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Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin- first president Russian Federation. He was a very bright figure in politics and in life, but during his presidency many, sometimes funny, stories happened to him, which did not escape the attention of the media and remained in the memory of many people. Many facts are also known from Yeltsin’s personal life even before he became head new Russia. Today's selection contains 10 facts from the life of Boris Yeltsin.

In November 1987, after Yeltsin sharply criticized Gorbachev's policies, he was removed from his post as first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. Immediately after this, he was taken to the hospital, where, according to some reports, he tried to commit suicide with office scissors. #1850

According to Yeltsin himself, when he worked as a foreman at a construction site, criminals were given his subordination. He refused to close their orders for work not done, after which one of the criminals ambushed him with an ax and demanded to close the orders, threatening to kill him if he refused, to which Yeltsin answered him: “Get out!”, and the criminal had no choice but to throw the ax and follow in the direction indicated by Yeltsin. #1839

According to numerous testimonies of people who worked with Yeltsin, he abused alcohol. When he asked the guards to run for vodka, they went to Korzhakov, who allegedly secretly diluted the vodka and sealed the bottle using a machine that was seized from counterfeit vodka dealers and given to the police museum, and later to Korzhakov. After heart surgery, doctors forbade Yeltsin to drink a lot. #1843

Once, when he was president, Boris Yeltsin pinched the side of one of the Kremlin stenographers during an official ceremony; this episode was shown on television. #1845

According to Yeltsin himself, while working as a driver on the BKSM-5 tower crane, he negligently forgot to secure the crane after a working day, at night he discovered that it was moving, climbed into the control cabin and stopped the crane at the risk of his life. #1847

Yeltsin was missing two fingers on his left hand. He lost them as a child in the explosion of a grenade that he and his friends stole from a military warehouse. In general, as a child, Yeltsin was terribly pugnacious. In one of the district-to-district fights, his nose was broken with a shaft. #1848

At the age of 35, Yeltsin worked as the chief engineer of the Sverdlovsk DSK. At the end of the five-year plan, he was to be nominated for the Order of Lenin. However, the award ceremony did not take place: on the eve of the approval of Yeltsin’s candidacy, an almost completed five-story building, which was being built by the structure headed by Yeltsin, collapsed. #1849

In 1990, the plane in which Yeltsin was flying to Spain was involved in an accident. He made a very hard landing, as a result of which Boris Nikolaevich received a serious spinal injury. Later there was a lot of talk about the fact that this accident was arranged by the KGB. #1854

After Yeltsin’s death, at a meeting of the State Duma, the Communist faction refused to honor the memory former president getting up. #1852

On February 1, 2011, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, a 10-meter monument was inaugurated in his homeland in Yekaterinburg. #2722

February 1, 2011. Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina gives a speech at the opening ceremony of the monument to Boris Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg. The memorial symbolizes the powerful nature of the first president of Russia.

1. In addition to the eldest Boris, the Yeltsin family had two more children - the younger ones Mikhail and Valentina. During the repressions of the 30s, Yeltsin's grandfather was dispossessed and exiled in 1931, his uncle was arrested in 1935, and his father was arrested in 1937 and spent several months in prison. During the famine of 1935, the entire Yeltsin family moved to Berezniki Perm region for the construction of the Berezniki potash plant.

2. Boris Yeltsin studied successfully, but was distinguished by impudent behavior and had conflicts with teachers. After the seventh grade, he was expelled from school, but then reinstated and graduated with excellent marks in almost all subjects. Co school years Yeltsin was actively involved in sports, especially volleyball. He was the city champion among schoolchildren in several sports and the regional champion in volleyball.

3. Boris Yeltsin did not serve in the army due to the absence of two fingers on his left hand. He was injured in early childhood: in Berezniki little Boris stole two grenades from a military warehouse, one of which was unsuccessfully detonated.

4. Theme thesis Boris Yeltsin - " TV tower". "In 1955, he graduated from the construction department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute named after S.M. Kirov in Sverdlovsk. On March 27, 1952, he was expelled for missing classes, but the student Boris recovered. All the years of his studies at the institute, he was intensively involved in sports and, despite the absence of fingers on his left hand, was a member of the Sverdlovsk volleyball team, which participated in the games major league USSR Championship. At the institute, Yeltsin met his future wife.

5. During the years of Yeltsin’s rule in Sverdlovsk (he was the 1st secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU), a luxurious building was built for the regional committee of the CPSU, which received the nicknames “White Tooth” and “member of the CPSU” in the city. And on the night of September 17-18, 1977, by order of Yeltsin, the mansion of the merchant Ipatiev, which stood in the center of Sverdlovsk, in which Nicholas II was shot with his wife, children and servants in 1918, was bulldozed.

6. As first secretary of the Moscow City Committee (MGK) of the CPSU, Yeltsin surprised many residents of the capital with his accessibility, travel on city public transport, sudden visits to stores, and the organization of vegetable and fruit fairs in the fall of 1986.

7. In 1987, Yeltsin was removed from the post of first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. Immediately after the plenum of the MGK, he was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of worsening cerebral circulation. Then rumors spread, later confirmed - in particular by Nikolai Ryzhkov - that he either tried to commit suicide with scissors, or was seriously injured by scissors by falling on them during a heart attack.

8. During his first visit to the United States in the summer of 1989, Yeltsin, getting off the plane, turned away from the official delegation greeting him and urinated on a wheel. In June 1991, at a dinner in honor of President Bush, he ate caviar with his hands and licked it off his fingers.

9. Trying to win over the leadership of some of Russia and the USSR to their side in the “war of sovereignties” autonomous republics, Yeltsin undertook a trip to Tataria and Bashkiria in July-August 1990. It was then that he made his famous proposal to the republics to take “as much sovereignty as they can digest.”

10. In mid-May 1992, a scandal erupted around the speech of deputy V. Isakov, who accused Yeltsin of alcohol abuse. The President has strongly denied these accusations.

11. August 29, 1994, while in Germany on the occasion of the completion of the withdrawal from it Russian troops, Boris Yeltsin, in a state that was characterized by journalists as “drunk,” tried to conduct a German military orchestra.

12. In September 1994, information leaked to the press about an incident that occurred with Yeltsin’s press secretary Vyacheslav Kostikov, whom, on Yeltsin’s orders, the presidential guard allegedly forcibly bathed him in the Volga for some offense. Two years later the information was confirmed.

13. On September 30, 1994, the President, returning to Russia from the United States, was unable to get off the plane for several hours for pre-arranged negotiations with the Irish Prime Minister, who met him at Shannon Airport. It was officially announced that Yeltsin overslept due to the fault of his guards, for which the perpetrators would be punished.

14. Military rank Yeltsin is a colonel. He, being not liable for military service, received it while still at party work in Sverdlovsk.

15. Yeltsin’s autobiography “Confession on given topic" and the memoirs "Notes of the President" were actually written based on materials from tape-recorded conversations with the president of Valentin Yumashev, a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Ogonyok" (previously a journalist for Komsomolskaya Pravda). Since 1997, he has headed the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Associated with the name of Boris Yeltsin an entire era in the history of our country: the collapse of the USSR, economic reforms, the war in Chechnya, default. However, his contemporaries remembered him not only for his political actions, but also for the characteristics of his personality. Dni.Ru has collected the most Interesting Facts about the life of the first president of Russia.


The first Russian president was missing two fingers on his left hand. He lost them as a child. Yeltsin himself wrote in his autobiographical book “Confession on a Given Topic” that he lost his fingers due to a grenade explosion.

It was during the war. All the boys wanted to go to the front, but boys who were not yet 10 years old were naturally not allowed to go to war. Yeltsin and his comrades decided to find a grenade; they were interested in taking it apart and finding out what was inside.

At night, Yeltsin penetrated through rows of barbed wire into the church building, where at that time there was an ammunition depot, took two RGD-33 grenades and safely got back, past the guards. Then the future president and his friends ran into the forest and decided to take apart the “trophies.” The ammunition was hit with a hammer, resulting in an explosion. Only Yeltsin suffered, his comrades were not touched. On the way to the city, he lost consciousness several times. Already in the hospital, two of his fingers were amputated under his father’s signature.

Boris Yeltsin (second from left) Photo: wikipedia.org

Brave Master

In 1950, 19-year-old Yeltsin entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Construction, from which he graduated five years later, receiving the qualification of a civil engineer. In the same year, he was assigned to a construction trust, where he worked as the head of one of the sections.

According to Yeltsin’s recollections, once criminals were given his subordination. A conflict arose between the boss and his subordinates: the future president refused to close the criminals’ orders for work not done. The next day, one of them waylaid Yeatsin with an ax and, under threat of death, tried to force him to close the squads. He was not at a loss. "Go away!" - he sharply answered the attacker, after which the criminal had no choice but to throw the ax and leave.

By the way, being already an experienced builder with 10 years of experience, Yeltsin worked as an engineer at the Sverdlovsk house-building plant. At the end of the five-year plan, he was to be nominated for the Order of Lenin. But the award ceremony did not take place. On the eve of the confirmation of the candidacy, an almost completed five-story residential building, which was being built by the structure headed by Yeltsin, collapsed.

Failed suicide

At the end of 1985, on the recommendation of Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev, Yeltsin was approved for the post of first secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee. However, the relationship between the head of state and the head of the capital did not work out. Yeltsin began to criticize Gorbachev and his supporters for excessive privileges and slow pace perestroika.

Boris Yeltsin. Photo: wikipedia.org

In November 1987, he accused the Secretary General of the birth of a new cult of personality. After this, Yeltsin was removed from the post of first secretary of the Moscow City Committee. He took this turn of events hard: because of nervous breakdown ended up in the hospital, and there he tried to commit suicide.

The party leadership became aware of the suicide attempt. The incident cast a shadow over the entire leadership of the CPSU, so Gorbachev did everything possible to hide the episode from the press. At that time, the Secretary General was trying to improve relations with foreign leaders, and the suicide of a political opponent would have brought these attempts to naught.

Crash in the sky

During Yeltsin’s trip to Europe in April 1990 with the presentation of the book “Confession on a Given Topic,” the future first president of Russia made an unscheduled flight to Spain. The flight went well, but when it came to landing, the plane's landing gear failed.

The pilot tried to correct the situation: he sharply picked up speed and just as sharply threw the car down, swinging it from wing to wing. The plane flew over the runway and picked up speed again, making another approach. At some point, the pilots tried to land the car on the water, but failed. They tried to push the ill-fated chassis manually - all in vain. The plane continued to circle over the landing strip.

In the end, the pilots managed to release the landing gear, but the landing was still hard and bounced. The plane's passengers were not injured. One of Yeltsin’s associates later recalled that he was struck by the boss’s calmness and restraint: he did not make it clear with either a look or a gesture that he was scared.


There were legends about the weakness of the first president of Russia towards the female sex. The personal security guard of the head of state, Alexei Chalov, told how sometimes Yeltsin, already drunk, repeated with a smile: “I love women!” The Central Committee of the Communist Party found out about the excessive love of the “Ural nugget” and made a serious suggestion to the Don Juan, they say, you have a family, and in general, it’s not good for a communist to spoil his reputation.

A remarkable incident occurred on September 28, 1989. After meeting with voters in the Moscow district of Ramenki, Yeltsin went to the Moscow region to the dacha of his friend Sergei Bashilov - former minister construction in the Urals and Western Siberia. Further events Boris Nikolaevich described it this way: he got out of the car, headed to the gate of the dacha, unknown people drove up, threw a bag over his head, took him away in an unknown direction and threw him into the river from the bridge. In his opinion, this was nothing more than an assassination attempt.

However, rumors immediately appeared that there was no attack, but just banal amorous adventures. It was no coincidence that rumors about this spread among the people. Even before this incident, rumors were spreading that Yeltsin liked Bashilov’s housekeeper, Elena Stepanova. The woman herself did not deny this sympathy. However, she claimed that Yeltsin was not coming to her that night. And he fell from the bridge due to alcohol consumption or due to simple negligence.

It is known that already as president, Yeltsin showed signs of attention to his secretaries. Once, during an official ceremony, he pinched the side of one of the Kremlin stenographers. The episode was shown on television.

Green serpent

Many remember the first president of Russia as a person who was fond of alcohol. History has gone down many cases when the head of state, as they say, while drunk, did things completely inappropriate for his status.

In 1989, Yeltsin visited the United States for the first time. He was preparing to meet with President George W. Bush and was later scheduled to give a lecture to the Council on international relations. American media they wrote that upon landing in Baltimore, Yeltsin walked down the ramp, and then suddenly turned around, walked up to the wheel of the plane and began to urinate on it. After that, as if nothing had happened, he went to shake hands with those greeting him.

The president showed questionable behavior in Kazakhstan, where he made his first official foreign visit as head of state. After drinking at dinner, he decided to play with spoons. First he hit his own leg, then he began to hit his subordinate. The audience laughed, thereby only provoking Yeltsin. He began banging spoons on neighboring heads and, they say, tapped a rhythm on the bald head of the then President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev.

In August 1994, Yeltsin, during a visit to Germany, snatched the baton from the conductor and began conducting the orchestra himself. The head of the presidential security, Alexander Korzhakov, recalled that before this the head of state drank a lot of wine, the waiter barely had time to pour it into his glass. Yeltsin frolicked, cackled, waved his arms and “spoke outright nonsense,” Korzhakov noted.

During a visit to the United States in 1995, Yeltsin, while drunk, went out into the street in his underwear and began hailing a taxi. The head of state explained to the intelligence agents who caught him that he just wanted to eat pizza. The incident was reported to President Bill Clinton. "We must never forget that drunk Yeltsin is better than most of the alternative candidates who don't drink," he said.

Korzhakov noted that the first president of Russia started drinking in the morning. “It’s good if you managed to bring the boss home at about 10 or 11 at night. This was an ordinary day,” recalled the head of Yeltsin’s personal security. Weakened by illness and alcohol, the president is losing control over the country, wrote Michael Binion, The Times correspondent in Moscow, in those years.

The topic of the article is interesting facts about Yeltsin, which are included in the top most unexpected stories of the main figure of the 90s.


It is interesting that even in his early childhood, the future head of the Russian Federation could lose his life twice. The first time was during baptism, where he was named Boris. Yeltsin, born in 1931 in the Ural region, spent his childhood in Perm region, where he graduated from school. His parents were from peasant backgrounds and believers, so they immediately decided to baptize the baby. The sacrament was performed in a closed church, where many people gathered. The Yeltsins' turn came only in the afternoon. For the service, the priest was offered moonshine, which he immediately drank. By the time the future president was baptized, he was already unsteady on his feet. Having lowered the child into a font of holy water, he was distracted by a conversation with parishioners and almost drowned the baby. His mother noticed in time that he had sunk to the very bottom, choking on water, and pulled him out in time.

Boris Nikolaevich was a mischief-maker as a child and knew how to stand up for himself. He went in for sports - volleyball. It is a known fact that in one of the fights a teenager’s nose was broken with a shaft. The future president lived his entire life without resorting to rhinoplasty. The second case where he took a risk own life, became the one when the teenager lost his fingers. Many people remember Yeltsin by their absence on his left hand.

Description in "Confession"

In his book of memoirs, Yeltsin himself said the following: in post-war years The territory of the local church was given over to a warehouse. Ammunition was stored there, guarded by three rows of wire and real sentries. According to the regulations, they were supposed to shoot at everyone who was near the warehouse premises. Yeltsin was a troublesome guy - how many times did he and the guys have to take part in “district to district” fights! So in this situation, the friends decided to sneak behind the grenades to study how they work.

Young Yeltsin personally came to the rescue. According to him, he managed to saw through the window grill while the sentry was making his rounds on the other side, and pulled out a pair of RGD-33s. Having left the city at a distance of 60 km, the friends decided to dismantle them. And again leadership skills demonstrated by the future president of the Russian Federation. Having sent the guys away, about a hundred meters away, he began hitting the grenade with a hammer without removing the fuse. So there was an explosion that tore off two fingers on the left hand and the phalanx of the third. They were removed in the hospital, where friends took Yeltsin, who lost consciousness several times along the way.

Subsequently, the injury became the reason why Boris Nikolaevich avoided military service.

Other versions

Biographers were interested in Yeltsin's fingers. Not everyone agrees with the version that the president himself outlined in his memoirs. In “Soviet Civilization,” a book by the theoretical scientist S. G. Kara-Murza, a chemist by training, it is given expert review this fact. Sergei Georgievich believes that the image of the Hun-destroyer was created for the rebel president, so he was born similar story. If it had taken place in reality, then Boris Nikolaevich’s injuries would have been even more serious.

There are other versions of how Yeltsin lost his fingers. History is silent about how the grenade fell into his hands, but, most likely, the hammer hit either hit the fuse, or the grenade somehow ended up in the fire.

At the age of 35, the talented engineer from the Sverdlovsk DSK was presented with the Order of Lenin. But Yeltsin did not receive the award, as there was an accident with a five-story new building. The house collapsed on the eve of delivery.

1987 went down in history as the year of confrontation between Yeltsin and Gorbachev. For the first time criticizing the current president of the country, Boris Nikolaevich lost his position as First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the ruling party. Having a hard time experiencing the defeat, he tried to take his own life in the hospital using ordinary scissors.

Yeltsin's first visit to the United States in 1989 also ended in scandalous reports in the press. It was private in nature. Arriving in Baltimore, the future president relieved himself right at the airfield, urinating on the plane's wheel.

Yeltsin's fingers played with him cruel joke already in the status of president. At one of the official meetings, he pinched the stenographer. This moment was recorded by cameras and shown throughout the country. In addition to playfulness and alcohol abuse, the president committed shocking acts that went down in history. For example, in 1992, during a visit to Kyrgyzstan, Yeltsin played spoons using his head

Since 1992, the country was congratulated not by the president of the country, but by the satirist Zadornov. Yeltsin's disappearance was explained by work with documents at the dacha. Similar facts within the country and on international level undermined the authority of the state, therefore, after his death, the communists refused to honor the memory of the ex-president in the State Duma. It is curious that Yeltsin's fingers became a problem after his death. In Yekaterinburg, Georgy Frangulyan created a monument where she was injured right hand president.