Children's elegant suits and dresses for the matinee. Autumn matinee in the preparatory school group. Scenario

Scenario for the autumn holiday in the preparatory school group “You are beautiful, autumn time!"

Nekrasova Irina Vyacheslavovna, teacher of speech therapy group
Place of work: MDOU No. 98, urban settlement. Oktyabrsky, Lyubertsy district

Author of the script idea and organizer: Siplivets Larisa Stanislavovna, music director of MDOU No. 98, urban settlement. Oktyabrsky, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region

Scenario for the autumn holiday in the preparatory school group “You are beautiful, autumn time!”

Description of material: the material will be interesting music directors, educators preschool institutions, primary school teachers.
Goals: development of children's creative and stage abilities.
Educational: consolidate the ability to expressively and clearly perform songs and dances, the ability to expressively perform roles, and read poetry with expression.
Educational: develop singing skills, sense of rhythm, ear for music,. the ability to coordinate movements with music. Develop creative abilities.
Educational: Cultivate friendly relations with each other, a sense of mutual assistance and compassion.
Preliminary work: Learning musical and dance material, learning poetry and skits. Production of scenery and costumes.
Equipment and materials: audio recordings of Chopin "Autumn Waltz", K. Derr "Autumn Waltz" (backing track), sounds of forest, rain; umbrella; costumes or headbands: hare, bear, fox, sparrow, ant (2 pcs), boletus mushroom, two birch trees; toy mushroom; basket with vegetables and fruits (dummies); basket with apples (treat); 4 maple leaves cut into pieces on trays; Cardboard puddles and two umbrellas.
Celebration progress:
Children with autumn leaves enter the hall and, accompanied by music (audio recordings of Chopin's "Autumn Waltz"), calmly walk in a free formation. The music stops, the children stand in their pre-designated places.

1 child: Autumn visits invisible
She entered quietly
And a magical palette
She brought it with her to the city.
2nd child: Paint red rowan
Decorated in the gardens
Splashes of scarlet viburnum
Scattered it on the bushes.
3rd child: Autumn will paint it yellow
Poplars, alders, birches.
The rain is pouring like gray paint
The sun laughs goldenly.
4th child: Orange maple stands
And it seems to say:
"Look around -
Everything changed suddenly!”
5th child: Autumn let go of her brushes,
And looks around
Bright, kind, colorful
She gave us a holiday!
The song “Who said that Autumn is a sad time!” is performed!
(children quietly sit down in their places, leaves are collected)
6th child: Got up early this morning
And all together, slowly,
We walked into the clearing,
Quiet leaves rustling.
7th child: We walked along, admiring the beauty,
Bright gold foliage.
And they saw how worried
Cranes flew by.
8th child: Into the marvelous dense forest
Autumn has arrived
How many fresh cones
At the green pines!
9th child: Scarlet viburnum,
Like red peas
Beckons, inviting,
A bright light.
10th child: Autumn leaves circling in the wind.
I will collect a beautiful bouquet.
I will sew a dress from these leaves.
And I will give it to the generous Autumn.
Creative game create an Autumn dress.
(children use autumn leaves cut out of paper to create a dress based on a female figure)
“Waltz” sounds in the recording.
Autumn comes out, she is surrounded by girls, they dance a waltz to K. Derr's "Autumn Waltz".
Autumn: Everyone calls me - Autumn is golden,
I walked through fields and forests.
Happy autumn holiday to everyone!
How good, how fun we all have!
Children surround Autumn and sing
"Autumn Song"
(remain standing in a circle)
11th child: Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came!
We, Autumn, will ask you:
“What did you bring as a gift?”
The round dance “Hello, Autumn!” is performed.
At the end of the round dance:
Autumn: Are you happy about the rain?
Children: We don't want it, we don't need it!
(run to their seats)
12th child: Autumn walks along the path,
Got my feet wet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light,
The sun got lost somewhere.
13 child: Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,
The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.
New rug underfoot
Yellow-pink maple.
Game "Collect a maple leaf"
(On the trays are cut Maple leaves. The task of a team of two people on Autumn’s command is to collect a leaf faster than the opponent)

14th child: The cranes fly away,
They are leaving their native land.
And they shout: “Farewell,
Meet us in the spring!”
Song "Crane"
Autumn: Here (pointing to the basket) quite a few vegetables
For both soup and cabbage soup!
But I didn’t come to you to cook,
And play! Try, you friends,
Guess my riddles!
He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets! (Spike) (takes out the answer from the basket)
Grew from a seed
Golden sun. (Sunflower)
The girl is sitting in prison,
And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)
Thirty-three clothes
All without clasp.
Who undresses them -
Tears are shed. (Onion)
And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden bed.
Do some digging:
Under the bush... (Potato)
Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting on a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this?... (turnip)
15th child: Rain, rain, I'm not afraid:
Boots on your feet!
I'll run through the puddles -
Your feet won't get wet!
Song "Harmful Rain"
Autumn: What we carry above our heads,
What if it's pouring rain? (Umbrella)
I'll give you an umbrella
And we are not afraid of rain!
Relay game “Puddles”
Scene "Umbrella"
(Music sounds (audio recording of the sounds of rainfall), the Hare comes out into the middle of the hall)
Hare: It's getting colder every day
It's very chilly in the rain.
I'm shaking all over, I'm all wet,
Like an aspen leaf.
I would like a house, but a drier one -
I would warm my paws and ears there.
(The girl comes out and opens her umbrella)
Dasha: It came out very handy here
Our Dasha has an umbrella in her hands.
Get under the umbrella baby
If you warm your paws, you will run away.
(Fox runs in)
Fox: Your umbrella is so wonderful!
Won't it be cramped for the three of us?
Dasha: Hurry up to us, Foxy,
Dry the fluffy tail.
(Bear enters)

Bear: Good afternoon to you!
All: Hello, Mishka!
Bear: Treating you all to a cone!
All: Thank you!
Bear: Can I get under the umbrella?
Warm your nose and ears?
Fox: Oh oh oh! Your height is very great!
Do you remember my bushy tail!
Dasha: Enough space under the umbrella.
The four of us are not crowded!
(Sparrow flies)
Sparrow (plaintively): I flew in the rain
I looked everywhere for grains,
The wings have become heavy,
I can barely fly!
Dasha: Fly to us, Little Sparrow!
Enough room for all five!
(Two Ants enter)
Ant 1: Hurrying ants,
Not lazy, not stupid,
One after another along the path
They drag grains and crumbs.
We need to work in the fall -
Everything will come in handy in winter.
Ant 2: An ant cannot be lazy,
The ant lives by work.
And a bug and a caterpillar,
Drags you to your underground home!
How can you see that he is in a hurry
He's on his way,
Don't hurt him
Don't touch him!
(Rain soundtrack sounds)
Dasha: The rain has stopped!
(Closes the umbrella)
Hare: Well, then I galloped!
Fox: Goodbye! I have to go!
My hole is waiting for me!
Bear: Well, it's time for me to hit the road,
I'll go to my den to sleep!
Sparrow: Then I flew too,
Goodbye friends!
Ant2: Then I ran too
My family is waiting for me!
(calls the second Ant)
Hey, friend, Ant,
The rain has stopped! Hooray!
It's time for us to hurry up with you!
Dasha: Goodbye, animals!
I’ll run to the guys too.
We will celebrate Autumn,
Songs to sing and dance!
Autumn: I love dancing very much!
Hey guys, come out!
Get into pairs together!
Let the sounds music sounds,
They'll start polka dancing for all the kids!
Polka dance
16th child: Autumn wanders slowly outside the window.
The leaves on the paths are falling rustlingly.
Thin birch trees look into the puddles,
Raindrops hang like beads on the branches.
Song "White Birch"
Mini-scene “Just a boletus”
Leading: Two beautiful birch trees
The branches were braided,
We chatted about the weather
About autumn-winter fashion...
The wind kept making noise and getting angry,
I was fiddling with leaves.
Suddenly at the very roots
A mushroom grew on a hummock.
1 birch: We should cover it
A small napkin.
2 birch: I don't have a napkin.
1 birch: So cover it with a branch!
1 and 2 birch trees: We don’t want it to end up in the box
Someone threw our mushroom.
We won't give it up!
It will be boring without him!
Leading: The birch trees unbraided their braids,
Some of the leaves were dropped
And a colored blanket
They threw it on the fungus.
And the fungus kept growing and growing...
Mushroom: Wow, I feel so hot here!
Leading: He waved his hat
Stretched sweetly.
Mushroom: I'm neither small nor tall
Boletus is a fungus.
Eat whoever finds me
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I'll be there for the mushroom picker
A delicious gift!
Game: “Pass the mushroom”
(Children pass the mushroom along to the music, whoever ends up with the mushroom when the music stops, that child’s neighbors compete to see who runs around in the circle and touches the mushroom).
Autumn: You guys have fun
I didn't just come
The harvest was rich:
I brought a lot of apples
And that's why now
I'll treat you, friends!
Gives a basket with treats to the presenter.
Autumn: Well, friends, I’ll tell you the truth,
I had a blast!
I walked around your entire kindergarten,
I didn't find any clutter!
Meet the winter-winter,
Well, it’s time for me…..Goodbye!
The children thank Autumn for the treat and say goodbye to her.

Turn an autumn day into a bright holiday!

Summer has come to an end. The time has come to part with light, bright outfits. But this is not a reason to be sad. After all, in the new academic year girls and boys will find a lot of interesting festive events, for which they will need evening children's dresses and pantsuits for a school autumn ball or city day. And also a dress for the autumn holiday in kindergarten, which a little girl will definitely want to dress up in.

Some mothers prefer to sew their own clothes. But to create an interesting model, you don’t always have children’s patterns at hand. elegant dresses. Isn’t it easier to choose a ready-made inexpensive dress from a catalog? It's fast and convenient!

What to choose for the autumn ball in kindergarten?

What colors do you associate with autumn? It's definitely yellow, red, orange and a little brown. Yes, they are the ones who remind us of leaf fall and the last autumn flowers. Golden shades are also relevant for outfits for the autumn children's ball, as a symbol of the passing summer. And even a silver dress is suitable for the holiday, symbolizing streams of rain.

Lovers of “chintz” patterns are offered the most spectacular fabrics. Fruit prints are trending: bunches of rowan berries, grapes, apple-cherry mix.

The theme of leaves and autumn flowers is also relevant. For example, chrysanthemums. What should the dress look like? autumn Ball in kindergarten? You can choose any silhouette, as long as it is comfortable for the girl to dance at the matinee. However, lush, elongated children's prom dresses remain a priority. They are the ones preferred by little ones for their first ball. The waist can be slightly high or standard. Sleeve "flashlight", "wing". Older girls more often choose dresses with tiered skirts. It’s so great to spin in them!

An indispensable attribute of a dress for a ball is a spectacular accessory. An outfit with a colorful, bright print will harmoniously complement a contrasting belt decorated with a bouquet or brooch. For a plain dress, you can additionally choose a stylish headband with flower arrangement to make the outfit more expressive.

Online store for your child's holiday spirit

Kinder World offers outfits from fashionable orphanages in America, Thailand, and China. This is children's holiday clothing for any age: from babies to school graduates. And also stylish accessories. Even if someone is interested in vintage dresses for kindergarten graduation, we will not disappoint you!

Dressing up at Kinder World is always convenient. And not only because you can find everything: from suits for newborns to ultra-fashionable models of children's dresses. But also get a lot useful information by choice of model, color, size. And also learn about latest events in the world of children's fashion.

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