How to sew a dress from a shirt for a child. Sew a shirt dress with your own hands: patterns and master class from the blog “Sewing Things.

If you want to buy a new dress, but shopping is not expected in the near future, do not despair! In this case, an old or unnecessary shirt from your husband or boyfriend may come in handy. There is nothing difficult in remaking this thing. Any inexperienced seamstress can turn a shirt into a dress with minimal sewing skills.

How to make a dress from a man's shirt?

You will need:

  1. Shirt;
  2. Iron;
  3. Chalk or piece of soap;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Threads;
  6. Needles;
  7. Sewing machine;
  8. Rubber.


  • Find an old men's shirt in your wardrobe, carefully iron it and place it on a flat surface.
  • Using a chalk, mark the outline of the future dress on the sides, starting from the shoulders. Mark the width of the shoulder, going down below, form a slot for the sleeves.
  • Then mark the outline of the sides, expanding slightly towards the bottom of the shirt. Draw the lines taking into account the seam allowance.
  • Cut along the contour line of the shoulders to the very bottom with scissors. Get rid of the sleeves completely, as well as the lower part of the fabric on the side.
  • Place the resulting part of the dress on the other side and mark the cut lines along its contours. The sides of the dress must be symmetrical, otherwise you will not get a beautiful dress.
  • Once you have outlined the 2nd side of the shirt, cut off the excess fabric and form the 2nd side of the shirt dress. You have now created the basic pattern for your future dress.
  • Now (either on a machine or by hand) sew both parts of the shirt dress together from the wrong side. On the wrong side, make folds on the sleeve slits and sew on a machine.
  • Fold the resulting sleeve in the middle and attach it to the arm slot from the wrong side so that the middle of the sleeve is on the outside. You should have a short sleeve shirt dress.
  • From the wrong side, use a basting stitch to sew the sleeve to the arm hole. Then cut unnecessary fabric and machine sew the sleeve. Do the same with the 2nd sleeve, but remember that they should be the same in length.
  • On last stage With inside For shirt dresses, sew a small elastic band at the waist level. It will gently gather the fabric, thereby emphasizing the waistline. Your shirt dress is ready! Choose a beautiful wide belt for it, it will successfully emphasize the line of the silhouette.

Shirt dress: pattern and sewing description

You will need:

  1. Shirt;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Threads;
  4. Needles;
  5. Rubber;
  6. Sewing machine;
  7. Decorative elements (appliques, beads, buttons, ribbons, etc.).


  • First of all, choose a suitable shirt, button it up and lay it out on a flat surface.
  • Using scissors, cut the shirt crosswise at the armpit level. When you cut, make sure that the cut is smooth and the shirt does not move, otherwise your dress will turn out crooked and sloppy.
  • Take the bottom of the shirt - this will be the skirt of the future dress. Fold it over and stitch the top edge so that you can insert the elastic. Insert lengths of elastic bands, approximately 5 cm each, into the armpit area on both sides of the shirt. Make gathers and stitch the elastic bands in the drawstring so that they do not move.
  • From the sleeves of the shirt, make details for the bodice of the future dress. To do this, cut off the sleeves, cut off the seam along their length and cut off the cuff. Cut the workpiece in half along the fold line. As a result, you should get two parts that resemble a cone in shape. On the narrow part of the cones, make darts to the middle of the parts and stitch them.
  • Using an overlock stitch, finish the edges of the bodice, folding them twice by 0.5 cm. Connect the parts by placing one on top of the other. Sew the bodice to the bottom of the dress. Make straps from the remaining shirt fabric and sew them to the dress. To do this, cut out long strips approximately 2 - 3 cm wide, stitch them lengthwise, turn them inside out and iron them. Give the straps the desired length and sew to the dress.
  • You can sew one loop strap so that it goes around your neck. In this case, you will get a wonderful beach sundress.
  • You can decorate the finished shirt dress at your discretion. You can sew on several beautiful buttons or beads, sew on an applique, or make bows from satin ribbon.

Dress from a shirt: how to make it yourself?

You will need:

  1. Shirt;
  2. Threads;
  3. Pins;
  4. A wide scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric;
  5. Needles;
  6. Chalk or piece of soap;
  7. Scissors.


  • Take a man's shirt and cut off all the buttons. Give the sleeves the desired length by cutting off the excess.
  • Put the shirt on yourself and wrap it like you would wrap a kimono or a regular robe. Pin the smell area with pins.
  • Just below the waist, mark a line from which part of your dress will begin.
  • Take a wide scarf or piece of fabric and fold it in half so that one half is slightly larger than the other.
  • Attach the folded fabric to the marked line (the long part should be on the inside) and sew. If you wish, you can make darts in the waist area; if you don’t want to, tie a beautiful belt around your waist.
  • Roll up the sleeves and secure them at the shoulders using cut cuffs. The shirt dress is ready!

Shirt dress: photos of fashionable images

To make it fashionable and Nice dress, it is not necessary to contact a professional seamstress. All you need is your man's shirt. Use your imagination and remember what you were taught at school during cutting and sewing lessons. In just a couple of hours of work you will have an original designer dress that fits perfectly.

Hello, dear readers of the site!
Today we will sew a shirt dress. I will not exaggerate at all when I say that this item of clothing never goes out of fashion. The silhouette, details, shape of sleeves or collar change, but the essence itself remains unchanged for many years - since the beginning of the 20th century since the time of Madame Coco.

I will sew a rather laconic version, but your dress can have different pockets,

with embroidery,

or you will get inspired by looking at the article about fashionable shirts and want to repeat something similar, only in the format of a dress.

So, let's begin.

We will need:

- 1.5-2 m of fabric
- 10-12 buttons
- thread, scissors, chalk, needles
- adhesive material (non-woven fabric, dublerin)
- pattern (in almost every magazine with ready-made patterns There are basic models of shirts/shirt dresses. I used patterns No. 23 and No. 19 from Susanna Moden 4/2017 as a basis)

Alternatively, you can model the pattern from your base pattern...

...extending the shelf piece to make a one-piece fastener bar. I removed the waist darts along the front and in the side seams, as I wanted a more “loose-fitting” item on the figure.

If desired, the back can be made with a yoke.

We make the sleeves shorter, providing cuffs.

In addition, you will need to cut out the collar piece. Modeling it is quite simple. We measure the cut of the neck (by the back part + by the shelf part)...

...and draw a rectangle, the larger side of which will be equal to this value, and the smaller side will be approximately 1.5-2.5 cm (depending on the material - narrower stands look more harmonious on thin fabrics).

Raise one side of the rectangle by 2.5-3 cm, smoothly bending it. The detail for the collar stand is ready.

Draw a line that is symmetrically mirrored to the top of the stand but a little shorter...

...and from there we finish drawing our collar of the desired shape.

The collar, cuffs and placket must be glued with duplicating material.

We process the cuts on the overlocker, sew the back part with the front parts along the shoulder seams.

The sleeve in shirt-type products is almost always sewn into an open armhole, and then the side seams and the seam on the sleeve are sewn with one seam.

We will talk in more detail about processing the collar and cuffs another time separately, since this topic is quite extensive.
And today I would like to dwell on the moment of hemming the bottom.
To shape the bend angle of the plank and the bottom cut with a “corner” you need to do the following:

Iron the fold lines of the placket and the bottom,

- mark the place of their intersection, draw a line between these marks,

- chop at an angle and sweep, making sure that the stitching goes strictly along the marked line on both sides,

- stitch and cut off excess,

- iron thoroughly and turn inside out,

We sew out the loops, sew on the buttons - the dress is ready. Mine also got a badge.

Warm May days and beautiful dresses to everyone!

Hello everyone, and as always, Nina Kuzmenko is with you. I haven’t updated my section on crafts and development for a long time, so I decided to fix that.

No, today we will not talk about, but I have a lot of them, if you haven’t seen them, you can look here, here and here, and that’s not all. And today we will talk about a dress from men's shirts.

Well, probably, many people have men’s shirts at home that are either no longer in fashion, or something is wrong with it. After all, it is not necessary to sew a dress from an old shirt, although this option is the most optimal.

Okay, let’s say you found a shirt at home, now let me tell you how to sew a dress from a shirt.

I would like to point out right away that you don’t need any special talents or skills here, all you need is a sewing machine and desire, and then it won’t be at all difficult for you to sew a dress from a man’s shirt.

Dress from an old shirt

In my case, this is exactly how I sewed a dress for my daughter from an old shirt. The other day I was going through things in my closet and found my husband’s old shirt. I put it aside and kept thinking about where it might be useful.

Well, at one fine moment I remembered that somewhere in in social networks I read a story about how one mother does not throw away old things, but simply gives them a second life. In principle, I already sewed from things that were supposedly unnecessary.

That's how it is now.

After describing the work, you will see how the children's dress turned out from the shirt. You can also sew it just as easily.

And so, we sew a dress from a man’s shirt.

DIY shirt dress

To sew a dress for a girl from a shirt, we will need:

  • Shirt
  • Sewing machine
  • Sewing threads
  • Scissors
  • Rubber

I sewed a dress from a man’s shirt from my mother, because she has a sewing machine, and when I asked her if there was elastic at home, she even made fun of me a little and asked if I had sat down to sew panties. In the end, she finally found me an elastic band, though an ordinary white one, but you can buy it to match the shirt and then the children’s dress will be even better, although I’m not sure about this.

When all necessary tools we already have it, then we can get to work, namely, making a children's dress from a shirt.

You don’t have to sew a dress from a shirt with your own hands from a men’s shirt; after all, there are women’s shirts too.

How to sew a dress from a shirt

First, we need to wash and iron the shirt, because it’s more pleasant to work with a clean thing. We need to iron so that the patterns are even. When we have done all this, we place the shirt on a flat surface, and the child’s dress on top.

The dress must be laid so that the bottom is level. The bottom of the dress matched the bottom of the shirt.

Then we take a chalk and trace our sample with some extra space for the seams. Notice how I enlarged the sleeves and neckline.

After we have the patterns ready, we take scissors in our hands and cut them out. We do this slowly so that the front and back do not move.

Cut it out.

We increase the neckline in the front, it will look like this. You can make any one, even a square one.

All! We have both a back and a front, we use a sewing machine. We choose threads to match the color of our shirt and get down to business.

If you don’t yet know how to store compactly and neatly sewing threads, then you are welcome to take a look.

We take one part of the pattern and first overlay it. This is necessary so that the threads of the fabric do not unravel. We do the same with the other part. And very soon we will have a dress made from a men’s shirt ready.

Some of the work has already been done. Now we connect the front of the dress to the back. We fold them with the right side inward and sew from the sleeves downwards. And so on both sides, and then the shoulder areas.

The dress for the girl from the shirt is half ready. An elastic band is used. We measure the size of the child's arm in the sleeve area and cut off the same amount from the elastic. Naturally, it will be shorter than the fabric itself, so while sewing we will stretch the elastic. And in the end we will have sleeves like lanterns.

We unbutton our dress and sew the elastic to the neckline in the same way. Cut off the rest with scissors.

Voila! Look, my dears, what a dress I made from a man’s shirt with my own hands.

How do you like my work?

Now you know too how to sew a dress from a shirt.

In my opinion, not bad, considering that I do not have the appropriate education and have not even completed any courses.

Now honestly, what do you think of my dress made from a man’s shirt?

If you liked the children's dress and my work, then share it with your friends on social networks. I will be very grateful. Thank you.

Has Dad grown out of his shirt? Has the shirt gone out of fashion? Such a problem can be corrected - you can easily sew a children's sundress from a men's shirt.

We will need:

Men's shirt.
Sewing machine.
Tailor's needles.

Children's dress from dad's shirt

1. Cut off the sleeves of a men's shirt, leaving the shoulders intact.

2. Place your child’s dress on top, like a template, so you get general idea about shape and size. Add 5 cm on the sides for seams and adjustment possibilities.

3. Circle it with a felt-tip pen or soap.

4. Cut off any excess.

5. Mark a place on the future dress for sewing an elastic band in the front - this way it will look more delicate and girlish. Also decide where the pockets will be. You can close the places of old pockets into a frame - just with an elastic band running through their location.

6. Sew on the elastic, pulling it a little (but just a little so that it doesn’t pull the fastener in different directions!). You can simply stitch it with a rubber thread in a spool. Leave a cm on the sides and in front of the fastener without elastic so that it does not pull too much.

7. From the leftovers (the bottom of a man’s shirt), sew 2 thin belts for baby dress. It can be sewn into the side seams (pin in Right place pins, without sewing the seam yet) leaving the area in front without a belt - there is an elastic band there.

baby dress pattern from a shirt

From the remnants of the sleeves we cut out new ones for the dress. If you unfold it like this, in the picture on the left, you can just look at the notch for the sleeves to understand what the pattern for the sleeve should be.

Sew in the sleeve heads (rounds) first, perhaps by slightly gathering them at the very top – in the area of ​​the shoulder seam. Then make their turn ups (bottom of the sleeves).

And then, with one seam, close both the side seams (at the same time sewing the belt into them) and the seams on the sleeves. This is a simple method - it is used mainly only on dolls or children's clothes.

All that remains is to hem the bottom of the dress and you’re done).

From a men's shirt to a children's sundress

Separate the sleeves from the body of the shirt. We rip the seams, remove the threads, and iron.

We cut out two rectangular pieces of fabric from the sleeves and sew them along the edges on the wrong side. They will subsequently serve as sundress straps.

Cutting off top part shirts (cut line just under the sleeves) from the bottom.

From the upper front part we sew pockets.

We sew the bottom part of the shirt on a sewing machine and gather it together.

Sew a belt from the upper back part and sew it to the skirt. Sew on the pockets.

AND finishing touch- sew on the straps. In our case, on the back side of the sundress, the straps will lie crosswise.

That's it - a children's sundress from a men's shirt is ready!

Another master class on converting a men's shirt into a children's dress from Ksyusha

These are my favorite dress styles that always remain basic and trendy!
Initially, I planned to make 2 separate posts, but these styles have so much in common that I decided to combine everything into one voluminous and informative post!
I won’t say that the dress is easy to cut and sew, but your efforts will be worth it, and after reading this post, you will understand why!

Dress shirt - amazing invention designers. Simple and ingenious, it captivates with its brevity and the wealth of images that can be created with its help. Like any basic clothing, it will never go out of style. Who are you today - a vamp woman, a gentle coquette or a shirtless guy? The shirt dress will tell you!

It's no secret that some trendy items look great only on thin and tall models. However, a shirt dress is not one of them. The shirt dress first appeared on the catwalks in the seventies of the last century and since then has periodically appeared in designer collections. No wonder, because you simply cannot think of a more convenient and universal thing. A shirt dress truly suits everyone and for almost any occasion.

A shirt dress is clothing that is relevant in almost any occasion: for work, study, leisure. It can be worn in any season and suits any style. The main thing is to understand the trends and find the most the right combination! On the one hand, the shirt - great option for lovers of unisex style: simple cut, clear lines, minimal details. You can complement it with the same laconic accessories, put on shoes with “politically correct” heels and confidently go to work, lectures at the institute or shopping. In the evening, it’s enough to change your shoes, add jewelry and brighter makeup to shine at any party or not to lose face when meeting with friends. But on the other hand, for a man there is no more exciting sight than his beloved woman, who put his snow-white shirt on her in the morning. naked body and brought him coffee. Moreover, the shirt is too big for her, and female body seems even more fragile than it really is... Now it’s difficult to name the designer who decided that a girl wearing a “man’s” shirt belongs not only in the bedroom, but also on the street, but he was undoubtedly a genius.

Shirt dress: choose according to your figure
Bohemian chic suits tall and thin girls extremely well. Light shirt dress, skinny jeans, large bracelets, large plastic beads and stylish glasses Ray Ban the sixties will only emphasize your natural fragility. The style of the dress is closer to straight, the fabric is flowing. A winter version of the look is a faux fur vest over a dress shirt made of light, thin fabric. In addition, trendy gingham dresses are perfect for you.
Happy owners of large busts and feminine shapes should opt for more “smooth” fitted options in combination with heeled shoes. You can opt for tights or leggings in winter, and colored tights in spring, but remember that an elongated neckline and “matching legs” are the key to visual slimness.
If you want to hide several extra pounds, choose a shirt dress straight cut with a pointed collar and long sleeves reaching to the middle of the palm. Let the tissues be flowing, but the actual cage is contraindicated for you. Shirt dresses do an excellent job of adding visual slimness. pastel colors to the middle of the knee.

Shirt dress: for the office and for a party
If you don’t want to fill your wardrobe with the same type of clothes, you should opt for a plain shirt dress. Strict Office Style means mid-knee length. Add classic shoes with stiletto heels, a laconic rectangular clutch or a large bag and a thin strap. Naturally, the fabric should be opaque. As a complement to business image thin chains made of precious metals, expensive watch.
The same dress can be worn to a party. You just have to take a wider belt, put on colored sandals or shoes and complement the outfit with a thin scarf and bag bright shade, and you're ready to go out into the world. You can also combine a shirtdress with banana trousers for the office, and with leggings for a walk.

Evening option
Long dresses, both plain and with a printed pattern, look very feminine. It is better to wear similar dresses on dates, but plain ones bright colors will help you be the center of attention at various evening events. Variety of styles long dresses shirts will help you choose what suits and pleases you. It could be a dress cut in the style of a men's shirt, a Japanese kimono, or even a sophisticated oriental shirt.

For young girls
It is especially worth highlighting the model that is so beloved by young girls short dress shirts made from chambray fabric, this fabric resembles denim, but is much thinner. Dresses made from this fabric can be from light blue to dark purple, decorated with a yoke, belt or sleeves with lanterns. Light colors will be especially popular this summer. linen dresses simple cut, decorated with fine embroidery or a yoke just above the chest. These dresses will help you feel light and comfortable in the summer heat.

Shirt dress: winter option
And you can not part with your favorite summer shirt dress even in winter. You can keep warm by wearing a classic plain knitted bolero. In addition, take tight tights or leggings in the same color as the top. But you shouldn’t combine it with a knitted cardigan with long sleeves - the image will turn out too heavy.
You can pair a thin fabric shirtdress with a vest of about the same length and add detachable knit sleeves for a more casual look. Well, the most daring fashionistas combine a shirtdress with leather jacket in the manner of a “leather jacket”.

A coat dress is very elegant and practical outerwear, combining both a dress and a coat. It first came into fashion in the 40s, then designers remembered it in the 60s. These days, the coat dress is becoming popular again.

This season, a coat dress is something completely separate, special and very attractive. This is something you should definitely think about if you want to be known as fashionable girl and feel comfortable in any circumstances! It appeared from time to time in the collections of famous fashion houses in previous spring-summer seasons, but today it is becoming one of the basic hits, combining manifestations of several main trends.

This type of lightweight clothing comes in a wide variety of styles. The seasonality of the product is determined by the material from which the model is made. The coat dress can be made from different types fabrics such as fine wool, jacquard, knitwear, denim, corduroy, plush, velvet, silk. It all depends on your imagination, capabilities and needs, as well as on where, how and when you are going to wear it.

The styles are as varied as the fabrics from which the coat dress is made. Most often this product is long sleeve, complemented by a collar with lapels or a hood, patch pockets, can be fastened in front with buttons, like a coat, or can be without a fastener or buttoned to the middle. The option of a hidden fastener or a zipper is also possible. Such models look very impressive if you emphasize the waist with a belt (provided that this does not spoil your figure). A dress made of thin fabric can be worn directly on the body, under a dress made of more thick fabric provides the opportunity to wear a thin sweater, turtleneck or blouse. Perfect under a silk coat dress the dress will suit from chiffon, if they are completely compatible in silhouette and color. The length for a coat dress is recommended to be no lower than knee-length.

A coat dress can have an extended, loose or straight silhouette. It wouldn’t hurt to complement such models with a handkerchief or scarf. A high-waisted coat dress with three-quarter length sleeves is available. This style is appropriate to complement with a shawl or apache collar, and high waist tie it with a bow belt (if the model is made of thin fabric). If you have sloping shoulders, then small shoulder pads will highlight your shoulders.

Coat dresses are increasingly gaining their place in the market. It doesn't hurt to have a coat dress in your wardrobe. This item clothes are appropriate both in the office and at a party. It does not need to be removed indoors, which is not at all contrary to etiquette. This type of clothing can also be worn for everyday wear at home.


Modeling according to the options listed below must be based on the base pattern of the dress, made according to your own measurements.
As a sewing option, you can use a pattern black coat from Gentle Dolls.

Coat dress made of light wool fabric, lined, cut at the waist. Double breasted fastening. 3/4 sleeves with soft pleats at the bottom. Flared sun skirt. The soft folds on the skirt are turned towards the middle of the front and back. There are hidden pockets in the side seams of the skirt. The waist is emphasized by a wide leather belt.

The model is developed on the basis of a dress with a fitted silhouette with a jacket collar and one-seam sleeves. Close the shoulder dart on the front and open it from the waistline. Widen the sides at the top. Expand and lengthen the collar, leaving lapel ledges of 5 cm. For a one-piece back, the center line passes through points A0 T1, while the back neck shifts to the left by the amount |A0,A01| and the shoulder dart opening expands by the same amount. Mark on the sleeve its length and the depth of the soft folds at the bottom of the sleeve.

For a flared skirt of this model, the radius of the notch at the waist is (St + 16)/3, where 16 cm is an allowance for two folds at the waist. The total radius of the circle is (St + 16)/3 plus the length of the skirt with hem allowance. Along the oblique line, reduce the notch at the waist by 1.5 cm. From the final waist line, using auxiliary segments equal to the length of the skirt with an allowance for processing, draw the bottom line of the skirt.


Men's shirt in women's wardrobe looks like a dress this spring. We won’t ask men for it—we’ll sew it ourselves in a couple of hours.
The style of the shirt will be simple and the silhouette will be flared downwards, almost like a dress. The sleeves are one-piece with wide cuffs, the collar is in the style of a men's shirt and the fastening is with buttons.
We take the simplest fabric - cotton. First we make a pattern - draw two rectangles on the fabric, 120 cm long and 90 cm wide, and cut them out.
A little tailoring trick: when working with fabrics with prints, you should make sure that finished product the drawings were directed in one direction.
Connect the rectangles and fold them in half. Now we take only one measurement - chest circumference. From the center we set aside a quarter of the measurement plus 5 cm and draw a line. From the top edge we put 30 cm down and draw another line. We round the corner. Now let's flare the bottom a little. Draw the neck. We cut everything out.
Cut the shelf in half. We sew the shoulder seams first, then the side seams, and process them using an overlocker.
Making cuffs is even easier: cut out two strips 12 cm wide, fold them, stitch them and sew them to the sleeves.
Now let's make the clasp. We measure the length of the hem and cut out strips 9 cm wide and equal to the length of the measurement.
Don’t forget about the collar - this is a template in the shape of a collar from a men’s shirt - we’ll cut out two parts.
To ensure that the clasp and collar keep their shape well, we will glue them with thin interlining.
All that remains is to sew on the stripes to the front, the collar to the neck. Installing buttons. A few blows with a hammer - and there's a shirt!
You can wear it with jeans and a simple tank top, or as a dress with a belt!

This shirt-cut denim dress has a fitted silhouette with short sleeve add unusual double folds-darts, stitched just a few centimeters. High side vents and push-through button closure allow for slightly flared styles summer dress also as a chazuble, combining it with super-current ensembles with trousers.
Sizes 40-52 (differing data for different sizes
are given sequentially separated by a dash)
You will need:
Denim width 150 cm and length 1.70-1.85-2.00-2.10-2.15-2.20-2.25 m; adhesive pad; 7 buttons.
Cutting details from the main fabric:
1. Shelf - 2 parts
2. Back - 2 parts
3. Sleeve - 2 parts
4. Collar - 2 folded parts
5. Back neck facing - 1 piece
Hem allowance for the bottom is 3 cm, for all other cuts - 1.5 cm.
Reduced pattern drawing:

Fabric layout plan (for size 52):

reinforce with a gasket one-piece hems, neck facings
back and top collar.
lay out the pattern pieces on the fabric, folded in half, with the right side inward; Trace the contours of the pattern with tailor's chalk.

Sewing technology:
Sew the darts on the shelves obliquely, gradually reducing them to nothing. Tie the ends of the threads at the tops of the darts with knots. Iron the depths of the darts down.
Pin the folds on the shelves and back from the wrong side, exactly matching the markings. Stitch between the cross marks. Iron the folds towards the corresponding lines in the middle, stitch from the front side to the edge and at a distance of 0.5 cm, while stitching across the upper and lower ends of the folds.
Sew the side seams, not reaching the cut marks. Sew shoulder seams and center back seam. Press seam allowances.
Place the collar pieces face to face, bend the outer edges slightly outward and pin them together, this way the top collar receives a “length allowance” so that it fits more beautifully on the finished product. Sew along the outer contour, leaving the collar seam open. Cut seam allowances to a width of 0.5 cm, cut at the corners obliquely. Turn the collar inside out, and carefully pull the corners of the collar outward using a needle. Sew the collar along the edge and at a distance of 0.5 cm, grabbing the lower collar. Sweep open sections of the collar and sew into the neckline from the front side. The cross mark is aligned with the shoulder seam, the front edges of the collar lie on the center line on the shelves.
Sides and neckline: Stitch the back neck facing facing to the one-piece edges. Press seam allowances. Sew the hems and facings face to face to the neckline edges, the shoulder seams on the dress and hems with the facings line up exactly. Trim the seam allowances to a width of 0.5 cm. Fold the hems and facings to the wrong side. Sweep out the sides and neck.
Bottom edge and side slits: Press the hem allowance to the wrong side first, then the allowance along the side slits. At the corners of the bottom edge, fold the allowances along the cuts at an angle. Sew the bottom edge and the edges of the cuts on the front side at a distance of 1.2 cm.
Topstitch the sides and seam of the collar from the front side to the edge. Hand sew the hem to the hem allowance and shoulder seam allowance.
Sew the seams of the sleeves. Press seam allowances. Iron the hem allowance for the bottom of the sleeves on the wrong side and topstitch on the right side.
To sew in the sleeves: sew the sleeves into the armholes face to face, aligning the registration marks. Sleeves are tucked in and sewn in (along the sleeves). Join and overcast seam allowances.
Make slotted loops along the right side. Sew buttons along the middle front line to the left front.

Adorable shirt dress! Six rows of delicate ruffles add a romantic touch to this shirt dress. Sewing such a shirt dress will not be difficult. A shirt dress is usually made from poplin or other shirting material.
Give a small increase in freedom of fit - 1.5-3 cm.

How to model a shirt dress
Model the shirt dress as shown in the patterns.

Cut out shirt dresses
Front of shirt dress – 1 piece with fold
Back of dress – 1 piece with bend
Dress sleeve – 2pcs.
Straps for fastening - 2 parts. with fold
Stand collar – 2 pieces with fold
Departure collar – 2 pieces. with fold
Dress pocket flap – 4 pieces.
Dress pocket – 2 children.

Additionally, cut out 6 frills with a length equal to the length of the bottom of the dress, multiplied by 1.7 and 4 cm wide when finished.

How to sew a shirt dress

On the front half of the dress, make a polo fastener.

Baste and stitch darts.

Place folds on the dress pocket and dress pocket flap.

Fold the dress pocket along the top and stitch. Tuck the dress pocket along the remaining sides.