With the sensitive guidance of a strict mother. Under her strict guidance...

Under your sensitive leadership
The original source is a phrase from the bureaucrat Byvalov from the film “Volga-Volga” (1938), filmed according to the script by Mikhail Davidovich Volyshna (1902-1988), Nikolai Robertovich Erdman (1902-1970) and the director of the film Grigory Vasilyevich Alexandrov (1903-1983, pseudonym G. V. Mormonenko).
In the film: Thanks to my sensitive guidance.

  • - Folk dance ensemble under the direction of I.A. Moiseeva, one of the largest choreographic groups countries. Created in 1937 in Moscow after the All-Union Festival folk dance...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - and V.Yu. Vasileva. Founded in 1966 as the USSR Choreographic Concert Ensemble “Young Ballet”. Creator and first artistic director I.A. Moiseev, then I.V. Tikhomirnova...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - Theater studio under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. In 1974, enrollment was announced for the nursery theater studio at the Bauman House of Pioneers, headed by O.P. Tabakov...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - association of patriotic Russian forces at the final stage of the fight against the Polish-Litovs. and Swedish intervention in the beginning 17th century It arose in a difficult situation, after being captured by the interventionists. parts of the country, incl....

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - unification of the patriotic forces of the Russian people at the final stage of the struggle against the Polish-Lithuanian and Swedish occupiers in the present day. XVII century It arose in a difficult situation, after the interventionists captured a significant part of...

    Russian Encyclopedia

  • - dramatic, founded by O. P. Tabakov in 1974 as a theater studio, since 1992 its modern name...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - serve, please, etc. At the same time, two opposing sides...

    Phrasebook Russian language

  • - serve, please, etc. At the same time, two opposing sides...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - As a joke about an arrogant person who does not admit...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Wed. To weave gossip, to create various little tricks, to help ours and yours, and to shield oneself from the general misfortune with ear-telling and espionage tricks - this was something a provincial architect could do. Kokhanovskaya...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Both ours and yours...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Razg. Iron. One and the other at the same time. Stepanov wanted to please both ours and yours, that is, to make a profit from the magazine and not to deprive the printing house of other work that gave him a sure benefit - and he ruined both...

    Russian phraseological dictionary literary language

  • - Razg. About impermanence, the desire to please conflicting parties. Glukhov, 1988, 54...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 was under the command of a subordinate...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 coarse...

    Synonym dictionary

"Under your strict guidance" in books


From the book Banker in the 20th century. Memoirs of the author

To sensitive hearts

From the book Diary Sheets. Volume 1 author Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

To sensitive hearts How many chapters! How many gilded and blue and green, and with stars, and with tracery! How many crosses! How many towers and walls have been erected around the Russian treasure! For the whole world, this treasure brings good news and arouses veneration. Forty years of walking to shrines already

Lesson 38 Treat your suppliers the same way you treat your customers

From the book How to Survive Sharks by McKay Harvey

Lesson 38 Treat Your Suppliers the Same Way You Treat Your Customers Even though our suppliers send us hampers for Christmas exotic fruits and are treated to lunches at the expense of their company, most of us imagine them approximately as described

How to communicate with management

by Posen Robert

How to communicate with management Topics and style of communication with management – important aspect effective relationships. First, discuss your next steps with your manager. If you have completed the exercise from Chapter 1, that is, you have set goals and identified priorities, then you will already have approximately

How to disagree with management

From the book At the Peak of Opportunity. Rules for the effectiveness of professionals by Posen Robert

How to Disagree with Management Even if you and your manager usually get along, disagreements are inevitable. And this is normal: management does not like sycophants. The manager is interested in the opinions of his subordinates about the appropriateness of strategies and plans. Napoleon Bonaparte once said:

Under your strict guidance

From book encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Under your strict guidance The original source is a phrase from the bureaucrat Byvalov from the film “Volga-Volga” (1938), filmed according to the script by Mikhail Davidovich Volpin (1902-1988), Nikolai Robertovich Erdman (1902-1970) and the director of the film Grigory Vasilyevich Alexandrov (1903-1983) , pseudonym

How to work with your press agent and your PR agency?

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How to work with your press agent and your PR agency? Whatever you say, the PR person must like the client. If you don’t like it, the plan will, of course, be carried out, but it will still not be the same. In general, your task is to please the PR person. This is for your own benefit. How? Normal

Meetings with management

From the book Project Management for Dummies author Dressmaker Stanley I.

Meetings with Management Take opportunities to humbly remind senior leaders about your project and its significance to the organization. Although they approved it, say, a month ago, the organization probably has a lot of other things to do. Commissions to check the progress of implementation

Part two. New acquaintance with your cycle and your body

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Part two. New acquaintance with your cycle and your

2.5.10. Guided performance

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2.5.10. Guided presentation Much like visualization. However, there must be a guide (or a voice on tape) guiding you through the descriptions. As with visualization, it is not astral, but mental projection that is more suitable here (? -

What a thrill it is to live under your leadership!

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What a thrill it is to live under your leadership! October 23, 2009 Mr. President, have you seen the latest UN report on drugs on the Internet? It says that in 10 years the number of drug addicts in Russia has increased 10 times; ours consume 75–80 tons of Afghan heroin per year. For comparison: this is 3.5 times

Nikolay Konkov BOTH YOURS AND YOURS...

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Nikolai Konkov BOTH YOURS AND YOURS... US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Russia. Most recently, his American counterpart Barack Obama visited President Dmitry Medvedev, but this was a meeting of a completely different level and content: senior managers two

Under the direction of the director

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Under the direction of the director In 1938, Schwartz wrote to the chief director of the Leningrad Comedy Theater, Nikolai Akimov: “...You reproached me for being a children's playwright; Having arrived here, I decided to justify myself. As you rightly noted, talk about children's drama has me

Under the leadership of the Church

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Under the leadership of the Church In the Church, everything is in its place, everything has its correct illumination. This also applies to the Old Testament Scriptures. We know the Ten Commandments of Sinai by heart, but we understand them much more deeply than the Jews understood them, because they

1 Life under guidance

From book Inner life selected teachings author Feofan the Recluse

1 Life under guidance Just as a newborn child cannot live without a mother who cares for him, cherishes him, nurtures him, so a newborn in the spirit and a convert essentially needs a mentor and nurturing, a leader and guidance for the first time.

A tale about the value of the ruble.

Seeing the ruble, my “valuable” one -
Wooden - not gold -
I reread the lines -
In terms of slaughter...

Matches cost 2 kopecks,
And smaller - only one;
Cigarettes... - drink with beer;
Fill the country with bread...

Well written.
Paradise, Soviet! Grace!
But in their lies, they forgot,
Specify those salaries.

For collective farmers - in a month! --
Excluding workdays -
Under signature, accountant,
Gives out only pennies:

Only 12-20 rubles;
The teacher is 60...
And to the teacher - from length of service -
They are in no hurry to add more.

Cook, janitor, doctor,
Nurse and interpreter, -
Translator what's in the matter -
Printing houses for printing,.. --

Medical service nurses
Scrubbers and janitor...

Engineer at the factory;
The carpenter - if he is not cunning -
We got it, just like that,
We always have 100 rubles.

But without deductions, note:
For taxes, and - believe me,
There was even such a tax
What a shame to say, and...
In use...

Balls are groaning these days... --
They are a liability.

So, Communist Party officials...
Komsomol? No problem!
On nature? Also a contribution!
Red Cross, for knowledge, armies...
Everyone carried it “voluntarily”!

Someone will remember medicine,
That it was “free”...
And another, and - about the car.
Not available... Wow!

They will also remember about the apartments,
That you have to wait for years.
Or about shoes - in a cronyism way...
But without cronyism, you can’t get it.

Imported batteries
Your “everything, in abundance”!!!
And if he asked... - Fool!

Going to work is like going to a holiday.
Think about it for three...
Only for three rubles of money,
It was impossible to buy vodka.

With barmatukha, - without snacks, -
And the quality of the wine...
Headaches in the morning
And it felt sick... Wow!

Someone will remember that in the dining room...
For my Soviet ruble,
It was possible to eat...
Alone or with family.

Well, here it is again, a lie...
Why are you attracted to old things?

People don't know the whole truth
That they didn’t live in those parts.
And who lived... - Forgot...
Nothing! I'll remind you.

And why aren’t the minimum wages mentioned when remembering the “happy and rich” life in the USSR?! From length of service: collective farmers - 12-25 rubles, nannies, educators, teachers, nurses - 60-78 rubles, engineer - 100-120 rubles, students - 20-38 rubles, party and government officials 200- 300 rubles... Pensions - 50-80% of average salary for the next 5 years out of 10 sample years. And... What happens? Was he valuable in doing so? And now about the products, with bread for a loaf 16-24 kopecks, - beef meat in the store (which was rarely thrown onto the shelves) - 2 rubles, but at the market it was always for 4-5 rubles; pork 3.50 (at the market)... And how was life? What about inflation? What about the constant price increases? Just don’t mention Stalin with lowering prices for city residents at the expense of slave labor of rural workers. Ah!.. Also; vodka (natural product of exchange for services) - 3.62-4.12.

​These are salaries after the devaluation and reform of the ruble from the 60s to 85. True, during this period, ticket prices increased 2-3 times: a plane to Moscow or to the Mineral Waters - from 27 rubles. up to 58-60.....

In Kazakhstan, for example, problems began in the mid-70s (1974-1975), when, according to the agreement between Brezhnev and Kunaev, the entire livestock of cattle was beheaded to be sent to “hungry” India... which rotted there unloaded in the ports , and then... - 1978, Afghanistan...

​By the way, after the money reform of the 60s, many penny goods - up to 10 kopecks - remained at the SAME NUMINAL VALUE. And no one will eat matches.

​Developing production or "defense" was serviced according to the plan - the first or second category (at the expense of others, of course), as well as the capitals ostentatious to foreigners. But as soon as the construction and development plan was completed, wages were cut for various reasons, and prices in workers' towns and cities... went up.

Shabashniks earned up to 1000, and sometimes even more, for their work, but (!) they did not work like in a factory for 7-8 hours a day, but worked 16-18 hours a day and received from their output - the final result. Their work was similar to rush jobs at the end of the quarter in factories and enterprises, but every day during the period of the found order. But it wasn't very legal...

By the way, party officials also had bonuses “for harmfulness” - 100% of average earnings in addition to vacation pay, which lasted at least 30 days, and for workers - about 16 days (workers did not have such harmful work as the communists).

​You should also not confuse private, remote small collective farms and villages with state state farms controlled by party officials.

And even if every worker had a ruble in his pocket at that time, it wasn’t very easy to figure out for three: there wasn’t enough for vodka, and after drinking alcohol without a snack, what kind of work could there be the next day...

One smart guy noticed that allegedly at that time he was a student in the city of Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) and received a scholarship of 137 rubles 70 kopecks... Apparently, he wanted to remind those gathered about the Lugansk region and Ukraine in this way. Well, the passions began to subside. And immediately comments from clones started pouring in about the salaries of combine operators in the 70s ranging from 3-5,000 and up to 14,000 in the 80s (I’m not stupid, it’s not harmful to want: let me dream). They just forgot to specify the period again - annually or monthly, and maybe during which season. Or maybe they confused it with the period of pre-reform changes in the 60s and everything needs to be divided by 10? The storytellers suffered from senile insanity and slow-wittedness in their grandchildren due to their age. And it’s a shame for many fathers and grandfathers to see themselves in front of their children and grandchildren - for their past: so they tell all sorts of fables about the USSR - habitually showing off, as in their youth.

In personal correspondence, since public place critical remarks and examples are immediately limited to deleting texts and blocking, to the question - Well, well, well... What are “those” times and what educational institution, and what profession?! Stalin Prize Did they give you something there - for high achievements in KGB activities? There was no clear answer. Just a smiley face with a wink and the phrase: “...I was being completely stern.” That's how "serious" they are. But such insinuations do not work in such situations. The Russian people will not argue with provocateurs and give examples from their personal lives, realizing that this is a “f” for a reason.

Really?!!! - was noticed in response to the words of lies, “he spoke seriously.” So what kind of university paid such money to a student? And... - under what kind of state program was there such a scholarship - under a unified planned economy in the USSR?

The clone... - the cow licked it with her tongue: there were no more answers.

Here, by chance, I paid attention to who creates such groups and why, and... - everything immediately became clear to me (you will understand everything, you will see everything for yourself... - sang in the song from the movie " Straw hats"):

The group is informational-patriotic and scientific-historical on the platform of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Excitement is not allowed in the group social, racial, national or religious strife... Members who violate the group's requirements will be removed from the group.

Opening the eyes of the deluded and the TRUTH about the past, this is “inciting” discord (apparently ... - towards the communists, with their “sensitive” leadership of the people, and - their characteristics of social preference and status: during the period of government of being at the helm " into the bright and cloudless future of communism").

The quiet summer evening in the southern town was relaxing.
A warm breeze rustled tenderly in the treetops, and music came from the direction of the city park. Couples and simply breathtakingly beautiful young ladies paraded decorously along the sidewalks. It was not as blissful in the cafe as on the street. Therefore, Victor, grabbing a cup to go, leisurely drank tea, sitting down on a concrete block right next to the automatic barrier at the entrance to the department, reasoning sensibly that if he was not participating in this “celebration of life,” then no one forbade him to just look .
The call from the emergency room to the duty room came at 23.30.
The responsible doctors informed the duty officer that two young guys, whose identities had not been established, had arrived from a suburban village with penetrating stab wounds. Both were immediately sent to the surgeons in serious condition. Simply put: “undercut”, translated from jargon - a knife wound to the victim.
All that the ambulance crew could tell was the place where they were brought from. The center of the village, next to the stall on the street, which traditionally and unpretentiously bore the name of grandfather Lenin.
The assistant on duty jumped out onto the porch and shouted:
- Opera, urgently to the duty room!
Victor waved his hand and, getting up from the warm concrete, carried the cup back to the cafe.
The thought that appeared after the sergeant’s cry was as sleepy and lazy as the evening: “well, here’s another challenge... it’s good that the outfit today is smart... and the person on duty is experienced...”
Following the rescue, the driver of the UAZ on duty leisurely came out onto the porch and began to warm up the engine. The old machine was grinding and shaking like an epileptic.
Almost the entire SOG - the investigative and operational group - had already gathered at the duty station.
Victor learned from the duty officer that the person who called the ambulance gave a fictitious name; there is no such name in the database. Well, that’s understandable, he doesn’t want to be a witness. But the place where the victims were cut off is known - the village of Seventh Farm. What the old experienced Major Mikhalych was very pleased with. After all, this was the territory that Victor served. And what else Mikhalych was pleased with was the fact that the district police officer of this village, Yura Emelianenko, had just taken over as the duty investigator for the department today.
Mikhalych did not give a long and tedious briefing to the group before leaving; why bother shaking the air in vain?
His entire briefing boiled down to an inspired phrase:
- So guys, the cards are in your hands, your “land” - you have to “undercut” and reveal them!
The detective and the district policeman had already turned to the exit when a new character appeared in the duty room.
On the threshold, with a retinue of three officers, the head of the Economic Crimes Department (department for economic crimes), Colonel Yurasov, appeared.
Victor clearly understood that the evening was no longer languid.
After all, today it was Yurasov who was responsible from the management.
Why the hell didn’t he sit in his office?!
Yurasov's eyes glowed with a fanatical brilliance. He was eager to brief the investigative team before leaving for the crime scene.
On his instructions, everyone gathered in the investigator’s office. The young, but already experienced and clever, investigator on duty Aslan Dzakhoev, who was getting ready to leave, was not very happy about this news.

The clock showed 23.45.

Yurasov took his responsibilities very seriously. He instructed each of the members of the SOG.
I checked their knowledge of departmental instructions and the latest orders. Particularly paid attention to the rules of use and use of weapons!
He gave a severe oral reprimand to the detective and investigator for wearing civilian clothing while on daily duty.
Standing, even at a “free” stance, was somewhat tense, since the respected colonel did not limit himself to instructions, but launched into lengthy memories of how he personally solved crimes in his youth, with figurative examples.

The next day came smoothly and tediously, and when the briefing ended, the clock showed 01.45.
The second hour of work on solving the crime was ending...

But the investigator’s torment and the operation with the local police officer did not end there. The energetic Yurasov wanted to personally go to the scene of the incident, categorically ordering the opera to go with him. Why opera alone? - so in the commanding “Volga” there was only one place free, because the retinue was loaded there too.
Why the colonel needed all this multi-star sundress at the scene of the incident, Victor did not know when he began his service as a green flyer. But the most interesting thing is that he could not explain this even now, having worked in the criminal investigation department for more than one year.
The remaining employees were to be brought by the UAZ on duty.

They arrived in a peacefully sleeping village with deserted streets at 02.20.
It was the third hour of solving the crime...

The lack of people had a simple explanation. The countryside, people have to get up early to manage the household, and a fight, even with knives, is not God knows what kind of incident. After all, it’s the dashing nineties, people are already used to everything.
Following the operator's instructions, they drove up to a kiosk on the main street. Yes, they weren’t mistaken about the location of the incident. Silence... the stall is closed... crickets are squealing in the bushes... or cicadas... Victor was not particularly interested in entomology.
On the dusty asphalt near the stall one could see dark spots, looking like blood, were lying around: a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, some garbage and, for some reason, nice new rag slippers white without backdrops.
“Yes, Rubilovo, apparently, it was specific,” the operator thought.
Yurasov, delighted that the scene of the incident was found immediately, began to tell Victor how important and necessary it is to protect the scene of the incident, so that no one, no one! an object that could represent important evidence has not disappeared, that objects cannot be moved until the end of the inspection, and so on, in the same vein.
It was boring and even sad for the criminal investigation captain, who had visited more than one hundred crime scenes, to listen to this, but to openly yawn while looking the colonel in the face would have been impolite towards a senior in rank. Therefore, having turned on the “stupid campaigner” matrix, he nodded mechanically, periodically inserting pseudo-respectful statutory phrases into the colonel’s monologue:
- that’s right, trisch plkvnik,
- will be done, trisch plkvnik,
- I understand, you're a bastard,
- we will make every effort, trisch plkvnik,
- yyyes, trisch plkvnik,
- I’ll report personally, sir,
and the like, in the same way.
The retinue imitated the Greek chorus from the tragedies of Sophocles, but made no sounds. Apparently specializing not in solving crimes, but in something else, unknown to the opera.
The colonel finally ran out of energy, got into the car with his entourage and drove away.

The clock showed 03.00.
It was the fourth hour of solving the crime...

However, the “duty station” - the duty vehicle that was supposed to bring strike forces, consisting of a district police officer and an investigator, to the front line, was not visible on the horizon. But it was difficult to contact the duty department. Cell phones in those days did not exist in nature, at least in their region - for sure, portable radios were relied upon by the district police and command staff, and there was only one working wired telephone in the village. He was located a kilometer from the center of the village, in a booth, near a railway crossing.
Deciding that unnecessary fuss was not appropriate for an old opera, and that it would be inappropriate to leave the scene of the incident, Victor decided not to go anywhere. He walked around the stall again, carefully examining the asphalt. During this time, nothing new was added there.
No matter how boring and long the instructions given by Colonel Yurasov were, he was right about one thing - it is advisable not to violate anything at the scene of the incident. This will help the investigator draw up a clear inspection report, which is important for further investigation and possible work experts. Unless, of course, the investigator himself is smart.
Looking around, Victor chose a comfortable place for himself. One of the economic villagers piled a dozen railroad sleepers in the bushes in front of his house. The operative pulled out a couple of blank protocol forms from the folder, placing them on the sleepers. Although they were old, the creosote with which they were impregnated could cause irreparable damage to the jeans. There was a folder on top of the protocols. Sitting down on a makeshift seat, Victor lit a cigarette and began to wait further.
The clock showed 04.00 when the sound of heels was heard on the street. Victor saw a woman's silhouette appearing from around the corner. As the silhouette approached, it materialized into a woman, about forty years old, dressed in a colorful sundress, with small bag on the shoulder. Light high-heeled shoes completed the picture. The woman did not see the opera hiding in the bushes. He decided not to identify himself. He goes - and let him go. However, approaching the stall, the woman saw brand new slippers lying near the stall. And she did something that plunged the opera into a slight stupor. Bending flexibly, she picked up the slippers, and then resolutely put them in her purse. Housekeeping auntie, dammit..
The operator jumped out of the bushes screaming:
- Give me the slippers!
The reaction was quite predictable. The lady took off like an Olympic champion.
Despite high heels, she very quickly ran away from an incomprehensible guy who jumped out of the bushes.
And even the well-trained Victor began to catch up with the lady only after about two hundred meters, she was running too fast.

It was the fifth hour of solving the crime...

Give me your slippers, you fool! I won't touch you. Give me your slippers!
The devil knows, what else is there to yell in such a situation?
It is doubtful that a cry strictly in form: “senior criminal investigation officer, police captain Ivanov” would help establish mutual understanding.
Realizing that it would be impossible to get rid of the incomprehensible type, the lady pulled her slippers out of her bag as she walked and, screaming: “Yes, choke, you bastard!”, she rushed further down the street.
“It’s from such situations that legends about maniacs are born,” Victor thought, picking up his slippers.
“Slipper maniac” damn...
Returning to the stall, he put down the slippers, trying to identify for them the very place where they were originally lying.
He returned to the bushes, sat down on a folder, and lit a cigarette. Thought about it. The thoughts were specific, operatic.
“In principle, even if we don’t dig up anything today, there is a prospect for discovery. I'll change in the morning. A day is a legal day off and no one will pull me into the department. I'll sleep at home until lunchtime. Then to the hospital. All the nurses are familiar, they will even let you into the intensive care unit. If only one of the sufferers would wake up and be able to speak, maybe they know who cut them? If not, I’ll move here again by evening. I will meet special people. It can't be that no one knows anything. Of course, intelligence work in the village has its own specifics. Everything is in sight. But all the slippery moments have long been foreseen, the nuances have been worked out. I'll meet with the agents and ask around. If the double is empty, I’ll give you the task of digging the ground. Serious bodily injuries are no joke. This is not a drunken fight at a dance. But a village is a village, even if this fan of knife fighting is not local, but someone from the outside. Someone called an ambulance for the cut-off guys - there are witnesses. And if the lighter cigarettes belong to the suspect, there may be “fingers” on them. And Yurka, an experienced district police officer, again, lives here. Honestly, it must be admitted that it is still unknown whose agency will work faster to reveal it - his or mine. “Two or three days maximum and we will know who did it.”

The clock showed 05.00.
It was the sixth hour of solving the crime...

My thoughts were interrupted by the noise of the engine. A Volga drove up to the stall, and the personal Volga of investigator Dzakhoev.
From which Dzakhoev and district police officer Emelianenko naturally emerged.
Victor crawled out of the bushes.
- Anhydride for you, in sodium permanganate! – the operative, who at one time taught chemistry well, politely greeted him, “and where have you been for so long?”
The district police officer responded:
- The duty car broke down halfway, so we returned to the department on foot. Aslan spat and decided to go on his own.
The investigator, as confirmation, muttered something not very censorship.
Victor spread his hands:
- And I’m already tired of waiting for you. This is the scene of the incident, should we start working?
Aslan exploded:
- I saw such work in my coffin! First, the colonel took out the brain, then they got to the scene through the anus! We urgently need to pour out the fear! It looks like you had a kebab shop here on your property. She works?
The detective and the district policeman exchanged glances.
- Works.
- Then let's go! I want shish kebab!
The investigator, even during his stormy monologue, managed to inspect the scene of the incident with a keen eye, identified the main material evidence - slippers, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter. He carefully put it all in a bag and... opening the trunk of his Volga, he dashingly threw them there.
- They’ll be safe here, otherwise someone else will sneak in...
“A-ha, I even know the same “who”…” Victor mentally smiled.
For the uninformed, I will note. At the scene of an incident, it is the investigator who is the main person, the senior person of the operational-investigative group; it is to him that everyone else obeys, carrying out his valuable, sometimes not so valuable, instructions.
Having loaded into the Volga, they arrived at a kebab shop, which was located near the village, right on the federal highway. She looked simple. Caravan house, plastic tables and chairs. Despite the outward appearance, the kebabs were cooked well. There were no visitors. However, the coals in the grill were still smoldering. Having raised the tired kebab-maker, who was sleeping peacefully in the trailer, they ordered him a kebab and a bottle of vodka. As Aslan said, “pour out the fear.”

The clock showed 06.15.
It was the seventh hour of solving the crime...

While we were waiting for the kebabs, we drank fifty, then another...
Then we ate delicious, really well-cooked kebab straight from the fire.

They returned to the kiosk at 07.05.
It was the eighth hour of solving the crime...

The investigator, taking material evidence from the trunk: a cigarette pack, a lighter and long-suffering slippers, picturesquely scattered them near the stall. The blood stains on the asphalt have not gone away during their absence. Then, with a businesslike air, he opened the folder and began to write a report on the inspection of the crime scene. Despite the ostentatious sloppiness, Aslan knew his business thoroughly, and Victor was calm about the competent collection of material. Taking the pen in his hands, the investigator did not say another word. He didn’t have the bad habit of telling detectives and police officers what to do. He also understood perfectly well that working with the district police officer would not be for show. No matter how skeptical they were about the instructions, we must honestly admit that the colonel said the right things. Only they are far from being first-year students, and the instruction itself could be reduced in time and volume of text by five times.
There were no video cameras hanging anywhere in the village, the agents of the operas planned to pull only in the evening. Also, on the horizon there were no crowds of conscientious citizens rushing to report the crime and the persons who committed it.
So we started with the classics. Household crawl.
Directly from the houses located near the stall. There's a chance that someone, something...
The first house was not opened to them. Either the owners had already run away to work, or were working at the base - in the backyards of their household they did not hear a knock.
In the second house, which looked slightly run down, the gate opened at their knock and a dark boy, about ten or eleven years old, came out.
Victor, who was walking ahead, immediately poked his head into the yard, not bothering to talk with the child; he needed one of the adults. But the opera's ears work like locators, and what he heard behind him made him turn around sharply.
The boy, who did not pay attention to the man in civilian clothes, saw the district police officer in uniform and shouted excitedly, with a pronounced Caucasian accent:
- It's not Dad's fault! They beat him!.. beat him!..
-Where is your dad? - the detectives and the district police officer reacted in one voice.
- He’s not at home, he went to his grandmother’s.
-Where does your grandmother live, can you show me?
- Yes, I'll show you.

Dzakhoev glanced sideways at the district policeman and the detective, who, accompanied by the boy, quickly jumped out of the gate and were going somewhere. But he didn't say anything. The investigator knew how his colleagues knew how to work.
However, when half an hour later they appeared with a man who was handcuffed to the opera, he was surprised:
- What, already?!
“Yes,” Victor answered, “the story is extremely simple.”
The guys are local, he is a migrant from Azerbaijan, he recently arrived, he has relatives in the village. Lives here with his family in a rented house. They got caught near the stall.
Word for word - horseradish on the table... There are two of them, and this carboxylated insecticide - grabbed the knife.
The result is known to us. Will you interrogate?
- No, not here, now I’ll write up the inspection report, another five minutes, and off to the department. There, in the office, as expected, we will call a lawyer for him... Everything - in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure!
The operative yawned; the investigator’s procedural difficulties did not bother him. For today, he and Yura have done their work. Although one could sympathize with the investigator. For them it is revelation, but for Aslan the work is just beginning. Protocols, interrogations, lawyers...

It was 07.45 on the clock. The eighth hour of solving the crime has ended.

“Okay, we got it done by the end of the shift,” Victor thought.

A day later, having appeared in the department, the operative learned from his boss that the meticulous Yurasov was not too lazy to ask the operative what had been done on serious crime- “I’ll cut off” two people at once, in the village of Seventh Farm?
And upon hearing that the next morning the crime had been solved and the suspect was detained, the colonel edifyingly raised his finger up and said importantly:
- This is what it means to properly instruct the duty outfit!

Today we would like to introduce you to acting. Director of the Center Klushkina Irina Vitalievna. Labor activity Irina Vitalievna began working in the social work system in 2002. She started social worker in the department of social services at home in rural areas. Serving big hopes, a promising young woman quickly found mutual language with the team and their wards (in those years, recipients of social services were called “wards”).

It is quite natural that Irina Vitalievna’s hard work and success in her profession were noticed by the leadership of the institution. In January 2006, the first increase in career ladder- Director of the center Saratovskaya Lyubov Pavlovna invited Irina Vitalievna to take the position of social work specialist.

Further, professional career the young specialist was just climbing up the career ladder. After a short time, Irina Vitalievna became the head of the department of social services at home, and then the deputy director for social issues. As reported in the first lines of our story, Irina Vitalievna is now acting. head of the institution.

During her work, Irina Vitalievna was awarded Certificates of Honor from the institution, the Pavlovo-Posad Department of Social Protection of the Population, the Head of the Pavlovo-Posad District, the Ministry social development Moscow region.

Whatever position Irina Vitalievna occupies, she always talks about her professional and human qualities can only be heard exclusively positive reviews. Tactfulness, friendly and sensitive attitude towards people is noted not only by Recipients of social services, but also by colleagues, among whom Irina Vitalievna enjoys well-deserved respect and authority! Under her leadership, any assigned tasks are solved competently and in as soon as possible. Natural charm, an open, understanding smile and elegance help Irina Vitalievna find a common language with any person.

Irina Vitalievna took place not only in professional activity. IN ordinary life she is a loving, faithful wife and wonderful caring mother. She carefully protects and preserves the warmth of her family hearth. IN free time Irina Vitalievna does not forget to devote time to sports. She especially loves winter sports such as skiing and skating. Such a wonderful and versatile woman works at the State Budgetary Institution SO MO “Pavlovo-Posadsky KTsSON” and does good with her work!

We hope that everyone who read this article liked our idea of ​​talking about the lives of our employees. We look forward to your feedback and comments!