Is there a recording of Kurt Cobain's death? What We Should Remember About Kurt Cobain: His Love for Music and Heroin

Dead body Kurt Cobain was found on April 8, 1994, in the greenhouse above the garage of his Seattle home. A gun lay across the body, and a suicide note lay nearby. According to the official version, the idol of an entire generation committed suicide. Millions of fans don’t believe this and blame his wife for Kurt’s death Courtney LOVE. The film crew of the British television channel BBC also tried to understand the tragedy. We will present the main data that reporters obtained during the journalistic investigation.

Investigation into the death case Cobain was carried out formally. No one was embarrassed that the contents of the suicide note could be interpreted as a desire to leave Nirvana, and not to leave life. The last four lines were written by someone else, and there are no fingerprints on the gun or shell casings.

Kurt's blood contained 1.5 mg of heroin, to which he had been severely addicted since 1991. According to the detective Tom Grant, based on analysis of 1500 similar cases, a person with such a dose of drug in his body simply could not lift a gun. Doctor Colin Brewer thinks differently:

I have met patients with twice the dose of heroin in their blood, despite this, they were able to move. In addition, this drug begins to act only a minute after administration.

According to Grant, who conducted his own investigation, Cobain's death was Courtney Love.

She married him for the sole purpose of getting rich and famous, the detective believes.

Even her father Hank, in one of his two books about Courtney, wrote: “It is quite possible that my daughter is a murderer.”

Frightened, she ran 5 thousand miles away

In 1991, Love began to pursue Kurt, trying to marry him. Ambitious, persistent and unprincipled, she wanted to achieve fame and money at any cost. Back in 1980, Love detailed her plans, calling them “My Future”: “I will achieve everything. I will destroy everyone who gets in my way!”

Leader cult rock band was a tempting prey. Before meeting him, Courtney tried to do the same trick with rockers Roz Ruserbeck, Billy Corgan, Erik Erlandsen,James Morland, but the scale was not the same. With the soft and complex Cobain, everything burned out. His girlfriend’s pregnancy pushed him to take the decisive step in 1992. Even when Love was expecting a baby, she used heroin. This confession to a Vanity Fair journalist caused a scandal. Since then, Courtney and her lawyers have stood in the way of the slightest attempts to unearth the “fried” facts.

Love poured a bucket of slop on Rose Rezerbeck, who said that she used men, but at the same time was not so good in bed. To the reporter Victoria Clark attacked in a bar screaming: “I will never forget you, scum! You will regret that you were born!” She grabbed me by the hair, dragged me out into the street and started beating me. Later Victoria received a call from Cobain:

If your trashy book hurts my wife, you're finished! I could easily hire someone to do this for a couple of grand.

The frightened woman drove 5 thousand miles away.

Lawyers threatened Courtney and BBC television crews. Under their pressure, the channel stopped funding the filming. But before that, the journalists managed to learn one very interesting story related to the investigation of Tom Grant.

This private detective is sure that Courtney had been hatching the idea of ​​getting rid of her husband for a long time and found the hitman. With the frontman of the rock band “The Mentors” Eldon Hawk, performing under the name El Duce, Love was brought together by a local pimp. He enjoyed the reputation of an inveterate scoundrel, a reckless, always drunk savage. Sometimes he had sex during performances. According to Hawk, Courtney offered him $50,000 to kill Cobain, but he allegedly refused.

“We had to take it,” El Duce grinned, looking into the lens of the BBC video camera. “She wanted it to look like suicide.”

A few days after the interview, the chatterbox was hit and killed by a train. His testimony was confirmed by a witness, but during the interrogation the man was high and his revelations were not included in the case. And soon he disappeared without a trace...

They fought over the will

According to the nanny of Kurt and Courtney’s daughter, who opened her mouth in front of a video camera for the first time, everything last weeks Before Cobain’s death, they only talked about the musician’s will. They quarreled terribly, Love pressed him, he wanted to leave.

He was driven to suicide, the girl believes.

Grant echoes her:

The reason Cobain was killed was money. He wanted a divorce, in which case Courtney would only receive half of the $177 million, and she wanted everything.

Kurt's best friend Dylan, who bought him the fatal gun, does not believe in the murder version. Yes, he and Courtney argued, but whether he wanted to leave her, his friend does not know.

If I believed that Courtney was involved in Kurt’s death, I would have killed her,” Dylan admitted to the television crew.

He loved her, but their relationship was absolutely unhealthy, kept on LSD, says the nanny’s friend Chelsea.

They were completely different. Courtney enjoyed the wealth, but Kurt was burdened by the huge house, he was embarrassed to ride in a limousine, and forced his wife to return the Lexus he bought.

He's cute and she's a vampire, a harpy. Kurt is quiet, and she is a bundle of energy, says close girlfriend Cobain - Annie.

Cobain's only love before Courtney - Tracy Miranda, with whom he lived for three years in his youth. She also talks about him with great warmth, but also remembers her boyfriend’s oddities:

He was fascinated by everything repulsive. Kurt made a collage “Pathologies of the Vagina”. He saw enough of them while working as a cleaner in a hospital. But look, on my wall I have his painting “The Embryo.”

Cobain also loved to shoot with a pneumatic gun from her house into the building opposite, and at the age of 17 he wrote the song “Madrid and Suicide.” Yes, and he tried to take his own life until April 1994...

Kurt Cobain and Nirvana. Until the second half of 1991, the grunge band that played was known only to young people who were especially into rock. But by the end of the year, Nirvana's popularity crossed the borders of the United States and spread throughout the world.

The musicians of Nirvana were drug addicts and they did not hide this fact either during the existence of the group or later. Formally, of course, it was believed that they were overcoming this illness, undergoing appropriate treatment, fighting it with all their might and even winning, but in fact, drugs, incl. and heroin were present in their lives all the time.
In 1990, Kurt Cobain met the leader at a concert in Portland female rock band"Hole" by Courtney Love. Kurt was already 23 years old, Courtney was 26. The latter was married at that time. Subsequently, it became known that Courtney Love saw Nirvana perform back in 1989 and became interested in Kurt even then. After Nirvana made a rapid leap to fame in the summer and fall of 1991, Courtney intensified her contacts with Kurt, which resulted in an “unplanned” pregnancy and, as a result, a love marriage, concluded in Hawaii at the end of February 1992. In In August of the same year, the couple had a girl, Frances Bean.

By the beginning of 1994, marital relations began to heat up. Energetic and tough, prone to dominance, Courtney Love put pressure on her husband, demanding preparations for a world tour planned for the summer and fall of 1994. Kurt's fee for participating in it was supposed to be $ 9.5 million and Courtney already had plans for that. where to invest this money. In 1993, she bought two land plots with houses in Washington state and in the future did not refuse to buy real estate... Cobain himself was thinking about leaving Nirvana and starting solo career. He was not interested in spending time on a world tour, even for the sake of several million dollars; Kurt Cobain already had enough money for everything and he understood perfectly well that it did not add happiness. It is clear that the discrepancy between the interests of husband and wife automatically led to increased tension in the family. It even got to the point that at the end of March, Courtney Love turned to Nirvana lawyer Rosemary Carroll with a request to find her the “most evil” divorce lawyer.
On the morning of April 8, 1994, Gary Smith, an alarm system installer who came to Kurt Cobain's house to install an alarm in the garage, discovered the body of the house owner in the greenhouse above him.
According to the official version of events, Kurt Cobain, who was in a state of drug intoxication, committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a shotgun. The place of suicide was the so-called greenhouse, a room with a glass roof above the garage, in which there were boxes with soil for planting flower seedlings. Kurt locked himself from the inside, suicide note, written in his own hand, he left in one of the boxes with soil, piercing it with a fountain pen.

A photograph taken by a paparazzi sitting in a tree. You can see the position of the body on its back, small things folded at arm's length from the corpse.
Lawyer Rosemary Carroll reported the first reasonable suspicions of the murder of Kurt Cobain to detective Tom Grant. According to her, on April 5, 1994, Courtney Love came to her and left her backpack. A few hours later, Courtney was detained by police as being "high" in public place and spent the night of April 6 at the police station. Rosemary began to suspect that Courtney deliberately left the backpack with her so that it would not fall into the hands of the police in case of arrest. Opening it, the lawyer found sheets of writing paper on which Courtney Love... practiced reproducing the letters and letter combinations inherent in Kurt Cobain's handwriting. This seemed suspicious to the lawyer, but nothing more, since at that moment nothing was known about Kurt’s death. However, after seeing a few days later allegedly suicide letter Kurta, the lawyer drew attention to the obvious difference in the handwriting in which it was written - approximately 3/4 of the letter actually came from the hand of Cobain, who had the habit of writing in small handwriting with a backward slant and block letters, but the last part was a postscript made by someone else. .. but imitating the musician’s handwriting.
Rosemary Carroll's suspicions find a lot of objective confirmation. We list the main ones:
- The police claimed that the front door was west side was locked from the inside, and the balcony door to the east was blocked by a stool. At first glance this is indeed the case, the castle front door was in fact closed, however, it was impossible to block the balcony door with a stool in principle. This is clearly visible in police photographs.
- The official version says that before his death, Kurt Cobain drank a can of beer, smoked a cigarette and injected himself intravenously with heroin. According to the coroner's report, morphine was found in his blood at a concentration of 1.52 mg/l, which means that he injected himself with 75-80 mg of heroin at a time. A lethal dose when administered intravenously is considered to be 10-12 mg, even for experienced drug addicts who have increased tolerance (tolerance) to morphine, 75 mg is certainly a lethal dose. When it is administered, a rapid collapse develops, the person loses consciousness so quickly that he does not even have time to remove the syringe from the vein! According to forensic statistics obtained by Tom Grant, such overdoses occur in less than 2% of heroin overdose deaths. And in all these cases, the dead are found with a needle in a vein! How was Kurt Cobain able to inject himself with such a monstrous dose of the drug, and then remove the syringe, put a cap on the needle and put the syringe in a box?

According to the police report, the shotgun from which the suicide fired the shot was located between Kurt's legs with the fore-end up. Kurt held its barrel with his left hand, on which there was a trace of a burn; the trigger was pressed right hand- this all seems logical for a right-hander.
However, when the shotgun was positioned with the fore-end up, the ejection of the spent cartridge should have occurred to the right side for the shooter, i.e. towards the right knee. More precisely, far from him, about 3 meters. It was there, near the wall on the right side of the corpse, that the cartridge case should have been located. Why did the cartridge case end up near the left knee? Because the shot was fired in the normal position of the shotgun, i.e. with the forend down, and in this position the cartridge case was extracted to the left of the corpse, hit the wall and rolled away from it back to the body.
- On the shotgun, which was the weapon of “suicide,” only 4 smeared fingerprints were found, the identity of which could not be determined. Considering that Kurt examined the shotgun in the store, practiced loading and unloading it there, and then walked around the house with it, the cleanliness of the surfaces of the weapon seems very strange. Obtaining clear fingerprints and palm prints from a weapon is indeed problematic and is not always possible due to the presence of curved or corrugated surfaces, which prevent a tight fit of the hand to parts of the weapon, however, in in this case suspiciously not low quality fingerprints, but their number is small. It's hard to escape the feeling that the shotgun was carefully wiped down after firing. Unfortunately, the author does not know anything about whether Kurt Cobain’s fingerprints were found on the box of cartridges and the cartridges themselves, those that the suicide loaded into his shotgun. He definitely had to touch them!
- Courtney Love, as detective Tom Grant found out, had already attempted to kill Kurt Cobain or, to put it mildly, actions that could have led to his death. For example, on May 2, 1993, Courtney Love called 911, reporting a heroin overdose. Then Kurt was saved, however, a blood test showed a high content of Valium, buprenophrine and codeine in it (in addition to morphine). Cobain himself denied taking these medications. With her back to the wall, Courtney admitted that she injected her husband with these strong sedatives “to save him.” In fact, they enhanced the effects of morphine. Anyone would normal person was killed by such a “rescue”, however, Kurt’s high tolerance to morphine allowed him to survive until the doctors arrived. Another suspicious incident took place on March 18, 1994, i.e. less than 3 weeks before the notorious “suicide”. Then Courtney called the police to the house, saying that her husband was threatening her and her daughter with a weapon and declaring his intention to commit suicide. The arriving police found Kurt Cobain in the bathroom, he was unarmed and very surprised by their appearance. The incident actually could have ended very badly for Kurt, because... the police, believing that they were dealing with an armed psychopath, could use their weapons without hesitation.
- An important argument of opponents of Cobain’s suicide: a drug addict has no need to combine an “overdose” with other types of suicide. When choosing between a firearm and a “golden shot” (i.e., a lethal dose), a drug addict always chooses an overdose - this is an axiom. Kurt Cobain had no money problems and could have provided himself with an overdose if he really wanted to leave this best of all worlds.
- There is no need for a suicide bomber to equip a shotgun with 3 rounds. After all, he only needs one!
- A forensic examination of Kurt Cobain's corpse was carried out by a young medical examiner, Nicholas Harsthorn. It was he who made the final diagnosis of “suicide,” which automatically stopped all investigative actions of the police. Less than a year later, Harsthorn retired from the coroner's service and began to lead the lifestyle of a bored playboy - he was fond of extreme sports, flew hang gliders, jumped from cliffs and skyscrapers, and traveled the world. A young doctor, who several years ago did not have money to study at the university and took out a loan for this business, suddenly ceased to need anything. Several years passed before it turned out that Harshthorn was a good friend of Courtney Love, and for many years. As a student, Nicholas organized discos to which he invited the latter with her rock band. After several years have a fun life The playboy died tragically when his parachute did not open during a long jump from a 700-meter cliff. It's a shame, Nicholas Harsthorn certainly had a lot to say about his girlfriend Courtney.
- Antonio Terry, the detective who conducted the inquest into the death of Kurt Cobain, died tragically. Just 2 months after the death of the musician, a detective was shot and killed while on duty. This was the first police killing in Seattle since 1985. What an unpleasant coincidence...
- Among fans of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain for a long time there were rumors that Courtney Love was trying to find a hired killer to kill her husband and for this purpose turned to to different people from the music scene. In 1998, film director Nick Broomfield, who was making a documentary about Cobain, decided to deal with this legend. Imagine his surprise when he found such a person. It turned out to be former rock musician El Duce, who not only did not refuse a conversation with the director, but also agreed to repeat his story on the record. Courtney Love, according to El Duce, offered him $50 thousand to kill Kurt. “I should have agreed!” the witness finished his story with a laugh. 11 days later he died tragically under the wheels of a train.
- Kristen Pfaff, bass guitarist of the band "Hole", led by Courtney Love, had a huge quarrel with the latter in June 1994. A few hours later, Kristen was found dead, the cause of death being a drug overdose. At first glance, nothing surprising, if not for one “but” - Kristen packed her things and bought a ticket to Minneapolis, where she was going to go the next morning. She had no reason to commit suicide; on the contrary, the girl hoped to see her mother and called her a few hours before her death.
According to Tom Grant, Kurt Cobain did not have any suicidal thoughts and did not intend to commit suicide. Apparently there was a lot of pressure on him because he didn't want to go on a big tour around the world, there was a lot of money at stake, and he was preventing some people from making it. Kurt had reason to worry about the safety of his daughter and his home on Lake Washington. It was for the purpose of protection that he purchased a shotgun.
There was no suicide. Kurt was drugged with ultra-pure heroin, and the person who gave him the dose was not aware of the true amount of morphine in it. That is why Kurt was actually killed before the shot was fired. However, the killer, without knowing this, implemented the previously developed plan, i.e. fired a shot into the mouth, holding the unconscious body by the hair in a sitting position. After the shot, he let the body fall and laid the shotgun with the fore-end up, thereby making a mistake that he overlooked either due to haste or nervous tension.
After this, the killer left in a box with soil " Farewell letter", falsified in advance by Courtney Love, who added an ending that was not originally there. To make the fake, she used one of the options for Kurt’s appeal to fans, of which the musician wrote several. When leaving the scene of the crime, the killer took with him bank cards Kurt (3 pcs.), for which I unsuccessfully tried to withdraw money from different parts Washington state until the morning of April 8. Perhaps these cards were promised to him as an additional "bonus" for the murder. By the way, his awareness of pin codes clearly indicates this person’s connection with someone from Kurt Cobain’s inner circle, or the musician himself (strictly speaking, only one card required entering a pin code; for the other two, authorization by phone was sufficient - This technology existed before the mass introduction of chip cards (however, in the context of the topic raised, these details are unimportant).

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In April 1994, the guitarist and vocalist of the legendary rock- Nirvana, who played grunge. Many years have passed since then, but posters with his image are still in demand, and his music is still popular among fans of rock culture. So what was the cause of Kurt Cobain's death?


The future rock star was born on February 20, 1967 in Aberdeen (Washington State, USA). His mother, Wendy Elizabeth, was a housewife, and his father, Donald Leland Cobain, was an auto mechanic. In 1970, another child appeared in the family - daughter Kimberly.

The Cobains' ancestry indicates English, Irish, Scottish and German roots. Back in the late 19th century, the ancestors of a musician from the county Northern Ireland Tyrone moved to Canada (Cornwall, Ontario), and then to Washington.

The boy's musical abilities manifested themselves quite early: he wrote his first song at the age of four, describing a trip to the park in it. Interest in music was reinforced by the fact that many family members were musicians:

  • Uncle, Chuck Fradenburg, played in The group Beachcombers;
  • An aunt, Mary Earl, was a guitarist in local bands;
  • My great-uncle was a singer (tenor) and even played in films (“The King of Jazz”, 1930).

At the age of seven, he began learning to play the drums, receiving the instrument as a gift from his aunt, and at 14, he began mastering the guitar, a gift from his uncle, under the guidance of Warren Mason (musician of The Beachcombers).

Besides musical abilities, Kurt also demonstrated artistic ones. His grandmother was an artist and strongly encouraged the development of skills in this direction.

The Cobain family broke up when Kurt was only nine. This event left a special imprint on the entire later life boy. According to him in my own words, he was ashamed of his parents and the fact that he did not have a full-fledged family like before. At first he stayed with his mother, but when she remarried, the relationship with his stepfather did not work out and he had to move in with his father. Relationship with new family Father's didn't work out either. The difficult teenager had to lead a nomadic life, living either with his father’s parents or with relatives on his mother’s side.


IN adolescence Kurt Cobain became interested in rock culture, in particular punk and hard rock (“grunge”). At the age of 14, he became acquainted with musicians local group Melvins, who played in this direction. In the same company he met future Nirvana bass player Krist Novoselic.

In 1984, Kurt returned to his mother’s house, but soon he had to leave there, because she did not want to hear about her son’s admission to college. art college and gave him an ultimatum: “either go to work or get lost.” The young man wandered around the houses of friends for almost two years and even managed to live under a bridge.

He founded his first rock band, Fecal Matter, with bassist Dale Crover and drummer Greg Hokanson. The team did not exist for long and did not release a single disc, but the dream of musical career firmly ingrained in Kurt's mind.

A few months after the first group broke up, Nirvana was founded. It included:

  • Kurt Cobain (lead singer, guitarist, songwriter);
  • Krist Novoselic (bass player);
  • Chad Channing (drummer).

The name “Nirvana”, remembered by millions, was not invented right away. New team Before that, it changed several names: “Skid Row”, “Ted Ed Fred”, “Bliss” and “Pen Cap Chew”. The first composition, “Love Buzz/Big Cheese,” was released in 1988, and a year later the first album, “Bleach,” was released.

The second album, “Nevermind,” unexpectedly for the musicians brought them to the pinnacle of fame, making Kurt Cobain an idol of the masses. Such sudden popularity not only did not please, but even irritated the lead singer, who considered his group to belong to the “independent rock scene”, playing music “not for everyone”.

In order to get rid of his adoring fans, Kurt makes his second album “In Utero” even darker and harder to perceive, but such efforts have the opposite result - his music is again on the first lines.

The group did not interfere in politics and did not make any public statements, however, Cobain himself spoke out in defense of the rights of women, pro-choice and sexual minorities, which is why he sometimes received threats.

How did Kurt Cobain die?

Kurt had always been quite sickly. So, in childhood he was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which was corrected with medication. Much later, doctors diagnosed “Manic-depressive psychosis,” noting the hereditary nature of the disease.

At the age of thirteen, the boy began using drugs. First, marijuana and LSD, and from 1986, heroin, addiction to which became severe by 1991. When it turned out that Courtney Love was expecting a child, Kurt went to rehab with her, however, after the Australian tour he returned to heroin again.

The last years of the musician’s life were especially difficult: depressive state, severe addiction and overdoses, scandals with his wife and friends who tried to convince him to go to rehabilitation again.

On April 8, 1994, an electrician discovered the rock star's body on the floor of a greenhouse. The musician, who was fond of shooting and had several guns, shot himself in the head. The way Kurt Cobain died mirrors the death of his father's brother, who took his own life many years earlier.


Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love met in 1990 in Portland, where their bands performed, and got married on February 24, 1992. wedding ceremony took place on a Hawaiian beach. At that moment, the couple was expecting a child.

The only daughter of Nirvana lead singer, Frances Bean Cobain, was born on August 18, 1992. She was only two years old when Kurt Cobain died. IN currently girl who inherited from her father artistic ability, is a famous artist.

Life story legendary musician was quite difficult, but his music, even after so many years, remains in demand, popular and loved by millions of people.

23 years ago, on April 5, 1994, the famous rock musician, leader Nirvana group Kurt Cobain. Official reason his death was called a suicide, although his method led fans to put forward the theory of a contract killing. Although these guesses have not been confirmed over time, the musician’s biographers admit: people who could have saved Cobain from death still existed, but were inactive.

Some researchers believe that suicide was the logical conclusion of the path that the musician had to take throughout his life, and that the preconditions for the manic-depressive disorder that arose in him were laid in childhood. When he was 9 years old, his parents divorced, which was a heavy blow for him: “I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn’t communicate with my classmates because I really wanted to have a “decent” and complete family. Like everyone else,” the musician admitted. Common language He couldn’t find a stepfather, and he had to live either with his grandparents or with relatives on his mother’s side.

As a teenager, he learned that his uncle Barl had committed suicide by shooting himself in the stomach. After this, Kurt became depressed: “I spent hours in my bedroom strumming my guitar. I had no idea that because of my reclusiveness, the girls considered me a great original and constantly hit on me. My few friends were simply surprised by this fact, because I was far from handsome. However, none of the contenders managed to “promote” me, since at that time it seemed to me that I was a homosexual. In fact, it was real misanthropy.”

Sometimes he had attacks of unmotivated vandalism - he could cause a pogrom in someone's apartment. Due to constant stomach pain, he became addicted to strong painkillers, and this addiction soon developed into a drug addiction.

When his friends tried to save him, it was already too late. At the end of March 1994, they persuaded him to undergo a rehabilitation course, but two days later the musician escaped from the clinic. Some modern experts argue that doctors would have been able to help Cobain if they had noticed in time that he had manic-depressive psychosis and, before treating him for drug addiction, had sent him for a consultation with a psychiatrist. His wife Courtney Love or friends could have insisted on this, but this did not happen.

The body of the deceased was discovered by an electrician during a routine inspection of the alarm system. This happened 3 days after death. No signs of violence were found, so official version became suicide. As it turned out, the musician shot himself in the mouth with a gun. The door was locked from the inside, there was a suicide note on the table - everything pointed to suicide.

The greatest suspicions and doubts about the suicide version among fans were caused by the fact that before making the shot, Cobain made an injection - a dose of heroin was found in his blood, three times higher than the lethal dose, as well as traces of a tranquilizer, which enhances the effect of narcotic drugs. Many argued: in such a state, he simply would not have been able to carry out his plans, and he would not have had time - in this case, death should have occurred within a few seconds. And what was the point of this shot if death was already inevitable? In addition, the lock on the door was automatic, and it could be closed from any side by simply slamming the door hard.

The musician's wife, Courtney Love, was also named among the suspected organizers of a contract murder staged as a suicide. The reason for this was their frequent quarrels, there were rumors that Cobain was going to divorce her and even wanted to rewrite the will, removing his wife from it. She was confused in her testimony and claimed that she was trying to get her husband off drugs, but this turned out to be untrue - after all, she herself was a drug addict. However, the version of Courtney Love's involvement in the murder has not been officially confirmed. Although fans still do not believe in Cobain’s suicide, they accuse his wife, if not of complicity, then of connivance, and express more and more new assumptions.

After Cobain’s death, his mother told reporters: “I was sure that everything would turn out this way, but I was not able to fix anything. He told me that people want him dead, that such an outcome is quite logical. Just fate, nothing more than “the continuation of the history of rock and roll.”

Kurt Cobain became another member of the “27 Club” - after all, he was not the first musician to die at this age. And for others they became fatal

On the eve of another anniversary tragic death Nirvana vocalist and guitarist American police have released photographs related to the case of his suicide on April 5, 1994. As the police explain, this was done in order to counter conspiracy theories surrounding the death of the iconic musician.

The website of the police department of the American city of Seattle contains photographs related to the case of Kurt Cobain's suicide, in particular, the gun with which the leader shot himself is shown legendary group Nirvana

Also on display is a photo of Cobain's suicide note, his home, his documents and personal belongings.

According to AP, the pictures were taken in June last year, and police recently decided to make them public.

Detective Mike Ciesynski, who investigated Cobain's death, says he reviewed several documentaries I read articles and watched TV shows about conspiracies surrounding the musician’s death. "They're all very interesting. I can see why people have questions about the case," he says.

To address a number of questions and dispel some myths, he decided to publish photographs related to this case.

The gun that killed Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain's suicide note

Mike Ciesenski urges us not to come up with any new theories about this case.

"Sometimes people think that... it was a conspiracy. It's absolutely not true. It's suicide. This case is closed," he says.

The portal site recalls that on April 8, 1994, an electrician named Gary Smith arrived at the Cobain home, located at 171 Lake Washington Blvd East in Seattle, at 8:30 a.m. to install a security system.

Smith called the house several times, but no one answered the door. Then he noticed a Volvo car parked in the garage next to the house, and decided that the owners of the house were probably in the garage or greenhouse, which was located directly above the garage.

Smith checked the garage, then walked up the stairs to the greenhouse. Through the glass door of the greenhouse, Smith noticed the body and assumed that someone was sleeping, however, upon closer inspection, he saw blood near the left ear and a gun lying across the body. This is how Kurt Cobain was discovered.

At 8:45 a.m., Gary Smith called the police and the local radio station. Kurt left a suicide note, written in red pen.

The protocol for the inspection of the scene of the incident was drawn up formally, without in-depth analysis details. According to one version of the investigation, Cobain injected himself with a dose of heroin that was incompatible with life and shot himself in the head with a gun.

Also, criminologists concluded that Kurt died on April 5 and his dead body stayed in the house for three days. There is also an assumption about the intentional murder of Kurt. Even Courtney Love was unofficially included in the list of suspects.

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