anything to anyone! Both Marilyn and I are hosting the reception. And we don’t always take money for it. The person himself decides whether to pay and in what amount, it all depends on what problem they came to us with. And remember! A person is not given an obstacle that he cannot overcome on his own.

- What's the matter? gravestone? How would you describe it?

Everyone sees another world in their own way. I will say this: there are a huge number of our copies, and they are so different that you won’t have enough imagination to see yourself in such angles and guises. Each of these copies lives a separate destiny. When you die here in our physical embodiment, all these millions of copies that are still living become available to you.

On the other side is something that your imagination cannot even draw. And each of us sees it differently, because we see only a particle of that world. We cannot see the same thing. When you cross the line, you have a lot to worry about there. And, believe me, souls will have something to do there.

- If the soul is reborn, then what kind of dead do psychics communicate with? What remains there?

We are always reborn in the bosom of our own family. It very rarely happens that a soul is reborn in a different tribe. This is either a conscious decision of the soul, or a special ritual is performed, but this extremely rarely happens. It turns out that you can raise your great-grandparents.

- And after the soul is reborn, there is no one left there?

It remains to be seen. Believe me, your family branch is very large. There are spirits on the other side. Souls, spirits and phantoms - this is absolutely various phenomena. Spirits are the ones who stay there and never reincarnate again. Souls are those who have gone through the path of rebirth. And a phantom is just a trace of the soul that can show you the past. The soul may already be reborn by the time we see the phantom. I can only see the past, the phantom will not tell me anything about the future and will not give away secrets.

- Do you think it is possible to name children after deceased family members? Could their fate repeat itself?

Not at all, each of us has our own path. And when people say: “I was named after my great-grandmother, I begin to repeat her fate,” your word materializes what you are talking about, nothing more. Thinking that you are repeating someone else's mistakes is just an excuse for your failures. They gave you a name. If you want, change it, if you don’t want, leave it. The name influences our destiny, of course, but only as much as you allow. You do not depend on the name, but the name depends on you.

- Is there a connection between the burial place and the soul? Is it necessary to go to the grave of the deceased?

It all depends on you: if you are able to remember your grandparents sincerely, you don’t need any attributes and so on... Memory is important for the dead, memories of good, positive moments are important for the deceased. Until the soul is reborn, this is important. It is wrong when we remember and feel sorry for ourselves.

Even psychologists say that any, the most severe emotional pain lasts no more than 12 minutes, everything else is our own masochism, a habit to which we have simply been taught. When we are first taken to the cemetery, we have no idea what is happening there, and we start running and rushing around. One of the adults will definitely reprimand us: “Look - uncle/aunt is crying,” - here it is, the first installation. When I ask people why they cover mirrors and wash floors after a deceased person, they answer: “It’s necessary.” You don’t have to close it or wash it, because you didn’t put anything into it. The rituals are created by us, we invented them. If I came up with an idea and you repeated it, there is no point, and for a dead person it has no meaning.

- You always have some attributes, amulets with you. Tell us more about them.

I have my own tools, which are in a bag that I don’t allow anyone to look into. I speak to each of the instruments. I saw 80% of my tools in my dreams. I saw where it needed to be found, what needed to be done with it. I created the remaining 20% ​​myself. You can go, see a button that catches your eye and like it, and make it your talisman.

As a child, I had a huge number of such talismans. When I lost them, I avoided what could harm me both physically and mentally. And I gave a lot of these things in the name of my success.

When psychics begin to learn from each other, they ask to tell us about their rituals - this is idiocy. When I tried to repeat Marilyn Kero’s ritual, and she did mine, there was zero effect. We are not confectioners, we do not prepare the cake according to the same recipe. Each of us has our own method. As soon as we start plagiarizing, we need to stop and think. There are certain magical practices that are united. Everyone can prepare tea - it's boiling water and tea leaves. More complex rituals are purely individual.