How Russian people lived in the old days. Russian people: culture, traditions and customs


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Izba. In steppe regions rich in clay, huts (huts) were built instead of huts. In the depths of the hut there was a hearth made of stones. This structure was maintained long time. Since the 15th century, stoves with pipes have become widespread. But, mainly, among princes, boyars, merchants, etc. and only in cities. Some of these huts have survived to this day. Floors in peasant hut they were earthen, that is, the earth was simply trampled down. The floors were made from logs split in half; in rich houses, from planks. The floors were laid along the hut from the entrance. As already mentioned, the hut had no windows as such. The hut was installed directly on the ground or on poles. - Izba.pptx

Russian hut

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Russian hut. A hut on the territory of the museum in the Intercession Monastery in Suzdal. IZBA, Russian log house; heated living space in the house. Construction of a hut. The construction of a house for a peasant was significant event. During construction, the location of the house was important. General form huts A kind of hallway was often attached to the hut - a canopy about 2 m wide. The canopy was also used in other ways. The cage served as a summer bedroom, a year-round storage room, and in winter - a kind of “refrigerator”. The interior space of the hut. Furniture, utensils and decoration of a Russian hut. The main decoration of houses were icons. - Russian hut.ppt

Houses in Rus'

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Educational - Toolkit"traditional life in a Russian house." Home page. Traditional life in a Russian house. Exit. Construction began with the felling of forests and a settlement - a “village” - appeared on the cleared land. It didn't take a day or two to build. First it was necessary to develop the site. They prepared the land for arable land, cut down, and uprooted the forest. They chopped it down, not sawed it: it was believed that the tree would be better preserved this way. This was the experience of centuries-old wooden construction. Back. Table. IZBA is a wooden (log) log residential building. The log house consisted of “crowns”. From the ground to the roof, about 20 such “crowns” had to be collected. - Houses in Russia.ppt

Russian life

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Russian hut. Life of Russian people. Museum "Canavino at the turn of the century". Russian proverbs (explain): Do you like to ride:…… You hurry:….. As you sow, then……. Measure seven times:…. It’s time for business:….. The hut is not red with corners:…… Russian stove. Items of Russian everyday life. Millstone. Pots, jars, bowls. Samovars, jugs, krinkas... Babi kut. Dishes. The setting of the hut. Riddles: There are four legs under the roof, There is soup and spoons on the roof. Table. The bull stands with his barrel akimbo, hissing and boiling, telling everyone to drink tea. Samovar. He walks and walks, but does not enter the hut. Door. The boundaries are wooden and the fields are glass. Window. In the hut there is a hut, in the hut there is a pipe. - Russian everyday life.ppt

Life of the Russian people

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Project. Photographs of household items, costumes, and production tools are also presented. Winter. Fortune telling about one of the most ancient rituals of the Russian people. Fortune telling most often took place on Christmas, Epiphany and St. Basil's Day. Nativity. Spring. Annunciation The holiday of the Annunciation is one of the most revered for the Russian people. SOWING about the rules and stages of sowing grain. Summer. Haymaking. Autumn. Picking berries and mushrooms. EXCELLATION on the holiday of the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-giving Cross The Lord's. Spinning. Tree Origins and roots of the Russian people Traditions and rituals of the Russian people. - Life of the Russian people.ppt

Culture and life of Rus'

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Culture and life Ancient Rus'. Europeans called Rus' “Gradariki” - a country of cities. Medieval cities were centers of culture. The largest in Europe were Kyiv, Novgorod, Galich. Behind the fortress walls, crafts developed around 70 years ago. Many goods were for sale. Urban development. Torzhok. 16th century engraving. Plan of Kyiv in the middle of the 12th century. As a rule, the Golden Gate was built at the entrance. Scientists find many inscriptions on the walls and birch bark. Golden Gate in Vladimir. Reconstruction. Typical view of boyar mansions. Most buildings Kievan Rus were wooden. - Culture and life of Russia.ppt

Russian national cuisine

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Russian National cuisine. Old Russian cuisine IX-XVI centuries.1. Old Russian cuisine of the 9th-16th centuries.2. Cuisine of the Moscow state of the 17th century. Cuisine of Peter the Great and Catherine XVIII era V. St. Petersburg cuisine late XVIII century - 60s of the XIX century. All-Russian national cuisine 60s of the XIX - early XX centuries. Modern cuisine from 1917 to the present 1. The main place on the Russian table, especially on the national table, was and is occupied by bread. Soups remained of primary importance in the history of Russian cuisine. The spoon has always been the main cutlery of Russians. Modern cuisine from 1917 to the present 2. - Russian national cuisine.ppt

Folk costume

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Tula folk costume. Kursk folk costume. Oryol folk costume with a poneva and a red apron. Tambov folk costume with a top. Voronezh folk costume with poneva. Nizhny Novgorod folk costume. - Folk costume.pps

National costumes

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National costumes. National men's suit. In the past, the Kyrgyz costume had territorial differences associated with the settlement of tribes. Women's national costume. Conclusion. We met the Kyrgyz national costumes. We learned the names of women's and men's hats. All costumes are beautifully decorated with ornaments. - National costumes.ppt

Russian folk costume

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Russian folk costume. The soul of the people is reflected in clothes. Russian costume surprises with its diversity. Each pattern and cut has its own story. By clothing you can learn about the traditions and customs of your people. Peasants sewed clothes from simple fabrics - linen, wool. A boyar costume could weigh 15-20 kg. In Rus', the main clothing for women was a sundress and a shirt with embroidery. They put a soul warmer on top. If the sleeves were lowered, then it was impossible to do any work. Hence the expression - to do it carelessly. Sundresses could be different color: red, blue, brown... At that time, only natural dyes were used for fabric. - Russian folk costume.pps

Finnish clothing

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Folk clothing Finns. Folk clothing, the result of the creativity of many generations, is an integral part of cultural heritage Finns. The clothes differed in composition, method of wearing, cut, material, color scheme, ornament. Local peculiarities existed in each county, and initially in a separate church parish (Kirchspiel). On turn of the 19th century– In the 20th century, Finnish folk clothing fell out of use almost everywhere. Folk clothing of the Finns of the Vyborg province. -

Olga Lyukhina
Summary of the lesson “Life of the Russian people”

Target: Formation of ideas about life and everyday life Russian people, about its traditions.

Tasks: Introduce children to the hut and Russian life of people. Develop the ability to work together, listen carefully to the teacher, and engage in dialogue. Instill interest in Russian culture, histories people.

Material: illustration of a hut, home utensil: poker, grab handle, bread shovel, cradle, etc. Decorate a room to reproduce a residential village room (Houseware)



visual methods

practical methods.


surprise moment (appearance of a teacher in Russian folk costume) ;

examination of household items, layout Russian hut;

story, show, conversation;

Progress of the lesson:

The owner of the hut meets the children at the entrance.

Hello, dear guests! A guest on the doorstep is a joy for the owner. Please come to the hut, make yourself at home, have a seat. Let's sit next to each other and talk well.

In ancient times, and even in our time, every person had a home.

What do you guys think, why does a person need a house?

How do we feel at home?

- Why do they say: "Being a guest is good, but being at home is better?"

Even in ancient times, people made homes for themselves, where they could hide from the cold and bad weather, from wild animals, and warm themselves by the fire. We come home to rest and gain strength.

What could people use to build a house before? What wood? Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try it guess:

“A relative has a Christmas tree

Non-thorny needles,

But, unlike the Christmas tree,

Those needles are falling off" (larch)

Why were houses built from larch?

Because when larch gets wet, it becomes stronger and stronger, almost like stone. Such a house will last a long time and will not rot. But they also built houses from pine trees, and tried to lay the lower logs from larch.

In such a house the air always smells of resin. It is especially warm in winter, when there is frost and blizzard outside.

Children, what do you think was the most important thing in the hut?

Listen and guess mine riddle:

"He sleeps in the summer,

In winter it burns

Mouth opens

What they give, they swallow.” (bake)

The stove is the heart of the house. The stove fed the family, heated the house, young children and old people slept on it, dried clothes and even washed themselves. When the housewife gets up in the morning, the first thing she does is start lighting the stove. The stove is the village nurse.

How could the oven feed its owners?

IN cabbage soup was prepared in the Russian oven, porridge, baked bread and pies.

Between the stove and the wall of the house there was a place called "woman's cut" or a kutok is a corner that was separated from the rest of the hut by a colored curtain.

Where do you think he could be in our hut? "woman's cut"?

A woman was in charge of the shelter - mistress: cooked food, baked bread, cooked, spun, sewed. There, on a hook hammered into the ceiling, hung a cradle for the youngest in the family.

But not only people lived in the house. There were residents in it - some from the forest, some from the fields, some from the earth. You can't do without them on the farm. What items were still in Russian hut? Stop silently visiting - it's time to solve the riddles. I will ask riddles, and you try to find the answers in our hut.

"Releases hot steam

An ancient teapot..." (samovar).

The whole large peasant family gathered around the samovar, drank hot tea with honey, pies and pancakes. The samovar has become a symbol of goodness, home comfort and family peace.

“I feed everyone with pleasure,

And she herself is mouthless" (spoon)

IN peasant family Each family member had his own spoon, which was carved from wood. And we always brought our own spoon when visiting. They even made up a saying “A thrifty guest does not go without a spoon”.

We've been sitting too long, it's time to play. "Business before pleasure", They say Russian people. Here I am, inviting you all to join the circle and listen to me one more time. About Russian folk I’ll tell you the game now and teach you how to play.

Everyone join hands and stand in a circle with me!

(the teacher starts a circle with the children, picks up two scarves).


- What's the name of the game?: "Blind Man's Bluff of Mashenka and Ivashenka". How cheerful and wise she is. Because the boy here will speak in a thin voice, and the girl should speak in a rough bass voice. Now we will choose Mashenka and Ivashenka (selects children).

The circle is wider, turn around, and Mashenka and Ivashenka need to go in different directions in a circle, (the teacher takes them in different directions.). To get back into the circle again, Ivashka, you need to catch Mashenka. Stretching his arms forward, Ivashka will call in a thin voice Mashenka: "Masha, where are you?", and Masha in a rude voice reply: “Ivashka, I’m here!” trying not to fall into Ivashka’s hands. And we will blindfold you. Does everyone understand the game? Then let's blindfold the driver and our game will begin.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what we know about how we lived before people. Let's play a game "What Was, What Has Become"

(The teacher asks questions, the children answer)

They used to wear bast shoes, but now (boots)

They used to cook in the oven, but now... (on the stove)

They used to sleep on benches, but now... (on the bed)

Previously, clothes were stored in chests, but now... (in the closet)

Previously, they carried water from a well, but now... (flows from the water supply)

Educator: Well done! Russians people have always been famous for their hospitality and loved to treat people to pies, gingerbread, and loaf.

And I baked bread for you, fluffy and rosy. And now I really want to treat you to delicious bread and tea. The teacher treats the children with bread and tea.

Publications on the topic:

"Bright Easter" - a tradition of the Russian people“Bright Easter” is a tradition of the Russian people. Middle group teacher: Bitarova O.S. Elkhotovo, 2016 Theme: “Bright Easter.”

Good afternoon everyone, everyone, everyone! I want to tell you about my leisure time, which took place on October 19th. We got acquainted with new material with accompaniment.

Goal: Formation of ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of the Russian people. Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about our traditions and customs.

Summary of educational activities in the middle group on getting to know the life and traditions of the Russian people “Visiting Pelageyushka” Summary of GCD in middle group on getting to know the life and traditions of the Russian people “Visiting Pelageyushka” Topic: “Visiting Pelageyushka” Integration:.


Important integral part ancient Russian culture was folklore - songs, legends, epics, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, fairy tales. Wedding, drinking, and funeral songs reflected many features of the life of people of that time. Thus, ancient wedding songs also spoke about the time when brides were kidnapped, “kidnapped” (as a rule, with their consent) or ransomed, and songs from Christian times spoke about the consent of both the bride and parents to marriage. The whole world Russian life is revealed in epics. Their main character is a hero, a defender of the people. The heroes had enormous physical strength. Thus, it was said about the beloved Russian hero Ilya Muromets: “Wherever he turns, there are streets, wherever he turns, there are alleys.” At the same time, he was a very peace-loving hero who took up arms only when there was no other choice. People's heroes They also possessed enormous magical power, wisdom, and cunning. So, the hero Volkhv Vseslavovich could turn into a gray falcon, gray wolf. IN epic images enemies, the real foreign policy opponents of Rus' are also guessed, the fight against which has deeply entered the consciousness of the people. Under the name of Tugarin Zmeevich one can see a generalized image of the Polovtsians with their khan Tu-gorkan. Under the name Zhidovina Khazaria is displayed, where state religion was Judaism. Russians epic heroes They faithfully served the epic Prince Vladimir. They fulfilled his requests for the defense of the Fatherland; he turned to them at crucial times. The relationship between the heroes and the prince was not easy. There were grievances and misunderstandings here. But all of them - both the prince and the heroes - in the end decided on one common cause - the cause of the people. Scientists have shown that under the name of Prince Vladimir the generalized image of both Vladimir Svyatoslavich - a warrior against the Pechenegs, and Vladimir Monomakh - the defender of Rus' from the Polovtsians, and the appearance of other princes - brave, wise, cunning - merged. And some epics reflect the legendary times of the struggle of our ancestors Eastern Slavs with the Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Scythians. The epics telling about the ancient heroes of those times are akin to the epic of Homer and the epic of other Indo-European peoples.

Life of the people

People's culture inextricably linked with his life, everyday life, and the life of the people, determined by the level of economic development of the country, is closely related to cultural processes. People lived both in large cities for their time, numbering tens of thousands of people, and in villages with several dozen households, and villages in which two or three households were grouped. The most big city Kyiv remained for a long time. By its scale, many stone buildings- temples, palaces - he competed with other then European capitals. No wonder the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Anna Yaroslavna, who married in France and came to Paris in the 11th century, was surprised by the wretchedness of the French capital compared to Kiev. Here the golden-domed temples shone with their domes, the palaces of Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise, Vsevolod Yaroslavich amazed with their grace, the St. Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gate - a symbol of the victory of Russian weapons, surprised with its monumentality and wonderful frescoes.

And not far from the princely palace there were bronze horses taken by Vladimir from Chersonesos; in the old Yaroslavl city there were courtyards of prominent boyars, and here on the mountain there were also the houses of rich merchants, other prominent citizens, and the highest clergy. Houses were decorated with carpets and expensive Greek fabrics. In palaces and rich boyar mansions there was Difficult life- here were the warriors, servants, and a crowd of servants. From here the administration of principalities, cities, and villages took place; here they judged and tried, and here tributes and taxes were brought. Feasts often took place in the vestibule and spacious griddles, where overseas wine flowed like a river and their own, native “honey” flowed, and servants served huge dishes of meat and game. Women sat at the table equally with men. Women generally accepted Active participation in management, farming, and other matters. There are many known women - figures of this kind: Princess Olga, Monomakh's sister Yanka, mother of Daniil Galitsky, wife of Andrei Bogolyubsky, etc. At the same time, food and small money were distributed to the poor on behalf of the owner. The favorite pastimes of rich people were falconry and hound hunting. Races, tournaments, and various games were organized for the common people. An integral part of Russian life, especially in the north, was the bathhouse. Below, on the banks of the Dnieper, a cheerful Kiev trade was noisy, where products and products were sold not only from all over Rus', but also from all over the world, including India and Baghdad. Down the slopes of the mountains to Podol were various types of houses - from good wooden houses to poor dugouts - the dwellings of artisans and working people. Hundreds of large and small ships were crowded at the berths of the Dnieper and Pochaina. Temples, palaces, wooden houses and semi-dugouts stood on the outskirts in other Russian cities, there were noisy trades there, and on holidays, smartly dressed residents filled the narrow streets. His life, full of work and anxiety, flowed in Russian villages and hamlets, in log huts, in half-dugouts with stoves in the corner. There people persistently fought for existence, plowed new lands, raised livestock, beekeepers, hunted, defended themselves from “dashing” people, and in the south - from nomads, and again and again rebuilt wooden dwellings that had been burned after enemy raids. Moreover, plowmen often went out into the field armed with spears, clubs, bows and arrows to fight off the Polovtsian patrol. Long winter evenings in the light of splinters, women spun yarn, men drank intoxicating drinks, honey, reminisced days gone by, composed and sang songs, listened to the storytellers and storytellers of epics.

“Oral folk art” - Lyrics are a type of literature in which the author expresses his feelings. (c) Maksimova G.G. Russian language teacher, State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 156, 2007. Folklore of the peoples of Russia. Ed. N.I. Kravtsova. Content: Oral Language, Oral poetic creativity. Folklore genres. Any folk art(dancing, music, wood carving, etc.).

“Russian folk art” - Proverbs and sayings (compiled by Fundamental question: How in Russian folk art reflected moral qualities? What are nursery rhymes? Didactic tasks: Authors of the project: Kudryavtseva Anastasia Nikolaevna Popova Irina Vyacheslavovna. Children's work to discuss each person's assignment in the group. – Lesson 5.

“Life of the Russian people” - Autumn. EXCELLENCE on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Haymaking. Winter. Project. Fortune telling about one of the most ancient rituals of the Russian people. Spring. Director of the school “OPPORTUNITY” in Dubna, Moscow region, Ignatovich Svetlana Nikolaevna. Spinning. Picking berries and mushrooms.

“Russian traditions” - Target: Russians folk traditions. Results of our work. What traditions did our ancestors have in the fall? Photo report. Decoration of a Russian hut. Carols Maslenitsa. Large table Samovar Long benches Homespun rugs Russian stove. Spring traditions. Winter traditions. Traditions. We learned a lot about the life of our ancestors and tried to tell you.

“Russian epics” - Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. Alyosha Popovich and the beautiful girl. Avdotya-Ryazanochka. Volga Vseslavevich. Heroes of Russian epics. Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets. Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich. Dobrynya spares Fun from the serpent. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber. Svyatogor. Sadko and the Tsar of the Sea. Svyatogor and the blacksmith of fate.

“Russian Writers” - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Agnia Lvovna Barto.

There are 11 presentations in total