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Cranberries are often used in traditional medicine recipes. It contains many useful substances. Experts recommend including it in your diet regularly. What are the benefits of cranberries for humans? Further in the article we will talk about the positive and negative properties of the berry.

Chemical composition of cranberries

Berry is a low-calorie product. However the nutritional value fresh and dry cranberries are different. This causes drying, which loses moisture.

Fresh cranberries contain 25 kcal, and dried berries contain 300. This should be taken into account by people who want to lose weight.

What are the benefits of cranberries? It contains many vitamins such as A, E, K, and also has a high content of ascorbic acid. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, the berry can compete with citrus fruits. Distinctive feature cranberries are pectins. In addition, the berries contain sugars, anthocyanins, catechins and betaine.

Cranberries contain organic acids: citric, malic, oxalic, chlorogenic, succinic and others.

The berry is also rich in minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, and iron. In addition, cranberries contain a rare vitamin PP.

Thanks to its unique composition, cranberries have many positive properties. It is because of this that the berry occupies one of the leading places. What are the benefits of cranberry and what does it cure? It promotes:

  1. Improved appetite. The berry increases the production of gastric juice, so it is often used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system. Cranberry helps suppress pathogenic bacteria, therefore it is indicated for kidney pathology.
  3. The berry is able to stop inflammatory processes. It prevents the development of tumors, especially in the intestines, breasts and prostate.
  4. Normalizes blood cholesterol levels. Berries have a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart, relieve headaches and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  5. Cranberry refreshes and invigorates, quenches thirst and has antipyretic properties. It is used for respiratory viral diseases.
  6. The berries kill pathogenic microflora and have anthelmintic properties.

Cranberry juice helps with urinary tract infections, gastritis, vascular and heart diseases. This healing drink can disinfect wounds and heal burns.

The benefits of large-fruited cranberries

The berry is striking in its size (from 1.8-2.2 cm in diameter). Its external shapes are different: ranging from round to pear-shaped.

The beneficial properties of large-fruited cranberries are varied. It is widely used for diseases of the digestive system - for constipation, to improve appetite. For colds, the berry can quench thirst and replenish the body’s need for vitamin C.

Cranberry helps reduce signs of genitourinary diseases. Relieves problems with the heart and blood vessels.

The beneficial properties of garden large-fruited cranberries have found their application as an external remedy. With its juice they make lotions for purulent wounds, burns and lichen.

Regular consumption of cranberries strengthens gums and teeth.

Medicinal recipes from cranberries

IN cold period time and in the spring, when the body especially needs vitamins, berries will come to the rescue.

Frozen and dried cranberries are poured into a thermos, infused and drunk with honey. It cannot be added to hot water, because the beekeeping product loses all its beneficial features.

What are the health benefits of cranberries? It is especially effective for colds, flu and infectious diseases. After all, cranberries are rich in vitamin C. It has a pathogenic effect and prevents dehydration. This is especially valuable when fever occurs.

For therapy, the fruits are used as follows:

  1. Pour in chopped cranberries hot water and insist. Drink in large quantities throughout the day.
  2. For cooking cranberry juice The berries are crushed and discarded on cheesecloth. The result is juice. Pour hot water over the cake, boil and cool. Mix with juice. To improve the taste, add sugar or honey.

Pure juice is also an excellent cold remedy.

How are cranberries beneficial for the body? Fruit juice made from berries helps in the treatment of sore throat. Cranberries have the ability to enhance the effect of antibacterial drugs.

For high blood pressure, the berry is taken as tea. Cranberry juice also helps lower blood pressure with the addition of red beet juice.

When cystitis occurs, cranberry can rid the bladder of pathogenic microflora, which helps stop inflammation.

Cranberries during pregnancy

The berry, due to its unique composition, has many positive properties. It is recommended for use in many conditions.

How are cranberries beneficial for pregnant women? It is well known that during this period a woman’s body is susceptible to colds. And taking antibiotics can cause irreparable harm to her and the fetus.

The genitourinary system is especially affected during pregnancy. Cranberry with its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties will provide its irreplaceable benefits.

Eating berries during pregnancy will prevent the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities, due to their positive effect on blood vessels. This quality of cranberries improves blood circulation in the placenta and will help the fetus develop normally.

Including 100 g of cranberries in the diet daily can prevent developmental defects in a child, toxicosis, constipation and swelling. Normalizing metabolic processes and helping in the absorption of minerals is another argument for regularly including berries in the diet.

Despite the beneficial properties of cranberries, there are also contraindications for its use. Berries can be harmful in case of enterocolitis and allergies to them.

Dried and dried cranberries

Dried fruits are a storehouse of useful minerals and vitamins. They are used as a preventive measure for many diseases and perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Why it is useful The berry is considered a natural antioxidant. It perfectly fights early aging of the body.

The main properties of dried berries include:

  • gain physical activity;
  • positive effect on mental performance;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the level of stomach acidity.

To greatly enhance the effect of the dried berry, it is mixed with honey. It has a positive effect on appearance. Therefore, such dried fruits must be eaten regularly. Fine wrinkles disappear, red spots and pimples disappear.

Dried berries strengthen nails and improve them appearance and prevents the development of fungal diseases.

Dried berries retain most of the positive properties of fresh ones. To prepare this product, cranberries are boiled in sugar syrup and then dried in the oven for a long time. This can also be done at home. The beneficial properties of dried cranberries are as follows:

  1. Used for colds.
  2. Used for kidney and bladder diseases.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on human hormonal levels.
  4. It is beneficial in the treatment of dermatitis and weeping eczema.
  5. Strengthens blood vessels.
  6. Normalizes intestinal function.

Compotes and fruit drinks are prepared from dried cranberries, which have a special taste. Sometimes it is added to baked goods.

Why you should eat berries

There are many reasons to include cranberries in your daily menu. It can relieve health problems for men, women and children.

How are cranberries beneficial for the human body? Its ability to neutralize the effect of pathogenic microflora and eliminate inflammation will provide excellent assistance to men in the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. The flavonoids present in the berries will increase physical strength and endurance.

Cranberry helps women solve two main problems: normalizes weight and restores beauty. Regular consumption of berries slows down the aging process of the body. The condition of hair, skin and general well-being improves. Thanks to its properties, cranberries help break down fat deposits.

Eating berries in childhood will prevent the development of colds and infectious diseases. It perfectly strengthens the immune system. During illness, the berry reduces cough and relieves fever.

Cranberry juice can be given to a child starting from 1 year. In this case, the baby should not be allergic to the product.

Cranberries in cosmetology

Thanks to its unique properties, the berry has a positive effect on the skin.

How are cranberries useful in the fight for youth? With constant consumption of the berry, the skin becomes elastic and toned. Cranberry eliminates flaking and dryness, removes unhealthy shine and redness.

Cranberry lotion for oily skin is prepared from grated lemon. It is filled with 250 ml of vodka. Insist for a week. Then filter, adding 200 ml of cranberry juice and 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin. The components are thoroughly mixed. The lotion is used to wipe the skin before bed.

Cranberries can be used as a face mask. Crushed fruits are applied to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, wash off with water. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Moisten gauze with freshly prepared juice and apply to face. Leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with boiled water and apply moisturizer.

The benefit of the drink lies in the rich vitamin composition of the berry. Fruit juice contains many minerals (manganese, copper, cobalt, molybdenum).

Cranberry juice is heat-treated and, compared to juice, has a more pleasant taste. It is used for:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • liver diseases and stomach ulcers;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

Cranberry juice has a pleasant taste and is healthy for both children and adults.

Berry juice

Cranberry juice is used to treat hypertension, diseases of the genitourinary system, gout and other diseases.

In some cases it is used for external use. Due to the special properties of the juice, it is used in the treatment of ulcers, burns and other skin lesions. After surgery, patients lubricate the sutures with it, which speeds up the healing process.

Cranberry juice is effective for hypertension.

Some patients find it quite difficult to drink because it contains a lot of acids. Because of this, a burning sensation occurs in the mouth, and the teeth are set on edge.

Cranberries in cooking

The berry is used not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also in cooking. Thanks to the sour taste of cranberries, they are added to desserts, cocktails, salads and main dishes (fish, meat).

Cranberries act as one of the components of jam, marmalade, jelly, fruit drinks and compotes. The berries can be used fresh, frozen, dried and soaked. She creates unique compositions with citrus fruits, apples, nuts and vegetables.

One of the most common dishes is sauerkraut with cranberries. The berry adds a special sourness to the product and saturates it with vitamin C.

Cranberries are added to oatmeal, which helps enrich its taste.


Like any potent drug, cranberry can cause not only benefit to the body, but also harm. In some cases it causes allergic reactions. After all, many people suffer from ascorbic acid intolerance.

Despite the beneficial properties of cranberries, contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding include the occurrence of allergies.

The berry should be consumed with caution in case of gout and urolithiasis. During an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, cranberries should not be included in the diet.

To avoid negative influence, even in the stage of remission of gastrointestinal diseases, berries should be eaten only after meals. You should not drink berry juice undiluted because of the negative effect on the stomach. Therefore, it is best to use cranberry juice. Sour berries can negatively affect the condition of your teeth. It is best to rinse your mouth after eating them.

All of the listed contraindications are conditional and require special caution when taking cranberries. Before starting to use the berries, it is best to consult a doctor.


Cranberry is a berry that has beneficial properties for treating various diseases. It is widely used in cosmetology, cooking and dietary nutrition. The berry should be consumed carefully so as not to harm the body.

The benefits of cranberries have been known for a long time; medicinal properties proven and studied for many years. The berry can cure many diseases, strengthen the immune system, fight colds and other ailments. But besides beneficial influence cranberry can have an effect on the human body and side effects, sometimes even malicious. Everyone should know what cranberry is good for and how to use it so as not to harm your health.

Cranberry is a red and sour-tasting berry that grows in the northern latitudes of Russia and other countries. She is famous for her healing properties and rich vitamin composition. It is often used in cooking as an additive to enrich products with useful components, in medicine and even in cosmetology. And all this thanks to its multivitamin composition.

Calorie content 100 grams fresh berries is 25−28 kilocalories, and the dried ones are already much more - 300 kcal. This difference occurs due to loss of moisture, because when dried, the berries lose weight, but useful components, acids and sugars remain. Considering chemical composition cranberries contain the following substances:

  • protein - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.7 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • dietary fiber - 3.3 g;
  • water - 88.9 g;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 3.7 g.

The beneficial properties of cranberries for the human body are also due to the presence in its composition many vitamins. Among them, the most valuable are (indicator in mg):

  • B1 - 0.02;
  • B2 - 0.02;
  • B6 - 0.08;
  • B9 - 1 mcg;
  • C - 15;
  • E - 1;
  • RR - 0.3.

Minerals include the presence of magnesium, aluminum, manganese, silver, iron, copper, zinc, barium, potassium, iodine, chromium, and boron. It contains the most potassium (119 mg), magnesium and calcium 15 mg each, phosphorus - 11 mg. In addition, the berry contains tannins, amino acids, antioxidants, pectins and flavonoids (in general, everything you need for health).

Such a rich composition makes it possible to call cranberries a real antibiotic and protector against viruses, and that’s not all that cranberries are good for the human body.

Beneficial features

With the arrival of cold weather, crowds begin to gather in pharmacies, buying all kinds of cold teas and antiviral drugs. But do they really help? Our ancestors did not have such medicines, but were healthier than us. Even today you can meet on the street long-lived grandmothers who were treated folk remedies, drank herbal teas and can boast of their health.

Nutritionists and doctors consider cranberries as a product high in vitamin C, B, iron and other micro- and macroelements that have a positive effect on the human body. But besides the benefits, cranberry can also cause harm to health, so before using it, a person needs to study its qualities.

Northern berries are recommended for adults, children, pregnant women and the elderly to eat; cranberry juice and tea are especially useful, but considering that juice destroys tooth enamel, it is better to replace it with fruit drink. In addition, the usefulness of the berry lies in cleansing the body, normalization of metabolic processes and removal of toxins. Antioxidants take care of the beauty of hair, nails and skin, slow down aging and maintain tone, resist fungi, bacteria, dandruff and dermatitis.

Revealed special benefit for female body associated with hormonal levels. The berry makes it easier to cope with toxicosis during pregnancy, reduces nausea, irritability, and fatigue. With PMS, it helps relieve pain, normalizes the cycle, the abundance and pain of discharge, smoothes out mood swings and aggression. It also helps fight depression: improves mood, energizes, and invigorates.

Cranberry is the best antiseptic. Possessing this quality, berries fight colds and infectious diseases, this applies not only to ARVI or influenza, but also to the genitourinary system, lungs, diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Cranberry juice is an excellent remedy for periodontal disease and stomatitis, as it relieves gum inflammation and kills bacteria.

American scientists have proven that the acid contained in cranberry pulp fights the causative agent of gastritis- Helicobacter pylori bacterium. The miracle berry also helps in the fight against diabetes by normalizing the functioning of the pancreas, which produces insulin. Fruit drinks contain a large number of fructose, not sucrose, which allows diabetics to drink the drink in unlimited quantities.

Cranberry compotes are rich in antioxidants, so their invigorating effect is not inferior even to coffee drinks. The sour berry lowers blood pressure and relieves headaches, has a diuretic effect, which is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure (unlike drugs, it does not remove potassium from the body).

Cranberry lowers cholesterol levels, helps with weight loss, reducing appetite, cleansing the body of toxins and inspiring creative deeds. Cranberry juice helps fight E. coli, diarrhea and stomach diseases, but people with ulcers and gastritis should be very careful when drinking the drink due to its high acid content.

And these are not all the beneficial properties of the product, but only the main and most pronounced ones. With regular consumption of juice or fruit drink, you can protect yourself from colds, cleanse yourself of waste and toxins, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and most importantly - simple and in an accessible way. The benefits and harms of cranberry juice, which is less concentrated and does not have such a strong effect on the acidity of the stomach, have been especially proven.

Harmful qualities

The acid contained in cranberry juice kills bacteria and microbes in the mouth, relieves inflammation, but destroys tooth enamel, so it is recommended to drink the juice through a straw.

People suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers should Drink drinks with caution with a high acid content, otherwise not only heartburn will appear, but also an exacerbation of the disease. You should not drink juice on an empty stomach, as this can lead to stomach pain, excessive secretion of gastric juice and a decrease in blood pressure.

Berry juice should not be abused by people suffering from pancreatitis, liver and kidney problems, urolithiasis and gout. Also eating berries limited at low pressure.

One more negative factor is considered an allergy to the product, which manifests itself in the form of redness, itching and rash. In this regard, cranberries are contraindicated for nursing mothers and children under three years of age.

Treatment of diseases with traditional recipes

Cranberries are a universal product that is useful for many people, especially those with weakened immune systems and a tendency to catch colds. To avoid frequent illnesses and avoid the problems of vitamin deficiency, you need to drink 1 glass of juice or fruit drink from berries. We offer recipes for healthy and tasty cranberry-based “medicines” that can be prepared at home.

Cranberry infusion for colds

The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes the body sweat, and the charge of vitamins helps fight viruses. To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • 1 glass of berries;
  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • enamel container.

The berries are washed, crushed using a puree masher and poured with boiling water. The entire consistency is thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil, then left for 15-20 minutes, filtered through a sieve and drunk 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for reducing blood pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure are aware of the problem of constant headaches and swelling. To combat the disease, doctors recommend drinking infusions, juices, fruit drinks, jelly or compotes based on northern berries. To prepare the medicine, you need to take:

  • 2 cups fresh berries;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • half a glass of sugar.

The cranberries are washed, crushed, covered with sugar and poured with water, brought to a boil and filtered. This decoction can be dilute with water or add to tea.

Fighting sore throat

The cold season threatens with frequent throat inflammations, which bring a lot of unpleasant sensations. One of the diseases of this period is tonsillitis. Being a bacterial or fungal disease, it is of a chronic type and occurs at the first hypothermia.

To get rid of the problem, you can gargle and drink cranberry juice diluted in half with boiled water. To prepare a healing potion you will need cranberry and beet juice, honey and vodka. The amount of ingredients should be the same. Mix everything and leave for three days, stirring occasionally. Take 1 tablespoon before each meal.

General strengthening drink

To resist vitamin deficiency and strengthen the immune system, it is advisable to drink an infusion of crushed berries poured with boiling water. Daily use this tea will help fight viruses, bacteria, maintain good mood, performance and energy.

Storing berries

To stock up on a large amount of fruits for the whole winter, you can freeze them, make jam, or simply put them in jars and fill them with water. In this way, you can preserve all the useful components and vitamin composition of sour fruits.

Attention, TODAY only!

Bitter and sour, cranberries have multiple beneficial properties. It is not without reason that its fruits are used in most recipes for the treatment of many diseases. This berry is a real box of vitamins and nutrients.

Cranberries: composition, calorie content

100 grams of fresh cranberries contain 26 calories.

This is a relatively small indicator (the apple, so revered by diet lovers, contains 35 calories per 100 g of product).

Also, 100 g of red berries include:

  • carbohydrates - 3.7 g;
  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fats 0.2 g;
  • dietary fiber - 3.3 g;
  • acids (quinic, benzoic, citric, malic, etc.);
  • water;
  • ash;
  • glucose;
  • fructose.

Additionally, it contains micro- and macroelements:

  • vitamins of group B, C, E, P, K;
  • beta-carotene;
  • biotin;
  • potassium, silicon, calcium;
  • boron, sodium, phosphorus;
  • vanadium, manganese;
  • cobalt, rubidium, molybdenum.

Beneficial properties for the human body

The medicinal properties of cranberries are extremely wide and varied:

  • Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is especially good to use cranberries in the complex treatment of viral diseases, since they enhance the effect of antibiotics.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Having a positive effect on the immune system, cranberries are relevant not only in the treatment of diseases caused by viral infections, but also in the prevention of the latter. By consuming cranberries daily, a person significantly reduces the possibility of developing colds.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Consumption of cranberries is recommended for people with vascular pathologies, pressure surges, and heart diseases.
  • Strengthening nervous system. This effect is achieved due to the high content of vitamin B and potassium in cranberries.
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Berries eliminate heartburn, increase appetite, and improve digestion.
  • Solution to problems of the genitourinary system. The berry is often used as an aid in the fight against cystitis and many other diseases of this type.
  • Prevention of dental diseases. Since ancient times, cranberries have been used to treat dangerous disease teeth - scurvy. The berry has not lost its relevance to this day - it is considered an excellent means of preventing caries and gum inflammation.
  • Prevents the development of cancer cells. It has been proven that systematic consumption of cranberries reduces the risk of developing breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancer.

Useful properties for women

Women who care about their health and beauty should definitely pay attention to this bitter berry.

Systematic consumption of cranberries has a positive effect on the female body:

  • Improves the health of hair and nails. Frequent inclusion of the product in the diet eliminates split ends of hair, makes nails strong and strong, without burrs.
  • Helps you lose weight. The components of the berry contribute to the breakdown of fats, therefore, cranberries can be included in diet menu losing weight.

This is interesting! Some restaurants serve cranberry juice as an accompaniment to fatty dishes. This drink will help settle heavy food without allowing it to cause stomach discomfort.

  • Combats problems of the genitourinary system. Cystitis and urolithiasis are frequent companions of women. Fresh cranberries will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of these pathologies.

It contains an abundance of antioxidants - substances that protect cells from negative impact free radicals: they are responsible for premature aging, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Therefore, you should not spare time and effort to collect this wonderful berry.

Cranberries can last in the freezer for up to next fall and not lose their beneficial properties, and if your refrigerator is already filled to capacity with supplies, just fill the cranberries with water and place them in a dark, cool place. Cranberries owe their keeping quality to the organic acids they contain, which act as natural preservatives and prevent the berry from spoiling. The same acids are usually used to increase the shelf life of other products, the only difference being that they are obtained not from cranberries, but from chemical production. Therefore, by making cranberry reserves, you can provide yourself with vitamins for the whole winter without much hassle.

Although in fairness it should be said that there are not so many vitamins in cranberries compared to other berries. For example, in terms of ascorbic acid content, cranberries are inferior to black currants by as much as 13 times, and rose hips by 40 times. However, this relative “poverty” is more than compensated for by the presence of rare vitamin PP in cranberries, without which most of ascorbic acid is simply not absorbed by the body. And if you consider that cranberries contain a lot of B vitamins, potassium, iodine and magnesium, there is no doubt about its usefulness. This is probably why cranberries have long been considered a medicinal berry.

Swamp Doctor

Cranberry juice is a wonderful cold remedy. Firstly, cranberries have an antipyretic effect, secondly, they perfectly quench thirst, and thirdly, they remove toxins from the body, which accumulate in abundance during a cold.

And cranberry juice mixed with honey not only helps you cough up and fight a sore throat, but also boosts your immunity, saving you from the next cold or flu.

However, even for those who rarely miss work due to a cough or runny nose, it makes sense to drink more cranberry juice. After all, just a couple of glasses of this invigorating drink can restore a good mood, relieve fatigue after the hardest day of work, and even contribute to your career, since cranberry juice increases brain activity and increases productivity.

Cranberries should definitely be present in the menu of people prone to high blood pressure. Thanks to its diuretic effect, cranberry reduces blood pressure, and unlike many diuretics, cranberry juice does not wash away beneficial potassium from the body, which strengthens blood vessels. And if you consider that cranberries can lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, this berry becomes completely indispensable for heart patients. In addition, it can successfully replace table salt, which is recommended to be limited when cardiovascular diseases and problems with overweight. Instead of salt, add cranberries or cranberry juice to your food, and the food will not seem too bland.

However, not only heart patients and hypertensive patients should love cranberries. This sour berry can protect you from cystitis - probably the most unpleasant companion of cold weather. Substances contained in cranberries prevent bacteria from attaching to inner surface urinary tract, and if there are no bacteria, there is no infection. Therefore, if you often suffer from cystitis, be sure to drink a glass of cranberry juice a day.

Often the cause of cystitis and other urological diseases is E. coli, which can also cause infection. However, fortunately, E. coli is afraid of cranberries more than anything else. That’s why this berry is often recommended for treating indigestion.

If for some reason your stomach goes on strike, pour two glasses hot water a couple of tablespoons of cranberries, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain and drink half a glass four times a day. The only limitation: people with high stomach acidity are better treated in other ways - cranberry juice can cause exacerbation of gastritis with increased secretion and peptic ulcer.

Cranberry juice compresses are used for many skin diseases. With their help you can get rid of rashes, itching, skin inflammation and eczema. In addition, cranberry juice can speed up wound healing.

The Latin name of cranberry comes from the Greek words “oxis” - sour and “coccus” - spherical, that is, literally “sour ball”. Unlike other berry bushes, cranberry bushes live for a very long time. Some of them are more than 100 years old.

By the way

Cranberry against ulcers. Chinese scientists have been able to prove that eating cranberries can not only help with bladder inflammation, but also prevent stomach ulcers. Researchers have found that cranberries can prevent the emergence of a special bacterium that causes this disease. Studies conducted in China have shown that patients who consume cranberries or foods and drinks based on this berry have a significantly reduced risk of stomach ulcers.

It is important

For medicinal purposes, cranberry fruits are used, which are harvested with the onset of the first frost before snow falls.

They write to us

Masks with sourness. Everyone probably knows that cranberries are very good for health. But the value of cranberries is not limited to this. You can make many homemade masks based on this sour berry. When picking cranberries, I always leave some of the berries unprocessed in order to pamper my skin. She is oily, so cranberry masks are especially useful for her.

To remove oily shine, clean and tighten pores, prepare the following mask: mix 1 teaspoon of cranberry juice with the same amount of potato flour or ground in a coffee grinder oatmeal. Apply the mask to your face for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

To slightly dry out oily skin, you can prepare the following mask: mix 1 teaspoon of cranberry juice with 1 teaspoon of grape juice, add half a grated apple, 1 tablespoon of honey and a little baby powder. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes and then rinse off.

If there are pustules and pimples on the skin, a cranberry juice compress will do. Squeeze the juice out of a handful of berries, soak cotton cosmetic wipes in it and place them on your face. Lie down for 10 minutes, completely relaxed. Then remove the napkins, rinse your face with cool water, and lubricate with moisturizer. Natalya Romanova, Tver region.

Personal opinion

Willy Tokarev, singer:

– I eat everything, I love a variety of foods. But I have a rule: wherever I am, I divide my portion of food in half and eat exactly half. Although sometimes you want to eat everything. But the rule must be the rule. Half is enough to fill you up. The stomach tends to stretch. The more you eat, the more you want. It's bad for your health. You need to accustom yourself to order.

IN folk medicine Cranberry is often used; its beneficial properties and contraindications are discussed in this article. It is sold in various types– fresh, frozen, dried, dried. It is easier to store dried and dried berries, because you don’t even need a freezer for this (as is the case with frozen ones).

Preparing the drink

Cranberry juice, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed below, retains all the medicinal properties of the berry and has a minimum of contraindications. Suitable for both children and adults, including pregnant women. For its preparation, fresh or frozen berries are used. How to do:

  • take 1 glass of berries;
  • defrost them if using frozen;
  • squeeze the juice out of them (don’t use it yet);
  • add a third of a glass of sugar or honey to the peel of the berries (for diabetes, replace with a sweetener or omit it) and add one and a half liters of water;
  • boil the mixture for 2–3 minutes over low heat;
  • cool and add juice.

The benefits of cranberry juice according to this recipe with or without honey are maximum. This is due to the fact that the juice does not undergo heat treatment and the vitamins contained in it are not destroyed during cooking (vitamin C is destroyed up to 90%, vitamin B6 up to 40% when boiling). As a result, when cooking the peel, only the minimum of vitamins that remain in it are lost (10% ursolic acid). This means that the healing properties will remain.

You can prepare jelly in the same way. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. starch in a glass of water and add this solution to the peel and sugar or honey (a sweetener for diabetes), filled with water. Boil the mixture until thickened for 10–15 minutes. Then pour in the juice in a thin stream, stir and turn off the heat. This way it will be possible to save useful material and get a drink with the usual viscous consistency.

Kissel and fruit drink are equally useful, but jelly also has an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting the mucous membrane and preventing the development of dysbiosis. You can add lingonberries to the juice in an amount of 1 to 1 with cranberries. Lingonberry enhances the diuretic effect, which is good in the presence of edema and sediment in the kidneys and bladder. But lingonberries give the fruit drink a bitter taste; to improve its taste, it can be sweetened with honey.

Important! The calorie content of the freshest cranberries is low - 28 kcal (calorie content of dried or dried cranberries - 308 kcal). The calorie content of a drink made from fresh berries is about 49 kcal due to the sugar content in the composition.

Cranberry for immunity

The benefits of cranberries for the immunity of children and adults are explained by the vitamin C content in the berries. Fresh and frozen berries contain 15 mg, and dried and dried berries contain 0.2 mg. This vitamin strengthens the immune system and increases the human body's resistance to viruses and infections.

The daily consumption rate for women and adolescents is 70–100 mg, for men – 120–150 mg. But during an outbreak of colds, as well as during illness, it should be increased to 100–120 mg for women and 150–170 mg for men. The consumption of berries to increase immunity is recommended for both children and adolescents, whose immunity is lower than that of adults, and for people with poor health, for example, during the period of recovery from illness. This will help avoid contracting new infections. Honey will enhance the effect of cranberries, as it also contains vitamin C (0.5 mg).

The benefits of cranberries for pregnant women are also explained by the presence of vitamin C. During pregnancy, weakened immunity is very dangerous. Infections and viruses that a woman can become infected with will harm not only herself, but also the child. However, the use of medications during pregnancy is limited. To keep your immunity high, it is recommended to consume more vitamin C – up to 120–150 mg. Include more foods containing this vitamin in your diet (cranberries, lemon, spinach, black currants).

Drink fruit drink or jelly with or without honey daily, 1 glass a day (both children and adults, including pregnant women). After three days, take a break for the same period to prevent increased acidity of gastric juice and heartburn. After this, continue taking it for another 3 days. You can stop the course after the end of the epidemic of colds or after recovery. Pregnant women should stop using last weeks pregnancy to prevent acidity from increasing breast milk. This can be harmful for children, as it damages the walls of the large and small intestines, as well as the stomach. Your doctor will help you determine the timing of your appointment more accurately.

Benefits for the urinary system

The benefits of cranberries for the body of children and adults lie in their positive impact on the urinary system and kidneys. It manifests itself in the following:

  • The acid content in cranberries (3.1 g in fresh, 0.1 in dried and dried) contributes to the acidification of urine, resulting in a decrease in the content of calcium compounds in it. It is the low acidity of urine (high content of calcium compounds) that causes the formation and growth of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • Cranberries (berries and juice) contain proanthocyanidins. These are natural antibacterial substances that have positive effects on health. From juice or berries that enter the stomach, they are absorbed into the body and excreted in the urine, exerting an antibacterial effect on the urinary system;
  • The mild diuretic effect of cranberries helps clear sediment from the kidneys and bladder. Lingonberry has a more pronounced diuretic effect. Adding it to fruit drinks increases the effect.

For both adults and children, you need to take cranberry juice or jelly (with or without lingonberries) in courses of 3 days, taking breaks for the same period. This way, the healing properties will be revealed to the maximum, and no harm will be done. The high acidity of the drink will not have a negative effect on the stomach and tooth enamel.

You can eat cranberries with honey (which will further increase immunity due to the vitamin C content) or without. Consuming lingonberries will additionally relieve swelling, as they have a diuretic effect.

Cranberry to normalize blood pressure

Cranberry fruit drink or jelly with or without honey is indicated for consumption by people with hypertension. This drink has a diuretic effect, relieving swelling and thereby lowering blood pressure. Cranberry has a mild diuretic effect. Lingonberries have a much stronger diuretic effect. It can be added to fruit drinks to enhance the effect. In this case, cranberries and lingonberries are mixed in equal proportions.

The potassium in the composition strengthens the walls of blood vessels and keeps them in good shape. This also has a positive effect on blood pressure, normalizing it.

Application in dentistry

The content of proanthocyanidins is the main property of the berry, which explains why cranberries are beneficial for the oral cavity. These compounds have antibacterial effects. They prevent infection and inflammation from developing. It is recommended to consume juices, jelly and other berry drinks for gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis), their increased bleeding (in order to prevent the development of infection), and stomatitis.

The acid content both in the berries themselves and in juices, jelly, and fruit drinks made from them has an aggressive effect on tooth enamel. This destroys the dark plaque on the teeth. Daily consumption of juice or jelly leads to getting rid of dark plaque. But it also tends to increase the acidity of saliva and begin to destroy tooth enamel. It is the increased acidity of saliva that causes caries between teeth. You can reduce it after drinking cranberry juice by drinking or rinsing your mouth with water with an alkaline reaction (Essentuki). Drinking milk also helps, as it also has an alkaline reaction.

Benefits for diabetes

Cranberries can be consumed for diabetes. Its use does not cause an increase in blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetes. Eating cranberries for type 2 diabetes will not only not harm, but will also be beneficial.

This is due to its ability to regulate the functioning of the pancreas. It is this gland that produces insulin, which helps maintain normal level blood sugar. For type 2 diabetes, regular consumption of up to 100 g of cranberries helps lower blood sugar levels.

Cranberry for men

Cranberries are beneficial for men for several reasons. Potassium has a positive effect on blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and tone, which indirectly helps improve potency. In addition, catechin and epicatechin ( organic matter, present in cranberries) combine with proanthocyanidins, which are also present in the composition, and form large polymer bonds that help relax blood vessels, similar to the drug Viagra. Cranberry is useful for men as a means of increasing potency.

When should you not eat cranberries?

Despite the fact that the benefits of cranberry juice are beyond doubt, there are also contraindications to drinking this drink. Also, in the above cases, you should not eat berries in pure form, juice or jelly from it:

  1. the property of cranberry juice to acidify the environment makes it unacceptable for thinned and partially destroyed tooth enamel, since consumption causes pain (when acid gets on the dentin located under the enamel, the processes of nerve cells located in it transmit an impulse to the dental nerve, provoking pain);
  2. this same property explains the contraindication to taking cranberries when the enamel is weakened, since the acid acts aggressively on it, destroying it even more;
  3. gastritis with high acidity, heartburn, ulcers are absolute contraindications to taking cranberries, their juice or cranberry jelly due to the fact that they increase the acidity of gastric juice;
  4. individual intolerance (allergy to cranberries) – contraindications to the use of its derivatives (juice, fruit drink, jelly, jam);
  5. Constant consumption of cranberry juice or jelly leads to the leaching of salts from the body, so take them 3 days in a row with a break for the same period;
  6. for diabetes mellitus, exclude sugar or honey in fruit drinks or replace them with natural sweeteners allowed for diabetes;
  7. the last weeks of pregnancy and breastfeeding are two more contraindications, since increased acidity of milk can lead to stomach problems in the child.

If cranberry consumption begins during pregnancy, then better for a woman Consult your doctor first. Cranberries tend to mix poorly with some medications. For example, a contraindication to its use is taking sulfodrugs (antimicrobial agents, such as Dermazin, Kelfizin, Silvederm).

The benefits and harms of cranberries discussed in the article are relative. This is not a cure, but only an additional therapy. Cranberry juice with lingonberries will not relieve hypertension, but is good as an additional remedy.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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