Who is Svidrigailov? Characteristics and image of Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” F

The image of Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” will be discussed in this article. This character in the work is the second spiritual “double” of Rodion Raskolnikov (the first is his sister’s failed fiancé). The image of Luzhin and Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” is united by the principle of permissiveness.

Outwardly, according to the character we are interested in, he and Rodion are “birds of a feather.” However, there are very significant internal differences between Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov. The second is a depraved, vicious person. He does not hide the fact that most of the actions he committed were done as a result of pathological voluptuousness. in the novel "Crime and Punishment" can be supplemented with a number of other features.

Svidrigailov's attitude to good and evil

This character mocks morality. Svidrigailov admits to Raskolnikov that he is a “sinful man.” The hero's story about people, especially women, are deeply cynical. Svidrigailov is equally indifferent to good and evil. He is capable of doing both good deeds(for example, he helps the children of Katerina Ivanovna and Sonya), and bad ones, for no apparent reason. Svidrigailov does not believe in so-called “virtue”, believing that any talk about it is hypocritical. This, in his opinion, is just an attempt to deceive others and himself.

Frankness with Raskolnikov

Svidrigailov is deliberately frank with Raskolnikov, even finding pleasure in “getting naked” and “naked” (expressions from the story “Bobok” by Dostoevsky), telling Rodion about the most shameful facts own biography. For example, he tells him that he was a sharper, and also that he was “beaten,” about how Marfa Petrovna, after bargaining, bought him for 30 thousand pieces of silver, and also about his love affairs.

The idleness in which the hero lives

The image of Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” can be characterized as follows: he is characterized by absolute idleness. short biography The character looks like this. This is a nobleman who served in the cavalry for two years, after which he “loitered” in St. Petersburg, and then married Marfa Petrovna and lived with his wife in the village. For him, debauchery is a surrogate for the meaning of life, a more or less true thing, the only thing in this world that he values. Svidrigailov argues that in lust there is at least something “permanent”, based on nature. For this character, debauchery is the main occupation. Svidrigailov says that without this, he would probably have shot himself. This is the image of Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment”, short description his life and work.

The mystique of Svidrigailov

This character is a mysterious person. He is very cunning and secretive, and also quite intelligent, despite his buffoonery. To Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov seems either to be the “most insignificant” and “emptiest” villain in the world, or to someone who can reveal something new to Rodion. Arkady Ivanovich suggests that they are similar in some ways to the main character. However, the latter does not believe that they have anything in common. In addition, Svidrigailov was unpleasant to him, since he was deceitful and cunning, perhaps very angry.

"Demonic Halo" by Svidrigailov

To many he seems like a terrible villain who is surrounded by an unkind aura. There are many rumors about his bad deeds. The image of Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” becomes a symbol of the source of misfortune for the people around him. Dunya was persecuted precisely because of this hero; he is also accused of the death of his wife, Marfa Petrovna. Svidrigailov evokes fear and disgust in many people. Dunya speaks about him “almost with a shudder.” Even appearance This character, his pastime habits and demeanor are “demonic”: a “strange” face similar to a mask, mysterious behavior, “buffoonery”, an addiction to “sewers” ​​and cheating.

Svidrigailov is an ordinary person

However, the image of Svidrigailov in the novel of the work is not so scary (or better yet, reading the novel itself) will help you convince yourself of this. Under the "demonic" mask hides the most... ordinary person. Svidrigailov cannot free himself from natural and simple human feelings. In it you can guess the fear of pity, love, death. It is even possible that Arkady Ivanovich’s love for Dunechka could contribute to his moral transformation if it were mutual. This person even experiences something similar to remorse. He has nightmares and ghosts from his past life.

Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov: similarities and differences

It is no coincidence that Svidrigailov compares himself with Rodion. He, like Raskolnikov, does not believe that a criminal can be morally reborn, that Rodion can find within himself “the strength to stop.” Svidrigailov, shortly before his death, thinks about him again. He believes that Rodion could become a “big scoundrel” over time, but for now “he really wants to live too much.” Svidrigailov is a hero who follows the path of crime to the end, committing suicide.

Raskolnikov, therefore, differs significantly from him. The image of the heroes in the novel "Crime and Punishment", as we have already noted, has only a superficial similarity. Raskolnikov is able, in the words of Porfiry Petrovich, to “resurrect to a new life.”

Rodion does not commit suicide, which proves that life has not lost its meaning, even if the hero himself thinks otherwise. He doesn't die in Raskolnikov moral sense, although he tries to “step over” it. Rodion cannot pass by human suffering. This is proven by the episode with the girl on the boulevard, with the sick student and his father, the help of the Marmeladovs, the rescue of children during a fire. This unintentional, spontaneous, but quite obvious “altruism” is what makes him fundamentally different from Svidrigailov. However, the very fact that Rodion’s ideas are close to the worldview of his “doubles” (the image of Luzhin and Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment”) confirms that he is on the wrong path.

At that moment the door quietly opened, and a girl entered the room, timidly looking around. Everyone turned to her with surprise and curiosity. Raskolnikov did not recognize her at first sight. It was Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladova. Yesterday he saw her for the first time, but at such a moment, in such a setting and in such a costume, that the image of a completely different face was reflected in his memory. Now it was modest and even poor dressed girl, still very young, almost like a girl, with a modest and decent manner, with a clear, but seemingly somewhat frightened face. She was wearing a very simple house dress, and on her head was an old hat of the same style; only in his hands was, as yesterday, an umbrella. Seeing an unexpectedly full room of people, she was not only embarrassed, but completely lost, Small child, and even made a move to go back. “Oh.. is it you?..” said Raskolnikov in extreme surprise and suddenly became embarrassed himself. He immediately imagined that his mother and sister already knew in passing, from Luzhin’s letter, about a certain girl of “notorious” behavior. Just now he was protesting against Luzhin’s slander and mentioned that he had seen this girl for the first time, and suddenly she came in on her own. I also remembered that I did not protest at all against the expression: “notorious behavior.” All this is unclear and instantly slipped into his head. But, looking more closely, he suddenly saw that this humiliated creature was already so humiliated that he suddenly felt sorry. When she made a movement to run away from fear, something seemed to turn over in him. “I didn’t expect you at all,” he hurried, stopping her with his gaze. Do me a favor and sit down. You are probably from Katerina Ivanovna. Excuse me, not here, sit here... At Sonya’s entrance, Razumikhin, who was sitting on one of Raskolnikov’s three chairs, now near the door, stood up to allow her to enter. At first Raskolnikov showed her a place in the corner of the sofa where Zossimov was sitting, but, remembering that this sofa was too familiar place and serves as his bed, he hastened to point her to Razumikhin’s chair. “You sit here,” he said to Razumikhin, seating him in the corner where Zosimov was sitting. Sonya sat down, almost trembling with fear, and timidly looked at both ladies. It was clear that she herself did not understand how she could sit next to them. Realizing this, she was so frightened that she suddenly stood up again and, in complete embarrassment, turned to Raskolnikov. “I... I... came in for a minute, sorry for bothering you,” she spoke, stuttering. I’m from Katerina Ivanovna, but she had no one to send... And Katerina Ivanovna ordered you to beg to be at the funeral service tomorrow, in the morning... at mass... at Mitrofanievsky, and then with us... with her... take a bite... Do her an honor... She told me to ask. Sonya faltered and fell silent. “I will certainly try... certainly,” Raskolnikov answered, also getting up and also stammering and not finishing his sentence... “Do me a favor, sit down,” he said suddenly, “I need to talk to you.” Please, you may be in a hurry, do me a favor and give me two minutes... And he pulled out a chair for her. Sonya sat down again and again timidly, lost, quickly glanced at both ladies and suddenly looked down. Raskolnikov's pale face flushed; he seemed to shudder all over; eyes lit up. “Mama,” he said firmly and persistently, “this is Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladova, the daughter of that same unfortunate Mr. Marmeladov, who was crushed by horses yesterday in my eyes and about whom I already told you... Pulcheria Alexandrovna looked at Sonya and narrowed her eyes slightly. Despite all her confusion in front of Rodya’s persistent and defiant gaze, she could not deny herself this pleasure. Dunechka stared seriously, intently straight into the face poor girl and looked at her in bewilderment. Sonya, having heard the recommendation, raised her eyes again, but was even more embarrassed than before. “I wanted to ask us,” Raskolnikov quickly turned to her, “how did things work out for you today?” Have you been bothered?.. for example, from the police. No, sir, it’s all gone... After all, it’s too obvious why death happened; didn't bother; It's just that the residents are angry. Why? That the body has been standing for a long time... because it’s hot now, the spirit... so today, at vespers, they will be transferred to the cemetery, until tomorrow, to the chapel. Katerina Ivanovna didn’t want to at first, but now she herself sees that it’s impossible... So today? She asks you to do us the honor of being at the funeral service in the church tomorrow, and then come to her for the wake. Is she organizing a wake? Yes, sir, a snack; She really told me to thank you for helping us yesterday... without you there would have been absolutely nothing to bury with. Both her lips and chin suddenly jumped, but she steeled herself and held on, quickly lowering her eyes to the ground again. Between conversations, Raskolnikov looked at her closely. It was a thin, very thin and pale face, rather irregular, somehow pointy, with a pointy little nose and chin. She couldn't even be called pretty, but Blue eyes hers were so clear, and when they came to life, the expression on her face became so kind and simple-minded that you involuntarily attracted people to her. In her face, and in her entire figure, there was, in addition, one special characteristic feature: despite her eighteen years, she seemed almost still like a girl, much younger than her years, almost like a child, and this was sometimes even funny in some of her movements. . But could Katerina Ivanovna really get by with such little money, even intending to have a snack?.. asked Raskolnikov, persistently continuing the conversation. The coffin it will be simple, sir... and everything will be simple, so inexpensive... Katerina Ivanovna and I calculated everything just now, so it will remain to remember... and Katerina Ivanovna really wants it to be like this. It’s impossible, sir... to console her... She’s like that, because you know... I understand, I understand... of course... Why are you looking at my room? My mother also says that she looks like a coffin. You gave us everything yesterday! Sonechka suddenly spoke in response, in some kind of strong and rapid whisper, suddenly looking down very much again. Her lips and chin began to jump again. She had long been amazed at Raskolnikov’s poor surroundings, and now these words suddenly burst out of their own accord. Silence followed. Dounia’s eyes somehow brightened, and Pulcheria Alexandrovna even looked at Sonya friendly. “Rodya,” she said, getting up, “we, of course, have lunch together.” Dunechka, let's go... And you, Rodya, should go, walk a little, and then rest, lie down, and then come back soon... Otherwise, we've tired you out, I'm afraid... “Yes, yes, I’ll come,” he answered, getting up and hurrying... “I, however, have something to do... Are you really going to dine separately? - shouted Razumikhin, looking at Raskolnikov in surprise, - what are you? Yes, yes, I’ll come, of course, of course... And you stay for a minute. After all, you don’t need him now, mama? Or maybe I'm taking it away? Oh, no, no! And you, Dmitry Prokofich, will come to dinner, will you be so kind? “Please come,” asked Dunya. Razumikhin took his leave and beamed all over. For one moment, everyone seemed strangely embarrassed. Farewell, Rodya, that is, goodbye; I don't like to say goodbye. Goodbye, Nastasya... ah, she said “goodbye” again!.. Pulcheria Alexandrovna wanted to bow to Sonechka, but somehow she didn’t succeed, and, in a hurry, she left the room. But Avdotya Romanovna seemed to be waiting in line and, following her mother past Sonya, she bowed to her with an attentive, polite and full bow. Sonechka was embarrassed, bowed somewhat hastily and frightened, some kind of even painful sensation was reflected in her face, as if Avdotya Romanovna’s politeness and attention were painful and painful to her. Dunya, goodbye! Raskolnikov shouted already in the hallway, “Give me your hand!” But I submitted it, did I forget? “Dunya answered, turning to him affectionately and awkwardly. Well, give me more! And he squeezed her fingers tightly. Dunechka smiled at him, blushed, quickly snatched her hand away and went after her mother, also for some reason all happy. Well, that’s nice! “He said to Sonya, returning to his room and looking at her clearly, “God rest the dead, and the living still live!” Is not it? Is not it? It is so? Sonya even looked in surprise at his suddenly brightened face; he silently and intently peered at her for several moments: the whole story of her deceased father about her suddenly flashed through his memory at that moment... Lord, Dunechka! “Pulcheria Alexandrovna spoke as soon as we went out into the street, “and now she’s definitely glad that we left: it’s somehow easier.” Well, did I think yesterday, in the carriage, that I would even be happy about this! I tell you again, mamma, he is still very sick. Can't you see? Perhaps, suffering for us, he upset himself. You have to be lenient and much, much can be forgiven. But you weren’t lenient! Pulcheria Alexandrovna immediately interrupted hotly and jealously. You know, Dunya, I looked at both of you, you are a perfect portrait of him, not so much in face as in soul: both of you are melancholic, both gloomy and hot-tempered, both arrogant and both generous... After all, it cannot be that he is an egoist, Dunechka? huh?.. And when I think about what we’ll have tonight, my whole heart will be taken away! Don’t worry, mummy, what should be will happen. Dunechka! Just think about the situation we are in now! Well, what if Pyotr Petrovich refuses? - Poor Pulcheria Alexandrovna suddenly said carelessly. So what will it be worth after that! Dunechka answered sharply and contemptuously. We did well to leave now, Pulcheria Alexandrovna hurried, interrupting, he was in a hurry somewhere on business; let him walk around, at least breathe some air... he’s terribly stuffy... and where can he breathe air here? Here and on the streets, as in rooms without windows, God, what a city!.. Wait, step aside, they will crush you, they are carrying something! After all, they carried this piano, really... how they push... I’m also very afraid of this girl... What kind of girl, mummy? Yes, this one, Sofya Semyonovna, who was just now... What? I have this feeling, Dunya. Well, believe it or not, when she came in, at that very moment I thought that this is where the main thing is sitting... Nothing fits at all! Dunya cried out in annoyance. And what are you with your premonitions, mother! He had only known her since yesterday, but now he didn’t recognize her when she came in. Well, you'll see!.. She confuses me, you'll see, you'll see! And I was so scared: she looked at me, looked, her eyes were so, I could barely sit in the chair, remember how you started recommending me? And it’s strange to me: Pyotr Petrovich writes about her like this, but he recommends her to us, and even to you! Therefore, he cares! You never know what he writes! They also talked about us and wrote about us, but have they forgotten or what? And I’m sure that she’s... beautiful and that all this is nonsense! God bless her! “And Pyotr Petrovich is a worthless gossip,” Dunechka suddenly snapped. Pulcheria Alexandrovna just bent down. The conversation was interrupted. That's it, that's what I have to do with you... said Raskolnikov, taking Razumikhin to the window... So I’ll tell Katerina Ivanovna that you will come... Sonya hurried, bowing to leave. “Now, Sofya Semyonovna, we have no secrets, you are not in the way... I would like to say two more words to you... That’s what,” he suddenly turned, without finishing, as if he had torn off, to Razumikhin. You know this... What's his name!.. Porfiry Petrovich? Of course! Relative. What is it? he added with some kind of outburst of curiosity. After all, he is now this case... well, about this murder... you said yesterday... is leading? Yes... well? Razumikhin suddenly bulged his eyes. He asked for pawnbrokers, and I also have pawnbrokers there, so rubbish, but my sister’s ring, which she gave me as a souvenir when I left here, and my father’s silver watch. Everything costs five or six rubles, but it’s precious to me, the memory. So what should I do now? I don't want things to go missing, especially my watch. I was trembling just now that my mother would ask me to look at it, when they started talking about Dunya’s watch. The only thing that survived after my father. She'll be sick if they disappear! Women! So this is how to do it, teach me! I know that I should report it to the unit. Wouldn't it be better for Porfiry himself? How do you think? The matter would have to be sorted out as quickly as possible. You'll see that mommy will ask before lunch! Not at all to the unit and certainly to Porfiry! Razumikhin shouted in some extraordinary excitement. Well, I’m so glad! Why, let’s go now, two steps, we’ll probably catch you! I guess... let's go... And he will be very, very, very, very glad to meet you! I told him a lot about you, different time...And I said it yesterday. Let's go!.. So you knew the old woman? That's it!.. It all turned out great!.. Oh yes... Sofya Ivanovna... Sofya Semyonovna, Raskolnikov corrected. Sofya Semyonovna, this is my friend, Razumikhin, and he is a good person... If you have to go now... Sonya began, without even looking at Razumikhin, and this made her even more embarrassed. And let's go! “Raskolnikov decided, “I’ll come to you today, Sofya Semyonovna, just tell me where you live?” He didn’t just hesitate, but as if he was in a hurry and avoided her gaze. Sonya gave her address and blushed at the same time. Everyone came out together. Don't you lock it? asked Razumikhin, going down the stairs after them. “Never!.. However, I’ve been wanting to buy the entire castle for two years now,” he added casually. Happy people are those who have nothing to lock up? he turned, laughing, to Sonya. On the street they stood at the gate. Should you turn right, Sofya Semyonovna? By the way: how did you find me? he asked, as if he wanted to tell her something completely different. He kept wanting to look into her quiet, clear eyes, and somehow he didn’t succeed... But you told Polechka the address yesterday. Fields? Oh yes... Polechka! This... little... is this your sister? So did I give her the address? Have you forgotten? No... I remember... And I heard about you from the deceased then... Only I didn’t know your last name then, and he didn’t know either... And now I came... and when I found out your last name yesterday... I asked today : Where does Mr. Raskolnikov live?.. And I didn’t know that you also live from tenants... Goodbye, sir... I’m Katerina Ivanovna... She was terribly glad that she had finally left; she walked with her eyes down, in a hurry to somehow get out of their sight, to somehow quickly walk those twenty steps before turning right into the street and finally be left alone, and there, walking, hurrying, not looking at anyone, not doing anything. noticing, thinking, remembering, considering every word spoken, every circumstance. Never, never had she felt anything like this. Whole new world unknown and vaguely descended into her soul. She suddenly remembered that Raskolnikov himself wanted to come to her today, maybe in the morning, maybe now! Not today, please, not today! “She muttered with a sinking heart, as if begging someone, like a frightened child. Lord! To me... in this room... he will see... oh my God! And, of course, she could not notice at that moment one gentleman unfamiliar to her, who was diligently watching her and following her on her heels. He accompanied her from the very exit of the gate. At that moment when all three, Razumikhin, Raskolnikov and she, stopped for two words on the sidewalk, this passer-by, walking around them, suddenly seemed to flinch, accidentally catching Sonya’s words on the fly: “and asked: Mr. Raskolnikov, where does he live?” He quickly but carefully examined all three, especially Raskolnikov, to whom Sonya was addressing; then he looked at the house and noticed it. All this was done in an instant, on the move, and the passer-by, trying not to even show it, walked on, slowing down his pace and as if waiting. He was waiting for Sonya; he saw that they were saying goodbye and that Sonya would now go somewhere to her place. “So where to go to your place? “I saw this face somewhere,” he thought, remembering Sonya’s face... “I need to find out.” Having reached the turn, he crossed to the opposite side of the street, turned around and saw that Sonya was already following him, along the same road, not noticing anything. Having reached the turn, she turned into the same street. He followed, keeping his eyes on her from the opposite sidewalk; having walked about fifty steps, he crossed again to the side on which Sonya was walking, caught up with her and followed her, remaining five steps away. He was a man of about fifty, above average height, portly, with broad and steep shoulders, which gave him a somewhat stooped appearance. He was smartly and comfortably dressed and looked like a dignified gentleman. In his hands was a beautiful cane, which he tapped along the sidewalk with every step, and his hands were in fresh gloves. His wide, high-cheekbone face was quite pleasant, and his complexion was fresh, not St. Petersburg. His hair, still very thick, was completely blond and just a little gray, and his wide, thick beard, hanging down like a shovel, was even lighter than his head hair. His eyes were blue and looked coldly, intently and thoughtfully; scarlet lips. In general, he was a perfectly preserved man who seemed much younger than his age. When Sonya came out to the ditch, they found themselves together on the sidewalk. Watching her, he managed to notice her thoughtfulness and absent-mindedness. Having reached her house, Sonya turned through the gate, he followed her and seemed somewhat surprised. Entering the courtyard, she turned to the right, into the corner where there was a staircase to her apartment. "Bah!" muttered the unfamiliar master and began to climb the steps after her. Only then Sonya noticed him. She went to the third floor, turned into the gallery and rang the number nine, on the door of which was written in chalk: “Capernaum’s tailor.” "Bah!" the stranger repeated again, surprised by the strange coincidence, and called number eight nearby. Both doors were about six steps from one another. You are standing at Kapernaumov! he said, looking at Sonya and laughing. He altered my vest yesterday. And I am here, next to you, with Madame Resslich, Gertrude Karlovna. How I had to! Sonya looked at him carefully. “Neighbors,” he continued somehow especially cheerfully. This is only my third day in the city. Well, goodbye for now. Sonya did not answer; the door was opened and she slipped in. For some reason she felt ashamed, and as if she had become shy... On the way to Porfiry, Razumikhin was in a particularly excited state. “This, brother, is nice,” he repeated several times, “and I’m glad!” I'm glad! “What are you happy about?” Raskolnikov thought to himself. I didn’t even know that you also pawned it from the old woman. And... and... how long has it been? So how long have you been with her? “What a naive fool!” When?.. Raskolnikov paused, remembering, three days before her death I was with her, it seems. However, I’m not going to buy things back now,” he picked up with some kind of hasty and special concern for things, “after all, again I only have a silver ruble... because of this damned delirium yesterday!.. He spoke particularly impressively about delirium. Well, yes, yes, yes, Razumikhin hastily and unknown to what, so that’s why you were then... partly amazed... and you know, you kept remembering some kind of rings and chains in your delirium!.. Well yes, yes... It's clear, everything is clear now. "Won! Eh, this idea has spread among them! After all, this man will go to the crucifixion for me, but I’m very glad that clarified, why did I mention rings in my delirium! Eh, it’s become established among them all!..” Will we find him? he asked out loud. “We’ll catch you, we’ll catch you,” Razumikhin was in a hurry. This, brother, is a nice guy, you'll see! A little clumsy, that is, he is a man and a man of the world, but in other respects I say clumsy. The guy is smart, intelligent, not even very stupid, but has a special way of thinking... He is distrustful, a skeptic, a cynic... he likes to cheat, that is, not to cheat, but to fool... Well, the material old method... But the point is knows, knows... He found one case from last year, about a murder, in which almost all traces were lost! I really, really, really want to meet you! Yes, why on earth? That is, it’s not that... you see, in Lately, that’s how you got sick, I had to remember you often and a lot... Well, he listened... and when he found out that you were in law and couldn’t finish the course, due to circumstances, he said: “What a pity!” I concluded... that is, all this together, it’s not just one thing; yesterday Zametov... You see, Rodya, I was chatting something to you yesterday while drunk, as we were walking home... so, brother, I’m afraid that you won’t exaggerate, you see... What is this? Why do they think I'm crazy? Yes, maybe it's true. He smiled tensely. Yes... yes... that is, ugh, no!.. Well, yes, everything I said (and about other things right there), it was all nonsense and with a hangover. Why are you apologizing! How tired I am of all this! Raskolnikov shouted with exaggerated irritability. He was, however, partly faking it. I know, I know, I understand. Be sure I understand. It's embarrassing to even say... If you’re embarrassed, don’t say so! Both fell silent. Razumikhin was more than delighted, and Raskolnikov felt it with disgust. He was also worried by the fact that Razumikhin was now talking about Porfiry. “This one also needs to sing Lazarus,” he thought, turning pale and with a pounding heart, “and sing more naturally. The most natural thing would be not to sing anything. Don't sing anything too hard! No, intensely it would be unnatural again... Well, how it turns out... we'll see... now... is it good or not good that I'm going? The butterfly itself flies towards the candle. My heart is pounding, that’s what’s bad!..” “In this gray house,” said Razumikhin. “The most important thing is, does Porfiry know or doesn’t know that yesterday I was in this witch’s apartment... and asked about the blood? I have to recognize it in an instant, from the first step, as soon as I walk in, to recognize it by my face; so what... even if I disappear, I’ll find out!” Do you know what? “He suddenly turned to Razumikhin with a roguish smile, “I, brother, noticed today that you have been in some kind of unusual excitement since this morning?” Is it true? How excited? Not in any excitement at all, Razumikhin shuddered. No, brother, really, it’s noticeable. Just now you were sitting on a chair like you never sit, somehow on the tip, and you kept getting a spasm. He jumped up out of nowhere. Sometimes he’s angry, and sometimes he suddenly makes a face like the sweetest candy. He even blushed; especially when you were invited to dinner, you blushed terribly. Yes, I’m okay; You're lying!.. What are you talking about? Why, you’re just kidding around like a schoolboy! Damn, he's blushing again! What a pig you are, however! Why are you embarrassed? Romeo! Wait, I’ll retell this somewhere today, ha ha ha! I'll make mummy laugh... and someone else... Listen, listen, listen, this is serious, this is... What is it after this, damn it! Razumikhin completely lost his mind, growing cold with horror. What will you tell them? Me, brother... Ugh, what a pig you are! Just a spring rose! And how it comes to you, if you only knew; Romeo is ten inches tall! How did you wash yourself today, did you clean your nails, huh? When did this happen? By God, you've put on lipstick! Bend over! Pig!!! Raskolnikov laughed so much that it seemed he couldn’t contain himself, so they entered Porfiry Petrovich’s apartment laughing. This is exactly what Raskolnikov needed: from the rooms one could hear that they entered laughing and were still laughing in the hallway. Don't say a word here, or I'll... crush you! Razumikhin whispered furiously, grabbing Raskolnikov by the shoulder.

Svidrigailov's characteristics and image in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment


1. The versatility of the heroes of the novel “Crime and Punishment”.

2. Svidrigailov. Characteristics and image of the hero

2.1. Immoral villain

2.2. Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov

2.3. Love for Duna

3. The end of Svidrigailov

In his difficult novel “Crime and Punishment,” F. M. Dostoevsky depicted several living and bright images, which still impress readers with their originality and complexity.

First of all, it is, of course, himself main character, is a hardworking, sympathetic young man who decided to cross the line of what is permitted. This is Sonechka Marmeladova - a destitute, deprived of childhood, poor and selling herself girl, capable of strong feelings and sincere devotion. This is Sonya’s father, and Luzhin, and, of course, Svidrigailov.

Arkady Ivanovich appears before readers handsome man fifty years old, well dressed, looking youthful. He is a nobleman and a former officer, and was married to a rich woman. It would seem that life smiles on this hero, he is full of strength and conceit, because the circumstances surrounding him are developing well. But it's not that simple. Svidrigailov is an immoral and vicious person, without conscience and moral principles. Because of such dirty beliefs, he ruins the lives of himself and others, becomes unhappy himself and makes those around him unhappy.

In his younger years, he quits the service because it is difficult for him to obey army regulations, live on friendly terms with his comrades and observe standards of decency. Not having permanent income and spending all his savings on a riotous lifestyle and gambling, Svidrigailov becomes a beggar. He is sent to prison for cheating and debts. At this time, a rich woman helps him. Marfa Petrovna pays a lot of money to free the man, marries him and leaves with him for the village.

Another person, filled with gratitude to this noblewoman in love, would respect and appreciate her. But Arkady Ivanovich was not like that. He humiliates his wife and shamelessly cheats on her. “I had so much disgust in my soul and a kind of honesty that I could tell her outright that I couldn’t be completely faithful to her,” declares this vicious man, and still boasts of his immorality. But his adventures in the village do not end there.

With unprecedented sophistication and cruelty, Svidrigailov mocks the peasant, and thereby drives him to suicide. And his immoral relationship with a fifteen-year-old girl evokes disapproval and condemnation from the reader. The unfortunate girl kills herself, but this has no effect on the villain. He, without feeling any remorse, continues to enjoy life and debauchery.

Committing crimes and atrocities, Arkady Ivanovich does not suffer like Raskolnikov, who is tormented whether he has the right to take a person’s life. Svidrigailov commits his atrocities without thinking, and it’s scary. For him there is no crime or wrongdoing, for him there is only the need to satisfy his desires and lusts, regardless of how it affects others. And although he tells the main character that they are both “birds of a feather,” this is not so.

Svidrigailov does not doubt his evil deeds, he does not hesitate between good and evil. He has been on the side of evil for a long time and does not experience the slightest sign of repentance. In contrast to Raskolnikov, Arkady Ivanovich does not withdraw into himself after the crime. He continues to live and strives to get everything from life. The relationship between Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov’s sister Dunya is stunning and extraordinary. The girl comes to serve in the family of Arkady Ivanovich, where he notices her and becomes imbued with love for her. Most likely, the man was captivated by the spiritual beauty and purity of the young maid. She behaves meekly and humbly, fulfills with zeal homework, she is kind and flexible. But there is another side to this malleability.

Dunya is an honest, chaste girl; she protects her purity and innocence. No threats and intimidations, no gifts and no flattery can shake her determination to resist the hated master. Svidrigailov cannot come to terms with this. He thinks that his wife is interfering with the girl. Therefore, a man commits a terrible act - he becomes the culprit in the death of his wife, the mother of his children, who all the time saved him and saved him from the consequences of his dirty deeds. After this, Arkady Ivanovich goes to Dunya to force her to surrender to him.

He blackmails the girl with her brother's secret and resorts to other terrible tricks to seduce the unfortunate woman. But Dunya, driven to despair, realizes that she can become a puppet in the hands of a cruel, unprincipled man whom she abhors and despises, and decides to kill. The first shot missed the villain, and the second time the girl was unable to shoot and threw the revolver away. Svidrigailov, who was not frightened by either the assassination attempt or the real threat, was broken by Dunya’s despair and grief, her extinguished gaze and sad indifference. He realized that he was disgusted with his beloved, that she would never, ever love him sincerely and voluntarily. “So you don’t love?.. And you can’t? Never? Never!" - this quiet short conversation decides future fate heroes. Arkady Ivanovich, who truly loves this persistent, pure young woman, lets her go and decides to commit suicide.

His existence is meaningless; without his beloved, who could become his joy and salvation, he sees no reason for his existence. Svidrigailov commits suicide, but, strange as it may seem for negative hero, V last hours he accomplishes his existence noble deeds who save the lives of others. The man leaves money to his bride, who is young and innocent, and Sonechka, thanks to which she is able to change her profession and follow Raskolnikov into exile to take care of his mental well-being. Arkady Ivanovich also arranges the lives of the Marmeladov children. If not for his good deeds, who knows how the lives of the main characters would have ended. And so we have hope that by his suicide Svidrigailov saved Sonya and Rodion, that they will live happily ever after.

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich- one of the main characters in Dostoevsky’s novel “Mischief and Punishment.” Together with Luzhin’s character, he creates in the novel the system of Rodion Raskolnikov’s doubles.

“Evil and punishment” characteristicsSvidrigailova

Svidrigailov is close to 50 years old. Having served two years in the cavalry. Then, in his words, “hanging around” in St. Petersburg. Buv a sharpie. Having made friends with Martha Petrivna, who bought him from his relationship, he now lives near the village. Cynic. Loving wickedness. On his conscience there are a number of serious crimes: the suicide of Philip’s servant and the fourteen-year-old girl he depicted, perhaps, and a detached squad... Double,

Svidrigailov arrives in St. Petersburg and meets Raskolnikov, asking him to marry Dunya and not get rid of Vidmova. Vipadkovo settles down next to her, having overheard Rozmova and Raskolnikov, finds out who has killed the old fever, and then at the wake reveals to Raskolnikov that, having overheard Rozmova, she knows everything, professes to take care of your life. Next, Raskolnikov meets Svidrigailova in the tavern, obligingly to prevent him from getting in touch with his sister. Svidrigailov deceives him, licks him and lures Dunya to his apartment, and Dunya almost kills him with a pistol shot. Remaining aware of what it feels like to be love without reciprocity, Svidrigailov inevitably ends his life of self-destruction.

The character of Svidrigailov

Svidrigailov is calm, level of respect in the bath, illumination, curling. Has a dual character. On one side, there is an ordinary, normal, hard-nosed person, which is how he stands before Raskolnikov, on the other side, Raskolnikov’s mother, Dunya, speaks about him as a dissolute, hateful, evil and cynical person. On one side, he is a rapist, a destroyer and a destroyer, on the other side, he donates pennies to Sonya and the Marmeladov orphans, and gives aid to Raskolnikov. Speak monotonously, without any smile, like a person who has learned a lot and knows the value of herself and people. The slaughtered bones, perhaps, became like this in the last hour of life, after the death of the squad.

Externality of Svidrigailov

He was a man of about fifty, above average height, portly, with broad and steep shoulders, which gave him a somewhat stooped appearance. He was smartly and comfortably dressed and looked like a dignified gentleman. In his hands was a beautiful cane, which he tapped along the sidewalk with every step, and his hands were in fresh gloves. His wide, high-cheekbone face was quite pleasant, and his complexion was fresh, not St. Petersburg. His hair, still very thick, was completely blond and just a little gray, and his wide, thick beard, hanging down like a shovel, was even lighter than his head hair. His eyes were blue and looked coldly, intently and thoughtfully; scarlet lips. In general, he was a perfectly preserved man who seemed much younger than his age...

Through the eyes of Raskolnikov towards the end of the novel:

It was some kind of strange face, like a mask: white, ruddy, with ruddy, scarlet lips, with a light blond beard and still quite thick blond hair. The eyes were somehow too blue, and their gaze was somehow too heavy and motionless. There was something terribly unpleasant in this handsome and extremely youthful, judging by his age, face. Svidrigailov’s clothes were smart, summer, light, and he especially showed off his underwear. There was a huge ring with an expensive stone on the finger...

Get to the bottom of things human soul regardless of who it belongs to, a righteous man or a murderer - that was the main goal of Mikhail Dostoevsky’s work. Most of his characters live in St. Petersburg in the 19th century. Nevertheless, the books of the great Russian classic are still interesting today. And not only in Russia, but also abroad. The image of Svidrigailov is one of the most interesting images Dostoevsky. Only at first glance it may seem that this character is unambiguous. He is opposed to the main character of the novel “Crime and Punishment”, but at the same time has much in common with him.

The image of Svidrigailov in the novel “Crime and Punishment”

So what do we know about this hero? Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is an acquaintance of Dunya Raskolnikova. Moreover, he is her admirer, passionate, unstoppable. The image of Svidrigailov emerges even before his appearance. Raskolnikov will one day learn of him as a low man, ready to do anything for profit and pleasure. Of considerable interest is mysterious story Arkady Ivanovich. He, like the main character of the novel, once committed a murder. However, unlike Raskolnikov, he was not brought to trial.

Arkady Ivanovich is fifty years old. He is a man of average height, portly, with steep and broad shoulders. An important part of Svidrigailov’s image is smart, comfortable clothing. He always carries an exquisite cane in his hands, which he taps every now and then. Wide face Svidrigailova is quite pleasant. A healthy complexion means that most he spends no time in dusty St. Petersburg. The hair is blond with graying.

What is the most important thing in the image of Svidrigailov, as, indeed, in any other? Of course, the eyes. Arkady Ivanovich's are blue, they look coldly, intently, and a little thoughtfully. Svidrigailov is a nobleman, a retired officer. He is a desperate man, as one of the characters said, “forlorn behavior.” Briefly, the image of Svidrigailov can be described as follows: a villain, a voluptuous person, a scoundrel.

The story of Arkady Ivanovich

Svidrigailov’s characterization is very unattractive. Nevertheless, in the scene that depicts his death, he is able to evoke pity in the reader. The image of Svidrigailov in Dostoevsky’s novel is considered to be the most striking negative. Still, this is a rather controversial character. Yes, he is a scoundrel, a libertine, an adventurer, a tyrant. But he is an unhappy man.

One day he says to Raskolnikov: “My children need me. But what kind of father am I?” He seems to be trying to denigrate himself, trying to seem more unpleasant and disgusting than he is. Perhaps the whole point is that Svidrigailov once committed a murder. He did not confess, did not repent. He believes in his impunity. Svidrigailov is cruelly mistaken. There is no crime without punishment.

Svidrigailov was once a card sharper. He went to prison for debt. From there he was bought by Marfa Petrovna, an elderly woman, but very rich. After his release, Arkady Ivanovich married her. True, a few months after the wedding he declared that he could not be faithful to her.

Marfa Petrovna forgave her husband's infidelity. Moreover, she once did everything to hide the dirty story that led to the death of a fifteen-year-old girl. But then Svidrigailov had every chance to go to Siberia. If it weren’t for his wife, who, by the way, later died under very strange circumstances. Dunya Raskolnikova believes that Arkady Ivanovich poisoned her with poison.

Let's take a closer look character traits Svidrigailova. What kind of story happened to him several years before he met Raskolnikov? What does this scoundrel have in common with the main character?


Svidrigailov is a rather eccentric person. He is not at all interested in the opinions of others. As already mentioned, he is called “a man of bad behavior.” He says strange things and takes his interlocutor by surprise with his shameless speeches. Perhaps he really is indifferent to public opinion. But we can also assume another option: Svidrigailov takes pleasure in surprising and shocking those around him.


This is the most depraved hero in the novel Crime and Punishment. Once upon a time he cheated on his wife with peasant women. Later, having met Dunya, he became inflamed with passion for her. This destroyed the libertine. The girl will never reciprocate his feelings. She despises him, and once almost kills him. Arkady Ivanovich is used to getting his way. When he realizes that he will never achieve his goal in the person of Dunya Raskolnikova, he commits suicide.


Svidrigailov is an empty man. He is accustomed to idleness and lives in grand style. Svidrigailov's marriage itself is nothing more than an adventure. He connected his life with a woman he did not love. Perhaps Svidrigailov is not at all capable of deep feeling. He lives for momentary pleasure, for which he is ready to pay with someone else's life. The time has come to tell the story, after which Arkady Ivanovich’s reputation as a scoundrel was forever established.


Marfa Petrovna entered into a strange agreement with her husband. Its essence was as follows: he would never leave her, never have a permanent mistress, and at the same time he would satisfy his lust with hay girls. One of the peasant women - a girl 14-15 years old - was once found hanged in the attic. It turned out that Svidrigailov’s cruel insult pushed her to suicide. This man had another death on his conscience. He drove Philip, a peasant who could not stand the constant persecution, to suicide.

Svidrigailov and Luzhin

The images of these characters are contrasted with the main character. They are considered to be Raskolnikov's doubles. However, Luzhin, unlike Svidrigailov, and even more so the student who killed the old woman, is a rather simple character.

Luzhin causes nothing but rejection. This is a sleek, middle-aged gentleman, in whose expensive, dandy clothes there is something unnatural, sham. Unlike Svidrigailov, he rose from the bottom. Luzhin was not used to idleness. He serves in two places and values ​​every minute. Finally, the main thing that distinguishes him from Arkady Ivanovich is rationality and prudence. This man will never lose his head because of passion. He wants to marry Duna not because he loves her. Raskolnikov's sister is poor, which means she will be an obedient wife. She is well educated, which means she will help him take a higher place in society.

Birds of a feather

Svidrigailov learns about Raskolnikov's crime after overhearing his conversation with Sonya. He, of course, will not make Rodion Romanovich’s secret public. However, she excites and excites him. “You and I are birds of a feather,” he once says to Raskolnikov. But suddenly he notices incomprehensible tragic movements in the student. A person with such a fine organization has no reason to commit a crime - this is what Svidrigailov believes, contemptuously calling Rodion’s suffering “Shillerism.”

Arkady Ivanovich suffered pangs of conscience only in last days his life. And they were too weak to lead to repentance. He, unlike Raskolnikov, could not admit his guilt.