I dreamed about rotten fruit. Eat exotic fruits

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Fruits- personify dreams of sexual relationships, the joys of love, and enjoyment of nature.

According to Freud, elongated fruits- are phallic symbols.

Tender peaches- a hint of female sexuality.

Beautiful, ripe fruits- happiness, love relationships and health.

Spoiled or unripe fruits- complications in personal life.

Freud's Dream Book

Most fruits, with a few exceptions like banana- symbolize the convexities of the female figure, that is, the breasts and buttocks.

Picking or eating fruits- symbolize sexual intercourse.

Large, beautiful and ripe fruits- symbolize a woman with a good (not flat) figure.

A woman who saw fruit in a dream- not satisfied with my figure.

A man who saw fruit in a dream- is attracted to women with pronounced curves.

The girl who saw fruit in a dream- tries to better understand her body and feels insecure about her attractiveness.

A young man who saw fruit in a dream- strives to quickly and closely get acquainted with this beautiful, but still distant object.

Various exotic fruits- symbolize your attraction to women of other races.

Rotten fruit or fruit with a wormhole- symbolize diseases of the genital organs.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Fruits in a dream- this is a symbolic reflection of your desires, as well as the opportunities to realize them.

Various fruits- have different meanings, as described in the relevant articles.

In general, strong, ripe and not too heavy fruits- portend you reliable success.

Fruits with thin skin and loose or overly juicy pulp- this is a sign of temptations and disappointments.

At the same time, juicy fruits with a strong and beautiful skin in a dream- portend you joy.

Unripe fruits- warn that your haste can harm your plans.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Fruits is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances you dreamed about fruits. Have you offered fruit to someone, or, conversely, has someone offered fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is connected with its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage- it means you have a future ahead that you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business.

Unripe fruits- a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a little for your dreams to begin to come true.

If you eat fruit in a dream- depending on their taste, you will experience either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and experiences, repentance (sour, bitter fruits).

Buying or selling fruit- symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream book for a bitch

Seeing ripe ones in a dream- luck and prosperity.

There are fruits- short-term pleasures and dubious luck.

Buy fruit- the deal will take place, but will not bring the expected benefits.

New family dream book

Seeing in a dream fruits ripening among the leaves- you can safely count on prosperity and a prosperous old age.

Green fruits

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit- She may lose her inheritance.

A dream in which you bought or sold fruits- means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that I saw or ate a ripe fruit- luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruit in a dream- an unfavorable sign.

Modern combined dream book

If you see fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream- such a dream usually predicts a brilliant future for the dreamer.

Unripe fruit- a sign of rash actions and unsuccessful attempts.

If a young woman dreams that she is eating green fruits- in reality she will face a moral decline and loss of inheritance.

There are fruits- usually a bad omen.

Trade fruits- a sign of a troublesome but unprofitable business.

Seeing or eating ripe fruit- means an uncertain future and unreliable pleasures.

Seeing a fruit seller in a dream- predicts that in reality, trying to quickly improve your affairs, you will make unprofitable deals.

Eastern women's dream book

Ripe fruits- dream of prosperity, green, unripe- to failure and illness.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

There are fruits- to a detailed dialogue with a person with whom you have a lot in common.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Buy rotten fruits at the market- means that you are very gullible, and everyone takes advantage of it.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fruits- large offspring; Orchard- happy marriage.

Women's dream book

Seeing fruits ripening among leaves in a dream- a sign of prosperity and success in the future.

Unripe, green fruits- mean wasted efforts and rash actions.

There are fruits in a dream- an unfavorable sign. A young woman has such a dream- portends moral decline or material loss.

Buy or sell fruits- to large but unprofitable transactions.

General dream book

You dreamed of fruits, but you can’t remember which ones.- a lucrative offer awaits you.

Wash fruits- to a profitable offer, but do not think about it for too long, otherwise it may be too late and luck will turn away from you.

Rotten fruit- a sign of disappointed hopes.

If you dreamed that you were buying fruit- you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.

In a dream you were given or treated to fruits- one of your friends or relatives will help you in business.

Sell ​​fruit- to good luck.

If you dreamed that you gave someone fruit- in the near future you will help one of your closest relatives or neighbors.

There are fruits- to lucrative offers.

In a dream you threw away fruit- luck can change you.

If you dreamed that you were picking fruit- know that your luck is in your hands.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Fruit trees- this is a wonderful sign that you will reap the fruits of your labors and your fertility in life.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Seeing in a dream a table set on which a wide variety of fruits are found in abundance- to the fact that you will soon plunge into a sea of ​​carnal pleasures. Don't be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the fullest outlet. Cast aside all doubts and fears - enjoy life. Don't reject others' feelings so you won't regret it later.

If in a dream you buy fruit- in real life you crave a love affair. But don't rush. Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If in a dream you hand someone a piece of fruit- in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person. If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage. However, in this case, you should take the initiative; if you don’t, the romance will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend- soon you will try to arrange his personal life. Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of his passion or find him a worthy match. In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Picking fruit- the dream says that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part. Even the most fabulous dreams can come true. Don't waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you. By the way, this time is the best time for creating personal happiness. It is quite possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

English dream book

Dreams about fruit- are interpreted depending on what fruit you dreamed about.

But to see in a dream many different fruits, both English and imported- means an unlimited increase in wealth, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family.

Various fruits- have different interpretations in dreams.

Italian dream book

Fruit- positive symbol. A kind of criterion of truth in relation to our behavior.

The more delicious, beautiful, natural, edible fruit- the more positive the result of our relationship is. It is a symbol of increasing positive human activity.

Dream book of lovers

If you dreamed that you were eating fruit- it means you will know the joy and excitement of meeting a pleasant man who will give you love, affection and tenderness.

Chinese dream book

Walking among the fruit trees- there will be material profit.

There are many fruits on fruit trees- indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Fruit growing work- fertile period of life. The late and most mature phase of an individual's life (the appearance of fruits after the trees bloom). Sexuality.

Symbolic dream book

Fruits- are gifts of nature to man as a result of his efforts (or as a gift - wild fruits).

Fruits in a dream as a result of labor- very symbolic depending on how they look (green, rotten, overripe, artificial...) the meaning will be appropriate, direct.

Eat the fruits- means reaping success.

Fruits- can symbolize joy, reward, love, knowledge, as well as troubles or failures, quarrels and separations (for example, in the image of an “apple of discord”).

Blooming orchard- one of the happiest stories - a symbol of future happiness.

Vegetables- in general carry more negative connotations of meaning. For example, vegetables growing on the ground and underground convey the corresponding meaning in a dream - like hard or useless work, lack, loss, sorrow (rotten, withered vegetables). In some cases, vegetables can act symbolically as pleasure and order.

And plants such as radish, horseradish, onions (onions)- too clearly indicate the severity, causticity, grief of events experienced in the future (or protection from a cold).

Culinary dream book

Ripe fruit- to prosperity in the future.

Green fruits- a sign of vain efforts and rash actions.

Modern universal dream book

A dream in which you see fruits- a sign of abundance. We can be prolific in our thoughts, relationships, and professional activities. The dream symbolizes a period of abundance, a time for obtaining results. What makes you happy in life now? Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor?

Pay attention to what you do with the fruit in your dream. If you eat fruit- perhaps this means that your body needs the beneficial substances contained in it.

If fruit in a dream makes you nervous- perhaps the dream is a warning about the forbidden fruit.

Pay attention to what fruit you eat- and think: do you have a dream right when these fruits are ripening or not; this will determine how harmonious you are with nature.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Fruits presented in all their variety on the dining table in your dream- symbolize anticipation of something new and very pleasant. You are probably expecting to receive an expensive gift from your partner soon. However, this could also be a long-awaited meeting after a long separation, a desire to enjoy all the joys of love and sex.

Eating any fruit in a dream- a sign that your cherished desires will come true.

Esoteric dream book

See and eat fruits- to strengthen fortitude, optimism, energy, which will bring success in different areas of life.

Dried fruits- you succumb to pessimism, but you have the power to perk up again and turn from a loser into a prosperous person.

Ukrainian dream book

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

And so on. Therefore, our dream book on the topic of fruits in a dream will be very long and informative. Also note: in the dream book, nuts, dates, and olives will be interpreted, so consider the concepts “fruit” and “fruit” in the dream book as identical designations of what the tree gives us.

Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: eating fruits in a dream means your well-being and health. They are mostly bright, sweet, and nutritionists recommend fruits as a source of glucose and healthy fiber. So everything is understandable. But further on in the dream book, such simple interpretations can give way to amazing revelations.
  • Dream interpretation: fruits in a dream are completely unripe, green, bitter - this is a sign of anticipation. You wait for them to ripen to enjoy them, and it will be the same in life. Be patient.
  • Dream Interpretation: selling fruit is an unprofitable business that you should not mess with. As in reality: fruit is a perishable product, so you need to have buyers and quick sales. The dream also warns: do not get involved in a business in which the basic preparatory work has not been completed.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

In the combined dream book, this section will tell you everything you wanted to know about certain fruits that appear in dreams. Further - many private interpretations.

  • Dream Interpretation: fruit on trees is a sign of prosperity and joy. Just reach out and take it!
  • Seeing fruits on trees in a dream and picking fruits means you will receive a worthy reward for your efforts.
  • Dream interpretation: buying fruit - you should pay attention to your surroundings. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: fruit on a plate - wait for guests on the doorstep.
  • Dream Interpretation: sweet fruits mean both a pleasant environment and good changes.
  • Dream Interpretation: sour fruits - something bad and offensive will happen.
  • Dream Interpretation: dried fruits - your marriage may be unprofitable.
  • Dream interpretation: drying fruits, boiling fruits in a dream - difficult times are coming.
  • Why dream of fruit seeds - you will see the results of your labors, no matter how small or grandiose they may be.
  • Dream interpretation: gnawing fruit seeds - you will get the most from your enterprise.
  • : This is a symbol of love relationships, but also temptation.
  • Pluck: your wishes will come true.
  • Peeling fruit in a dream: your hopes will not come true.
  • The dream “there is an apple, but it is tasteless” warns: you should be wary of rumors, as they may be false.
  • The dream “sweet apples” is a good sign. But nothing concrete.
  • Why do you dream of sour fruits: you may be forced to take any action against your will.
  • There is a wormy fruit: the dream speaks of trouble or annoyance that an initially profitable business can cause. (cm. )
  • Boiled fruits in a dream represent joy.
  • Baked fruits in a dream are interference in business.

  • They gave you an apple in a dream: if you are given it, then this is someone’s love for your person; if you give it, then you are figuratively offering your hand and heart.
  • Why do you dream about quince: make wishes - they will come true.
  • Rotten quince: you will be disappointed in the outcome of things.
  • Why do you dream of a plum: your desires are sheer obscenities!
  • Picking plums in a dream: you are inviting illness.
  • Why do you dream of prunes: a new acquaintance looms on the horizon.
  • Sour plums in a dream mean all sorts of minor troubles such as quarrels or mild illness.
  • Boiled plum in a dream promises only scandals and screams about nothing.
  • Sweet plums in a dream are a good sign. A small celebration and relaxation awaits you.
  • Drying plums: there will be a lot of slander around you.
  • : they promise you three boxes and that’s it.
  • Sour cherries in a dream: your hopes will be dashed.
  • Sweet cherry in a dream: your wishes will be fulfilled.
  • Dried cherries: joy, without “sourness”.
  • Why do you dream of peaches: certain events in your love affairs.
  • Picking peaches: you will attract good luck in life.
  • Eating peaches in a dream: you will experience bliss.
  • Rotten peaches: You will experience irritation and anger.
  • Sweet peaches: a minor annoyance.
  • : a period of prosperity has come in your life.
  • Why do you dream of apricots: dried - to fading health, old age.
  • : You will do an extraordinary thing.
  • Eating an orange in a dream: your health is enviable.
  • Peeling an orange in a dream: you will regret.
  • Buying oranges in a dream: your wishes will come true or you will gain unhealthy popularity.
  • Give an orange: you will become a participant in a strong quarrel.
  • : There is a large amount of pretense in your environment, plus sadness and melancholy may come over you.
  • Gave a pear in a dream: you may be deceived.
  • Eating a pear in a dream: the illusion of financial stability.
  • Why do you dream about lemon: you will get money.
  • Dream: squeeze a lemon - you will be dissatisfied with something.
  • Why do you dream of pineapple: a romantic adventure with a happy ending awaits you.
  • Eating pineapple in a dream: you will witness a happy occasion.
  • Why do you dream of olives: you should be more careful and not settle for frivolous pleasures.
  • Why do you dream about pomegranate fruit: a sign of fertility and wealth.
  • : there will be positive dynamics in business.
  • Eating dates in a dream means you will live prosperously and healthy.
  • Figs in a dream signify surprises in life.
  • Eating figs in a dream means you will experience pleasure and experience happiness in marriage.

New family dream book

  • Why do you dream of fruit on trees: expect prosperity and old age without worries. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of green fruits: unripe fruits mean fruitless efforts and actions without thinking.
  • Eating fruit in a dream: for a woman, such a dream foreshadows the loss of an inheritance.
  • Why dream of buying fruit: big deals, but not profitable in terms of profit.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating fruit in a dream means you shouldn’t count on luck; pleasures will be unreliable.
  • Eating fruit in a dream is an unfavorable sign in itself.

Gypsy dream book

This dream book will succinctly describe fruits and berries that you may dream about. Unlike the noble dream book, here the meaning of interpretations varies.

  • Apricot: contentment and exemplary health.
  • Orange: dreams of having fun.
  • : a sign of celebration, fun. It also means satisfaction with one's work.
  • Cherry: if black, then your loved one will deceive you; if it is red, then you can completely trust your lover(s).
  • : This is a sign of intimate abilities. If you ate them in a dream, then victory awaits you in this field.
  • Pear: You may be invited to a party at the last minute.
  • : There is a boat trip ahead.
  • Figs: if you eat them, you will gain new knowledge; see figs on a tree - you will meet a foreigner who will help with business.
  • : unexpected wealth will fall on your head.
  • Lemon: there is a risk of marrying a person of bad character. If you squeeze a lemon in a dream, then you will live from paycheck to paycheck. Drink lemon juice - you will become a participant in legal proceedings.
  • Olives: black fruits are a symbol of intimate powers, you will enjoy intimate communication with someone you already know; green fruits - you will enjoy an intimate relationship with a person you have yet to get to know.
  • : happiness in life together. Eating nuts in a dream means you are obeying your sexual desires. Cracking nuts - your work will bring in finances on demand.
  • Peach: traveling by plane.
  • Plum: even one who was considered completely unfaithful will show true loyalty to his friends.
  • Apple: green means periodicity in friendship, red means friendship you can rely on. Baked apples - expectations are followed by disappointments.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

What do fruits mean in a dream: an extremely positive image that speaks of your increasing activity. The tastier, larger and more beautiful the fruit, the more success you will achieve in reality.

Ancient French dream book

Seeing fruits in a dream: grief will be short-lived, they will be replaced by joy and confidence.

Ancient dream book of Zedkiel

Fruits in a dream are interpreted depending on what kind of fruit you dreamed about, in what form and under what circumstances. The dream book calls seeing a lot of fruits in a dream as an increase in wealth, a successful marriage and a happy family.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Oranges/tangerines: dream of illness.
  • Persimmons/peaches: you will be separated from a loved one for a short time.
  • Dates: a noble son will be born.
  • Pear: your financial condition will be shaken.
  • Dream interpretation: eating fruits indiscriminately, everything in a row is misfortune.
  • Eastern women's dream book
  • Why do you dream of ripe, unripe, green, rotten, dried fruits - only to illness and failure.

Miller's Dream Book: fruits

  • The dream book calls fruits and berries in a dream prosperity in the future. But if the fruits are still green, then you may commit a rash act.
  • Cutting fruit in a dream and eating it: for a woman, such a dream foreshadows loss of inheritance and moral decline.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting fruits and selling them - the deal will be large, but unprofitable.
  • A dream about fruits, in which you eat ripe fruits, means you can’t count on luck.

Esoteric dream book

  • Why do you dream about fruits: your spirit will become stronger, you will gain optimism, and you will experience success in life.
  • Why do you dream of dried fruits: pessimism prevails in you, but fortitude will help you overcome any complexes and make you a successful person.

Dream book of magician Yuri Longo

  • Interpretation of dreams: fruit on the table - soon you will plunge headlong into pleasure. You shouldn’t be afraid of your modesty, but it’s better to push it aside for a while so you don’t regret it later.
  • Choosing fruits in a dream and buying them: you crave love affairs. It’s better to understand your feelings first and take a closer look at people: maybe their intentions are not so serious?
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of fruits that you give to someone - you will take a direct part in his life. If this person is different from your gender, then you can start an affair that will lead to marriage. But all initiative from now on will have to come from you. If you gave the fruit to your friend, it means that you will try to arrange his life.
  • Picking fruit in a dream: a bright streak has finally arrived in life! Dreams will begin to come true. Don't waste your time, but take advantage of the moment! This is also the best time to arrange your personal life.

Loff's Dream Book

What does it mean to see fruit in a dream: this is a complex sign that is interpreted as a symbol of fertility, decline, and femininity. In some cases, such a dream can be considered as food, which only complicates the interpretation. But the dream book has the simplest interpretation of all those given - maybe someone offered you fruit the day before, or maybe your spring-summer season of abundance has finally begun?

Danilova's erotic dream book

Fruits undoubtedly have erotic connotations. Seeing fruit in a dream means anticipation of a new and very pleasant experience. You may soon receive a gift from your significant other. And seeing different fruits in a dream and trying them means that your wishes will come true.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

  • The dream “fruits on the table” says that there will be abundance and prosperity in the house.
  • Rotten fruits in a dream foreshadow crop failure and losses.
  • A stranger gives fruit in a dream - either good luck or trouble will fall on your head.
  • Stealing fruit in a dream means you will be in need.

Dream Interpretation of V. Samokhvalov

The psychoanalytic dream book, as always, has completely extraordinary interpretations:

  • Dream Interpretation: Growing fruits in a dream is the most productive period of your life.
  • Dream interpretation: fruits, bananas in a dream are an exclusively phallic symbol.
  • Dream Interpretation: fruits, persimmons, peach, figs – female lips.
  • In a dream, fruits, pears and melons symbolize breasts.
  • Apple: fruit of discord, forbidden fruit. Stealing apples in a dream: you are trying to achieve love, which by definition cannot belong to you. Such a dream advises a woman to keep to herself any desires for a relationship on the side, since she may expect retribution from another man.
  • Dream Interpretation: fruit is a clear sign of pregnancy.
  • Cherry: an exclusively “feminine” sign that symbolizes virginity.

Men's dream book

  • If you dreamed of fruits hanging between the branches of a tree, then you can envy your future: success will accompany you in all matters.
  • Unripe fruits mean haste in thinking and acting. But it’s worth waiting until the situation begins to change for the better.
  • The taste of fruit in a dream also matters: sweet and juicy fruits promise pleasant news/events; sour and bitter - mean repentance, sadness.
  • Buying/selling fruits in a dream means business that is large in scope, but small in its benefits.

Ukrainian dream book

The dream “vegetables and fruits” says that such a dream is all about failure, no matter what you dream about.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

And fruits are allegorically your dreams of intimate relationships, love adventures. If you eat fruits, but you gain strength and energy in reality, which is useful for exercising willpower. If the fruit is rotten in a dream, then your efforts will be directed to nowhere.

Culinary dream book

  • Green, not yet ripe fruits dream of empty efforts and actions without the mind.
  • Ripe fruits foretell prosperity in the future.

Love dream book

The more fruits you see in your dream, the more beautiful your life, the more children there will be in your family.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Fruits in a dream are your children. Seeing a garden with fruit in a dream means a successful marriage in all respects.

Symbolic dream book

  • The dream “fruits” are gifts of nature that a person receives as a result of his work in growing them. That is why they are so symbolic and the expression “fruits of labor” is so deeply rooted. If you eat fruits in a dream, then you are already receiving the first results of your labor. But fruits can also carry emotional overtones.
  • Fruity is the most positive sign of all fruit-related dreams. This is a symbol of great happiness in the future. The taste of a fruit in a dream also has its mark: sour ones bring disappointment in life, bitter ones promise the same bitter truth, bland ones - there will be equal numbers of black and white stripes, sweet ones - a well-deserved reward, success.

Idiomatic dream book

Interprets dreams from the perspective of stable expressions that can most succinctly and correctly describe your particular dream.

  • “Fruits of knowledge”: by eating fruits, you will gain new experiences.
  • “Apple of discord”: the cause of the conflict.
  • “Fruits of labor”: the results of your activities.
  • “Sour as a lemon”: you'll wince as soon as you bite into it.


As you can see from above, fruits are generally a positive sign. We also provided private interpretations of the most common types of fruits. The trend in the dream book is quite simple: fresh, ripe, juicy fruits always mean achievements in life, success, prosperity. Seeing a whole orchard is a real happy occasion that promises good changes. And bitter and sour, rotten, dried fruits mean, respectively, everything that is bad. We hope that in your dreams you will dream of juicy, bright fruits and in reality, every business will bear fruit!

The dream book has long been helping people decipher the images of dreams, giving them the opportunity to understand themselves and slightly lifting the veil of secrecy over the dreamer’s future. The interpretation of dreams, images, colors that we see in our sleep is a complex science, but the dream book is designed to find answers. Remember that the meaning of dreams cannot be underestimated, because it is the voice of your subconscious. Therefore, in our article we will introduce you to different interpretations about fruits.

Why do you dream of fruit?

Fruits are a delicacy that pleases with a variety of varieties. To find out why this or that plot is in your dreams, you should first pay attention to the variety that you often saw in your dreams, or the one that you remember best. A large number of dream books provide a personal interpretation for each of them. And also great importance is given to other properties, such as attractive appearance, ripeness, juiciness and place where it is located.

As a rule, fruits are interpreted as a favorable symbol, a messenger of prosperity, good luck, devoted love and great happiness. Very often, dreams and their interpretations help the sleeper better understand himself, his feelings and emotional state. Also, the interpretation of dreams can serve as a hint in accepting and setting life priorities, so we need to find out what fruits mean in dreams and what sign they symbolize.

Did you dream about fruit?

  • Surely the most common dream about fruits is the one in which you eat them. And as a rule, this dream is very good and means that soon prosperity will come in your life and your health will improve. If a sick person dreams of fruits, it means that he will soon get better and be cured of his illness. If you see them hanging on a tree and you want to pick them, expect an increase in your income.
  • For girls who dream of a prince, such a dream promises an unexpected meeting with their future groom.
  • If you saw wormy or spoiled fruits in a dream, this means someone else’s anger towards you. Remember who in your environment is least trustworthy, and it is better to stay away from such a person, otherwise you will face trouble.

What do such dreams portend?

  • If you dreamed of dried fruits, it means you are subconsciously dissatisfied with your husband or wife. There is probably a wedding ahead of you, which will not bring you the long-awaited happiness and pleasure. If you dreamed about dried fruits, it means troubles and problems, so it’s better to prepare for them in advance.

  • Peeled fruits in a dream are a bad sign, meaning imminent loss. You need to do everything necessary to protect your business from losses and your loved ones from problems.
  • If in a dream you are given a basket of fruits, a quarrel with someone is possible. Moreover, if you received a pear as a gift, then this is a deception, if oranges - a conflict. If you accepted apples as a gift, this is a sign of seduction; it is possible that someone secretly desires you.

Dream interpretation: fruits

  • Fruits are the personification of dreams about sexual relationships, the joys of love and enjoying nature.
  • Tender peaches indicate female sexuality.
  • Ripe fruits mean happiness, love connection and health.
  • Spoiled or immature - difficulties in your personal life.
  • Worthy - meanness, betrayal, an unexpected catch.
  • Large fruits mean good luck and success, small ones mean unjustified hopes.
  • Buying ripe fruits in a dream means profitable acquisitions, successful transactions that promise a good reward.
  • Giving someone a treat is temptation or flirting in reality. If you are treated to food, it means you will succumb to someone’s charm.
  • Collecting fruits from a tree (plucking, picking) means success and reward in the near future; picking from the ground means troubles and minor difficulties, but everything will end successfully.
  • Wash the fruits - love games and pleasure.
  • To eat (eat) - to succumb to temptation.
  • To see a dream where fruit is on the table is a successful completion of a deal or agreement.
  • If you dreamed of a fruit salad, it means they will try to seduce you with a lucrative offer, these can be beautiful words or romantic actions.

Freud's Dream Book

Next, let’s find out what fruits mean in dreams according to Freud’s dream book. Oblong-shaped plants such as the banana are seen as a phallic symbol and have long been considered a sign of fertility, wealth and courage. Therefore, seeing him in a dream is good luck.


If you see in a dream a lot of fruits, both English and imported, it means that your fortune will increase. You will also enter into a successful marriage and start a happy family.


I had a dream about apples - prosperity. Green and unripe - failure, illness.


As they say in the Islamic dream book, fruits in a dream foretell a person receiving what he so needs. Both the poor and the rich, if they see this symbol, will improve their financial situation in the near future. Yellow fruits mean a quick cure for the patient. If a lonely person dreams of fruits, this means that he will soon have a family, and childless people will have children.

Overseas fruits

  • Why do you dream about fruits according to N. Grishina’s Noble Dream Book? Exotic fruits are seen as a symbol of positive changes in the near future. Very soon an object will appear in the dreamer’s destiny that will inspire and give strength for further achievements.
  • If you dream of a pomegranate, it means sexual attractiveness, and victories on the love front will soon be observed. Moreover, you will maintain an untarnished reputation and will be able to avoid financial expenses.
  • If you had a dream with an abundance of fruit on the table, you will soon plunge into a sea of ​​carnal pleasures. If you want a love relationship in real life, then cast aside all doubts and enjoy the moment.
  • The Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong interestingly explains why persimmons are dreamed of. This fruit has a tart taste and combines sweetness and bitterness. Also in real life, the sleeper will have to experience both: illness, and then recovery; breaking up and then getting back together again.

Miller's interpretation

If you see fruits growing on trees in the garden, visible through the leaves, this means well-being and prosperity for many years. In addition, this symbol portends personal happiness. If you are single, then you will soon meet your soul mate. And those who have already met fate will have a romantic period in their relationship, in other words, a second honeymoon.

According to Miller's dream book, tangerines mean the following. If you ate the fruit, then you should analyze your relationships with other people. It’s better not to trust them so openly, otherwise you may run into problems. If a woman had such a dream, it means her husband will betray her.

See fruits in a dream

  • Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves means that you are guaranteed prosperity and a prosperous old age.
  • If you dream of green fruits, it means that vain efforts and thoughtless actions await you.
  • If a girl dreams that she is trying some kind of fruit, then she is on the verge of losing her inheritance.
  • A dream where you purchased or sold fruit means that large, but not particularly significant transactions are coming. If you dreamed that you ate a ripe fruit, your luck and joys in life will be unreliable. In general, eating fruit in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Dream Interpretation: fruits

  • Apricots - strong health and prosperity.
  • Oranges - future entertainment. Eat - you will have a good time.
  • Grapes - holiday, fun, celebration. Use - you are satisfied with your work and with yourself in general.
  • Cherry: black - a loved one will deceive you, red - you can trust your loved one.
  • Garnets mean that you have sexual power. Eating a pomegranate means a quick sexual victory.
  • Pears are an unexpected invitation to a party. Melons of any variety represent a water journey.
  • Figs - on a tree, an unexpected meeting with a foreigner who will bring you many good things, including in business. If you eat figs, you will gain new knowledge.
  • Strawberries are sudden wealth, both in the home and in business.
  • Lemon symbolizes struggle. It also means that you will connect your life with a person who has a complex character. If you squeeze juice from a lemon, you will be in financial trouble in the near future. Sucking a lemon is a lawsuit against you. Drinking lemon juice is a trial against your will.

  • Olives are a symbol of sexuality. Black fruits mean that you have an intimate relationship with someone you know ahead of you. Green - a close relationship with a person you don’t know, but will soon become friends with.
  • Nuts mean a marital idyll. Eating nuts of any kind means indulging your sexual thirst. Peeling - a highly paid job awaits you ahead, which can provide all your desires and needs.
  • Seeing peaches in a dream means traveling by plane.
  • Plums - eternal friendship. Someone whose loyalty and devotion you doubted will demonstrate loyalty to close friends.
  • Green apples - changeability in friendship. Ripe red fruits signify companionship that you can rely on and count on. Baked apples or in a pie - high hopes will be followed by bitter disappointments.
  • I had a dream about apples - this is a good sign that symbolizes friendship, sincerity and good health.

If you dreamed of tangerines

  • According to the modern dream book, eating a tangerine means being disappointed in the people around you.
  • If you treat small children in a dream, this means a kind attitude towards you.
  • Dousing yourself with juice is a nuisance.
  • A pregnant woman sees a blossoming tangerine tree in a dream - the birth of a healthy baby; if it’s a girl, it means the marriage will be successful.
  • If you follow the culinary dream book, a large number of tangerines means a visit from a guest. Most likely, it will be a distant relative who will bring valuable gifts with him.
  • Seeing ripe tangerines hanging on a tree is a sign of success and successful resolution of planned matters.

Why do you dream of red fruits?

Any dream book interprets the color red as a favorable sign, meaning a love adventure and productive cooperation:

  • For a woman, a dream about scarlet fruit promises a quick pregnancy.
  • For a man, he wants to meet a beautiful woman in the near future.
  • According to Miller's dream book, red fruits in a dream and green foliage are a favorable sign.


We found out what fruits mean in dreams. And in the end, I would like to say, no matter how accurate the interpretation of the dream, the dream book cannot predict your future one hundred percent. It is worth remembering that the final choice is always yours, your actions, thoughts and heart. And the interpretation of dreams only suggests the right direction.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fruits ripening among leaves in a dream usually predicts a prosperous future. Green fruits mean wasted efforts and rash actions.

If a young woman eats a fruit in a dream, this foreshadows her moral decline and loss of inheritance. Eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable dream.

Buying or selling fruits means large but unprofitable transactions.

Seeing or eating a ripe fruit promises you unreliable luck and pleasure.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Freud's Dream Book

Most fruits, with a few exceptions like the banana, symbolize the bulges of the female figure, that is, the breasts and buttocks.

Picking fruit or eating it symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Large, beautiful and ripe fruits symbolize a woman with a good (not flat) figure.

A woman who sees fruit in a dream is not satisfied with her figure.

A man who sees fruit in a dream is attracted to women with pronounced forms.

A girl who sees fruit in a dream is trying to better understand her body and is insecure about her attractiveness.

A young man who sees fruit in a dream strives to quickly and closely get acquainted with this beautiful, but still distant object.

Various exotic fruits symbolize your attraction to women of other races.

Rotten fruits or fruits with a wormhole symbolize diseases of the genital organs.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Family dream book

If you see fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream, you can safely count on prosperity and a prosperous old age.

Green fruits mean wasted efforts and rash actions.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, she could lose her inheritance.

A dream in which you bought or sold fruit means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

If you dreamed that you saw or ate a ripe fruit, your luck and the pleasures you receive will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruit in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Fruits in a dream are a symbolic reflection of your desires, as well as the opportunities to realize them.

Different fruits have different meanings, which are described in the relevant articles.

In general, strong, ripe and not too heavy fruits portend reliable success for you.

Fruits with thin skin and loose or overly juicy pulp are a sign of temptation and disappointment.

At the same time, juicy fruits with strong and beautiful skin in a dream portend you joy.

Unripe fruits warn that your haste may harm your plans.

Why do you dream about fruits?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Eating fruit means a thorough dialogue with a person with whom you have a lot in common.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Summer dream book

Buying rotten fruit at the market means that you are very gullible, and everyone takes advantage of it.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fruits - large offspring; orchard - a happy marriage.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of fruits, but you cannot remember which ones - a lucrative offer awaits you.

Washing fruits is a lucrative offer, but do not think about it for too long, otherwise it may be too late and luck will turn away from you.

Rotten fruit is a sign of disappointed hopes.

If you dreamed that you were buying fruit, you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.

In a dream, you were given or treated to fruit - one of your friends or relatives will help you in business.

Selling fruit is good luck.

If you dreamed that you gave someone fruit, it means that in the near future you will help one of your closest relatives or neighbors.

Eating fruit means great deals.

In a dream you threw away fruit - luck can change you.

If you dreamed that you were picking fruit, you know that your luck is in your hands.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing and eating fruits means strengthening your fortitude, optimism, and energy, which will bring success in different areas of life.

Dried fruits - you succumb to pessimism, but you have the power to perk up again and turn from a loser into a prosperous person.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream is a sign of prosperity and success in the future.

Unripe, green fruits mean wasted efforts and rash actions.

Eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows moral decline or material loss.

Buying or selling fruits means large but unprofitable transactions.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Modern dream book

If you see fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream, such a dream usually predicts a brilliant future for the dreamer.

Unripe fruits are a sign of rash actions and unsuccessful attempts.

If a young woman dreams that she is eating green fruit, in reality she will face a moral decline and loss of inheritance.

Eating fruit is usually a bad omen.

Trading fruit is a sign of a troublesome but unprofitable business.

Seeing or eating ripe fruit denotes an uncertain future and uncertain pleasures.

Seeing a fruit merchant in a dream predicts that in reality, trying to quickly improve your affairs, you will make unprofitable deals.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Eastern dream book

Ripe fruits are a dream of prosperity, green, unripe fruits are a sign of failure and illness.

Why do you dream about fruits?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream, you can safely count on prosperity and a prosperous old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she may lose her inheritance.

A dream in which you bought or sold fruit means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

If you dreamed that you saw or ate a ripe fruit, your luck and the pleasures you receive will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruit in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of wasted efforts and rash actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Seeing a table set with a wide variety of fruits in abundance means that you will soon plunge into a sea of ​​carnal pleasures.

Don't be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the fullest outlet.

Cast aside all doubts and fears if you buy fruit: in real life you crave a love affair.

But don't rush.

Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at those around you and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hand someone fruit, in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a member of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative; if you don’t, the romance will end in nothing.

If you offer the fruit to your friend, you will soon try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of his passion or find him a worthy match.

In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Picking fruit: the dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the most fabulous dreams can come true.

Don't waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best time for creating personal happiness.

It is quite possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from