Characteristics of Olga from Oblomov with quotes. Characteristics of Olga Ilinskaya in the novel "Oblomov" - description of the image and interesting facts

Roman I.A. Goncharov's "Oblomov" reveals the problem of social society of those times. In this work, the main characters were unable to deal with their own feelings, depriving themselves of the right to happiness. We will talk about one of these heroines with an unfortunate fate.

The image and characterization of Olga Ilyinskaya with quotes in the novel “Oblomov” will help to fully reveal her complex character and better understand this woman.

Olga's appearance

It seems difficult to call the young creature a beauty. The girl's appearance is far from ideals and generally accepted standards.

“Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty... But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.”

Being short, she managed to walk like a queen, with her head held high. There was a sense of character in the girl, of becoming. She didn't pretend to be better. She didn’t flirt, she didn’t ingratiate herself. She was as natural as possible in expressing emotions and feelings. Everything about her was real, without a drop of falsehood or lies.

“In a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of look, word, action... no lies, no tinsel, no intent!”


Olga was not raised by her parents, but by her aunt, who replaced her father and mother. The girl remembered her mother from a portrait hanging in the living room. She had no information about her father since he took her away from the estate at the age of five. Having become an orphan, the child was left to his own devices. The baby lacked support, care, and warm words. The aunt had no time for her. She was too immersed in social life, and she did not care about the suffering of her niece.


Despite her eternal busyness, the aunt was able to find time for the education of her growing niece. Olga was not one of those people who was forced to sit down for lessons with a whip. She always strived to gain new knowledge, constantly developing and moving forward in this direction. Books were an outlet, and music served as a source of inspiration. In addition to playing the piano, she sang beautifully. Her voice, despite its soft sound, was strong.

“From this pure, strong girlish voice, the heart beat, the nerves trembled, the eyes sparkled and swam with tears...”


Oddly enough, she loved privacy. Noisy companies, cheerful gatherings with friends are not about Olga. She did not strive to acquire new acquaintances, revealing her soul to strangers. Some thought she was too smart, others, on the contrary, stupid.

“Some considered her to be narrow-minded, since wise maxims did not come out of her tongue...”

Not very talkative, she preferred to live in her shell. In that imaginary little world where it was good and calm. External calm was strikingly different from the internal state of the soul. The girl always knew clearly what she wanted from life and tried to implement her plans.

“If she has any intention, then things will boil over...”

First love or meeting Oblomov

My first love came at the age of 20. The meeting was planned. Stolz brought Oblomov to Olga’s aunt’s house. Hearing Oblomov’s angelic voice, he realized that he was lost. The feeling turned out to be mutual. From that moment on, meetings became regular. The young people became interested in each other and began to think about living together.

How love changes a person

Love can change any person. Olga was no exception. It was as if wings had grown behind her back from the overwhelming feelings. Everything in her was seething and seething with the desire to turn the world upside down, changing it, making it better, cleaner. Olga's chosen one was from a different field. Understanding the emotions and ambitions of your beloved is too difficult a task. It was difficult for him to resist this volcano of passions, sweeping away everything in its path. He wanted to see in her a quiet, calm woman who completely devoted herself to home and family. Olga, on the contrary, wanted to shake up Ilya, change his inner world and usual way of life.

“She dreamed of how she would “order him to read the books” that Stolz left, then read newspapers every day and tell her the news, write letters to the village, complete a plan for organizing the estate, get ready to go abroad - in a word, he would not fall asleep with her; she will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving.”

First disappointment

Time passed, nothing changed. Everything remained in its place. Olga knew perfectly well what she was getting into by allowing the relationship to go too far. It was not in her rules to retreat. She continued to hope, sincerely believing that she could remake Oblomov, adapting a man ideal in all respects to her model, but sooner or later any patience comes to an end.


She's tired of fighting. The girl was gnawed by doubts whether she had made a mistake by deciding to connect her life with a weak-willed, weak person incapable of action. Sacrifice yourself all your life for love, why? She already spent too much time marking time, which was unusual for her. The time has come to move on, but apparently alone.

“I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me, but you died a very long time ago.”

This phrase became decisive before Olga put an end to her relationship that ended so early with the person she thought she loved.

Stolz: life vest or attempt number two

He was always for her, first of all, a close friend, a mentor. She shared everything that was going on in her soul. Stolz always found time to support, lend a shoulder, making it clear that he was always there, and she could rely on him in any situation. They had common interests. Life positions are similar. They could well become one, which is what Andrei was counting on. Olga decided to lick her emotional wounds after breaking up with Oblomov in Paris. In the city of love, where there is a place for hope and faith in the best. It was here that her meeting with Stolz took place.

Marriage. Trying to be happy.

Andrey surrounded me with attention and care. She enjoyed the courtship.

“The continuous, intelligent and passionate worship of a man like Stolz”

Restored injured, offended pride. She was grateful to him. Gradually my heart began to thaw. The woman felt that she was ready for a new relationship, that she was ripe for a family.

“She experienced happiness and could not determine where the boundaries were, what it was.”

Having become a wife, for the first time she was able to understand what it means to be loved and to love.

A few years later

The couple lived in a happy marriage for several years. It seemed to Olga that it was in Stolz:

“Not blindly, but with consciousness, and in him her ideal of male perfection was embodied.”

But everyday life became boring. The woman got bored. The uniform rhythm of gray everyday life was stifling, giving no outlet for the accumulated energy. Olga missed the vigorous activity that she led with Ilya. She tried to attribute her state of mind to fatigue and depression, but the situation did not improve, becoming increasingly tense. Andrei intuitively felt changes in mood, not understanding the true reason for his wife’s depressed state. Did they make a mistake, and the attempt to become happy failed, but why?


Who is to blame for what happens to us at this or that stage of life. Mostly we ourselves. In the modern world, Olga would not get bored and focus on problems. At that time, there were only a few women with a masculine character. They were not understood and not accepted in society. She alone could not have changed anything, and she herself was not ready to change, being selfish at heart. Family life was not for her. She had to accept the situation or let it go.

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The image of Olga Ilyinskaya stands out noticeably against the general background of the characters in the novel. Thanks to her honesty, sincerity and nobility, many people associate the girl with an angel who descended from heaven to earth.

Origin of Ilyinskaya and her family

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya was a hereditary noblewoman. Her parents died and she was taken in by her aunt. The author does not say at what age Ilyinskaya became an orphan. The only thing that is known is that it happened after the girl turned 5 years old. (When Olga was 5, her father left their estate with her).

Olga’s estate was under collateral for some time, but at the time when the main events unfolded, all the documents were put in order, and the girl could already live on her estate. The Ilyinsky estate was not in good condition, but had a favorable location, which was promising for its restoration and development.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the image of Ilya Oblomov, a man distinguished by laziness and apathy towards life, in I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”.

Olga's family is small - she was the only child in the family, so she has no brothers or sisters. The girl's only relative is her aunt, Marya Mikhailovna. The aunt has neither a husband nor children of her own - Olga replaced her family.

A trusting relationship has arisen between the aunt and niece, but Olga is not always ready to discuss everything with her aunt. So, for example, she conceals the details of their relationship with Oblomov, but does this not because she does not trust Marya Mikhailovna, but because she is not ready to discuss this situation with anyone.


The role of women in society at that time was limited. For female representatives of noble birth the road to any service was closed. Women at that time took care of household chores and raising children.

Like all women, Olga is actively involved in needlework - she often embroiders, she likes this activity, because she is fascinated by the process of creating unusual patterns.

Olga’s leisure time is not limited only to needlework: in her free time, the girl does not neglect books. She likes to learn something new, but even more Olga likes to listen to stories and retellings of books.

It is because of this that Oblomov begins to actively read books - thanks to retelling the plot, he manages to attract the attention of his beloved to his person and hold it for a long time.

Ilyinskaya also loves theater - she is fascinated by the acting. The girl never misses a chance to see a performance.

Olga, like the majority of nobles, knows how to play musical instruments. In addition to this, she has a developed ear for music; the girl sings well, accompanying herself on the piano.

Appearance Ilyinskaya

Olga Sergeevna is a girl with a pleasant, attractive appearance. People around her consider her a beautiful and sweet girl. Olga has pleasant gray-blue eyes; you can always find something kind and affectionate in them.

Olga has eyebrows of different shapes. One of them is always curved - just in this place a small fold is noticeable - according to the author, this indicates the girl’s perseverance. In general, her eyebrows were not the generally accepted one - a thin, arched shape; they did not frame her eyes. Olga's eyebrows were fluffy and more like a straight line. Her face was oval in shape, it was not distinguished by classical beauty - it was not immaculately white, and her cheeks were not rosy, her teeth were not like pearls, but she could not be considered unattractive.

On our website you can follow the relationship between Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Oblomov, described in I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”.

Olga always bowed her head a little, which gave her some nobility. This image was enhanced by the neck - beautiful and thin. Her nose “formed a slightly noticeably convex, graceful line.”

The girl had beautiful curly hair, which she tied in a braid at the back of her head, which further enhanced her noble image.

The girl's lips were thin and always tightly compressed. One got the impression that her lips were not laughing, even when her whole face was laughing.

Ilyinskaya’s hands were of normal size, slightly damp and soft.

Olga was beautifully built - she had a good figure. Her gait was light and beautiful. Those around her considered her like an angel.

Olga's clothes are not anything unusual. Her dress is always cleaned and neat. The girl does not chase fashion trends; when choosing clothes, she is guided by personal preferences, and not by the tenets of fashion. In her wardrobe you can find clothes for any occasion - there are light silk dresses and exquisite, lace ones, and warm, cotton-lined ones for the cold season. During hot days, Olga Sergeevna uses a decorative umbrella, and on cold days she dresses in a mantilla with a headscarf or a hat and cloak.

Characteristics of personal qualities

Olga has always been a “wonderful creature.” She was active and smart even as a child. Even in her childhood, Olga was noticeably distinguished by her sincerity and emotionality.

Olga does not know how to lie and deceive - the concepts of falsehood and deception are alien to him.

Olga is not like most girls in high society - her distinctive feature was her inability to flirt and make advances. She never purses her lip, like most cutesy girls in case of indignation, does not stick out her leg while playing the piano in order to attract the attention of the male half of the audience, does not feign fainting and does not pretend to be illusory in order to attract attention to her person.

Olga is a simple girl. There are no memorized philosophical sayings in her speech. She never uses overheard opinions about anything for personal gain and does not pass off someone else’s opinion as her own. Based on this, many consider her to be a simpleton and not insightful and narrow-minded.

In general, Olga was a timid girl. She rarely intervened in the conversation, not so much because she knew little about the subject of discussion, but because by nature she was a taciturn person.

Olga is a sincere and emotional girl; she rarely remains indifferent to current events, but she tries not to advertise her feelings. Her calm nature allows her to do this.

Olga is a very curious girl, she likes to listen to different stories, both from people’s real lives and literary stories. From time to time, the girl likes to fall into thought.

Olga Sergeevna treats others kindly and patiently. She is a trusting person. Ilyinskaya waits for a long time for decisive action on the part of Oblomov, even in those cases when it was easy to indicate Oblomov’s neglect of her. However, she cannot be called spineless - having become convinced of Oblomov’s deception, the girl follows the dictates of her pride - she breaks off relations with Ilya Ilyich, despite the fact that her attachment to him is still strong.

Despite the fact that Olga is a dreamy girl, she is not without a pragmatic and clear mind. Ilyinskaya is a smart girl, she often becomes Oblomov’s adviser; the solutions she proposes surprise Oblomov with their simplicity and at the same time effectiveness.

Olga has tenacity and perseverance; she is used to following her goal in life, and not waiting for what she wants to come true by itself.

Ilyinskaya is a gentle and sensual nature. She is gentle and affectionate with the person she loves.

She is highly moral and loyal. Ilyinskaya does not recognize betrayal and does not understand such a relationship between beloved people or spouses.

Undoubtedly, Olga has determination - she is always open to change and is not afraid of it. Ilyinskaya is not used to going with the flow of life; she is ready to radically change her life.

Relationship between Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Olga and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov met on the initiative of their mutual friend, Andrei Stolts. Andrei Ivanovich, on one of his regular visits to Oblomov, decides to actively take up the modernization of his friend’s life.

One evening he brings him to the Ilyinskys’ house. The eccentric and simple-minded Ilya Ilyich became the subject of Olga’s interest. The girl at the time of their acquaintance was still very young and inexperienced, so she gives herself entirely to the feeling of sympathy that arises, allowing it to develop into love.

Ilya Ilyich also fell in love with the girl. Since he was the same age as Stolz, he shared a fairly large age gap with Olga Oblomov - 10 years, but in the case of Oblomov this was little noticeable. Ilya Ilyich was an extremely unadapted person for life, and his ascetic, lazy lifestyle completely deprived him of the opportunity and ability to communicate with people. Ilya Ilyich has not yet had experience in a romantic relationship, so he is somewhat frightened by the feeling that has arisen towards Olga, he is embarrassed and ashamed of his feelings and does not know how he should behave correctly.

One evening, while in prison, Olga performed the aria “Casta Diva,” which was Oblomov’s favorite work. Oblomov’s unexpectedly failed confession became the reason for the active development of the relationship between these heroes.

Ilya Ilyich changed noticeably under the influence of the feeling that arose - he gradually began to abandon his usual Oblomovism, began to monitor his wardrobe and the state of his home. Oblomov actively reads books and constantly goes out into the world.

In a word, he leads the usual life of an aristocrat. However, such a change was not truly his desire - he does this for the sake of his love and in the name of Olga. Oblomov completely surrenders to love, he is a very sentimental and romantic person. It is difficult for Ilya Ilyich to understand other manifestations of love other than this. He is very demanding of Olga, he wants her love to be identical to his love for the girl, and having found different traits, he questions the girl’s love. In this regard, Oblomov writes a letter to the girl, in which he reproaches her for the lack of true feelings towards him and announces to her the separation.

After reading the letter, Olga becomes very upset; she does not understand why her feelings were questioned, because she did not give Oblomov any reason to think that his personality was unpleasant to him. Oblomov, having seen the girl’s reaction to the message about the breakup, understands the error of his actions, he is ashamed of his action. The lovers explain and make peace - their relationship continues to develop.

Oblomov proposes to Olga, and the girl agrees. The only thing left to do is to make their relationship public (which until that time had been secret) and announce their engagement, but Oblomov does not dare to take such actions - he has changed, but not that much. Dramatic changes frighten Ilya Ilyich and he keeps stalling for time. By this moment, Oblomov is tired of Olga’s activity and determination, an active life position, a willingness to change his life and develop as a person are alien to him. His relationship with Olga is increasingly associated with work. Oblomov does not dare to break up with the girl, but he also has no desire to develop the relationship longer. He takes a wait-and-see attitude. At first, Olga doesn’t care much about her lover’s lack of initiative.

She believes that Oblomov needs some time to take action, but the more time passes, the more the girl realizes the illusory nature of her lover’s feelings.

The apogee of the relationship is the exposure of Oblomov’s deception with his invented illness. The upset girl decides to break off relations with Oblomov.

This event has a depressing effect on Olga - despite the secrecy of their relationship, everyone around has already begun to talk about them as future spouses and this hurts the wounded Olga even more.

Relationship between Olga and Andrei Stolts

Olga Sergeevna and Andrei Ivanovich were old acquaintances. A significant age difference (Stolz was 10 years older than Ilyinskaya) did not allow them to create a romantic relationship at the beginning of their communication - in the eyes of Andrei Ivanovich, the girl looked like just a child.

For a long time, their communication did not go beyond friendship, although it was impossible to deny the presence of sympathy. Andrei Ivanovich’s behavior prompted Ilyinskaya to think that he was indifferent to her as a woman. This state of affairs intensified significantly after Stolz introduced the young girl to his friend Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich knew how to present even the most unattractive features of a person in a favorable light, which is what happened in the case of Oblomov. This fact does not stem from selfish goals, but was the fault of Stolz’s positive and optimistic beginning, who knows how to consider positive, attractive character traits in a person. Olga turns her attention to Oblomov and falls in love with him.

The development of a romantic relationship did not take long to develop - Olga’s feelings turned out to be mutual. However, Oblomovism and Oblomov’s suspiciousness did not allow this relationship to outgrow and start a family - Olga and Oblomov’s engagement was terminated. This incident caused Olga's blues. The girl became disillusioned with love and men in general.

Soon Olga and her aunt are leaving abroad. They lived for some time in France, where they met Andrei Stolts. Andrei Ivanovich, who knew nothing not only about Olga’s engagement to Oblomov, but also about the romantic relationship between them, becomes an active guest in the Ilyinsky house.

After some time, Stolz notices affection for the girl - he realizes that his life is no longer conceivable without Olga. Andrei Ivanovich decides to explain himself to the girl.

Some time ago, Olga would have been happy to hear this, but a bad relationship experience changed her position. Olga decides to open up to Stoltz and tells him all the details from her relationship with Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich is unpleasantly surprised by his friend’s behavior, but he is unable to change anything. Stolz does not intend to give up his intention and proposes to the girl. Olga does not feel passion or love for Stolz - a feeling of affection and sympathy connects her with Andrei Ivanovich, but the girl agrees to become his wife.

The marriage of Olga and Andrey was not unsuccessful - Olga was able to find harmony in her marriage and become a happy mother.

After her marriage to Andrei Stolz, Olga was transformed; she was able to abstract herself from the negative impressions that arose after breaking up with Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, but their relationship cannot be called complete.

Despite such a sad experience, Olga does not remain indifferent to Oblomov’s fate, and after his death she raises his son along with her children.

Summarize. Olga Ilyinskaya is a positive character in Goncharov’s novel. She embodies the best features and characteristics - she is romantic, gentle and dreamy in nature, but at the same time she has a cold mind and prudence. Olga is noticeably different from the image of cutesy girls that has taken root in society. In her actions, she is guided by morality and humanity, and not by personal gain, which also sets her apart from society.

The novel “Oblomov” is the main work in the work. The novel was created over several years, from 1847 to 1859. Its main character was the landowner. An educated person spends his life indulging in bliss and semi-laziness. He is not fit for work and, despite his potential, has no interest in any type of activity. Olga Ilyinskaya, whose character turns out to be the complete opposite of Oblomov’s image, the author assigned the role of motivator of the main character.

The novel demonstrates character development. Having met Olga as a young girl, the reader observes her development as a person, growing up and changing status. Constantly striving for self-development, ambitious Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya awakens in Oblomov a love that is not destined to continue.

Biography and plot

Olga Ilyinskaya is an attractive girl living in St. Petersburg. She is positive, optimistic and not prone to mannerisms, traditional for the era described. The girl's family is noble. Her parents died early, and as a child the heroine ended up in the house of her aunt, Marya Mikhailovna. There she was given an upbringing and was allowed to openly express her opinions. Olga’s self-sufficiency can also be explained by the fact that her close friend was. The girl is a fan of his views and brings to life the ideas that his friend favors.

Olga's image is not typical for a woman of the 19th century. Her characteristics exclude a tendency to coquetry and affectation, secrecy and greed. The girl cares little about decency and other people's opinions. Ilyinskaya’s society is avoided by champions of the traditional social system and etiquette. Olga is educated and sensible. Describing the character, the author does not pay attention to appearance, noting that the heroine lacks white skin, blush and refined outlines. Graceful and elegant Ilyinskaya turns from a good-natured child into a woman whose face loses its carefree expression and takes on a painful thoughtfulness.

The feelings that Olga awakened in Oblomov’s heart ennobled the hero and allowed him to begin a new stage of life. The hero was unable to match the girl, and they had to break off the relationship. The breakup devastated both of them. Ilya Oblomov fell ill with a fever, and Olga Ilyinskaya went to Paris to heal her broken heart. For six months spent in France, she maintained close contact with Stolz and came to her senses. Having accepted a marriage proposal from Oblomov’s friend, Olga married him.

Combining simplicity and naturalness, Olga Ilyinskaya differed from the fair sex in St. Petersburg. , which occupied Oblomov’s thoughts after Olga’s departure, was not distinguished by its breadth of views or lofty ideals. Her simplicity and desire to lead a familiar lifestyle made the hero think that similarity provides grounds for the emergence of feelings.

Olga’s personal growth, described on the pages of the work, occurs at a rapid pace. This captivated Oblomov. Later, realizing that he was not ready for such a rhythm of life and had other ideals, the hero gave up trying to be on a par with Ilyinskaya. The love story didn't happen.

In comparison with Olga Pshenitsyna looks modest. Her main concerns are running the household and finding opportunities to please Oblomov. For her, he acts as Ilyinskaya, so it seems to the lazy landowner that marriage with Pshenitsyna is a good option for the development of events.

Accustomed to home life, lavish feasts, and the quiet flow of time, Oblomov and Pshenitsyna are content with what fate gives them. At the same time, Ilyinskaya and Stolz are accustomed to creating their lives despite the circumstances. The plan for Oblomov’s re-education, which Ilyinskaya developed, would never have occurred to Pshenitsyna, who believed that her husband was an ideal man. The feelings that Olga mistook for love were rather pleasure from the results demonstrated by Ilya. Olga’s main purpose is to constantly search for herself and improve herself, which is impossible next to Oblomov.


The novel "Oblomov" was filmed. The audience remembered two films that were worthy of analysis and distinguished themselves by interesting acting work. In 1966, a series created by Italian directors was released. The role of Olga was performed by Juliana Logiodice, and Alberto Lionello acted as Oblomov.

The Soviet audience was able to appreciate the director's interpretation in 1979. Feature film “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov" was received warmly and kindly. Critics praised the performance that Ilyinskaya brought to life on the screen.

The meek and sophisticated actress authentically portrayed the features that the author described in the novel. The actress's appearance gracefully complemented the image she created. The role brought the performer great success in cinema. In a duet with Elena Solovey, she presented a unique tandem of an extraordinary personality and her ward.

Literary scholars are looking for the prototype of Olga Ilyinskaya, noting her resemblance to the main character of the novel "". reminds me of Ilyinskaya. Writers characterize girls as simple characters who have no interest in the social life of modern society. In his work on the image, Goncharov went further, depicting a woman who attracts with her natural beauty and serious needs. It is not enough for Olga to be a happy lady; she feels the need to show character.

Ilyinskaya is one of the classic female images of Russian literature. Olga is an authentic heroine, a whole person who has no equal.


The author puts into the mouth of the main character the words that he expects to hear from the public. The middle of the 19th century was a troubled time when there were no number of people like Oblomov. Few people wanted to leave their comfort zone in order to take decisive action, and in the image of a woman, the writer gives the strongest motivation to Oblomov and others like him. The feminine principle is a collective image of the height achieved:

“I am your goal,” you say, and you walk towards it so timidly, slowly; and you still have a long way to go; you must become taller than me. I expect this from you! – Olga says to Oblomov.

Despite her prudence, Olga is no stranger to impulses of the heart:

“The heart, when it loves, has its own mind... it knows what it wants and knows in advance what will happen.”

This is how the girl explains, who does not fully understand that, without wanting it, she replaced love with excitement. Deep down, Olga understands that the feelings she experiences do not stand a chance:

“Yes, in words you punish yourself, throw yourself into the abyss, give up half your life, and then doubt comes, a sleepless night: how gentle you become towards yourself, careful, caring, how far you see ahead!..”

The girl sees who Oblomov is and understands that he will never decide to take a serious action and will not change his essence.

Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna

Novel (1849-1857, published 1859)

Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna is one of the main heroines of the novel, with a bright and strong character. A possible prototype of I. is Elizaveta Tolstaya, Goncharov’s only love, although some researchers reject this hypothesis. “Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness in her, no bright coloring of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire; there were no corals on the lips, no pearls in the mouth, no miniature hands, like those of a five-year-old child, with fingers in the shape of grapes. But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.”

Since the time she was orphaned, I. has been living in the house of her aunt Marya Mikhailovna. Goncharov emphasizes the heroine’s rapid spiritual maturation: she “as if she was following the course of life by leaps and bounds. And every hour of the slightest, barely noticeable experience, an incident that flashes like a bird past a man’s nose, is grasped inexplicably quickly by a girl.”

Andrei Ivanovich Stolts introduces I. and Oblomov. How, when and where Stolz and I. met is unknown, but the relationship connecting these characters is distinguished by sincere mutual attraction and trust. “...In a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of look, word, action... No affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel, no intent! But almost only Stolz appreciated her, but she sat through more than one mazurka alone, not hiding her boredom... Some considered her simple, short-sighted, shallow, because neither wise maxims about life, about love, nor quick, unexpected and bold remarks, nor read or overheard judgments about music and literature..."

Stolz brings Oblomov to I.’s house not by chance: knowing that she has an inquisitive mind and deep feelings, he hopes that with her spiritual needs I. will be able to awaken Oblomov - make him read, watch, learn more and more discriminatingly. In one of the very first meetings, Oblomov was captivated by her amazing voice - I. sings an aria from Bellini’s opera “Norma,” the famous “Casta diva,” and “this destroyed Oblomov: he was exhausted,” becoming more and more immersed in a new feeling for himself.

I.’s literary predecessor is Tatyana Larina (“Eugene Onegin”). But as a heroine of a different historical time, I. is more confident in herself, her mind requires constant work. This was noted by N.A. Dobrolyubov in the article “What is Oblomovism?”: “Olga, in her development, represents the highest ideal that only a Russian artist can now evoke from present-day Russian life... There is more in her than in Stolz, one can see a hint of a new Russian life; One can expect from her a word that will burn and dispel Oblomovism...”

But this I. is not given in the novel, just as Goncharov’s heroine Vera, similar to her, from “The Precipice” is not given the opportunity to dispel phenomena of a different order. Olga’s character, fused simultaneously from strength and weakness, knowledge about life and the inability to bestow this knowledge on others, will be developed in Russian literature - in the heroines of A.P. Chekhov’s drama - in particular, in Elena Andreevna and Sonya Voinitskaya from “Uncle Vanya”.

The main quality of I., inherent in many female characters of Russian literature of the last century, is not just love for a specific person, but an indispensable desire to change him, raise him to his ideal, re-educate him, instilling in him new concepts, new tastes. Oblomov turns out to be the most suitable object for this: “She dreamed of how she would “order him to read the books” that Stolz left, then read newspapers every day and tell her the news, write letters to the village, complete a plan for organizing the estate, get ready to go abroad,” in a word, he will not fall asleep with her; she will show him his goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has listened to until now, who has not yet begun to live!.. She even trembled with proud, joyful trepidation; I considered this a lesson ordained from above.”

Here you can compare her character with the character of Lisa Kalitina from I. S. Turgenev’s novel “The Nest of Nobles”, with Elena from his “On the Eve”. Re-education becomes the goal, the goal captivates so much that everything else is pushed aside, and the feeling of love gradually submits to the teaching. Teaching, in a sense, enlarges and enriches love. This is exactly what happens” Shv. that serious change that so struck Stolz when he met her abroad, where she and her aunt arrived after the break with Oblomov.

I. immediately understands that in her relationship with Oblomov she plays the main role, she “instantly weighed her power over him, and she liked this role of a guiding star, a ray of light that she would pour over a stagnant lake and be reflected in it.” It’s like life is waking up” Shv. along with Oblomov’s life. But in her this process occurs much more intensely than in Ilya Ilyich. I. seems to be testing her capabilities as a woman and teacher at the same time. Her extraordinary mind and soul require more and more “complex” food. It is no coincidence that at some point Oblomov sees Cordelia in her: all of I.’s feelings are permeated by a simple, natural, like a Shakespearean heroine, pride, prompting her to realize the treasures of her soul as a happy and well-deserved given: “What I once called mine is no longer I’ll give it back, unless they take it away...” she says to Oblomov.

“I.’s love for Oblomov is complete and harmonious: she simply loves, while Oblomov is constantly trying to find out the depth of this love, which is why he suffers, believing that I. “loves now, like embroidering on a canvas: a pattern comes out quietly, lazily, she still he unwraps it more lazily, admires it, then puts it down and forgets.” When Ilya Ilyich tells the heroine that she is smarter than him, I. replies: “No, simpler and bolder,” thereby expressing almost the defining line of their relationship.

I. hardly knows that the feeling she experiences is more reminiscent of a complex experiment than first love. She does not tell Oblomov that all the affairs of her estate have been settled, with only one goal - “ see to the end how love will make a revolution in his lazy soul, how the oppression will finally fall from him, how he will not resist his loved one happiness..." But, like any experiment on a living soul, this experiment cannot be crowned with success. I. needs to see his chosen one on a pedestal, above himself, and this, according to the author’s concept, is impossible. Even Stolz, whom I. marries after an unsuccessful romance with Oblomov, only temporarily stands higher than her, and Goncharov emphasizes this. By the end, it becomes clear that I. will outgrow her husband both in the strength of her feelings and in the depth of her thoughts about life.

Realizing how far her ideals diverge from the ideals of Oblomov, who dreams of living according to the ancient way of life of his native Oblomovka, I. is forced to abandon further experiments. “I loved the future Oblomov! - she says to Ilya Ilyich. - You are meek and honest, Ilya; you are gentle... like a dove; you hide your head under your wing - and don’t want anything more; you’re ready to coo under the roof all your life... but I’m not like that: this is not enough for me, I need something else, but I don’t know what!” This "something" will not leave

I.: Even after surviving a break with Oblomov and happily marrying Stolz, she will not calm down. The moment will come when Stolz will be faced with the need to explain to his wife, mother of two children, the mysterious “something” that haunts her restless soul. “The deep abyss of her soul” does not frighten, but worries Stolz. In I., whom he knew almost as a girl, for whom he felt first friendship and then love, he gradually discovers new and unexpected depths. It is difficult for Stoltz to get used to them, therefore his happiness with I. seems problematic in many ways.

“It seems that I. is overcome by fear: “She was afraid to fall into something similar to Oblomov’s apathy. But no matter how hard she tried to get rid of these moments of periodic torpor, the sleep of the soul, no, no, but first a dream of happiness would creep up on her, surround her with the blue night and envelop her in drowsiness, then again there would be a thoughtful stop, as if the rest of life, and then embarrassment, fear , languor, some kind of dull sadness, some vague, foggy questions will be heard in a restless head.”

Olga Ilyinskaya is the culprit of some shake-up that Oblomov had to endure before plunging into his complete peace of Oblomovshchina (see article Olga and Oblomov). Olga is presented in the book as a girl with willpower and an active mind. What she has in common with Stolz is an independent nature and a love for an active life, full of movement and work. She is brought together by Oblomov by her penchant for art, general issues of life, and love of nature. Being proud and active, Olga loved to set herself difficult tasks in life and achieve their implementation. One of these tasks was to revive Oblomov to a new life, save him from Oblomovism, introduce activity and living movement into his life. (See Olga Ilyinskaya's monologue in the novel Oblomov.)

Goncharov. Oblomov. Summary

At first, Olga’s attempt was a success: having felt the charm of this smart and talented girl, Oblomov seemed to be resurrected. He leaves his sofa, his dusty rooms, he is on his feet all day, wanders with Olga, listens to music, makes plans for a bright future. But when the habits of her previous life take precedence over this attempt to be reborn, Olga’s rationality turns out to be stronger than her love for Oblomov. She writes him a letter in which she logically and in excellent literary form proves that she needs a life different from what is possible with Oblomov, and breaks up with him. The fact that Olga marries Stolz and lives happily with her rational and dry practical husband emphasizes the element of rationality in her nature.