Scientists identify the stages of development of society. Society development

Income and expenses from investment activities (income from investments and from the sale of non-current assets)

Income and expenses for financial activities(interest on loans, etc.)

Other income and expenses

Profit/loss before tax

Income tax

Profit/loss before distribution

Payment of dividends (income to owners)

Balance sheet (net) profit/loss

Other profit distribution

Retained profit/loss


Profit distribution plan is a logical continuation of the financial results plan and is necessary primarily for shareholders and for understanding how much profit is distributed among shareholders and how much remains at the disposal of the company.

The document calculates the profit before distribution and the profit remaining at the disposal of the company after payment of dividends.


Profit/loss before distribution: distribution for payment of dividends on preferred shares (in JSC); distribution for payment of dividends on ordinary shares (in JSC); distribution for payment of income to owners (in LLCs, etc.)

Balance sheet (net) profit/loss: distribution to reserve and other funds

Retained profit/loss Balance sheet plan records the strengths and weaknesses of the company from a financial point of view at the moment. Any single element of the balance sheet by itself means little, but when all the elements are considered in relation to each other, it allows us to judge the financial position of the company.

When designing balance sheets for a further period, the initial balance sheet must be taken into account, as well as the peculiarities of the company’s development and the results of its financial activities.


1. Assets. A. Non-current assets: fixed assets (residual value); long-term financial investments. B. Current assets: stocks of raw materials and supplies; unfinished production; finished products; accounts receivable; advances to suppliers; cash; Other current assets. Total assets.

2. Liabilities. A. Own capital: authorized capital; retained earnings; losses. B. Borrowed capital (accounts payable): long-term liabilities (debt on government loans; debt on long-term loans); short-term liabilities (debt on short-term loans; accounts payable; advances from customers; settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds; settlements with personnel). Total liabilities.


TO basic documents financial plan the following requirements apply:

Convergence - indicators and items of the financial plan must converge and together create a holistic financial picture;

Interconnectedness - financial plan indicators must be interconnected and calculated on the basis of certain initial data (indicators);

Consistency with accounting - financial indicators must be presented in such a way that, based on them, it is possible to create aggregated accounting data;

Convenient design - the design should be clear and understandable, and on the other hand, quite professional.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are necessary for Russian companies in several cases, in particular if the company attracts foreign investment or plans to place shares. IFRS is also useful for companies that can afford to transform reporting, since IFRS characterizes the company’s performance and financial condition more accurately than Russian standards. Such information can be useful for analysis, management decision-making, and provision to shareholders and investors.

The world is distinguished two main prototypes of IFRS:

1) IAS (International Accounting Standards)- international standards used to provide reporting to international stock markets;

2) GAAP (General Accepted Accounting Principles)- American reporting standards used in preparing reports for the American stock market and investors.

Basic principles of IFRS:

Valid assumption - means that the company will operate for a period sufficient to fulfill its existing obligations;

Constancy - means that the company’s accounting policy, other things being equal, should not change for several years;

Accruals mean that income and expenses must be recognized in the periods to which they relate, regardless of the fact of payment.

Financial planning technology consists in the sequential development of sections of the financial plan according to a certain logic: some sections are developed on the basis of data from other sections.


Project financing strategy consists in applying financing schemes in a certain sequence based on the individual characteristics of the project and the factors influencing it.

There are three main types of financing strategies:

1) financing from own funds;

2) financing from borrowed funds;

3) mixed (complex, combined) financing.

When implementing a financing strategy The following financial instruments (financing schemes) can be used in combination: sale of a share to a financial investor; sale of a share to a strategic investor; venture financing; strategic alliances; joint ventures, limited partnerships, partnerships; closed (private) placement of securities; public offering of securities (IPO); access to Western financial markets (depository receipts); grants and charitable contributions; research and development agreement; offset; bank loans, lines of credit, loans; commercial (commodity) loan; state credit (investment tax credit); leasing; bond loan; issue of a bill; project financing; insurance of export operations; government funding; franchising; factoring; forfaiting; tolling

Planned indicators are calculated based on forecast values ​​based on an analysis of future influencing factors, and from the logic of calculation tables. In the practice of financial and business planning, the following planning indicators are used:

Investment payback period;

Rate of return on investment;

Net present value;

Profitability level;

Internal rate of return on investment;

Group of liquidity indicators;

Group of business activity indicators;

Group of capital structure indicators;

Group of profitability indicators;

Group investment indicators. Cash flows are determined mainly by calculation based on planned sales indicators (prices and volumes), purchases, payment terms, tax rates and payment terms, data on financing, wages, purchase of fixed assets, etc. - all affecting cash flows factors.

Information support for calculations consists in the selection of reliable primary information:

Values ​​of variables in calculation formulas;

Numerical measurement of factors influencing planned indicators.


When business planning, the following technological processes (stages) are distinguished:

1. Collection and analysis of preliminary information.

2. Preparation of technical specifications and calendar plan for the development of a business plan.

3. Collection of detailed information on all sections of the business plan.

4. Analysis, processing of information, preparation of sections of the business plan.

5. Preparation of a business plan.

6. Control of the content of sections and the accuracy of financial calculations.

7. Preparation of several versions of a business plan (depending on the target audience).

8. Printing and binding copies of the business plan.

Customer of the business plan are legal and individuals those carrying out entrepreneurial and investment activities, the conditions and results of which are analyzed and predicted in the business plan.

The developers of the business plan are companies specializing in the field of marketing activities, design, teams of authors, and individual authors. If necessary, consulting firms and experts are involved.

There are two main approaches to developing a business plan. The first is that the business plan is drawn up by a hired group of specialists, and the initiators of the project participate in it through the preparation of initial data. Another approach is when the project initiators themselves develop a business plan, and guidelines obtained from specialists, in particular from potential investors.

When developing a business plan, terms of reference and calendar plan(operating schedule). When developing a business plan by consulting firms, these documents are drawn up in writing and agreed upon by the parties (customer and contractor). When developing a business plan, company employees are allowed not to draw up these documents, but it is necessary to agree between the manager and the specialist on the main parameters defined in these documents.

Technical task must contain a description of the essential requirements, limitations and parameters of the expected result of the work on developing a business plan. The terms of reference may contain a description of the mechanisms of relations between the customer and the contractor.

Calendar plan must contain a list of all stages of the work being carried out with their planned start and end dates. Key indicative dates for the completion of particularly significant stages are especially important.


Can be used for business planning different types financial, economic and business models. The choice of a specific model depends on the feasibility and possibility of using it for this business plan. Many models are designed as a computer program, or, conversely, many programs contain built-in models.

Any model used must comply with generally accepted principles of economic modeling.

To create a model, it is necessary to select typical aggregate indicators (items) of reports and detailed indicators (items) of reports in accordance with the characteristics of the company (project), as well as determine the input parameters, formulas for calculating target indicators depending on the values ​​of variable factors and the form of presentation of the final (output) ) information for the user of the model.

Incoming and Outgoing Model Data may be in different combinations. The main thing is to create an interconnected dynamic comprehensive picture of the company or project for a set period, to predict financial performance and financial condition. The given planning period is divided into reporting periods, for each of which you can see the required indicators.

Concept of business model (business model) broadly used to refer to the way a company generates profit from its activities.

Formally, the company's business model is associated with the economic component of the strategy, with the income-cost-profit ratio, with actual and planned income from the sale of the company's goods, with the competitive strategy, with the cost structure, income level, profit flows and return on investment. The company's business model is designed to ensure that the strategy is effective in terms of generating profits. Consequently, the concept of a business model is narrower than the concept of business strategy. Strategy determines how a company competes and conducts business.(without touching on specific financial results and the consequences of competition), and the business model, based on the profit and cost indicators obtained as a result of the application of this strategy, ensures the viability of the company. A long period of operation in its business area and stable, satisfactory profits indicate that the company has a successful business model that confirms the profitability and viability of its strategy.


Buisness process- transformation of input elements into output or several related works or procedures that together implement the specific goal of current activities within the existing organizational structure (S. Kovalev). In essence, business processes are the movement of material, information and financial flows. A special kind business processes are projects - business development processes. A project is a one-time unique process aimed at implementing changes.

Models are being developed to manage business processes. The following are distinguished: MAIN STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS PROCESS MODELS:

1. Isolation of business processes:

It is necessary to begin the selection by identifying the types (directions) of activity;

Then it is necessary to determine the starting and ending points of the processes;

Long and large processes can be divided into several subprocesses;

Distribution of processes by type (basic, supporting, management, development);

Linking initial and endpoints processes.

2. Ranking of business processes in order to evaluate them according to the following criteria:

The importance of the business process;

Problematic business process;

Ability to carry out business process changes.

3. Description of business processes, which is carried out horizontally and vertically in the following sequence:

Determining the goals of describing business processes;

Description of the business process environment;

Description of the functional structure of business processes;

Description of business process flows;

Building business process flow diagrams;

Drawing diagrams of business process algorithms;

Building an organizational structure of business processes.

4. For correct description it is necessary to determine the format (standard) of the description. The most common description methodologies are: DFD, IDEF0, IDEF3, SADT, ORACLE, BAAN, ARIS. Many methodologies are built into the corresponding software products.

5. To build a business process model, it is advisable to use a computer program. The most well-known business process modeling programs are: ARIS; BPwin; BAAN EME; Design/IDEF; Visio; Business engineer (website program

There are several manufacturers of financial modeling tools on the Russian market: Expert Systems (Project Expert program); AltInvest; MS Project; financial analyst calculators (developed by A. Vasina); website

The developed programs allow you to implement short time complex processes of modeling and analysis of investment projects, analysis of the financial condition of the company, promptly obtaining the necessary information.

Financial newspaper" (regional issue), 2008, N 10.
Article by the Company's Lead Auditor, A. Vagapova.

It is a rare organization that has to avoid losses in its activities. Moreover, these can be both losses from individual transactions within the framework of the main activity, and losses from other transactions, from the activities of auxiliary production, etc. At the same time, the accountant must be careful when any losses occur, since in accounting they are recognized in the period of their occurrence, and in tax accounting, the procedure for their recognition depends on the nature of the transaction. Let's look at some of them.

Loss from the sale of goods, materials, property rights

Such a loss is taken into account in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 268 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation at a time during the period of its occurrence. That is, there are no provisions for recognizing such losses.

Example 1

During the reporting period, the organization sold the remaining Construction Materials at a price of 30,000 rubles. (without VAT). The initial cost of such materials was according to tax accounting 35,000 rub. The resulting loss is RUB 5,000. will be recognized in this reporting period at a time.

Loss from the sale of depreciable property

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 268 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, losses from the sale of depreciable property are included in other expenses of the organization in equal shares over the period, which is defined as the difference between the period beneficial use of this property and the actual period of its operation until the moment of sale.

Example 2

The organization sold a set of furniture for 250,000 rubles. (excluding VAT). The residual value of the furniture according to tax accounting data was 280,000 rubles at the time of sale. The remaining service life of the furniture is 30 months. Loss from the sale of furniture in the amount of RUB 30,000. can be taken into account by the organization within 30 months in equal shares, i.e. monthly 1000 rub. (30,000:30).

It would seem that everything is simple. However, in practice many questions arise.

For example, a controversial situation exists when losses arise from the sale of residential premises. In Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 10, 2006 N 03-03-04/2/137 it is noted that residential premises are not subject to depreciation. The loss received from the sale of housing assets is taken into account in accordance with Art. 275.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Provisions of Art. 268 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are applied only when selling non-residential buildings.

However, according to this issue there is judicial practice that is positive for the taxpayer. Thus, the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated March 14, 2006 N F09-1422/06-C7 in case N A50-31093/05 states that residential premises are depreciable property.

An additional argument in favor of taxpayers can be the fact that Art. 275.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation determines the procedure for taxing the activities of service industries. The sale of apartments does not apply to such activities.

Another problem arises when implementing fixed assets, when calculating depreciation for which special coefficients were used, for example cars valued above 600,000 rubles, leased property.

According to Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 19, 2007 N 03-03-06/1/14, when calculating the period during which the loss from the sale of leased property is included in expenses, a special coefficient is applied. That is, the period for writing off the loss is equal to: the useful life adjusted by the coefficient, minus the actual service life of the leased property until the date of its sale.

The issue, of course, is controversial, since the coefficient is applied not to the useful life, but to the depreciation rate. But there is no judicial practice on it.

How to take into account losses from the sale of equipment under conservation? After all, such property, according to clause 3 of Art. 256 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is excluded from depreciable property. At the same time, the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 12, 2005 N 03-03-01-04/1/253 states that such losses are taken into account according to the rules of clause 3 of Art. 268 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. As a result, organizations find themselves at a disadvantage. The period for writing off losses in such situations will be equal to: useful life minus the period of actual operation before sale. Thus, the time during which the object was mothballed is excluded from the calculation, which leads to an increase in the period for accounting for losses.

It should be noted that the rules of paragraph 3 of Art. 268 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation applies only to operations for the sale of depreciable property. If an organization liquidates an operating system, then expenses in the form of residual value and other costs associated with liquidation are non-operating expenses that can be taken into account for profit tax purposes at a time (clause 8, clause 1, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Loss from the sale of rights to land plots

First, you need to decide which land plot has been acquired by the organization.

  1. If a plot of land is acquired in state or municipal ownership, on which buildings, structures, structures are located, or which are acquired for the purpose of capital construction of fixed assets on these plots, then when determining the procedure for writing off losses, it is necessary to apply Art. 264.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraphs. 3 clause 5 art. 264.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the loss from the sale of the right to a land plot is included in the taxpayer’s other expenses in equal shares during the period for writing off expenses for the acquisition of rights established in accordance with paragraphs. 1 clause 3 art. 264.1, and the actual period of ownership of this plot. The period for writing off expenses is set at the choice of the organization: at least 5 years or the period during which the organization will annually recognize expenses in the amount of no more than 30% of the tax base of the previous tax period until complete write-off.
  2. If a land plot is purchased that does not meet the criteria of Art. 264.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, then it is regarded as other property, the loss is taken into account in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 268 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, i.e. in full during the period of its occurrence.

Losses from the activities of service industries and farms

According to Art. 275.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a loss received from the use of facilities of service industries and farms can be recognized in full in the period of its occurrence only if the following conditions are met:

  • if the cost of goods (work, services) sold by a taxpayer carrying out activities related to the use of service facilities corresponds to the cost of similar services provided by specialized organizations carrying out similar activities related to the use of such facilities;
  • if the costs of maintaining housing and communal services, the socio-cultural sphere, as well as subsidiary farming and other similar farms, production and services do not exceed the usual costs of servicing similar facilities carried out by specialized organizations for which this activity is the main one;
  • if conditions provision of services, the performance of work by the taxpayer does not differ significantly from the conditions for the provision of services, the performance of work by specialized organizations for which this activity is the main one.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, the loss received by the taxpayer while carrying out activities related to the use of facilities of service industries and farms may be carried forward for a period not exceeding 10 years. At the same time, only the profit received from carrying out these types of activities can be used to repay it.

Example 3

The organization has a dispensary. The cost of services, maintenance costs, and conditions for the provision of services do not correspond to similar organizations for which this activity is the main activity. In 2006, the organization made a profit of 150,000 rubles, the dispensary received a loss of 55,000 rubles. In the tax return for 2006, the organization will reflect the tax base in the amount of 150,000 rubles. In 2007, the organization and the dispensary made a profit, respectively: 60,000 rubles. and 30,000 rub. In accordance with Art. 275.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an organization can in 2007 reduce the profit of a dispensary by 30,000 rubles. As a result, the tax base will be equal to 60,000 rubles.

Losses from the sale of securities

Clause 8 of Art. 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation defines two types of securities: traded and non-traded on the organized market. In this case, organizations are required to take into account the tax base for such securities separately. This requirement is directly related to the procedure for recognizing losses on transactions.

So, according to paragraph 10 of Art. 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, losses from transactions with securities not traded on the organized securities market, received in the previous tax period (previous tax periods), can be attributed to the reduction of the tax base from transactions with such securities, determined in the reporting (tax) period . In this case, losses from transactions with securities traded on the organized securities market, received in the previous tax period (previous tax periods), can be attributed to the reduction of the tax base from transactions on the sale of this category of securities.

During the tax period, the carry forward of losses incurred in the corresponding reporting period from transactions with securities traded on the organized securities market and securities not traded on the organized securities market is carried out separately for the specified categories of securities, respectively, within the limits of profit received from transactions with such securities.

Thus, profit from core activities is not reduced by the amount of these losses.

The opposite situation occurs if a profit is made from transactions with securities, but a loss is made from the main activity. The loss on core activities is reduced by the amount of profit from transactions with securities.

Example 4

At the end of 2007, the organization received a profit from its core activities - 400,000 rubles, a loss from transactions with securities not traded on the organized securities market - 10,000 rubles, and profit from the sale of securities traded on the organized market, — 15,000 rub. The tax base for 2007 will be equal to: 415,000 rubles. (400,000 + 15,000).

In 2008, the organization received a loss from operating activities in the amount of 120,000 rubles, profit from transactions with securities not traded on the organized securities market - 180,000 rubles, and a loss from the sale of securities traded on the organized market, — 5000 rub. The tax base for 2008 will be 50,000 rubles. [-120,000 + (180,000 – 10,000)].

It is necessary to note that losses from transactions with securities can be transferred only for 10 years (clause 10 of Article 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Losses from operating activities

According to paragraph 8 of Art. 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if in the reporting (tax) period the taxpayer received a loss (negative difference between income and expenses determined in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), in this reporting (tax) period the tax base is recognized as equal to zero. The procedure for recognizing losses received is determined by Art. 283 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

This article provides two options for accounting for losses received:

  1. taking into account the loss received in the previous year in full when calculating the tax base of the current period;
  2. partial transfer of losses to the future.

Article 283 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for a limitation on the timing of the transfer of losses. They can only be transferred within the next 10 years.

An organization that reduces the tax base for income tax by the amount of a loss must have available documents confirming the amount of the loss incurred during the repayment period of this loss.

Losses from the sale of claims

These losses are taken into account for tax purposes in the manner set out in Art. 279 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Two situations are considered in which losses from the assignment of rights may arise:

  • the assignment occurs before the payment deadline (clause 1 of Article 279 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In e in that case the loss is recognized in an amount not exceeding the amount of interest that the taxpayer would have paid taking into account the requirements of Art. 269 ​​of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for a debt obligation equal to income from the assignment of the right of claim, for the period from the date of assignment to the date of payment stipulated by the contract for the sale of goods (works, services).

Example 5

On March 2, 2007, a trading organization (assignor) assigned the right to demand fulfillment of an obligation by the buyer (debtor) in the amount of RUB 295,000. to its supplier (assignee) for RUB 240,000. The assignor's right of claim arose on the basis of a supply agreement, according to which goods worth RUB 295,000 were shipped to the buyer on February 27, 2007, including VAT - RUB 45,000. The payment deadline according to the agreement is March 20, 2007.

Loss from the assignment of the right of claim - 55,000 rubles. The period from the date of assignment to the date of payment is 21 days, income from the assignment is 240,000 rubles, the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia in the reporting period is 10.5%, the rate for calculating the maximum interest amount is 11.55% (10.5 x 1 ,1), the amount of loss accepted for tax purposes is 1,595 rubles. , the difference between the loss accepted in accounting and tax accounting is 53,405 rubles. (55,000 - 1595).

Thus, in accounting, a permanent tax liability will be accrued for the amount of loss not accepted for tax purposes:

  1. D-t 99, K-t 68 - 12,817 rubles. (53,405 x 24/100);
  2. the assignment occurs after the payment deadline (clause 2 of Article 279 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In such a situation, the loss is accepted for tax purposes in the following order:

  • 50% of the amount of the loss is subject to inclusion in non-operating expenses on the date of assignment of the right of claim;
  • 50% of the loss amount is subject to inclusion in non-operating expenses after 45 days from the date of assignment of the right of claim.

Example 6

Let's change the conditions of example 5. Let's assume that the assignment was made on March 20, 2007, and the payment deadline in accordance with the terms of the agreement is March 2, 2007. In this case, the loss from the assignment of the claim is 55,000 rubles.

The amount of loss to be included in non-operating expenses for the purpose of calculating the tax base for income tax as of the date of the agreement is RUB 27,500. (55,000 x 50 / 100).

A deferred tax asset was accrued from the second part of the loss:

  • D-t 09, K-t 68 - 6600 rub. (27,500 x 24/100).

The amount of loss to be included in non-operating expenses for the purpose of calculating the tax base for income tax 45 days from the date of assignment (May 5, 2007) is RUB 27,500. (55,000 x 50 / 100).

At the same time, the deferred tax asset is written off:

  • D-t 68, K-t 09 - 6600 rub.

The new creditor, upon further exercise of the right to claim the debt, reflects these transactions as the sale of financial services, the income from which is determined as the value of the property due upon the subsequent assignment of the right of claim or termination of the corresponding obligation (clause 3 of Article 279 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). When determining the tax base, the taxpayer has the right to reduce the income received from the sale of the right of claim by the amount of expenses for acquiring the specified right to claim the debt. For example, if the assignee sold what was purchased for RUB 240,000. the right to claim for 250,000 rubles, then for tax accounting purposes a profit in the amount of 10,000 rubles will be reflected. If the assignee sold what was purchased for RUB 240,000. the right to claim for 230,000 rubles, then for tax accounting purposes the tax base will be equal to zero, since the accounting of losses for these transactions is not provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A.Vagapova JSC "Gorislavtsev and K."

The company has the right to reduce the profit received from the sale of shares and interests by the amount of loss from operating activities received in previous periods or the current year. The Russian Ministry of Finance and the Russian Federal Tax Service have the same point of view.

The following situation often occurs in practice. A company whose main activity is not related to securities trading (production, consulting, etc.) buys shares and shares of another organization. Then, having sold them with a positive financial result, the company decides to reduce the tax profit from the sale of these shares and shares by the amount of losses from the main activity received based on the results of previous years or the current year. Does the company have the right to do this?

The nuances are more and income tax

From the point of view of tax legislation, everything is not so clear. The object of taxation is the profit received by the company (Article 247 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Profit is income reduced by the amount of expenses incurred. The latter are determined in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code. According to the provisions of this chapter (Article 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), sales income is recognized as proceeds from the sale of goods (work, services) both of one’s own production and those previously purchased. A product is any property sold or intended for sale (Article 38 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, goods also include securities.

The specifics of determining the tax base for transactions with securities for non-professional participants in the securities market are established in Article 280 of the Tax Code. In our case, the company is a non-professional participant. Therefore, it must determine the tax base for transactions with securities separately from the tax base for other transactions (clause 8 of Article 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The financial result of an activity can be either profit or loss. A loss is the negative difference between income and expenses that the company took into account for tax purposes (clause 8 of Article 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). A company that received a loss in the previous tax period (periods) has the right to reduce the tax base of the current tax period by the entire amount of such loss or part of it (carry forward losses to the future). At the same time, the Tax Code does not establish whether a company can reduce the amount of carryover loss from activities taxed under general rate taxation on income from activities taxed at other rates (and according to a separately formed tax base). For example, the general provisions of Article 280 of the Tax Code have only some clarifications and restrictions (clause 10 of Article 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). They relate to the possibility of reducing profits from the sale of securities (traded and not traded on the securities market) by losses from transactions with non-identical categories of securities received in the previous tax period. The tax legislation does not contain any other clauses in this regard.

Thus, the Tax Code establishes a restriction according to which, when calculating the tax base, profit from core activities cannot be reduced by the amount of loss received from transactions with securities (clause 1 of Article 283, clause 10 of Article 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation ). At the same time, the document does not limit the possibility of reducing the profit received from transactions with securities by the amount of loss received from the main activity. This point of view is shared by the Russian Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service of Russia. According to the departments, when calculating the tax base, profit received from the sale of securities can be reduced by the amount of losses from the main activity (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 19, 2012 No. 03-03-06/1/666, Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Moscow dated 07/09/2007 No. 20-12/065007@). Moreover, if the amount of loss from core activities exceeds the profit received from transactions with securities, there is no taxable object (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 13, 2010 No. 03-03-06/2/192, dated March 27, 2009 No. 03-03 -06/1/194, dated 02/16/2009 No. 03-03-06/1/68).

Arbitration practice is developing mainly in favor of companies. In 2008, the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation issued a resolution in which it indicated that the company lawfully reduced the profit received from transactions with securities by the amount of loss from its core activities (Regulation of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2008 No. 14908/07). This position was previously supported by other courts (reg. FAS VSO dated 03/14/2007 No. A74-3010/2006-F02-1162/07, FAS UO dated 05/04/2007 No. F09-3120/07-S3, FAS SZO dated 09/18/2006 No. A56-60070/2005, FAS UO dated December 11, 2006 No. F09-10959/06-S7). Let us note that there is a small practice with the opposite opinion (post. FAS VVO dated 04/23/2007 No. A43-17598/2006-35-680, dated 10/02/2006 No. A17-4962/5-2005). The arbitrators indicated that the income tax base for transactions with securities is determined separately from transactions for the sale of goods (works, services). Tax legislation does not provide for the possibility of a company reducing the profit received from transactions with securities by the amount of loss from its core activities. Nor does it provide for the possibility of reducing profits generated from all types of activities by losses received from transactions with securities.

The procedure for filling out the declaration (Procedure for filling out the income tax declaration, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 22, 2012 No. ММВ-7-3/174@ (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure)) also speaks in favor of the companies. According to clause 5.5 of the Procedure, the base for calculating income tax (line 100 of Sheet 02 of the declaration) is formed taking into account the base for transactions with securities reflected in line 100 of Sheet 05, provided that the value of this line is positive (clause 13.7 of the Procedure).

Thus, the tax base for transactions with securities with a positive value is included in the calculation of the entire income tax base for the current year. This makes it possible to reduce the income tax base for losses of both the current year and previous years. Consequently, the company has the right to reduce the profit received from the sale of shares and interests by the amount of loss from its core activities. However, as noted above, judicial practice is contradictory. Therefore, there is a possibility of a dispute with tax authorities on this issue. At the same time, the opinions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as the position of the courts (including the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation) are in favor of the companies. This indicates a fairly high probability of defending in a tax dispute the legality of reducing profits from the sale of shares and shares by the amount of loss from core activities.


From an accounting point of view, the situation of reducing the profit received from the sale of shares and interests by the amount of loss from core activities is quite acceptable (see example). The overall final financial result of the company’s activities is reflected in account 84 “Retained earnings/uncovered loss.” The resulting debit or credit balance is transferred to it from account 99 “Profits and losses”. It is obtained as a result of reducing negative turnover (loss from core activities) by positive turnover (income from the sale of securities).

According to the Instructions (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts accounting financial and economic activities of organizations, approved. By order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions)), account 90 “Sales” is intended to summarize information on income and expenses associated with the normal activities of the company, as well as to determine the financial result for them. The loss from core activities is reflected in the final entries in the debit of account 99 “Profits and losses” and the credit of account 90.

Income and expenses arising from transactions with securities for an organization that is not a professional participant in the securities market are classified as other (clause 7 of PBU 9/99, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n, clause 11 of PBU 10 /99, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n). In accordance with the Instructions, they are recorded in the same account 91 “Other income and expenses”. In this case, entries in subaccounts 91-1 “Other income” and 91-2 “Other expenses” are made cumulatively during the reporting year. A monthly comparison of debit turnover in subaccount 91-2 and credit turnover in subaccount 91-1 determines the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month. If income is received from transactions with securities, this balance is written off from the debit of subaccount 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses” to the credit of account 99 “Profits and losses”.

In the fourth quarter of 2012, Aktiv LLC acquired 100% of the shares of Passive JSC, not traded on the Securities Market, in the amount of 230,000 rubles. The main activity of Aktiv LLC is the provision of its own property for rent. At the end of 2012, revenue from the provision of property for rent amounted to 100,000 rubles. (excluding VAT), and expenses - 150,000 rubles. (excluding VAT) (expenses were formed mainly due to interest payments on the credit line received for the purchase of property). At the end of 2012, Aktiv LLC sold all 100% of the shares of Passiv JSC, purchased earlier. Their estimated cost is 500,000 rubles.

In the accounting records of Aktiv LLC, these transactions will be reflected as follows:


100,000 rub. — revenue from the main activity is reflected;

DEBIT 20 (26) CREDIT 60 (76, 70, 69)

150,000 rub. — expenses for the main activity are reflected;

DEBIT 90-2 CREDIT 20 (26)

150,000 rub. — reflects the cost of the main activity;

DEBIT 90-9 CREDIT 90-2

50,000 rub. (150,000 - 100,000) - reflects the financial result of the main activity (loss);


500,000 rub. — revenue from the sale of securities is reflected;


230,000 rub. — the cost of securities is reflected;

DEBIT 91-1 CREDIT 91-9

270,000 rub. (500,000 - 230,000) - reflects the financial result of the sale of securities (profit).

The final financial result for all activities of the company:

DEBIT 99-2 CREDIT 90-9

50,000 rub. — loss on core activities;

DEBIT 91-9 CREDIT 99-1

270,000 rub. — profit from the sale of securities;

DEBIT 99-1 CREDIT 99-9

220,000 rub. (270,000 - 50,000) - the total profit is reflected.

Balance Reformation:


  • 220,000 rub. — total profit for 2012 is reflected.
Expertise of the article: Vyacheslav Gornostaev, GARANT Legal Consulting Service, auditor


The generalized results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise are contained in the financial statements: Form No. 1 of the balance sheet indicates the total amount of accumulated profit or uncovered loss at the beginning and end of the reporting period, and Form No. 2 - the profit and loss statement - deciphers the source data for the formation of the financial result. In addition, using Form No. 2, you can track all types of profit (gross, from sales, before tax, net) and determine the profitability of the organization.

Compare the data from line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered lesion)" Form No. 1 of the balance sheet among themselves: the excess of the indicator at the reporting date over the value at the beginning of the year indicates the profitable activity of the enterprise during the reporting period. But analysis for a single date does not reflect the real picture, so to determine profitability consider data for at least 1 year, that is, 5 reporting dates.

A constant increase in the value of retained earnings indicates competent management of income and expenses. A decrease in the indicator means lesion, even if it is expressed as a positive number. At the same time, if at the beginning of the analyzed period the value in line 1370 is negative, but during the year it tends to zero or higher, we can talk about the enterprise’s gradual recovery from the crisis and profitable activity.

Basic information about the company's profits and losses is contained in the report of the same name. Evaluate the overall financial result on line 2400 “Net profit ( lesion)". A separate indicator indicates the result of financial and economic activities as of the reporting date, so draw conclusions based on the values ​​of several periods, that is, in dynamics.

To summarize the information, draw up an aggregated profit and loss report in the form of a table: list the lines of the report in the vertical range of values, and the dates in question in the horizontal range. If at the end of any of the time periods under consideration there is a decrease in the indicator, analyze the formation of profit at each stage to find the source of the loss.

To determine gross profit, subtract from the amount of income from the main activity - revenue from the sale of goods, products, services, work without VAT. Then calculate the profit from sales, gross profit on the total amounts of commercial and administrative expenses.

Next, estimate other income, including from interests in other entities such as subsidiaries, and interest receivable. Add them to your sales profit and then subtract interest and other expenses to get your pre-tax profit.

To obtain the net profit or loss, calculate and subtract from profit before taxes current income taxes, tax penalties, and, if necessary, reflect changes in permanent tax assets and liabilities.

Profit is the positive financial result of an organization, that is, when income exceeds expenses. Otherwise, we're talking about about losses. It is important not to confuse the concepts of profit and income. The latter is the economic benefit before subtracting costs.


We will need gross profit, which can be calculated using the formula P val = B - Crp, where Crp is the cost of products sold, and B is the proceeds from the sale of goods or services. The SRP includes only costs associated directly with the sale of products. As can be seen from the first, selling and administrative expenses are accounted for separately.

Let's first calculate the gross profit, and then use it to calculate the profit from sales using an example. In the quarter, the company sold 300 products at a price of 50 rubles per piece. The cost per unit of production was 25 thousand rubles. Administrative expenses in the reporting quarter amounted to 2 million 100 thousand rubles. Commercial expenses amounted to 900 thousand rubles. We calculate gross profit:

Pval=300*50 thousand rub. - 300*25 thousand rubles. = 7 million 500 thousand rubles.

Using the figure obtained in the previous step, we calculate the profit from sales:

Sales = 7 million 500 thousand rubles. - 2 million 100 thousand rubles. - 900 thousand rubles. = 4 million 500 thousand rubles.

After this, the company generates profit before tax, which is calculated using the formula Pdon = Sales + PD - PR, where PD is other income, and PR is other expenses.


  • Russian accountant
  • profit before tax formula

Determining the amount of tax is a rather complicated process, so many large organizations hire a separate accountant specifically for these purposes. VAT is a tax that is payable by an enterprise to the country's budget on the amount of the increase in value.

You will need

  • - calculator.


Calculate the amount of the tax base, which is determined in accordance with Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It is equal to the cost of goods sold or work based on sales prices when taking into account excise taxes. The date of the VAT tax base is determined in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 167 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This may be the day the goods are shipped, work is performed, or services are provided, or the date of actual receipt or advance payment for future shipment.

Set the VAT amount for each product sold, service provided or work performed. This value is determined as the product of the tax base and the VAT rate established for a given type of product.

Proceed with the calculation of VAT to be transferred. According to Article 163 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the VAT tax period is the quarter during which the amount of accrued tax should have been recorded in the company's sales book. From this value it is necessary to subtract the amount of tax deductions that must be recorded in the company's purchase book. The amount received is value added tax that is payable.


The first step contains a list of goods, works and services that are subject to VAT at a rate of 0%. In step two, cases are noted when taxation is carried out at a VAT rate of 10%. The rate of 18% applies in all other cases that are not specified in Art. 164 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Transactions that are not subject to VAT are regulated by Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The analysis of the financial results of the organization’s activities begins with the preparation of financial statements on profits and losses in Form No. 2. It reflects the composition, structure and dynamics of profit indicators. One of the main strengths of this report is the profit before tax. It represents the enterprise's profit from sales, adjusted for the amounts of unrealized and operating income and expenses.


Determine the amount of operating income and expenses of the enterprise. They consist of profits or losses incurred by the company: from fees for the temporary use of the assets of the enterprise; for the use of rights to patents, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property; from the participation of other enterprises in the authorized capital, including income and interest on securities; from the sale of fixed assets and assets, with the exception of cash, goods and products; from receiving interest on loans and deposits received and issued in cooperation with other enterprises and credit organizations.

Calculate the amount of unrealized expenses and income. These include: penalties, penalties for violation of the terms of agreements; profits or losses of previous years identified in the current reporting period; compensation for losses caused to the enterprise; expired receivables, payables and depositors limitation period; exchange differences; the amount of depreciation or revaluation of assets, except for non-current assets.

Calculate the profit or loss from sales received by the company for the reporting period. Enter all data in Form No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement”. Line 050 indicates profit from sales, line 060 - interest receivable, line 070 - interest payable, line 080 - income from participation in other organizations, line 090 - other income, and line 100 - other expenses.

Reflect in line 140 of the reporting the amount of calculated profit before tax. To do this, add lines 090, 060 and 080 to the value of line 050, and then subtract the indicators of lines 070 and 100. The resulting value must coincide with the value generated in the reporting subaccount 99 “Financial results of operations before taxes”.

Same name goods- these are similar in their functional and technological properties goods, which differ from each other in individual non-essential details that in no way can affect the quality of the product and its properties for the consumer, and are also a homogeneous group in terms of consumer purpose.


To correctly determine the group of goods of the same name, according to the recommendations of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, it is necessary to apply the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Types, approved by the Ministry economic development. In the nomenclature of all goods and services, certain groups are distinguished, which, according to public procurement, belong to the goods, works or services of the same name.

So, for example, according to the nomenclature approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated June 7. 2011 N 273 “On approval of the nomenclature of goods, works, services for needs”, to the group “textile goods", OKDP code 25, includes yarn and threads, carpets and carpet products, knitted and knitted fabrics, as well as contract production services. In total, the nomenclature includes 221 goods of the same name. Some groups are larger and include a fairly wide range of goods. Others - for example, products - have a limited number of positions in a group of goods of the same name.

According to the law, when conducting public procurement, it is possible to produce goods of the same name during a quarter only for a certain amount of money, amounting to this moment 500 thousand rubles. An even smaller amount - 100 thousand rubles - is expected when purchasing goods of the same name from a single or contractor.

Homogeneous groups, into which several types of goods are combined, are quite large. In addition, they include quite different from specific industries goods Therefore, organizations often face difficulties when purchasing supposedly homogeneous (according to current legislation) goods for amounts of money exceeding the established figures.


  • goods of the same name

Tip 6: How to Find Pre-Tax Profit in 2019

Profit before tax is the main value that is determined when drawing up a statement of losses in Form No. 2. It consists of the enterprise's income from sales minus the amounts of operating and non-realized expenses and income.


Calculate the amount of operating income and expenses that reflect the receipts and payments of the enterprise that are caused by the conduct of business, production and financial transactions during the reporting period. Operating income includes sales revenue, rental payments, interest on deposits and loans issued, commissions and other cash receipts. Expenses are characterized by the monetary costs of producing products, managing a company, paying taxes, paying interest on loans, selling goods, etc.

Determine the amount of unrealized income and expenses of the enterprise. These include: paid and received fines, penalties, penalties and other economic sanctions; interest and income received from amounts held in deposit and current accounts; exchange differences; written off receivables and payables; losses from natural disasters; legal costs; profits and losses of previous years, etc.

Enter operating and unrealized income and expenses in the appropriate lines 060, 070, 080, 090 and 100 of the profit and loss report in Form No. 2.

Calculate the profit or loss the company received from sales during the reporting period. To do this, fill out the report in form No. 2. On line 029, indicate gross revenue, equal to the amount values ​​indicated on the credit of account 90.1 “Revenue” minus taxes, excise taxes, customs duties and cost of products sold. Line 030 includes commercial expenses of the enterprise, and line 040 includes administrative expenses. After this, line 050 indicates the amount of profit from sales, which is equal to line 029 minus lines 030 and 040.

Find the profit up to taxation and enter the result on line 140 of the report. To do this, you need to add line 060, 080 and 090 to the value of line 050 and subtract lines 070 and 100.


  • profit loss before tax

In a commercial organization, the main purpose of activity is to make a profit. Therefore, owners are always interested in the value of the “retained earnings” indicator. This is the money that the company can divide between the founders or leave in the accounts of the organization for the purposes of its further development.


Typically, in the first years of a company's existence, unallocated profit, formed at the end of the year, is sent to the reserve fund for further investment, payment of bonuses or acquisition of property.

If the organization is on in general terms accounts, which means you have access to accounting data for the last year. By the way, from January 1, 2013, the responsibility for maintaining accounting records will be assigned to all companies, including those using a simplified taxation system or paying a single tax on imputed income. So, the amount of retained earnings (that is, profit after paying tax on profit), is reflected in account 84. If a company has recorded a loss, its value is reflected in debit, while a positive result is reflected in credit.

If during the year the organization carried out a revaluation of fixed assets (with the impact of such actions on the amount of additional capital), paid interim dividends or changed the authorized capital, then these changes should affect the final value of retained earnings. They must be added or subtracted depending on whether it was a revenue or expense transaction.

Please note that the value of line 1370 of the balance sheet must match line 2400 of the income statement. This rule works if no distribution of dividends was made during the year, which are reflected in the debit of account 84.

Please note that the distribution of profit based on the results of the year refers to the category of events that occurred after the reporting date. Therefore, in the reporting period for which the company distributes profit, no accounting entries are made. Thus, the data on account 84 in the reporting year cannot contain information on the distribution of dividends based on the results of this year, while they must reflect transactions on the decision taken on the use of profits received at the end of last year.

Video on the topic

Based on the results of its core activities, the company receives a certain income. This amount, minus all costs of production and sales of products, as well as tax payments, constitutes net profit. There are several ways to determine a company's profit.


The manufacturer's activities can be considered quite effective if the profit margin is positive. Achieving this is often difficult, especially in a highly competitive market. In one area there are always several dozen, or even thousands of companies producing similar goods.

The choice is always up to the buyer, so it is important to interest him and make your products more attractive, including in price. Then the enterprise can receive a decent income, but profit takes into account not only this amount, but also numerous costs associated with the purchase of raw materials, payment of working hours, purchase or rental of equipment, transport, etc.

To determine the actual profit of the enterprise, the total amount of explicit costs should be subtracted from the basic income. To do this, you need correct balance sheet data, which takes into account all movements of funds in the relevant accounts:

PP = OD - YAI, where PP is the profit of the enterprise, OD is income from core activities, YAI are explicit costs.

Explicit costs are the cost of production. These include expenses for main production, rental of premises, warehouses, offices, as well as payment for the services of development engineers, lawyers, marketers, managers, accountants, etc. In other words, in order for a product to appear on the market and be bought, a whole team of specialists works, is wasted a large number of resources. We can conclude that one of the ways to increase profits is to develop methods to reduce production costs.

Instead of reporting accounting profits, financial analysts prefer to calculate economic profits. This value more clearly shows how effective the chosen production strategy is. It is equal to the difference between the actual profit and the so-called implicit costs:

EP = PP – NI.

Implicit costs do not have documentary evidence. They represent an alternative income that could be brought to the enterprise by choosing other conditions for the implementation of its resources: monetary, labor, property and others.

Sometimes, in pursuit of revenue, manufacturers forget that the quality of their products may suffer. In this case, they violate the main entrepreneurial commandment, which speaks of the superiority of demand over supply. The main source of profit is the consumer's money, and he will not give it up for a product that no longer satisfies his physical or aesthetic needs.

Each commercial enterprise conducts one or another activity aimed at obtaining financial profit. However, bad times do occur from time to time and must be taken into account to avoid similar situations in the future. The organization's accountant is responsible for determining accounting profit or loss.

You will need

  • - balance sheet according to form No. 1;
  • - statement of losses and profits according to form No. 2.


Use financial statements to summarize the financial performance of an enterprise. Form No. 1 of the balance sheet contains the total amount of accumulated profit and uncovered loss in the current reporting period, and form No. 2 contains data for generating the required financial result. Also, form No. 2 allows you to find out different kinds profits and calculate the profitability of the organization.

Study lines 1370 and 2400 of Form No. 1 of the balance sheet to obtain basic information about the profits and losses of the enterprise. If the indicator at the reporting date exceeds the value at the beginning of the year, this indicates that the company has become profitable. For accuracy, it is recommended to review data for at least one business year or five reporting dates. If the retained earnings indicator is constantly increasing, it means that you have chosen competent management of income and expenses. On the contrary, a decrease in the indicator indicates an unprofitable activity, even if it is a positive number.

Create an aggregate report in table form to summarize your profit and loss information. List the corresponding report lines vertically, and the dates in question horizontally. If there is a decrease in the indicator based on the results of at least one of the periods under review, it is necessary to analyze the formation of profit at each stage in order to find out the source of the loss.

Evaluate all other income, including those coming from other organizations - divisions and branches and interest receivable. Add this to your sales profit, subtracting interest and other expenses to get your pre-tax profit. To determine the net loss or profit, subtract the current pre-tax tax and any applicable tax penalties from the profit. If necessary, monitor changes in permanent financial assets and liabilities.

Quite often, after the approval of the annual financial statements of an enterprise, income or expenses related to the past period are identified, in which case they must be recognized and reflected as profits or losses of past years. It is not possible to make any changes to the approved annual reports.


If the profit of previous periods was identified in the current period before the approval of the annual statements, then the corresponding adjustments to the statements can be made in December of last year. The profit of previous years identified in the reporting year, according to the “Plan”, in correspondence with the accounts of settlements in the sub-account “Other income”, related to No. 91. The profit of previous years, which was identified in the current reporting period, should be reflected in other income on based on the Regulations on maintaining financial statements, approved by the Ministry of Finance.

The activities of any company are aimed at making a profit. However, practice shows that no organization is immune from obtaining the exact opposite result. There may be many reasons for this, but the consequence is always the same - the loss must be written off somehow. How to do this correctly will be discussed in this article.

Profit and loss are the final financial results. They are calculated taking into account all business transactions during the reporting period.

A loss represents the excess of expenses incurred by an organization over income received. Moreover, a company can recognize a loss for profit tax purposes even when the organization has no income at all in the current reporting period. The Ministry of Finance reported this in a letter dated July 17, 2008 No. 03-03-06/1/414.

If a loss is incurred in a reporting or tax period, the tax base for income tax in this period is zero.

The loss is accepted for tax purposes under the conditions established in Article 283 of the Tax Code. However, the provisions of this article cannot be applied to all operations. We are talking about transactions for which there is a special procedure for recognizing losses for the reporting period.

Let us consider in detail how a loss in core activities is recognized for tax purposes, as well as some of the losses that are taken into account in a special manner.

Common for all

When calculating profit tax, organizations have the right to reduce the tax base of the following reporting or tax periods by the entire amount of the loss they received in previous periods, or by part of this amount (Article 283 of the Tax Code). Moreover, as follows from this norm, the company can reduce profit by losses of previous periods not only at the end of the year, but also at the end of each reporting period.

If the organization carried out only operations for which the loss is taken into account in the general manner, then it has the right to transfer it to the future without any restrictions. The company can take into account its losses for 10 years (clause 2 of Article 283 of the Tax Code).

A company may remain unprofitable for more than one reporting or tax period. In this case, it will attribute losses to the future “in order” of their receipt.

In the event that it was not possible to write off a negative financial result within ten years, the company cannot extend the write-off period. Any loss not written off over a ten-year period remains outstanding.

When writing off a loss, one should not forget about the obligation to have documents confirming the amount of the loss and keep them for the entire period while the write-off occurs. This condition is established in paragraph 4 of this article of the Code.

Loss on “special” transactions

A special accounting procedure for profit tax purposes is provided for losses received:

  • when exercising rights to land plots (Article 264.1 of the Tax Code);
  • on transactions with depreciable property (Article 268 of the Tax Code);
  • from the activities of service industries and farms (Article 275.1 of the Tax Code);
  • within the framework of a property trust management agreement (Article 276 of the Tax Code);
  • for transactions related to the assignment of the right of claim (Article 279 of the Tax Code);
  • on transactions with securities (Article 280 of the Tax Code);
  • on transactions with financial instruments of futures transactions (Article 304 of the Tax Code);
  • from the sale of compensation products as part of the implementation of a production sharing agreement (Article 346.38 of the Tax Code).

For losses on these transactions, the legislator clearly established a “special” recognition procedure. They participate in the formation of the general tax base of the reporting or tax period only when certain conditions.

Let us consider in more detail the procedure for recognizing losses for the most frequently performed above-mentioned operations.

Loss from the sale of rights to land plots

The specified loss is defined as the difference between the sales price and the costs not reimbursed to the taxpayer associated with the acquisition of the right to this plot. Under unreimbursed costs in in this case is understood to be the difference between the taxpayer’s expenses for acquiring the right to a land plot and the amount of expenses taken into account for tax purposes until the implementation of this right.

Write-off of losses by taxpayers who independently determined the period for recognizing expenses for acquiring the right to a land plot can be made evenly over 5 years, or during the period independently established by the taxpayer for recognizing expenses for acquiring the right to land plots, if such period exceeds 5 years (subclause 1, clause 3, article 264.1 of the Tax Code).

If taxpayers did not independently determine the period for recognizing expenses for the acquisition of rights to land plots and recognize such expenses in an amount not exceeding 30 percent of the tax base of the previous tax period, then such organizations write off the loss evenly over the actual period of ownership of this plot (letter from the Ministry of Finance dated May 8 2007 No. 03-03-05/111).

It is also necessary to recall that the provisions of Article 264.1 of the Tax Code apply only to organizations that have entered into purchase agreements land plots that are in state or municipal ownership. And we are talking about land plots, on which buildings, structures and structures are located, or fixed assets intended for capital construction on them.

In the event that the acquired plot does not meet the specified requirements, its sale is equivalent to the sale of other property. That is, the loss is the negative difference between the income from the sale of land and the cost of acquiring the land. This loss is recognized for tax purposes at a time (clause 2 of Article 268 of the Tax Code).

Sales of depreciable property

When carrying out these operations, the loss is defined as the negative difference between the proceeds from the sale of depreciable property and its residual value (taking into account expenses associated with the sale). It is included in the taxpayer’s other expenses in equal shares over a period defined as the difference between the useful life of this property and the actual period of its operation until the moment of sale (clause 3 of Article 268 of the Tax Code).

Loss from the activities of industrial enterprises

An organization that has facilities for service industries and farms (hereinafter referred to as OPH) is obliged to determine the tax base for the activities of these facilities separately from the tax base for other types of activities (paragraph 1 of Article 275.1 of the Tax Code).

A loss received from the activities of a private enterprise can be recognized for tax purposes if certain conditions are met, the list of which is given by the above article of the Tax Code.

Firstly, the cost of goods, works, services sold by a taxpayer carrying out activities related to the use of industrial enterprises must correspond to the cost of similar services provided by specialized organizations carrying out similar activities related to the use of such facilities.

Secondly, the costs of maintaining OPH facilities should not exceed the normal costs of servicing similar facilities carried out by specialized organizations for which this activity is their main activity.

Thirdly, the conditions for the provision of services, performance of work by the taxpayer cannot differ significantly from the conditions for the provision of services, performance of work by specialized organizations for which this activity is the main one.

Moreover, these conditions must be met simultaneously, that is, if at least one of them is not met, the organization loses the right to reduce the taxable profit for the current period for the main activity by the amount of this loss. The loss in this case is used to repay the profit received directly from the activities of the enterprises.

However, it’s not news to anyone that there are exceptions to any rule. Here it concerns organizations that are located in the territories municipalities, where there are no specialized enterprises carrying out activities similar to the activities of service production facilities and farms owned by the taxpayer. These companies may neglect to comply with the above conditions (paragraph 11 of article 275.1 of the Tax Code).

Property trust management agreement

Losses received during the validity period of such an agreement from the use of property transferred to trust management are not recognized as losses of the founder taken into account for profit tax purposes. That is, losses that occurred through the fault of the trustee are not taken into account to reduce the tax base for the income tax of the founder of the management (clause 4 of Article 276 of the Tax Code).

However, civil legislation directly provides for the right of the founder of management to demand from the trustee compensation for losses caused by loss or damage to property, as well as lost profits (Article 1022 of the Civil Code).

Losses received under this agreement, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 276 of the Tax Code, are recognized for profit tax purposes as losses of the beneficiary.

Loss from assignment of claim

There are three possible scenarios here. In the first option, the organization that sells goods, works or services, calculating income and expenses using the accrual method, assigns the right to claim the debt to a third party before the payment deadline established in the contract. In this case, a loss is recognized as the negative difference between the income from the sale of the right to claim a debt and the cost of the goods, works or services sold (clause 1 of Article 279 of the Tax Code). Moreover, the specified loss cannot exceed the amount of interest that the organization would pay on the debt obligation, equal to the income from the assignment of the right of claim for the period from the date of assignment to the date of payment provided for in the agreement. The specified amount of interest is calculated based on the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, multiplied by 1.1, if the buyer’s debt is determined in rubles. For debt in foreign currency, the amount of interest does not exceed the amount calculated based on the rate of 15% per annum (paragraph 4 of Article 279 of the Tax Code).

Option two: an organization that sells goods, works or services, calculating income and expenses using the accrual method, assigns the right to claim the debt to a third party after the payment deadline stipulated by the contract has arrived. The loss here is determined similarly to the first option. Accounting for the amount of loss is carried out in two stages: the first half is included in non-operating expenses on the date of assignment of the right of claim, and the second half is included in the same expenses after 45 days from the date of such assignment.

In the third option, the organization that purchased the right of claim sells it. This operation is considered by the legislator as the sale of financial services (clause 3 of Article 279 of the Tax Code). The loss on such a transaction is not taken into account for profit tax purposes.

Loss from transactions with securities

The law provides for the ability of an organization to reduce the tax base for income tax in the current period by the amount of losses received in the previous period, in accordance with the provisions of Article 283 of the Tax Code, that is, in the general manner.

However, everything is not so simple. There are a number of features inherent in the procedure for recognizing losses exclusively on transactions with securities. Thus, these losses can only be repaid from profits from transactions with the same types of securities. Profit from operating activities is not reduced by the amount of these losses.

The situation is exactly the opposite when an organization makes a profit from transactions with securities, but a loss from its core activities. The amount of profit from transactions with securities in this case reduces the loss from core activities (Article 280 of the Tax Code).

Transactions with financial instruments of forward transactions

The recognition of losses for profit tax purposes on these transactions depends on whether these financial instruments are traded on an organized market or not.

For transactions with financial instruments of futures transactions traded on the organized market, the amount of the resulting loss reduces the taxable profit from the main activity (clause 2 of Article 304 of the Tax Code).

If financial instruments of futures transactions are not traded on the organized market, then the amounts of loss received from transactions with them can only be repaid from profits from transactions with the same instruments. The loss on such operations is carried forward to the future in accordance with the generally established procedure (clause 4 of Article 304 of the Tax Code).

M. Lazorevskaya, expert at the Federal Agency for Financial Information